Results for 'Philip Langdon American Society for Engineering Education'

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  1.  42
    Promoting research integrity at the american society for microbiology.J. S. Youngner - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (2):215-220.
    The American Society for Microbiology addresses issues of research integrity in several ways. There is a Code of Ethics for Society members and an Ethics Committee, a Publications Board has editorial oversight of ethical issues involved in Society journals and other publications, and the Public and Scientific Affairs Board is involved in ethical issues and scientific policies at the national level. In addition, the Society uses meetings and publications to inform and educate members about research (...)
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    Ethical Decision Making in the Conduct of Research: Role of Individual, Contextual and Organizational Factors: Commentary on “Science, Human Nature, and a New Paradigm for Ethics Education”.Philip J. Langlais - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (3):551-555.
    Despite the importance of scientific integrity to the well-being of society, recent findings suggest that training and mentoring in the responsible conduct of research are not very reliable or effective inhibitors of research misbehavior. Understanding how and why individual scientists decide to behave in ways that conform to or violate norms and standards of research is essential to the development of more effective training programs and the creation of more supportive environments. Scholars in business management, psychology, and other disciplines (...)
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    Fostering Medical Students’ Commitment to Beneficence in Ethics Education.Philip Reed & Joseph Caruana - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    PHOTO ID 121339257© Designer491| ABSTRACT When physicians use their clinical knowledge and skills to advance the well-being of their patients, there may be apparent conflict between patient autonomy and physician beneficence. We are skeptical that today’s medical ethics education adequately fosters future physicians’ commitment to beneficence, which is both rationally defensible and fundamentally consistent with patient autonomy. We use an ethical dilemma that was presented to a group of third-year medical students to examine how ethics education might (...)
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    Young people, education, and sustainable development: Exploring principles, perspectives, and praxis.Peter Blaze Corcoran & Philip M. Osano (eds.) - 2009 - Brill | Wageningen Academic.
    Young people have an enormous stake in the present and future state of Earth. Almost half of the human population is under the age of 25. If young people’s resources of energy, time, and knowledge are misdirected towards violence, terrorism, socially-isolating technologies, and unsustainable consumption, civilization risks destabilization. Yet, there is a powerful opportunity for society if young people can participate positively in all aspects of sustainable development. In order to do so, young people need education, political support, (...)
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  5. Roleplaying Game–Based Engineering Ethics Education: Lessons from the Art of Agency.Trystan S. Goetze - 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 American Society for Engineering Education St. Lawrence Section Annual Conference.
    How do we prepare engineering students to make ethical and responsible decisions in their professional work? This paper presents an approach that enhances engineering students’ engagement with ethical reasoning by simulating decision-making in a complex scenario. The approach has two principal inspirations. The first is Anthony Weston’s scenario-based teaching. Weston’s concept of a scenario is a situation that changes in response to choices made by participants, according to an inner logic. Scenarios can dynamically explore open-ended complex problems without (...)
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  6. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research (...)
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    The Ethical Environment of Russian Business.Elena Shklyarik - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (4):911-924.
    In 1995, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Society for Engineering Education receiveda grant from the National Science Foundation to undertake a project aimed both at assisting Russian philosophers in developingcurriculum on engineering ethics and learning how context affects the teaching of engineering ethics. The project began with threeRussian philosophers visiting the U.S. to observe how we teach engineering ethics. The American members of the project then (...)
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    Service-learning and engineering ethics.Michael S. Pritchard - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (3):413-422.
    This paper explores ways in which service-learning programs can enhance ethics education in engineering. Service-learning programs combine volunteer work and academic study. The National Society for Professional Engineers (NSPE) and American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE) codes of ethics explicitly encourage engineers to seek opportunities, beyond their work-related responsibilities, to serve their communities. Examples of how this can be encouraged as a part of the educational experiences of engineering students are explored. Calvin: How good (...)
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    The Opportunity Gap: Achievement and Inequality in Education.Carol DeShano da Silva, James Philip Huguley, Zenub Kakli & Radhika Rao (eds.) - 2007 - Harvard Educational Review.
