Results for 'Phenomenological theology Catholic Church.'

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  1.  22
    Phenomenological philosophy: and reconstruction in western theism.Allan M. Savage - 2010 - Bloomington, IN: WestBow Press.
    This book is a contribution to the existing body of philosophical and theological thought. It is a personal account, not a historical or chronological one. The approach taken reflects the metamorphosis from a classical to a contemporary view of theology. The book is an excellent teaching tool, one, which faithfully reflects the word of God. It stresses that through personal engagement with the Spirit of God one may begin to understand religious experience, thereby enabling one's personal faith conviction. The (...)
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    Towards an African Theology of Reconciliation: A Missiological Reflection on theInstrumentum Laborisof the Second African Synod.I. L. O. Chu - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (6):1005-1025.
    This essay is a critical theological and pastoral study of the Working Document of the Second African Synod. The article engages the articles in the document which deal with the theme of reconciliation. This essay begins by exploring the Christological and ecclesiological foundations for an African theology of reconciliation as found in the working document. While engaging the significant aspects of the working document which relate to articulating an African theology of reconciliation, this essay shows the limitations of (...)
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    Towards an African Theology of Reconciliation: A Missiological Reflection on the Instrumentum Laboris of the Second African Synod.Stan Chu Ilo - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (6):1005-1025.
    This essay is a critical theological and pastoral study of the Working Document of the Second African Synod. The article engages the articles in the document which deal with the theme of reconciliation. This essay begins by exploring the Christological and ecclesiological foundations for an African theology of reconciliation as found in the working document. While engaging the significant aspects of the working document which relate to articulating an African theology of reconciliation, this essay shows the limitations of (...)
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    The transforming presence of mystery: a perspective of spiritual theology.R. Zas Friz de - 2019 - Bristol, CT: Peeters.
    Spiritual Theology's journey through these last decades shows an itinerary of development, the fruit of which is an ever more solid identity. This book seeks to present a perspective in that itinerary and in tune with the signs of our times: on one hand, militant secularism and, on the other, a widespread, concrete resurgence of experiences of transcendence. In this sense, the author is presenting a path of study organized around five concepts: presence, mystery, transcendence, lived experience, and transformation. (...)
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    Erich Przywara, S.J.: His Theology and His World.Thomas F. O'Meara O. P. & Michael A. Fahey S. J. - 2002 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    "O'Meara masterfully situates Pryzwara in relation to the traditional and contemporary theological, philosophical, ecclesial, cultural, and social contexts within which he wrote." --_William P. Loewe, professor of religious studies, Catholic University of America_ Erich Przywara, S.J. is one of the important Catholic intellectuals of the twentieth century. Yet, in the English-speaking world Przywara remains largely unknown. Few of his sixty books or six hundred articles have been translated. In this engaging new book, Thomas O'Meara offers a comprehensive study (...)
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    Theology At Fribourg.Romanus Cessario - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):325-366.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THEOLOGY AT FRIBOURG SINCE ITS FOUNDATION in 1889, the faculties of theology and of philosophy at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland have been under the auspices of the Dominican Order. Unlike the Catholic University at Lublin (Poland) where a consciously developed school of phenomenological Thomism exists, one can speak only in the broadest terms about a "Fribourg school" of philosophy or theology. The (...)
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    Converts to the Real: Catholicism and the Making of Continental Philosophy.Edward Baring - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    In the middle decades of the twentieth century phenomenology grew from a local philosophy in a few German towns into a movement that spanned Europe. In Converts to the Real, Edward Baring uncovers an unexpected force behind this prodigious growth: Catholicism. Participating in a tightly-knit transnational community, Catholics helped shuttle ideas between national traditions that were otherwise inward-looking and parochial. In the first half of the twentieth century, they wrote many of the first articles and books introducing phenomenological ideas (...)
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  8.  13
    The Catholic Church, Jews, the Shoah and the State of Israel.Boris Havel - 2023 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 34 (2):21-34.
    Judaism and Christianity are religions whose theological epistemology is based on revelation. The primary source of revelation is Holy Scripture. However, history has also been recognised as a source of revelation, particularly the history of Israel and the Jewish people. Because they understood history as a source of revelation, many religious Jews altered their understanding of Jewish statehood in Eretz Israel during the twentieth century, from distinctly averse to increasingly supportive. On the same principles, the Catholic Church made arguably (...)
