Edward W. Said [28]Edward Said [16]Hakim Mohammad Said [6]Suzanne Saïd [4]
Ana Maria Said [3]Broumi Said [3]Hakim Mohammed Said [2]K. A. Mohyeldin Said [2]

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  1.  21
    Orientalism.Edward W. Said - 1978 - Vintage.
    A provocative critique of Western attitudes about the Orient, this history examines the ways in which the West has discovered, invented, and sought to control the East from the 1700s to the present.
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    Orientalism.Peter Gran & Edward Said - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (3):328.
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  3. Representing the Colonized: Anthropology's Interlocutors.Edward W. Said - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (2):205-225.
    At this point I should say something about one of the frequent criticisms addressed to me, and to which I have always wanted to respond, that in the process of characterizing the production of Europe’s inferior Others, my work is only negative polemic which does not advance a new epistemological approach or method, and expresses only desperation at the possibility of ever dealing seriously with other cultures. These criticisms are related to the matters I’ve been discussing so far, and while (...)
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    Beginnings: Intention and Method.Edward Said - 1978 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (1):100-101.
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  5. Foucault and the Imagination of Power.Edward Said - 1986 - In Michel Foucault & David Couzens Hoy (eds.), Foucault: a critical reader. New York, NY, USA: Blackwell. pp. 149--155.
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  6. Foucault: A Critical Reader.Edward W. Said & David Couzens Hoy - 1986 - In Michel Foucault & David Couzens Hoy (eds.), Foucault: a critical reader. New York, NY, USA: Blackwell. pp. 374-375.
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  7.  95
    The Problem of Textuality: Two Exemplary Positions.Edward W. Said - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 4 (4):673-714.
    Derrida and Foucault are opposed to each other on a number of grounds, and perhaps the one specially singled out in Foucault's attack on Derrida—that Derrida is concerned only with "reading" a text and that a text is nothing more than the "traces" found there by the reader—would be the appropriate one to begin with here.1 According to Foucault, if the text is important for Derrida because its real situation is literally an abysmally textual element, l'écriture en abîme with which (...)
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    System structure and cognitive ability as predictors of performance in dynamic system control tasks.Jan Hundertmark, Daniel V. Holt, Andreas Fischer, Nadia Said & Helen Fischer - 2015 - Journal of Dynamic Decision Making 1 (1).
    In dynamic system control, cognitive mechanisms and abilities underlying performance may vary depending on the nature of the task. We therefore investigated the effects of system structure and its interaction with cognitive abilities on system control performance. A sample of 127 university students completed a series of different system control tasks that were manipulated in terms of system size and recurrent feedback, either with or without a cognitive load manipulation. Cognitive abilities assessed included reasoning ability, working memory capacity, and cognitive (...)
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    Opponents, Audiences, Constituencies, and Community.Edward W. Said - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 9 (1):1-26.
    I do not want to be misunderstood as saying that the cultural situation I describe here caused Reagan, or that it typifies Reaganism, or that everything about it can be ascribed or referred back to the personality of Ronald Reagan. What I argue is that a particular situation within the field we call "criticism" is not merely related to but is an integral part of the currents of thought and practice that play a role within the Reagan era. Moreover, I (...)
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    Importance of domain-specific metacognition for explaining beliefs about politicized science: The case of climate change.Helen Fischer & Nadia Said - 2021 - Cognition 208:104545.
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  11. Invention, Memory, and Place.Edward W. Said - 2000 - Critical Inquiry 26 (2):175-192.
  12.  35
    The World, the Text, the Critic.Tom Conley & Edward W. Said - 1985 - Substance 14 (1):98.
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  13. Modelling the mind.K. A. Mohyeldin Said, W. H. Newton Smith, R. Viale & K. V. Wilkes - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (4):489-490.
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  14. Adorno as lateness itself.Edward W. Said - 2002 - In Nigel C. Gibson & Andrew Rubin (eds.), Adorno: A Critical Reader. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 196--97.
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  15.  38
    Gait training with real-time augmented toe-ground clearance information decreases tripping risk in older adults and a person with chronic stroke.Rezaul K. Begg, Oren Tirosh, Catherine M. Said, W. A. Sparrow, Nili Steinberg, Pazit Levinger & Mary P. Galea - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  16.  11
    Nationalism, Colonialism, and Literature.Terry Eagleton, Fredric Jameson & Edward W. Said - 1990 - U of Minnesota Press.
