Results for 'Proportionalism'

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  1.  82
    Proportionalists and the Principle of Double Effect: A Review Discussion.P. I. Odozor - 1997 - Christian Bioethics 3 (2):115-130.
    The proportionalist position on the revision of the principle of double effect is now an important feature of moral discourse in contemporary Roman Catholic theological discussion. While its claim to being rooted in the work of Saint Thomas Aquinas is defensible, its view on the universal applicability of proportionate reasoning for determining the moral rightness or wrongness of actions is not without problems in some key areas, such as the distinction between direct and indirect consequences of an action. Indeed, proportionalists (...)
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    Where Have All the Proportionalists Gone?Aline H. Kalbian - 2002 - Journal of Religious Ethics 30 (1):3 - 22.
    Interest in proportionalism as an important trend in Catholic moral theology seems to have faded in the recent decade. This has led some to view it as a movement that was somehow defeated. I suggest that proportionalism's influence can still be seen in contemporary Catholic ethics, most noticeably in the current interest in virtue ethics, casuistry, and feminist ethics. I argue that proportionalism encouraged a reappraisal of the methodology for evaluating moral action in a direction that was (...)
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    Enriching Proportionalism Through Christian Narrative in Bioethics: The Decisive Development in Richard McCormick's Moral Theory?J. Boyle - 2008 - Christian Bioethics 14 (3):302-309.
    In this short response to Peter Clarke's thorough and interesting tracing of the developments in Richard McCormick's approach to moral questions, I take a perspective external to the concerns of Clarke's paper. I propose to look at the developments in McCormick's approach not so much from the perspective of contemporary Catholic moral theology but from that of the impact on the practices and beliefs of the Catholic community. From that perspective, the really important events in McCormick's theological development are his (...)
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    Proportionalists, deontologists and the human good.Bernard Hoose - 1992 - Heythrop Journal 33 (2):175–191.
  5. Proportionalism and the pill.Christopher Kaczor - 2000 - In Christopher Robert Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: for and against. Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press.
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  6. In Defence of Proportionalism.Daan Evers - 2014 - European Journal of Philosophy 22 (2):313-320.
    In his book Slaves of the Passions, Mark Schroeder defends a Humean theory of reasons. Humeanism is the view that you have a reason to X only if X‐ing promotes at least one of your desires. But Schroeder rejects a natural companion theory of the weight of reasons, which he calls proportionalism. According to it, the weight of a reason is proportionate to the strength of the desire that grounds it and the extent to which the act promotes the (...)
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    Proportionalism and the Natural Law Tradition. [REVIEW]Leo J. Elders - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 56 (4):885-885.
    Modern versions of utilitarianism have been called consequentialism: in order to evaluate the goodness or badness of human actions one must consider—in one way or in another—their consequences. This consequentialism appears to be opposed on many counts to traditional natural law ethics: norms such as one should never kill innocent persons and never commit adultery stand in conflict with a view which holds that in some cases good results may outweigh the bad consequences of such and other actions. In the (...)
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  8. Proportionalism and the Natural Law Tradition.Christopher Kaczor - 2002
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  9. Proportionalism: One view of the debate.Edward V. Vacek - 2000 - In Christopher Robert Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: for and against. Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press.
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  10. Proportionalism and the pill: How developments in theory lead to contradictions to practice.Christopher Kaczor - 1999 - The Thomist 63 (2):269-281.
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  11. Grisez, Finnis and the Proportionalists: Disputes Over Commensurability and Moral Judgement in Natural Law.Joseph F. Rautenberg - 1987 - Dissertation, Georgetown University
    This dissertation had three purposes: present the system of natural law developed by Germain Grisez and John Finnis; display and examine their quarrel with that group of moralists they label "proportionalists;" adjudicate crucial areas of conflict to advance a person-centered fundamental morality. ;Chapter One presented the Grisez-Finnis system. It noted: their emphasis on intentionality, as opposed to metaphysical anthropology, as the ground of their theory of practical reason--morality; and their identification of objective principles for grounding moral absolutes. ;Chapter Two detailed (...)
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  12. Why I’m still a proportionalist.Travis N. Rieder - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (1):251-270.
