Results for 'R. Paula-Lopes'

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  1. A Path Toward Inclusive Social Cohesion: The Role of European and National Identity on Contesting vs. Accepting European Migration Policies in Portugal.Isabel R. Pinto, Catarina L. Carvalho, Carina Dias, Paula Lopes, Sara Alves, Cátia de Carvalho & José M. Marques - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  2. VIDAL, G. R.; CISNEROS, E.L. Convergencias teóricas: Usos y alcances de la Retórica. México: IIF/UNAM. 2015. 223 p.Erico Lopes Pinheiro de Paula - 2017 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 22 (3):618-622.
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    Effects of cooling rate on the microstructure and solute partitioning in near eutectoid Ti–Cu alloys.R. J. Contieri, E. S. N. Lopes, R. Caram, A. Devaraj, S. Nag & R. Banerjee - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (21):2350-2371.
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  4. O processo de criação de vínculo entre adolescentes em situação de rua e operadores sociais: compartilhar confiança e saberes.Roseli Esquerdo Lopes, Ana Paula Serrata Malfitano & Patrícia Leme de Oliveira Borba - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (1).
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    Games Used With Serious Purposes: A Systematic Review of Interventions in Patients With Cerebral Palsy.Sílvia Lopes, Paula Magalhães, Armanda Pereira, Juliana Martins, Carla Magalhães, Elisa Chaleta & Pedro Rosário - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Learning Platforms for Implementing Formative Interventions to Promote the Health and Safety of Workers in Brazil.Manoela Gomes Reis Lopes, Rodolfo Andrade de Gouveia Vilela, Amanda Aparecida Silva-Macaia, Vinícius Monteiro de Paula Guirado & Marco Antonio Pereira Querol - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Formative intervention methodologies, such as the Change Laboratory, are increasingly being used in work environments. However, the learning process entailed in the application of these methodologies has received insufficient attention and may be facilitated through the use of learning platforms. We examined the development of learning and training strategies for implementing formative interventions, drawing on the experiences of a research group focusing on workers’ health. Information obtained from individuals involved in CL formative activities was analyzed and interpreted using Cultural-Historical Activity (...)
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    O sentido ontológico do trabalho e o desenvolvimento das funções psicológicas superiores: considerações preliminares.Antonio Dário Lopes Júnior, Ruth Maria de Paula Gonçalves & Osterne Nonato Maia Filho - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (68):925-957.
    O sentido ontológico do trabalho e o desenvolvimento das funções psicológicas superiores: considerações preliminares Resumo: O presente estudo tem por objetivo demonstrar de que forma o trabalho auxilia no processo de hominização do homem. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza teórica, realizado mediante pesquisa bibliográfica, sendo dividido em três momentos principais. No primeiro, apresenta-se como o trabalho é concebido por Marx e apropriado por Lukács e os representantes da Escola de Vigotski. No segundo, trata-se das tensões entre a importância conferida (...)
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    Impairments of Social Motor Synchrony Evident in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Paula Fitzpatrick, Jean A. Frazier, David M. Cochran, Teresa Mitchell, Caitlin Coleman & R. C. Schmidt - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:197578.
    Social interactions typically involve movements of the body that become synchronized over time and both intentional and spontaneous interactional synchrony have been found to be an essential part of successful human interaction. However, our understanding of the importance of temporal dimensions of social motor synchrony in social dysfunction is limited. Here, we used a pendulum coordination paradigm to assess dynamic, process-oriented measures of social motor synchrony in adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Our data indicate that adolescents with (...)
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    A Comment on Solari and Natiello’s Constructivist View of Newton’s Mechanics.R. Lopes Coelho - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (3):703-710.
    The present comment on Solari and Natiello’s paper values their constructivist approach to Newtonian Mechanics. My critical point concerns only the link between the concept of force and phenomena. It will be shown that the idealised form of the law of inertia created by the authors avoids criticism of the law and that this law leads to the concept of force as the cause of acceleration. This concept appears in the authors’ reconstruction as an assumption. They add that this assumption (...)
