Results for 'Petrônio Domingues'

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  1. “Um desejo infinito de vencer”: o protagonismo negro no pós-abolição.Petrônio Domingues - 2011 - Topoi: Revista de História 12 (23):118-139.
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    Entrevista com Ivan Domingues: Epistemologia das ciências humanas.Ivan Domingues, Weiny César Freitas Pinto & Allison Vicente Xavier Gonzalez - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (3):13-32.
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  3. Latin America and contemporary modernity : a sociological interpretation.José Maurízio Domingues - 2011 - In Ann Brooks (ed.), Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
  4.  27
    Bare noun phrases, verbs and quantification in ASL.Karen Petronio - 1995 - In Emmon W. Bach, Eloise Jelinek, Angelika Kratzer & Barbara H. Partee (eds.), Quantification in Natural Languages. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 603--618.
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    Miguel Hernández o la poesía como subversión.Petronio Rafael Cevallos - 2019 - Argos 6 (17):158-163.
    En 1976 —siendo yo un jovencísimo inmigrante, prácticamente recién llegado de mi país—, en el populoso downtown de Los Ángeles, me encontré con un disco de larga duración del cantautor catalán Joan Manuel Serrat. El disco en mención musicalizaba varios poemas del malogrado poeta Miguel Hernández y un poema de Miguel de Unamuno. De regreso a mi apartamento de soltero, puse el disco y de inmediato quedé impactado por la belleza de las interpretaciones. Recuerdo que una de ellas, "Nanas de (...)
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    A critical ethnographic perspective on risk and dangerousness in forensic psychiatry.Jean-Laurent Domingue, Jean-Daniel Jacob, Amélie Perron, Pierre Pariseau-Legault & Thomas Foth - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (2):e12521.
    In the Canadian forensic psychiatric context, the concepts of risk and dangerousness interact, intersect, and morph into the notion of significant threat to the safety of the public. Stemming from the results of a critical ethnography of the Ontario Review Board, this article unpacks the central role of forensic psychiatric nursing, as an example of a 'psych' discipline (e.g., psychiatry and psychology), in a system that is built to produce risky persons and to legitimize their detention and supervision. By using (...)
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  7. Cyberbullying: preocupação dos professores e o envolvimento da escola // Cyberbullying: preocupation of teachers and school's involvement.Maria José Carvalho de Souza Domingues & Tambosi - 2016 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 21 (1):90-103.
    Inicialmente restrita aos muros escolares, a violência entre alunos passou a se manifestar também de forma online, por meio de redes sociais, estabelecendo a expressão cyberbullying. Sob esta perspectiva, há um consenso na literatura da área, de que cabe à escola se posicionar e assumir o compromisso de inibir estas práticas e estimular o convívio pacífico entre os alunos, dentro e fora da escola. Apesar da relevância da questão, a temática do cyberbullying ainda é pouco estudada de forma empírica. Observa-se (...)
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  8. Filosofia portuguesa para a educação nacional: introdução à obra de Alvaro Ribeiro.Joaquim Domingues - 1997 - Lisboa: Fundação Lusíada.
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    For the relief of Man’s state or the advancement of national interests? A percepção da natureza brasileira ao serviço das nações e da humanidade nos escritos dos viajantes do século XVIII.Ângela Domingues - 2010 - Dialogos 14 (2).
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    Jacobinism, Political Modernity and Global Sociology.José Maurício Domingues - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (5):422-432.
    ABSTRACTThis paper discusses Jacobinism and the French/Haitian revolution in its unity and diversity. It shows that the main imaginary and institutional elements of modernity – including further an...
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  11. O pensamento alemão, ensiao sôbre o sentido da alma germânica e espírito da nova Europa.Garcia Domingues - 1942 - Lisboa: [Impresso na Sociedade Astória, lda.].
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    Sessão da congregação da FAFICH/UFMG para concessão do título de professor emérito ao prof. José Henrique Santos e outras colegas.Ivan Domingues - 2010 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 51 (121):293-297.
