Results for 'Ross Pearson'

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  1.  23
    Individuals vs. BARD: Experimental Evaluation of an Online System for Structured, Collaborative Bayesian Reasoning.Kevin B. Korb, Erik P. Nyberg, Abraham Oshni Alvandi, Shreshth Thakur, Mehmet Ozmen, Yang Li, Ross Pearson & Ann E. Nicholson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A Quantitative Research on the Relationship of Self-Monitoring with Religious Orientation and Religious Group Membership.Büşra Kılıç Ahmedi - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):539-563.
    Self-monitoring theory explains the individual differences in using interpersonal adjustment techniques like self-control, self-regulation, and self-presentation. Self-monitoring plays a key role for understanding the social life. Therefore, it has been one of most popular research topics in social psychology. The aim of this study is to find out if there is a meaningful relationship between religious orientation and self-monitoring, and to determine the direction of the relationship if it exists. Besides, examining the effect of religious group membership on self-monitoring is (...)
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  3. Why Do We Believe What We Are Told?Angus Ross - 1986 - Ratio (1):69-88.
    It is argued that reliance on the testimony of others cannot be viewed as reliance on a kind of evidence. Speech being essentially voluntary, the speaker cannot see his own choice of words as evidence of their truth, and so cannot honestly offer them to others as such. Rather, in taking responsibility for the truth of what he says, the speaker offers a guarantee or assurance of its truth, and in believing him the hearer accepts this assurance. I argue that, (...)
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    Foundations of ethics: the Gifford lectures delivered in the University of Aberdeen, 1935-6.William David Ross - 1939 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Oxford Scholarly Classics brings together a number of great academic works from the archives of Oxford University Press. Reissued in a uniform series design, they will enable libraries, scholars, and students to gain fresh access to some of the finest scholarship of the last century.
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  5. What is social structural explanation? A causal account.Lauren N. Ross - 2023 - Noûs 1 (1):163-179.
    Social scientists appeal to various “structures” in their explanations including public policies, economic systems, and social hierarchies. Significant debate surrounds the explanatory relevance of these factors for various outcomes such as health, behavioral, and economic patterns. This paper provides a causal account of social structural explanation that is motivated by Haslanger (2016). This account suggests that social structure can be explanatory in virtue of operating as a causal constraint, which is a causal factor with unique characteristics. A novel causal framework (...)
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    Distinguishing topological and causal explanation.Lauren N. Ross - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):9803-9820.
    Recent philosophical work has explored the distinction between causal and non-causal forms of explanation. In this literature, topological explanation is viewed as a clear example of the non-causal variety–it is claimed that topology lacks temporal information, which is necessary for causal structure. This paper explores the distinction between topological and causal forms of explanation and argues that this distinction is not as clear cut as the literature suggests. One reason for this is that some explanations involve both topological and causal (...)
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  7. On the Lack of Direction in Rayo’s The Construction of Logical Space.Ross Cameron - 2014 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 57 (4):427-441.
    I argue that Agustín Rayo’s symmetric ‘just is’ statements cannot be defined in terms of notions like essence, grounding or metaphysical truth-conditions. I go on to argue that one of these latter notions, which allow us to express an asymmetric relationship between facts, is needed to do some of the work that Rayo intends ‘just is’ statements to do, such as stating reductionist claims.
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    Lying: The Impact of Decision Context.William T. Ross & Diana C. Robertson - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (2):409-440.
    Abstract:This study tests the usefulness of a person-situation interactionist framework in examining the willingness of a salesperson to lie to get an order. Using a survey of 389 salespersons, our results demonstrate that organizational relationships influence willingness to lie. Specifically, salespersons are less willing to lie to their own company than to their customer, than to a channel partner, and finally, than to a competitor firm. Furthermore, respondents from firms with a clear and positive ethical climate are less willing to (...)
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    Practical Imagination in Spinoza: Opposing Imagination and Reason Once Again.Alison Ross - 2023 - Australasian Philosophical Review 7 (1):77-84.
    This paper outlines Susan James’s analysis of Spinoza’s conception of practical imagination. It argues that there are three problems with her account. 1) The historical location James gives for the supposed shift away from rhetorical communication to egalitarian reasoning is problematic. 2) James uses the term ‘persuasion’ to describe both rational argumentation and rhetorical appeal to emotion as their genus or common denominator. 3) She relies on the traditional opposition between rhetorical capture of the mind through emotionally charged images and (...)
