Results for 'Robert Blum'

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    Factual issues in the "continuity" controversy.Robert A. Blum & Josephine Semmes Blum - 1949 - Psychological Review 56 (1):33-50.
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    From modulator to mediator: rapid effects of BDNF on ion channels.Christine R. Rose, Robert Blum, Karl W. Kafitz, Yury Kovalchuk & Arthur Konnerth - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (11):1185-1194.
    Neurotrophins (NTs) are {?AUTHOR} a family of structurally related, secreted proteins that regulate the survival, differentiation and maintenance of function of different populations of peripheral and central neurons.1,2 Among these, BDNF (brain‐derived neurotrophic factor) has drawn considerable interest because both its synthesis and secretion are increased by physiological levels of activity, indicating a unique role of this neurotrophin in coupling neuronal activity to structural and functional properties of neuronal circuits. In addition to its classical neurotrophic effects, which are evident within (...)
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  3. Semantics in Support of Biodiversity: An Introduction to the Biological Collections Ontology and Related Ontologies.Ramona L. Walls, John Deck, Robert Guralnik, Steve Baskauf, Reed Beaman, Stanley Blum, Shawn Bowers, Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Neil Davies, Dag Endresen, Maria Alejandra Gandolfo, Robert Hanner, Alyssa Janning, Barry Smith & Others - 2014 - PLoS ONE 9 (3):1-13.
    The study of biodiversity spans many disciplines and includes data pertaining to species distributions and abundances, genetic sequences, trait measurements, and ecological niches, complemented by information on collection and measurement protocols. A review of the current landscape of metadata standards and ontologies in biodiversity science suggests that existing standards such as the Darwin Core terminology are inadequate for describing biodiversity data in a semantically meaningful and computationally useful way. Existing ontologies, such as the Gene Ontology and others in the Open (...)
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    Revitalizing the Intellectual History of the French RevolutionLa Guillotine et l'Imaginaire de la Terreur.Inventing the French Revolution: Essays on French Political Culture in the Eighteenth Century.Rousseau and the Republic of Virtue: The Language of Politics in the French Revolution.Revolution in Print: The Press in France, 1775-1800.Dictionnaire des usages sociopolitiques"Idees," Dictionnaire Critique de la Revolution Francaise."Gauss Seminars in Criticism".Women and the Public Sphere in the Age of the French Revolution. [REVIEW]Jack R. Censer, Daniel Arasse, Keith Michael Baker, Carol Blum, Robert Darnton, Daniel Roche, Francois Furet, Mona Ozouf, Lynn Hunt & Joan Landes - 1989 - Journal of the History of Ideas 50 (4):652.
  5.  26
    Debating Race, Ethnicity, and Latino Identity: Jorge J. E. Gracia and His Critics.Ivan Jaksic (ed.) - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    The philosopher Jorge J. E. Gracia engages fifteen prominent scholars on race, ethnicity, nationality, and Hispanic/Latino identity in the United States. Their discussion joins two distinct traditions: the philosophy of race begun by African Americans in the nineteenth century, and the search for an understanding of identity initiated by Latin American philosophers in the sixteenth century. Participants include Linda M. Alcoff, K. Anthony Appiah, Richard J. Bernstein, Lawrence Blum, Robert Gooding-Williams, Eduardo Mendieta, and Lucius T. Outlaw Jr., and (...)
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    Verbs, Bones, and Brains: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Nature.Agustin Fuentes & Aku Visala (eds.) - 2016 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Introduction: The many faces of human nature / Agustín Fuentes and Aku Visala Chapter 1. Off human nature / Jonathan Marks. Response I. On your marks... get set, we’re off human nature / James M. Calcagno ; Response II. Rethinking human nature : comments on Jonathan Marks’s anti-essentialism / Phillip R. Sloan ; Response III. Off human nature and on human culture : the importance of the concept of culture to science and society / Robert Sussman and Linda Sussman (...)
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    Post-Traumatic Hermeneutics: Melancholia in the Wake of Trauma.Angelika Rauch - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (4):111-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Post-Traumatic Hermeneutics: Melancholia in the Wake of TraumaAngelika Rauch (bio)1Classical Analysis: Problems for Trauma TherapyAccording to the Journal of the American Psychoanalytical Association, American ego psychology has taken a leading role in debunking what it considers antiquated Freudian approaches to the study of trauma. As neutral observers and students of the facts, ego psychologists have purportedly reclaimed the study of trauma as the search for an objectifiable traumatic event (...)
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  8. a. Blum, P. Frascolla, A. Voltolini.A. Blum, P. Frascolla & A. Voltolini - 1998 - Epistemologia 21 (1):131-142.
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    Commentary on Lawrence Blum's "I'm Not a Racist, But…".Lawrence Blum - 2003 - Social Philosophy Today 19:239-241.