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    Abismos da leveza: por uma filosofia pluralista.Rodrigo Petronio - 2022 - São Paulo, SP: É Realizações Editora. Edited by Maria Lúcia Santaella Braga & Mario Dirienzo.
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    Matias Aires: (sócio correspondente): cadeira 6, patrono.Rodrigo Petronio - 2012 - São Paulo, SP: Imprensa Oficial.
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  15. Profilo di un'età: l'illuminismo.Giuseppe Petronio - 1972 - [Palermo],: Palumbo.
  16.  53
    Global Modernization, `Coloniality' and a Critical Sociology for Contemporary Latin America.José Maurício Domingues - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (1):112-133.
    This article analyses recent social, cultural and political developments in Latin America, with special reference to the `modernity/coloniality' project, as well as offering an alternative sociological interpretation of the contemporary subcontinent. It analyses in particular Walter Mignolo's work as the main expression of that `post/decolonial' project, a general interpretive effort that reflects actual social changes but offers misguided theoretical and political perspectives. The article then proposes a discussion of modernity as a global civilization which is now unfolding its third phase, (...)
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    Quiet quitting: Obedience a minima as a form of nursing resistance.Jean-Laurent Domingue, Kim Lauzier & Thomas Foth - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3):e12493.
    In this article, we provide a philosophical and ethical reflection about quiet quitting as a tool of political resistance for nurses. Quiet quitting is a trend that gained traction on TikTok in July 2022 and emerged as a method of resistance among employees facing increasing demands from their workplaces at the detriment of their personal lives. It is characterised by employees refraining from exceeding the basic requirements outlined in their job descriptions. To understand why quiet quitting can be a tool (...)
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  18.  10
    Global modernity, development, and contemporary civilization: towards a renewal of critical theory.José Maurício Domingues - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    This book investigates modern global civilization, offering an alternative to post-colonial theories and the "multiple modernities" approach (as well as the civilizational theory linked to it). It argues that modernity has become a global civilization that is heterogeneous and intertwined with other civilizations, and also aims at a renewal of critical theory that is not US-centric and Eurocentric, focusing instead on China, South Asia (India) and Latin America (Brazil). Dealing with the themes of centre-periphery relations, complexity (including culture and religion), (...)
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  19.  10
    Ecumenical critical theory, pluralism and developmental trends.José Maurício Domingues - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 181 (1):3-19.
    Critical social theory is a late product of the Enlightenment, though pushed beyond its original intentions. It then developed mainly with Marxism, but since the beginning other strands have been important, such as anarchism, feminism, anti-colonialism, anti-racism and environmentalism. The immanent critique of modernity must be seen indeed as ecumenical. In its plurality, it must have however at its core the realisation of equal freedom and full solidarity that remains an unfulfilled promise and offers a criterion of demarcation for critical (...)
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    Apresentação.Ivan Domingues - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (1).
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    Conhecimento e transdisciplinaridade II: aspectos metodológicos.Ivan Domingues (ed.) - 2005 - Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG.
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    Collective Subjectivity and Collective Causality.José Maurício Domingues - 2003 - Philosophica 71 (1).
    This article discusses the concepts of collective subjectivity and collective causality as an alternative to methodological individualism, structuralism and functionalism. It resumes Aristotelian issues in a realist framework and applies, by way of example, its main concepts to criticize and suggest a distinct view of capabilities"" and ""freedom"" in connection with collective subjectivity.".
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    Painel: Filosofia no Brasil - perspectivas no ensino, na pesquisa e na vida pública.Ivan Domingues - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):389-395.
    Neste texto, procuro encontrar as origens de um dos mais importantes conceitos de Gilles Deleuze, o conceito de Imagem-tempo. Este conceito remete-nos para os primeiros textos de Deleuze dedicados à filosofia de Espinosa e ao problema do autómato espiritual e relaciona-se directamente com o problema da passividade/actividade do espectador. Ou seja, o conceito crucial na sua filosofia do cinema, a Imagem-tempo, esconde uma importante reflexão sobre a Imagem cinematográfica como arte de massas, os (im)poderes do pensamento e o modo fascista (...)