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    On the Energy Concept Problem: Experiments and Interpretations.R. Lopes Coelho - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (3):607-624.
    The principle of conservation of energy tells us that ‘energy can neither be created nor destroyed but only transformed’. The validity of the principle is without question. The problem is the concept. Contemporary physicists have asserted that we do not know what energy is. We find, however, 19th century physicists, contemporary physicists and historians of science who converge on the point: Mayer and Joule discovered energy. Therefore, we do not know what energy is, but we know these authors discovered it. (...)
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  11. Nuevas orientaciones para la evaluación de la asistencia para el desarrollo.Paula R. Bilinsky - 1994 - In Bernardo Kliksberg (ed.), El rediseño del estado: una perspectiva internacional. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
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    Animal Assisted Therapy Program As a Useful Adjunct to Conventional Psychosocial Rehabilitation for Patients with Schizophrenia: Results of a Small-scale Randomized Controlled Trial.Paula Calvo, Joan R. Fortuny, Sergio Guzmán, Cristina Macías, Jonathan Bowen, María L. García, Olivia Orejas, Ferran Molins, Asta Tvarijonaviciute, José J. Cerón, Antoni Bulbena & Jaume Fatjó - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Corporate governance predictors of adoption of anti-takeover amendments: An empirical analysis. [REVIEW]Paula L. Rechner, Chamu Sundaramurthy & Dan R. Dalton - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (5):371 - 378.
    This study of 481 corporations provides an assessment of the relationship between several corporate governance variables (board composition, type of board leadership, officer and director stock holdings, institutional stock holdings, number of majority owners, existence of severance agreements) and adoption of anti-takeover amendments. The results of analysis suggest that the two groups (adopters/non-adopters) differ significantly in regards to these variables.
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    Relationship Between Theory of Mind, Emotion Recognition, and Social Synchrony in Adolescents With and Without Autism.Paula Fitzpatrick, Jean A. Frazier, David Cochran, Teresa Mitchell, Caitlin Coleman & R. C. Schmidt - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    On the Composition of Force: Algorithm and Experiment.R. Lopes Coelho - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (2):199-210.
    Philosophers have disagreed on the composition of force for decades. The main divergence concerns the fundamental question: given a certain motion that is observable, which force or forces are present in it, component or resultant forces? The present paper focuses on the conditions for dealing with this problem. I will argue that we are not able to infer force from the observation of a motion, as required by the problem. I will further argue that the validity of the Newtonian algorithm (...)
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  16.  48
    How Executive Functions Are Evaluated in Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy? A Systematic Review.Armanda Pereira, Sílvia Lopes, Paula Magalhães, Adriana Sampaio, Elisa Chaleta & Pedro Rosário - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:311627.
    _Aims:_ The aim of the present study was to examine how executive functions are assessed in children and adolescents with Cerebral Palsy. _Method:_ A systematic literature review was conducted using four bibliographic databases (WebScience, Scopus, PubMed, and Psycinfo), and only studies that evaluated at least one executive function were selected. Both the research and reporting of results were based on Cochrane's recommendations and PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) guidelines. _Results:_ The instrument most frequently used was the (...)
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    “Not everybody approaches it that way”: Nurse‐trained health department directors’ leadership strategies and skills in public health.Paula M. Kett, Betty Bekemeier, Molly R. Altman & Jerald R. Herting - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (4):e12487.
    Evidence points to nurses as possessing particular skills which are important for public health leadership; in particular, investigators have found that a nurse public health director is strongly associated with positive health department performance. To better understand this association and to guide the effective deployment of nurse leaders, researchers sought to explore the specific leadership strategies used by nurse public health directors, using a critical thematic analysis approach to examine these leadership strategies in the context of certain ideologies, power differentials, (...)
