Results for 'Priscila Figueiredo'

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  1.  27
    O Feminismo Interseccional na articulação do saber acadêmico e da ação política: reflexões a partir da experiência de um coletivo feminista.Priscila Silva De Figueiredo & Valéria Soares Martins - 2020 - Odeere 5 (10):334-344.
    O feminismo interseccional tem sido apontado como uma importante teoria na compreensão de como as opressões de gênero, classe e raça dentre outras, se relacionam entre si e interferem na vida de cada mulher, que acaba assim por experimentar a opressão de gênero a partir de um ponto de vista único. Além disso, a atuação de coletivos feministas tem sido fundamental na vida de mulheres, como espaços de empoderamento e de luta em prol de uma sociedade menos opressiva. Assim, apresentamos (...)
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    Heinrich Heine eo papel do intelectual na Alemanha, de Jürgen Habermas.Luiz Repa & Priscila Figueiredo - 1997 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 3.
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    Poesia brasileira e ditadura: memória e desaparecimento em Ricardo Domeneck, Eduardo Sterzi, Paulo Ferraz e Priscila Figueiredo.Pádua Fernandes - 2020 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 11 (21):e065.
    O artigo analisa poemas de Ricardo Domeneck, Eduardo Sterzi, Paulo Ferraz e Priscila Figueiredo, que tratam de questões sobre graves violações de direitos humanos cometidas pelo Estado brasileiro, como a memória dos desaparecidos ou das vítimas da ditadura militar. A análise enquadra-se no campo da literatura e justiça de transição, com o objetivo de estudar o cruzamento entre invenção literária e memória social, no tocante ao legado dos crimes contra a humanidade praticados pelo Estado brasileiro. Todos esses autores (...)
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    A Visual Model of Peirce's 66 Classes of Signs Unravels His Late Proposal of Enlarging Semiotic Theory.Priscila Borges - 2010 - In W. Carnielli L. Magnani (ed.), Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. pp. 221--237.
  5.  28
    Retractions in the Engineering Field: A Study on the Web of Science Database.Priscila Rubbo, Caroline Lievore Helmann, Celso Bilynkievycz dos Santos & Luiz Alberto Pilatti - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (2):141-155.
    This study assesses the retractions of scientific articles in engineering journals indexed on the Web of Science from 1945 to 2015. The data set was built based on documents containing the keywords retracted, retraction, withdrawal, or redress. We used database exploration techniques, including Structured Query Language and analysis of variance, for data analysis. We analyzed 238 retractions published by 117 journals. The most common reason for retraction was unethical research, and higher impact factors journals tended to publish more retractions. In (...)
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    Citation of Retracted Articles in Engineering: A Study of the Web of Science Database.Priscila Rubbo, Luiz Alberto Pilatti & Claudia Tania Picinin - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (8):661-679.
    The objective of this study is to compare the quantity of citations that retracted and nonretracted articles received in engineering based on articles indexed in the Web of Science database and published between 1945 and 2015. For data analysis, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used along with the Kolmogorov–Smirnov, Mann–Whitney, Tukey–Kramer tests and descriptive statistics. The data set included 238 retracted and 236 nonretracted articles, with the retracted articles cited 2,348 times and nonretracted articles cited 2,957 times. (...)
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    Notes for a dynamic diagram of Charles Peirce’s classifications of signs.Priscila Farias & João Queiroz - 2000 - Semiotica 131 (1-2):19-44.
  8. Images, diagrams, and metaphors: hypoicons in the context of Peirce's sixty-six-fold classification of signs.Priscila Farias & João Queiroz - 2006 - Semiotica 2006 (162):287-307.
    In his 1903 Syllabus, Charles S. Peirce makes a distinction between icons and iconic signs, or hypoicons, and briefly introduces a division of the latter into images, diagrams, and metaphors. Peirce scholars have tried to make better sense of those concepts by understanding iconic signs in the context of the ten classes of signs described in the same Syllabus. We will argue, however, that the three kinds of hypoicons can better be understood in the context of Peirce's sixty-six classes of (...)
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  9. Arte e cntica social em Adorno.Priscila Arantes - 1996 - Princípios 40:78.
