Results for 'Rosario Gil'

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  1.  19
    Sociología jurídica.Rosario Gil & Carlos Paíz Xulá (eds.) - 2003 - Guatemala: Litografía Orion.
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  2. Country Reports.Ma'N. H. Zawati, Don Chalmers, Sueli G. Dallari, Marina de Neiva Borba, Miriam Pinkesz, Yann Joly, Haidan Chen, Mette Hartlev, Liis Leitsalu, Sirpa Soini, Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, Nils Hoppe, Tina Garani-Papadatos, Panagiotis Vidalis, Krishna Ravi Srinivas, Gil Siegal, Stefania Negri, Ryoko Hatanaka, Maysa Al-Hussaini, Amal Al-Tabba', Lourdes Motta-Murgía, Laura Estela Torres Moran, Aart Hendriks, Obiajulu Nnamuchi, Rosario Isasi, Dorota Krekora-Zajac, Eman Sadoun, Calvin Ho, Pamela Andanda, Won Bok Lee, Pilar Nicolás, Titti Mattsson, Vladislava Talanova, Alexandre Dosch, Dominique Sprumont, Chien-Te Fan, Tzu-Hsun Hung, Jane Kaye, Andelka Phillips, Heather Gowans, Nisha Shah & James W. Hazel - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (4):582-704.
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    Children’s capacity to use cultural focal points in coordination problems.Efrat Goldvicht-Bacon & Gil Diesendruck - 2016 - Cognition 149 (C):95-103.
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    A Real Lorentz-FitzGerald Contraction.Carlos Barceló & Gil Jannes - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (2):191-199.
    Many condensed matter systems are such that their collective excitations at low energies can be described by fields satisfying equations of motion formally indistinguishable from those of relativistic field theory. The finite speed of propagation of the disturbances in the effective fields (in the simplest models, the speed of sound) plays here the role of the speed of light in fundamental physics. However, these apparently relativistic fields are immersed in an external Newtonian world (the condensed matter system itself and the (...)
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  5. Matière à histoires.Olivier Bloch & Didier Gil - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (2):419-419.
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    Leadership in Economy of Communion Companies. Contribution to the Common Good through Innovation.Ma Asunción Esteso-Blasco, María Gil-Marqués & Juan Sapena - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (1):77-101.
    Innovation is strongly associated with survival and growth of all kind of organizations in a global competitive economy. Moreover, nowadays companies are increasingly questioned on how they deliver innovative solutions to deep-seated problems, such as poverty. Our research aims to understand how Economy of Communion companies respond to this challenge by applying the logic of gratuitousness and giving. This paper examines the altruistic behaviour of EoC leaders and the connection with organizational innovation, necessary for firm’s survival in the long-term. We (...)
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    Extending the description logic EL with threshold concepts induced by concept measures.Franz Baader & Oliver Fernández Gil - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 326 (C):104034.
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    From the myth of being to the myth of justice.Ricardo Gil Costa Fonseca Soeiro - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 28:74-82.
    The present article wishes to examine John Caputo’s notion of ‘hyperbolic justice’ considering his critique of Heideggerian philosophy. In Demythologizing Heidegger (1993), Caputo tries to deconstruct Martin Heidegger’s account of Dasein’s being as Sorge, as Being-towards-death in its existentiality, facticity and fallenness, not by rejecting that account but by showing that it is fissured by an absence, the absence of kardia (heart), of flesh, disablement, affliction. According to Caputo, Heidegger’s aesthetics of Being, and his concern to overcome the oblivion of (...)
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    Reflection as Ethical Process in Documentary Film: Eight Decision-Making Issues.Garnet C. Butchart & Amir Har-Gil - 2019 - Journal of Media Ethics 34 (2):58-72.
    ABSTRACTTraditionally, the objective of documentary filmmaking is to look and to teach—to add perspective on, by way of building knowledge about, issues of public concern. Cinema and media studies...
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  10. Algunas reflexiones en torno a la psicología infantil.Purificación Gil Carnicero - 1978 - El Basilisco 4:80-93.
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  11. (1 other version)"Philosophia practica" y "philosophie des rechts": sobre tradición y revolución en la filosofía jurídica de Hegel.Juan José Gil Cremades - 1969 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 9:9-30.
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    Undressing the Virgin Mary: Nudity and Gendered Art.María del Mar Pérez-Gil - 2017 - Feminist Theology 25 (2):208-221.