  10. Friendship, Altruism and Morality.Lawrence A. Blum - 1980 - Boston: Routledge.
    Friendship, Altruism, and Morality, originally published in 1980, gives an account of "altruistic emotions" and friendship that brings out their moral value. Blum argues that moral theories centered on rationality, universal principle, obligation, and impersonality cannot capture this moral importance. This was one of the first books in contemporary moral philosophy to emphasize the moral significance of emotions, to deal with friendship as a moral phenomenon, and to challenge the rationalism of standard interpretations of Kant, although Blum’s "sentimentalism" (...)
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  11. Moral perception and particularity.Lawrence Blum - 1991 - Ethics 101 (4):701-725.
    Most contemporary moral philosophy is concerned with issues of rationality, universality, impartiality, and principle. By contrast Laurence Blum is concerned with the psychology of moral agency. The essays in this collection examine the moral import of emotion, motivation, judgment, perception, and group identifications, and explore how all these psychic capacities contribute to a morally good life. Blum takes up the challenge of Iris Murdoch to articulate a vision of moral excellence that provides a worthy aspiration for human beings. (...)
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    A Schoolgirl’s Memories of Her Teacher: Trialogue between Simone de Beauvoir, René A. Spitz and Eva Spitz Blum.Eva Spitz Blum - 1991 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 8 (1):117-122.
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  13. Stereotypes And Stereotyping: A Moral Analysis.Lawrence Blum - 2004 - Philosophical Papers 33 (3):251-289.
    Stereotypes are false or misleading generalizations about groups, generally widely shared in a society, and held in a manner resistant, but not totally, to counterevidence. Stereotypes shape the stereotyper’s perception of stereotyped groups, seeing the stereotypic characteristics when they are not present, and generally homogenizing the group. The association between the group and the given characteristic involved in a stereotype often involves a cognitive investment weaker than that of belief. The cognitive distortions involved in stereotyping lead to various forms of (...)
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    Moral Perception and Particularity.Lawrence A. Blum - 1994 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this collection examine the moral import of emotion, motivation, judgment, perception, and group identifications, and explore how all these psychic capacities contribute to a morally good life. They examine moral exemplars and the "moral saints" debate, the morality of rescue during the Holocaust, role morality as lying between "personal" and "impersonal" perspectives, Carol Gilligan's theory of women and morality, Iris Murdoch's moral philosophy, and moral responsiveness in young children.
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  15. “Cultural Racism”: Biology and Culture in Racist Thought.Lawrence Blum - 2023 - Journal of Social Philosophy 54 (3):350-369.
    Observers have noted a decline (in the US) in attributions of genetically-based inferiority (e.g. in intelligence) to Blacks, and a rise in attributions of culturally-based inferiority. Is this "culturalism" merely warmed-over racism ("cultural racism") or a genuinely distinct way of thinking about racial groups? The question raises a larger one about the relative place of biology and culture in racist thought. I develop a typology of culturalisms as applied to race: (1) inherentist or essentialist culturalism (inferiorizing cultural characteristics wrongly but (...)
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  16. Gilligan and Kohlberg: Implications for moral theory.Lawrence A. Blum - 1988 - Ethics 98 (3):472-491.
  17. Race and Class Together.Lawrence Blum - 2023 - American Philosophical Quarterly 60 (4):381-395.
    The dispute about the role of class in understanding the life situations of people of color has tended to be overpolarized, between a class reductionism and an “it's only race” position. Class processes shape racial groups’ life situations. Race and class are also distinct axes of injustice; but class injustice informs racial injustice. Some aspects of racial injustice can be expressed only in concepts associated with class (e.g., material deprivation, inferior education). But other aspects of racial injustice or other harms, (...)
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    Studies on Early Modern Aristotelianism.Paul Richard Blum - 2012 - Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
    In Studies on Early Modern Aristotelianism Paul Richard Blum shows that Aristotle’s thought remained the touchstone of modern philosophy; for it was the philosophy taught at universities. The concept of philosophy at Jesuit schools forms the first part of this book. Their impact on the sciences and mathematics in combination with Renaissance ideas of nature is the topic of the second part. The transformation of Aristotelian metaphysics and theology under the influence of the Renaissance is the third area of (...)
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    Review of Walter J. Blum and Kalven: The Uneasy Case for Progressive Taxation[REVIEW]Walter J. Blum & Harry Kalven - 1954 - Ethics 65 (1):68-70.
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    Fast planning through planning graph analysis.Avrim L. Blum & Merrick L. Furst - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 90 (1-2):281-300.
  21.  52
    Integrations: The Struggle for Racial Equality and Civic Renewal in Public Schools (2021).Lawrence Blum & Zoë Burkholder - 2021 - Chicago: University of Chicago.