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    A System of 21 Classes of Signs?Priscila Borges - 2014 - Semiotics:599-610.
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    Confidence through the semiotic process.Priscila Monteiro Borges - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (228):55-76.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    The Classes of Signs as a Tool for Semiotic Inquiry.Priscila Borges - 2013 - Semiotics:281-291.
  13.  9
    A luta pela expressão: prolegômenos para uma filosofia da literatura.Fidelino de Figueiredo - 1973 - São Paulo: Editora Cultrix.
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  14. Aspectos políticos e econômicos da circulação do livro didático de História e suas implicações curriculares.Célia Cristina de Figueiredo Cassiano - 2004 - História 23:1-2.
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    Pressupostos da dedução transcendental (B).Vinicius de Figueiredo - 1992 - Discurso 19:123-134.
    A investigação transcendental pressupõe um exercício de abstração, que na Crítica da Razão Pura se aplica ao conhecimento da experiência. Sua bipartição em dois modos-de-representação, contudo, levanta duas dificuldades à teoria da objetividade kantiana: como conciliar os, elementos separados pela análise e como assegurar a legitimidade da abstração sobre o conhecimento empírico.
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    Hypoicons in the Context of Peirce's Extended Theory of Signs.Priscila Farias & João Queiroz - 2006 - Semiotics:61-72.
  17. Wittgenstein and Tomasello on understanding intentions.Florian Franken Figueiredo - 2018 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio 12 (2):58-69.
    Developmental psychologists have argued for the view that understanding one’s own intentions and the intentions of others consists in the performance of a psychological mechanism and moreover that the ability to understand intentions depends on the ontogenetic development of this mechanism. In this paper, I refer to Michael Tomasello as the most notable proponent of this view and present arguments against it. I argue that understanding intentions results from social agreement in practice rather than from psychological processes transpiring in the (...)
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  18.  20
    El nuevo modelo de santidad de Martín de Tours y su relación con el comienzo de la Via Turonensis del Camino de Santiago.José Ramón Hernández Figueiredo - 2017 - Salmanticensis 64 (3):403-435.
    Este artículo nos adentra en el estudio de la figura de san Martín de Tours, el apóstol de la Galia, cuya influencia se deja sentir en toda Europa, especialmente en España. Se trata del primer santo no mártir después de la paz de Constantino. Resultó ser soldado por fuerza, obispo por obligación, monje por gusto. Representa un nuevo modelo de santidad. De eremita evoluciona a la vida cenobítica, como padre de monjes; y como obispo es el defensor civitatis además del (...)
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    Arte, catarse E educação.Priscila Leite - 2015 - Educação E Filosofia 29 (58):889-899.
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    Polifonia e "realismo no sentido superior": o epilogo de Crime e castigo.Priscila Nascimento Marques - 2011 - Bakhtiniana 6 (1):143-158.
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    Advanced Issues in Cognitive Science and Semiotics.Priscila Farias & Jo (eds.) - forthcoming
  22.  60
    Liberdade dramática: ética e literatura na escrita de Sartre.Priscila Rossinetti Rufinoni - 2008 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 49 (117):201-218.
  23. Rousseau e Voltaire: duas perspectivas para a história moderna.Priscila Rossinetti Rufinoni - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 2 (2):80-88.
    Este artigo procura pensar qual a importância da noção de “liberdade” para o conceito de história em Rousseau e Voltaire. Em ambas as perspectivas de abordagem, a história moderna segue uma norma teleológica ou há um espaço para a ação política?
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    On diagrams for Peirces 10, 28, and 66 classes of signs.Priscila Farias & João Queiroz - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (147):165-184.
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  25. 10cubes and 3N3: Using interactive diagrams to investigate Charles Peirces classifications of signs.Priscila Farias & João Queiroz - 2004 - Semiotica 2004 (151):41-63.
    This article presents some results of a research on computational strategies for the visualization of sign classification structures and sign processes. The focus of this research is the various classifications of signs described by Peirce. Two models are presented. One of them concerns specifically the 10-fold classification as described in the 1903 Syllabus (MS 540, EP 2: 289–299), while the other deals with the deep structure of Peirce’s various trichotomic classifications. The first is 10cubes, an interactive 3-D model of Peirce’s (...)
