Results for 'Petro Müller'

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  1.  91
    Non-standard Analysis.Gert Heinz Müller - 2016 - Princeton University Press.
    Considered by many to be Abraham Robinson's magnum opus, this book offers an explanation of the development and applications of non-standard analysis by the mathematician who founded the subject. Non-standard analysis grew out of Robinson's attempt to resolve the contradictions posed by infinitesimals within calculus. He introduced this new subject in a seminar at Princeton in 1960, and it remains as controversial today as it was then. This paperback reprint of the 1974 revised edition is indispensable reading for anyone interested (...)
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    Einheit der Tugend oder Einheit der Tugenden?Anselm Winfried Muller - forthcoming - Theologie Und Philosophie.
    Do the virtues, as is often said, conflict with each other? The history of philosophy knows various attempts to conceive of them so as to exclude such conflict. Nicolai Hartmann ("Ethik", 1925) is the most prominent representative "and" critic of this tradition in our century. Each Aristotelian "mean", for him, represents a "synthesis" of "conflicting values"; but only the "one and only virtue" synthesizing "all" values would exclude all tragic conflict. In contrast, the Aristotelian and medieval conception of "connexio virtutum" (...)
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    Delphes et sa région à l'époque mycénienne.Sylvie Müller - 1992 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 116 (2):445-496.
    Le site de Delphes est replacé dans le cadre de ses contacts avec les sites contemporains du flanc Sud du Parnasse et de ses liens avec le monde mycénien. La région délimitée se définit par des particularités dans les coutumes funéraires et dans la production céramique, mais appartient sans conteste à la sphère culturelle du monde mycénien. Delphes existe dès l'HR I et est occupée sans interruption jusqu'à l'HR III G récent. L'extension du site et la qualité de sa céramique (...)
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    Homology, neurogenetic imprecision, and lesional complexity.Ralph-Axel Müller - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):573-574.
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    A Tremendous Chasm.Helmut Müller-Sievers - 2017 - New Nietzsche Studies 10 (3-4):15-34.
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  6. Probability Theory and Causation: A Branching Space-Times Analysis.Thomas Müller - 2005 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56 (3):487-520.
    We provide a formally rigorous framework for integrating singular causation, as understood by Nuel Belnap's theory of causae causantes, and objective single case probabilities. The central notion is that of a causal probability space whose sample space consists of causal alternatives. Such a probability space is generally not isomorphic to a product space. We give a causally motivated statement of the Markov condition and an analysis of the concept of screening-off. 1. Causal dependencies and probabilities1.1Background: causation in branching space-times1.2What are (...)
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    Postfoundational practical theology for a time of transition.Julian C. Müller - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (1).
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    Econometric methods and Reichenbach’s principle.Seán Mfundza Muller - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-21.
    Reichenbach’s ‘principle of the common cause’ is a foundational assumption of some important recent contributions to quantitative social science methodology but no similar principle appears in econometrics. Angrist et al. has argued that the principle is necessary for instrumental variables methods in econometrics, and Angrist Krueger builds a framework using it that he proposes as a means of resolving an important methodological dispute among econometricians. Through analysis of instrumental variables methods and the issue of multicollinearity, we aim to show that (...)
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    Towards a Theory of Limited Indeterminism in Branching Space-times.Thomas Müller - 2010 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 39 (4):395-423.
    Branching space-times (BST; Belnap, Synthese 92:385–434, 1992 ) is the most advanced formal framework for representing indeterminism. BST is however based on continuous partial orderings, while our natural way of describing indeterministic scenarios may be called discrete. This paper establishes a theorem providing a discrete data format for BST: it is proved that a discrete representation of indeterministic scenarios leading to BST models is possible in an important subclass of cases. This result enables the representation of limited indeterminism in BST (...)
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    Mice with finitely many Woodin cardinals from optimal determinacy hypotheses.Sandra Müller, Ralf Schindler & W. Hugh Woodin - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 20 (Supp01):1950013.
    We prove the following result which is due to the third author. Let [Formula: see text]. If [Formula: see text] determinacy and [Formula: see text] determinacy both hold true and there is no [Formula: see text]-definable [Formula: see text]-sequence of pairwise distinct reals, then [Formula: see text] exists and is [Formula: see text]-iterable. The proof yields that [Formula: see text] determinacy implies that [Formula: see text] exists and is [Formula: see text]-iterable for all reals [Formula: see text]. A consequence is (...)