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    Individual patient data meta‐analysis of randomized anti‐epileptic drug monotherapy trials.Paula R. Williamson, Anthony G. Marson, Catrin Tudur, Jane L. Hutton & David Chadwick - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (2):205-214.
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    Self-efficacy toward service, civic participation and the business student: Scale development and validation. [REVIEW]Paula S. Weber, James E. Weber, Bradley R. Sleeper & Ken L. Schneider - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 49 (4):359-369.
    This paper presents the development andvalidation of new measurement tools to exploreself-efficacy toward service and toward civicparticipation. We developed and administereda survey to 851 students in an AACSB-accreditedcollege of business at a comprehensive publicuniversity located in the Midwest. Traditionalscale development methodologies plusconfirmatory factor analysis and simultaneousfactor analysis in several populations wereused to analyze both a primary sample and aholdback sample. Results strongly support thevalidity and reliability of the surveyinstrument. Future use for the instrumentincludes verification of the effectiveness ofpedagogies designed to (...)
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  20.  20
    Callicles as a Potential Tyrant in Plato's Gorgias.Daniel R. N. Lopes - 2023 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 17 (1):01-35.
    This essay argues that Callicles is depicted by Plato in the Gorgias as a potential tyrant from a psychological standpoint. To this end I will contend that the Calliclean moral psychology sketched at 491e-492c points towards the analysis of the tyrannical individual pursued by Plato in books VIII and IX of the Republic based upon the tripartite theory of the soul. I will thereby attempt to show that (i) in the Gorgias, Callicles does not actually personify the ideal of the (...)
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    Assisted reproduction technologies and reproductive justice in the production of parenthood and origin: Uses and meanings of the co‐produced gestation and the surrogacy in Brazil.Aureliano Lopes da Silva Junior, Mônica Fortuna Pontes & Anna Paula Uziel - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (2):122-137.
    This article examines the construction of parenthood, drawing on Brazilian cisgender, heterosexual, and homosexual couples' experiences in using assisted reproduction technologies (ART), particularly the surrogacy. For that purpose, we interviewed: 1) a lesbian woman who had her daughter through her partner's pregnancy, using ART with anonymous donor semen; 2) a gay man who, together with his partner, used a surrogacy service under contract via a specialised offshore agency; 3) a woman who was a surrogate, in Brazil, for her sister-in-law and (...)
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    A Drosophila melanogaster cell line (S2) facilitates post‐genome functional analysis of receptors and ion channels.Paula R. Towers & David B. Sattelle - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (11):1066-1073.
    The complete sequencing of the genome of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster offers the prospect of detailed functional analysis of the extensive gene families in this genetic model organism. Comprehensive functional analysis of family members is facilitated by access to a robust, stable and inducible expression system in a fly cell line. Here we show how the Schneider S2 cell line, derived from the Drosophila embryo, provides such an expression system, with the bonus that radioligand binding studies, second messenger assays, (...)
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    Simple decision-tree tool to facilitate author identification of reporting guidelines during submission: a before–after study.Diana M. Marshall, Ines Lopes de Sousa & Daniel R. Shanahan - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (1).
    BackgroundThere is evidence that direct journal endorsement of reporting guidelines can lead to important improvements in the quality and reliability of the published research. However, over the last 20 years, there has been a proliferation of reporting guidelines for different study designs, making it impractical for a journal to explicitly endorse them all. The objective of this study was to investigate whether a decision tree tool made available during the submission process facilitates author identification of the relevant reporting guideline.MethodsThis was (...)
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    Neuropsychological Assessment of Older Adults With Virtual Reality: Association of Age, Schooling, and General Cognitive Status.Camila R. Oliveira, Brandel J. P. Lopes Filho, Cristiane S. Esteves, Tainá Rossi, Daniela S. Nunes, Margarida M. B. M. P. Lima, Tatiana Q. Irigaray & Irani I. L. Argimon - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355603.
