Results for 'Philosophy of Man'

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  1.  24
    Philosophy Without Man.Moorhouse F. X. Millar - 1931 - Modern Schoolman 8 (4):63-64.
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    (1 other version)Relationscapes: Movement, Art, Philosophy.Erin Manning - 2009 - MIT Press.
    Prelude -- What moves as a body returns as a movement of thought -- Introduction: Events of relation : concepts in the making -- Incipient action : the dance of the not-yet -- The elasticity of the almost -- A mover's guide to standing still -- Taking the next step -- Dancing the technogenetic body -- Perceptions in folding -- Grace taking form : Marey's movement machines -- Animation's dance -- From biopolitics to the biogram, or, how Leni Riefenstahl moves (...)
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    Bodies in China: Philosophy, Aesthetics, Gender, and Politics.Eva Kit Wah Man - 2017 - SUNY Press.
    Bodies in China uses Chinese philosophy to reframe Western scholarship on gender, body, and aesthetics. Does Confucianism rule out the capacity of women as moral subjects and hence as aesthetic subjects? Do forms of Chinese philosophy contribute or correspond to patriarchal Confucian culture? Can Chinese philosophy provide alternative perspectives for Western feminist scholars? The first section considers theoretical and philosophical discussions of Western traditions and how the ideas offered by Confucians and Daoists can provide alternative body ontologies (...)
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    Lectures on ancient philosophy.Manly P. Hall - 1929 - Los Angeles,: Hall.
    Complete in itself, this volume originated as a commentary and expansion of Manly P. Hall's masterpiece of symbolic philosophy, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. In Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, Manly P. Hall expands on the philosophical, metaphysical, and cosmological themes introduced in his classic work, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Hall wrote this volume as a reader's companion to his earlier work, intending it for those wishing to delve more deeply into the esoteric philosophies and ideas (...)
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    Matter and form in early modern science and philosophy.Gideon Manning (ed.) - 2012 - Boston: Brill.
    Bringing together an international team of historians of science and philosophy to discuss the fate of matter and form, this volume shows how disputes about matter and form spurred innovation as well as conservatism in early modern science ...
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  6. Śrīvētānta Tēcikarum Śrīmaṇavāḷa Māmun̲ikaḷum: vāl̲kkai varalār̲u.Kāl̲iyūr Cēṣātri Maṇavāḷan̲ - 1984 - Cen̲n̲ai: Kiṭaikkumiṭam Cukantā Veḷiyīṭukaḷ.
    Lives and work of Veṅkaṭanātha (Vedantadesika), 1268-1369, and Maṇavāḷa Māmun̲i, 1370-1444, Vaishnavite leaders and exponents of the Viśiṣṭādvaita school in Hindu philosophy from Tamil Nadu.
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    Tattvatrayavyākhyānam: Maṇavāḷamāmuni's commentary on Piḷḷai Lokācārya's Tattvatrayam.Maṇavala Mamuni - 1995 - Madras: T.R. Publications for Satya Nilyam Publications.
    English translation of the commentary on Tattvatrayam of Piḷḷai Lokācāryar, treatise on Viśiṣṭādvaita philosophy.
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    Semiotic Ethnographic Research.Peter K. Manning - 1991 - American Journal of Semiotics 8 (1-2):27-45.
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    The Minor Gesture.Erin Manning - 2016 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In this wide-ranging and probing book Erin Manning extends her previous inquiries into the politics of movement to the concept of the minor gesture. The minor gesture, although it may pass almost unperceived, transforms the field of relations. More than a chance variation, less than a volition, it requires rethinking common assumptions about human agency and political action. To embrace the minor gesture's power to fashion relations, its capacity to open new modes of experience and manners of expression, is to (...)
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    Dickens on education.John Manning - 1959 - [Toronto],: University of Toronto Press.
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    Due Process and Individual Rights in Court Decisions on Property and Liberty.R. Kenneth Manning - 1979 - Selected Papers From the Annual Meeting: American Society of Christian Ethics 5:117-144.