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  11. Corporate Philanthropy and CEO Outside Directorships Under Authoritarian Capitalism.Alan Muller, Weiqiang Tan, Mike W. Peng & Mike Pfarrer - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (7):1420-1457.
    Scholars have long suggested that CEOs can benefit from corporate philanthropy. However, little is known about this relationship in contexts of authoritarian capitalism such as China, where the state not only uses its control of economic entities to pursue social goals but also plays a key role in CEOs’ careers. We theorize how corporate philanthropy among state-controlled firms increases the CEO’s likelihood of receiving career benefits from the state in the form of outside directorships. Outside directorships represent an important form (...)
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    (2 other versions)Der 'intentionale fehlschluß' — ein dogma?Lutz Danneberg & Hans-Harald Müller - 1983 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 14 (1):103-137.
    Our examination of the controversy surrounding the intentionalist conception of textual interpretation shows that the critics of this approach to questions of meaning and interpretation have so far failed to prove their case. The standard objections to intentionalism, on grounds of logical or empirical fallacy, cannot be maintained. We reconstruct the objections which have been raised in the literature against the intentional conception and discuss them as criticism of a conception hold to be inadequate with respect to the problem of (...)
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  13.  15
    Introduction: Modes of Intentionality.Jörn Müller & Michela Summa - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018 (2):5-25.
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    The Landscape of Merleau-Pontyan Thought.Robin M. Muller - 2023 - In Patrick Londen, Jeffrey Yoshimi & Philip Walsh (eds.), Horizons of Phenomenology: Essays on the State of the Field and Its Applications. Springer Verlag. pp. 123-155.
    Merleau-Ponty wrote prolifically throughout his life on psychology, aesthetics, and politics, on pedagogy, physics, and painting. Between his appointment to the Université de Lyon in 1945 and his sudden death in Paris in 1961—a copy of Descartes’ Dioptrique on the desk in front of him—the survey of courses he taught is dizzying in scope. For all its promise, however, the interdisciplinary nature of Merleau-Ponty’s work, and the abruptness of its end, raises the question of how these projects connect. The question (...)
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    Maxwell’s Lonely War.F. A. Muller - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 35 (1):109-119.
    Essay Review of two books of A.N. Maxwell, last of the Neo-Popperians: The Comprehensibility of the Universe (1998) and The Human World in the Physical Universe (2001).
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    The Counterproductiveness Argument against Animal Rights Violence.Nico Müller & Friderike Spang - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (5):827-845.
    Arguments against inflicting violence on people to defend animal rights have relied on the view that inflicting violence is always wrong. But these arguments end up prohibiting too much, as defensive violence should be permissible in certain extreme cases. We argue that considerations about the counterproductiveness of defensive violence are better at distinguishing permissible and impermissible instances of animal rights violence than a blanket rejection of violence. We respond to the objection that assuming violence to be counterproductive is ad hoc, (...)
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  17. David Humes Typologie der Philosophen und der Lebensformen.G. Muller - 1980 - Frankfurt, Bern, &c..
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    Essai sur la philosophie de Jean d' Alembert.Maurice Muller - 1926 - Paris,: Payot.
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    Les offrandes de l’Artémision de la colline de Dautë. Campagnes 2007 et 2008.Arthur Muller, Fatos Tartari, Marion Müller-Dufeu, Shpresa Gjongecaj, Stephanie Huysecom-Haxhi, Belisa Muka, Ilia Toçi & Eduard Shehi - 2009 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 133 (2):755-759.
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  20. Symposion, Band-I.Max Muller - 1957 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 62 (2):224-224.
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    The Apostle of California.Seraphin Muller - 1934 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 9 (3):458-476.
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    “Redirect the Hate”: Plato, Powerviolence, and the Metaphysics of Anger.Fabien Muller - 2024 - Popular Music and Society 48 (1):41-56.
    Powerviolence is a subgenre of hardcore music characterized by fast-paced rhythms, chaotic sound, and austere esthetics. Despite its seminal function for extreme music, there has been a notable lack of scholarly exploration into the genre. In this paper I draw on Comparative Philosophy to fill this gap. I argue that the powerviolence music and lyrics are fueled by anger. In Plato, anger serves as a tool for the irascible soul to support rational thinking and oppose injustice. Accordingly, I call for (...)