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  26.  16
    Indeterminacy and final causation in the process of sign determination.Priscila Monteiro Borges & Juliana Rocha Franco - 2022 - Cognitio 23 (1):59925-59925.
    In semiotics, final causation can be related to the process of determination (PAPE, 1993). From Peirce’s point of view, determination is not a causal determinism, but a delimitation of a range of possibilities. One starts from objects towards interpretants, in a process mediated by the sign, in which the dynamic object works as a force that constrains interpretants to correspond to their objects. The correspondence between object and interpretant is important because it is through a generated interpretant that the object (...)
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  27.  26
    On truth, language and objectivity.Florian Franken Figueiredo - 2023 - In Robert Vinten (ed.), Wittgenstein and the Cognitive Science of Religion: Interpreting Human Nature and the Mind. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 25-38.
    In this chapter I discuss Roger Trigg’s contribution to this volume on Wittgenstein, concepts, and human nature. Trigg shares many of the basic assumptions that form the methodological framework of cognitive science of religion (CSR) arguing that Wittgenstein’s later work shares common ground with presumptions, commitments, and accounts in cultural studies that are usually rejected by proponents of CSR. In particular, he challenges Wittgenstein’s notion of truth, that he sees under the threat of radical relativism. Against his view I argue (...)
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    “Research exceptionalism” in the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of scientific retractions in Scopus.Priscila Rubbo, Caroline Lievore, Celso Biynkievycz Dos Santos, Claudia Tania Picinin, Luiz Alberto Pilatti & Bruno Pedroso - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (5):339-356.
    This study aimed to outline the profile of retractions of scientific articles on COVID-19 published in journals indexed in the Scopus database between 2020 and 2021. To analyze the data, we used a bibliometric technique, with the Bibliometrix package in the R-Studio software, and descriptive statistics. Twenty-nine retractions were analyzed, and we found that the most common reasons for retraction were related to ethical issues and that 68.97% of authors have previously retracted articles. We concluded that there appears to have (...)
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  29.  19
    Wittgenstein's philosophy in 1929.Florian Franken Figueiredo (ed.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The book explores the impact of manuscript remarks during the year 1929 on the development of Wittgenstein's thought. Although its intention is to put the focus specifically on the manuscripts, the book is not purely exegetical. The contributors generate important new insights for understanding Wittgenstein's philosophy and his place in the history of analytic philosophy. Wittgenstein's writings from the years 1929-1930 are valuable, not simply because they marked Wittgenstein's return to academic philosophy after a seven-year absence, but because these works (...)
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  30. Adaptive trials and interim analysis.Priscila Andrade, Nazem Atassi & Laura Castillo-Saavedra - 2018 - In Felipe Fregni & Ben M. W. Illigens (eds.), Critical thinking in clinical research: applied theory and practice using case studies. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  31.  39
    Media, Gestures, and Society: Dialogues between Vilém Flusser and Fred Forest1.Priscila Arantes - 2009 - Flusser Studies 8 (1).
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    Waldemar Cordeiro and Arteônica: rewritings of digital art in Brazil and Latin America.Priscila Almeida Cunha Arantes - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):1085-1092.
    In the passage of time from the 1960s to the 1970s, the Brazilian artist Waldemar Cordeiro developed his first works in computer art by applying the mathematical concept of “derivative function.” Around the same time, he organized and took part in exhibitions, and composed a series of essays envisaging that the use of digital resources would become an inevitable process for the future of information reception and artistic communication. A closer look at Waldemar Cordeiro's production, both artistic and theoretical, after (...)
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  33. Rastros da trajetória docente: Apontamentos sobre O processo de constituição de um professor de teatro.Ricardo Carvalho de Figueiredo - 2016 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 6 (14):49-65.
    O presente artigo apresenta a noção de história de vida e como essa pode influenciar a prática docente na formação do professor de teatro. Nesse texto o autor recorreu ao seu percurso biográfico para compreender os caminhos trilhados para, na condição de formador de outros professores de teatro, compreender como vem construído sua prática pedagógica. Metodologicamente buscou rastros de três encontros biográficos que permitiram experiências formadoras colocando o autor em tempos e lugares de aprendizagem, consolidando um processo formativo a partir (...)