    In three elegant and important essays, originally published as pamphlets by Field Day Theatre Company, Terry Eagleton analyzes nationalism, identifying the radical contradictions that necessarily beset it; Fredric Jameson pursues the contradiction between the limited experience of the individual and the dispersed conditions that govern it; and Edward Said explores the work of Yeats as an exemplary and early instance of the process of decolonization. The introduction is by Seamus Deane. Paper edition (1863-1), $9.95. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., (...)
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    Modelling the mind.K. A. Mohyeldin Said (ed.) - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This collection by a distinguished group of philosophers, psychologists, and physiologists reflects an interdisciplinary approach to the central question of cognitive science: how do we model the mind? Among the topics explored are the relationships (theoretical, reductive, and explanatory) between philosophy, psychology, computer science, and physiology; what should be asked of models in science generally, and in cognitive science in particular; whether theoretical models must make essential reference to objects in the environment; whether there are human competences that are resistant, (...)
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  18. Inspection Assignment Form for Product Quality Control Using Neutrosophic Logic.Florentin Smarandache, Maissam Jdid & Broumi Said - 2023 - Neutrosophic Systems with Applications 1.
    During the production process, production companies need to monitor the finished products and ensure their quality, which imposes on them the appointment of inspectors for auditing, and this appointment costs the company amounts that affect the general profit, so it strives to make this cost as low as possible and that the audit process is carried out with high accuracy because in case that the finished products do not conform to the basic specifications of the product, the company is required (...)
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  19.  99
    An Ideology of Difference.Edward W. Said - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 12 (1):38-58.
    The Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 seems to have broken, for the first time, the immunity from sustained criticism previously enjoyed by Israel and its American supporters. For a variety of reasons, Israel’s status in European and American public life and discourse has always been special, just as the position of Jews in the West has always been special, sometimes for its tragedy and horrendous suffering, at other times for its uniquely impressive intellectual and aesthetic triumphs. On behalf of (...)
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    Testing the underlying structure of unfounded beliefs about COVID-19 around the world.Paweł Brzóska, Magdalena Żemojtel-Piotrowska, Jarosław Piotrowski, Bartłomiej Nowak, Peter K. Jonason, Constantine Sedikides, Mladen Adamovic, Kokou A. Atitsogbe, Oli Ahmed, Uzma Azam, Sergiu Bălțătescu, Konstantin Bochaver, Aidos Bolatov, Mario Bonato, Victor Counted, Trawin Chaleeraktrakoon, Jano Ramos-Diaz, Sonya Dragova-Koleva, Walaa Labib M. Eldesoki, Carla Sofia Esteves, Valdiney V. Gouveia, Pablo Perez de Leon, Dzintra Iliško, Jesus Alfonso D. Datu, Fanli Jia, Veljko Jovanović, Tomislav Jukić, Narine Khachatryan, Monika Kovacs, Uri Lifshin, Aitor Larzabal Fernandez, Kadi Liik, Sadia Malik, Chanki Moon, Stephan Muehlbacher, Reza Najafi, Emre Oruç, Joonha Park, Iva Poláčková Šolcová, Rahkman Ardi, Ognjen Ridic, Goran Ridic, Yadgar Ismail Said, Andrej Starc, Delia Stefenel, Kiều Thị Thanh Trà, Habib Tiliouine, Robert Tomšik, Jorge Torres-Marin, Charles S. Umeh, Eduardo Wills-Herrera, Anna Wlodarczyk, Zahir Vally & Illia Yahiiaiev - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (2):301-326.
    Unfounded—conspiracy and health—beliefs about COVID-19 have accompanied the pandemic worldwide. Here, we examined cross-nationally the structure and correlates of these beliefs with an 8-item scale, using a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis. We obtained a two-factor model of unfounded (conspiracy and health) beliefs with good internal structure (average CFI = 0.98, RMSEA = 0.05, SRMR = 0.04), but a high correlation between the two factors (average latent factor correlation = 0.57). This model was replicable across 50 countries (total N = 13,579), (...)
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  21.  34
    Intensifying resistance through complexification: a positive discourse analysis of the portrayal of Amazighs in a selected Moroccan EFL textbook.Khalid Said, Taoufik Jaafari & Belqassem Laghfiri - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (4):442-462.
    Although critical discourse analysis (CDA) sets out to investigate both oppressive and progressive discourses, the vast bulk of published studies seem to prioritize the former. This paper is a response to scholarly calls to engage with (non)oppressive discourses by integrating positive impulses in critical discourse analysis, and thus contribute to the growth of positive discourse analysis (PDA), a complement to CDA, which attends to the emancipatory mechanisms of resistance. Using a combination of theoretical tools, this paper takes a case study (...)
