Results for 'R. Mayr'

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  1. Nussbaum, M., 21o.W. Kluxen, R. Kraut, D. Kurz, G. Lieberg, R. Loening, H. Lfibbe, A. Maclntyre, O. Marquard, K. Marx & T. Mayr - 2010 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), Aristotle's "Nicomachean ethics". Boston: Brill. pp. 255.
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    TechnikgeschichteK. Mauel R. Reith.Otto Mayr - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):311-313.
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    Darwin's Biological Work: Some Aspects Reconsidered. P. R. Bell.Ernst Mayr - 1961 - Isis 52 (3):433-435.
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    Peripheral Rhythmicities.Albert Mayr - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    : In this paper I want to propose, from the vantage point of an experimental artist/composer, perceptual strategies focusing on the often ephemeral and unobtrusive spatio-temporal rhythmicities that nevertheless contribute to the quality of life in a settlement. The main points of reference are R. Murray Schafer's concepts of “ hi-fi and lo-fi soundscapes”, which here become “hi-fi and lo-fi environments”, i.e. are extended to include also non-sonic phenomena, and Torsten Hägerstrand's - Pour une éthique et une politique du rythme (...)
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    Darwin's Spectre: Evolutionary Biology in the Modern World by Michael R. Rose. [REVIEW]Ernst Mayr - 2000 - Isis 91:373-374.
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    Normativität, Geltung und Verpflichtung: Festschrift für Wilhelm Vossenkuhl zum 65. Geburtstag.Wilhelm Vossenkuhl, Stephan Sellmaier, Erasmus Mayr & Erich Ammereller (eds.) - 2011 - Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
    Die Frage nach der Begrundung ethischer Verbindlichkeit und der Geltung ethischer Normen steht im Zentrum der Ethik als Wissenschaft. Diese Grundfragen der Normativitat aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln zu beleuchten, ist Ziel der Beitrage dieses Bandes. Im ersten Teil werden zunachst die Grundlagen der Normativitat behandelt. Die Beitrage des zweiten Teils setzen sich mit Normativitat unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Stellung des Individuums auseinander. Der dritte Teil fasst schliesslich normative Fragen gesellschaftlicher Ordnung in den Blick, wobei auch spezifische Probleme aus den Bereichsethiken behandelt (...)
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    Wissenschaftsreflexion: interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zwischen Philosophie und Praxis.Michael Jungert, Andreas Frewer & Erasmus Mayr (eds.) - 2020 - Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
    Wissenschaftsreflexion: eine neue interdisziplinäre Perspektive auf die Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Wissenschaften sowie auf die praktischen Auswirkungen von wissenschaftlicher Forschung und Erkenntnis. Die Wissenschaften sehen sich gegenwärtig mit Blick auf ihre Geltungs- und Wahrheitsansprüche, ihre Vertrauenswürdigkeit und ihre Rolle in der Gesellschaft vor grundlegende Herausforderungen gestellt. Die Diskussionen betreffen dabei so unterschiedliche Themen wie Unsicherheit, Scheitern oder "Fake News" in den Wissenschaften, Klimawandel, Gentechnik, Impfungen und Alternativmedizin oder Evolutionstheorien. Nur eine interdisziplinär angelegte Reflexion über die Rolle der Wissenschaften, ihren (...)
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    Essay review: Ernst Mayr on the history of biology.Phillip R. Sloan - 1985 - Journal of the History of Biology 18 (1):145-153.
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    Mayr, Adalbert, Peculium and Simple Vows. [REVIEW]R. V. Shuhler - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (1):235-235.
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    Neo-Darwinism and Evo-Devo: An Argument for Theoretical Pluralism in Evolutionary Biology.Lindsay R. Craig - 2015 - Perspectives on Science 23 (3):243-279.