    Mark Schroeder has, rather famously, defended a powerful Humean Theory of Reasons. In doing so, he abandons what many take to be the default Humean view of weighting reasons—namely, proportionalism. On Schroeder’s view, the pressure that Humeans feel to adopt proportionalism is illusory, and proportionalism is unable to make sense of the fact that the weight of reasons is a normative matter. He thus offers his own ‘Recursive View’, which directly explains how it is that the weight (...)
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    Proportionalism: for and against.Christopher Robert Kaczor (ed.) - 2000 - Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press.
  14.  12
    Some Aspects of Proportionalism.Piotr Aszyk - 1997 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 2:189-191.
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    Populism, Power and Proportionalism in Nadia Urbinati's Me the People.Léonie de Jonge - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (8):1094-1096.
    What happens to representative democracy when populism comes to power? How does populism in power transform or disfigure the procedures and institutions of representative democracy? These are the c...
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    Why the debate on proportionalism is misconceived.Michael J. Quirk - 1997 - Modern Theology 13 (4):501-524.
  17.  14
    Moral Methodologies: Proportionalism.Janet E. Smith - 1994 - Ethics and Medics 19 (6):1-3.
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    Proportionalism[REVIEW]J. L. A. Garcia - 1990 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 64 (3):418-421.
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  19. Ways of Solving Conflicts of Constitutional Rights: Proportionalism and Specificationism.José Juan Moreso - 2012 - Ratio Juris 25 (1):31-46.
    This paper deals with the question of the conflict of constitutional rights with regard to basic rights. Two extreme accounts are outlined: the subsumptive approach and the particularistic approach, that embody two main conceptions of practical rationality. Between the two approaches there is room for a range of options, two of which are examined: the proportionalist approach, which conserves the scope of rights restricting their stringency, and the specificationist approach, which preserves the stringency of rights restricting their scope. I will (...)
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  20. The impracticality of proportionalism.Bartholomew M. Kiely - 2000 - In Christopher Robert Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: for and against. Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press.
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    Love, moral values and proportionalism: A response to Garth Hallett.Stephen J. Pope - 1990 - Heythrop Journal 31 (2):199–205.
  22. Incoherence and Consequentialism (or Proportionalism).Joseph Boyle, Germain Grisez & John Finnis - 1990 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 64 (2):271-277.
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    How to Deconstruct Proportionalism.David N. Beauregard - 1999 - Ethics and Medics 24 (6):3-4.
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    The Quest for an Adequate Proportionalist Theory of Value.Ronald H. McKinney - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (1):56-73.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE QUEST FOR AN ADEQUATE PROPORTIONALIST THEORY OF VALUE RoNALD H. McKINNEY, S.J. U'IWversity of Scranton Scranton, Pennsylvania EDWARD VACEK shrewdly observes that proportionalism attempts to synthesize the crucial insights of both the teleologist and the deontologist.1 Indeed, Vacek provides a fine summary of this achievement. However, he reflects that the most underdeveloped feature of proportionalism is its value theory by which we are enabled to know (...)
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  25.  37
    Greater Good: The Case for Proportionalism[REVIEW]Christopher Kaczor - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (4):898-898.
    In this book, Garth L. Hallett offers the best book of its kind available today. Unlike many other apologiae for proportionalism, Hallet fully engages numerous contemporary moral philosophers, among them Robert Merrihew Adams, Alan Donagan, Judith Thomson, and Alan Gewirth, in addition to engaging Catholic theorists including Aquinas, Germain Grisez, and John Finnis. Hallet also merits commendation for breaking ranks with other proportionalists, particularly Peter Knauer, about not a few matters, most significantly the extent to which proportionalism governs (...)
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    Greater Good: The Case for Proportionalism.Garth Hallett - 1995 - Georgetown University Press.
    "Hallett's fine book defends his earlier accounts of the right-making characteristics of moral acts."-Religious Studies Review.
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    The splendour of truth and intrinsically immoral acts II: A philosophical defense of the rejection of proportionalism and consequentialism in "Veritatis Splendor".Josef Seifert - 2017 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 51 (3):7.
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  28. Moral conversion and problems in proportionalism.A. Beards - 1997 - Gregorianum 78 (2):329-357.
