Results for 'Planetary limits'

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  1.  35
    Od limitov rastu k planetárnym hraniciam: K súvislosti prekračovania hraníc udržateľnosti v klimatickom, demografickom a politickom režime antropocénu [From growth limits to planetary boundaries: on the context of exceeding the boundaries of sustainability in the climate, demographic and political regime of the anthropocene].Richard Sťahel - 2024 - In Adriana Jesenková (ed.), Filozofia ako prekračovanie hraníc : zborník vedeckých príspevkov z výročnej medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie SFZ pri SAV konanej v dňoch 25. – 27. októbra 2023 v Košiciach. Bratislava: Slovenské filozofické združenie pri SAV. pp. 79-90.
    The concept of planetary boundaries has also emerged in the context of the debate on the shift of the planetary system from the Holocene to the Anthropocene, which programmatically seeks to formulate a systemic approach to global sustainability. It aims to define the biophysical and biochemical planetary boundaries within which humanity can safely function. The most recent version of this concept programmatically transcends the boundaries of the natural and social sciences by seeking to include the categories of (...)
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    Neoliberalismo y devastación ambiental: de los límites planetarios a la sustentabilidad como posibilidad histórica / Neoliberalism and environmental devastation: from the planetary boundaries to sustainability as a historical possibility.Josemanuel Luna-Nemecio - 2020 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 1 (2):89-107.
    El presente estudio presenta la especificidad de la devastación ambiental en el marco del tipo particular de acumulación de capital y de desarrollo de fuerzas productivas técnicas y procreativas durante el neoliberalismo. El objetivo de la investigación fue ofrecer una síntesis de la teoría de Karl Marx, Jorge Veraza y Andrés Barreda para discutir con David Harvey y Joan Martínez Alier, respecto a la devastación ambiental, la acumulación por desposesión, los límites planetarios y la posibilidad histórica de alcanzar la sustentabilidad (...)
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  3. The axiological dimension of planetary protection.Erik Persson - 2021 - In Octavio Alfonso Chon Torres, Ted Peters, Joseph Seckbach & Richard Gordon (eds.), _Astrobiology_: Science, _Ethics_, and _Public Policy_. pp. 293-312.
    Planetary protection is not just a matter of science. It is also a matter of value. This is so independently of whether we only include the protection of science or if we also include other goals. Excluding other values than the protection of science is thus a value statement, not a scientific statement and it does not make planetary protection value neutral. It just makes the axiological basis (that is, the value basis) for planetary protection more limited (...)
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    A study of Babylonian planetary theory I. The outer planets.Teije Jong - 2019 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 73 (1):1-37.
    In this study I attempt to provide an answer to the question how the Babylonian scholars arrived at their mathematical theory of planetary motion. Although no texts are preserved in which the Babylonians tell us how they did it, from the surviving Astronomical Diaries we have a fairly complete picture of the nature of the observational material on which the scholars must have based their theory and from which they must have derived the values of the defining parameters. Limiting (...)
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    A study of Babylonian planetary theory I. The outer planets.Teije de Jong - 2019 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 73 (1):1-37.
    In this study I attempt to provide an answer to the question how the Babylonian scholars arrived at their mathematical theory of planetary motion. Although no texts are preserved in which the Babylonians tell us how they did it, from the surviving Astronomical Diaries we have a fairly complete picture of the nature of the observational material on which the scholars must have based their theory and from which they must have derived the values of the defining parameters. Limiting (...)
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    A study of Babylonian planetary theory II. The planet Venus.Teije Jong - 2019 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 73 (4):309-333.
    In this series of papers, I attempt to provide an answer to the question how the Babylonian scholars arrived at their mathematical theory of planetary motion. Paper I (de Jong in Arch Hist Exact Sci 73:1–37, 2019) was devoted to a study of system A theory of the outer planets. In this second paper, I will study system A theory of the planet Venus. All presently known ephemerides of Venus appear to have been written after 200 BC so that (...)
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    Introducing geological wonder: Planetary thinking as a disruption of narcissism.Jeremy Bendik-Keymer & Stefan Pedersen - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (6):648-664.
