Results for 'Rania Mahdi'

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  1.  47
    One Label or Two? Linguistic Influences on the Similarity Judgment of Objects between English and Japanese Speakers.Takahiko Masuda, Keiko Ishii, Koji Miwa, Marghalara Rashid, Hajin Lee & Rania Mahdi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Political aspects of Islamic philosophy: essays in honor of Muhsin S. Mahdi.Muhsin Mahdi & Charles E. Butterworth (eds.) - 1992 - Cambridge: Distributed for the Center for Middle Eastern Studies of Harvard University by Harvard University Press.
    This volume consists of nine essays on the political teaching of such Muslim philosophers as al-Kindi and al-Razi, as well as the more familiar al-Fârâbî, ...
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    Board Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Evidence from France.Rania Beji, Ouidad Yousfi, Nadia Loukil & Abdelwahed Omri - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (1):133-155.
    This study analyzes how the board’s characteristics could be associated with globally corporate social responsibility CSR and specific areas of CSR. It is drawn on all listed firms, in 2016, on the SBF120 between 2003 and 2016. Our results provide strong evidence that diversity in boards and diversity of boards globally are positively associated with corporate social performance. However, they influence differently specific dimensions of CSR performance. First, we show that large boards are positively associated with all areas of CSR (...)
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    ʻIlm, dīn va falsafah: guftugū bā Duktur Mahdī Gulshanī.Mahdī Gulshanī - 2014 - [Tihrān]: Intishārāt-i Kānūn-i Andīshah-i Javān.
    Science -Philosophy ; Philosophy and science ; Religion and science.
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  5. Philosophy and political thought: Reflections and comparisons*: Muhsin Mahdi.Muhsin Mahdi - 1991 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 1 (1):9-29.
    Having constituted a new epoch in human history and a new religiouspolitical order, the revealed religions challenged the tradition of Greek philosophy to adjust to, investigate, and make intelligible a religiouspolitical order based on prophecy, revelation, and the divine law. The challenge led certain Arab and Muslim philosophers to reassess the relative distance between the thought of the Greek masters, and the doctrines propagated by the revealed religions, and to make use of such works as Plato's Republic and Laws, rather (...)
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  6. Psychological Impact of the Lockdown in Italy Due to the COVID-19 Outbreak: Are There Gender Differences?Nadia Rania & Ilaria Coppola - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 emergency has hit the whole world, finding all countries unprepared to face it. The first studies focused on the medical aspects, neglecting the psychological dimension of the populations that were forced to face changes in everyday life and in some cases to stay forcedly at home in order to reduce contagion. The present research was carried out in Italy, one of the countries hardest hit by the pandemic. The aim was to analyze the perception of happiness, mental health, (...)
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    Mahdi Ha’iri’s Criticisms Leveled at Muhaqeq Isfahani’s Ontological Argument for the Existence of Allah (A Critical Study).Mahdi Khayatzadeh - 2020 - Journal of Hikmat-e-Islami 6 (22):119-138.
    As a contemporary neo-Sadraian philosopher, Muhaqeq Isfahani has proposed his own account of the ontological argument for the existence of Allah. This account of the argument is unprecedented and has caught the attention of many contemporary thinkers. There have been proposed five accounts of this argument upon three pivots. First is the concept of necessary being as a mental concept. Second is the concept of necessary being so far as it denotes something beyond the concept. And third is the very (...)
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    Between health and death: The intense emotional pain experienced by transplant nurses.Mahdi Tarabeih & Ya'arit Bokek-Cohen - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (2):e12335.
    While extensive scholarship has been dedicated to the emotional experiences of transplant patients, little is known about the emotional experiences of transplant co‐ordinators. Semi‐structured face‐to‐face interviews conducted with ten transplant co‐ordinators who have worked for more than 20 years in this job. The transplant co‐ordinators spoke of negative feelings and moral distress with regard to futile care of deceased donor family members as well as of living donors. Transplant co‐ordinators experience intense negative feelings, emotional pain, and moral distress on a (...)
