Results for 'Percy George Osborn'

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  1. (1 other version)Jurisprudence in a nutshell.Percy George Osborn - 1950 - London,: Sweet & Maxwell.
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    Bogus or bonus lives.Percy George Cross - 1925 - Philadelphia,: Dorrance & company.
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  3. Community as compulsion.George Elliott & Peter Osborne - 1991 - Radical Philosophy 58:14-5.
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    Rousseau and Burke.George H. Sabine & Annie Marion Osborn - 1941 - Philosophical Review 50 (5):538.
  5. A Friend's Impressions'.C. E. Osborne & George Tyrrell - 1910 - Hibbert Journal 8:253-63.
  6. The following selection presents a sample of the proce-dural and theoretical framework and a general discussion of results from perhaps the best known statistical approach to meaning.Charles E. Osgood, George J. Suci & Percy H. Tannenbaum - 1967 - In Donald Clayton Hildum (ed.), Language And Thought: An Enduring Problem In Psychology. London: : Van Nostrand,. pp. 37--119.
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  7. George Tyrrell: A Friend's Impressions.C. E. Osborne - 1909 - Hibbert Journal 8:253.
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    Dieu comme soi-même: connaissance de soi et connaissance de Dieu selon Thomas d’Aquin: l’herméneutique d’Ambroise Gardeil by Camille de Belloy.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (3):472-476.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dieu comme soi-même: connaissance de soi et connaissance de Dieu selon Thomas d’Aquin: l’herméneutique d’Ambroise Gardeil by Camille de BelloyThomas M. Osborne Jr.Dieu comme soi-même: connaissance de soi et connaissance de Dieu selon Thomas d’Aquin: l’herméneutique d’Ambroise Gardeil. By Camille de Belloy, O.P. Paris: Vrin, 2014. Pp. 297. €32.00 (paper). ISBN: 978-2-7116-2605-2.This book is a discussion of La Structure de l’âme et l’expérience mystique (1927) by Ambroise Gardeil (...)
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    What is a Problem?Osborne Thomas - 2003 - History of the Human Sciences 16 (4):1-17.
    By way of a selective comparison of the work of Georges Canguilhem and Henri Bergson on their respective conceptions of ‘problematology’, this article argues that the centrality of the notion of the ‘problem’ in each can be found in their differing conceptions of the philosophy of life and the living being. Canguilhem’s model, however, ultimately moves beyond or away from (legislative) philosophy and epistemology towards the question of ethics in so far as his vitalism is a means of signalling the (...)
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  10. New books. [REVIEW]Austin Duncan-Jones, C. D. Broad, William Kneale, Martha Kneale, L. J. Russell, D. J. Allan, S. Körner, Percy Black, J. O. Urmson, Stephen Toulmin, J. J. C. Smart, Antony Flew, R. C. Cross, George E. Hughes, John Holloway, D. Daiches Raphael, J. P. Corbett, E. A. Gellner, G. P. Henderson, W. von Leyden, P. L. Heath, Margaret Macdonald, B. Mayo, P. H. Nowell-Smith, J. N. Findlay & A. M. MacIver - 1950 - Mind 59 (235):389-431.
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    Vitalism as Pathos.Thomas Osborne - 2016 - Biosemiotics 9 (2):185-205.
    This paper addresses the remarkable longevity of the idea of vitalism in the biological sciences and beyond. If there is to be a renewed vitalism today, however, we need to ask – on what kind of original conception of life should it be based? This paper argues that recent invocations of a generalized, processual variety of vitalism in the social sciences and humanities above all, however exciting in their scope, miss much of the basic originality – and interest – of (...)
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    George Klosko, "The Development of Plato's Political Theory". [REVIEW]Catherine Osborne - 1989 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 27 (1):146.
