Results for 'Sandra Beckett'

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  1. L'enfant-dieu dans l'oeuvre de J.-MG Le Clézio.Sandra L. Beckett - 2002 - Iris 23:203-215.
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    “Ogre” or “Saint”? Reopening the gilles de rais trial: Michel tournier's Gilles & Jeanne.Brenda Dunn‐Lardeau & Sandra Beckett - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):1133-1139.
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    “Ogre” or “Saint”? Reopening the gilles de rais trial: Michel tournier's Gilles & Jeanne.Chairperson Brenda Dunn‐Lardeau & Sandra Beckett - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):1133-1139.
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  4. Integrative pluralism for biological function.Beckett Sterner & Samuel Cusimano - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (6):1-21.
    We introduce a new type of pluralism about biological function that, in contrast to existing, demonstrates a practical integration among the term’s different meanings. In particular, we show how to generalize Sandra Mitchell’s notion of integrative pluralism to circumstances where multiple epistemic tools of the same type are jointly necessary to solve scientific problems. We argue that the multiple definitions of biological function operate jointly in this way based on how biologists explain the evolution of protein function. To clarify (...)
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    Introduction to the French edition of Must We Mean What We Say?Sandra Laugier - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 37 (4):627-651.
    Must We Mean What We Say? is Stanley Cavell's first book, and, in a sense, it is his most important. It contains all the themes that Cavell continues to develop masterfully throughout his philosophy. There is a renewed usage of J. L. Austin's theory of speech acts, and, in the classic essay “The Availability of Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy,” he establishes the foundations of a radical reading of Ludwig Wittgenstein , the connections among skepticism, acknowledgement, and Shakespearean tragedy ; there is (...)
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    Cavell's 'Must We Mean What We Say' at 50.Greg Chase, Juliet Floyd & Sandra Laugier (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In 1969 Stanley Cavell's Must We Mean What We Say? revolutionized philosophy of ordinary language, aesthetics, ethics, tragedy, literature, music, art criticism, and modernism. This volume of new essays offers a multi-faceted exploration of Cavell's first and most important book, fifty years after its publication. The key subjects which animate Cavell's book are explored in detail: ordinary language, aesthetics, modernism, skepticism, forms of life, philosophy and literature, tragedy and the self, the questions of voice and audience, jazz and sound, Wittgenstein, (...)
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  7. A Two-Tiered Theory of the Sublime.Sandra Shapshay - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (2):123-143.
    By the start of the twenty-first century, the notion of ‘the sublime’ had come to seem incoherent. In the last ten years or so considerable light has been shed by empirical psychologists on a related notion of ‘awe’, and a fruitful dialogue between aestheticians and empirical psychologists has ensued. It is the aim of this paper to synthesize these advances and to offer what I call a ‘two-tiered’ theory of the sublime that shows it to be a coherent aesthetic category. (...)
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  8. What Is the Monumental?Sandra Shapshay - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (2):145-160.
    The aesthetic category of the sublime has been theorized (especially in the Kantian tradition) as integrally intertwined with the moral. Paradigmatic experiences of the sublime, such as gazing up at the starry night sky, or out at a storm-whipped sea, lead in a moral or religious direction depending on the cognitive stock brought to the experience, since they typically involve a feeling of awe and reflection on the peculiar situation of the human being in nature. The monumental is a similar (...)
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    Virtue, Practical Wisdom and Character in Teaching.Sandra Cooke & David Carr - 2014 - British Journal of Educational Studies 62 (2):91-110.
    Recent reflection on the professional knowledge of teachers has been marked by a shift away from more reductive competence and skill-focused models of teaching towards a view of teacher expertise as involving complex context-sensitive deliberation and judgement. Much of this shift has been inspired by an Aristotelian conception of practical wisdom (phronesis) also linked by Aristotle to the development of virtue and character. This has in turn led recent educational philosophers and theorists – inspired by latter-day developments in virtue ethics (...)
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  10. Pathways to pluralism about biological individuality.Beckett Sterner - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (5):609-628.
