Results for 'Rainer Eising'

966 found
  1.  23
    ‘Climate change mitigation is a hot topic, but not when it comes to hospitals’: a qualitative study on hospital stakeholders’ perception and sense of responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions.Claudia Quitmann, Rainer Sauerborn, Ina Danquah & Alina Herrmann - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (3):204-210.
    ObjectivePhysical and mental well-being are threatened by climate change. Since hospitals in high-income countries contribute significantly to climate change through their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the medical ethics imperative of ‘do no harm’ imposes a responsibility on hospitals to decarbonise. We investigated hospital stakeholders’ perceptions of hospitals’ GHG emissions sources and the sense of responsibility for reducing GHG emissions in a hospital.MethodsWe conducted 29 semistructured qualitative expert interviews at one of Germany’s largest hospitals, Heidelberg University Hospital. Five patients, 12 clinical (...)
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  2.  19
    Kants Logik: Eine Interpretation auf der Grundlage von Vorlesungen, veröffentlichten Werken und Nachlaß.Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz - 1976 - New York: De Gruyter.
    In der 1970 gegründeten Reihe erscheinen Arbeiten, die philosophiehistorische Studien mit einem systematischen Ansatz oder systematische Studien mit philosophiehistorischen Rekonstruktionen verbinden. Neben deutschsprachigen werden auch englischsprachige Monographien veröffentlicht. Gründungsherausgeber sind: Erhard Scheibe (Herausgeber bis 1991), Günther Patzig (bis 1999) und Wolfgang Wieland (bis 2003). Von 1990 bis 2007 wurde die Reihe von Jürgen Mittelstraß mitherausgegeben.
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    Blogging climate change: A case study.Erangu Purath Mohankumar Sajeev, Kian Mintz-Woo, Matthias Damert, Lukas Brunner & Jessica Eise - 2019 - Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Climate Change Across Various Audiences:129-142.
    Public perception of the magnitude of challenges associated with climate change is still lower than that of the majority of scientists. The societal relevance of climate change has raised the need for a more direct communication between scientists and the public. However, peer-reviewed scientific articles are not well-suited to engaging a wider audience. This begets a need to explore other avenues for communicating climate change. Social media is a vibrant source for information exchange among the masses. Blogs in particular are (...)
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    Some ways of operationally introducing dispositional predicates with regard to scientific and ordinary practice.Wilhelm K. Essler & Rainer Trapp - 1977 - Synthese 34 (4):371 - 396.
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    A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period.Mark S. Smith, Rainer Albertz & John Bowden - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (2):371.
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    Mechanism and vitalism.Rainer Schubert-Soldern - 1962 - Notre Dame, Ind.,: University of Notre Dame Press.
  7. Crisis imaginis.Hans Rainer Sepp - 2003 - Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (9999):249-268.
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    On the relationship of the psychological and the physical in psychophysics.Louis Narens & Rainer Mausfeld - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (3):467-479.
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    Varieties of Leninism and human-rights interventionism: ruminations on the causes of the rise and fall of the radical left.Gerd-Rainer Horn - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (8):1469-1475.
    It is always a great pleasure to read a book which presents itself not solely as a solid academic exercise, but which also firmly places itself within direly needed discussions within the activist...
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  10. Structural description and qualitative content in perception theory.Johannes Andres & Rainer Mausfeld - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):307-311.
    The paper is a critical comment on D. Hoffman. The Scrambling Theorem: A simple proof of the logical possibility of spectrum inversion. Consciousness and Cognition, 2006, 15, 31–45.
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  11. Theories of Translation: An Anthology of Essays From Dryden to Derrida.John Biguenet & Rainer Schulte (eds.) - 2012 - University of Chicago Press.
    Spanning the centuries, from the seventeenth to the twentieth, and ranging across cultures, from England to Mexico, this collection gathers together important statements on the function and feasibility of literary translation. The essays provide an overview of the historical evolution in thinking about translation and offer strong individual opinions by prominent contemporary theorists. Most of the twenty-one pieces appear in translation, some here in English for the first time and many difficult to find elsewhere. Selections include writings by Scheiermacher, Nietzsche, (...)
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    Wissenschaft als Kontext - Kontexte der Wissenschaft.Wolfgang Bonss, Rainer Hohlfeld & Regine Kollek (eds.) - 1993 - Hamburg: Junius.
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  13.  30
    „Para documentar algo que no existe.“ Vilém Flusser – Joan Fontcuberta: una colaboración.Andrea Soto Calderon & Rainer Guldin - 2012 - Flusser Studies 13 (1).
