Results for 'Süleyman ÇELİK'

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  1.  86
    An Interview with Robin Celikates.Robin Celikates, Tomás Guerrero-Jaramillo & Polina Whitehouse - 2021 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 28:157-170.
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  2. Democratizing civil disobedience.Robin Celikates - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (10):982-994.
    The goal of this article is to show that mainstream liberal accounts of civil disobedience fail to fully capture the latter’s specific characteristics as a genuinely political and democratic practice of contestation that is not reducible to an ethical or legal understanding either in terms of individual conscience or of fidelity to the rule of law. In developing this account in more detail, I first define civil disobedience with an aim of spelling out why the standard liberal model, while providing (...)
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  3. Rethinking Civil Disobedience as a Practice of Contestation—Beyond the Liberal Paradigm.Robin Celikates - 2016 - Constellations 23 (1):37-45.
  4. From Critical Social Theory to a Social Theory of Critique: On the Critique of Ideology after the Pragmatic Turn.Robin Celikates - 2006 - Constellations 13 (1):21-40.
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    Constituent power beyond exceptionalism: Irregular migration, disobedience, and (re-)constitution.Robin Celikates - 2018 - Journal of International Political Theory 15 (1):67-81.
    This article argues that, far from being a merely defensive act of individual protest, civil disobedience is a much more radical political practice. It is transformative in that it aims at the politicization of questions that are excluded from the political domain and at reconfiguring public space and existing institutions, often in comprehensive ways. Focusing on the reconstitution of the political community also allows us to reconceptualize constituent power. Rather than portraying it as a quasi-mythical force erupting only in extraordinary (...)
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  6. Bios Politikos’tan Homo Economicus’a: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Perspektifle Antik ve Modern Dönemde İnsan, Ekonomi ve Siyaset İlişkisi* From Bios Politikos to Homo Economicus: The Relationship Between Human, Economy and Politics in the Ancient and Modern Periods with a Comparative Perspective.Adem Çelik & Aykut Aykutalp - 2017 - İnsanandİnsan 4 (13):223-241.
    The purpose of this study is to present how ancient and modern thinkers describe politics and to discuss reasons for differences seen in these definitions. In the ancient period, the identification of human being as a political entity by nature caused politics to be seen as the most supreme of all human activities. For the ancient thinkers, politics is conceptualized as a pluralist area in which the common issues are discussed by equals and also which excludes inequality. Ancient thinker Aristotle (...)
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    Critique as Social Practice: Critical Theory and Social Self-Understanding.Robin Celikates - 2018 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book provides an overview of recent debates about critical theory from Pierre Bourdieu via Luc Boltanski to the Frankfurt School. Robin Celikates investigates the relevance of the self-understanding of ordinary agents and of their practices of critique for the theoretical and emancipatory project of critical theory.
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    Political Poverty, Justice, and Citizenship Education.Raṣit Çelik - 2023 - Global Philosophy 33 (2):1-13.
    Poverty is a fundamental problem of contemporary societies including both developed and developing democracies. Although the literature on poverty is heavy concentrated on the material well-being of individuals and societies, some other aspects of poverty are to be considered as significant for democratic societies, especially for the discussions of justice and democratic order. In this regard, this work discusses a conception of political poverty based on the idea of free and equal citizenship in a pluralistic democracy in the light of (...)
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  9. Democracy across borders: From dêmos to dêmoi by James Bohman.Robin Celikates - 2009 - Constellations 16 (1):205-206.
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    Der Preis der Wahrheit. Gabe, Geld und Philosophie.Robin Celikates - 2009 - Philosophische Rundschau 56 (4):343.
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    Maintaining gender sensitivity in the family practice: facilitators and barriers.Halime Celik, Toine Lagro-Janssen, Ineke Klinge, Trudy Van Der Weijden & Guy Widdershoven - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):1220-1225.
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    Veto players and equilibrium uniqueness in the Baron–Ferejohn model.Levent Celik & Bilgehan Karabay - 2016 - Theory and Decision 81 (1):33-52.
    In political economy, the seminal contribution of the Baron–Ferejohn bargaining model constitutes an important milestone for the study of legislative policy making. In this paper, we analyze a particular equilibrium characteristic of this model, equilibrium uniqueness. The Baron–Ferejohn model yields a class of payoff-unique stationary subgame perfect equilibria in which players’ equilibrium strategies are not uniquely determined. We first provide a formal proof of the multiplicity of equilibrium strategies. This also enables us to establish some important properties of SSPE. We (...)
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    Crisis in the Built Environment: The Case of the Muslim City.Zeynep Çelik, Jamel Akbar & Zeynep Celik - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (4):803.