    Stripping the Virgin Mary of the myths, stories, and dogmas surrounding her is a task that has particularly appealed to a branch of feminist theology which seeks to reclaim her as a figure of female empowerment. This article aims to explore the transformation of Mary’s body into an element of resistance in the work of some contemporary artists. By depicting her nude or semi-nude, artists disrupt the gender values commonly associated with the Virgin and open up alternative possibilities of affirmative (...)
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  13. Sobre los fundamentos históricos del estado nacional.Portilla Gil de Partearroyo & Jorge[From Old Catalog] - 1944 - México,:
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  14. Un análisis de las diferencias de resultados entre países en el proyecto PISA.Guillermo Gil Escudero - 2008 - Critica 58 (956):26-31.
    En las investigaciones comparativas internacionales del rendimiento educativo tales como PISA, la posición de cada país en la lista comparativa de resultados promedio es casi siempre el único elemento de la discusión política y del comentario social, siendo el único dato con el que se evalúa a los sistemas educativos, lo que puede ser muy equívoco al no tener en cuenta el contexto en el que se producen los resultados. Este simple dato se utiliza habitualmente por la clase política, sin (...)
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  15. A web ontologies framework for digital rights management.Roberto García, Rosa Gil & Jaime Delgado - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 15 (2):137-154.
    In order to improve the management of copyright in the Internet, known as Digital Rights Management, there is the need for a shared language for copyright representation. Current approaches are based on purely syntactic solutions, i.e. a grammar that defines a rights expression language. These languages are difficult to put into practise due to the lack of explicit semantics that facilitate its implementation. Moreover, they are simple from the legal point of view because they are intended just to model the (...)
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  16. Anorexia y bulimia en las mujeres: entre la inseguridad y la autonomía.Eugenia Gil García - 2006 - Critica 56 (933):82-84.
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    Emotional Assessment in Spanish Youths With Antisocial Behavior.Juan García-García, María José Gil-Fenoy, María Blasa Sánchez-Barrera, Leticia de la Fuente-Sánchez, Elena Ortega-Campos, Flor Zaldívar-Basurto & Encarna Carmona-Samper - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:671851.
    Impaired emotional capacity in antisocial populations is a well-known reality. Taking the dimensional approach to the study of emotion, emotions are perceived as a disposition to action; they emerge from arousal of the appetitive or aversive system, and result in subjective, behavioral, and physiological responses that are modulated by the dimensions of valence, arousal, and dominance. This study uses the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) to study the interaction between the type of picture presented (pleasant, neutral, or unpleasant) and group (...)
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  18. Tasan ŭi chŏngchʻi kyŏngje sasang.Man-gil Kang & Chʻang-nyŏl Chŏng (eds.) - 1990 - Sŏul: Chʻangjak kwa Pipʻyŏngsa.
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  19. La transmisión de la fe en el contexto educativo actual.Pedro María Gil Larrañaga - 2005 - Critica 55 (921):40-43.
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  20. Filosofía, modernidad, posmodernidad.Marta López Gil - 1990 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    Hanʼguk Kidokkyo yulli sasang.Yong-gil Maeng - 1900 - Sŏul: Changnohoe Sinhak Taehakkyo Chʻulpʻanbu.
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  22. Kidokkyo ŭi mirae wa chuchʻe sasang.Yong-gil Maeng - 1990 - Sŏul: Kidok Kyomunsa.
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  23. Avatares sufridos por los cuadros de Velázquez ubicados en el Monasterio del Escorial.María Luisa Gil Meana - 2012 - Ciudad de Dios 225 (3):803-819.
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    Cartas de un agustino sobre el conflicto entre el Emperador José II de Austria y la Iglesia en el pontificado de Pío VI.María Luisa Gil Meana - 2011 - Ciudad de Dios 224 (3):721-732.
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  25. Documentos inéditos referentes a la desaparición de las joyas del Monasterio del Escorial durante la Guerra de la Independencia.María Luisa Gil Meana - 2013 - Ciudad de Dios 226 (2):471-494.
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  26. Nombramiento de los Priores del Monasterio de El Escorial y sus vicisitudes.María Luisa Gil Meana - 2009 - Ciudad de Dios 222 (2):503-542.
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  27. Marŭtʻin Pubŏ.Chŏng-gil Nam - 1977 - Sŏul: Taehan Kidokkyo Chʻulpʻansa.
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    Rafael Carrillo, pionero de la filosofía moderna en Colombia.Numas Armando Gil Olivera - 1998 - Barranquilla, Colombia: Fondo de Publicaciones de La Universidad del Atlantico.