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    An Umwelt-to-Umwelt Rhythmical Interaction: A Biosemiotic Reading of Cultural Embodiment in the Context of Humanitarian VR.Rania Magdi Fawzy & Shahinaz Hesham ElSamadoni - 2024 - Biosemiotics 17 (3):847-864.
    Virtual reality allows participants to experience immersive perspective-taking which is key to stimulate empathy and emotion sharedness. Immersive interaction performed by the participants is examined in this article as an experience of cultural embodiment. Following a biosemiotic approach to culture, the study examines the virtual reality movie Waves of Grace qualitatively. It seeks to trace how participants’ interaction with the virtual worlds elicits in them a feeling of being embodied in a world of Ebola suffering that is outside the cultural (...)
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  10.  5
    172 shades of black: Underground Airlines and critical race storytelling of alternate history.Rania Samir Youssef - 2024 - Constellations 31 (4):678-687.
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    Identity construction patterns via swearing:: Evidence from Greek teenage storytelling.Rania Karachaliou & Argiris Archakis - 2015 - Pragmatics and Society 6 (3):421-443.
    In this paper we analyze the use of swearwords in Greek teenage storytelling. Our research is based on the analysis of conversational narratives that occurred in two conversations between male adolescents who belong to different social groups. Our analysis shows that the use of swearing in the story performances enables the narrators (1) to construct for themselves the identity of the powerful members of a group who share strong friendship bonds and challenge authorities in the first conversation, and (2) to (...)
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  12.  14
    172 shades of black: Underground Airlines and critical race storytelling of alternate history.Rania Samir Youssef - 2024 - Constellations 31 (4):678-687.
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    Effects of Head-Mounted Display on kinematics of the Timed Up and GO test: does the addition of a visual stimulus matter?Rania Almajid, Emily Keshner, W. Wright, Erin Vasudevan & Carole Tucker - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  14.  4
    Research progress on plant stress‐associated protein (SAP) family: Master regulators to deal with environmental stresses.Rania Ben Saad, Walid Ben Romdhane, Natália Čmiková, Narjes Baazaoui, Mohamed Taieb Bouteraa, Bouthaina Ben Akacha, Yosra Chouaibi, Maria Maisto, Anis Ben Hsouna, Stefania Garzoli, Alina Wiszniewska & Miroslava Kačániová - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (11):2400097.
    Every year, unfavorable environmental factors significantly affect crop productivity and threaten food security. Plants are sessile; they cannot move to escape unfavorable environmental conditions, and therefore, they activate a variety of defense pathways. Among them are processes regulated by stress‐associated proteins (SAPs). SAPs have a specific zinc finger domain (A20) at the N‐terminus and either AN1 or C2H2 at the C‐terminus. SAP proteins are involved in many biological processes and in response to various abiotic or biotic constraints. Most SAPs play (...)
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  15.  26
    The argumentative function of rescue narratives: Trump’s national security rhetoric as a case study.Rania Elnakkouzi - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (1):17-33.
    A pervasive feature of populism is the use of rescue narratives to stimulate emotional adherence with audience predicated on evoking fear versus hope for salvation. This paper argues that restricting the rhetorical appeal of rescue narratives to the affective domain obscures the argumentative function that these narratives partake in constructing political arguments. It, thus, claims that rescue narratives can perform as arguments when used to provide reasons to justify political action. The paper examines the way(s) Donald Trump employs rescue narratives (...)
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  16. Can real women be imaginary engineers?Rania Milleron - 2018 - In Nicholas Sakellariou & Rania Milleron (eds.), Ethics, Politics, and Whistleblowing in Engineering. Boca Raton, FL: Crc Press.
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  17. (1 other version)Mantiq Va Mabahis-I Alfaz Majmu Ah- I Mutun Va Maqalat Tahqiqi.Mahdi Muhaqqiq & Toshihiko Izutsu - 1974 - Mu Assasah- I Mutali at-I Islami, Danishgah-I Makgil : Danishgah-I Tihran.
