Results for 'Roderick E. Adams'

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  1.  17
    Learning theory and infantile attachment: a re-evaluation.Richard H. Passman & Roderick E. Adams - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (3):454-455.
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    "Dear Heart": Homage to Henry Rosemont, Jr., 1934–2017.Roberta E. Adams - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (1):1-7.
    What can be said about me is simply that I continue my studies without respite and instruct others without growing weary.We can read the list of Henry Rosemont's accomplishments—the books and papers he wrote, edited, and translated, and his classes and workshops, conference papers, and seminars. The 2008 collection of essays in his honor, Polishing the Chinese Mirror, edited by Marthe Chandler and Ronnie Littlejohn,1 provides almost two dozen testimonies to the influence and reach of his work. In her introduction, (...)
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    The politics of evolution: Morphology, medicine, and reform in radical London Adrian Desmond , x + 503 pp., $34.95, cloth. [REVIEW]Roderick E. McGrew - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (2):287-289.
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    Political Keywords: Using Language That Uses Us.Roderick P. Hart, Sharon E. Jarvis, William P. Jennings & Deborah Smith-Howell - 2004 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal in the United States, but that statement does not hold true for words. Some words carry more weight than others--they seem to work harder, get more done, and demand more respect. Political Keywords: Using Language that Uses Us looks at eight dominant words that are crucial to American political discourse, and how they have been employed during the last fifty years. Based on an analysis of eleven separate studies of (...)
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  5. Ethical Challenges in the Treatment of Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities.Sara E. Boyd & Zachary W. Adams - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (6):407-418.
    The effective provision of psychotherapy services to individuals with intellectual disability requires consideration of ethical issues related to clinical competence, access to services, obligations to multiple parties, guardianship, and appropriate assessment practices. This article provides an overview of major ethical considerations with guidance for clarifying and resolving common ethical concerns. Psychologists are encouraged to expand access to psychotherapy services for this population while maintaining awareness of potential modifications, training needs, and boundaries of professional competence. The authors provide recommendations and resources (...)
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    The Mission of Philosophy Today.E. Adams - 2000 - Metaphilosophy 31 (4):349-364.
    The paper gives a brief characterization of philosophical problems; points up something of their significance for the culture, the social order, and our lives; indicates the methodology appropriate for the problems; and presents a view of the cultural mission of philosophy today. Philosophy attempts to bring under critical review and to correct errors in the cultural mind of our civilization, the prevailing assumptions and beliefs about our knowledge‐yielding powers, the various sectors of the culture, and the basic structure of the (...)
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    Environmental justice in the American south: an analysis of black women farmworkers in Apopka, Florida.Anne Saville & Alison E. Adams - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):193-204.
    Research has established that the burdens of externalities associated with industrial production are disproportionately borne by socially and politically vulnerable groups, and this is particularly true for farmworkers who are at high risk for environmental exposures and illnesses. The impacts of these risks are often compounded by farmworker communities’ social vulnerability. Yet, less is known about how the intersection of race, class, and gender can position some farmworkers to be at higher risk for particular types of oppressions. We extend the (...)
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    Facilitation and interference in performance on the modified Mashburn apparatus: I. The effects of varying the amount of original learning.Don Lewis, Dorothy E. McAllister & Jack A. Adams - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (4):247.
  9. New books. [REVIEW]A. E. Taylor, John Adams, P. E. Winter, F. C. S. Schiller, M. L., S. R., J. Waterlow, Francis Jones, B. Russell, E. M. Smith & A. D. Lindsay - 1910 - Mind 19 (75):422-442.
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    Forgetting and natural language mediation.William E. Montague, Jack A. Adams & Harold O. Kiess - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (6):829.
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    Effects of amount of training on type of solution and breadth of learning in optional shifts.Bryan E. Shepp & Marilyn J. Adams - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 101 (1):63.
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    Autoetnografía: Un Panorama.Carolyn Ellis, Tony E. Adams & Arthur P. Bochner - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 14:249-273.
    La autoetnografía es un enfoque de investigación y escritura que busca describir y analizar sistemáticamente la experiencia personal con el fin de comprender la experiencia cultural. Esta aproximación desafía las formas canónicas de hacer investigación y de representar a los otros, a la vez que considera a la investigación como un acto político, socialmente justo y socialmente consciente. Para hacer y escribir autoetnografía, el investigador aplica los principios de la autobiografía y de la etnografía. Así, como método, la autoetnografía es, (...)
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  13. Alternative perspectives of effective science teaching.Kenneth Tobin, Mariona Espinet, Steven E. Byrd & Daryl Adams - 1988 - Science Education 72 (4):433-451.
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    Responsible Innovation Definitions, Practices, and Motivations from Nanotechnology Researchers in Food and Agriculture.Adam E. Kokotovich, Jennifer Kuzma, Christopher L. Cummings & Khara Grieger - 2021 - NanoEthics 15 (3):229-243.
