Results for 'Plan Fair'

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  1. Leonard M. Fleck.Care Rationing & Plan Fair - 1994 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 19 (4-6):435-443.
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    Improving Fairness in Coverage Decisions: Insights from the Harvard Community Health Plan's LORAN Commission Report.John J. Paris - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):103-104.
    As the only nation in the western world without a national health insurance program, the United States faces ongoing issues of access and fairness in health care coverage. The Clinton administration tried and failed to address the problem of universal coverage. Since then we have focused on the narrower, but nonetheless real, issues of fairness and equity in the benefits package provided in insurance plans. The LORAN Commission spent two years trying to devise agreed-upon principles to govern such issues. The (...)
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    Fair navigation planning: A resource for characterizing and designing fairness in mobile robots.Martim Brandão, Marina Jirotka, Helena Webb & Paul Luff - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 282 (C):103259.
  4.  46
    Consent and Fairness in Planning Land Use.A. John Simmons - 1987 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 6 (2):5-19.
  5.  44
    Improving Fairness in Coverage Decisions: Performance Expectations for Quality Improvement.Matthew K. Wynia, Deborah Cummins, David Fleming, Kari Karsjens, Amber Orr, James Sabin, Inger Saphire-Bernstein & Renee Witlen - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):87-100.
    Patients and physicians often perceive the current health care system to be unfair, in part because of the ways in which coverage decisions appear to be made. To address this problem the Ethical Force Program, a collaborative effort to create quality improvement tools for ethics in health care, has developed five content areas specifying ethical criteria for fair health care benefits design and administration. Each content area includes concrete recommendations and measurable expectations for performance improvement, which can be used (...)
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    Improving Fairness in Coverage Decisions: Appearance or Reality?Mary Ann Baily - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):110-112.
    It is good for people to understand their insurance coverage and the reasoning that has shaped it, to be able to contribute their two cents if they want to, and to know that their plan has at least attempted to make decisons that are consistent, fair and compassionate. It is also good for them to be told that attention to cost is ethically required. Nevertheless, while following the recommendations of Wynia et al (2004) might make benefits design and (...)
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  7. The Ethics of Disaster Planning: Preparation vs Response.Naomi Zack - 2009 - Philosophy of Management 8 (2):55-66.
    We are morally obligated to plan for disaster because it affects human life and well-being. Because contemporary disasters affect the public, such planning should be public in democracies and it should not violate the basic ethical principles of normal times. Current Avian Flu pandemic planning is restricted to a response model based on scarce resources, or inadequate preparation, which gives priority to some lives over others. Rather than this model of ‘Save the Greatest Number,’ the public would be more (...)
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  8. Procedural Fairness and the Resilience of Health Financing Reforms in Ukraine.Yuriy Dzhygyr, Elina Dale, Alex Voorhoeve, Unni Gopinathan & Kateryna Maynzyuk - 2023 - Health Policy and Planning 38 (1):i59-i72.
    In 2017, Ukraine’s Parliament passed legislation establishing a single health benefit package for the entire population called the Programme of Medical Guarantees,‎ financed through general taxes and administered by a single national purchasing agency. This legislation was in line with key principles for financing universal health coverage. However, health professionals and some policymakers have been critical of elements of the reform, including its reliance on general taxes as the source of funding. Using qualitative methods and drawing on deliberative democratic theory (...)
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    Fairness and accountability of AI in disaster risk management: Opportunities and challenges.Caroline Gevaert, Mary Carman, Benjamin Rosman, Yola Georgiadou & Robert Soden - 2021 - Patterns 11 (2).
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in disaster risk management applications to predict the effect of upcoming disasters, plan for mitigation strategies, and determine who needs how much aid after a disaster strikes. The media is filled with unintended ethical concerns of AI algorithms, such as image recognition algorithms not recognizing persons of color or racist algorithmic predictions of whether offenders will recidivate. We know such unintended ethical consequences must play a role in DRM as well, yet there (...)
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    Keynes and Friedman on Laissez-Faire and Planning: ‘Where to Draw the Line?’.Sylvie Rivot - 2013 - Routledge.