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    The Fear of Contagion and the Attitude Toward the Restrictive Measures Imposed to Face COVID-19 in Italy: The Psychological Consequences Caused by the Pandemic One Year After It Began.Nadia Rania & Ilaria Coppola - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The pandemic nature of COVID-19 has caused major changes in health, economy, and society globally. Albeit to a lesser extent, contingent access to shops and places to socialize the imposition of social distancing and the use of indoor masks is measures still in force today, with repercussions on economic, social, and psychological levels. The fear of contagion, in fact, has led us to be increasingly suspicious and to isolate ourselves from the remainder of the community. This has had repercussions on (...)
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  19.  12
    Ritualism and disempowerment of education: social semiotics of the educational experience of young Iranian girls.Mahdi Kermani & Zahra Baradarankashani - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (253):169-191.
    Despite recent noticeable changes in women’s educational opportunities in developing countries such as Iran, there is still much controversy surrounding the common assumption that a direct relationship exists between women’s empowerment and formal literacy. According to the social semiotic method, the present research explores the hidden side of the female educational experience and its relationship with empowerment. In the current study, we conducted 39 interviews and analyzed the collected data using Van Leeuwen’s semiotic approach. The results are based on the (...)
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  20.  21
    Religious observance and perceptions of end‐of‐life care.Mahdi Tarabeih, Ya'arit Bokek-Cohen, Riad Abu Rakia, Tshura Nir, Natalie E. Coolidge & Pazit Azuri - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (3):e12347.
    This study examines the impact of the level of religious observance on the attitudes toward end‐of‐life (EOL) decisions and euthanasia of Jews in Israel—where euthanasia is illegal—as compared to Jews living in the USA, in the states where euthanasia is legal. A self‐reporting questionnaire on religiosity and personal beliefs and attitudes regarding EOL care and euthanasia was distributed, using a convenience sample of 271 participants from Israel and the USA. Findings show that significant differences were found in attitudes between Jews (...)
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  21. A Dialogue among Recent Views of Entity Realism.Mahdi Khalili - 2023 - Philosophy of Science:1-35.
    This paper concerns the recent revival of entity realism. Having been started with the work of Ian Hacking, Nancy Cartwright and Ronald Giere, the project of entity realism has recently been developed by Matthias Egg, Markus Eronen, and Bence Nanay. The paper opens a dialogue among these recent views on entity realism and integrates them into a more advanced view. The result is an epistemological criterion for reality: the property-tokens of a certain type may be taken as real insofar as (...)
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  22.  16
    Āfāq-i falsafah az ʻaql-i nāb tā ḥikmat-i aḥkām: guft va gūʹhāyī bā duktur Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī ; bih kūshish-i Masʻūd Raz̤avī.Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī - 2000 - Tihrān: Farzān-i Rūz. Edited by Masʻūd Raz̤avī.
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  23. Falsafah-ʼi taḥlīlī: taqrīrāt-i... Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī.Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī - 2000 - [Tehran]: Muʼassasah-ʼi Farhangī-i Dānish va Andīshah-ʼi Muʻāṣir. Edited by ʻAbd Allāh Naṣrī.
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    Naẓarīyah-i shinākht dar falsafah-i Islām: taqrīrāt-i ustād Duktur Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī.Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī - 2000 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Farhangī-i Dānish va Andīshah-i Muʻāṣir. Edited by ʻAbd Allāh Naṣrī.
    Speeches of the author on theory of knowledge in the context of Islamic philosophy.
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    Safar-i nafs: taqrīrāt-i ustād duktur Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī.Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī - 2001 - Tihrān: Naqsh-i Jahān. Edited by ʻAbd Allāh Naṣrī.
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  26. From Phenomenological-Hermeneutical Approaches to Realist Perspectivism.Mahdi Khalili - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (4):1-26.
    This paper draws on the phenomenological-hermeneutical approaches to philosophy of science to develop realist perspectivism, an integration of experimental realism and perspectivism. Specifically, the paper employs the distinction between “manifestation” and “phenomenon” and it advances the view that the evidence of a real entity is “explorable” in order to argue that instrumentally-mediated robust evidence indicates real entities. Furthermore, it underpins the phenomenological notion of the horizonal nature of scientific observation with perspectivism, so accounting for scientific pluralism even in the cases (...)