    Since its origin in 15th century European imperialism, the globe has been an object of conquest involving regimes of territorial exclusion and various forms of land abstraction now known as nationalism, colonialism, capitalism, and industrialism. Coming to think like the Earth system and generating politics grounded in it could pose a welcome disruption of these systematically controlling orders only if such planetary thinking is grounded in a nondominating orientation. We propose that this grounding be geological wonder, the open consideration (...)
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    A study of Babylonian planetary theory II. The planet Venus.Teije de Jong - 2019 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 73 (4):309-333.
    In this series of papers, I attempt to provide an answer to the question how the Babylonian scholars arrived at their mathematical theory of planetary motion. Paper I (de Jong in Arch Hist Exact Sci 73:1–37, 2019) was devoted to a study of system A theory of the outer planets. In this second paper, I will study system A theory of the planet Venus. All presently known ephemerides of Venus appear to have been written after 200 BC so that (...)
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  9.  14
    The origins of planetary ethics in the philosophy of Russian cosmism.A. V. Bezgodov - 2019 - [Dartford]: Xlibris. Edited by Konstantin V. Barezhev.
    In this book, Aleksandr V. Bezgodov and Konstantin V. Barezhev formulate planetary ethics--the most important part of the philosophy of the Planetary Project. Planetary ethics represent the moral basis and value code for building a biocompatible, harmonious, and manageable civilization. They analyze the moral and ethical views of those Russian cosmists who belonged to the natural science branch of this unique philosophical, scientific, and cultural phenomenon. Looking at the world through the prism of a planetary-cosmic consciousness, (...)
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    Global health, planetary health, One Health: conceptual and ethical challenges and concerns.Eduardo Missoni - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (3):241-250.
    The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically shown the level of interconnectedness of the human population, the direct relation between human health and the ecosystem, as well as the enormous ethical challenges required for a global response. Relatedly, society has been directly confronted by issues of ‘Global health,’ both in terms of awareness of health conditions and health systems resiliency all around the world, as well as in terms of governance of the worldwide response and its implications at national and local levels. (...)
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  11. Temporal poetics of planetary transformations : Alexander von Humboldt and the geo-anthropological history of the Americas.Adam Wickberg - 2022 - In Anders Ekström & Staffan Bergwik (eds.), Times of history, times of nature: temporalization and the limits of modern knowledge. New York: Berghahn.
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  12. Temporal poetics of planetary transformations : Alexander von Humboldt and the geo-anthropological history of the Americas.Adam Wickberg - 2022 - In Anders Ekström & Staffan Bergwik (eds.), Times of history, times of nature: temporalization and the limits of modern knowledge. New York: Berghahn.
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    Religion and Ecology: Developing a Planetary Ethic.Whitney Bauman - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    Moving beyond identity politics while continuing to respect diverse entities and concerns, Whitney A. Bauman builds a planetary politics that better responds to the realities of a pluralistic world. Calling attention to the historical, political, and ecological influences shaping our understanding of nature, religion, humanity, and identity, Bauman collapses the boundaries separating male from female, biology from machine, human from more than human, and religion from science, encouraging readers to embrace hybridity and the inherent fluctuations of an open, evolving (...)
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    Plato, Proclus, and the Limitations of Science.Samuel Sambursky - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):1-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Plato, Proclus, and the Limitations of Science S. SAMBURSKY I THE NEOPLATONICREVlV~of Plato's views on the physical world offers some highly interesting aspects to the historian of scientific ideas. There is first of all the interaction between a 600-year-old tradition and other philosophical systems that grew up during this long period and that exerted such a decisive influence on later antiquity. And there is further the magnificent development of (...)
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  15.  19
    Beyond Sociology: Trans-Civilizational Dialogues and Planetary Conversations.Ananta Kumar Giri (ed.) - 2018 - Springer Singapore.