    The 2008 crisis has revived debates on the relevance of laissez-faire, and thus on the role of the State in a modern economy. This volume offers a new exploration of the writings of Keynes and Friedman on this topic, highlighting not only the clear points of opposition between them, but also the places in which their concerns where shared. This volume argues that the parallel currently made with the 1929 financial crisis and the way the latter turned into the Great (...)
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    Fair Competition for Business in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies in the Era of "Postcontemporary Society" Economy.Tetiana Mishustina, Alla Kravchenko, Oleksandr Poprotskyy, Tetiana Myhovych, Liudmyla Artemchuk & Oksana Vasylenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):321-333.
    This article examines the fairness of business competition in the field of information and communication technologies. In the era of "postcontemporary society" economy, the dominant factor of development is the use of information. The share of business in the field of information and communication technologies in the economy is constantly growing. For businesses, its integration into the Internet, which has become an important market for the sale and promotion of goods and services, is becoming increasingly important. Various digital innovations, social (...)
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    Ideology, planning and the market.Alec Nove - 1991 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 5 (4):559-572.
    In Alienation and the Soviet Economy, 2nd ed., Paul Craig Roberts attributes the excesses of war communism, the resistance to market?type reforms, and the retention until very recently of administered material allocation in the Soviet Union, to Marxist ideology, and in particular to Marx's views on the link between markets and ?alienation.? However, war communism was due in some part also to war emergency, and it was not only ideology but also the interests of the ruling stratum that delayed the (...)
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    Equitable Local Climate Action Planning: Sustainable & Affordable Housing.Andrew Pattison & Jason Kawall - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (1):17-20.
    Despite projected devastating impacts on human communities, the US still lacks comprehensive national policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This vacuum has provided the space for a surge of promising sustainability and climate action planning efforts at the state and local level. Meanwhile, according to the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s (2015) Out of Reach Report, ‘there is no state in the US where a minimum wage worker working full time can afford a one-bedroom apartment at the fair (...)
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    Conceptualizations of fairness and legitimacy in the context of Ethiopian health priority setting: Reflections on the applicability of accountability for reasonableness.Kadia Petricca & Asfaw Bekele - 2017 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (4):357-364.
    A critical element in building stronger health systems involves strengthening good governance to build capacity for transparent and fair health planning and priority setting. Over the past 20 years, the ethical framework Accountability for Reasonableness has been a prominent conceptual guide in strengthening fair and legitimate processes of health decision-making. While many of the principles embedded within the framework are congruent with Western conceptualizations of what constitutes procedural fairness, there is a paucity in the literature that captures the (...)
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    Faire barrage au virus et s’en arranger.Aude Béliard, Maina Le Helley, Noémie Rapegno, Livia Velpry & Pierre A. Vidal-Naquet - 2021 - Alter- European Journal of Disability Research 15-1 (15-1):99-106.
    Les mesures qui ont été prises pour répondre à la pandémie de COVID-19 ont fortement mis en avant les impératifs de sécurité individuelle et collective et de santé publique, faisant passer au second plan un certain nombre de principes et de droits qui guident aujourd’hui les politiques publiques. L’impératif d’autonomie et d’accessibilité qui structure les politiques sociales, mais aussi la participation et l’adhésion des usagers qui sont aujourd’hui promues, ont de ce fait été mis – provisoi...
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    A balanced concept of the firm and the measurement of its long-term planning and performance.Georges Enderle & Lee A. Tavis - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (11):1129-1144.
    This paper offers a new concept of the firm that aims at balancing the corporate economic, social, and environmental responsibilities and goes beyond the stakeholder approach. It intends to provide a conceptual and operationalizable basis to fairly assess corporate conduct from both inside and outside the companies. To a large extent these different responsibilities may overlap and reinforce each other. However, if they conflict, they should be clearly evaluated for their own sake and in terms of wealth creation. Only then (...)
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    The impact of family planning supply factors on unmet need in rural egypt 1988ð1989.Fiona Steele & Fatma El-Zahraa M. M. Geel - 1999 - Journal of Biosocial Science 31 (3):311-326.