    The development of neuropsychological assessment methods using virtual reality (VR) is a valid and promising option for the detection of cognitive impairment in the older people, focusing on activities composed of tasks of multiple demands. This study verified the association of age, schooling, and general cognitive status on the performance of neurologically healthy older adults in ECO-VR, a virtual reality task of multiple demands for neuropsychological assessment. A total of 111 older adults answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Mini Mental State (...)
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    An overview of methods and empirical comparison of aggregate data and individual patient data results for investigating heterogeneity in meta‐analysis of time‐to‐event outcomes.Catrin Tudur Smith, Paula R. Williamson & Anthony G. Marson - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (5):468-478.
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    American and canadian perspectives on affirmative action: A response to the Fraser institute. [REVIEW]Paula Chegwidden & Wendy R. Katz - 1983 - Journal of Business Ethics 2 (3):191 - 202.
    The publication of the Fraser Institute's Discrimination, Affirmative Action, and Equal Opportunity offers an occasion to review some of the practical and philosophical issues raised by affirmative action policy. Canadian affirmative action programs derive from the American context, which is here reviewed, but do not have the legal recourse available in the American system. Perhaps as a consequence, most Canadian programs have been carried out by governments acting in their role as employers. The Canadian Union of Public Employees has been (...)
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    After Patriarchy: Feminist Transformations of the World Religions.Marilyn F. Nefsky, Paula M. Cooey, William R. Eakin & Jay B. McDaniel - 1994 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 14:252.
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    A shared “optimal-level of arousal”: Seeking basis for creativity and curiosity.Erik Gustafsson, Paula Ibáñez de Aldecoa & Emily R. R. Burdett - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e100.
    We argue that the phases identified in the novelty-seeking model can be clarified by considering an updated version of the optimal-level of arousal model, which incorporates the “arousal” and “mood changing” potentials of stimuli and contexts. Such a model provides valuable insights into what determines one's state of mind, inter-individual differences, and the rewarding effects of curiosity and creativity.
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  29. Evaluating Research and Development.I. R. Weschler & Paula Brown - 1954 - Philosophy of Science 21 (1):76-76.
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    Behavioral and Social Science Research.Felice J. Levine & Paula R. Skedsvold - 2008 - In Ezekiel J. Emanuel (ed.), The Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 336.
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    Feel Your Reach: An EEG-Based Framework to Continuously Detect Goal-Directed Movements and Error Processing to Gate Kinesthetic Feedback Informed Artificial Arm Control.Gernot R. Müller-Putz, Reinmar J. Kobler, Joana Pereira, Catarina Lopes-Dias, Lea Hehenberger, Valeria Mondini, Víctor Martínez-Cagigal, Nitikorn Srisrisawang, Hannah Pulferer, Luka Batistić & Andreea I. Sburlea - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Establishing the basic knowledge, methodology, and technology for a framework for the continuous decoding of hand/arm movement intention was the aim of the ERC-funded project “Feel Your Reach”. In this work, we review the studies and methods we performed and implemented in the last 6 years, which build the basis for enabling severely paralyzed people to non-invasively control a robotic arm in real-time from electroencephalogram. In detail, we investigated goal-directed movement detection, decoding of executed and attempted movement trajectories, grasping correlates, (...)
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    Skill Acquisition Methods Fostering Physical Literacy in Early-Physical Education (SAMPLE-PE): Rationale and Study Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in 5–6-Year-Old Children From Deprived Areas of North West England. [REVIEW]James R. Rudd, Matteo Crotti, Katie Fitton-Davies, Laura O’Callaghan, Farid Bardid, Till Utesch, Simon Roberts, Lynne M. Boddy, Colum J. Cronin, Zoe Knowles, Jonathan Foulkes, Paula M. Watson, Caterina Pesce, Chris Button, David Revalds Lubans, Tim Buszard, Barbara Walsh & Lawrence Foweather - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:517171.