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    The Renewal and Reform of the Catholic Church's Relationship with the Religious Others: Prospects and Challenges for a Theological Humanistic Turn in Christian‐Muslim Dialogue.MariaOlisaemeka Rosemary Okwara - 2018 - New Blackfriars 99 (1080):206-218.
    This article aims at exploring some recent developments in Catholic Church's recent relationship with religious others. It does so by exploring the theological-anthropological sources behind Vatican II and some subsequent Papal teachings concerning the Church's mission of dialogue. Specifically, it discusses the notion of common origin, destiny and common humanity as sources for praxis-oriented and faith-based initiatives in a Christian-Muslim dialogue. This article is divided into three sub-sections. First, it considers the Catholic Church's renewed dialogue with non-Christian believers, (...)
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  10.  22
    Havryil Kostelnyk and discussion about the status of thomism in theological culture of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.Ihor Zahrebelnyi - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 86:66-73.
    The article of Ihor Zahrebelnyi «Havryil Kostelnyk and discussion about the status of thomism in theological culture of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church» addresses attitude to Thomistic methods of theology within Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of Inter-War Period. First of all, it razes the cliché that Greek Catholic philosopher and theologian Havryil Kostelnyk belonged to Neo-Thomism. And further it analyzes specific character of Anti-Thomistic position of Kostelnyk and reaction of other Greek Catholic intellectuals and bishops, first (...)
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  11.  29
    Catholic Theological Ethics Past, Present, and Future: The Trento Conference Edited by James F. Keenan, and: The Social Mission of the US Catholic Church: A Theological Perspective by Charles E. Curran.Daniel Cosacchi - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):216-218.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Catholic Theological Ethics Past, Present, and Future: The Trento Conference Edited by James F. Keenan, and: The Social Mission of the US Catholic Church: A Theological Perspective by Charles E. CurranDaniel CosacchiCatholic Theological Ethics Past, Present, and Future: The Trento Conference EDITED BY JAMES F. KEENAN Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2011. 337 pp. $40.00The Social Mission of the US Catholic Church: A Theological Perspective CHARLES (...)
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  12.  18
    Newman at the Sorbonne, or, the Vicissitudes of an Important Philosophical Heritage in Inter-war France.Toby Garfitt - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (6):788-803.
    This article examines the reputation of John Henry Newman in France between the end of the First World War and the end of the Second. One effect of the controversy over Modernism was that Newman, despite his great popularity in France in the late nineteenth century as a convert to Catholicism, was not widely appreciated between the wars as an original thinker, either in the French Catholic Church or in the philosophical community. Henri Bremond's popular pre-war psychological biography of (...)
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    ‘The Catholic Church and Condoms’: His Eminence Alfonso Lopez Cardinal Trujilo appears on ‘BBC Panorama’ in 2003 and 2004.Patrick FitzGerald Hutchings - 2004 - Sophia 43 (2):1-3.
    The Theological Consequence is of a more scandalous nature for Catholic ‘insiders’—the literate laity etc.etc.—than is the ‘mere’ ‘Humanist’ one. The pair together can to ‘Evangalisation’ no good at all.The Eminence, who on the BBC programme looks slightly comic. is, when one reflects a very disquieting figure indeed. So: A squib is comic: a serious one is, serious.Note the ‘BBC Panorama’ presentations have been seen in Australia, and so, possibly, in other countries in which this Journal is read.
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    Ministry: Lay Ministry in the Roman Catholic Church, Its History and Theology by Kenan B. Osborne, O.F.M.Gary Culpepper - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (2):332-335.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:332 BOOK REVIEWS lier Christian dualism into a balanced, theological whole. As a protreptic device, Jackson's book may be, in a certain way, part of a collective movement that may form a prolegomenon for a new synthesis-informed by the patristic authors but written as a vademecum for contemporary inquiry. The Catholic University ofAmerica Washington, D.C. ROBIN DARLING YOUNG Ministry: Lay Ministry in the Roman Catlwlic Church, Its History (...)
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    The Church: Communion, Sacrament, Communication by Robert Kress.William E. McConville - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (1):176-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:176 BOOK REVIEWS tianity came into being. To take one example: God's involvement with and reaction to genuine novelties introduced into the world as a result of the initiatives of human freedom, rightly renders suspect the conception of God as immutable. But what immutability really claimed was not anything like inertia or unconcern, but only that God was not mutable in any of the ways characteristic of finite realities (...)