    The relatively new field of evolutionary developmental biology continues to attract considerable attention from biologists, philosophers, and historians, in part, because work in this field demonstrates that important changes are underway within biology. Though studies of development and evolution were closely connected during the 19th century, continued work in genetics fostered a general split between the two during the first decades of the twentieth century (e.g., Allen 1978; Gilbert 1978; Mayr and Provine 1980; Gilbert, Opitz and..
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    Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium 1966/1968. [REVIEW]H. K. R. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):751-751.
    This fifth volume in the Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science is devoted primarily to the natural sciences, but like previous volumes in this series there is considerable variety in the topics discussed and the approaches taken by different contributors differ markedly. The first contribution is a 150 page essay by A. Grünbaum which is a reply to Hilary Putnam's critique of Grünbaum's philosophy of geometry. The essays by Peter Havas on causality and relativity and by Carl F. von (...)
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    The reality and importance of founder speciation in evolution.Alan R. Templeton - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (5):470-479.
    A founder event occurs when a new population is established from a small number of individuals drawn from a large ancestral population. Mayr proposed that genetic drift in an isolated founder population could alter the selective forces in an epistatic system, an observation supported by recent studies. Carson argued that a period of relaxed selection could occur when a founder population is in an open ecological niche, allowing rapid population growth after the founder event. Selectable genetic variation can actually (...)
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    Martin Heidegger: Zollikon Seminars: Protocols—Conversations—Letters, edited by Medard Boss, translated by F.K. Mayr and R. Askay. [REVIEW]Ian Owen - 2002 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 33 (3):341-342.
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    William Bateson from Balanoglossus to Materials for the Study of Variation: The Transatlantic Roots of Discontinuity and the naturalness of Selection.Erik L. Peterson - 2008 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (2):267-305.
    William Bateson has long occupied a controversial role in the history of biology at the turn of the twentieth century. For the most part, Bateson has been situated as the British translator of Mendel or as the outspoken antagonist of W. F. R. Weldon and Karl Pearson's biometrics program. Less has been made of Bateson's transition from embryologist to advocate for discontinuous variation, and the precise role of British and American influences in that transition, in the years leading up to (...)
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  15. The Social message of the gospels.Franz Böckle (ed.) - 1968 - New York,: Paulist Press.
    Preface, by F. Böckle.--Articles: Empirical social study and ethics, by W. Korff. What does a non-Christian expect of the church in matters of social morality, by R. Garaudy. Social cybernetics as a permanent function of the church, by C. Wagner. World trade and international cooperation for development, by A. Ferrer. How can the church provide guidelines in social ethics? by P. Herder-Dorneich. Races and minorities: a matter of conscience by J. Musulin. The modern sexual revolution, by G. Struck. Prudence and (...)
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    The Modern Synthesis.Anya Plutynski - 2006 - In Sahotra Sarkar & Jessica Pfeiffer (eds.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy of Science.
    Huxley coined the phrase, the “evolutionary synthesis” to refer to the acceptance by a vast majority of biologists in the mid-20th Century of a “synthetic” view of evolution. According to this view, natural selection acting on minor hereditary variation was the primary cause of both adaptive change within populations and major changes, such as speciation and the evolution of higher taxa, such as families and genera. This was, roughly, a synthesis of Mendelian genetics and Darwinian evolutionary theory; it was a (...)
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    The Resurgence of Evolutionary Biology: Ethical and Political Implications.Terry Hoy - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    In The Resurgence of Evolutionary Biology Terry Hoy charts the intersection between political theory and the intellectual debate over human evolution. The book deals with the contemporary interpretation of Darwinism as an apology for racism, imperialism, and capitalism. Hoy argues that this perspective underlies the contemporary debates between proponents of both genetic and environmental determinants of behavior. In response to several leading thinkers in the field—principally Edward Wilson, Stephen Gould and R. C. Lewontin—Hoy presents the neo-Darwinian synthesis of Edwin (...) as a mediation between these two schools of thought. This concise work is essential reading for scholars of political theory and philosophy, and anyone interested in seeking to understand the rise and fall—and rise again—of Darwinism and the contemporary political relevance of Aristotelian-Darwinian naturalism. (shrink)
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    Beyond opening up the black box: Investigating the role of algorithmic systems in Wikipedian organizational culture.R. Stuart Geiger - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (2).