    This paper examines the reasons for the high level of unmet needfor contraception in rural Egypt, using data from the individual survey andservice availability module of the 1988Ð89 Egypt Demographic and HealthSurvey. Two broad sets of potential factors are considered: characteristics ofa woman which influence her desire for children and thus her propensity touse contraception, and factors relating to the family planning serviceenvironment in which she lives. The results from a multivariate analysis showthat certain individual characteristics, such as family composition (...)
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    Flexible yet fair: blinding analyses in experimental psychology.Gilles Dutilh, Alexandra Sarafoglou & Eric-Jan Wagenmakers - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S23):5745-5772.
    The replicability of findings in experimental psychology can be improved by distinguishing sharply between hypothesis-generating research and hypothesis-testing research. This distinction can be achieved by preregistration, a method that has recently attracted widespread attention. Although preregistration is fair in the sense that it inoculates researchers against hindsight bias and confirmation bias, preregistration does not allow researchers to analyze the data flexibly without the analysis being demoted to exploratory. To alleviate this concern we discuss how researchers may conduct blinded analyses. (...)
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  19.  27
    Faire rire pour faire réfléchir? Portraits comiques du vice dans les Caractères de Théophraste.Charlotte Murgier - 2023 - Methodos 23.
    Cet article analyse les ressorts du comique des caractères vicieux de Théophraste à partir d’un double arrière-plan : d’une part l’analyse aristotélicienne du comique et ce qu’on peut reconstituer des intérêts de Théophraste pour le rire et la plaisanterie, d’autre part la manière dont Théophraste prolonge la doctrine éthique d’Aristote en développant principalement les travers ayant un impact sur la vie en société. Le style si particulier de ces portraits, procédant par accumulation d’actions ou de paroles en l’absence de (...)
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  20. Research on Fair Trade Consumption—A Review.Veronika A. Andorfer & Ulf Liebe - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (4):415-435.
    An overview and assessment of the current state of research on individual consumption of Fair Trade (FT) products is given on the basis of 51 journal publications. Arranging this field of ethical consumption research according to key research objectives, theoretical approaches, methods, and study population, the review suggests that most studies apply social psychological approaches focusing mainly on consumer attitudes. Fewer studies draw on economic approaches focusing on consumers’ willingness to pay ethical premia for FT products or sociological approaches (...)
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    Obesity, paternalism and fairness.Johannes Kniess - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (11):889-892.
    Many liberal theories are committed to the promotion of population health, and the principle of non-interference in individual life plans. Public health interventions often bring out a tension between these two values. In this paper, I examine this tension by assessing the justifiability of liberty-restricting policies in the field of obesity prevention. As I want to show, a ‘soft’ form of paternalism, which interferes with people's choices to safeguard their true interests, goes some way in justifying such policies, but it (...)
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    The Planners and the Planned.Alan Ryan - 2013 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 25 (3-4):445-460.
    Much of what makes Hayek so controversial can be found in The Road to Serfdom, the theoretical basis of which is provided by The Counter-Revolution of Science. The first book, a polemic against the “planning mentality,” did not defend complete laissez faire, but argued that planning disrupts the coordination between prices and supply and demand; that effective planning is thus impossible in a modern industrial society; that it is coercive; and, of course, that it leads to totalitarianism. In The Counter-Revolution (...)
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    Criteria For the Fairness of Health Financing Decisions: A Scoping Review.Elina Dale, Elizabeth Peacocke, Espen Movik, Alex Voorhoeve, Trygve Ottersen, Ole Frithjof Norheim, Christoph Kurowski, Unni Gopinathan & David B. Evans - 2023 - Health Policy and Planning 38 (1):i13–i35.
    Due to constraints on institutional capacity and financial resources, the road to universal health coverage (UHC) involves difficult policy choices. To assist with these choices, scholars and policy makers have done extensive work on criteria to assess the substantive fairness of health financing policies: their impact on the distribution of rights, duties, benefits and burdens on the path towards UHC. However, less attention has been paid to the procedural fairness of health financing decisions. The Accountability for Reasonableness Framework (A4R), which (...)