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  16.  24
    Gallicanism in the Catholic Church of France.Osman ŞAHİN & İskender Oymak - 2022 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 27 (1):239-259.
    Gallicanism is specifically related to the Catholic Church of France, and it is a set of ecclesiastical and political doctrines and practices which tried to limit the powers of the Papacy in France in general. In particular, it characterized the situation of the Catholic Church in France at certain periods. The emergence of Gallicanism as a specific idea came about in the 14th century and was first used as a term in 1810. Almost everything expressed by Gallicanism is (...)
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  17.  32
    Étienne Gaboury, Vatican II, and Catholic Liturgical Renewal in Postwar Canada.Nicola Pezolet - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (3):293-317.
    This article is a critical investigation of the buildings and writings of Étienne-Joseph Gaboury, a prolific French Canadian architect who, in the 1960s, designed several modern parish churches and engaged with various liturgical documents issued in the context of the Second Vatican Council. How have the various calls of priests and theologians advocating for artistic and liturgical renewal—calls which became increasingly frequent in the North Atlantic world after World War II—been adapted and implemented in specific architectural landmarks by Gaboury, such (...)
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  18.  47
    The place of God in synthetic biology: How will the catholic church respond?Patrick Heavey - 2011 - Bioethics 27 (1):36-47.
    Some religious believers may see synthetic biology as usurping God's creative role. The Catholic Church has yet to issue a formal teaching on the field (though it has issued some informal statements in response to Craig Venter's development of a ‘synthetic’ cell). In this paper I examine the likely reaction of the Catholic Magisterium to synthetic biology in its entirety. I begin by examining the Church's teaching role, from its own viewpoint, to set the necessary backround and context (...)
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  19.  12
    Gottes Sein als Ereignis sich schenkender Liebe: von der trinitarischen Ontologie Piero Codas zur trinitarischen Phänomenologie der Intersubjektivität und Interpersonalität.Eduard Prenga - 2018 - Freiburg: Herder.
    Was passiert, wenn jemand zeigt, dass die Dreifaltigkeit der Ausgangspunkt der Freiheitsgeschichte der Menschheit ist? Dass in ihr das Risiko grundgelegt ist, das in jeder Begegnung eingeschlossen ist? Dass sie das Netz ist, das jede menschliche Liebe unterfangt? Und dass sie schliesslich die ausserste Spannung auszieht, von der Fulle des Seins zum Nichts und zum Tod? Plotzlich ruckt dann die Dreifaltigkeit mitten ins Zentrum des Verstehens von Menschheitsentwicklung und Kultur, von Gottinnigkeit ebenso wie von Gottesferne. Nichts Geringeres unternimmt die vorliegende (...)
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  20.  14
    The Catholic Church in need of de-clericalisation and moral doctrinal agency: Towards an ethically accountable hierarchical leadership.Jennifer Slater - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-7.
    Under normal circumstances the church would function as an agent of change and transformation, but this article focuses on the church herself that needs radical change if she is to remain relevant in mission and ministry in this current era. Clericalism and the centralisation of hierarchical control can be identified as the root causes of institutional pathology and weakening collegiality. To address clericalism may require the adjustment of seminary training, as in the current system seminarians are nurtured in a sense (...)
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  21.  8
    Theological Conversion As a Response to the Abuse Crisis In The Catholic Church.Massimo Faggioli - 2021 - Praxis: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Faith and Justice 4:77-81.
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    The Scandal of White Complicity in US Hyper-Incarceration: A Nonviolent Spirituality of White Resistance by Alex Mikulich, Laurie Cassidy, and Margaret Pfeil.Nancy M. Rourke - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):195-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Scandal of White Complicity in US Hyper-Incarceration: A Nonviolent Spirituality of White Resistance by Alex Mikulich, Laurie Cassidy, and Margaret PfeilNancy M. RourkeThe Scandal of White Complicity in US Hyper-Incarceration: A Nonviolent Spirituality of White Resistance Alex Mikulich, Laurie Cassidy, and Margaret Pfeil new york: palgrave macmillan, 2013. 203 pp. $90.00As a white American Catholic ethicist, I often envy my Protestant counterparts’ legacy of acknowledging and (...)
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    Language Use in the Catholic Church in Cameroon: The Case of the French Service and the Bulu Service in a Parish of Sangmelima.Jean-Paul Kouega & Mathilde Robertson Alo’O. - 2022 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 2 (6):38-47.