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  22. The Paradox of Transition to" Democracy" under Military Rule.Atef Said - 2012 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 79 (2):397-434.
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  23.  62
    After the Last Sky: Palestinian Lives.Edward W. Said - 1999 - Columbia University Press.
    A searing portrait in words and photographs of Palestinian life and identity that is at once an exploration of Edward Said's own dislocated past and a testimony to the lives of those living in exile.
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    Interview: Edward W. Said.Edward W. Said - 1976 - Diacritics 6 (3):30.
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  25.  5
    When Mystics and Politics are Intertwined: Understanding Dukun as a Shamanistic System in Bugis-Makassar Political Sphere, Indonesia.Muh Basir Said, Ahmad Ismail, Andi Batara Al Isra & Muh Nur Rahmat Yasim - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1439-1451.
    The practitioner of the shamanic system among the Bugis-Makassar people in Indonesia is known as dukun or sanro, a person believed has a supranatural power, using their power either to help others or bringing harm, such as disease”. This is an interpretative-descriptive anthropological research. We made observations by directly observing, listening, and recording events related to the problem. We also conducted in-depth interviews with dukun and customers using interview guides and other tools such as recorders. We found that there are (...)
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  26.  27
    Fetichismo da Mercadoria e Fantasmagoria na obra “Inf'ncia Berlinense: 1900”, de Walter Benjamin.Alessandro Gomes Enoque & Ana Maria Said - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (79):455-504.
    Resumo: O pensamento de Walter Benjamin ocupa uma posição particular e, pode-se até dizer, especial na história do pensamento crítico moderno. Sua obra, fragmentada, inacabada, hermética, atual, anacrônica e complexa, possibilita um passeio sobre uma diversidade de temáticas que vão desde a literatura, passando pela sociologia, filosofia, arte, história, entre outras. O objetivo principal deste artigo consiste, assim, em estabelecer mais um olhar em direção a esse pensador. Trata-se, sobretudo, de compreender como as temáticas do fetichismo da mercadoria e da (...)
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  27.  16
    Moral Soundings: Readings on the Crisis of Values in Contemporary Life.Albert Borgmann, Richard Rorty, Steven Fesmire, Christina Hoff Sommers, Edward W. Said, Stanley Kurtz, Barbara Ehrenreich, Jerry L. Walls, Jerry Weinberger, Leon Kass, Jane Smiley, Janet C. Gornick, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Thomas Pogge, Isabel V. Sawhill & Richard Pipes - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This topically organized, interdisciplinary anthology provides competing perspective on the claim that western culture faces a moral crisis. Using clearly written, accessible essays by well-known authors in philosophy, the social sciences, and the humanities, the book introduces students to a variety of perspectives on the current cultural debate about values that percolates beneath the surface of most of our social and political controversies.
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    Impacts of accountability, integrity, and internal control on organisational value creation: evidence from Malaysian government linked companies.Jamaliah Said, Md Mahmudul Alam, Nurazwani Binti Mat Radzi & Mohamad Hafiz Rosli - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 14 (2):206.
    Credible and well-functioning governance is crucial for the value creation of firms. Recently, private sectors have undergone substantial changes by focusing on good governance as a tool to enhance value, reputation, and image. The primary features of firms with good governance include greater emphasis on accountability practices, proper implementation of a corporate integrity system, and sound internal controls in place to avoid risk and to ensure policy and procedures that are complied. Government linked companies (GLCs) as the backbone of the (...)
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  29.  46
    Literary Criticism and Politics?Edward W. Said - 2020 - Philosophy and Literature 44 (2):395-401.
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  30.  14
    The Notion of Coopetition-Based Open-Innovation in Business Practices: A Model to Accelerate Firm Performance.Andrianarivo Andriandafiarisoa Ralison Ny Avotra, Ye Chengang, Kmashi Said Mohamed Said, Chunhong Chu & Li Xiang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:931623.
    In today’s competitive business market, firms that collaborate on a coopetition basis face obstacles in the form of decision-making, dependency, and trust in their competitor partners. This current study is the only one that has examined the relationship between coopetition and firm performance; yet, this relationship appears to be unclear due to the impact of trust and dependency on coopetition. This study investigates the impact of coopetition on firm performance by examining the mediating effects of decision-making and open innovation on (...)
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  31. Interview: Edward Said: Orientalism and After.Anne Beezer, Peter Osborne & Edward Said - 1993 - Radical Philosophy 63.