    This book explores the contours of a transformational sociology which seeks to reconsider the horizons of sociological imagination. It questions accepted modernist assumptions such as the equation of society and nation-state, the dualism of individual and society and that of ontology and epistemology. Arguing that contemporary sociology suffers from what Ulrich Beck calls the Nato-like fire power of western sociology, it argues that sociology has to open itself to transcivilizational dialogues and planetary conversations about self, culture and society. The (...)
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  16.  33
    Reformulating emancipation in the Anthropocene: From didactic apocalypse to planetary subjectivities.Manuel Arias-Maldonado - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (1):136-154.
    The ideal of emancipation has been traditionally grounded on the premise that human activity is not restrained by external boundaries. Thus the realisation of values such as autonomy or recognition has been facilitated by economic growth and material expansion. Yet there is mounting evidence that the human impact on natural systems at the planetary level, a novelty captured by the concept of the Anthropocene, endangers the Earth’s habitability. If human development is to be limited for the sake of global (...)
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    Babylonian observations of a unique planetary configuration.Teije de Jong & Hermann Hunger - 2020 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 74 (6):587-603.
    In this paper, we discuss Babylonian observations of a “massing of the planets” reported in two Astronomical Diaries, BM 32562 and BM 46051. This extremely rare astronomical phenomenon was observed in Babylon between 20 and 30 March 185 BC shortly before sunrise when all five planets were simultaneously visible for about 10 to 15 min close to the horizon in the eastern morning sky. These two observational texts are not only interesting as records of an extremely rare planetary configuration, (...)
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  18. Problems in Philosophy: The Limits of Inquiry.Peter van Inwagen - 1996 - Philosophical Review 105 (2):253.
    Here are some things we understand, at least pretty well: planetary orbits, cell division, rainbows, electrical conductivity. Here are some things we don’t understand at all: conscious awareness, knowledge, free will, understanding things. That is, we are, as a species, pretty good at mathematics and science and no good at all at philosophy. Why is this?
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  19.  25
    Husserl and America: Reflections on the Limits of Europe as the Ground of Meaning and Value for Phenomenology.Ian Angus - 2019 - In Iulian Apostolescu (ed.), The Subject(s) of Phenomenology. Rereading Husserl. Springer. pp. 291-310.
    This paper investigates phenomenological philosophy as the critical consciousness of modernity beginning from that point in the Vienna Lecture where Husserl discounts Papuans and Gypsies, and includes America, in defining Europe as the spiritual home of reason. Its meaning is analyzed through the introduction of the concept of institution in Crisis to argue that the historical fact of encounter with America can be seen as an event for reason insofar as the encounter includes elements previously absent in the European entelechy. (...)
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  20.  8
    Sustainable Sufficientarianism: Combining ‘Enough for all’ with Eco-Sufficiency.Thomas Schramme - forthcoming - Ethics, Policy and Environment.
    Sufficientarianism is a theory of social justice that determines individual entitlements by setting a threshold of what is enough for a decent life. Sufficientarianism therefore seems to be a suitable ally for theories of climate justice, because it restricts claims of justice to a minimum. Furthermore, the notion of sufficiency has been theorized in ecological discourse, so there is pertinent conceptual overlap between the two perspectives. In this paper, I aim to combine sufficientarianism with eco-sufficiency. I will use a framework (...)
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  21. We need to talk about growth - and we need to do the sums as well.Michael Rowan - manuscript
    Questioning economic growth remains a heresy, but the mathematics of compound growth show its indefinite continuation to be impossible. This frames a problem best resolved while we are still able to do so.
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    Human right to development and Catholic Social Teaching.Cristián Borgoño - 2022 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 53:169-191.
    Resumen: El presente artículo presenta la interacción histórica entre el concepto de derecho al desarrollo del sistema político-jurídico internacional con las propuestas de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia para el desarrollo de los pueblos. Los resultados de esta investigación ponen en evidencia las transformaciones conceptuales y políticas que ha sufrido el concepto de desarrollo, reflejadas en los adjetivos que se le añaden para expresar determinados énfasis. La variación no ha sido solamente de adjetivos sino también del tipo de instrumentos (...)
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    Defending and Defining Environmental Responsibilities for the Health Research Sector.Bridget Pratt - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (3):1-21.