    This paper examines language practices in two services offered in the main Catholic Church in the town of Sangmelima in the South region of Cameroon. The research is motivated by the need to find out what languages are used in this church and what the terms “French service” and “Bulu service” imply in the multilingual city of Sangmelima. The informants were the priests, catechists, choir leaders, and some parishioners of this church. Three main instruments were used to collect data (...)
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  24.  24
    ''Catechism 'or'compendium'? Theological observations on the Catechism of the Catholic Church.John Thornhill - 1994 - The Australasian Catholic Record 71 (4):441.
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  25. [Report On the 7th Plenary Session of the International-commission On Dialog Between the Roman-catholic Church and the Eastern-orthodox Churches Held At the Orthodox Theological School of St-john-of-damascus, June 17-24, 1993]. [REVIEW]A. D. Halleux - 1993 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 24 (4):521-524.
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    Church Youth Work in the Context of Non-Formal Religious Education: The Case of the Catholic Church.S. U. Mehmet - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):153-166.
    Church youth work is the activities and programs organized by churches for young people. These activities aim to contribute to the religious, spiritual and social development of young people. Church youth work brings young people together and supports them in areas such as religious education, spiritual development, community service, leadership development and active participation in the religious community. It is seen that youth work, which was previously a part of family work, has been organized as a different field of work (...)
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    The Catholic Church and the Jewish People: Recent Reflections from Rome – Edited by Philip A. Cunningham, Norbert J. Hofmann SDB and Joseph Sievers.Gavin D'Costa - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (2):348-352.
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    The restitution of Roman Catholic Church land to indigenous people in post-apartheid South Africa: 1994-2014.Mokone B. Lephoto - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):1-9.
    The political and legal perspectives on and understanding of the process of land reform in South Africa differ from the church's vision and understanding on what land reform entails. Currently, land reform through the restitution of church land to indigenous people is still not solved to all party's satisfaction, although this issue is on the table since 1994. The research focuses on the actions by the Roman Catholic Church that argued that 'society ensures justice when it provides the conditions (...)
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  29.  19
    On Reading the Bible as Scripture, Encountering the Church.Steven Nemes - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (5):67-86.
    As an exercise in the ‘theology of disclosure’, the present essay proposes a kind of phenomenological analysis of the act of reading the Bible as Scripture with the goal of bringing to light the theoretical commitments which it implicitly demands. This sort of analysis can prove helpful for the continuing disputes among Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox insofar as it is relevant for one of the principal points of controversy between them: namely, the relationship between Scripture, Tradition, and Church (...)
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  30.  51
    In prima persona: lineamenti di etica generale.Aldo Vendemiati - 2004 - Città del Vaticano: Urbaniana University Press.
    Preface 1. What is Ethics? 1. 1. Why Study Ethics? 1. 2. Isn’t Faith Enough? 1. 3. Philosophical Methods 1. 4. Specific Characteristics of Philosophical Ethics 2. The Phenomenology of Morality 2. 1. Moral Experiences 2. 2. Essential Characteristics of Moral Experience 3.. Voluntary Behavior 3. 1. Conditions of Voluntary Behavior 3. 2. Emotions and Feelings in Human Action 3. 3. Freedom in Human Action 3. 4. Human Action as Immanent Activity 4. The Virtues in General 4. 1. Importance of (...)
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  31. Book Review: Charles E. Curran, The Social Mission of the U. S. Catholic Church: A Theological Perspective[REVIEW]Ann Marie Mealey - 2012 - Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (1):93-96.
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    The letter on apologetics, and, History and dogma.Maurice Blondel - 1964 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.. Edited by Alexander Dru, Illtyd Trethowan & Maurice Blondel.
    'The Letter on Apologetics' is a key statement on the possibility and meaning of Christian philosophy.
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    Church and Culture: German Catholic Theology, 1860–1914 by Thomas Franklin O’Meara, O.P.John Ford - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):354-357.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:354 BOOK REVIEWS (continuously) revisable character, he falls back on an account of theology as rhetoric so as to make the best of a bad job. For persuasion is what we use when we know demonstration is hopeless. As a result, Professor Cunningham's study, which could most usefully have "placed" a variety of theologies of past, present, and, prospectively, future on the spectrum of (onto-) logic, poetic, and (...)
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    The Shaping of Moral Theology: Veritatis Splendor and the Debate on the Nature of Roman Catholic Moral Theology.Wilson Muoha Maina - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (35):178-221.