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    The irrationality of folk metaethics.Ross Colebrook - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology:1-37.
    Many philosophers and psychologists have thought that people untutored in philosophy are moral realists. On this view, when people make moral judgments, they interpret their judgments as tracking universal, objective moral facts. But studies of folk metaethics have demonstrated that people have a mix of metaethical attitudes. Sometimes people think of their moral judgments as purely expressive, or as tracking subjective or relative moral facts, or perhaps no facts at all. This paper surveys the evidence for folk metaethical pluralism and (...)
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  11. Allocating the Burdens of Climate Action: Consumption-Based Carbon Accounting and the Polluter-Pays Principle.Ross Mittiga - 2018 - In Beth Edmondson & Stuart Levy, Transformative Climates and Accountable Governance. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 157-194.
    Action must be taken to combat climate change. Yet, how the costs of climate action should be allocated among states remains a question. One popular answer—the polluter-pays principle (PPP)—stipulates that those responsible for causing the problem should pay to address it. While intuitively plausible, the PPP has been subjected to withering criticism in recent years. It is timely, following the Paris Agreement, to develop a new version: one that does not focus on historical production-based emissions but rather allocates climate burdens (...)
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  12.  56
    Genetic Exceptionalism vs. Paradigm Shift: Lessons from HIV.Lainie Friedman Ross - 2001 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 29 (2):141-148.
    The term “exceptionalism” was introduced into health care in 1991 when Bayer described “HIV exceptionalism” as the policy of treating the human immunodeficiency virus different from other infectious diseases, particularly other sexually transmitted diseases. It was reflected in the following practices: pre- and post-HIV test counseling, the development of specific separate consent forms for HIV testing, and stringent requirements for confidentiality of HIV test results. The justification for these practices was the belief that testing was essential for prevention and that (...)
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  13.  44
    Health Care Decisionmaking by Children Is It in Their Best Interest?Lainie Friedman Ross - 1997 - Hastings Center Report 27 (6):41-46.
    The argument for children's rights in health care has been long in the making. The success of this position is reflected in the 1995 American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations for the role of children in health care decisionmaking, which suggest that children be given greater voice as they mature. But there are good moral and practical reasons for exercising caution in these health care situations, especially when the child and parents disagree. Parents need the moral and legal space within which (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Kant's Ethical Theory. A Commentary on the Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten.David Ross - 1954 - Philosophy 30 (115):377-378.
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    Respecting Choice in Definitions of Death.Lainie Friedman Ross - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S4):53-55.
    The definition of death was clearer one hundred years ago than it is today. People were declared dead if diagnosed with permanent cessation of both cardio‐circulatory function and respiratory function. But the definition has been muddled by the development of new technologies and interventions—first by cardiopulmonary resuscitation and ventilators, which were introduced in the mid‐twentieth century, and now by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, which creates the ability to keep oxygenated blood circulating, with or without a beating heart or functioning lungs. In (...)
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  16. Rational action: studies in philosophy and social science.Ross Harrison (ed.) - 1979 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume is concerned with the concept of rationality and the interrelations between rationality, belief and desire in the explanation and evaluation of ...
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  17. Kritik der sogenannten praktischen Erkenntnis.Alf Ross - 1934 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 41 (2):19-19.
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  18. Pluralist Partially Comprehensive Doctrines, Moral Motivation, and the Problem of Stability.Ross A. Mittiga - 2017 - Res Publica 23 (4):409-429.
    Recent scholarship has drawn attention to John Rawls’s concern with stability—a concern that, as Rawls himself notes, motivated Part III of A Theory of Justice and some of the more important changes of his political turn. For Rawls, the possibility of achieving ‘stability for the right reasons’ depends on citizens possessing sufficient moral motivation. I argue, however, that the moral psychology Rawls develops to show how such motivation would be cultivated and sustained does not cohere with his specific descriptions of (...)
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  19.  28
    The Pharmacology of the Gift: On Stiegler’s Call for a New Theoretical Computer Science.Daniel Ross - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (7-8):49-70.
    Bernard Stiegler’s theoretical and practical Internation Project called for a refoundation of theoretical computer science that would also put the fact of exchange back at the centre of the conceptualization and organization of the economy. This can be interpreted as a call to critique a form of capitalism that has arisen over the past 70 years through an ideology via which ‘information’ conjoins computation and economics into what becomes an absolute market. But another history of exchange unfolds contemporaneously with this (...)