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  27.  24
    What Shall We Talk about in Farsi?Mahdi Dahmardeh & R. I. M. Dunbar - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (4):423-433.
    Previous empirical studies have suggested that language is primarily used to exchange social information, but our evidence on this derives mainly from English speakers. We present data from a study of natural conversations among Farsi speakers in Iran and show that not only are conversation groups the same size as those observed in Europe and North America, but people also talk predominantly about social topics. We argue that these results reinforce the suggestion that language most likely evolved for the transmission (...)
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  28. Alfarabi and the foundation of Islamic political philosophy.Muhsin Mahdi - 2001 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In this work, Muhsin Mahdi--widely regarded as the preeminent scholar of Islamic political thought--distills more than four decades of research to offer an authoritative analysis of the work of Alfarabi, the founder of Islamic political philosophy. Mahdi, who also brought to light writings of Alfarabi that had long been presumed lost or were not even known, presents this great thinker as his contemporaries would have seen him: as a philosopher who sought to lay the foundations for a new (...)
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  29. The Erotics of Sacrifice in the Qur'anic Tale of Abel and Cain.Mahdi Tourage - 2011 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 5 (2).
    Taking a cue from Slavoj Zizek’s reading of the Qur’anic tale of the two sons of Adam, Abel and Cain, this paper examines an overlooked erotic layer of meaning archived in the key Qur’anic term for sacrifice; it also explores the nexus of eroticism and sacrifice in this tale. At the beginning of this text the Qur’an announces that the “truth” of this story will be told. However, that truth turns out to be the symbolic absence of the truth, allowing (...)
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  30. Learning and Business Incubation Processes and Their Impact on Improving the Performance of Business Incubators.Shehada Y. Rania, El Talla A. Suliman, J. Shobaki Mazen & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2020 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 4 (5):120-142.
    This study aimed to identify the learning and business incubation processes and their impact on developing the performance of business incubators in Gaza Strip, and the study relied on the descriptive analytical approach, and the study population consisted of all employees working in business incubators in Gaza Strip in addition to experts and consultants in incubators where their total number reached (62) individuals, and the researchers used the questionnaire as a main tool to collect data through the comprehensive survey method, (...)
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  31. “Objektive Gültigkeit”, “Objektive Realität” und Die Rollen von Vor- Und Nach-anschaulicher Objektivität".Mahdi Ranaee - forthcoming - In Christoph Horn & Rainer Schäfer (eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Kant-Congress: Kant’s Project of Enlightenment. Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Throughout his philosophy, Kant relies on the crucial concepts of “objective validity” and “objective reality,” pivotal in arguments such as the “Transcendental Deduction of the Categories” and the “Refutation of Idealism” in his Critique of Pure Reason. However, the lack of desired clarity in Kant’s usage impedes scholarly progress. Despite their significance, “objective validity” and “objective reality” have not received sufficient attention in secondary literature. Consensus on whether they represent the same idea remains elusive, and even among those recognizing them (...)
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  32. The Reality of Using the Balanced Scorecard in Business Incubators.Y. Shehada Rania, A. El Talla Suliman, J. Al Shobaki Mazen & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2020 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 4 (3):67-95.
    Abstract: This study aimed to identify the reality of using a balanced scorecard in business incubators in Gaza Strip, and the study relied on the descriptive analytical approach, and the study population consisted of all employees working in business incubators in Gaza Strip in addition to experts and consultants in incubators, where their total number reached (62) Individually, the researchers used the questionnaire as a main tool for collecting data through the comprehensive survey method, where (55) questionnaires were retrieved with (...)
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    Towards accessible robot-assisted physical play for children with physical disabilities.Hamza Mahdi, Melanie Jouaiti, Shahed Saleh & Kerstin Dautenhahn - 2024 - Interaction Studies 25 (1):36-69.