    Moral theology explores the sources of the moral teaching in several religions. It is the branch of theology that analyzes the scriptural, rational, and ministerial bases of moral teaching on various issues in Christian living. Moral theology in the Catholic Church has been undergoing rapid development since the Second Vatican Council. This essay presents the encyclical Veritatis Splendor as providing an important perspective on fundamental issues in moral theology. In Veritatis Splendor , Pope John Paul (...)
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  35.  26
    Paul Silas Peterson: „Zurück zur Individualität!“ Die Rezeption moderner Religionsphilosophie im Hochland in der Weimarer Zeit.Paul Silas Peterson - 2020 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 27 (2):220-241.
    The monthly magazine Hochland was probably the most influential Catholic cultural periodical in Germany in the Weimar Period. According to Georg Cardinal von Kopp’s assessment in 1911, it was “unfortunately the most read periodical in all of the educated circles of Germany, Austria and German Switzerland”. Moving beyond the simple rejection of modern culture in Germany, the journal tried to follow a new program of mediatory engagement, although it did continue to hold to traditional positions in many regards. In (...)
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    Phenomenology and Theology.Joseph S. O'Leary - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (1):99-117.
    Examining the ways in which two representatives of the “theological turn in French phenomenology” speak of the interrelationship between philosophy and theology, one may detect a number of tendencies which are deleterious both to philosophy and theology. The idea of an autonomous philosophy, pursued as an end in itself, needs to be defended against claims that philosophy can only flourish under theological tutelage. Again, the integrity of theology as a science of faith excludes any identification of (...) as a kind of philosophy. Interaction between the two disciplines, especially in the border areas of apologetics, fundamental theology, religious philosophy, and philosophy of religion, can be fruitful only if a keen sense of their radical difference of orientation is sustained. Behind the swamping of phenomenology by theological concerns lies a series of misunderstandings of metaphysics and its overcoming as well as a misguided notion that phenomenology allows revealed theology to re-enter the French university under the rubric of philosophy. (shrink)
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    A evolução da Igreja Católica no Brasil à luz de pesquisas recentes (The evolution of the Catholic Church in Brazil at the light of recent research) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n28p1208. [REVIEW]Johan Konings & Geraldo Luiz de Mori - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (28):1208-1229.
    O artigo aqui apresentado propõe uma leitura teológico-pastoral dos resultados do último Censo do IBGE 2010– Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – sobre religião no Brasil, publicados em julho de 2012, recorrendo também ao estudo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas – O novo mapa das religiões – publicado em 2011, e à pesquisa encomendada pela Arquidiocese de Belo Horizonte sobre Valores e religião na região metropolitana, cuja realização se deu em 2012. A leitura proposta pelo artigo toma em conta sobretudo (...)
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    Crossroads: Women Priests in the Roman Catholic Church.Victoria Rue - 2008 - Feminist Theology 17 (1):11-20.
    Since 2002 Catholic women have been ordained and are ministering to communities through the organization Roman Catholic womenpriests. In this article, Victoria Rue, PhD, ordained a womanpriest in 2005, reflects on ecclesial structures and the theologies that underpin them. RCWP uses the titles deacon, priest, and bishop. At the same time they do not wish to replicate the hierarchical model those titles suggest. At this crossroads of the old and the new, how do the women of RCWP redefine (...)
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    Religious Experience and the Philosophical Radicalization of Phenomenological Theology.Patrick L. Bourgeois - 1981 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 55:172.
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    Church Teaching as the ‘Language’ of Catholic Theology.William J. Hoye - 1987 - Heythrop Journal 28 (1):16-30.
    Book reviewed in this article: In Search of History: Historiography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History. By John Van Seters. The Hidden God: The Hiding of the Face of God in the Old Testament. By Samuel E. Balentine. Theodicy in the Old Testament. Edited by James L. Crenshaw. Ce Dieu censé aimer la Souffrance. By François Varone. Evil and Evolution, A Theodicy. By Richard W. Kropf. ‘Poet and Peasant’ and ‘Through Peasant Eyes’: A Literary‐Cultural Approach to (...)
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    John Paul II about the logic of the dialogue between the Catholic Church and Islam.Sergiy Prysukhin - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 76:126-133.
    The article of Sergiy Prysukhin «John Paul II about the logic of the dialogue between the Catholic Church and Islam» is devoted to philosophical and theological developments of Pope John Paul II in relation to the analysis of substantial characteristics of the concept «dialogue between Catholicism and Islam», and the logic of its implementation in a complex and contradictory present.