    Scholars and practitioners across domains are increasingly concerned with algorithmic transparency and opacity, interrogating the values and assumptions embedded in automated, black-boxed systems, particularly in user-generated content platforms. I report from an ethnography of infrastructure in Wikipedia to discuss an often understudied aspect of this topic: the local, contextual, learned expertise involved in participating in a highly automated social–technical environment. Today, the organizational culture of Wikipedia is deeply intertwined with various data-driven algorithmic systems, which Wikipedians rely on to help manage (...)
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    (1 other version)Moral Development and Moral Education.R. S. Peters - 1981 - Routledge.
    First published in 1981, this collection of essays was taken from Peters' larger work, Psychology and Ethical Development in order to provide a more focused volume on moral education for students. Peters' background in both psychology and philosophy makes the work distinctive, which is evident from the first two essays alone: 'Freud's theory of Moral Development in Relation to that of Piaget' and 'Moral Education and the Psychology of Character'. He also displays balance in his acceptance that reason and feeling (...)
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    Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XXVI. Edited by O. von Hinüber and R.F. Gombrich.K. R. Norman - 2001 - Buddhist Studies Review 18 (2):250-252.
    Journal of the Pali Text Society, Volume XXVI. Edited by O. von Hinüber and R.F. Gombrich. Pali Text Society, Oxford 2000. 234 pp. £15.00. ISBN 0 86013 391 5.
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  21. Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649.R. T. Kendall - 1979
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    Darwin.Philip Appleman - 1970 - New York,: Norton. Edited by Philip Appleman.
    Overview * Part I: Introduction * Philip Appleman, Darwin: On Changing the Mind * Part II: Darwin’s Life * Ernst Mayr, Who Is Darwin? * Part III: Scientific Thought: Just before Darwin * Sir Gavin de Beer, Biology before the Beagle * Thomas Robert Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population * William Paley, Natural Theology * Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet Lamarck, Zoological Philisophy * Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology * John Herschell, The Study of Natural (...)
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    A puzzle about business ethics.R. Edward Freeman & Gordon G. Sollars - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (1):272-273.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, EarlyView.
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    Cost: An Important Question That Must Be Asked.R. Andrew Morgan - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (1):61-70.
    Cost conversations are essential to informed consent because patients have a right to information that they think is relevant, and patients overwhelmingly report that cost information is relevant to their medical decisions. Providers have an ethical responsibility to provide necessary information for informed consent, and therefore must discuss costs. The Shared Decision Making model is ideal for enabling this exchange of information, and decision aids are also helpful. Although barriers exist, many useful tools can help providers fulfill this obligation, and (...)
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    An interpreter for a language for describing assemblies.R. J. Popplestone, A. P. Ambler & I. M. Bellos - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 14 (1):79-107.
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    The Phaedrus and Reincarnation.R. S. Bluck - 1958 - American Journal of Philology 79 (2):156.
  27. Artificial Intelligence: Critical Concepts in Cognitive Science, Volume 2: Symbolic AI.R. Chrisley (ed.) - 2000
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    Ontological And Anthropological Aspects of the Concept of Human Nature.R. Asha Nimali Fernando - 2011 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 1 (2):133.
    Anthropology is the study of the origin of the man. It is basically concern with the concept of _Homo__ __sapiens_, and it is scientifically questioning what are human physical traits as well how do men behave and the variation among different groups of human with his social and cultural dimensions. Ontology is a subfield in traditional philosophy which is mainly focuses on the nature of being, existence or reality as such. There are some similarities and differences among these two areas. (...)
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    BΩΣeΣΘe Revisited.R. Janko - 1979 - Classical Quarterly 29 (1):215-216.