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    Spinoza's physical theory.Richard Manning - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  13.  16
    Always More Than One: Individuation’s Dance.Erin Manning - 2013 - Duke University Press.
    In _Always More Than One_, the philosopher, visual artist, and dancer Erin Manning explores the concept of the "more than human" in the context of movement, perception, and experience. Working from Whitehead's process philosophy and Simondon's theory of individuation, she extends the concepts of movement and relation developed in her earlier work toward the notion of "choreographic thinking." Here, she uses choreographic thinking to explore a mode of perception prior to the settling of experience into established categories. Manning connects (...)
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    Author's Response to'Book Review: Equality, Dignity, and Same-Sex Marriage: A Rights Disagreement in Democratic Societies'.Man Yee Karen Lee - 2011 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 36:196-200.
  15.  14
    Agonistic Progressivism: Best-Self Progressivism in a New Guise?Rita Manning - 2008 - Philosophy of Education 64:166-168.
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    Caring Cryonics?Rita C. Manning - 2002 - In Charles Tandy & Scott R. Stroud, The philosophy of Robert Ettinger. Parkland, Fla.: Universal Publishers. pp. 97.
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    Lawrence Sklar, theory and truth: philosophical critique within foundational science.Richard N. Manning - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 33 (3):583-587.
  18.  51
    Persons and their lives. Reformational philosophy on man, ethics, and beyond.Gerrit Glas - 2006 - Philosophia Reformata 71 (1):31-57.
    My view on what I see as the predicament of Christian philosophy in ethics has been shaped by a number of experiences. I will first share with you some of these experiences, to give you an impression of the background against which this article has been written.
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    God with Us. Three Meditations. [REVIEW]Clarence A. Manning - 1947 - Journal of Philosophy 44 (11):308-308.
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    Journey in truth.Manly P. Hall - 1945 - Los Angeles, Calif.: Philosophical Research Society.
    A clear and concise survey of constructive philosophy. The great thinkers of the classical world emerge as real persona to be loved, admired and understood. Covering the period from Orpheus to St. Augustine, this volume includes the teachings of Pythagoras, Plato, Socrates, Diogenes, Aristotle, Ammonius Saccus, Plotinus, and Proclus. The pattern of the Philosophic Empire is revealed to inspire us to the building of a better world for all humanity. A companion to Pathways of Philosophy.
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    Descartes and the Bologna affair.Gideon Manning - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Science 47 (1):1-13.
    Descartes is well known as a mathematician and natural philosopher. However, none of Descartes's biographers has described the invitation he received in 1633 to fill a chair in theoretical medicine at the University of Bologna, or the fact that he was already sufficiently known and respected for his medical knowledge that the invitation came four years before his first publication. In this note I authenticate and contextualize this event, which I refer to as the ‘Bologna affair’. I transcribe the letter (...)
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    Matter, man, and spirit: their relation to science and philosophy.William Allen - 1903 - Nashvill, Tenn. ; Dallas, Tex.: Publishing house of the M. E. churc, South, Smith & Lamar, agents.
    Excerpt from Matter, Man, and Spirit: Their Relation to Science and Philosophy The introductory chapter may be read or omitted. The author would advise the reading of the other chapters first. When they are read, if the reader is not satisfied with certain grounds assumed, then he may read the introduction with probable profit. The author regards this little volume, taken as a whole, as more suggestive than demonstrative. It is a pioneer service in the scope and territory of (...)
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  23.  39
    Russian Dissenters. [REVIEW]Clarence Augustus Manning - 1922 - Journal of Philosophy 19 (10):270-274.
  24. Representation and the Mind-Body Problem in Spinoza.Richard N. Manning - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (4):603.
    In this book, Della Rocca traces out the conceptual links between key concepts and principles of Spinoza's system bearing on representation and the mind-body problem. In the course of doing so, he presents and defends a number of new, interesting theses about Spinoza's thought on these matters. The arguments are presented with impressive clarity and in great detail. All in all, the book is a significant contribution to the literature on Spinoza's metaphysics and epistemology, and should be read by anyone (...)