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    La Traditio Fidei en entornos digitales. La contribución de la mediología de Régis Debray.Luís M. Figueiredo Rodrigues - 2017 - Salmanticensis 64 (2):263-283.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar un modelo de comprensión tal que permita a la investigación pastoral reflexionar sobre cómo la traditio fidei se puede realizar con el recurso de entornos digitales. Para eso, recurre a la mediología de Régis Debray, reflexionando sobre el modo como los componentes de la cultura digital pueden estar al servicio de la transmisión cultural.
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    Understanding How Climate Change Impacts Food Security and Human Development in the Fragile States.Ane Cristina Figueiredo Pereira de Faria - 2018 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 28 (1):3-39.
    Human security is being threatened as a consequence of climate change. However, the human security paradigm still needs to be addressed as a cause and effect of environmental degradation. Therefore, this article aims to comprehend the impacts of climate change in fragile states regarding food security and human development. The article is a comparative case study of the five most vulnerable countries in Africa: Somalia, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Sudan, and Congo (Dem. Republic). This research contends that climate change (...)
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    Zur Möglichkeit des unmöglichen Strafrechts: ein Versuch über die Dissonanz im System der ultima ratio.Frederico Figueiredo - 2013 - Frankfurt am Main: PL Academic Research.
    Wie gelangen wir in einen Zustand des Strafrechts, den viele Spezialisten mit guten Grunden fur unmoglich halten? Das Buch <I>Zur Moglichkeit des unmoglichen Strafrechts beschaftigt sich mit dieser Frage und versucht auf sie anhand einer vergleichenden Analyse eine Antwort zu geben: Die Krisis des Strafrechts aus der Perspektive der sogenannten Frankfurter Schule des Strafrechts steht dabei der Kritischen Theorie gegenuber. Ausgewahlte Beispiele aus der deutschen sowie der brasilianischen Geschichte, wie Sklaverei, Diktatur, Imperialismus und Nationalsozialismus, sprechen dafur, dass Wissenschaft und Barbarei (...)
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    Velas.Priscila Palomares - 2022 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 20 (143):129.
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  38. O Eu e a verdade: a subjetividade abstrata das vanguardas.Priscila Rossinetti Rufinoni - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 1 (1):39-57.
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    Michel Foucault e Jacques Léonard sobre Vigiar e Punir: os embates entre a história e a loso a.Priscila Piazentini Vieira - 2017 - Doispontos 14 (1).
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    Logischer Holismus und Wittgensteins „praktische Wende“.Florian Franken Figueiredo - 2021 - Wittgenstein-Studien 12 (1):195-215.
    Logical Holism and Wittgenstein’s ‘Practical Turn’. – Logical holism is the idea that each elementary proposition belongs to a system and is logically connected to other propositions of that system. In this paper I explore this idea and draw its connections to the nature of negative propositions and the ‘problem of recognition’ on the basis of Wittgenstein’s Nachlass. In the first section I argue that in January 1930 the idea leads Wittgenstein to a better understanding of how the negative feature (...)
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  41.  16
    O-minimal de Rham Cohomology.Rodrigo Figueiredo - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (4):529-529.
    O-minimal geometry generalizes both semialgebraic and subanalytic geometries, and has been very successful in solving special cases of some problems in arithmetic geometry, such as André–Oort conjecture. Among the many tools developed in an o-minimal setting are cohomology theories for abstract-definable continuous manifolds such as singular cohomology, sheaf cohomology and Čech cohomology, which have been used for instance to prove Pillay’s conjecture concerning definably compact groups. In the present thesis we elaborate an o-minimal de Rham cohomology theory for abstract-definable $C^{\infty (...)
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    Presumed post-mortem donors: the degree of information among university students.Ivone Maria Resende Figueiredo Duarte, Cristina Maria Nogueira da Costa Santos & Rita da Silva Clemente Pinho - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-16.