    The promise of a free, high-quality public education is supposed to guarantee every child a shot at the American dream. But our widely segregated schools mean that many children of color do not have access to educational opportunities equal to those of their white peers. In Integrations, historian Zoë Burkholder and philosopher Lawrence Blum investigate what this country’s long history of school segregation means for achieving just and equitable educational opportunities in the United States. Integrations focuses on multiple marginalized (...)
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    Self-reflection in the arts and sciences.Alan Blum - 1984 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press. Edited by Peter McHugh.
  23. Racialized Groups: The Sociohistorical Consensus.Lawrence Blum - 2010 - The Monist 93 (2):298-320.
    Among race scholars, there is a general consensus that (1) groups thought to be races in the 19th/20th century do not possess the characteristics attributed to them in classic racial ideology, (2) such groups are nevertheless intergenerational collectivities with distinctive social and historical experiences, and (3) those experiences were and are deeply shaped by the false beliefs of classic racial ideology. The groups of whom this consensus is true are felicitously called “racialized groups,” terminology preferable to “social construction,” “classic racial (...)
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    Antiracist Moral and Civic Education.Lawrence Blum - 2024 - In Sheron Fraser-Burgess, Jessica Heybach & Dini Metro-Roland, The Cambridge Handbook of Ethics and Education. Cambridge University Press. pp. 657-675.
    The years since the world-wide demonstrations in the wake of George Floyd’s murder in 2020 have seen a significant embrace of antiracist education as part of moral education, followed by conservative rollback of such efforts. The article discusses both, and is applicable to the further retrenchment in the second Trump administration (in 2025). Antiracist moral and civic education should educate about both interpersonal racism (racism of individuals toward other individuals) and institutional racism (systemic racial injustices). Each of those areas involves (...)
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  25. Racism: What It Is and What It Isn't.Lawrence Blum - 2002 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 21 (3):203-218.
    The words ‘racist’ and ‘racism’ have become so overused that they nowconstitute obstacles to understanding and interracial dialogue about racial matters. Insteadof the current practice of referring to virtually anything that goes wrong or amiss withrespect to race as ‘racism,’ we should recognize a much broader moral vocabulary forcharacterizing racial ills – racial insensitivity, racial ignorance, racial injustice, racialdiscomfort, racial exclusion. At the same time, we should fix on a definition of ‘racism’ thatis continuous with its historical usage, and avoids (...)
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    Friendship, Altruism and Morality.Roland Paul Blum - 1983 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 44 (1):121-124.
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    The state is not abolished, it withers away: How quantum field theory became a theory of scattering.Alexander S. Blum - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 60:46-80.
  28. Iris Murdoch and the domain of the moral.Lawrence A. Blum - 1986 - Philosophical Studies 50 (3):343 - 367.
    In The Sovereignty of Good Iris Murdoch suggests that the central task of the moral agent involves a true and loving perception of an- other individual, who is seen as a particular reality external to the agent. Writing in the 1960s she claimed that this dimension of morality had been "theorized away" in contemporary ethics. I will argue today that 20 years later, this charge still holds true of much contemporary ethical theory.
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    The birth of quantum mechanics from the spirit of radiation theory.Alexander S. Blum & Martin Jähnert - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 91 (C):125-147.
  30. The Kantian versus Frankfurt.Alex Blum - 2000 - Analysis 60 (3):287-288.
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    Theorizing.Alan F. Blum - 1974 - London,: Heinemann.
  32. Moral Exemplars: Reflections on Schindler, the Trocmes, and Others.Lawrence A. Blum - 1988 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 13 (1):196-221.
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  33. Three kinds of race-related solidarity.Lawrence Blum - 2007 - Journal of Social Philosophy 38 (1):53–72.
    Solidarity within a group facing adversity exemplifies certain human goods, some instrumental to the goal of mitigating the adversity, some non-instrumental, such as trust, loyalty, and mutual concern. Group identity, shared experience, and shared political commitments are three distinct but often-conflated bases of racial group solidarity. Solidarity groups built around political commitments include members of more than one identity group, even when the political focus is primarily on the justice-related interests of only one identity group (such as African Americans). A (...)
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  34. Translation as heuristics: Heisenberg׳s turn to matrix mechanics.Alexander Blum, Martin Jähnert, Christoph Lehner & Jürgen Renn - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 60:3-22.
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  35. Necessity of identity and Tarski's T‐schema.Alex Blum - 2022 - Philosophical Investigations 46 (2):264-265.
    Philosophical Investigations, EarlyView.
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    Emmanuel Levinas' theory of commitment.Roland Paul Blum - 1983 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 44 (2):145-168.
  37.  28
    Giordano Bruno.Paul Richard Blum - 2021 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Giordano Bruno Giordano Bruno was an Italian philosopher of the later Renaissance whose writings encompassed the ongoing traditions, intentions, and achievements of his times and transmitted them into early modernity. Taking up the medieval practice of the art of memory and of formal logic, he focused on the creativity of the human mind. Bruno … Continue reading Giordano Bruno →.