  13. "Georg Lukacs": G. H. R. Parkinson and "Gesellschaftstheorie und Ästhetik bei Georg Lukacs": Ursula Apitzsch. [REVIEW]H. Osborne - 1978 - British Journal of Aesthetics 18 (2):185.
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    From the Greeks to Darwin. Henry Fairfield Osborn.George Sarton - 1930 - Isis 13 (2):386-388.
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    The Quest for imagination.Osborne Bennett Hardison (ed.) - 1971 - Cleveland,: Press of Case Western Reserve University.
    "The decisive event in the history of modern aesthetics was Kant's Critique of Judgement. The seminal concepts of this work include the theory of the creative imagination, the 'purposiveness without purpose' of works of art, and the disinterestedness and subjective universality of judgements of taste. These concepts have remained basic in the aesthetic tradition from Kant's day to the present. The Quest for Imagination presents essays on several of the most important twentieth-century representatives of that tradition: George Santayana, Wallace (...)
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    William Sutherland by W. A. Osborne. [REVIEW]George Sarton - 1921 - Isis 4:328-330.
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    Thought and Expression in the XVIth Century by Taylor, Henry Osborn[REVIEW]George Sarton - 1921 - Isis 4:52-54.
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    Walker Percy, Phenomenology, and the Mystery of Language.Carolyn Culbertson - 2018 - In Leslie Marsh (ed.), Walker Percy, Philosopher. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 41-61.
    In his theoretical essays on language, Walker Percy criticizes contemporary linguistics for overlooking the deep, existential impact that language acquisition has on human life. This acquisition, for Percy, radically transforms the human being’s mode of existence. With the acquisition of language, the world and our role in it change. The meaning of the world comes to be revealed through the ongoing life of human discourse: through books, conversations, philosophical inquiry, and so on. This chapter clarifies and elaborates on (...)
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  19. Reviews : Gregor McLennan, Marxism and the Methodologies of History, (Verso, London, 1981), pp. 272. Anthony Giddens, A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, (MacMillan, London, 1981), pp. 294. Raphael Samuel, ed., People's History and Socialist Theory. History Workshop Series, (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1981), pp. vi + 417. G. Osborne and W. F. Mandle, eds., New History Studying Australia Today, (George Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1982), pp. 216. [REVIEW]Alastair Davidson - 1983 - Thesis Eleven 7 (1):171-175.
    Reviews : Gregor McLennan, Marxism and the Methodologies of History,, pp. 272. Anthony Giddens, A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism,, pp. 294. Raphael Samuel, ed., People's History and Socialist Theory. History Workshop Series,, pp. vi + 417. G. Osborne and W. F. Mandle, eds., New History Studying Australia Today,, pp. 216.
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    Revisiting George Gaylord Simpson’s “The Role of the Individual in Evolution”.Lynn K. Nyhart & Scott Lidgard - 2021 - Biological Theory 16 (4):203-212.
    “The Role of the Individual in Evolution” is a prescient yet neglected 1941 work by the 20th century’s most important paleontologist, George Gaylord Simpson. In a curious intermingling of explanation and critique, Simpson engages questions that would become increasingly fundamental in modern biological theory and philosophy. Did individuality, adaptation, and evolutionary causation reside at more than one level: the cell, the organism, the genetically coherent reproductive group, the social group, or some combination thereof? What was an individual, anyway? In (...)
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    The Adjustment Bureau (2011), directed by George Nolfi; written by Philip K. Dick and George Nolfi. Avatar (2009), directed by James Cameron, written by James Cameron. Bagdad Cafe/Out of Rosenheim (1987), directed by Percy Adlon, written by Percy Adlon, Eleonore Adlon and Christopher Doherty. [REVIEW]Daniel Callam - 2011 - The Chesterton Review 37 (1/2):165-171.
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    Humanism and Moral Theory. A Psychological and Social Enquiry. By R. Osborn. (London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. 1959. Price 18s.). [REVIEW]H. J. Blackham - 1960 - Philosophy 35 (134):279-.