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  14. Der kreative Prozess in Wissenschaft und Medizin: ein internat. Symposium.Rainer Flöhl (ed.) - 1975 - Ingelheim am Rhein: C. H. Boehringer Sohn.
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    Die Fichte-Rezeption im Nationalsozialismus am Beispiel Bauchs und Gehlens.Marion Heinz & Rainer Schäfer - 2010 - Fichte-Studien 35:243-265.
  16.  13
    Plutarch and the New Testament in their religio-philosophical contexts: bridging discourses in the world of the early Roman empire.Rainer Hirsch-Luipold (ed.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    How to read Plutarch in the context of New Testament studies? Almost 50 years after the seminal project on the topic led by Hans Dieter Betz, this volume elevates once again the issue's priority. Bridging discourses is a fitting description both of the religio-philosophical spirit of Plutarch, the Platonist philosopher and priest of Apollo at Delphi, and the task of bringing his writings into fruitful dialogue with the writings of the New Testament, Hellenistic Judaism, and Early Christianity. Taken together, these (...)
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  17. Plutarch: Know God and know yourself.Rainer Hirsch-Luipold - 2023 - In Ole Jakob Filtvedt & Jens Schröter (eds.), Know yourself: echoes and interpretations of the Delphic maxim in ancient Judaism, Christianity, and philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Plutarch's religious landscapes.Rainer Hirsch-Luipold & Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill.
    A Platonist philosopher and priest of Apollo at Delphi, Plutarch (ca. 45-120 CE) covers in his vast oeuvre of miscellaneous writings and biographies of great men virtually every aspect of ancient religion, Greek, Roman, Jewish, Egyptian, Persian. This collection of essays takes the reader on a hike through Plutarch's Religious Landscapes offering as a compass the philosopher's considerations on issues of philosophical theology, cult, ethics, politics, natural sciences, hermeneutics, atheism, and life after death. Plutarch provides a unique vantage point to (...)
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  19.  8
    Understanding the lexicon: meaning, sense, and world knowledge in lexical semantics.Werner Hüllen & Rainer Schulze (eds.) - 1988 - Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
    The book series Linguistische Arbeiten (LA) publishes high-quality work in linguistics that addresses current issues in synchrony and diachrony, theoretically or empirically oriented.
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  20.  7
    Das Weinberg-Paradoxon: kann es "gutes Fehlverhalten" geben?: ein Essay über nicht-normative Ethik.Georg Rainer Hofmann - 2019 - Darmstadt: Wbg Academic.
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  21. Globale Provinz: Entdeckung und Besiedlung der digitalen Welt 1980 bis 2020.Georg Rainer Hofmann - 2022 - Berlin: Vergangenheits Verlag.
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  22.  56
    Das Verhältnis von Mathematik und Metaphysik in Kants Theorie der Naturwissenschaft.Ulrich Majer & Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz - 1975 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 1 (1):165-188.
    Der Beitrag der Mathematik zur Naturwissenschaft besteht darin, Erkenntnisse a priori von den (empirischen) Gegenständen der letzteren zu gewinnen und - unter der Voraussetzung, daß es überhaupt Empirisches gibt - , die Existenz solcher Gegenstände a priori zu sichern. Die Aufgabe der Metaphysik ist es, besondere Begriffe ( in bezug auf die körperliche Natur) zu bilden und die Prinzipien für deren mathematische Konstruktion zu entwickeln. Die so "metaphysischkonstruierten" Begriffe werden dann durch Angabe empirischer Modelle physikalisch interpretiert.
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    Das Verhältnis von Mathematik und Metaphysik in Kants Theorie der Naturwissenschaft.Ulrich Majer & Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz - 1975 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 1 (1):165-188.
    Der Beitrag der Mathematik zur Naturwissenschaft besteht darin, Erkenntnisse a priori von den (empirischen) Gegenständen der letzteren zu gewinnen und — unter der Voraussetzung, daß es überhaupt Empirisches g i b t -, die Existenz solcher Gegenstände a priori zu sichern. Die Aufgabe der Metaphysik ist es, besondere Begriffe ( in bezug auf die körperliche Natur) zu bilden und die Prinzipien für deren mathematische Konstruktion zu entwickeln. Die so "metaphysischkonstruierten" Begriffe werden dann durch Angabe empirischer Modelle physikalisch interpretiert.
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  24. Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus / International Yearbook of German Idealism : Der Begriff des Staates / the Concept of the State.Kurt Rainer Meist - 2003 - Walter de Gruyter.