    Cet article examine certains des éléments fondamentaux de la pensée de Bernard Lonergan sur l'éthique. Il y est proposé que le traitement des préceptes transcendentaux et des valeurs dans Method suggère une continuité avec sa position antérieure dans Insight. Cette continuité est exposée par l'examen de la manière dans laquelle Lonergan dérive les 'devoirs' des préceptes transcendentaux de 'l'être' de la structure de la connaissance. Cet approche, dessinée à grands traits, est appliquée à une analyse de l'éthique proportionnaliste. On suggère (...)
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    The theological ethics of Herbert McCabe, op: A review essay.L. Roger Owens - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (3):571-592.
    Herbert McCabe, OP (d. 2001), was a significant theological figure in England in the last century. A scholar of Aquinas, he was also influenced by Wittgenstein and Marx, his reading of whom helped him articulate a distinctive Thomistic account of human embodiment that serves as a critique of other dominant approaches in ethics. This article shows McCabe's contribution to moral theology by placing his work in conversation with other important approaches, namely, situation ethics, proportionalism, and the New Natural Law (...)
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  30. Evaluating Inferences: the Nature and Role of Warrants.Robert C. Pinto - 2006 - Informal Logic 26 (3):287-317.
    Following David Hitchcock and Stephen Toulmin, this paper takes warrants to be material inference rules. It offers an account of the form such rules should take that is designed (a) to implement the idea that an argument/inference is valid only if it is entitlement preserving and (b) to support a qualitative version of evidence proportionalism. It attempts to capture what gives warrants their normative force by elaborating a concept of reliability tailored to its account of the form such rules (...)
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    Teaching Rational Entitlement and Responsibility: A Socratic Exercise.David Godden - 2014 - Informal Logic 34 (1):124-151.
    The paper reports on a Socratic exercise that introduces participants to the norm of rational entitlement, as distinct from political entitlement, and the attendant norm of rational responsibility. The exercise demonstrates that, because participants are not willing to exchange their own opinion at random for another differing opinion to which the owner is, by the participants’ own admission, entitled, they treat their entitlement to their own opinion differently, giving it a special status. This gives rise to rational obligations such as (...)
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  32. Weighting for a plausible Humean theory of reasons.Mark Schroeder - 2007 - Noûs 41 (1):110–132.
    This paper addresses the two extensional objections to the Humean Theory of Reasons—that it allows for too many reasons, and that it allows for too few. Although I won’t argue so here, manyof the other objections to the Humean Theoryof Reasons turn on assuming that it cannot successfully deal with these two objections.1 What I will argue, is that the force of the too many and the too few objections to the Humean Theorydepend on whether we assume that Humeans are (...)
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    Natural Law and Business Ethics.Manuel Velasquez & F. Neil Brady - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (2):83-107.
    We describe the Catholic natural law tradition by examining its origins in the medieval penitentials, the papal decretals, the writings of Thomas Aquinas, and seventeenth century casuistry. Catholic natural law emerges as a flexible ethic that conceives of human nature as rational and as oriented to certain basic goods that ought to be pursued and whose pursuit is made possible by the virtues. We then identify four approaches to natural law that have evolved within the United States during the twentieth (...)
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    Catholic Natural Law and Business Ethics.Manuel Velasquez - 2001 - Spiritual Goods 2001:107-140.
    This article describes Catholic natural law tradition by examining its origins in the medieval penitentials, the papal decretals, the writings of Thomas Aquinas, and seventeenth-century casuistry. Catholic natural law emerges as a flexible ethic that conceives of human nature as rational and as oriented to certain basic goods that ought to be pursued and whose pursuit is made possible by the virtues. Four approaches to natural law that have evolved within the United States during the twentieth century are then identified, (...)
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    Why Causation is Biconditional but not Proportional.Lei Zhong - 2022 - American Philosophical Quarterly 59 (3):263-271.
    In this article, I defend a biconditional counterfactual account of causation, which places equal emphasis on what I call “the presence condition” and “the absence condition,” whereas Lewis's classical counterfactual theory focuses only on the absence condition. I attempt to show that biconditionalism provides a promising treatment of supervenient causation, namely, causal cases involving the supervenience relationship. Although some philosophers confuse this account with the proportionality constraint on causation, I argue that biconditionalism is distinct from and superior to proportionalism (...)