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  23.  44
    Which practice? – Rescuing the practical conception of human rights.Luise K. Müller - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (1):128-142.
  24.  60
    The Purloined Poe: Lacan, Derrida, and Psychoanalytic Reading.John P. Muller & William J. Richardson - 1988 - Johns Hopkins University Press.
    In 1956 Jacques Lacan proposed as interpretation of Edgar Allan Poe's "Purloined Letter" that at once challenged literary theorists and revealed a radically new conception of psychoanalysis. Lacan's far-reaching claims about language and truth provoked a vigorous critique by Jacques Derrida, whose essay in turn has spawned further responses from Barbara Johnson, Jane Gallop, Irene Harvey, Norman Holland, and others. The Purloined Poe brings Poe's story together with these readings to provide, in the words of the editors, "a structured exercuse (...)
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  25.  32
    Albert Camus and Management: Opening the Discussion on the Contributions of his Work.Michal Müller - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (4):441-456.
    This article responds to a call from Philosophy of Management (Vandekerckhove 2020) to open a discussion on the contribution of Albert Camus’s work to management. The aim of this article is to argue that Camus’s sense of cyclicality related to the recurrence of crises is particularly important for existential management. This idea is embodied primarily by Camus’s famous retelling of the myth of Sisyphus, which is not only a provocative metaphor of his thoughts, as discussed by many authors, but is (...)
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  26.  26
    Organisationsethik in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens.Uta Müller, Cordula Brand, Robert Ranisch & Christiane Burmeister - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (2):153-158.
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  27.  13
    Exploring the Role of Existential Philosophy in Contemporary Religious Beliefs: A Dialogue Between Faith and Reason.Heinrich Müller - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (4):1-17.
    This conflict can be interpreted in both religious and nonreligious ways. However, some intellectuals have identified a common thread parallel to the theological axis. The research study determines the role of existential philosophy in the contemporary religious beliefs. They have interpreted this contradiction as the conflict between our current selves and aspirations. Recognizing our animality and the role that such creatures play in the world is a requirement of our rational side. You may guarantee a well-attended eulogy by eating well, (...)
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  28.  9
    Book Forum.Staffan Müller-Wille - 2025 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 109 (C):120-122.
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    Phenomenology and Linguistics.Robin M. Muller - 2010 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (1):35-44.
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    The Paradoxes of Post-War Italian Political Thought.Jan-Werner Müller - 2013 - History of European Ideas 39 (1):79-102.
    Summary This article examines the complex nature of post-war Italian political thought, stressing the importance of Italy's unusual institutional and historical political arrangements, but also the vibrancy of its political ideologies in this period. In the past it has often been argued that the dysfunctional nature of post-war Italian democracy with its rapidly changing governments, and widespread corruption—which nonetheless coexisted with the one party, the Christian Democrats, being constantly in power—led to the atrophying of political theory in general, and political (...)
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  31. The Original Risk: Overtheologizing Ethics and Undertheologizing Sin.Denis Müller - 2007 - Christian Bioethics 13 (1):7-23.
    The project of articulating a theological ethics on the basis of liturgical anthropology is bound to fail if the necessary consequence is that one has to quit the forum of critical modern rationality. The risk of Engelhardt's approach is to limit rationality to a narrow vision of reason. Sin is not to be understood as the negation of human holiness, but as the negation of divine holiness. The only way to renew theological ethics is to understand sin as the anthropological (...)
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    Feasibly constructive proofs of succinct weak circuit lower bounds.Moritz Müller & Ján Pich - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (2):102735.
  33. Artificial transmutation of the gene.H. J. Muller - 2014 - In Francisco José Ayala & John C. Avise (eds.), Essential readings in evolutionary biology. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
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    Kandinsky Patterns.Heimo Müller & Andreas Holzinger - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 300 (C):103546.
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    Is algebraic lorentz-covariant quantum field theory stochastic Einstein local?F. A. Muller & Jeremy Butterfield - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (3):457-474.
    The general context of this paper is the locality problem in quantum theory. In a recent issue of this journal, Redei (1991) offered a proof of the proposition that algebraic Lorentz-covariant quantum field theory is past stochastic Einstein local. We show that Redei's proof is either spurious or circular, and that it contains two deductive fallacies. Furthermore, we prove that the mentioned theory meets the stronger condition of stochastic Haag locality.