    Six planetary boundaries have already been exceeded, including climate change, loss of biodiversity, chemical pollution, and land-system change. The health research sector contributes to the environmental crisis we are facing, though to a lesser extent than healthcare or agriculture sectors. It could take steps to reduce its environmental impact but generally has not done so, even as the planetary emergency worsens. So far, the normative case for why the health research sector should rectify that failure has not been (...)
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  24. Just transition boundaries: Clarifying the meaning of just transition.Teea Kortetmäki, Cristian Timmermann & Theresa Tribaldos - 2025 - Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 55:100957.
    The rapid expansion of the public discussion and research on just transition implies the risk of watering down either justice or the (eco-)socio-technical transition itself. We create a theoretical notion of just transition boundaries and propose it to help consider non-negotiable limits to just transition discourse and make sense of negotiations within such limits. Just transition boundaries are comprised of ecological and social boundaries. They determine that just transition-processes must bring societies effectively within the safety thresholds of the (...)
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  25.  30
    The Scope of Reason: An Epistle to the Persians.Renford Bambrough - 1984 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 17:195-208.
    ‘Does the planetary impact of Western thought allow for a real dialogue among civilizations?’ This arresting question was set to the lecturers at the first international symposium of the Iranian Centre for the Study of Civilizations, which took place in Tehran in October 1977. Plans were made for a second symposium to be held in January 1979 under the title ‘The Limits of Knowledge According to Different World-views’. The Director's letter of invitation amplified the theme in a series (...)
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  26. The Ethics of "Geoengineering" the Global Climate: Justice, Legitimacy and Governance.Stephen M. Gardiner, Catriona McKinnon & Augustin Fragnière (eds.) - 2020 - Routledge.
    In the face of limited time and escalating impacts, some scientists and politicians are talking about attempting "grand technological interventions" into the Earth’s basic physical and biological systems ("geoengineering") to combat global warming. Early ideas include spraying particles into the stratosphere to block some incoming sunlight, or "enhancing" natural biological systems to withdraw carbon dioxide from the atmosphere at a higher rate. Such technologies are highly speculative and scientific development of them has barely begun. -/- Nevertheless, it is widely recognized (...)
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  27.  10
    The Three-Body Problem and the Equations of Dynamics: Poincaré's Foundational Work on Dynamical Systems Theory.Henri Poincaré - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    Here is an accurate and readable translation of a seminal article by Henri Poincaré that is a classic in the study of dynamical systems popularly called chaos theory. In an effort to understand the stability of orbits in the solar system, Poincaré applied a Hamiltonian formulation to the equations of planetary motion and studied these differential equations in the limited case of three bodies to arrive at properties of the equations' solutions, such as orbital resonances and horseshoe orbits. Poincaré (...)
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    “Apocalypse Blindness,” Climate Trauma and the Politics of Future-Oriented Affect.Christopher John Müller - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (4):90-102.
    In the Anglo-American cultural sphere, the growing awareness of global warming and ecocide has coincided with the proliferation of a much discussed, post-apocalyptic imaginary that transports us to uninhabitable planetary futures. These “fictions,” as E. Ann Kaplan notes in a discussion of their mobilising potential, act as “memories for the future” which make us “identify with future selves struggling to survive.” This article turns to Günther Anders’s notion of “apocalypse-blindness” (1956) and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road to set out an (...)
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    The Ethics of Assisted Colonization in the Age of Anthropogenic Climate Change.G. A. Albrecht, C. Brooke, D. H. Bennett & S. T. Garnett - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (4):827-845.
    This paper examines an issue that is becoming increasingly relevant as the pressures of a warming planet, changing climate and changing ecosystems ramp up. The broad context for the paper is the intragenerational, intergenerational, and interspecies equity implications of changing the climate and the value orientations of adapting to such change. In addition, the need to stabilize the planetary climate by urgent mitigation of change factors is a foundational ethical assumption. In order to avoid further animal and plant extinctions, (...)
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  30.  8
    Ecologica.Chris Turner (ed.) - 2010 - Seagull Books.