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    Çetin Cumagulov, Kırgızistandaki Nesturi-Türk Yazıtları - Kırgızstandagı Nesto.Ali Çelik - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 9):1091-1091.
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    Ibn Labbān al-Isʻardī and His Comments on Ambiguous Attributes in the Qur’ān.Beşir Çelik - 2023 - Marifetname 10 (2):507-539.
    Ibn Lebbân (d.749/1349), who originally belonged to a family from Siirt, is a Sufi Islamic scholar who wrote important works in many fields, especially the Quran, Hadith and Sufism. He lived during the period of the Bahri Mamluks (1250-1382), who ruled in Syria and Egypt and were known as the founding family of the Mamluk state. Ibn Lebban was engaged in science throughout his life, trained students, gave fatwas and guided the people. Many scholars who came after him spoke highly (...)
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    Unity vs. Uniformity: The Influence of Ziya Gökalp and John Dewey on the Education System of the Republic of Turkey.Raşit Çelik - 2014 - Education and Culture 30 (1):17-37.
    Once the Ottoman Empire collapsed, a new Turkish state was established after a struggle for national freedom. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk,1 aimed to develop a western-like democratic state for the people of the remaining Empire, even though he could have become the next sultan. All stages necessary for the emergence of a new state had already been fulfilled before the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, and the establishment of the Turkish Republic was the final element (...)
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    Eğitim Alanında Yapılan İnkıl'pların Sosyal Ve Kültürel Değişime Etkisi.Ahmet ÇELİK - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):287-287.
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    The Place of Rule-Based and Case-Based Methods in Islamic Law in Terms of Logical Methodology.Zeynep ÇELİK - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (60):87-111.
    Almost every state has its own legal system and there is a legal system in accordance with the social norms of the state. However, although states have autonomy with their own legal systems, the legal system of each state unites under larger legal systems. From this point of view, three major legal systems can be accepted; Anglo-Saxon Legal System (English Legal System, Common Law), Continental European Legal System (Legal system of European states based on Roman law), Social Legal System on (...)
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    The Critical Panorama Of An Era In The Context Of The Relation Between History And Literature: The Fall Of Abdülhamit.Yakup ÇELİK - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:295-318.
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    Eighth Grade Students Writing Skills For Primary Assessment of Different Variables.Mehmet Emre ÇELİK - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:727-743.
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    Einleitung.Robin Celikates - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (2):229-230.
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  22. Galen'de Ahlakin Degismesinin İmkani.Emre Çeliker - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:2):859-876.
    It can be said that both Plato's tripartite soul and Hippocrates' theory of temperament were influential in Galen's perception of ethics. In this respect, Galen, who presents a kind of composition of the effective philosophical and medical traditions of his day, is outside the tradition with his understanding of physicalist psychology. Considering the capacities of the soul as depending on the temperament of the body, Galen generally displays a deterministic attitude towards ethics, that is, the development of the soul. This (...)
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  23. Systematic misrecognition and the practice of critique : Bourdieu, Boltanski and the role of critical theory.Robin Celikates - 2012 - In Miriam Bankovsky & Alice Le Goff (eds.), Recognition theory and contemporary French moral and political philosophy: reopening the dialogue. New York: distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan.
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  24. Farabi'de Dini Çoğulculuğun Temelleri ve Sınırları.Adem Çelik & Metehan Karakurt - 2019 - In Zuhra Kalakhanova & Ali Söylemez (eds.), IV. International European Conference on Social Sciences. Ispec Publishing House.
    Dini çoğulculuk, dini dışlayıcılık ve kapsayıcılıktan farklı olarak, her dinsel inanış taraftarlarının kendi dinleri içinde kalarak ilahi selamete erişeceğini söyler. Temelde, teolojik ve felsefi boyutları olan dini çoğulculuk tartışmasının siyasete bakan bir yönü de vardır. İslam tarihinde Meşşâî felsefenin kurucusu ve mutluluk filozofu olarak bilinen Farabi, bir taraftan hakikate nasıl ulaşılacağı diğer taraftan ise “âlem” adını verdiği kozmopolitanizm nasıl inşa edileceği ile ilgilenmektedir. Siyasal toplumun amacının, insanların uygun ölçekte, en yüce iyi için yardımlaşmalarını sağlamak olduğunu savunan Farabi’ye göre, erdemli bir (...)
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    Eş‘arî ve Ş'fiî Bir Âlim Olarak İlkiy' el-Herr'sî ve Ahk'mü’l- Kur’'n Adlı Eserinin Kel'mî Boyutu.Ahmet Çelik - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi:489-489.