    BackgroundOrgan transplantation represents the most effective and acceptable therapy for end-stage organ failure. However, its frequent practice often leads to a shortage of organs worldwide. To solve this dilemma, some countries, such as Portugal, have switched from an opt-in to an opt-out system, which has raised concerns about respect for individual autonomy. We aimed to evaluate whether young university students are aware of this opt-out system so that they can make informed, autonomous and conscious decisions, as well as to identify (...)
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    Sócrates e a Prática Do Exame Das Acusações No Tribunal Ateniense: Perspectivas Foucaultianas.Priscila Céspede Cupello - 2022 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 40.
    Michel Foucault (1926-1984) ao analisar o diálogo Apologia de Sócrates de Platão afirma que Sócrates não se vale da retórica para defender-se das acusações recebidas no tribunal ateniense. Ele não faz uso de um discurso que visa a adulação do júri pela comoção e piedade. De acordo com Foucault (2009), o filósofo faz uso da fala franca (parresía) e procura examinar as acusações recebidas em busca da verdade e da promoção da justiça. Sócrates segue o conselho de seu daímon que (...)
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  44. Paixão e ressurreição do homem.Fidelino de Figueiredo - 1967 - Lisboa: Portugália Editora.
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    Reflexão e determinação práticas em Kant.Vinicius de Figueiredo - 2008 - Discurso 38:119-144.
    É comum resumir a experiência moral kantiana à adesão do agente à lei que sua própria razão lhe impõe. O valor incondicional da autonomia aparece, desse modo, como elemento suficiente para uma doutrina normativa do agir, mesmo sob o risco de tornar o agente que segue a razão alguém alheio à experiência em que se inscreve efetivamente. Contra essa leitura, procura-se mostrar aqui que, para Kant, (i) a determinação da vontade pela razão traz consigo uma reflexão sobre as condições de (...)
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  46.  14
    A imagem da morte: arte contempor'nea e produção de sentidos.Vinícius Borges Figueiredo - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (1):533-562.
    Mediante as relações de sentido que possam existir entre as temáticas do corpo, representação e morte, sobretudo nas produções que se utilizam do suporte da fotografia, e também pensando no ponto de mudança entre o documento fotográfico para a mestiçagem da arte contemporânea, o presente artigo se propõe refletir sobre a produção de três artistas visuais: Rosângela Rennó, Christian Boltanski e YdessaHendeles. Os referidos artistas se utilizaram de práticas mestiças e do suporte fotográfico em suas produções visuais, de modo que, (...)
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    Blank Verse: a história e as histórias de William Shakespeare traduzidas em websérie.Manoela Sarubbi Henares Figueiredo - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (2):395-421.
    Blank Verse é uma web série que retrata William Shakespeare e outras figuras históricas do período elisabetano reimaginados como estudantes e professores universitários nos dias atuais. Através de vídeos curtos e postagens em redes sociais, acompanhamos os personagens em suas jornadas como escritores iniciantes num contexto altamente mediado pela tecnologia. A mescla criativa de elementos históricos, biográficos e ficcionais provocaram as reflexões apresentadas neste artigo. A partir do pensamento de teóricos da literatura como Josefina Ludmer e Flora Süssekind; História, como (...)
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    Cassirer and sartre on enlightenment.Vinicius de Figueiredo - 2006 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 46 (111):0-0.
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    Cassirer e Sartre sobre o esclarecimento.Vinicius de Figueiredo - 2005 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 46 (112):199-213.
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    Praxis und Gründe. Zu den normativen Grundlagen praktischer Rationalität.Florian Franken Figueiredo - 2017 - Münster: Mentis-Verlag.
    Praktische Gründe dienen uns Menschen dazu, unser Handeln verständlich zu machen. Philosophen sind fasziniert vom Wesen praktischer Gründe. Auf was für einen Gegenstand beziehen wir uns, wenn wir unser Handeln erklären? Sind praktische Gründe als psychologische Zustände der handelnden Person aufzufassen, etwa als deren Wünsche oder Überzeugungen? Oder sind sie identisch mit den sich in der Welt befindenden Tatsachen, also unabhängig vom Geist der Akteure? Verursachen Gründe unser Handeln? Diese und andere Fragen sind aktueller Gegenstand einer vielschichtigen Diskussion in der (...)
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