    Writing in 2007, French social philosopher André Gorz was remarkably prophetic, foretelling the international economic meltdown of 2008: “The real economy is becoming an appendage of the speculative bubbles sustained by the finance industry—until that inevitable point when the bubbles burst, leading to serial bank crashes and threatening the global system of credit with collapse and the real economy with a severe, prolonged depression.” This prescient article is collected in _Ecologica _alongside many of Gorz’s final writings and interviews, which together (...)
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    Towards global political parties.Heikki Patomäki - 2011 - Ethics and Global Politics 4 (2):81-102.
    While the transnational public sphere has existed in the Arendtian sense at least since the mid-19th century, a new kind of reflexively political global civil society emerged in the late 20th century. However, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), advocacy groups, and networks have limited agendas and legitimacy and, without the support of at least one state, limited means to realise changes. Since 2001, theWorld Social Forum (WSF) has formed a key attempt in forging links and ties of solidarity among diverse actors. Although (...)
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  32.  14
    Dietary Fiber and WHO Food Categories Extension for the Food-Pics_Extended Database.Evelyn Medawar, Ronja Thieleking & A. Veronica Witte - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Well characterized databases used for experimental purposes with extensive meta-data are essential for conducting meaningful and comparable studies. The Food-pics_extended database is one example for a widely used food stimulus database. Indeed, meta-data on low level and high level image characteristics is broad, yet fiber ratings are not included, limiting its use in diet-related studies. Therefore, we developed fiber ratings per item, based on mean values of four non-expert raters. Ratings show good reliability and meaningful ranges per food type. The (...)
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  33.  21
    Critical realism and spirituality.Mervyn Hartwig & Jamie Morgan (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    The rise of neo-integrative worldviews : towards a rational spirituality for the coming planetary civilization -- Beyond fundamentalism : spiritual realism, spiritual literacy and education -- Realism, literature and spirituality -- Judgemental rationality and the equivalence of argument : realism about God, response to Morgan's critique -- Transcendence and God : reflections on critical realism, the "new atheism", and Christian theology -- Human sciences at the edge of panentheism : God and the limits of ontological realism -- Beyond (...)
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  34.  18
    J.Baudrillard About the Phenomenon of Chaos: To the Question of the Specifics of the Implementation of Modern Community Social Work.Оксана Олександрівна ОСЕТРОВА - 2023 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 6 (1):55-60.
    The modern realities of life in Ukraine, plunged into war by the Russian Federation, as well as those countries that are in a state of ontological threat, with new force actualize the problem unfolding in the social plane (we are talking about the antinomy of “chaos – stability”). In other words, modern social cataclysms – COVID-19 and war – have disrupted the stability of everyday life. The presence of the threat of nuclear escalation of the international conflict expands the metaphysical (...)
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  35.  14
    The Distortion of Nature's Image: Reification and the Ecological Crisis.Damian Gerber - 2019 - SUNY Press.
    The global ecological crisis is upon us. From global warming to the long-term implications of ocean acidification, air and water pollution, deforestation, and the omnipresent dangers of nuclear technology the future of our planetary home is threatened. Yet in the midst of the unfolding crisis, the conventional ideologies of the twentieth century and their representations of nature remain unchallenged by both the defenders of capitalism and capitalism's most radical critics. The Distortion of Nature's Image illustrates how the anti-naturalism of (...)
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  36. Donna J. Haraway’s ecofeminism revisited: Critical new materialist pedagogies for Anthropocenic crisis times.Delphi Carstens & Evelien Geerts - 2024 - Southern African Journal of Environmental Education 40 (1):1-16.
    By bringing feminist science studies scholar Donna J. Haraway’s A manifesto for cyborgs (1985) and Situated knowledges (1988) in line with contemporary critical new materialist thought (see Colman & Van der Tuin, 2024; Dolphijn & Van der Tuin, 2012; Geerts, 2022), this critical pedagogical and philosophical think piece tackles the problematic of Anthropocenic disruptions of the planetary biosphere for critical pedagogies and higher education (also see Carstens, 2016). It additionally encourages its readers to think through their own pedagogical conceptions (...)