  29. “Pensamentos que Vêm com Pezinhos de Pomba”: uma conversa inacabada entre George Steiner e Walter Benjamin.Ricardo Gil Soeiro - 2025 - Trans/Form/Ação 48 (2):e025024.
    In “Thoughts That Come With Doves’s Footsteps”, an unfinished conversation between Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) and George Steiner (1929-2020) is tentatively rehearsed. In no way aiming at exhausting the complex connections that can be established between these two great thinkers of the 20th century, the present article only seeks to identify common cartographies, suggesting the crossing of trodden paths while testing elective affinities. Our main goal is to explore Steiner’s thought and to highlight the way in which Walter Benjamin’s footprints are (...)
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  30. Ambassador Ramon del Rosario, Sr.: A Lifetime Legacy.Ramon R. del Rosario Jr, Oscar J. Hilado & Jocelyn Perez - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):125-130.
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    Literary Genres and Textual Representations of Early Vīraśaiva History: Revisiting Ekānta Rāmayya’s Self-Beheading. [REVIEW]Gil Ben-Herut - 2012 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 16 (2):129-187.
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    David Soto Carrasco. 'España: Historia y revelación. Un ensayo sobre el pensamiento político de María Zambrano', Murcia, Círculo Rojo, 2018, páginas 143. [REVIEW]Carlos Gil Gandía - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (1):201-202.
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  33. IFIP WG 2.12 and WG 12.4 International Workshop on Web Semantic (SWWS)-Security, Risk and Privacy for the Semantic Web-An OWL Copyright Ontology for Semantic Digital Rights Management. [REVIEW]Roberto Gil Garcia - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 1745-1754.
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  34. Sex and Gender.Esther Rosario - 2024 - In Kathrin Koslicki & Michael J. Raven, The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter surveys essentialist and anti-essentialist theories of sex and gender. It does so by engaging three approaches to sex and gender: externalism, internalism, and contextualism. The chapter also draws attention to two key debates about sex and gender in the feminist literature: the debate about the sex/gender distinction (the distinction debate) and the debate about whether sex and gender have essences (the essentialism/anti-essentialism debate). In addition, it describes three problems that theories of sex and gender tend to face: the (...)
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  35. Oblikovanje znanstvene kulture Didier Gil Bachelard et la culture scientifique PUF, Paris 1993, 123 str.Didier Gil - forthcoming - Filozofski Vestnik.
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    ¿Qué es ver? por José Gil.José Gil - 2011 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 44:205-218.
    El presente artículo tiene por objeto analizar los límites y exigencias de la mirada en la poética de Alberto Caeiro, heterónimo de Fernando Pessoa. Esta mirada, sostiene Gil, es singular, supone un proceso de crítica de la tradicional relación sujeto - objeto en el acto de conocer. Una especie de epojé en el sentido fenomenológico. No es una mirada empírica, no apela a los sentidos, es una mirada que tiene más bien el carácter de “una intuición intelectual de los sentidos”. (...)
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    Filosofía, historia y presente: homenaje a Urbano Gil Ortega.Urbano Gil Ortega & José Ma Aguirre (eds.) - 1993 - Vitoria: Editorial Eset.
  38.  11
    The Joint Practice of Conceptual History and the Study of Political Thought: Kari Palonen in Conversation with Rosario López and José María Rosales.Kari Palonen, Rosario López & José María Rosales - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (70):181-197.
    Il lavoro di Kari Palonen è rimasto negli anni una fonte di ispirazione per gli storici concettuali e intellettuali e per i teorici politici. La sua carriera e i suoi contributi lo rendono un interlocutore ideale per una conversazione sulla pratica congiunta della storia concettuale e dello studio del pensiero politico. Questa intervista, condotta da Rosario López e José María Rosales, si è svolta come una delle sessioni del seminario online _On the Joint Practice of Conceptual History and the (...)
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    Product of invariant types modulo domination–equivalence.Rosario Mennuni - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (1):1-29.
    We investigate the interaction between the product of invariant types and domination–equivalence. We present a theory where the latter is not a congruence with respect to the former, provide sufficient conditions for it to be, and study the resulting quotient when it is.
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    Inversion's histories/history's inversions: Novelizing fin-de-siècle homosexuality.Vernon A. Rosario - 1997 - In Science and Homosexualities. New York: Routledge. pp. 89--107.
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  41. A new well‐being atomism.Gil Hersch & Daniel Weltman - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 107 (1):3-23.