    _The Opportunity Gap_ aims to shift attention from the current overwhelming emphasis on schools in discussions of the achievement gap to more fundamental questions about social and educational opportunity. The achievement gap looms large in the current era of high-stakes testing and accountability. Yet questions persist: Has the accountability movement—and attendant discussions on the achievement gap—focused attention on the true sources of educational failure in American schools? Do we need to look beyond classrooms and schools for credible accounts of (...)
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    (1 other version)The Ohio Hegelians (review).Denys Philip Leighton - 2006 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (3):445-450.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Ohio HegeliansDenys P. LeightonSelected and introduced by James A. Good. The Ohio Hegelians. Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Continuum, 2005. Volume I: Peter Kaufmann, The Temple of Truth (1858). Volume II: Moncure D. Conway, The Earthward Pilgrimage (1870). Volume III: J. B. Stallo, The Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics (2nd ed., 1884).This collection of facsimile reprints prepared by James A. Good is one of the newest contributions to (...)
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  11.  96
    Teaching ethics in engineering education through historical analysis.David P. Billington - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):205-222.
    The goal of this paper is to stress the significance of ethics for engineering education and to illustrate how it can be brought into the mainstream of higher education in a natural way that is integrated with the teaching objectives of enriching the core meaning of engineering. Everyone will agree that the practicing engineer should be virtuous, should be a good colleague, and should use professional understanding for the common good. But these injunctions to virtue do (...)
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  12.  25
    Dialogue on Sustainable Development as Part of Engineering Education: The Relevance of the Finnish Case: Commentary on “A National Collaboration Process: Finnish Engineering Education for the Benefit of People and Environment”.Robert Geerts - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1571-1576.
    Society invests in the education of engineers because it is expected that the works of engineers will bring good results for society. Because the work of engineers is not value free or neutral, it is important that engineers are educated in the important principles of the social sciences and humanities. This education is essential for the awareness and understanding of what is good for society. Therefore the concept of sustainable development should be part of an (...)
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  13.  14
    Flexible Engineers: History, Challenges, and Opportunities for Engineering Education.Juan C. Lucena - 2003 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 23 (6):419-435.
    Flexibility is a desired characteristic that people must have to adjust to inevitable processes of economic, cultural, and political globalization. Engineering education reform is often used as a justification for changes in curricula, delivery modes, and problem solving that should lead to curriculum integration, modular pedagogies, and systemic reform. Some educators have incorporated the concept in their programs and courses in a variety of ways whereas others have resisted changes to this day. Yet a detailed analysis of the (...)
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  14.  19
    A Philosophy of the Art School.Michael Newall - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    *Winner of the American Society for Aesthetics 2019 Outstanding Monograph Prize* Until now, research on art schools has been largely occupied with the facts of particular schools and teachers. This book presents a philosophical account of the underlying practices and ideas that have come to shape contemporary art school teaching in the UK, US and Europe. It analyses two models that, hidden beneath the diversity of contemporary artist training, have come to dominate art schools. The first of these (...)
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  15.  40
    Introduction of Interdisciplinary Teaching: Two Case Studies: Commentary on “Teaching Science, Technology, and Society to Engineering Students: A Sixteen Year Journey”.Hartwig Spitzer - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1451-1454.
    Interdisciplinary courses on science, engineering and society have been successfully established in two cases, at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, and at the University of Hamburg, Germany. In both cases there were institutional and perceptual barriers that had to be overcome in the primarily disciplinary departments. The ingredients of success included a clear vision of interdisciplinary themes and didactics, and the exploitation of institutional opportunities. Haldun M. Ozaktas in Ankara used the dynamics of an accreditation process to establish courses (...)
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  16.  44
    (1 other version)On being a scientist.Kenneth D. Pimple, Philip J. Whitney, Diane Hoffman-Kim & Linda B. McGown - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (3):309-314.
    Editors’ Note:As a matter of policy, the editors believe that publishing several reviews of selected texts is a valuable exercise which will enable a cross-section of views to be aired. The recently published second edition of the National Academy of Sciences’ report “On Being a Scientist” was considered an appropriate text for such treatment. The reviewer, Kenneth D. Pimple, Ph.D., is a Research Associate at the Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions and a Visiting Lecturer (...)