    Background There is a need for interdisciplinary research to better understand how pedagogical approaches in primary physical education (PE) can support the linked development of physical, cognitive and affective aspects of physical literacy and physical activity behaviors in young children living in deprived areas. The Skill Acquisition Methods fostering Physical Literacy in Early-Physical Education (SAMPLE-PE) study aims to examine the efficacy of two different pedagogies for PE, underpinned by theories of motor learning, to foster physical literacy. Methods SAMPLE-PE will be (...)
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  33. Count on dopamine: influences of COMT polymorphisms on numerical cognition.Annelise Júlio-Costa, Andressa M. Antunes, Júlia B. Lopes-Silva, Bárbara C. Moreira, Gabrielle S. Vianna, Guilherme Wood, Maria R. S. Carvalho & Vitor G. Haase - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Are Women the “More Emotional” Sex? Evidence From Emotional Experiences in Social Context.Lisa Feldman Barrett, Lucy Robin, Paula R. Pietromonaco & Kristen M. Eyssell - 1998 - Cognition and Emotion 12 (4):555-578.
  35.  22
    Long-term mutual training for the cybathlon bci race with a tetraplegic pilot: A case study on inter-session transfer and intra-session adaptation.Lea Hehenberger, Reinmar J. Kobler, Catarina Lopes-Dias, Nitikorn Srisrisawang, Peter Tumfart, John B. Uroko, Paul R. Torke & Gernot R. Müller-Putz - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    CYBATHLON is an international championship where people with severe physical disabilities compete with the aid of state-of-the-art assistive technology. In one of the disciplines, the BCI Race, tetraplegic pilots compete in a computer game race by controlling an avatar with a brain-computer interface. This competition offers a perfect opportunity for BCI researchers to study long-term training effects in potential end-users, and to evaluate BCI performance in a realistic environment. In this work, we describe the BCI system designed by the team (...)
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    On the antecedents of corporate severance agreements: An empirical assessment. [REVIEW]Dan R. Dalton & Paula L. Rechner - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (6):455 - 462.
    This study of major corporations (n=481) provides an empirical assessment of the effects of several corporate governance variables (CEO duality, boards of director composition, officers and directors common stock holdings, institutional common stock holdings, number of majority owners) on the adoption of so-called severance agreements. A discriminant analysis indicates a significant multivariate function. Wilks lambda univariate analyses suggest that the percentage of common stock held by owners and directors and number of majority stock holders are the more robust discriminators.
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  37. Clarifying the Ethics and Oversight of Chimeric Research.Josephine Johnston, Insoo Hyun, Carolyn P. Neuhaus, Karen J. Maschke, Patricia Marshall, Kaitlynn P. Craig, Margaret M. Matthews, Kara Drolet, Henry T. Greely, Lori R. Hill, Amy Hinterberger, Elisa A. Hurley, Robert Kesterson, Jonathan Kimmelman, Nancy M. P. King, Melissa J. Lopes, P. Pearl O'Rourke, Brendan Parent, Steven Peckman, Monika Piotrowska, May Schwarz, Jeff Sebo, Chris Stodgell, Robert Streiffer & Amy Wilkerson - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (S2):2-23.
    This article is the lead piece in a special report that presents the results of a bioethical investigation into chimeric research, which involves the insertion of human cells into nonhuman animals and nonhuman animal embryos, including into their brains. Rapid scientific developments in this field may advance knowledge and could lead to new therapies for humans. They also reveal the conceptual, ethical, and procedural limitations of existing ethics guidance for human‐nonhuman chimeric research. Led by bioethics researchers working closely with an (...)
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    Percepção da Imagem Corporal e Comportamento Alimentar: Estudo Com Acadêmicos de Centro Universitário.Mateus Barros de Carvalho, Paula Maria da Silva, Luiza Marly Freitas de Carvalho, Antonio Marcos Vaz de Lima & Keila Cristiane Batista Bezerra Lopes - 2019 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 11 (15):29-50.