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    Theodor W. Adorno and Jürgen Habermas - Two Ways of Being a Public Intellectual: Sociological Observations Concerning the Transformation of a Social Figure of Modernity.Stefan Müller-Doohm - 2005 - European Journal of Social Theory 8 (3):269-280.
    The intellectual practice of public critique of Theodor W. Adorno and Jürgen Habermas is compared as a contribution to the sociology of the intellectual. The aim of this comparative analysis is to clarify the transformation of the function of the intellectual in the context of his social position. Here it is possible to distinguish between a ‘rescuing’ critique and a ‘consciousness-raising’ critique.
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    Defining a Relativity-Proof Notion of the Present via Spatio-temporal Indeterminism.Thomas Müller - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (6):644-664.
    In this paper we describe a novel approach to defining an ontologically fundamental notion of co-presentness that does not go against the tenets of relativity theory. We survey the possible reactions to the problem of the present in relativity theory, introducing a terminological distinction between a static role of the present, which is served by the relation of simultaneity, and a dynamic role of the present, with the corresponding relation of co-presentness. We argue that both of these relations need to (...)
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  38.  11
    Reproducing Difference.Staffan Müller-Wille - 2014 - In Susanne Lettow (ed.), Reproduction, Race, and Gender in Philosophy and the Early Life Sciences. State University of New York Press. pp. 217-235.
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    Self-creation Without Natural Limits? On a Certain Blindness in Richard Rorty’s Anti-authoritarian Pragmatism.Martin Müller - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (3):421-439.
    This article argues that Richard Rorty’s philosophy has a blind spot regarding our relationship with nature. It examines his distinct version of pragmatism to find ways to address this shortcoming. Rorty’s antirepresentational “pragmatism as anti-authoritarianism” and its anthropocentric character are discussed. His linguistic instrumentalism is problematized since it entails an unapologetic Baconian view of knowledge as power and nature as a manipulable object. While Rorty’s Darwinian image of the human being somewhat relativizes this Baconian humanism, it does not address the (...)
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    Quantum field theory, its concepts viewed from a semiotic perspective.Hans Günter Dosch, Volkhard F. Müller & Norman Sieroka - unknown
    Examining relativistic quantum field theory we claim that its description of subnuclear phenomena can be understood most adequately from a semiotic point of view. The paper starts off with a concise and non-technical outline of the firmly based aspects of relativistic quantum field theories. The particular methods, by which these different aspects have to be accessed, can be described as distinct facets of quantum field theory. They differ with respect to the relation between quantum fields and associated particles, and, as (...)
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    Abschreckung im Weltraum. Verstärkte Abschreckung durch hochflexible Weltraumfähigkeiten.Christoph Müller, Wolfgang Jung, Charles Ben, Andreas Ohndorf & Dirk Zimper - 2024 - In Antje Nötzold, Enrico Fels, Andrea Rotter & Moritz Brake (eds.), Strategischer Wettbewerb im Weltraum: Politik, Recht, Sicherheit und Wirtschaft im All. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 717-730.
    Nicht zuletzt der Krieg in der Ukraine zeigt die herausragende Bedeutung des Weltraumes für unsere Gesellschaft sowie die militärische Operationsführung im Allgemeinen. Bereits in 2019 wurde durch die NATO dieser Bedeutung Rechnung getragen, in dem der Weltraum als fünfte Dimension neben Luft, Land, See und Cyber anerkannt wurde. Die für den Weltraum notwendige Infrastruktur wird gemeinhin als kritisch betrachtet und fällt damit auch unter die Abschreckungssystematik der NATO. Der Beitrag diskutiert die Abschreckungspolitik der NATO im Kontext Weltraum entlang der zwei (...)
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  42.  26
    Four well‐constrained calibration points from the vertebrate fossil record for molecular clock estimates.Johannes Müller & Robert R. Reisz - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (10):1069-1075.
    Recent controversy about the use of the vertebrate fossil record for external calibration of molecular clocks centers on two issues, the number of dates used for calibration and the reliability of the fossil calibration date. Viewing matters from a palaeontological perspective, we propose three qualitative, phylogenetic criteria that can be used within a comparative framework for the selection of well-constrained calibration dates from the vertebrate fossil record. On the basis of these criteria, we identify three highly suitable new fossil calibration (...)
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  43.  2
    Beyond Anthropocentrism: The Moral and Strategic Philosophy behind Russell and Burch’s 3Rs in Animal Experimentation.Nico Dario Müller - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (5):1-15.