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  17. Philosophies of Language in the Fictions of Jorge Luis Borges. [REVIEW]Philip Seargeant - 2009 - Philosophy and Literature 33 (2):386-401.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophies of Language in the Fictions of Jorge Luis BorgesPhilip SeargeantIIn his book The Language-Makers, Roy Harris writes that "a concept of language cannot stand isolated in an intellectual no-man's-land. It is inevitably part of some more intricate complex of views about how certain verbal activities stand in relation to other human activities, and hence, ultimately, about man's place in society and nature."1 It is one of the (...)
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  18.  8
    Democracy in a Technological Society.Langdon Winner - 1992 - Springer Verlag.
    What is the relationship between democracy and technology? And what should that relationship be? This book explores these questions, drawing upon a wide range of philosophical, historical and sociological points of view. In stark contrast to technology's promise as a wellspring of equality, freedom and self-government, its development now poses a host of problems for political society: an alarming concentration of power over global production, a widening gap between rich and poor, multiple environmental crises, trivialization of politics in the (...)
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  19. Philosophy for Children, Values Education and the Inquiring Society.Philip Cam - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (11):1203-1211.
    How can school education best bring about moral improvement? Socrates believed that the unexamined life was not worth living and that the philosophical examination of life required a collaborative inquiry. Today, our society relegates responsibility for values to the personal sphere rather than the social one. I will argue that, overall, we need to give more emphasis to collaboration and inquiry rather than pitting students against each other and focusing too much attention on ‘teaching that’ instead of ‘teaching (...)
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  20.  1
    Mentoring for Neuroscience and Society Careers: Lessons Learned from the Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society.Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society, Craig W. McFarland, Makenna E. Law, Ivan E. Ramirez, Emily Rodriguez, Ithika S. Senthilnathan, Adam P. Steiner, Kelisha M. Williams & Francis X. Shen - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience.
    With the growth of neuroscience research, new neuroscience and society (NeuroX) fields like neuroethics, neurolaw, neuroarchitecture, neuroeconomics, and many more have emerged. In this article we report on lessons learned about mentoring students in the interdisciplinary space of neuroscience and society. We draw on our experiences with the recently launched Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society. This resource supports educators and practitioners mentoring students aiming to apply neuroscience in diverse fields beyond medicine and biomedical science. (...)
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  21.  79
    Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Second Generation Interactive Simulator for Engineering Ethics Education (SEEE2).Michael Alfred & Christopher A. Chung - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (4):689-697.
    This paper describes a second generation Simulator for Engineering Ethics Education. Details describing the first generation activities of this overall effort are published in Chung and Alfred (Sci Eng Ethics 15:189–199, 2009). The second generation research effort represents a major development in the interactive simulator educational approach. As with the first generation effort, the simulator places students in first person perspective scenarios involving different types of ethical situations. Students must still gather data, assess the situation, and make decisions. (...)
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  22. Health Care Ethics Consultation: An Update on Core Competencies and Emerging Standards from the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities’ Core Competencies Update Task Force.Anita J. Tarzian & Asbh Core Competencies Update Task Force 1 - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (2):3-13.
    Ethics consultation has become an integral part of the fabric of U.S. health care delivery. This article summarizes the second edition of the Core Competencies for Health Care Ethics Consultation report of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities. The core knowledge and skills competencies identified in the first edition of Core Competencies have been adopted by various ethics consultation services and education programs, providing evidence of their endorsement as health care ethics consultation (HCEC) standards. This revised (...)
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  23.  72
    Teaching Science, Technology, and Society to Engineering Students: A Sixteen Year Journey.Haldun M. Ozaktas - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1439-1450.
    The course Science, Technology, and Society is taken by about 500 engineering students each year at Bilkent University, Ankara. Aiming to complement the highly technical engineering programs, it deals with the ethical, social, cultural, political, economic, legal, environment and sustainability, health and safety, reliability dimensions of science, technology, and engineering in a multidisciplinary fashion. The teaching philosophy and experiences of the instructor are reviewed. Community research projects have been an important feature of the course. Analysis of (...)