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    The Relativity of Time and Space in the Croatian Poet Nikola Šop and the Slovenian Poet Gregor Strniša.Fedora Ferluga-Petronio - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):661-672.
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    Modernity Reconstructed: Freedom, Equality, Solidarity, and Responsibility.José Maurício Domingues - 2006 - University of Wales Press.
    Offering a contemporary perspective on the theory of modernity that differentiates it from its predecessors, this reconstruction has been expanded to include a fourth instrumental aspect. In addition to the recognition of the three parts of traditional modernity—freedom, equality, and solidarity—that follow the basic ideas of the constitutional revolutions of the 18th century, this updated vision introduces responsibility. Concerning itself with what the sociology of development, risk, and ecological crisis have added to these classical ideas, the addition of the fourth (...)
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    A large scale benchmark for session-based recommendations on the legal domain.Marcos Aurélio Domingues, Edleno Silva de Moura, Leandro Balby Marinho & Altigran da Silva - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-36.
    The proliferation of legal documents in various formats and their dispersion across multiple courts present a significant challenge for users seeking precise matches to their information requirements. Despite notable advancements in legal information retrieval systems, research into legal recommender systems remains limited. A plausible factor contributing to this scarcity could be the absence of extensive publicly accessible datasets or benchmarks. While a few studies have emerged in this field, a comprehensive analysis of the distinct attributes of legal data that influence (...)
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    Modernity and Modernizing Moves.José Maurício Domingues - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (7-8):208-227.
    Some of the most promising advances in recent social and sociological theory have happened in connection with historical sociology, including the ‘multiple’ or ‘entangled’ modernity as well as the civilizational approaches, despite their several problems. This article critically resumes this debate, proposing specific conceptualizations of civilization and modernity, at the global level, as well as of regions. Multidimensionality and collective subjectivities and modernizing moves cut across the whole text. The discussion starts from a specific analysis of Latin American modernity, including (...)
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    Democratic theory and democratization in contemporary Brazil and beyond1.José Maurício Domingues - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 114 (1):15-33.
    Universalism and particularism have become poles of modern social thought and lead to distinct definitions of democracy, citizenship, and social policy. Challenging Habermas and the Habermasians, this article argues that democracy can never be identified with domination. Meanwhile, contesting Chatterjee and Foucault, the author reaffirms citizenship and law in their various forms in relation to both bounded and unbounded serialities as the basis for democracy, beyond and despite governmentality. Latin America, and especially Brazil, with processes that check state domination and (...)
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    A perspectiva do método hermenêutico na interpretação do direito sobre liberdade religiosa e o princípio constitucional da dignidade humana.Gleyds Silva Domingues & Reginaldo Pereira de Moraes - forthcoming - Horizonte:74-74.
    The proposal of the article has as a goal analyse the influence of the hermeneutic method in the interpretation of the constitucional text about religious freedom and the principle of human dignity, as well as human rights. It's put into question: how the hermeneutic method can contribute in the interpretation of religious freedom right in front of the violations edured, even it being precept in the brazilian Constitution? To address this goal it's necessary to resort to the theoretical contributions specific (...)
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    A solidez da espiritualidade sálmica diante da sociedade líquida atual.Rafael Gouvêa Domingues - 2019 - Revista de Teologia 12 (22):104-112.
    This article seeks to clarify the value of the Christian faith improvements through well founded arguments, in order to protect it from a certain lessening to the immanent and temporal ideas, aiming to the existentiality of the Christian being who reads up on what is eschatological. The proposed itinerary is achieved by the authentic awareness of sin, so that the sinner recognizes himself as such one and experiences the saving presence of God, both personally and socially. The methodology used was (...)