    The 3Rs framework in animal experimentation– “replace, reduce, refine” – has been alleged to be expressive of anthropocentrism, the view that only humans are directly morally relevant. After all, the 3Rs safeguard animal welfare only as far as given human research objectives permit, effectively prioritizing human use interests over animal interests. This article acknowledges this prioritization, but argues that the characterization as anthropocentric is inaccurate. In fact, the 3Rs prioritize research purposes even more strongly than an ethical anthropocentrist would. Drawing (...)
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  44. History, Knowledge, and Organization: Beyond Animal Rights Vanguardism.Nico Dario Müller - 2024 - Politics and Animals 10:1-14.
    This paper identifies an overlooked but widespread philosophical view in the animal rights movement, Animal Rights Vanguardism. This is the view that (1) the arc of history, by way of ever-increasing moral awareness, bends towards animal liberation,(2) animal rights activists are aware of the moral truth when it comes to human-animal relations thanks to a moral-epistemic privilege, and (3) the primary moral imperative for animal rights activists is to increase the moral awareness of the masses. The paper then makes four (...)
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    Theologie im Transzensus: die Wissenschaftslehre als Grundlagentheorie einer transzendentalen Fundamentaltheologie in Johann Gottliebs "Principien der Gottes- Sitten- und Rechtslehre" von 1805.Mathias Müller (ed.) - 2010 - New York, NY: Fichte-Studien, Supplementa.
    Der Philosoph Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762–1814) gilt mit seiner sogenannten ›Wissenschaftslehre‹ als einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter einer transzendentalen Theorie über – modern gesprochen – Wissenschaftstheorie. Könnten so seine Entdeckungen nicht auch für die Theologie systematische Bedeutung haben, insbesondere in der Frage, ob diese selber eine Wissenschaft sein kann?Mathias Müller versucht anhand einer systematischen Konstruktionsanalyse von Fichtes Schrift »Die Principien der Gottes- Sitten- u. Rechtslehre. Februar und März 1805« zu zeigen, dass und wie in der Wissenschaftslehre diese selber eine Grundlegung bildet, (...)
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    Justifying the right to justification.Fernando Suárez Müller - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (10):1049-1068.
    The work of Rainer Forst constitutes the third generation of the Habermasian School. In Das Recht auf Rechtfertigung [The right to justification] (2007) Forst develops a constructivist approach to justice in a serious effort to find a systematic basis for ‘critical theory’. In this article the relevant arguments of this approach are critically analysed. The position developed in the work of Forst appears to be characterized by a fundamental ambiguity because it oscillates between two irreconcilable points. On the one hand (...)
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    Pro Familia: Ethical-Philosophical Aspects of Sexuality Education.Ralf Müller & Bettina Niederleitner - 2023 - In Markus Tiedemann (ed.), Philosophical Education Beyond the Classroom. J.B. Metzler. pp. 249-260.
    The article presents the sexuality education work of pro familia. Against the background of human rights, sexuality education is always to a high degree ethical-philosophical education. It is discussed with which methods and which attitude ethical questions are dealt with in sexuality education (youth) groups and how students, teachers and professionals can be sensitized for a boundary-preserving, self-determined handling of sexuality.
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    Rezension: Schwarzer, Alice; Louis, Chantal, Transsexualität. Was ist ein Mann? Was ist eine Frau? – Eine Streitschrift.Anke Müller-Morocutti - 2024 - Psyche 78 (8):756-761.
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  49. Lebensphilosophie und Religion.Horst Müller - 1960 - Berlin,: Duncker Und Humblot.
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    Un’anima symphonialis per comprendere se stessi e il mondo. Ildegarda di Bingen tra suono e parola.Paola Muller - 2024 - Doctor Virtualis 19:25-44.
    L’intera vita umana può essere interpretata in termini di armonia e sinfonia per Ildegarda di Bingen: mentre l’armonia significa la restaurazione della relazione tra uomo e Dio e la piena esperienza della redenzione, l’attuale esistenza umana con i suoi pericoli, contraddizioni e peccati, corrisponde a una sinfonia, all’interno della quale Dio fa ascoltare soprattutto la sua misericordia. Ildegarda offre una visione unitaria dell’uomo, divino per l’anima e terreno per il corpo, egli è un microcosmo, una molteplicità ricondotta all’unità. L'anima umana (...)
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