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  24.  14
    Ethics, Technology, and the Future: An Intergenerational Experience in Engineering Education.Rosalyn W. Berne - 2003 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 23 (2):88-94.
    How do engineering educators adequately and richly introduce to young engineers the perplexing ethical issues associated with the development of new technologies? Robotics, nanotechnology, cloning, cyberintelligence, and genetic engineering, for example, each hold the potential to radically alter the fundamental nature of human life. Senior citizens in our society have a lifetime of experience adopting new technologies into their lives. Through an intergenerational dialogue, undergraduate engineers can come to appreciate and understand what technological change can really mean, (...)
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    The importance of meta-ethics in engineering education.David R. Haws - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):204-210.
    Our shared moral framework is negotiated as part of the social contract. Some elements of that framework are established (tell the truth under oath), but other elements lack an overlapping consensus (just when can an individual lie to protect his or her privacy?). The tidy bits of our accepted moral framework have been codified, becoming the subject of legal rather than ethical consideration. Those elements remaining in the realm of ethics seem fragmented and inconsistent. Yet, our engineering students will (...)
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  26.  9
    New social foundations for education: education in 'post secular' society.Philip Wexler & Yotam Hotam (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This volume is dedicated to the drawing of the implications of the contemporary 'post-secular' social transformation for education. Contributions discuss such topics as the mystical tradition and its social and pedagogic implications; transformative and ecological education; and the relations between secular and religious education in different local contexts.
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    Book Notes. [REVIEW]Herbert Wallace Schneider, Richard H. Popkin, Philip Merlan & Hans Dieter Betz - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (2):303-305.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 303 philosophical, artistic) forms as a vivid protest "from within." If, on the contemporary scene, religion wants to actualize itself and the Church "to answer the question implied in man's very existence" (p. 49), then theology has to use the material of an "existential analysis" of the various cultural realms, confronting this material "with the answer implied in the Christian message" (p. 49). Part II gives so (...)
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  28.  56
    Amy Sue Bix. Girls Coming to Tech! A History of American Engineering Education for Women. xii + 360 pp., illus., bibl., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2013. $34. [REVIEW]Amy E. Foster - 2015 - Isis 106 (1):207-208.
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    A Systematic Approach to Engineering Ethics Education.Jessica Li & Shengli Fu - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):339-349.
    Engineering ethics education is a complex field characterized by dynamic topics and diverse students, which results in significant challenges for engineering ethics educators. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a systematic approach to determine what to teach and how to teach in an ethics curriculum. This is a topic that has not been adequately addressed in the engineering ethics literature. This systematic approach provides a method to: (1) develop a context-specific engineering ethics curriculum (...)
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  30.  14
    The History of Education in Europe.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    There is a common tradition in European education going back to the Middle Ages which long played a part in providing the curriculum of schools which catered both for the wealthy and for able sons of less well-to-do families. Originally published in 1974, this volume examines the relationship between education and society in the different countries of Europe from which differences in tradition and practice emerge. The countries discussed include: France, Germany, the former Soviet Union, Poland and (...)
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    Current Anthropological Paradigm and “Anthropological Turning” of Engineering Education.Dmitry Kuznetsov & Gennady Popov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 37:151-160.
    By the end of the 20th century educational issues had become of global character due to the fact, that it is education that makes the basis for the social dimensions of the 21st century. The importance of educational issues can be explained by the post-industrial society being oriented at rising the significance of information and knowledge as being the main resources for the society development, at the priority of intellectual activities, resulting in changing the roleand place of (...)
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  32.  12
    Designing a Philosophy Curriculum for Primary Education.Philip Cam - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 43:15-20.
    Over forty years ago, the American philosopher and educationalist began work on what was to become a series of philosophical novels for children. As time went on, he also constructed accompanying teacher resources together with colleagues. The most popular of these works were designed for primary education and constitute what came to be known as the IAPC Curriculum for the younger years. The influence of Lipman has been immense. He taught us that philosophy is not beyond the reach (...)
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  33.  13
    Local Studies and the History of Education.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1972, this book is concerned with education as part of a larger social history. Chapters include: The roots of Anglican supremacy in English education The Board schools of London The use of ecclesiastical records for the history of education Topographical resources: private and secondary education from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.