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    The Reshaping of Catholicism: Current Challenges in the Theology of Church by Avery Dulles.Fr Thomas Hughson - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (1):156-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:156 BOOK REVIEWS of theological method in Aquinas (p. 193; see also pp. 57 and 173). But this is not sufficient. Farthing should have acknowledged that Biel's recurrent critique of the supposed ' positive ' use of reason in Aquinas is beside the point and that, by thinking that Thomas is trying to ' demonstrate ' the faith, Biel has carelessly dismissed much that is interesting and valuable in (...)
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    Moral theology in an age of renewal: a study of the Catholic tradition since Vatican II.Paulinus Ikechukwu Odozor - 2003 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    This study offers a comprehensive survey of developments in moral theology since the Second Vatican Council. The author discusses the call of the Council for the renewal of moral theology and the role the Council itself played in this renewal. Odozor also explores the various issues and controversies which have marked the discipline since the 1960s. The dramatic changes and developments in moral theology during this period rival any in the history of the Church. of Christian morality, (...)
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    Spiritual trauma as a manifestation of religious and spiritual struggles in female victims of sexual abuse in adolescence or young adulthood in the Catholic Church in Poland.Jacek Prusak & Anna Schab - 2022 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 44 (1):40-65.
    Specialists on issues of sexual abuse in religious institutions unanimously stress that this kind of experience significantly affects the victims’ spirituality. Particularly devastating and distorting for their spirituality is sexual abuse committed by clergy. In order to explore this issue for the first time in Poland, the authors conducted a qualitative study in the form of semi-structured interviews with five women who had experienced sexual abuse by Catholic clergy and/or religious in adolescence and young adulthood. The interviews were analyzed (...)
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    Peacebuilding: Catholic Theology, Ethics, and Praxis ed. by Robert J. Schreiter, R. Scott Appleby, Gerard F. Powers.James W. McCarty - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (2):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Peacebuilding: Catholic Theology, Ethics, and Praxis ed. by Robert J. Schreiter, R. Scott Appleby, Gerard F. PowersJames W. McCarty IIIPeacebuilding: Catholic Theology, Ethics, and Praxis Edited by Robert J. Schreiter, R. Scott Appleby, and Gerard F. Powers Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2010. 480pp. $27.00Peacebuilding results from a four-year research project sponsored by the Catholic Peacebuilding Network. A wide-ranging and interdisciplinary set of fifteen (...)
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    The New Catholic Feminism: Theology, Gender Theory and Dialogue.Tina Beattie - 2004 - Routledge.
    It is hard to over-estimate the challenge that feminism poses to Roman Catholicism. Pope John Paul II's call for a 'new feminism' has led to the development of a Catholic theological response to the so-called 'old feminism'. _The New Catholic Feminism _sets up a dramatic encounter between the orthodox Catholic establishment and contemporary critical theory, including feminist theology and philosophy, queer theory, and French psycholinguistics, in order to explore fundamental questions about human identity, personhood and gender. (...)
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  47.  20
    Scandal: The Catholic Church and Public Life by Angela Senander. [REVIEW]Mara Kelly-Zukowski - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (1):219-220.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Scandal: The Catholic Church and Public Life by Angela SenanderMara Kelly-ZukowskiScandal: The Catholic Church and Public Life Angela Senander collegeville, mn: liturgical press, 2012. 184 pp. $14.95.Angela Senander’s short book on scandal is valuable for scholars and non-scholars alike. She demonstrates how scandal, whose etymology is “stumbling block” (to one’s faith or trust), has been employed by the church as a catalyst and as a rationalization (...)
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    Criminal Justice and the Catholic Church – By Andrew Skotnicki.Ted Grimsrud - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (2):364-367.
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    Person and dignity in Edith Stein's writings: investigated in comparison to the writings of the Doctors of the Church and the magisterial documents of the Catholic Church.Jadwiga Guerrero van der Meijden - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Edith Stein is widely known as a historical figure, a victim of the Holocaust and a saint, but still unrecognised as a philosopher. It was philosophy, however, that constituted the core of her life. Today her complete writings are available to scholars and therefore her thinking can be properly investigated and evaluated. In the final parts of the book, the author shows how Stein's ideas are relevant today, in particular to the ongoing doctrinal and legal debates over the concept of (...)
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    Theology and the redemptive mission of the church: A catholic response to Milbank's challenge.Christopher Mcmahon - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (5):781-794.
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