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  36. The "Desert" Model for Sentencing: Its Influence, Prospects, and Alternatives.Andrew von Hirsch - 2007 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 74 (2):413-434.
    The decline of the rehabilitative ethos in sentencing theory in the post_1960's is a story that has been told often, and need not be rehearsed here. Penal treatment programs, once tested for their effectiveness, showed scant success _ or at most, succeeded only in limited categories of cases. Doubts grew also about the fairness of making the severity of a person's sentence depend upon his responsiveness to treatment. As penal rehabilitation diminished in influence, the key question for penologists and reformers (...)
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  37. On Keeping Things in Proportion.Adam Lovett & Stefan Riedener - 2019 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 16 (3).
    Formula One isn’t very important. You can't care about it too much. The refugee crisis is more important. You can care about it much more. In this paper we investigate how important something is. By ‘importance’ we mean how much it is fitting to care about a thing. We explore a view about this which we call Proportionalism. This view says that a thing’s importance depends on that thing’s share of the world’s total value. The more of what matters (...)
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  38. How Important is the Doctrine of Double Effect for Moral Theology? Contextualizing the Controversy.J. Berkman - 1997 - Christian Bioethics 3 (2):89-114.
    One's conception of the conditions and applicability of the principle of double effect derive from one's broader convictions about moral methodology. Developed in a Catholic context which presumed the existence of moral absolutes, the principle of double effect was originally a conceptual tool to aid priests in being skilled confessors. In recent decades, as the practice of moral theology has become less connected with its earlier ecclesial and sacramental context, the principle of double effect has fallen into an epistemological crisis. (...)
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  39. Desire and motivation in desire theories of well-being.Atus Mariqueo-Russell - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (7):1975-1994.
    Desire theories of well-being claim that how well our life goes for us is solely determined by the fulfilment and frustration of our desires. Several writers have argued that these theories are incorrect because they fail to capture the harms of self-sacrifice and severe depression. In this paper, I argue that desire theories of well-being can account for the harm of both phenomena by rejecting proportionalism about desire and motivation. This is the view that desires always motivate proportionally to (...)
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    Expanding in a Different Direction: Reclaiming the Twofold Nature of the Moral Object.Dana L. Dillon - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (4):585-593.
    This paper argues that the impasse in Catholic moral theology around the role of the object in determining the moral species of the act was rooted in shared misunderstandings of Thomas Aquinas's analysis of human action. The paper describes Thomas's account of moral action centering upon his claim in ST I-II.18.6 that the object is twofold. This distinction was often missed on both sides of the proportionalist debates. The paper argues that understanding the moral object as twofold upholds the essential (...)
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    Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later by Janet Smith.William E. May - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (1):155-161.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 155 Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later. By JANET SMITH. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1991. Pp. xvi + 425. $42.95 hardcover; $17.95 paper. This is an ambitious and important study. I will first offer an overview of the volume to indicate its scope and note some of its major features. I will then respond briefly to some of the major criticisms Smith makes of (...)
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    The Use of Scripture and the Renewal of Moral Theology: The Catechism and Veritatis Splendor.Servais Pinckaers - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (1):1-19.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE USE OF SCRIPTURE AND THE RENEWAL OF MORAL THEOLOGY: THE CATECHISM AND VERITATIS SPLENDOR 1 SERVAIS PINCKAERS, 0.P. L'Universite de Fribourg Fribourg, Switzerland T.HE SECOND Vatican Council ratified the biblical reewal that had prepared it. It truly gave Scripture back o the Catholic people and recommended it as " the very soul of sacred theology." 2 The Council invited theologians to show the inner coherence of the mysteries (...)
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    Corporatief verzet tegen het invoeren van de evenredige vertegenwoordiging in België.Frans Verriest - 1976 - Res Publica 18 (1):81-100.