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    Ethical problems in engineering.Philip Langdon Alger, N. A. Christensen, Sterling P. Olmsted, Barrington S. Havens & John A. Miller (eds.) - 1965 - New York,: J. Wiley.
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    Comparison of China-US Engineering Ethics Educations in Sino-Western Philosophies of Technology.Gui Hong Cao - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1609-1635.
    Ethics education has become essential in modern engineering. Ethics education in engineering has been increasingly implemented worldwide. It can improve ethical behaviors in technology and engineering design under the guidance of the philosophy of technology. Hence, this study aims to compare China-US engineering ethics education in Sino-Western philosophies of technology by using literature studies, online surveys, observational researches, textual analyses, and comparative methods. In my original theoretical framework and model of input and output (...)
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  36.  17
    Can nursing educators learn to trust the world’s most trusted profession?Philip Darbyshire & David R. Thompson - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (2):e12412.
    Nursing and nursing education face a paradox whereby the world's most trusted profession seems not to trust its own students and practitioners. Much of nursing education has adopted what has been memorably described as the ‘cop shit’ approach. This is the panoply of surveillance, anti‐plagiarism and proctoring technologies that appear to be used more for policing and punishment of an inherently dishonest student body than to develop ethical and scholarly writing among future peers and colleagues. Nurses in practice (...)
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  37.  22
    What is Education?Philip W. Jackson - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    One day in 1938, John Dewey addressed a room of professional educators and urged them to take up the task of “finding out just what education is.” Reading this lecture in the late 1940s, Philip W. Jackson took Dewey’s charge to heart and spent the next sixty years contemplating his words. The stimulating result of a lifetime of thinking about educating,_ What Is Education?_ is a profound philosophical exploration of how we transmit knowledge in human society (...)
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  38. The purposes of engineering ethics education.Qin Zhu, Lavinia Marin, Aline Medeiros Ramos & Satya Sundar Sethy - 2025 - In Shannon Chance, Tom Børsen, Diana Adela Martin, Roland Tormey, Thomas Taro Lennerfors & Gunter Bombaerts, The Routledge international handbook of engineering ethics education. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 27-43.
    Defining the purposes of engineering ethics education (EEE) is paramount for the engineering education community, and understanding the purposes of EEE can be a catalyst for actively involving students in the learning process. This chapter presents a conceptual framework for systematically describing and comparing various approaches to the purposes of EEE. Such a framework is inherently embedded with a tension between a normative approach and a pragmatic approach regarding the purposes of EEE. The normative approach focuses (...)
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    The misrepresentation of religion in modern british (religious) education.Philip Barnes - 2006 - British Journal of Educational Studies 54 (4):395-411.
    The purpose of this paper is to articulate a new perspective on British multi-faith religious education that both complements and, in part, subsumes existing critiques. My argument, while controversial, is straightforward: it is that British religious education has misrepresented the nature of religion in efforts to commend itself as contributing to the social aims of education, as these are typically framed in liberal democratic societies. Contemporary multi-faith religious education is placed in context and its underlying theological (...)
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    The centrality of education.Philip Kitcher - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (2):373-386.
    This article is intended as a precis of The Main Enterprise of the World and hopes to orient those who have not read it to the symposium discussion that follows. It outlines my own version of a radical rethinking of education. Instead of holding that educational systems should be shaped so as to satisfy socio-economic constraints, interpreted narrowly in recent decades to emphasize the preparation of the young to compete in the global economy, it proposes to view education (...)
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    Fact, Value and Philosophy Education.Philip Cam - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 1 (1):58-67.
    In Fact, value and philosophy education I tried to show how philosophy can help to overcome the fact-value divide that continues to plague education. In attempting this, I applied John Dewey’s suggestion that philosophy may help to integrate beliefs about matters of fact with values in society at large, to the curricular division between subjects that deal with knowledge of matters of fact and those that are largely devoted to subjective understanding and personal expression. The paper centres (...)
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    An approach for harmonizing engineering and science education with humaneness.Krishnasamy T. Selvan - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (3):573-577.