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    Ziviler Ungehorsam – zwischen Gewaltfreiheit und Gewalt.Robin Celikates - 2013 - In Franziska Martinsen & Oliver Flügel-Martinsen (eds.), Gewaltbefragungen: Beiträge Zur Theorie von Politik Und Gewalt. Transcript Verlag. pp. 211-226.
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  27. Civil ulydighed, højrefløjsbevægelser og filosofiens muligheder: Et interview med Robin Celikates.Philip Hoejme & Robin Celikates - 2023 - Eftertryk.
    Interviewet er lavet i juli 2021. Dets formål er at belyse emner, der er centrale i Celikates’ tænkning, f.eks. den voksende højrefløjspopulisme, migration, voldelige versus ikke-voldelige protester, civil ulydighed og den kritiske filosofis rolle i dag. -/- When Celikates and I sat down digitally in July 2021, the interview’s primary purpose was to examine topics central to Celikates’ thinking, such as the rise of right-wing populism, migration, violent versus non-violent protest, civil disobedience, and the role of critical philosophy today.
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    Conditions of soundness in the Sciences of Hadith and Qiraah from a Comparative Perspective.Nizamettin Çelik - 2023 - Marifetname 10 (2):469-505.
    The sciences of recitation and hadith are like two parts of a whole that ensures the safe transmission of the two basic sources of religion. Each discipline has its own basic conditions for the establishment of the security of information transfer. In the science of hadith, narrations are divided into two as mutawatir and ahad, according to the number of narrators. According to the number of the narrators of each layer who provide the transmission of Ahad news, it was determined (...)
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    Communitas – Immunitas – Bíos: Roberto Espositos Politik der Gemeinschaft.Robin Celikates - 2008 - In Claas Morgenroth & Janine Böckelmann (eds.), Politik der Gemeinschaft: Zur Konstitution des Politischen in der Gegenwart. Transcript Verlag. pp. 49-67.
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    5 Digitalization: Another Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere?Robin Celikates - 2016 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2016 (1):39-54.
    Is the Internet one of the causes of the crisis of the public sphere or does it rather provide a way to address this crisis? Do new forms of digital activism undermine the functioning of existing democratic institutions or open up new avenues for democratic participation? In this paper I address these questions by discussing the traditional Habermasian notion of the public sphere and the challenge that the digitalization of communication and collective action poses to it. After showing that digitalization (...)
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  31. Radical democratic chic.Robin Celikates - 2011 - Krisis 2 (2):62-64.
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    The Effects of Ethical Behaviors of the Managers on Organizational Climate an Application in 3rd Organizational Industrial Zone in Konya.Adnan Celik & Rabia Yilmaz - 2016 - Postmodern Openings 7 (2):115-135.
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    The Foundations of the Social: Between Critical Theory and Reflexive Sociology.Robin Celikates - 2012 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 20 (5):782-787.
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    A holistic approach to violence: Women parliamentarians’ understanding of violence against women and violence in the Kurdish issue in Turkey.Ayşe Betül Çelik - 2016 - European Journal of Women's Studies 23 (1):76-92.
    While women in Turkey and around the world are commonly engaged in civic activism for peace and violence reduction, they are seriously underrepresented in formal politics; thus, not much has been written about their potential to affect decisions made to reduce violence in their societies. This study aims to understand how women politicians view violence in general and their solutions for two specific types of violence in Turkey: the increasing levels of violence against women, and violence created through the Kurdish (...)
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    Erken Dönemde Kitaplarını İmh' Eden Hadisçiler ve Bunun Hadis İlmine Etkileri.Abdullah ÇELİK - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi.
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    Fuzuli'nin Türkçe Divanındaki İlk Gazelin İlk Beytinin Divan Edebiyatına Tesiri.Nebi ÇELİK - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):785-785.
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    Öğrencilerin E-Kitap Okuma Tutumlarının İncelenmesi.Tuğba ÇELİK - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 3):271-271.
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    Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenlerinin Çağdaşlaşmaya Yönelik Algı Ve Görüşlerinin Değerlendirilmesi.Alev ÇELİK - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 5):539-539.
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    Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Değer Öğretimine Yönelik Algıları.Özkan ÇELİK - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 19):229-229.
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    Yunus Emre’nin “Gönül Yapmak” ve “Gönül Yıkmak” İfadelerinin Kötülük Problemi Açısından Felsefi Anlamı.Kevser ÇELİK - 2021 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 37:40-47.
    Bu çalışmamızdaki amacımız, din felsefesinde tartışılan temel bir problem olan kötülük probleminin ne felsefedeki öyküsünü vermektir ne de Türk filozof Yunus Emre’de tüm ayrıntısıyla tartışmaktır. Amacımız, Türk filozof Yunus Emre’nin “gönül yıkma” ve “gönül yapma” ifadelerinin kötülük problemi açısından felsefedeki anlamını sorgulamak ve felsefi anlamlarını ortaya koymaktır.