    The growth of responsible innovation scholarship has been mirrored by a proliferation of RI definitions and practices, as well as a recognition of the importance of context for RI. This study investigates how researchers in the field of nanotechnology for food and agriculture define and practice RI, as well as what motivations they see for pursuing RI. We conducted 20 semi-structured interviews with nano-agrifood researchers from industry and academia in the USA, where we asked them to describe their RI definitions, (...)
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  15.  40
    The Intersection of Gender-Related Facial Appearance and Facial Displays of Emotion.Reginald B. Adams, Ursula Hess & Robert E. Kleck - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (1):5-13.
    The human face conveys a myriad of social meanings within an overlapping array of features. Herein, we examine such features within the context of gender-emotion stereotypes. First we detail the pervasive set of gender-emotion expectations known to exist. We then review new research revealing that gender cues and emotion expression often share physical properties that represent a confound of overlapping features characteristic of low versus high facial maturity/dominance. As such, gender-related facial appearance and facial expression of emotions often share social (...)
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    Analogical mapping across sensory modalities and evidence for a general analogy factor.Adam B. Weinberger, Natalie M. Gallagher, Griffin Colaizzi, Nathaniel Liu, Natalie Parrott, Edward Fearon, Neelam Shaikh & Adam E. Green - 2022 - Cognition 223 (C):105029.
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  17.  29
    The Mission of Philosophy Today.E. M. Adams - 2000 - Metaphilosophy 31 (4):349-364.
    The paper gives a brief characterization of philosophical problems; points up something of their significance for the culture, the social order, and our lives; indicates the methodology appropriate for the problems; and presents a view of the cultural mission of philosophy today. Philosophy attempts to bring under critical review and to correct errors in the cultural mind of our civilization, the prevailing assumptions and beliefs about our knowledge‐yielding powers, the various sectors of the culture, and the basic structure of the (...)
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    A critique of the emotive theory of ethical terms.E. M. Adams - 1949 - Journal of Philosophy 46 (17):549-553.
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    Classical moral philosophy and metaethics.E. M. Adams - 1964 - Ethics 74 (2):97-110.
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    Hall's analysis of "ought".E. M. Adams - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (2):73-75.
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  21. What Is a Conspiracy Theory and Why Does It Matter?Joseph E. Uscinski & Adam M. Enders - 2023 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 35 (1):148-169.
    Growing concern has been expressed that we have entered a “post-truth” era in which each of us willfully believes whatever we choose, aided and abetted by alternative and social media that spin alternative realities for boutique consumption. A prime example of the belief in alternative realities is said to be acceptance of “conspiracy theories”—a term that is often used as a pejorative to indict claims of conspiracy that are so obviously absurd that only the unhinged could believe them. The epistemological (...)
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    The Genealogy of Disjunction.Ernest W. Adams & R. E. Jennings - 1996 - Philosophical Review 105 (1):87.
    This book is less about disjunction than about the English word ‘or’, and it is less for than against formal logicians—more exactly, against those who maintain that formal logic can be applied in certain ways to the evaluation of reasoning formulated in ordinary English. Nevertheless, there are many things to interest such of those persons who are willing to overlook the frequent animadversions directed against their kind in the book, and this review will concentrate on them.
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    The experience of, and beliefs about, divine grace in mainline protestant Christianity: A consensual qualitative approach.Adam S. Hodge, Jolene Norton, Logan T. Karwoski, Julian Yoon, Joshua N. Hook, Kristen Kansiewicz, Hansong Zhang, Laura E. Captari, Don E. Davis & Daryl R. Van Tongeren - 2023 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 45 (3):285-307.
    The empirical study of grace, a relational virtue, is in its beginning stages. The purpose of this study was to provide rich, context-based, qualitative data to describe Mainline Protestants’ (a) experiences of, and (b) beliefs about, divine grace. Interviews were conducted with 28 community adults who were affiliated with Mainline Protestant Churches. Results indicated that Mainline Protestant Christians have varying beliefs about divine grace and how it is related to both the present moment and the afterlife. Divine grace was often (...)
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    A Greek-English Lexicon.C. W. E. Miller, Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, Henry Stuart Jones & Roderick McKenzie - 1925 - American Journal of Philology 46 (3):288.
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  25.  56
    Human rights and the social order.E. Maynard Adams - 1988 - Journal of Value Inquiry 22 (3):167-181.
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    Rationality and Morality.E. M. Adams - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 46 (4):683 - 697.
    The purpose of the article is to challenge widely accepted views of the relationship among rationality, morality, and prudence. It contends that we cannot understand either the rational or the moral enterprise without a correct philosophical view of the human self, and that such a view of the self is impossible without taking account of the rational and the moral enterprises themselves. The paper concludes that the moral point of view is anchored in the nature of selfhood so that one (...)