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    Planned Decentralization.Ken Binmore - 2005 - In Natural justice. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter looks to the broad consequences of the theory of fairness advanced in this book to questions of social reform. The traditional spectrum of political attitudes that ranges from the utilitarian left to the libertarian right is rejected in favor of a more realistic opposition between the neofeudal societies in which we currently live, and the prospect of fairer and freer societies that could be created by a planned program of decentralization which is identified with the whiggery that inspired (...)
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    L’arrière-fond philosophique du concept de plan.Maurice Lagueux - 1974 - Philosophiques 1 (1):51-82.
    Le concept de plan utilisé en planification socialiste est rapproché du concept de plan invoqué par diverses philosophies de l'histoire. Pour ce faire, la notion de « plan divin » est analysée à l'aide d'une structure à sept termes qui, s'appliquant également au concept socialiste de plan, permet de fonder ce rapprochement. Les avatars du concept de plan en philosophie de l'histoire sont ensuite examinés de manière à faire ressortir un parallèle entre les dilemmes de (...)
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    The Massachusetts Health Plan, Individual Mandates, and the Neutrality of the Liberal State.D. Murray - 2011 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36 (5):466-483.
    In 2007, Massachusetts instituted a universal coverage health plan that requires all citizens to purchase insurance. I argue that there is nothing wrong in principle with the use of an individual mandate to force citizens to secure health insurance. I argue that state neutrality is not tenable on this issue. Then I proceed to show that even if state neutrality were viable, it is not a violation of state neutrality (thought of as neutrality of intent) to force citizens to (...)
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    Fair process and the redundancy of bioethics: A polemic.Richard Ashcroft - 2008 - Public Health Ethics 1 (1):3-9.
    Queen Mary, University of London, School of Law, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK. Tel: +442078825126, Fax: +442089818733, Email: r.ashcroft{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Abstract Recent doctrine in both national and international organisations concerned with public health planning and resource allocation has it that direct ethical justification of substantive decisions is so difficult as to be impossible. Instead, we should agree on criteria of procedural justice and reach decisions whose justification lies in how (...)
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    Last Chance Therapies and Managed Care: Pluralism, Fair Procedures, and Legitimacy.Norman Daniels & James E. Sabin - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (2):27-42.
    How can health plans make fair determinations about when “experimental” (and costly) treatments such as high dose chemotherapy with autologous bone marrow transplantation should be covered despite lack of clear clinical consensus about their benefits? Different models for managing “last chance” therapies evolving in some health plans offer promising examples of how issues of fairness and legitimacy in decisionmaking can be addressed.
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  29. Pandemic Flu Planning in the Community: What Can Clinical Ethicists Bring to the Public Health Table?Nancy Berlinger & Jacob Moses - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (4):468-470.
    It is still remarkably difficult for public health officials charged with developing and implementing pandemic influenza preparedness plans at the community levelto obtain clear, concrete, and consistent guidance on how to construct plans that are both ethical and actionable. As of mid-2007, most of the federal and state pandemic plans filed with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, describing how public health officials will coordinate public agencies and private entities in the event of an outbreak, failed to include ethical (...)
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    Socio-Cognitive Determinants of Consumers’ Support for the Fair Trade Movement.Andreas Chatzidakis, Minas Kastanakis & Anastasia Stathopoulou - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (1):95-109.
    Despite the reasonable explanatory power of existing models of consumers’ ethical decision making, a large part of the process remains unexplained. This article draws on previous research and proposes an integrated model that includes measures of the theory of planned behavior, personal norms, self-identity, neutralization, past experience, and attitudinal ambivalence. We postulate and test a variety of direct and moderating effects in the context of a large scale survey study in London, UK. Overall, the resulting model represents an empirically robust (...)