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  25.  29
    Changes in View.Richard Manning - 2013 - ProtoSociology 30:124-151.
    In this paper, I assume that a satisfactory account of our thinking requires a conception of perceptual experience on which it provides reasons for judgment, and also that the Myth of the Given—the myth of episodes whose contents can provide reasons without the involve­ment of concepts—must be avoided. From these assumptions it follows that the content of perceptual experience must be conceived as concept-involving. The question I address is whether, given that it involves concepts, the content of perceptual experience is (...)
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    Einige Anmerkungen zur Theorie der Argumentation.Dieter Mans - 1993 - ProtoSociology 4:111-127.
    Most texts on argumentation theory stress the importance of formal logic for the study of arguments. This paper raises some doubts about the usefulness of logic for the study of argumentation. In fact\ the basic analogy between logical proofs ana arguments in natural language does not seem to hold. There seems to be a basic circularity in everday arguments which cannot be reconstructed by the standard logical tools. Therefore we habe to look for some non-logical forms of representation. Some hints (...)
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  27.  8
    If it sounds good, it is good: seeking subversion, transcendence, and solace in America's music.Richard Manning - 2020 - Oakland, CA: PM Press. Edited by Rick Bass.
    Music is fundamental to human existence, a cultural universal among all humans for all times. It is embedded in our evolution, encoded in our DNA, which is to say, essential to our survival. Academics in a variety of disciplines have considered this idea to devise explanations that Richard Manning, a lifelong journalist, finds hollow, arcane, incomplete, ivory-towered, and just plain wrong. He approaches the question from a wholly different angle, using his own guitar and banjo as instruments of discovery. In (...)
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  28.  87
    Air pollution: Group and individual obligations.Rita C. Manning - 1984 - Environmental Ethics 6 (3):211-225.
    The individual motorist often defends his unwillingness to change his driving habits in the face of air pollution by pointing out that a change in his actions would be insignificant. The environmentalist responds by asking what would happen if everyone did change. In this paper I defend the environmentalist’s response. I argue that we can appeal to the following principle to defend both group and individual obligations to clean up air: if the consequences of everyone doing aare undesirable, then each (...)
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    Contemporary Philosophical Aesthetics in China: The Relation between Subject and Object.Eva Kit-wah Man - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (3):164-173.
    This article presents a historical account and philosophical analysis of the development of philosophical aesthetics in China in its Marxist regime, focusing on the relation between subject and object. It enters into the picture of the search for new philosophical aesthetics in Marxist China and engages the related debates and reforms. The representing four schools of aesthetics in the early decades of the new China are introduced, which were led by Gao Ertai, Cai Yi, Zhu Guangqin and Li Zehou. Each (...)
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  30.  48
    All Facts Great and Small.Richard N. Manning - 1998 - ProtoSociology 11:18-40.
    I examine the arguments Donald Davidson has offered through the years concerning the ontological bona fides of facts. In “Truth and Meaning”, Davidson uses the so-called “slingshot” argument to the effect that if true sentences refer, then they are all coreferential. Through a detailed examination of the assumptions underlying this argument, I show that, while it is effective as part of a reductio of bottom-up, reference based semantics, it has no tendency to establish the truth of its negative conclusion concerning (...)
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  31. Can religious experience provide justification for the belief in God? The debate in contemporary analytic philosophy.Kai-man Kwan - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (6):640–661.
    In recent analytic philosophy of religion, one hotly debated topic is the veridicality of religious experience. In this paper, I briefly trace how the argument from religious experience comes into prominence in the twentieth century. This is due to the able defense of this argument by Richard Swinburne, William Alston, and Jerome Gellman among others. I explain the argument's intuitive force and why the stock objections to religious experience are not entirely convincing. I expound Swinburne's approach and his application (...)
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    Naturalism and Un‐Naturalism Among the Cartesian Physicians1.Gideon Manning - 2008 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 51 (5):441 – 463.