    MyJay is an open-source robot designed to facilitate play between children with and without physical disabilities. The robot acts as a proxy for children with upper limb challenges, allowing them to participate in physical games with their peers. Our design was inspired by the FIRST Robotics Competition, which involves teleoperating robots to manipulate objects. Taking a user-centred perspective, we consulted therapists and conducted remote interviews with children with disabilities and their guardians at various stages of the design process. We then (...)
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  34. Ikhwān al-Ṣafā wa-falsatuhum al-dīnīyah.Muḥammad Ḥasan Mahdī - 2011 - ʻAmmān: al-Ahlīyah.
  35. The visibility of philosophy of science in the sciences, 1980–2018.Mahdi Khelfaoui, Yves Gingras, Mael Lemoine & Thomas Pradeu - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):1-31.
    In this paper, we provide a macro level analysis of the visibility of philosophy of science in the sciences over the last four decades. Our quantitative analysis of publications and citations of philosophy of science papers, published in 17 main journals representing the discipline, contributes to the longstanding debate on the influence of philosophy of science on the sciences. It reveals the global structure of relationships that philosophy of science maintains with science, technology, engineering and mathematics and social sciences and (...)
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    A Critical Review of the Relationship Between Reason and the Commitment Dimension of Faith from the Perspective of John Cottingham with Emphasis on the View of Allamah Tabataba'i.Mahdi Khayatzadeh - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Religion 22 (3):243-254.
    جان کاتینگهام فیلسوف معاصر انگلیسی دیدگاه خود در رابطة عقل و سااحت تعهاد ی ایماان را ذیا ل سا – - محور مطرح کرده است: 1 . کارکرد تعهد دینی در حیات اخلاقی انسان؛ 2. عدم منافاات م یا ان تعهاد د ینا ی و خودمختاری انسان؛ 3 . کارکرد متمایز قرین در تعهد دینی و علم تجربی. در اثر پیش رو دیا دگاه کاتنیگهاام در دو محور نخست ارزیابی شده است. وی در محور اول، پشتوانة تعهد دینی و التزام (...)
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  37. An intelligent tutoring system for teaching advanced topics in information security.Ali O. Mahdi, Mohammed I. Alhabbash & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2016 - World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2 (12):1-9.
    Recently there is an increasing technological development in intelligent tutoring systems. This field has become interesting to many researchers. In this paper, we present an intelligent tutoring system for teaching information security. This intelligent tutoring systems target the students enrolled in Advanced Topics in Information Security in the faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at Al-Azhar University in Gaza. Through which the student will be able to study the course and solve related problems. An evaluation of the intelligent tutoring systems (...)
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  38.  24
    Critical review of “the epistemology of involvement” in understanding religious beliefs.Mahdi Khayatzadeh & Mansour Nasiri - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 16 (40):277-291.
    John Cottingham, a contemporary English philosopher, considers the best way to understand religious beliefs to be an empathic understanding. He calls his theory “the epistemology of involvement”. Based on this theory, in order to understand religious beliefs, one should put aside the detachment approach and by entering the life of faith, provide the conditions for the realization of the religious experiences of the believers, and at the same time, maintain the critical opinion in this sympathetic participation in religion. He considers (...)
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  39. Perspectivism and Special Relativity.Mahdi Khalili - 2021 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 43 (2):191-217.
    The special theory of relativity holds significant interest for scientific perspectivists. In this paper, I distinguish between two related meanings of “perspectival,” and argue that reference frames are perspectives, provided that perspectival means “being conditional” rather than “being partial.” Frame-dependent properties such as length, time duration, and simultaneity, are not partially measured in a reference frame, but their measurements are conditional on the choice of frame. I also discuss whether the constancy of the speed of light depends on perspectival factors (...)
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    Culture Matters: the Question of Metaphor and Taarof in Translation.Mahdi Dahmardeh, Abbas Parsazadeh & Saman Rezaie - 2016 - Cultura 13 (1):137-160.