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    Pueblo, territorio y derechos. La legitimidad estatal ante las fronteras móviles.Paulina Ochoa Espejo - 2022 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 87:29-46.
    Traditionally, people, territory, and rights must align to justify state control. However, states have recently shifted their borders so that these three elements are decoupled. How should we understand state legitimacy then? This paper examines three contemporary responses to the phenomenon of shifting borders. First, sovereigntism seeks to stabilize the relation of people and territory, even if that requires limiting the scope of rights. Second, democratic cosmopolitanism tolerates shifts in territory, as long as the people and rights coincide. Finally, the (...)
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    How (Not) to Be an Aristotelian With Respect to Contemporary Physics.Lukáš Novák - 2017 - Studia Neoaristotelica 14 (1):85-109.
    Haec tractatio est responsio critica ad tractationem Ludovici Groarke, titulo “Orbitae ellipticae, possintne Aristotelice explicari?”, necnon ad commentationem Jacobi Franklin, cui titulus “De orbitis ellipticis ac Aristotelica revolutione scientifica”. Auctor imprimis ostendit (ultra censuram a J. Franklin factam procedens) explanationem “Aristotelicam” orbitarum ellipticarum a L. Groarke propositam non solum analysi Newtonianae repugnare, sed etiam in se esse incohaerentem. Porro auctor alia L. Groarke proposita impugnat: scil. nostri temporis physicam mathematicam esse essentialiter Platonicam, item Newtonianam orbitarum ellipticarum explicationem assymetriam prae se (...)
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    Global Bioethics and Global Education.Solomon Benatar - 2018 - In Henk ten Have (ed.), Global Education in Bioethics. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 23-36.
    A new context for ethics and ethics education is evident in a rapidly changing world and our threatened planet. The current focus on considerations of inter-personal ethics within an anthropocentric perspective on life should be extended to embrace considerations of global and ecological ethics within an eco-centric perspective on global and planetary health. The pathway to understanding and adapting to this new context includes promoting shifts in life styles from selfish hyper-individualism and wasteful consumerism towards cautious use of limited (...)
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    Urban Debt, Neoliberalism and the Politics of the Commons.Adrian Parr - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (3):69-91.
    The rural/metropolitan/wilderness hybrid central to urban shrinkage directly challenges a commonly held belief that a city consists of a dense concentration of people living in a limited geographical area, one where the primary means of production is non-agricultural. In addition, the urban condition of shrinkage tests the dominant current of growth management that has guided urban design, development, and land use. In this essay we will explore how this hybrid presents an alternative to the production and realization of surplus value (...)
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    Movement of Narcogenes.Boris F. Kalachev - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 22:135-141.
    There is no broad dispute in the doctrine on the matter how and on what purpose did the drugs appear in the nature and in the society. Why does a certain spectrum of light and sound waves and electromagnetic radiations bring a person into a state of euphoria? The Author has united biological and chemical substances as well as the sources of other origin changing person’s consciousness into a joint hypersystem: narcogenes’ movement recorded in the past,observable in the present and (...)
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    Astronomical Observations in the Maghrib in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries.Julio Samsó - 2001 - Science in Context 14 (1-2):165-178.
    An Andalusian tradition of zījes seems to have been predominant in the Maghrib due to the popularity of the zīj of Ibn Is[hdotu]āq al-Tūnisī and derived texts compiled in the fourteenth century. This tradition computed sidereal planetary longitudes and allowed the calculation of tropical longitudes by using trepidation tables based on models designed in al-Andalus by Abū Is[hdotu]āq ibn al-Zarqālluh. This tradition also used Ibn al-Zarqālluh's model to calculate the obliquity of the ecliptic, which implied that this angle had (...)
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    Google It.Michael McGowan - 2015 - Teaching Ethics 15 (1):213-220.
    In this essay, I propose an update to a well-known pedagogical device many ethics professors utilize—the “Trolley Car” problem. I argue that by substituting older scenarios with ones from cutting edge and emerging technology the professor is better positioned to more fully engage today’s college students. Google’s self-driving car provides not only a fine substitution for the Trolley Car; it also acts as a mini-introduction to many of the other issues an introductory class on ethics will cover. Although it has (...)