    Highlighting early modern medicine's program of explanation and intervention, I claim that there are two distinctive features of the physician's naturalism. These are, first, an explicit recognition that each patient had her own individual and highly particularized nature and, second, a self-conscious use of normative descriptions when characterizing a patient's nature as healthy (ordered) or unhealthy (disordered). I go on to maintain that in spite of the well documented Cartesian rejection of Aristotelian natures in favor of laws of nature, Descartes (...)
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    Sanjish-i sunnat: arzyābī-i maktab-i sunnatʹgarāyī bar pāyah-i andīshah-i Sayyid Ḥusayn Naṣr.Manṣūr Mahdavī - 2012 - Qum: Nashr-i Ishrāq-i Ḥikmat.
    Philosophy and evaluation of traditions based on the ideas of traditionalist and philosopher Seyyed Hossein Nasr, 1933-.
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    Jadal al-dīn al-Islāmī wa-al-ʻumrān al-Maghribī.al-Mabrūk Manṣūrī - 2010 - Bayrūt: al-Dār al-Mutawassiṭīyah lil-Nashr.
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    (2 other versions)Irrational man: a study in existential philosophy.William Barrett - 1964 - London: Mercury Books.
    Widely recognized as the finest definition of existentialist philosophy ever written, this book introduced existentialism to America in 1958. Barrett speaks eloquently and directly to concerns of the 1990s: a period when the irrational and the absurd are no better integrated than before and when humankind is in even greater danger of destroying its existence without ever understanding the meaning of its existence. Irrational Man begins by discussing the roots of existentialism in the art and thinking of Augustine, Aquinas, (...)
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  36. Biological function, selection, and reduction.Richard N. Manning - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (1):69-82.
    It is widely assumed that selection history accounts of function can support a fully reductive naturalization of functional properties. I argue that this assumption is false. A problem with the alternative causal role account of function in this context is that it invokes the teleological notion of a goal in analysing real function. The selection history account, if it is to have reductive status, must not do the same. But attention to certain cases of selection history in biology, specifically those (...)
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    A Comment on ‘Cosmology and Convention’ by David Merritt.Man Ho Chan - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 50 (2):283-296.
    In a recent article Merritt has claimed that current observational data provide “severe tests” falsifying the standard cosmological model. Based on Popper’s idea of conventionalism, he concludes that the introduction of some essential components of the standard cosmological model—including dark matter and dark energy—are a consequence of conventionalist stratagems. In this article, I provide more recent discoveries and discussions showing that the standard cosmological model is not built on any conventionalist stratagem.
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    A new anatomy: Domenico Bertoloni-Meli: Mechanism, experiment, disease: Marcello Malpighi and seventeenth-century anatomy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011, 456pp, $45 PB.Gideon Manning & Cynthia Klestinec - 2014 - Metascience 24 (1):65-69.
    Howard Adelmann’s majestic five volume Marcello Malpighi and the Evolution of Embryology was published nearly 50 years ago. A mix of paraphrase and translation, as well as extended commentary, Adelmann described Malpighi as “one of the cardinal figures in the history of biology. As we look back over the three centuries that separate him from us, he may, for all his towering stature, at first glance seem a distant figure. And yet he and his work are not so remote after (...)
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  39.  26
    Cross-Cultural Reflections on Chinese Aesthetics, Gender, Embodiment and Learning.Eva Kit Wah Man - 2020 - Springer.
    ​This book gathers research and writings that reflect on traditional and current global issues related to art and aesthetics, gender perspectives, body theories, knowledge and learning. It illustrates these core dimensions, which are bringing together philosophy, tradition and cultural studies and laying the groundwork for comparative research and dialogues between aesthetics, Chinese philosophies, Western feminist studies and cross-cultural thought. Pursuing an interdisciplinary approach, the book also integrates philosophical enquiries with cultural anthropology and contextual studies. As implied in the title, (...)
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    The Ontology Wars.Francesca Manning - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (1):201-220.