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    Real Virtuality and Actual Transitions: Historical Reflections on Virtual Entities before Quantum Field Theory.Alexander S. Blum & Martin Jähnert - 2024 - Perspectives on Science 32 (3):329-349.
    This paper studies the notion of virtuality in the Bohr-Kramers-Slater theory of 1924. We situate the virtual entities of BKS within the tradition of the correspondence principle and the radiation theory of the Bohr model. We show how, in this context, virtual oscillators emerged as classical substitute radiators and were used to describe the otherwise elusive quantum transitions. They played an effective role in the quantum theory of radiation while remaining categorically distinct and ontologically separated from the quantum world of (...)
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    High Schools, Race, and America's Future: What Students Can Teach Us About Morality, Diversity, and Community.Lawrence Blum & Gloria Ladson-Billings - 2012 - Cambridge MA: Harvard Education Press.
    In High Schools, Race, and America’s Future, Lawrence Blum offers a lively account of a rigorous high school course on race and racism. Set in a racially, ethnically, and economically diverse high school, the book chronicles students’ engagement with one another, with a rich and challenging academic curriculum, and with questions that relate powerfully to their daily lives. Blum, an acclaimed moral philosopher whose work focuses on issues of race, reflects with candor, insight, and humor on the challenges (...)
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    Liquid Democracy: Potentials, Problems, and Perspectives.Christian Blum & Christina Isabel Zuber - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (2):162-182.
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  41. Political identity and moral education: A response to Jonathan Haidt’s The Righteous Mind.Lawrence Blum - 2013 - Journal of Moral Education 42 (3):298-315.
    In The Righteous Mind, Jonathan Haidt claims that liberals have a narrower moral outlook than conservatives—they are concerned with fairness and relief of suffering, which Haidt sees as individualistic values, while conservatives care about authority and loyalty too, values concerned with holding society together. I question Haidt’s methodology, which does not permit liberals to express concerns with social bonds that do not fit within an ‘authority’ or ‘loyalty’ framework and discounts people who support liberal positions but do not self-ascribe as (...)
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    Socrates, the original and its images.Alan F. Blum - 1978 - Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
    This book, first published in 1978, is a radical approach to the philosophical distinction between Being and beings, in which the life of Socrates is used as the metaphor for the theoretical life, in contrast to the continuous historical interest in that life as an object for biographical reconstruction and description. Professor Blum's main concern is to develop a story that coordinates stages of the theoretical life to practices which exemplify man's ideal relationship with language.
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    Zen and the Unspeakable God: Comparative Interpretations of Mystical Experience.Jason N. Blum - 2015 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Zen and the Unspeakable God reevaluates how we study mystical experience. Forsaking the prescriptive epistemological box that has constrained the conversation for decades, ensuring that methodology has overshadowed subject matter, Jason Blum proposes a new interpretive approach—one that begins with a mystic’s own beliefs about the nature of mystical experience. Blum brings this approach to bear on the experiential accounts of three mystical exemplars: Meister Eckhart, Ibn al-ʿArabi, and Hui-neng. Through close readings of their texts, he uncovers the (...)
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  44. Mothers, babies, and breastfeeding in late capitalist America: The shifting contexts of feminist...Linda M. Blum - 1993 - Feminist Studies 19 (2):290-311.
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    (1 other version)Can It Be that Tully=Cicero?Alex Blum - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Alex Blum ABSTRACT: We show, that given two fundamental theses of Kripke, no statement of the form ‘‘a=b’ is necessarily true’, is true, if ‘a’ and ‘b’ are distinct rigid designators. Download PDF.
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    From dressed electrons to quasiparticles: The emergence of emergent entities in quantum field theory.Alexander S. Blum & Christian Joas - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 53:1-8.
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    Time's Arrow and Evolution.Harold F. Blum - 1953 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (3):420-421.
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  48. Against deriving particularity.Lawrence Blum - 2000 - In Brad Hooker & Margaret Olivia Little, Moral particularism. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 205--226.
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    On complexity properties of recursively enumerable sets.M. Blum & I. Marques - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (4):579-593.
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    Value Pluralism versus Value Monism.Christian Blum - 2023 - Acta Analytica 38 (4):627-652.
    Value pluralism is the metaphysical thesis that there is a plurality of values at the fundamental level of the evaluative domain. Value monism, on the other hand, is the claim that there is just one fundamental value. Pluralists, it is commonly argued, have an edge over monists when it comes to accounting for the conspicuous heterogeneity of the evaluative domain and the rationality of regretting well-justified decisions. Monists, in turn, seem to provide a far more plausible account of rational evaluative (...)
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