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Steve Torrance [23]Stephen B. Torrance [4]S. Torrance [4]S. B. Torrance [1]
  1. Ethics and consciousness in artificial agents.Steve Torrance - 2008 - AI and Society 22 (4):495-521.
    In what ways should we include future humanoid robots, and other kinds of artificial agents, in our moral universe? We consider the Organic view, which maintains that artificial humanoid agents, based on current computational technologies, could not count as full-blooded moral agents, nor as appropriate targets of intrinsic moral concern. On this view, artificial humanoids lack certain key properties of biological organisms, which preclude them from having full moral status. Computationally controlled systems, however advanced in their cognitive or informational capacities, (...)
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    The spur of the moment: what jazz improvisation tells cognitive science.Steve Torrance & Frank Schumann - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (2):251-268.
    Improvisation is ubiquitous in life. It deserves, we suggest, to occupy a more central role in cognitive science. In the current paper, we take the case of jazz improvisation as a rich model domain from which to explore the nature of improvisation and expertise more generally. We explore the activity of the jazz improviser against the theoretical backdrop of Dreyfus’s account of expertise as well as of enactivist and 4E accounts of cognition and action. We argue that enactivist and 4E (...)
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  3. Artificial Consciousness and Artificial Ethics: Between Realism and Social Relationism.Steve Torrance - 2014 - Philosophy and Technology 27 (1):9-29.
    I compare a ‘realist’ with a ‘social–relational’ perspective on our judgments of the moral status of artificial agents (AAs). I develop a realist position according to which the moral status of a being—particularly in relation to moral patiency attribution—is closely bound up with that being’s ability to experience states of conscious satisfaction or suffering (CSS). For a realist, both moral status and experiential capacity are objective properties of agents. A social relationist denies the existence of any such objective properties in (...)
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  4. (1 other version)An inter-enactive approach to agency: participatory sense-making, dynamics, and sociality.Steve Torrance & Tom Froese - 2011 - Humana. Mente 15:21-53.
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  5. Artificial agents and the expanding ethical circle.Steve Torrance - 2013 - AI and Society 28 (4):399-414.
    I discuss the realizability and the ethical ramifications of Machine Ethics, from a number of different perspectives: I label these the anthropocentric, infocentric, biocentric and ecocentric perspectives. Each of these approaches takes a characteristic view of the position of humanity relative to other aspects of the designed and the natural worlds—or relative to the possibilities of ‘extra-human’ extensions to the ethical community. In the course of the discussion, a number of key issues emerge concerning the relation between technology and ethics, (...)
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  6. Machine Consciousness.Robert Clowes, Steve Torrance & Ron Chrisley - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (7):7-14.
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    Machine ethics and the idea of a more-than-human moral world.Steve Torrance - 2011 - In Michael Anderson & Susan Leigh Anderson (eds.), Machine Ethics. Cambridge Univ. Press. pp. 115.
  8. Contesting the concept of consciousness.Steve Torrance - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (5):111-126.
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    The Mind And The Machine: Philosophical Aspects Of Artificial Intelligence.Stephen B. Torrance (ed.) - 1984 - Chichester: Horwood.
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    Two conceptions of machine phenomenality.Steve Torrance - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (7):154-166.
    Current approaches to machine consciousness (MC) tend to offer a range of characteristic responses to critics of the enterprise. Many of these responses seem to marginalize phenomenal consciousness, by presupposing a 'thin' conception of phenomenality. This conception is, we will argue, largely shared by anti- computationalist critics of MC. On the thin conception, physiological or neural or functional or organizational features are secondary accompaniments to consciousness rather than primary components of consciousness itself. We outline an alternative, 'thick' conception of phenomenality. (...)
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  11. The Mind and the Machine.S. Torrance (ed.) - 1987 - Horwood.
  12. Super-intelligence and (super-)consciousness.Steve Torrance - 2012 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 4 (2):483-501.