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    Beyond the centre: The third phase of modernity in a globally compared perspective.José Maurício Domingues - 2011 - European Journal of Social Theory 14 (4):517-535.
    This article develops an argument about what it defines as the ‘third phase of modernity’ and tackles, in a comparative manner, the cases of Latin America (especially Brazil), South Asia (especially India) and China. It tries to identify specific modernizing moves which imply individualizing comparisons as well as encompassing comparisons in relation to these areas and countries. It builds its argument from a few theoretical assumptions and moves in an inductive manner in order to dislocate the discussion of modernity from (...)
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    Creativity and Master Trends in Contemporary Sociological Theory.José Maurício Domingues - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (4):467-484.
    This article considers whether there exists today a movement of similar strength to the synthetic 'new theoretical movement' of the mid-1980s. The author argues that one main trend in sociological theory today is the notion of creativity and efforts to understand it conceptually. The contemporary growth of contingency, it is claimed, is closely related to this creative perspective. After examining Parsons's notion of 'double contingency', the article suggests that neither rationality nor normativity alone is able to dampen recognition of the (...)
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  33. Collaborative and Transdisciplinar Practices in Cyberart: from Multimedia to Software Art Installations.Diana Domingues & Eliseo Reategui - 2006 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 8:113-144.
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    Do ocidente à modernidade: intelectuais e mudança social.José Maurício Domingues - 2003 - Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira.
    Reúne alguns artigos selecionados dentre os muitos que o autor produziu nos últimos dez anos.
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    Ethics, science and technology.Ivan Domingues - 2006 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 46 (111):0-0.
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    Latin America: Modernity, Globality, Critique.José Maurício Domingues & Manuela Boatcă - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (7-8):156-158.
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    Filosofia no Brasil: legados e perspectivas: ensaios metafilosóficos.Ivan Domingues - 2017 - São Paulo, SP: Editora UNESP.
    Nesta obra de fôlego, Ivan Domingues compõe uma profunda e abrangente análise da filosofia no Brasil. O autor propõe oferecer um livro de metafilosofia, na extensão da natureza essencialmente reflexiva da filosofia, que a autoriza a tomar a si mesma como objeto e fazer uma reflexão filosófica sobre a filosofia, uma "filosofia da filosofia.
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    Aborto: da demonização da mulher na Idade Média à criminalização no ordenamento jurídico contempor'neo.Carla Letícia Domingues - 2021 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 19 (1).
    O presente trabalho pretende demonstrar o papel da mulher no contexto da acumulação primitiva, com ênfase na transição do sistema feudal para o sistema capitalista, situando a vida sexual e reprodutiva da mulher como objetos do mecanismo de controle do Estado e da Igreja para alcance de seus interesses e perpetuação de seu poder. Analisamos o fenômeno da caça às bruxas dentro da obra Calibã e a Bruxa (2004), de Silvia Federici, pautando a questão da criminalização do aborto na legislação (...)
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    Darwinismo, meio ambiente, sociedade =.Heloisa Maria Bertol Domingues (ed.) - 2009 - São Paulo, SP: Via Lettera Editora.
    O foco deste livro, concentrado no meio físico, biológico e social, discute partidarismos e oposições à teoria de Darwin, apresentando uma mescla de trabalhos de estudiosos do tema. Não havendo, neste sentido, uma homogeneidade. A apresentação dos trabalhos segue passos da teoria, naquilo que ela deixou como legado para o conhecimento das relações no meio ambiente e do entrecruzamento de ambos.
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  40. Eduardo Abranches de Soveral e Augusto Saraiva.Joaquim Domingues - 2009 - In Maria Celeste Natário, António Braz Teixeira & Renato Epifânio (eds.), Eduardo Abranches de Soveral: o pensador, o filósofo, o humanista. Sintra: Zéfiro Edições.
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    Emancipation and history: the return of social theory.José Maurício Domingues - 2017 - Boston: Brill.