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  27.  59
    Feminist philosophy and information systems.A. E. Adam & H. J. Richardson - unknown
    This paper offers a new approach to the philosophical foundations of information systems through feminist philosophy and, in particular, feminist epistemology. This can be used to expose the universalizing tendency of many information systems and to show the importance of using real-life complex examples rather than the simplified examples often favored by philosophers. Within traditional epistemology and its relation to IS, subjectivity, the propositional/skills distinction and epistemic hierarchies are subject to arguments from feminist epistemology. With respect to the emerging critical (...)
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  28. Personality and philosophical bias.Adam Feltz & E. T. Cokely - 2016 - In Wesley Buckwalter & Justin Sytsma (eds.), Blackwell Companion to Experimental Philosophy. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
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    Investigating Medical Students’ Navigation of Ethical Dilemmas: Understanding the Breakdown and How to Solve It.Adam J. Wesevich, Lauren E. Gulbas & Hilary F. Ryder - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (4):227-236.
    Purpose Medical students receive a varying amount of training in medical ethics and are expected to navigate clinical ethical dilemmas innately. There is little literature on attempts to navigate ethical dilemmas experienced during early clinical experiences and whether current curricula prepare students for these dilemmas. This study explores the different ethical dilemmas experienced by medical students on their third-year clerkships and analyzes the factors, sources, and resolutions proposed by them.Methods From 2016 to 2018, third-year medical students completed a written assignment (...)
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  30. The meaning of life.E. M. Adams - 2002 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 51 (2):71-81.
  31. The inadequacy of phenomenalism.E. M. Adams - 1959 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 20 (1):93-102.
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  32. Linguistic analysis and epistemic encounters.E. M. Adams - 1974 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34 (3):404-414.
  33.  46
    Forgiveness.Jay E. Adams - 1991 - Faith and Philosophy 8 (3):277-304.
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  34. Heiko Schmid, Wolf-Dietrich Sahr and John Urry, eds, Cities and Fascination: Beyond the Surplus of Meaning.Ross E. Adams - 2011 - Radical Philosophy 170:56.
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  35. List of Published Papers Studia Logica 56 (1996), 277-290 Special Issue: Priestley Duality.M. E. Adams & W. Dziobiak - 1996 - Studia Logica 56 (1):277-290.
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  36. Disability in Practice: Attitudes, Policies, and relationships.Adam Cureton & Thomas E. Hill (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  37. Mind and the language of psychology.E. M. Adams - 1967 - Ratio (Misc.) 9 (December):122-139.
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  38. Primary and secondary qualities.E. M. Adams - 1948 - Journal of Philosophy 45 (16):435-442.
  39. Ethics and the Aims of Education.E. Maynard Adams - 1969 - In William T. Blackstone & George L. Newsome (eds.), Education and ethics. Athens,: University of Georgia Press.
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    On knowing that.E. M. Adams - 1958 - Philosophical Quarterly 8 (33):300-306.
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  41. The Dream of Socrates: A Point of Contact between two Worlds.E. W. Adams - 1923 - Hibbert Journal 22:515.
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  42. Two aspects of impaired consciousness in alzheimer's.E. Salmon, P. Ruby, D. Perani, E. Kalbe, Steven Laureys, S. Adam & F. Collette - 2005 - In Steven Laureys (ed.), The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
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    (1 other version)Character: The Framework for a Successful Life.E. M. Adams - 1995 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 33 (1):1-18.
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    Freedom and Reason in Morality.E. M. Adams - 1965 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):94-102.
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    Mental causality.E. M. Adams - 1966 - Mind 75 (300):552-563.
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    Preface.E. M. Adams - 1966 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):i-i.
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    Philosophical Education as Cultural Criticism.E. M. Adams - 1979 - Teaching Philosophy 3 (1):1-11.
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    The unexamined assumptions of intellectual property.E. Richard Gold, Wen Adams, David Castle, Ghislaine Cleret De Langavant, L. Martin Cloutier, Abdallah S. Daar, Amy Glass, Pamela J. Smith & Louise Bernier - 2004 - Public Affairs Quarterly 18 (4):299-344.
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    Financial Impact of Incentive Spirometry.Adam E. M. Eltorai, Grayson L. Baird, Joshua Pangborn, Ashley Szabo Eltorai, Valentin Antoci, Katherine Paquette, Kevin Connors, Jacqueline Barbaria, Kimberly J. Smeals, Barbara Riley, Shyam A. Patel, Saurabh Agarwal, Terrance T. Healey, Corey E. Ventetuolo, Frank W. Sellke & Alan H. Daniels - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801879499.
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  50. Introduction.Suzi Adams & Karl E. Smith - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 86 (1):3-5.
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