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    Ethnocentric political theory, secularism and multiculturalism.Tariq Modood, Rainer Bauböck, Joseph H. Carens, Sune Lægaard, Gurpreet Mahajan & Bhikhu Parekh - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (2):447-479.
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    Wohnen als Weltverhältnis: Eugen Fink über den Menschen und die Physis.Cathrin Nielsen & Hans Rainer Sepp (eds.) - 2019 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Das kosmologische Denken Eugen Finks verabschiedet sich vom europaischen Verstandnis eines Herrschaftsverhaltnisses des Geistes uber die Natur. Demgegenuber bestimmt Fink im Ruckbezug auf die antike Physis das welthafte Sein des Menschen, sein Wohnen, als eine Existenzweise, die Naturbezug und Dimensionen der Freiheit in sich schliesst. Demzufolge existiert der Mensch als ein Verhaltnis, das sowohl im Einverstandnis mit Elementarvorgangen lebt als auch offen fur seine Selbstgestaltung ist. Die Beitrage klaren diese Neubestimmung des Menschen in der Spannung von Natur und Freiheit und (...)
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    Das Komische.Wolfgang Preisendanz & Rainer Warning (eds.) - 1976 - München: Fink.
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    Perceived Impact of Covid-19 Across Different Mental Disorders: A Study on Disorder-Specific Symptoms, Psychosocial Stress and Behavior.Hannah L. Quittkat, Rainer Düsing, Friederike-Johanna Holtmann, Ulrike Buhlmann, Jennifer Svaldi & Silja Vocks - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  29.  16
    Designing Donation Incentive Contracts for Online Gig Workers.Tommaso Reggiani & Rainer Michael Rilke - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (3):553-568.
    This study examines the effects of donation incentives on labor supply in an online labor market through a field experiment (_n_ = 944). We manipulate the donation purpose of the incentive to be either unifying or polarizing and the size of the donation relative to the workers’ wage. Our experimental design allows us to observe the decision to accept a job (extensive margin) and different dimensions of productivity (intensive margin). We predict and show that a unifying donation purpose attracts more (...)
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  30. Brill Online Books and Journals.Andreas Reinke, Rainer Sabelleck, Inge Schlotzhauer, Yfaat Weiss & Ruth Röcher - 1991 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 43 (3).
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    Online activism and subject construction of the victim of gender-based violence on Spanish YouTube channels: Multimodal analysis and performativity.Rainer Rubira García, Diana Fernández Romero & Sonia Núñez Puente - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (3):319-333.
    This article analyzes the construction of female subjectivity in the specific context of audiovisual cyberspaces in Spain dedicated to the struggle against violence against women. Looking at the YouTube channels of two virtual feminist communities that deal with violence against women, the authors analyze how the victim-subject is configured in terms of agency and activism. The authors adopt a multimodal model of studying the sign complexes of the videos as semiotic artifacts that produce meaning. Sign complexes are always engaged because (...)
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  32.  14
    Die Fließspannung des Flußliniengitters in supraleitern zweiter art.Von Rainer Schmucker - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (2):431-452.
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    Gemeinwohl und Gemeinsinn im Übergang?Rainer Schmalz-Bruns - 2001 - In Harald Bluhm & Herfried Münkler (eds.), Gemeinwohl Und Gemeinsinn: Zwischen Normativität Und Faktizität. De Gruyter. pp. 241-272.
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  34.  20
    The Idea of a European Superstate: Public Justification and European Integration. by Glyn Morgan.Rainer Schmalz-Bruns - 2007 - Constellations 14 (4):664-668.
  35.  51
    The Postnational Constellation: Democratic Governance in the Era of Globalization.Rainer Schmalz-Bruns - 2001 - Constellations 8 (4):554-568.
    Books reviewed in this article:Daniele Archibugi, David Held, and Martin K??hler, Re‐imagining Political Community: Studies in Cosmopolitan Democracy.Max Pensky, The Postnational Constellation: Political Essays. By J??rgen Habermas.Beate Kohler‐Koch, Regieren in entgrenzten R??umen. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, special issue 29.Wolfgang Streeck, Internationale Wirtschaft, nationale Demokratie. Herausforderungen f??r die Demokratietheorie. Michael Z??rn, Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates.
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    La postura de Edith Stein dentro del movimiento fenomenológico.Hans Rainer Sepp - 1998 - Anuario Filosófico 31 (62):709-730.
    This article describes the place occupied by Edith Stein's philosophy in the early phenomenological movement, in relation to the most important philosophers of this philosophy: Edmund Husserl, Max Scheler, and Martin Heidegger.