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    The eyes of the state: how central banks think.Nick Srnicek - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (4):847-856.
    In November 2015, after weeks of bitter political rhetoric and much discussion about the consequences of the proposed changes, the UK Tory government reversed their decision to eliminate tax credits for the poorest. While much was made of this reversal, particularly who deserved responsibility for the change, a more subtle politics was going on behind the scenes. The primary justification for the reversal, given by the Chancellor George Osborne, was that tax revenues in forthcoming years were now expected to (...)
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    (1 other version)Edmund Husserl and his Logical investigations.Andrew Delbridge Osborn - 1934 - New York: Garland.
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    Defensive Force as an Act of Rescue: GEORGE P. FLETCHER.George P. Fletcher - 1990 - Social Philosophy and Policy 7 (2):170-179.
    Jewish law takes an approach to self-defense that differs dramatically from the conventional assumptions of Western secular legal systems. The central theme of Talmudic jurisprudence is that self-defense rests on a duty not to stand idly by while one's neighbor suffers. “Do not stand on the blood of one's neighbor,” as the point is cryptically put in Leviticus 19:16. This way of thinking about self-defense departs in two significant ways from common Western assumptions. First, it stresses that the roots of (...)
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    The Problem of Value Pluralism: Isaiah Berlin and Beyond.George Crowder - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Value pluralism is the idea, most prominently endorsed by Isaiah Berlin, that fundamental human values are universal, plural, conflicting, and incommensurable with one another. Incommensurability is the key component of pluralism, undermining familiar monist philosophies such as utilitarianism. But if values are incommensurable, how do we decide between them when they conflict? George Crowder assesses a range of responses to this problem proposed by Berlin and developed by his successors. Three broad approaches are especially important: universalism, contextualism, and conceptualism. (...)
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    Justice.Kevin Osborn - 1992 - New York: Rosen Pub. Group.
    Discusses the meaning of justice and gives examples of "just" behavior and its importance in life.
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    Socrates and his friends.Edward Bolland Osborn - 1930 - London,: Hodder & Stoughton.
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    The Later Plato.J. M. Osborn - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (02):243-.
  30. Transparency and twist in narrative fiction film.George Wilson - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 64 (1):81–95.
    George Wilson; Transparency and Twist in Narrative Fiction Film, The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Volume 64, Issue 1, 8 March 2005, Pages 81–95, htt.
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    (1 other version)Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous.George Berkeley - 1713 - New York: G. James. Edited by Jonathan Dancy.
    <Hylas> It is indeed something unusual; but my thoughts were so taken up with a subject I was discoursing of last night, that finding I could not sleep, ...
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    (1 other version)An Investigation of the Laws of Thought.George Boole - 1854 - [New York]: Dover Publications.
    AN INVESTIGATION OF THE LAWS OF THOUGHT. CHAPTER I. NATURE AND DESIGN OF THIS WORK. . HPHE design of the following treatise is to investigate the ...
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    Black disciplinary zones and the exposure of whiteness.George Yancy - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (3):217-226.
    This essay is the result of a series of poignant interview questions posed to leading African American philosopher George Yancy. The questions ranged from his entry into philosophy and how African...
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    Consumers’ Decision-Making Process on Social Commerce Platforms: Online Trust, Perceived Risk, and Purchase Intentions.George Lăzăroiu, Octav Neguriţă, Iulia Grecu, Gheorghe Grecu & Paula Cornelia Mitran - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Austin's non-conditional ifs.Jane M. Osborn - 1965 - Journal of Philosophy 62 (23):711-715.
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    A Wild West of the Mind.George Sher - 2021 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This book addresses two main topics—first, the morality of thought and, second, what’s involved in having a free mind. It connects these topics by arguing that to have a free mind, a person must be willing to follow his thoughts wherever they lead, and that this just isn’t possible if the person thinks that some thoughts are morally off limits. The book therefore defends the unpopular position that it is not morally wrong to have even the nastiest of attitudes, the (...)