    The concept of corporal image includes how own body, taking into account their constituent parts, as well as the feelings related the those characteristics. The entrance in academica life provokes alterations in the feeding behavior, and the exposition to the new social environment they can bring as consequence an increase in dissatisfaction. Objective: To investigate the satisfaction with the body image and eating behavior of academics at a university center. Methods: For data collection, the following instruments were used. The evaluation (...)
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    When One Health Meets the United Nations Ocean Decade: Global Agendas as a Pathway to Promote Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research on Human-Nature Relationships.Patricia Masterson-Algar, Stuart R. Jenkins, Gill Windle, Elisabeth Morris-Webb, Camila K. Takahashi, Trys Burke, Isabel Rosa, Aline S. Martinez, Emanuela B. Torres-Mattos, Renzo Taddei, Val Morrison, Paula Kasten, Lucy Bryning, Nara R. Cruz de Oliveira, Leandra R. Gonçalves, Martin W. Skov, Ceri Beynon-Davies, Janaina Bumbeer, Paulo H. N. Saldiva, Eliseth Leão & Ronaldo A. Christofoletti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Strong evidence shows that exposure and engagement with the natural world not only improve human wellbeing but can also help promote environmentally friendly behaviors. Human-nature relationships are at the heart of global agendas promoted by international organizations including the World Health Organization’s “One Health” and the United Nations “Ocean Decade.” These agendas demand collaborative multisector interdisciplinary efforts at local, national, and global levels. However, while global agendas highlight global goals for a sustainable world, developing science that directly addresses these agendas (...)
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    Peers, Near-Peers, and Outreach Staff to Build Solidarity in Global HIV Research With Adolescents.Mary A. Ott, Edith Apondi, Katherine R. MacDonald, Lonnie Embleton, Julie G. Thorne, Juddy Wachira, Allan Kamanda & Paula K. A. Braitstein - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (5):72-74.
    Volume 20, Issue 5, June 2020, Page 72-74.
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  41. Nobody Needs a Theory of Art.Dominic McIver Lopes - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy 105 (3):109-127.
    The question "what is art?" is often said to be venerable and vexing. In fact, the following answer to the question should be obvious: (R) item x is a work of art if and only if x is a work in practice P and P is one of the arts. Yet (R) has appeared so far from obvious that nobody has given it a moment's thought. The trouble is not that anyone might seriously deny the truth of (R), but rather (...)
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    The J.H.B. bookshelf.Mark V. Barrow Jr, Keith R. Benson, Paula Findlen, Michael Fortun, Shirley A. Roe & Joel B. Hagen - 1991 - Journal of the History of Biology 24 (2):339-351.
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    A qualitative description of service providers’ experiences of ethical issues in HIV care.Motshedisi B. Sabone, Keitshokile Dintle Mogobe, Ellah Matshediso, Sheila Shaibu, Esther I. Ntsayagae, Inge B. Corless, Yvette P. Cuca, William L. Holzemer, Carol Dawson-Rose, Solymar S. Soliz Baez, Marta Rivero-Mendz, Allison R. Webel, Lucille Sanzero Eller, Paula Reid, Mallory O. Johnson, Jeanne Kemppainen, Darcel Reyes, Kathleen Nokes, Dean Wantland, Patrice K. Nicholas, Teri Lingren, Carmen J. Portillo, Elizabeth Sefcik & Ellen Long-Middleton - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1540-1553.
    Background: Managing HIV treatment is a complex multi-dimensional task because of a combination of factors such as stigma and discrimination of some populations who frequently get infected with HIV. In addition, patient-provider encounters have become increasingly multicultural, making effective communication and provision of ethically sound care a challenge. Purpose: This article explores ethical issues that health service providers in the United States and Botswana encountered in their interaction with patients in HIV care. Research design: A descriptive qualitative design was used (...)
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  44. The JHB bookshelf.Mark V. Barrow Jr, Keith R. Benson, Paula Findlen, Deborah Fitzgerald, Joel B. Hagen, Joy Harvey, Sharon E. Kingsland, Jane Maienschein, Gregg Mitman & Lynn K. Nyhart - 1996 - Journal of the History of Biology 29:463-479.