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    Will Robots Need Their Own Ethics?Steve Torrance - 2009 - Philosophy Now 72:10-11.
  14. Modelling consciousness-dependent expertise in machine medical moral agents.Steve Torrance & Ron Chrisley - unknown
    It is suggested that some limitations of current designs for medical AI systems stem from the failure of those designs to address issues of artificial consciousness. Consciousness would appear to play a key role in the expertise, particularly the moral expertise, of human medical agents, including, for example, autonomous weighting of options in diagnosis; planning treatment; use of imaginative creativity to generate courses of action; sensorimotor flexibility and sensitivity; empathetic and morally appropriate responsiveness; and so on. Thus, it is argued, (...)
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  15. Varela’s Sixth Step: Teleology and the Re-Visioning of Science.S. Torrance - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):221-224.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Lived Experience and Cognitive Science Reappraising Enactivism’s Jonasian Turn” by Mario Villalobos & Dave Ward. Upshot: Jonas was not defending an unrestrained anthropomorphism but, rather, a “zoomorphism,” which offered a rigorous, considered view of the deep phylogenetic origins of purpose and mind. Jonas did not reject science per se, but an alienated, rigid conception of the latter. His work helped pave the way to a richer science of mind.
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    Prescriptivism and incompleteness.Stephen B. Torrance - 1981 - Mind 90 (360):580-585.
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  17. Emotion and ethics: An inter-(en) active approach. [REVIEW]Giovanna Colombetti & Steve Torrance - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (4):505-526.
    In this paper, we start exploring the affective and ethical dimension of what De Jaegher and Di Paolo (Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 6:485–507, 2007 ) have called ‘participatory sense-making’. In the first part, we distinguish various ways in which we are, and feel, affectively inter-connected in interpersonal encounters. In the second part, we discuss the ethical character of this affective inter-connectedness, as well as the implications that taking an ‘inter-(en)active approach’ has for ethical theory itself.
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  18. A Change of Mind in Cognitive Science.S. Torrance - forthcoming - Metascience.
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    Doing it and meaning it (and the relationship between the two).Marek McGann & Steve Torrance - forthcoming - Consciousness and Emotion: Agency, Conscious Choice, and Selective Perception.
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    Machinations: Computational Studies of Logic, Language, and Cognition.Richard Spencer-Smith, Steve Torrance & Stephen B. Torrance - 1992 - Intellect Books.
    This volume brings together a collection of papers covering a wide range of topics in computer and cognitive science. Topics included are: the foundational relevance of logic to computer science, with particular reference to tense logic, constructive logic, and Horn clause logic; logic as the theoretical underpinnings of the engineering discipline of expert systems; a discussion of the evolution of computational linguistics into functionally distinct task levels; and current issues in the implementation of speech act theory.
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    Introduction to the second special issue on enactive experience.Steve Torrance - 2007 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6 (4):425-425.
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    Non-descriptivism: A Logico-ethical Study.Stephen B. Torrance - 1978
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    Regaining consciousness.Steve Torrance - 1999 - Metascience 8 (3):434-440.
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    Special issue on ethics and artificial agents.Steve Torrance - 2008 - AI and Society 22 (4):461-462.
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    The Diffident Physicalist Speaks Out.Steve Torrance - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (11):37-40.
  26.  35
    The Mentality of Robots.R. A. Young & Steve Torrance - 1994 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 68 (1):199-262.
  27. In search of the enactive: Introduction to special issue on enactive experience. [REVIEW]Steve Torrance - 2005 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 4 (4):357-368.
    In the decade and a half since the appearance of Varela, Thompson and Rosch's workThe Embodied Mind,enactivism has helped to put experience and consciousness, conceived of in a distinctive way, at the forefront of cognitive science. There are at least two major strands within the enactive perspective: a broad view of what it is to be an agent with a mind; and a more focused account of the nature of perception and perceptual experience. The relation between these two strands is (...)
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