  37.  21
    White Self-Criticality Beyond Anti-Racism: How Does It Feel to Be a White Problem?George Yancy (ed.) - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    George Yancy gathers white scholarship that dwells on the experience of whiteness as a problem without sidestepping the question’s implications for Black people or people of color. This unprecedented reversion of the “Black problem” narrative challenges contemporary rhetoric of a color-evasive world in a critically engaging and persuasive study.
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    The Everlasting Check: Hume on Miracles.Alexander George - 2016 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Alexander George’s lucid interpretation of Hume’s “Of Miracles” provides fresh insights into this provocative text, explaining the concepts and claims involved. He also shows why Hume’s argument fails to engage with committed religious thought and why philosophical argumentation so often proves ineffective in shaking people’s deeply held beliefs.
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    Liberating the learner.Guy Claxton, T. Atkinson, M. Osborn & M. Wallace - 1996 - British Journal of Educational Studies 44 (4):461-462.
  40. An Informal Review of The Crisis of Global Capitalism: a letter to George Soros.George Soros - unknown
    I would like to bring to your attention some systems-theoretic ideas which are relevant to the point of view you present in The Crisis of Global Capitalism . From my perspective, your book, especially Part I: Conceptual Framework , is in both orientation and content an essay in “systems theory.” My connection to what you have written is still more direct. I’m working on a book which integrates systems ideas and theories around the theme of “imperfection.” This is close to (...)
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    Ancient Ideals.Henry Osborn Taylor - 1901 - Philosophical Review 10 (5):570-571.
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  42. (1 other version)Human Values and Verities.Henry Osborn Taylor - 1928 - International Journal of Ethics 39 (1):118-118.
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  43. Prophets, Philosophers and Poets of the Ancient World.Henry Osborn Taylor - 1915 - New York: F. Ungar Pub. Co..
    Chaldaea and Egypt.--China: duty and detachment.--The Indian annihilation of individuality.--Zarathushtra.--The prophets of Israel.--The heroic adjustment in Greek poetry.--Greek philosophers.--Intermediaries.--Jesus.--Paul.--Augustine.--The arrows are beyond thee.
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    Mediaeval Mind a Hist of the D.Henry Osborn Taylor - 1919 - Macmillan.
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    Across Black Spaces: Essays and Interviews from an American Philosopher.George Yancy - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Across Black Spaces gathers a diverse array of essays and interviews by American philosopher George Yancy. Within this multidisciplinary framework are a series of public intellectual essays that drew international media acclaim for their spotlight on vicious racial tensions in American academia and society at large.
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    The Works of George Berkeley.J. E. C., George Berkeley & Alexander Campbell Fraser - 1902 - Philosophical Review 11:97.
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    Losing Ourselves: Active Inference, Depersonalization, and Meditation.George Deane, Mark Miller & Sam Wilkinson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  48. Linguistics and natural logic.George Lakoff - 1970 - Synthese 22 (1-2):151 - 271.
    Evidence is presented to show that the role of a generative grammar of a natural language is not merely to generate the grammatical sentences of that language, but also to relate them to their logical forms. The notion of logical form is to be made sense of in terms a natural logic, a logical for natural language, whose goals are to express all concepts capable of being expressed in natural language, to characterize all the valid inferences that can be made (...)
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  49. Le Grand Imagier Steps Out.George M. Wilson - 1997 - Philosophical Topics 25 (1):295-318.
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    Principles, Dialogues and Philosophical Correspondence.George Berkeley & Colin Murray Turbayne - 1965 - Simon & Schuster Books For Young Readers.
    George Berkeley's two major works, A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous, are presented here, together with perhaps the most searching examination his ideas received during his lifetime, that of the American Samuel Johnson, who corresponded with Berkeley during his stay in the country.
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