    This study is designed to delve into the issue of culture from the lens of pragmatics as far as the translation of Persian expressions is concerned. To this end, the researchers explored two problematic areas in translation: the first one is a universally challenging element of language, i.e. metaphor, while the other one is an Iranian culture-specific element of language, i.e. Taarof. To uncover the reason behind such difficulty and various techniques to handle such culturally dependent concepts in the act (...)
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  41.  38
    On Ethics and Culture: A Matter of Variation or Deviation? A study on Top Notch Series.Mahdi Dahmardeh, Hossein Timcheh Memar & Abbas Timcheh Memar - 2014 - Cultura 11 (1):113-126.
    In pursuit of moralities and beliefs in the grey area of culture, the researchers carried out a study on Top Notch series to pinpoint the trace of ethics. This paper seeks to unfold the representation of ethics as an indubitable part of culture in Top Notch series. After having extracted all culturally and ethically-related topics and texts of Top Notch Series, 25 instances, featuring 6 patterns, were collected. Later these 6 patterns were dubbed as: violence, superstition, modesty,individualised ethics, religion, and (...)
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    The Quantum Quagmire: Can Consciousness Collapse the Wavefunction.Dr Fatima El-Mahdi - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 5 (1):80-90.
    The perplexing relationship between consciousness and quantum mechanics remains one of science's greatest enigmas. The "wavefunction collapse" phenomenon, where a quantum system's superposition of possibilities resolves into a single definite state upon measurement, has ignited heated debates about the role of consciousness in shaping reality. This article delves into the heart of this "quantum quagmire," exploring various interpretations of wavefunction collapse and their implications for the nature of consciousness and the observer-observed relationship.
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  43. al-Khuḍūʻ al-Sunnī wa-al-iḥbāṭ al-Shīʻī: naqd al-ʻaql al-dāʼirī.Fāliḥ Mahdī - 2015 - al-Qāhirah: Bayt al-Yasmīn lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  44. Alfarabi on philosophy and religion.Muhsin Mahdi - 1972 - Philosophical Forum 4 (1):5.
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    The Role of Dominance Hierarchy in the Evolution of Social Species.Mahdi Muhammad Moosa & S. M. Minhaz Ud-Dean - 2011 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41 (2):203-208.
    A number of animal species from different lineages live socially. One of the features of social living is the formation of dominance hierarchy. Despite its obvious benefit in the survival probability of the species, the hierarchical structureitself poses psychological and physiological burden leading to the chronic activation of stress related pathways. Considering these apparently conflicting observations, here we propose that social hierarchy can act as a selective force in the evolution of social species. We also discuss its role on social (...)
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  46. Metaphor role in the fundamental reality of existence semantical survey.Mahdi Sepehri - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 1 (2):163-189.
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  47.  Semantical Study of Ibn Sina Conception of the Object of Teology : the case of Shefa Illahyat.Mahdi Sepehri - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 2 (2):167-183.
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    A philosophical approach towards the concept of freedom in Henry James’s The Portrait of a Lady.Mahdi Shamsi - 2015 - International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 4 (6).
    Freedom is one of the major elements in Henry James’s The Portrait of a Lady. In an age when American women were usually engaged or married, James’s heroine, Isabel, was somewhat ahead of her time in hoping for a marriage in which she could still be independent. She was very fond of her liberty and afraid of losing it, but does her return to her husband, Osmond, at the end of the novel suggest that she has put an end to (...)
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    A Schopenhauerinan Reading of Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady and D. H. Lawrence's The White Peacock.Mahdi Shamsi - unknown
    My study aims to offer a Schopenhauerian reading of Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady and D. H. Lawrence's The White Peacock. Throughout the dissertation, I am driven by two goals. First, I aim to examine the selected novels by considering Schopenhauer's philosophy. Secondly, I shall investigate why characters, especially the heroines, having recognised that their marriage was basically a mistake, still remained in their tormented relationships. Why it is important to answer this question and what makes this a (...)
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    Ibn Khaldūn's Philosophy of History: A Study in the Philosophic Foundation of the Science of Culture.Muhsin Mahdi - 1959 - Philosophical Quarterly 9 (34):84-85.
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