    Introduction -- Vicissitudes and possibilities of critical theory today -- Global modernity : levels of analysis and conceptual strategies -- Existential social questions, developmental trends and modernity -- History, sociology and modernity -- Realism, trend-concepts and the modern state -- Family, modernization and sociological theory -- The basic forms of social interaction -- The imaginary and politics in modernity: the trajectory -- Critical social theory and developmental trends, emancipation -- References -- Index.
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    Filosofia portuguesa para a educação nacional: introdução à obra de Álvaro Ribeiro.Joaquim Domingues - 1997 - Lisboa: Fundacao Lusiada.
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    TheJamestownProject and theIberianProject: Is thereAnything inCommon?Beatriz Helena Domingues - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 16 (1):79-82.
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    Ética, ciência e tecnologia.Ivan Domingues - 2004 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 45 (109):159-174.
    O artigo visa pensar a relação entre ética, ciência e tecnologia, enfatizando o problema de sua revinculação depois da cisão entre os juízos de fato e os juízos de valor, ocorrida no início dos tempos modernos. Uma vez examinada a ética da aristocracia guerreira e a moral do santo, procura-se delinear o caminho tomando como referência a ética da responsabilidade, cujo protótipo é a moral do sábio, desaparecido no curso dos tempos modernos, em razão da fragmentação do saber e do (...)
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    The imaginary and politics in modernity.José Maurício Domingues - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 133 (1):19-37.
    Culture has been at the core of many recent developments in the social sciences, particularly after the so-called ‘linguistic turn’. This has also been seeping into discussions about the relation between culture and politics. The present paper proposes a specific theoretical approach in this respect. It mobilizes Castoriadis’s concept of the ‘imaginary’, as well as those of ‘collective subjectivity’ and ‘social creativity’. It also makes use of the rich case of ‘populism’, more generally, and Peronism, more specifically, so as to (...)
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    Making decisions for hospitalized older adults: ethical factors considered by family surrogates.J. Fritsch, S. Petronio, P. R. Helft & A. M. Torke - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 24 (2):125-134.
    BackgroundHospitalized older adults frequently have impaired cognition and must rely on surrogates to make major medical decisions. Ethical standards for surrogate decision making are well delineated, but little is known about what factors surrogates actually consider when making decisions.ObjectivesTo determine factors surrogate decision makers consider when making major medical decisions for hospitalized older adults, and whether or not they adhere to established ethical standards.DesignSemi-structured interview study of the experience and process of decision making.SettingA public safety-net hospital and a tertiary referral (...)
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    Simondon, a cibernética e a mecanologia.Ivan Domingues - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (2):283-306.
    ResumoEste artigo propõe elucidar a relação entre a cibernética e a mecanologia na obra de Simondon, considerando suas duas teses de doutorado e a entrevista concedida em 1968 a Jean Le Moyne, a pedido do Ofício do Filme do Québec, no Canadá, ao longo da qual é predominante o uso de "mecanologia", em contraste com as teses, onde sofre a concorrência dos vocábulos "alagmática" e "organologia", ficando o termo "cibernética" na penumbra. A cibernética é celebrada na França em 1962, no (...)
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  48.  42
    Political regimes and advanced liberal oligarchies.José Maurício Domingues - 2019 - Constellations 26 (1):78-93.
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    A filosofia contempor'nea brasileira e a questão da autoralidade: paradigmas e métodos.Ivan Domingues - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe1):251-270.
    This paper focuses on Brazilian contemporary philosophy and aims to introduce [i] the conceptual tools on the philosophical-theoretical plan, emphasizing the problem of the nature of Brazilian philosophy and taking the ideas of authoriality / originality as a starting point; [ii] the analytical tools on the epistemic-methodological plan, when associating the metaphilosophical methods, operating and giving expression to the philosophical ratio, and the intellectual history methods, when operating and giving expression to philosophy’s historical realization and the philosophical intelligentsia. The discussions (...)
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    Desafios da filosofia no século XXI: ciência e sabedoria.Ivan Domingues - 2006 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 47 (113):9-25.
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