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  31. Extending Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Service-Oriented Organizational Citizen Behavior.Kuang-Chung Tsai, Tung-Hsiang Chou, Santhaya Kittikowit, Tanaporn Hongsuchon, Yu-Chun Lin & Shih-Chih Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the COVID-19 pandemic have caused many enterprises to suffer great losses. Thus, companies have to take measures such as pays cut, furloughs, or layoffs, which caused dissatisfaction among employees and triggered labor disputes. Therefore, this study explores the service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior based on the decomposed theory of planned behavior in order to understand the behavioral intentions of employees through their mental states, job attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. This study conducted questionnaire (...)
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  32. Two Conceptions of Procedural Fairness.Cass R. Sunstein - 2006 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 73 (2):619-646.
    Legal systems must proceed in the face of two conceptions of procedural fairness. The first, embodied in the rule of law ideal, calls for clear rules, laid down in advance and susceptible to mechanical application in individual cases. The second calls for a high degree of individuation, on the theory that fairness requires particularized consideration of the whole person. Both conceptions can be found in judicial interpretation of the due process clause of the American Constitution, which sometimes requires rule-bound decisions, (...)
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    Faire trembler le tremblement.Jérémy Damian - 2022 - Multitudes 87 (2):139-148.
    Fabriquer des visions du futur est une activité qui, alimentée par la crise écologique, occupe de plus en plus d’acteurs et d’experts. Chaque expertise produit un type de récit caractéristique qui modèle les futurs et sculpte les imaginaires. La collapsologie a ainsi imposé massivement le motif de l’effondrement. Mais que se passerait-il si au motif de l’effondrement était substitué celui du tremblement? Le motif du tremblement trace un plan de continuité entre des corps très hétérogènes (corps terrestre, humain, vivant, (...)
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    Property and economic planning in Fichte's contractualism.Michael Nance - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):643-660.
    My paper reconstructs Fichte's property theory and political economy in Foundations of Natural Right and The Closed Commercial State. Fichte's theory of property requires the rejection of the classical liberal theory of property rights. Fichte's alternative theory of property, in conjunction with his republican account of the state's role in guaranteeing individual rights, further requires the rejection of a market economy in favor of a planned economy. For Fichte's view entails the normative necessity of a political economy in which the (...)
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    Strange bedfellows? Reflections on bioethics' role in disaster response planning.Jessica Berg & Nicholas King - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5):3 – 5.
    This essay considers the potential role of bioethics in disaster response planning and preparedness. Bioethicists can make substantial contributions, by ensuring that decision-making and distribution of resources during crises is carried out in a fair and just manner, as well as by examining the assumptions upon which disaster planning are based. Bioethicists should also be aware of potential pitfalls of overly-hasty engagement with this new field.
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    Challenges in implementing an advance care planning programme in long-term care.Ciara McGlade, Edel Daly, Joan McCarthy, Nicola Cornally, Elizabeth Weathers, Rónán O’Caoimh & D. William Molloy - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (1):87-99.
    Background: A high prevalence of cognitive impairment and frailty complicates the feasibility of advance care planning in the long-term-care population. Research aim: To identify challenges in implementing the ‘Let Me Decide’ advance care planning programme in long-term-care. Research design: This feasibility study had two phases: (1) staff education on advance care planning and (2) structured advance care planning by staff with residents and families. Participants and research context: long-term-care residents in two nursing homes and one community hospital. Ethical considerations: The (...)
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  37. Labor automation for fair cooperation: Why and how machines should provide meaningful work for all.Denise Celentano - 2023 - Journal of Social Philosophy (1):1-19.
    The article explores the problem of preferable technological changes in the context of work. To this end, it addresses the ‘why’ (motives and values) and the ‘how’ (organizational forms) of automation from a normative perspective. Concerning the ‘why,’ automation processes are currently mostly driven by values of economic efficiency. Yet, since automation processes are part of the basic structure of society, as is the division of labor, considerations of justice apply to them. As for the ‘how,’ the article suggests ‘ (...) hybrid cooperation’ as an alternative ideal to guide automation priorities. It is achieved when the division of labor between humans and machines does not hinder, and preferably enables, workers’ experience of certain primary qualities in their work activity. By analogy with Rawls’ primary goods, these are qualities that it is necessary for every worker to experience in order to pursue their life plans: security, self-direction, self-development, dignity, and recognition. According to this criterion, the tasks to automate first are those hindering these contributive primary qualities. This provides us with a normative vocabulary and a standard to orient automation decisions but also to assess existing organizational forms and envisage alternative cooperative imaginaries. To illustrate how the ideal may play out in the real world, the article concludes with a ‘fair hybrid cooperation test’ and a nurse bots case for meaningful work. (shrink)
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    Faire de la philosophie avec les enfants africains à partir du fond culturel endogène : Piste d’un renouveau éducatif en Afrique.Étienne Kola - 2016 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 72 (2):261-271.