    Many philosophers reject the view that well-being over a lifetime is simply an aggregation of well-being at every moment of one's life, and thus they reject theories of well-being like hedonism and concurrentist desire satisfactionism. They raise concerns that such a view misses the importance of the relationships between moments in a person's life or the role narratives play in a person's well-being. In this article, we develop an atomist meta-theory of well-being, according to which the prudential value of a (...)
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    Legal and Ethical Approaches to Stem Cell and Cloning Research: A Comparative Analysis of Policies in Latin America, Asia, and Africa.Rosario M. Isasi, Bartha M. Knoppers, Peter A. Singer & Abdallah S. Daar - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (4):626-640.
    Human reproductive cloning has become the most palpable example of the globalization of science. Throughout the world, events and conjectures in the media, such as the birth and death in the United Kingdom of the cloned sheep Dolly and projects to clone human beings by Korean scientists, by members of the Canadian-based Raelian cult, and by the Italian physician Antinori in an undisclosed country, have galvanized the political will of individual countries to ban human reproductive cloning.Yet, international attempts to harmonize (...)
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  43.  13
    Blood: A Critique of Christianity.Gil Anidjar - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    _Blood_, according to Gil Anidjar, maps the singular history of Christianity. As a category for historical analysis, blood can be seen through its literal and metaphorical uses as determining, sometimes even defining Western culture, politics, and social practices and their wide-ranging incarnations in nationalism, capitalism, and law. Engaging with a variety of sources, Anidjar explores the presence and the absence, the making and unmaking of blood in philosophy and medicine, law and literature, and economic and political thought from ancient Greece (...)
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    Market success or female autonomy?: Income, ideology, and empowerment among microentrepreneurs in the Dominican republic.Rosario Espinal & Sherri Grasmuck - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (2):231-255.
    This article examines the impact of gender on the relative economic success of microentrepreneurs, their contributions to family income, and the impact of gender ideology and income on household decision making. The concept of economic success is problematized by examining how these businesses, even those of limited assets and income generation, offer women increased autonomy in household budgetary matters and decision making. The analysis draws on data from a representative survey of 201 male and female microentrepreneurs in the Dominican Republic. (...)
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  45.  28
    Weakly binary expansions of dense meet‐trees.Rosario Mennuni - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (1):32-47.
    We compute the domination monoid in the theory of dense meet‐trees. In order to show that this monoid is well‐defined, we prove weak binarity of and, more generally, of certain expansions of it by binary relations on sets of open cones, a special case being the theory from [7]. We then describe the domination monoids of such expansions in terms of those of the expanding relations.
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    Science and Homosexualities.Vernon A. Rosario (ed.) - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Science and Homosexualities is the first anthology by historians of science to examine European and American scientific research on sexual orientation since the coining of the word "homosexual" almost 150 years ago. This collection is particularly timely given the enormous scientific and popular interest in biological studies of homosexuality, and the importance given such studies in current legal, legislative and cultural debates concerning gay civil rights. However, scientific and popular literature discussing the biology of sexual orientation have been short-sighted in (...)
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  47. Well-Being Coherentism.Gil Hersch - 2022 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (4):1045-1065.
    Philosophers of well-being have tended to adopt a foundationalist approach to the question of theory and measurement, according to which theories are conceptually before measures. By contrast, social scientists have tended to adopt operationalist commitments, according to which they develop and refine well-being measures independently of any philosophical foundation. Unfortunately, neither approach helps us overcome the problem of coordinating between how we characterize well-being and how we measure it. Instead, we should adopt a coherentist approach to well-being science.
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    The effects of teachers' homework follow-up practices on students' EFL performance: a randomized-group design.Pedro Rosário, José C. Núñez, Guillermo Vallejo, Jennifer Cunha, Tânia Nunes, Natalia Suárez, Sonia Fuentes & Tânia Moreira - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The domination monoid in o-minimal theories.Rosario Mennuni - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (1).
    We study the monoid of global invariant types modulo domination-equivalence in the context of o-minimal theories. We reduce its computation to the problem of proving that it is generated by classes...
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    Physicians’ duty to climate protection as an expression of their professional identity: a defence from Korsgaard’s neo-Kantian moral framework.Henk Jasper van Gils-Schmidt & Sabine Salloch - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (6):368-374.
    The medical profession is observing a rising number of calls to action considering the threat that climate change poses to global human health. Theory-led bioethical analyses of the scope and weight of physicians’ normative duty towards climate protection and its conflict with individual patient care are currently scarce. This article offers an analysis of the normative issues at stake by using Korsgaard’s neo-Kantian moral account of practical identities. We begin by showing the case of physicians’ duty to climate protection, before (...)
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