    Corporatist opposition against the introduction of a system of proportional representation in Belgium can essentially be reduced to the opposition by Joris Helleputte. The main reason for this anti-proportionalism way that proportional representation would seriously endanger the growth of a catholic corporatist party and - in the long run - of a catholic corporatist state. In 1894 though, political corporatism isalready on its way back, and so is socio-economie corporatism from 1899 on.In the "Belgische Volksbond" a large majority has (...)
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    Natural Law and Business Ethics.F. Neil Brady - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (2):83-107.
    We describe the Catholic natural law tradition by examining its origins in the medieval penitentials, the papal decretals, the writings of Thomas Aquinas, and seventeenth century casuistry. Catholic natural law emerges as a flexible ethic that conceives of human nature as rational and as oriented to certain basic goods that ought to be pursued and whose pursuit is made possible by the virtues. We then identify four approaches to natural law that have evolved within the United States during the twentieth (...)
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    Intentional Actions and the Meaning of Object: A Reply to Richard McCormick.Martin Rhonheimer - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (2):279-311.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:INTENTIONAL ACTIONS AND THE MEANING OF OBJECT: A REPLY TO RICHARD McCORMICK MARTIN RHONHEIMER Roman Athenaeum of the Holy Cross Rome, Italy I N HIS ARTICLE, " Some Early Reactions to Veritatis Splendor," 1 Richard McCormick discusses my article on Veritatis Splendor and its teaching about intrinsically evil acts.2 He challenges my defence of the encyclical's views and poses some concrete questions for me. At the same time, McCormick (...)
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    Proportionality, Comparability, and Parity: A Discussion on the Rationality of Balancing.Piero Ríos Carrillo - 2023 - Legal Theory 29 (4):257-288.
    This article analyses the rationality of the principle of proportionality as a justificatory method for solving cases involving conflicts of constitutional principles. It addresses the “problem of comparability”: a set of arguments claiming that proportionalists fail to understand what happens when constitutional principles collide. The problem of comparability suggests that balancing cannot be done if some conflicts of constitutional principles are, in reality, cases of noncomparability, incommensurability, incomparability, or vagueness. In this article, I challenge the views of both proportionalists and (...)
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    Original Sin Revisited: A Recent Proposal on Thomas Aquinas, Original Sin, and the Challenge of Evolution.Reinhard Hütter - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (2):693-732.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Original Sin Revisited:A Recent Proposal on Thomas Aquinas, Original Sin, and the Challenge of EvolutionReinhard Hütter"For some years now, the theological layman has been surprised to note that in Catholic preaching, as well as in the theological literature that comes to his attention, there is either hardly any mention of the peccatum originale, or that this doctrine is even explicitly dismissed—with suppression of the canons of the Council of (...)
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    Inter-level Causal Compatibility Without Identity.Gergely Kertész - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (5):1841-1859.
    The paper investigates and refines the proportionalist solution to the causal exclusion problem developed by Menzies and List. First and foremost, it explores the implications of their inter-level compatibility result. It is highlighted that in theory the inter-level causal compatibility of realizer and realized properties allows for scenarios where the higher-level property is multiply realized. By developing concrete illustrations, the paper proves this to be an empirically plausible option. Further non-trivial implications of the framework are unpacked to show that the (...)
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    Greek classicism in living structure? Some deductive pathways in animal morphology.G. A. Zweers - 1985 - Acta Biotheoretica 34 (2-4):249-275.
    Classical temples in ancient Greece show two deterministic illusionistic principles of architecture, which govern their functional design: geometric proportionalism and a set of illusion-strengthening rules in the proportionalism's stochastic margin. Animal morphology, in its mechanistic-deductive revival, applies just one architectural principle, which is not always satisfactory. Whether a Greek Classical situation occurs in the architecture of living structure is to be investigated by extreme testing with deductive methods.Three deductive methods for explanation of living structure in animal morphology are (...)
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    The Splendor of Accuracy: How Accurate?William E. May - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (3):465-483.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE SPLENDOR OF ACCURACY.· HOW ACCURATE? WILLIAM E. MAY Pope John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family Washington, D.C. I N THE introduction to the collection of essays published under the title The Splendor ofAccuracy: An Examination of the Assertions made by Veritatis Splendor,1 Joseph Selling and Jan Jans write that the "central question that needs to be posed to the text of Veritatis Splendor" concerns (...)
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