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    “I Crossed My Own Line, But Here is What I do”: The Moral Transgressions of Sustainable Fashion Consumers and Their Use of Alternating Moral Practices as a Cognitive-Dissonance-Reducing Strategy.Hafize Celik & Ahmet Ekici - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (4):917-936.
    Drawing on the notion of ethical subjectivity (Foucault, in Fruchaud, Lorenzini (eds) Discourse and truth and parrēsia. The University of Chicago Press, 1983; Foucault, in Rabinow (ed) Essential works of Foucault 1954–84, The New Press, 1997), cognitive dissonance theory (Festinger, A theory of cognitive dissonance, Stanford University Press, 1957) and transgressive behaviours (Jenks, Transgression, Routledge, 2003), this research addresses the empirical question of how regular consumers of sustainable fashion overcome cognitive dissonance when they transgress their own code of conduct in (...)
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    The effect of artificial intelligence on creativity in conceptual design in architectural education: the motion of biomimetics and futurism.Tuğçe Çelik - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    “Nature-inspired” approaches, with their potential to generate innovative ideas through technology, are expected to surpass current architectural requirements and significantly influence future-oriented designs. A new agenda within the discipline of architecture involves production with artificial intelligence. Within this context, the question, “Can a design product be created by combining the principles of biomimicry and futuristic architecture?” is explored through AI’s capability to autonomously generate multiple architectural form alternatives. The objective is to develop a novel methodology. In the context of futurism, (...)
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  43.  15
    Mu‘tezilî Tefsir Geleneğinde İsr'iliyy't.Ersin Çelik - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):325-349.
    İslâm geleneğinin en akılcı fırkası kabul edilen Mu‘tezile’nin özellikle Kur’an kıssaları çerçevesinde tefsirlerde yer bulan israilî rivayetler karşısındaki tutumu merak uyandırıcıdır. Bazı çalışmalarda kimi Mu‘tezilî müfessirlerin isrâiliyyât karşısındaki tutumuna değinilse de İsrâilî rivayetlerin tenkidi söz konusu olduğunda Mu‘tezile’nin bir ekol olarak tutumu herhangi bir araştırmaya konu edilmemiştir. İsrâiliyyât üzerine yapılan son çalışmalarda isrâiliyyât eleştirisinin İbnü’l-Arabî öncesinde Tûsî, Mâverdî hatta Mâtürîdî gibi isimlere kadar geri götürülebileceği söylenirken tamamen Sünnî ve Şiî müfessirler üzerinden bir okuma yapılmakta Mu‘tezilî müfessirlerin görüşlerine yer verilmemektedir. Oysa (...)
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    Research on Corporate Social Responsibility in Public Relations: A Hybrid Review Through Topic Modeling Analysis and Way Forward.Fatih Çelik, Mehmet Ali Koseoglu & Blend Ibrahim - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Despite the growing significance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in corporate public relations (PR) strategies, there has been a paucity of comprehensive reviews of the extant CSR literature within the PR discipline. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the concept of CSR and the discipline of PR through a hybrid concept-discipline-focused review. We employed latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) via topic modeling as a novel approach for intellectual structure analysis. The dataset for this review comprised 246 (...)
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    Poetic Silsile-n'me of Haji Mustafa Efendi From Şiran.Ramazan Çelik - 2024 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 8 (1):86-106.
    Haji Mustafa Efendi, also known as Şeyh-i Şirani, is a Sufi and scholarly figure. He was born in 1254/1838 in Sarıca village of Şiran district of Gümüşhane province. His father's name was Ömer Efendi and his mother was Havva Hatun. After receiving madrasah education in his hometown for about fifteen years, he continued his education in Trabzon, Tokat and Uşak. While advancing on the path of knowledge, he was inclined towards Sufism and went to Mecca, where he became affiliated with (...)
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    Bir Sulak Alan Nasıl Yönetilir: Ekolojik Bakış Açısıyla Gediz Deltasının Ele Alı.Mehmet Ali ÇELİK - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 18):25-25.
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    The Native Chronicles Of The Manghits Period.Muhammed Bilal ÇELİK - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:781-800.
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  48. Communism: idea vs.'real movement'?R. Celikates - 2011 - Krisis 1 (1):2-3.
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    La désobéissance civile : entre non-violence et violence.Robin Celikates - 2013 - Rue Descartes 77 (1):35.
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    Public Philosophy in a New Key: Volume I: Democracy and Civic Freedom / Volume II: Imperialism and Civic Freedom by James Tully.Robin Celikates - 2011 - Constellations 18 (2):264-266.
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