    The world is facing an apparently increasing dose of violence. Obviously, there cannot be a simple solution to this complex problem. But at the same time it may be appreciated that, in the interests of humanity, a solution must be pursued in every possible way by everyone. This article is concerned with what one could possibly do at the academic level. Since lack of openness of thought appears to be a fundamental contributor to this unfortunate problem, attempting to cultivate this (...)
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    Education and the Professions.History of Education Society - 1973 - Routledge.
    Part of the educational system in England has been geared towards the preparation of particular professions, while the identity and status of members of some professions have depended significantly on the general education they have received. Originally published in 1973, this volume explores the interaction between education and the professions. It also looks at the education of the main professions in sixteenth century England and at how twentieth century university teaching is a key profession for the training (...)
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  44. Engineering ethics education through a critical view.Cristiano Cordeiro Cruz, Aline Medeiros Ramos & Jie Gao - 2025 - In Shannon Chance, Tom Børsen, Diana Adela Martin, Roland Tormey, Thomas Taro Lennerfors & Gunter Bombaerts, The Routledge international handbook of engineering ethics education. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 149-164.
    This chapter delves into the intricate relationships among engineering, technology, ethics, and morality, highlighting their interconnected nature as they shape and are shaped by individual and collective human existence. Exploring the profound philosophical and religious underpinnings that underlie ethical and moral contemplation, the chapter also introduces seven distinct ethical systems, emphasizing three non-Western paradigms: South American Buen Vivir, African Ubuntu, and Asian Confucianism. These ethical systems are examined in the context of their implications for technology and engineering. (...)
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    Adolescent Psychiatry, V. 22: Annals of the American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry.Aaron H. Esman (ed.) - 1998 - Routledge.
    Launched in 1971, _Adolescent Psychiatry,_ in the words of founding coeditors Sherman C. Feinstein, Peter L. Giovacchinni, and Arthur A. Miller, promised "to explore adolescence as a process... to enter challenging and exciting areas that may have profound effects on our basic concepts." Further, they promised "a series that will provide a forum for the expression of ideas and problems that plague and excite so many of us working in this enigmatic but fascinating field." For over two decades, Adolescent Psychiatry (...)
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  46. The discourse of American civil society: a new proposal for cultural studies.Jeffrey C. Alexander & Philip Smith - 1993 - Theory and Society 22 (2):151-207.
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    Educating Engineers for the Public Good Through International Internships: Evidence from a Case Study at Universitat Politècnica de València.Alejandra Boni, José Javier Sastre & Carola Calabuig - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (6):1799-1815.
    At Universitat Politècnica de València, Meridies, an internship programme that places engineering students in countries of Latin America, is one of the few opportunities the students have to explore the implications of being a professional in society in a different cultural and social context. This programme was analyzed using the capabilities approach as a frame of reference for examining the effects of the programme on eight student participants. The eight pro-public-good capabilities proposed by Melanie Walker were investigated through (...)
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    John Dewey: prophet of an educated democracy.Philip B. Moore - 2024 - New York, NY: Routeldge.
    This concise biography tells the story of John Dewey, a pioneer of pragmatism and the first original school of philosophy created in America. The school was born out of a specific historical context, in the wake of a country at war with itself, and in response to the rapid changes of industrialization. Dewey's pragmatism celebrated human intelligence and agency and the promise that tomorrow could be better than today. For Dewey, pragmatism was the philosophy of democracy. Dewey lived from just (...)
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  49. Transforming healthcare education: applied lessons leading to deeper moral reflection.Philip C. Scibilia & Dominic P. Scibilia (eds.) - 2020 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book sets the scene for the deliberations on ethics and its application to healthcare in the twenty-first century. The word ethics, in classical Greek, means the "beliefs of the people" the study of what is right and good in human conduct and the justification of such claims. Without a doubt this task is not simply about setting up a list of rights and wrongs. Rather, it is a discussion, a process that helps tease out the real issues and find (...)
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  50. On the Third Domain - The Arts in American Society: Some Implications for Aesthetic Education.Harry S. Broudy - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 3 (1):5.
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