    Étienne Kola | : L’Afrique est riche de son patrimoine culturel. Cependant peut-elle se réjouir de l’apport de ses filles et de ses fils sur le double plan de la démocratie et de la rationalité moderne? Le relatif retard de ce continent dans certains domaines semble s’enraciner dans des écueils d’ordre éducatif. La plupart des systèmes éducatifs africains sont en effet perçus comme des structures inadaptées aux réalités socioculturelles des peuples. Le paradigme de la philosophie pour enfants consacre la (...)
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    A Response to Commentators on “Improving Fairness in Coverage Decisions: Performance Expectations for Quality Improvement”.Matthew K. Wynia, Deborah Cummins, David Fleming, Kari Karsjens, Amber Orr, James Sabin, Inger Saphire-Bernstein & Renee Witlen - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):W40-W42.
    Patients and physicians often perceive the current health care system to be unfair, in part because of the ways in which coverage decisions appear to be made. To address this problem the Ethical Force Program, a collaborative effort to create quality improvement tools for ethics in health care, has developed five content areas specifying ethical criteria for fair health care benefits design and administration. Each content area includes concrete recommendations and measurable expectations for performance improvement, which can be used (...)
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  40. Ethical Vaccine Distribution Planning for Pandemic Influenza: Prioritizing Homeless and Hard-to-Reach Populations.K. Buccieri & S. Gaetz - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (2):185-196.
    The manner in which limited vaccines are distributed during a pandemic is an ethical issue. The utility principle has been used to argue priority be given to certain individuals based on factors such as the epidemiology of the spread of disease and maintaining the functioning of society. The equity principle has been used to encourage fair practices that account for the economic and social costs of all decisions made. We argue that both principles are met through priority vaccination of (...)
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    Shame is Not an Effective Diet Plan.Judith Bruk - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (2):91-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Shame is Not an Effective Diet PlanJudith BrukThe stigma of being obese is so strong that it is assumed that anyone with the condition is (or should be) deeply ashamed. After all, it’s really easy to lose weight, right? Just cut out dessert and walk around the block three times a week. If you can’t even do that, then you are definitely a moral failure, have succumbed to Gluttony (...)
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    Michael E. Bratman, Shared Agency: A Planning Theory of Acting Together: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. ISBN 9780199339990, $29.95, Pbk.Steven Weimer - 2016 - Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (2):489-493.
    In Shared Agency: A Planning Theory of Acting Together, Michael Bratman refines, systematizes, and defends his “planning theory” of shared agency, various elements of which were sketched in a series of earlier essays on the topic. The book is analytically rigorous and fairly technical at points, but organized and written with extraordinary clarity. It represents a valuable contribution to the literature on shared intention and joint activity, and is essential reading for philosophers working in that area.Bratman takes as his central (...)
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    Locally Global Planning.John L. Pollock - 2011 - Thinking About Acting.
    This chapter reiterates the proposition that practical cognition should not aim at finding optimal solutions to practical problems. A rational cognizer should instead look for good solutions, and replace them with better solutions if any are found. Solutions come in the form of plans. In general, a change to the master plan may consist of deleting several local plans and adding several others. This theory is still fairly schematic. It leaves most details to the imagination of the reader, and (...)
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    The PHERCC Matrix. An Ethical Framework for Planning, Governing, and Evaluating Risk and Crisis Communication in the Context of Public Health Emergencies.Giovanni Spitale, Federico Germani & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):67-82.