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  20.  54
    Elements of Epistemology.Ross Thalheimer - 1933 - Philosophical Review 42 (4):432.
  21.  52
    Testimonial liberalism and the balance of epistemic goals.Ross F. Patrizio - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (11):2997-3015.
    There are two broad views in the epistemology of testimony, conservatism and liberalism. The two views disagree over a particular necessary condition on testimonial justification: the positive reasons requirement (PRR). Perhaps the most prominent objection levelled at liberalism from the conservative camp stems from gullibility; without PRR, the thought goes, an objectionable form of gullibility looms large for liberals. In this paper I aim to make two main contributions: to introduce a new metric for adjudicating this debate; and to argue (...)
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  22. The Moving Spotlight.Ross Cameron & Daniel Deasy - 2015 - In Nina Emery, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Time. Routledge.
    We examine moving spotlight theories of time: theories according to which there are past and future events and an objective present moment. In Section 1, we briefly discuss the origins of the view. In Section 2, we describe the traditional moving spotlight view, which we understand as an ‘enriched’ B-theory of time, and raise some problems for that view. In the next two sections, we describe versions of the moving spotlight view that we think are better and which solve those (...)
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  23.  20
    Teleología y Naturaleza En Aristóteles.Alberto Ross - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 1 (2):101.
    El propósito de este trabajo es presentar una recons­trucción de cómo se articulan las nociones de finalidad y naturaleza en la física de Aristóteles, así como de la relación que guardan estos principios con la substan­cia eterna e inmóvil que introduce el filósofo griego en _Metaph_. XII. Como es bien sabido, hay un espectro amplio de lecturas acerca de la postura aristotélica sobre el particular, las cuales responden a distintas valoraciones de los argumentos que aparecen en los pasajes que el (...)
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  24.  27
    Deity Representation: A Prototype Approach.Ross W. May & Frank D. Fincham - 2018 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 40 (2-3):258-286.
    This research systematically evaluates via prototype analysis how conceptualizations of Western adult's monotheistic God are structured. Over 4 studies, using U.S. student and community samples of predominantly Christians, features of God are identified, feature centrality is documented, and centrality influence on cognition is evaluated. Studies 1 and 2 produced considerable overlap in feature frequency and centrality ratings across the samples, with “God is love” being the most frequently listed central feature. In Studies 3 (choice latency) and 4 (recall and recognition (...)
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  25.  47
    Introduction.Stephen David Ross - 2010 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:1-20.
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    Genetic Exceptionalism vs. Paradigm Shift: Lessons from HIV.Lainie Friedman Ross - 2001 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 29 (1):141-148.
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    Semantic Decision Procedures for Some Relevant Logics.Ross Brady - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Logic 1:4-27.
    This paper proves decidability of a range of weak relevant logics using decision procedures based on the Routley-Meyer semantics. Logics are categorized as F-logics, for those proved decidable using a filtration method, and U-logics, for those proved decidable using a direct (unfiltered) method. Both of these methods are set out as reductio methods, in the style of Hughes and Cresswell. We also examine some extensions of the U-logics where the method fails and infinite sequences of worlds can be generated.
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    The genetics and biology of true love: Prosocial biological affects and the left hemisphere.Ross Buck - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (4):739-744.
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    An open letter to North American business ethicists.Ross A. McDonald - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (8):661-662.
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  30. Introduction: The New Philosophy of Economics.Don Ross & Harold Kincaid - 2009 - In Don Ross & Harold Kincaid, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Economics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 3--54.
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  31. The status of altruism.Angus Ross - 1983 - Mind 92 (366):204-218.
    It is argued that to possess the concept of distress is to be able to apply the concept to others, and that this implies a qualified form of altruism, in the sense that to perceive another as being in distress is, other things being equal, to see them as in need of help and be moved to help them.
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    Knowledge Organization, Categories, and Ad Hoc Groups: Folk Medical Models among Mexican Migrants in Nashville.Norbert Ross, Jonathan Maupin & Catherine A. Timura - 2011 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 39 (2):165-188.
  33. Hobbes and Descartes on the relation between language and consciousness.George Macdonald Ross - 1988 - Synthese 75 (2):217 - 229.