    Pierre Macherey’sHegel or Spinoza?suggests that Hegel was driven to his now legendary misinterpretations of Spinoza because he could not accept Spinozism without compromising his own philosophy. Macherey shows us a Spinoza that pre-emptively resists and challenges Hegel’s understanding of Spirit as Subject realising itself through self-negation and contradiction. This review draws out the central arguments in the book, and those arguments most salient for contemporary theories of capitalism and revolution, and points towards possible implications for Marxist theory.
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  41. Bhāratīya darśana meṃ parivartana kā svarūpa: viśeshataḥ Bauddhadarśana ke sandarbha meṃ. Mañju - 1985 - Dillī, Bhārata: Īsṭarna Buka Liṅkarsa.
    Concept of change in Indic philosophy, with reference to Buddhism.
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    Chinese animation and its evolution and cultural background.Shengchong Man - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e0240051.
    Resumo: A filosofia é um sistema que analisa as crenças, os conceitos mais básicos e a calma de temperamento e julgamento próprios de um filósofo. Os filmes de animação chineses fizeram grandes incursões nos mercados mundiais, nos últimos anos, apesar do fato de o setor de animação da China ser apenas um adolescente em comparação com o seu homólogo de décadas, na filosofia japonesa. Embora alguns estúdios de animação criem conteúdos especificamente para o público internacional, a indústria de animação chinesa (...)
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    Neoplatonic Demons and Angels.Andrei‑Tudor Man - 2019 - Chôra 17:311-314.
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    Descartes’s Metaphysical Biology.Gideon Manning - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (2):209-239.
    In the past decade, several Descartes scholars have gone on record claiming that, for biological purposes, Descartes likely accepts the practical scientific necessity of the existence of “physical natures,” even while his official substance-mode ontology and his characterization of matter in terms of extension do not license the existence of physical natures. In this article, I elaborate on the historical context of Descartes’s biology, the “practical scientific necessity” just mentioned, and argue, contrary to other interpretations, that Descartes does offer a (...)
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    Argumentation im Kontext.Dieter Mans - 1994 - ProtoSociology 6:189-217.
    Some principles of logic-oriented theories of argumentation are discussed. A sharp distinction is drawn between arguments in formal contexts and arguments in non formal contexts. It is argued, that the analysis of colloquial arguments cannot be based on the logic-oriented theories of argumentation. The outline of a more realistic theory of argumentation is given, by using defeasable inferences as a starting point. The model is applied to some everyday arguments.
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    Between Actor and Spectator: Arnout Geulincx and the Stoics.Ruben Buys & Buy Ambien Online Alive For A. Philosophy - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (5):741-761.
    The work of Arnout Geulincx (1624?1669), a Flemish Cartesian that developed a highly curious ?parallelistic? view on the universe, shows striking prima facie resemblances to Stoicism. Should we label Geulincx a reinventor of Stoic tenets, albeit within a strict Cartesian theoretical framework? To answer this question, my contribution begins by discussing relevant aspects of Stoicism and by introducing the ?existential? philosophy of Geulincx, whose metaphysical views on man brought him to adopt an ethics based upon absolute obedience and humility. (...)
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  47. Sind unternehmen moralisch veran1wortlich?Goodpaster French, Manning Matthews & Werhane Maring - 1991 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 2:33-48.
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  48. title: N 345. anicce pawae ruppe bhuyagassa taha maha-samudde ya ee khalu ahigara ajjhayanammi vimuttie a: a sloka pdda. Impermanence, a mountain, silver, a snake and the ocean—these one.Consider This Supreme, A. Wise Man, Should Give, Once Stop Killing & Acquiring Possessions - 1990 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 18:29.
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    Bhāratīẏa darśane ādhunika bijñāna.Praśānta Prāmaṇika - 2000 - Kalakātā: Paribeśaka, De Buka Sṭora.
    Articles on modern concepts of science and their relation to Indian philosophical ideas.
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    Vibhramavivekaḥ. Maṇḍanamiśra - 2019 - Vārāṇasī: Caukhambā Surabhāratī Prakāśana. Edited by Śailakumārī Miśra.
    Sanskrit text with commentaries on the theories of error in Mīmāṃsa school in Hindu philosophy by Maṇḍanamiśra, 7th century philosopher.
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