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    The Table of Ptolemy’s Terms.Cristian Tolsa - 2018 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 162 (2):247-264.
    The paper presents three strong arguments advocating for the exclusion of the table of Ptolemy’s own planetary terms from the original text of the Tetrabiblos. This table was vastly used by Renaissance astrologers, and much work on its rationale and its manuscript variant readings has been published recently. The author argues that the table was the product of the systematic analysis of Ptolemy’s instructions for the terms in the late antique commentary on the Tetrabiblos edited by Wolf in 1559, (...)
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    Beloften en teleurstellingen van artificiële intelligentie voor wetenschappelijke ontdekkingen.Albrecht Heeffer - 2021 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 113 (1):55-80.
    Promises and disappointments of artificial intelligence for scientific discovery Recent successes within Artificial Intelligence with deep learning techniques in board games gave rise to the ambition to apply these learning methods to scientific discovery. This model for discovering new scientific laws is based on data-driven generalization in large databases with observational data using neural networks. In this study we want to review and critical assess an earlier research programme by the name of BACON. Though BACON was based on different AI (...)
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  46.  37
    Alexander von Humboldt.Ottmar Ette - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (1):136-154.
    The long-term scientific interests of Alexander von Humboldt ranged from anthropology and ancient American studies to geology and geography, climatology and cultural theory, physics and plant geography to language history, volcanology and zoology. As a scientist, he crossed different disciplines and explored new paths of knowledge. Humboldt developed a transdisciplinary and, in the widest sense, nomadic knowledge as a traveller through the sciences. Like a nomad, he did not seek to possess or destroy a territory (of knowledge): no wonder that (...)
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    Uncertainty in Cognition and Social Practices.Irina A. Gerasimova - 2019 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 56 (4):8-20.
    The article discusses the theoretical status of the category of uncertainty. Instead of the classical definitions of uncertainty as an ontological or epistemological concept, a composite theoretical construct is proposed. In classical science, the objectivist representation of the subject of research was preferred. With the nonclassical type of rationality, there rises problem of including subjective elements in a theoretical description. Attention to subject-subject-object methodologies is increasing due to the complication of communicative interactions in science and society in the digital era. (...)
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    Heidegger and Development in the Global South.Siby George & Siby K. George - 2015 - New Delhi: Imprint: Springer.
    Taking the Heideggerian critical ontology of technology as its base, this volume looks at postcolonial modernization and development in the global south as the worldwide expansion of the western metaphysical understanding of reality. We live today in an increasingly globalizing technological society that Martin Heidegger described in the middle of the last century as 'the planetary imperialism of technologically organized man.' Consequent upon this cultural-intellectual globalization, the ahistorical, violent, individualistic, calculative and capitalistic logic of the metaphysics of technology is (...)
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  49. Saving Earth: encountering Heidegger's philosophy of technology in the anthropocene.Jochem Zwier & Vincent Blok - 2017 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 21 (2/3):222-242.
    In this paper, we argue that the Anthropocene is relevant for philosophy of technology because it makes us sensitive to the ontological dimension of contemporary technology. In §1, we show how the Anthropocene has ontological status insofar as the Anthropocenic world appears as managerial resource to us as managers of our planetary oikos. Next, we confront this interpretation of the Anthropocene with Heidegger’s notion of “Enframing” to suggest that the former offers a concrete experience of Heidegger’s abstract, notoriously difficult, (...)
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    Global Evolution and Prospects Human Intelligence.V. Shapoval - 2021 - Philosophical Horizons 45:42-49.
    There are two opposing equally well-argued views on the emergence and development of all things: either the evolution of the world that led to the emergence of life and intelligence is something natural, or everything happened quite by accident and could have been different. It determines the aim and the tasks which are the emergence of intelligence can be considered as a certain stage of such a naturally unfolding evolutionary process, or it is the result of a coincidence. Research methods (...)
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