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    Constitution et usage de corpus en linguistique berbère : introduction.Sabrina Bendjaballah & Samir Ben Si Saïd - 2015 - Corpus 14.
    Ce numéro de la revue CORPUS est consacré au domaine berbère, l’une des branches de la famille afro-asiatique, et en particulier à la constitution et aux usages de corpus en linguistique berbère. Certains aspects de la structure grammaticale des langues berbères ainsi que de leur diversité étant encore peu connus, l’objectif général de ce volume est de faire progresser notre connaissance de la (micro)variation dans la famille berbère. Tout d’abord, il importe de garder à l’esprit que les lang...
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  33.  24
    Lexical Innovation through Borrowing in Modern Standard Arabic.Frederic J. Cadora & Majed F. Said - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (2):343.
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  34.  8
    Sustainability and Social Responsibility of Accountability Reporting Systems: A Global Approach.Kıymet Tunca Çalıyurt & Roshima Said (eds.) - 2018 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    This book explores sustainability and social responsibility from the point of view of accountability reporting systems. The contributions to this volume open up discussions about the theory and application of sustainability and social responsibility across various corporate sectors and assists the reader in applying sustainable corporate social responsibility reporting across those sectors. As a central theme, the book addresses how the theory and application in sustainability and social responsibility has different dimensions and aspects which are impossible to apply across different (...)
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  35.  51
    Statements by Writers at Public Forum Organized by American P. E. N.E. L. Doctorow, Frances Fitzgerald, Norman Mailer, Edward W. Said & Leon Wieseltier - 1990 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 2 (1):69-75.
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  36.  73
    Global Thinking: A Call for Reinvestment in Sacred Values.Stephen Nachmanovitch & Abdul Aziz Said - 1987 - The Acorn 2 (1):13-16.
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    Rationalizing Myth in Antiquity.Suzanne Saïd - 2015 - Kernos 28:290-292.
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    13 arabs, Islam and the dogmas of the west.Edward Said - 2019 - In A. L. Macfie (ed.), Orientalism: A Reader. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 104-105.
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  39. A Just Peace.Edward Said - 2006 - In Alexis Keller (ed.), What is a Just Peace? Oxford University Press.
  40.  50
    A Method for Thinking About Just Peace.Edward Said - 2006 - In Alexis Keller (ed.), What is a Just Peace? Oxford University Press.
    In this chapter, Said argues that in the case of the Palestinians and Israelis, histories and cultures are inextricably linked ‘contrapuntally’ in symbiotic rather than mutually exclusive terms. When this understanding of circumstances occurs, it no longer seems viable to eliminate the opposition because there will always be a tomorrow in which retribution will be demanded by those who feel that an injustice had been forced upon family members or previous generations. Said emphasizes the need to think about and resolve (...)
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  41. Ak̲h̲lāqiyāt-i Nabavī: maqālāt-i Muz̲ākarah-yi Millī Ak̲h̲lāqiyāt-i Nabavī, Karācī, 1402 Hijrī.Hakim Mohammad Said (ed.) - 1982 - Karācī: Hamdard Fāʼūnḍeshan Prais.
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  42. Budaya ilmu.Ahmad Muhammad Said - 1990 - In MohdIdris Jauzi (ed.), Faham ilmu: pertumbuhan dan implikasi. Kuala Lumpur: Nurin Enterprise.
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    Beberapa qissah utama.Mohammad Said - 1963 - Bandung,: Almaʻarif.
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    Cooperative Global Politics.Abdul Aziz Said - 1988 - The Acorn 3 (2):14-17.
  45. Chapter Twelve Said, Derrida And the Undecidable Human: In the Name Of Inhabitancy Robert P. Marzec.Edward Said - 2008 - In Mina Karavanta & Nina Morgan (eds.), Edward Said and Jacques Derrida: reconstellating humanism and the global hybrid. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 304.
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  46. Dio's Use of mythology”.Suzanne Said - 2000 - In Simon Swain (ed.), Dio Chrysostom: politics, letters, and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 161--86.
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  47. El choque de las ignorancias= The clash of ignorance.Edward Said - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 46:125-135.
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    Etik masyarakat Indonesia.Mohamad Said - 1976 - Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita.
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  49. Essays on science: felicitation volume in honour of Dr. M.D. Shami.Hakim Mohammad Said - 1991 - Karachi: Hamdard Foundation Press. Edited by M. D. Shami.
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  50. Filosofiia kalama v sovremennom Islame.Akhmedov Said - 2004 - Dushanbe: Irfon.
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