  34.  37
    Image-politics: Jean-Luc Nancy's ontological rehabilitation of the image.Alison Ross - 2015 - In Sanja Dejanovic, Nancy and the Political. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 139-163.
    Nancy's writing on the image may be understood as a critical engagement with the traditions of modern aesthetics and classical theories of art. However, the starting point for his approach to the image indicates that his writing on this topic has much wider ambitions than the treatment of a regional aesthetic topic. Nancy defines the image as a mode of access to sense. Nancy attempts an ontological rehabilitation of the image, which reiterates the precepts of his conception of being as (...)
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  35.  33
    Leibniz: Critical and Interpretive Essays.George Macdonald Ross - 1984 - Philosophical Books 25 (1):19-21.
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  36.  20
    Machines that think—a further statement.T. Ross - 1935 - Psychological Review 42 (4):387-393.
  37. On Losing Disagreements: Spencer’s Attitudinal Relativism.Jacob Ross & Mark Schroeder - 2016 - Mind 125 (498):541-551.
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  38. General Equilibrium Theory: An Introduction.Ross M. Starr - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    General Equilibrium Theory: An Introduction treats the classic Arrow-Debreu general equilibrium model in a form accessible to graduate students and advanced undergraduates in economics and mathematics. Topics covered include mathematical preliminaries, households and firms, existence of general equilibrium, Pareto efficiency of general equilibrium, the First and Second Fundamental Theorems of Welfare Economics, the core and core convergences, future markets over time and contingent commodity markets under uncertainty. Demand, supply, and excess demand appear first as functions, then optionally as correspondences. The (...)
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  39.  41
    Clinical Research Is a Team Sport.Ross E. McKinney - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (4):22-23.
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  40. The Problem of the Image: Sacred and Profane Spaces in Walter Benjamin’s Early Writing.Alison Ross - 2013 - Critical Horizons 14 (3):355-379.
    From the comparative framework of writing on the meaning of ritual in the field of the history of religions, this essay argues that one of the major problems in Benjamin’s thinking is how to make certain forms of materiality stand out against other forms. In his early work, the way that Benjamin deals with this problem is to call degraded forms “symbolic”, and those forms of materiality with positive value, “allegorical”. The article shows how there is more than an incidental (...)
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    Number, texture and crowding.John Ross & David Burr - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (4):196-197.
  42. (1 other version)Rational Action: Studies in Philosophy and Social Science.Ross Harrison - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (214):559-561.
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  43. Creation II.James F. Ross - 1983 - In Alfred J. Freddoso, The Existence and Nature of God. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 115-141.
  44.  32
    Hobbes.George Macdonald Ross - 1987 - Philosophical Books 28 (4):211-213.
  45.  52
    Hume's Language of Scepticism.Ian Simpson Ross - 1995 - Hume Studies 21 (2):237-254.
  46.  88
    Information and teleosemantics.Don Ross & Tadeusz W. Zawidzki - 1994 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):393-419.
  47.  48
    Marxism and the new middle classes.George Ross - 1978 - Theory and Society 5 (2):163-190.
  48. Socratic Metaethics Imagined.Steven Ross & Lisa Warenski - 2017 - S.Ph. Essays and Explorations:1-8.
    This is an imagined dialogue between one of the more famous skeptics regarding moral attribution, Thrasymachus, and an imagined Socrates who, through the convenient miracle of time travel, returns to Athens after exposure to contemporary metaethics, now a devoted and formidable quasi-realist expressivist. The dialogue focuses on the characterization of moral conflict and moral justification available to the expressivist, and the authors attempt to lay out the distinctive strengths and weaknesses of the expressivist view.
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    The 25th Anniversary of the Pure Theory of Law.Alf Ross & Henrik Palmer Olsen - 2011 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 31 (2):243-272.
  50.  19
    Medical Decision-Making for Children in Families with Siblings: parental discretion and its limits.Lainie Friedman Ross & Ana S. Iltis - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (2):261-276.
    This article examines how parents should make health decisions for one child when they may have a negative impact on the health interests or other interests of their siblings. The authors discuss three health decisions made by the parents of Alex Jones, a child with developmental disabilities with two older neurotypical siblings over the course of eight years. First, Alex’s parents must decide whether to conduct sequencing on his siblings to help determine if there is a genetic cause for Alex’s (...)
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