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    A randomised controlled trial of an Intervention to Improve Compliance with the ARRIVE guidelines (IICARus).Ezgi Tanriver-Ayder, Laura J. Gray, Sarah K. McCann, Ian M. Devonshire, Leigh O’Connor, Zeinab Ammar, Sarah Corke, Mahmoud Warda, Evandro Araújo De-Souza, Paolo Roncon, Edward Christopher, Ryan Cheyne, Daniel Baker, Emily Wheater, Marco Cascella, Savannah A. Lynn, Emmanuel Charbonney, Kamil Laban, Cilene Lino de Oliveira, Julija Baginskaite, Joanne Storey, David Ewart Henshall, Ahmed Nazzal, Privjyot Jheeta, Arianna Rinaldi, Teja Gregorc, Anthony Shek, Jennifer Freymann, Natasha A. Karp, Terence J. Quinn, Victor Jones, Kimberley Elaine Wever, Klara Zsofia Gerlei, Mona Hosh, Victoria Hohendorf, Monica Dingwall, Timm Konold, Katrina Blazek, Sarah Antar, Daniel-Cosmin Marcu, Alexandra Bannach-Brown, Paula Grill, Zsanett Bahor, Gillian L. Currie, Fala Cramond, Rosie Moreland, Chris Sena, Jing Liao, Michelle Dohm, Gina Alvino, Alejandra Clark, Gavin Morrison, Catriona MacCallum, Cadi Irvine, Philip Bath, David Howells, Malcolm R. Macleod, Kaitlyn Hair & Emily S. Sena - 2019 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 4 (1).
    BackgroundThe ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) guidelines are widely endorsed but compliance is limited. We sought to determine whether journal-requested completion of an ARRIVE checklist improves full compliance with the guidelines.MethodsIn a randomised controlled trial, manuscripts reporting in vivo animal research submitted to PLOS ONE (March–June 2015) were randomly allocated to either requested completion of an ARRIVE checklist or current standard practice. Authors, academic editors, and peer reviewers were blinded to group allocation. Trained reviewers performed outcome adjudication (...)
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    Childhood Adversity and Affective Touch Perception: A Comparison of United Kingdom Care Leavers and Non-care Leavers.Shaunna L. Devine, Susannah C. Walker, Adarsh Makdani, Elizabeth R. Stockton, Martyn J. McFarquhar, Francis P. McGlone & Paula D. Trotter - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Translation, Adaptation, and Validation of the Brazilian Version of the Dickman Impulsivity Inventory.K. V. Gomes Áurea, F. M. Diniz Leandro, M. Lage Guilherme, M. de Miranda Débora, J. de Paula Jonas, Costa Danielle & R. Albuquerque Maicon - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Socio-emotional development in high functioning children with Autism Spectrum Disorders using a humanoid robot.Filomena O. Soares, Sandra C. Costa, Cristina P. Santos, Ana Paula S. Pereira, Antoine R. Hiolle & Vinícius Silva - 2019 - Interaction Studies 20 (2):205-233.
    The use of robots had already been proven to encourage the promotion of social interaction and skills lacking in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, who typically have difficulties in recognizing facial expressions and emotions. The main goal of this research is to study the influence of a humanoid robot to develop socio-emotional skills in children with ASD. The children’s performance in game scenarios aiming to develop facial expressions recognition skills is presented. Along the sessions, children who performed the game scenarios (...)
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    Guerra pela eternidade: o retorno do Tradicionalismo e a ascensão da direita populista, de B.R. Teitelbaum.Márcio Gimenes de Paula - 2023 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 42 (1):70-75.
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    Quality Measurement Recommendations Relevant to Clinical Guidelines in Germany and the United Kingdom: Can We Learn From Each Other?Thomas Petzold, Stefanie Deckert, Paula R. Williamson & Jochen Schmitt - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801876149.
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