    The form has lately caused controversy. It is traditionally interpreted as poetic for but O. Skutsch has denied that iota could be lost in this way, pointing out that instead it could be a correctly formed future cf. with a root ending in the laryngeal. M. Campbell rejects this, and rightly claims that ApoUonius borrowed the line from the Homeric Hymn to Pythian Apollo 528.
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    Formação, Ensino de Filosofia e Pensamento de Libertação: Apontamentos Críticos.R. M. Jesus & A. D. Silva - 2014 - Páginas de Filosofía 6 (1):29-49.
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    A Note on the Number of Isocrates' Pupils.R. Johnson - 1957 - American Journal of Philology 78 (3):297.
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    Macabéa, de Clarice Lispector: Impessoalidade em Heidegger ou Alteridade em Lévinas.R. Rossetti & S. F. F. Bernardi - 2015 - Páginas de Filosofía 7 (1):43-57.
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  33. The General Epistle of James: An Introduction and Commentary.R. V. G. Tasker - 1957
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  34. Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church and the Bible.M. Daniel Carroll R. - 2008
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  35. A Philosophy of Christian Morals for Today.R. Corkey, R. Mehl, E. Kushner, W. Earle, J. M. Edie & J. Wild - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (152):158-161.
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    On the Fragments of Sophocles.R. Ellis - 1881 - American Journal of Philology 2 (8):411.
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  37. The Loom of God: An Introduction to the Study of the Bible.R. P. C. Hanson & B. Harvey - 1955
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  38. The New Temple: The Church in the New Testament.R. J. McKelvey - 1969
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    Frontinus Aq. 76.2: An Unnoticed Fragment of Caelius Rufus?R. H. Rodgers - 1982 - American Journal of Philology 103 (3):333.
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  40. New English Bible.R. N. Whybray (ed.) - 1970 - Cambridge and Oxford University Presses.
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  41. Grounding the mental.R. L. Barnette - 1978 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 39 (September):92-105.
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    Bir us ve bilim savaşçısı: Cemal Yıldırım'a armağan.Cemal Yıldırım & Kumru Arapgirlioğlu (eds.) - 2008 - Kızılay, Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
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  43. Steps To Christian Understanding.R. J. W. Bevan - 1958
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    Automatic correlation and calibration of noisy sensor readings using elite genetic algorithms.R. R. Brooks, S. S. Iyengar & J. Chen - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 84 (1-2):339-354.
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    Business Ethics Pioneers: Ed Freeman.R. Edward Freeman - 2021 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 40 (3):329-335.
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    Basic Issues of Christian Eschatology Interpreted by Berdyaev.R. Gorban - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 69:94-103.
    In the article, “Basic Issues of Christian Eschatology Interpreted by Berdyaev”, Richard Gorban covers some eschatological aspects of Mykola Berdyaev. He considers the kernel of the basic issues of Christian eschatological doctrine the way the thinker understands them, determining his own conception of paradox of time. The researcher emphasizes the following issues in the system of religious and philosophical views of Berdyaev: connection of the fate of an individual soul with the fate of the world, death and eternity, end of (...)
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    Re: CycLing paper reviews.R. V. Guha & Douglas B. Lenat - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 61 (1):149-174.
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    Competition elicits arousal and affect.R. Hans Phaf - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e220.
    The emotion–cognition integration in Mather et al. can be extended by specifying the relationship between competition and arousal in the reverse direction. According to affective monitoring, competition raises arousal, which, when sustained, results in negative affect, evoking theta oscillations, and when resolved, in positive affect, evoking gamma oscillations. Competition should be considered a core process in both cognition and emotion.
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  49. Report for Appointments and Promotions Department, University of Haifa.Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen - unknown
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  50. 21 Some Perspectives on Survival Thomas R. Tietze.Thomas R. Tietze - 1974 - In John Warren White (ed.), Frontiers of consciousness: the meeting ground between inner and outer reality. New York: Julian Press. pp. 337.
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