    Risk and crisis communication (RCC) is a current ethical issue subject to controversy, mainly due to the tension between individual liberty (a core component of fairness) and effectiveness. In this paper we propose a consistent definition of the RCC process in public health emergencies (PHERCC), which comprises six key elements: evidence, initiator, channel, publics, message, and feedback. Based on these elements and on a detailed analysis of their role in PHERCC, we present an ethical framework to help design, govern and (...)
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    Review of Planning for uncertainty: living wills and other advance directives for you and your family , 2nd edition by David John Doukas, M.D., and William Reichel, M.D. [REVIEW]Ellen W. Bernal - 2008 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 3:1-3.
    Advance directives are useful ways to express one's wishes about end of life care, but even now most people have not completed one of the documents. David Doukas and William Reichel strongly encourage planning for end of life care. Although Planning for Uncertainty is at times fairly abstract for the general reader, it does provide useful background and practical steps.
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    Justifications philosophiques du critere de fair innings et controverses.Clémence Thébaut, Paul-Loup Weil-Dubuc & Jérôme Wittwer - 2020 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 15 (1-2):67-86.
    Financing innovative and costly treatments in various therapeutic fields entails a number of problems in countries where costs are covered by public services. Providing these drugs is forcing actors to define the maximum sums of money society is willing to spend for given health improvements. This raises the question of whether maximum financing should vary according individuals’ circumstances, such as the rareness of a disease, lifestyles, social inequalities experienced over a life time, etc. This article examines a particular priority, namely (...)
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    Single payers and multiple lists: Must everyone get the same coverage in a universal health plan?Robert M. Veatch - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (2):153-169.
    : In spite of recent political setbacks for the movement toward universal health insurance, considerable support remains for the idea. Among those supporting such plans, most assume that a universal insurance system, especially if it is a single-payer system, would offer a single list of basic covered services. This paper challenges that assumption and argues for the availability of multiple lists of services in a universal insurance system. The claim is made that multiple lists will be both more efficient and (...)
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  48. Response to Critics of "Open and Inclusive: Fair Processes for Financing Universal Health Coverage".Alex Voorhoeve, Elina Dale & Unni Gopinathan - forthcoming - Health Economics, Policy and Law.
    In response to our critics, we clarify and defend key ideas in the report Open and Inclusive: Fair Processes for Financing Universal Health Coverage. First, we argue that procedural fairness has greater value than Dan Hausman allows. Second, we argue that the Report aligns with John Kinuthia’s view that a knowledgeable public and a capable civil society, alongside good facilitation, are important for effective public deliberation. Moreover, we agree with Kinuthia that the Report’s framework for procedural fairness applies not (...)
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    BLOG: Greece, Portugal, Spain and the East European states take on less than their fair share of responsibility for EU asylum seekers.Luc Bovens & Günperi Sisman - 2013 - LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog (xx):xx.
    One of the stated aims of the “2008 Policy Plan on Asylum” by the European Commission is increased ‘responsibility sharing’ between Member States with respect to asylum seekers. Luc Bovens and Günperi Sisman assess the extent to which UNHCR outcome data reflect these aims between 2006 and 2011 – from the end of the first phase of the Common European Asylum System until the latest available data. They find that Greece, Portugal and Spain take on very low responsibility for (...)
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    Wittgenstein et l’«arrière-plan» de l’intentionnalité.Denis Sauvé - 2009 - Dialogue 48 (2):313.
    RÉSUMÉ : John Searle, Hubert Dreyfus et Charles Taylor défendent la thèse voulant qu’il y ait des formes de «compréhension» ou de «savoir» qui, contrairement aux formes courantes, ne sont pas de nature représentationnelle ou conceptuelle mais sont plutôt du type des «savoir-faire». Cet article examine l’argument avancé en faveur de cette thèse ainsi que l’affirmation de ces auteurs suivant laquelle les Recherches philosophiques de Wittgenstein démontrent que celui-ci, au moins implicitement, l’acceptait. Les conclusions qui découlent de cet examen sont, (...)
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