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  37.  51
    On the Border.Hans Rainer Sepp - 2003 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 3:161-177.
  38. Das Gespräch.Karlheinz Stierle & Rainer Warning - 1986 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 40 (2):317-320.
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  39. Über das logische Verhältnis zwischen Normen und Tatsachen.Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz - 1986 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 11 (1):17-29.
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    Obligation and Prohibition.Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz - 1995 - Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress 2:605-611.
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  41.  10
    Reason and Rationality.Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz - 2019 - In Ludger Kühnhardt & Tilman Mayer (eds.), The Bonn Handbook of Globality: Volume 1. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 463-472.
    After a remark on the logic of meaning variance, part I explicates the chapter’s heading concepts. As a human faculty, reason is distinguished from rationality, being a quality of human products. The systematical role of reason is historically described from classical antiquity until modern times. Globality of reason in the sense of its being universal is emphasized. Subjectively in distinction from objectively rational human actions are explained. Part II shows, how functions and tasks of reason as well as the moments (...)
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  42. Schriften von W. v. Quine.Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz - 1981 - Philosophische Rundschau 28:51.
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    Wahr" — "Gut" — "Gesollt.Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz - 1987 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 29 (1):77-99.
    Der epistemologische Begriff des Wahren ist mit den moralphilosophischen Begriffen des Guten und des Gesollten unter Gesichtspunkten der Logik vergleichbar. Jeder der Begriffe ist definierbar als eine zweistellige Beziehung zwischen Eigenschaften auf der einen und möglichen Welten auf der anderen Seite. Aus den Definitionen resultieren voneinander abhängige Bedingungen der Existenz des für die Welt Wahren, Guten bzw. Gesollten. Insbesondere gibt es nur dann ein synthetisches Urteil a priori, wenn auch ein strikt allgemeingültiger synthetischer Gebotssatz existiert: Der metaethische Deskriptivismus ist eine (...)
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  44.  14
    The D-CTC Condition is Generically Fulfilled in Classical (Non-quantum) Statistical Systems.Jürgen Tolksdorf & Rainer Verch - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (5):1-23.
    The D-CTC condition, introduced by David Deutsch as a condition to be fulfilled by analogues for processes of quantum systems in the presence of closed timelike curves, is investigated for classical statistical bi-partite systems. It is shown that the D-CTC condition can generically be fulfilled in classical statistical systems, under very general, model-independent conditions. The central property used is the convexity and completeness of the state space that allows it to generalize Deutsch’s original proof for q-bit systems to more general (...)
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  45.  15
    A testable property of some discrete-state models for recognition memory.Dirk Vorberg & Rainer Schmidt - 1975 - Psychological Review 82 (4):316-324.
  46.  17
    Freiheit und Kontingenz: zur interdisziplinären Anthropologie menschlicher Freiheiten und Bindungen: Festschrift für Christian Walther.Christian Walther, Rainer Dieterich & Carsten Pfeiffer (eds.) - 1992 - Heidelberg: R. Asanger.
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  47.  25
    Democratic inclusion: Rainer Bauböck in dialogue.Rainer Bauböck (ed.) - 2017 - Manchester University Press.
  48.  64
    Review Symposium. [REVIEW]Joseph Carens, Rainer Bauböck, David Miller & Arash Abizadeh - 2015 - Political Theory 43 (3):380-411.
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    Hydra and Niccolo Paganini (1782–1840)—two peas in a pod? The molecular basis of extracellular matrix structure in the invertebrate, Hydra[REVIEW]Michael P. Sarras & Rainer Deutzmann - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (8):716-724.
    The body wall of Hydra is organized as an epithelial bilayer with an intervening extracellular matrix (ECM). Molecular and biochemical analyses of Hydra ECM have established that it contains components similar to those seen in more complicated vertebrates such as human. In terms of biophysical parameters, Hydra ECM is highly flexible; a property that facilitates continuous movements along the organism's longitudinal and radial axis. A more rigid ECM, as in vertebrates, would not be compatible with this degree of movement. The (...)
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  50.  24
    Justice, democracy and the right to justification: Rainer Forst in dialogue.Rainer Forst - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Over the past 15 years, Rainer Forst has developed a fundamental research programme within the tradition of Frankfurt School Critical Theory. The core of this programme is a moral account of the basic right of justification that humans owe to one another as rational beings. This account is put to work by Forst in articulating - both historically and philosophically - the contexts and form of justice and of toleration. The result is a powerful theoretical framework within which to (...)
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