    What are the prospects for a monistic view of biological individuality given the multiple epistemic roles the concept must satisfy? In this paper, I examine the epistemic adequacy of two recent accounts based on the capacity to undergo natural selection. One is from Ellen Clarke, and the other is by Peter Godfrey-Smith. Clarke’s position reflects a strong monism, in that she aims to characterize individuality in purely functional terms and refrains from privileging any specific material properties as important in their (...)
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  11. Individuality and the control of life cycles.Beckett Sterner - 2017 - In Scott Lidgard & Lynn K. Nyhart (eds.), Biological Individuality: Integrating Scientific, Philosophical, and Historical Perspectives. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 84-108.
    I will argue that MLS theory does not provide a complete, self- sufficient approach to theorizing about evolutionary transitions. As a formal, mathematical theory about evolution within a population, it presupposes but does not address the material structure of the population that realizes the model. An MLS model might tell us whether a cooperative trait could be- come fixed in a population, for example, but it won’t be able to explain how the cooperation actually works to produce an adaptive effect (...)
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    Visualizing new dimensions in Drosophila myoblast fusion.Brian Richardson, Karen Beckett & Mary Baylies - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (5):423-431.
    Over several years, genetic studies in the model system, Drosophila melanogastor, have uncovered genes that when mutated, lead to a block in myoblast fusion. Analyses of these gene products have suggested that Arp2/3‐mediated regulation of the actin cytoskeleton is crucial to myoblast fusion in the fly. Recent advances in imaging in Drosophila embryos, both in fixed and live preparations, have led to a new appreciation of both the three‐dimensional organization of the somatic mesoderm and the cell biology underlying myoblast fusion. (...)
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    Charles Peirce's Pragmatic Pluralism.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1994 - State University of New York Press.
    This work runs counter to the traditional interpretations of Peirce's philosophy by eliciting an inherent strand of pragmatic pluralism that is embedded in the very core of his thought and that weaves his various doctrines into a systematic ...
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    Cognitive capacity limitations and Need for Cognition differentially predict reward-induced cognitive effort expenditure.Dasha A. Sandra & A. Ross Otto - 2018 - Cognition 172 (C):101-106.
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    Some Perceptions of the Implications of High Technology for Minnesota Schools.Sandra B. Westby - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (1-2):211-215.
    Advances in technology are accelerating the momentum for change in all sectors of society. There is at present a lag time between the actual development and implementation of new technology and the public consciousness of the issues involved. The rapid rate of social change, however, emphasizes the critical role of the educational system and the need to continually estimate and evaluate direction to best serve the common good. Forty-five influential Minnesota leaders in education, business/industry and government were interviewed on issues (...)
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    Hedging and rounding in numerical expressions.Sandra Williams & Richard Power - 2013 - Pragmatics and Cognition 21 (1):193-223.
    Previous accounts of hedges assume that they cause language to become vague or fuzzy ; however, hedges can actually sharpen numerical concepts by giving explicit information about approximation, especially where bare numbers appear misleadingly round or precise. They can also tell hearers about the direction of approximation. This article provides a first empirical account of interactions between hedging and rounding in numerical expressions. We demonstrate that hedges occur more commonly with round numbers than with non-round ones. However, we also provide (...)
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    The Social Construct of Writing and Thinking: Evidence of How the Expansion of Writing Technology Affects Consciousness.Sandra C. Williamson & Gail S. Corso - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (1):32-45.
    The technology for the digitized text creates fluid meaning, representing its culture in transition from the dominance of the single-authored text with its hierarchically ordered system. This new architecture for the digitized word has been making explicit the shift from human consciousness reflecting the interiority of the self to a human consciousness reflecting self in relation to others. Educators using the technology of networked writing environments need to understand how the technology functions and intervenes for pedagogical processes during models of (...)
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    Taking Stock of SIM: Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management.Sandra Waddock - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (7):1426-1447.
    This essay articulates two aspects of a changing Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division of the Academy of Management (AOM). First, the essay highlights the ways in which SIM’s central focus has shifted and changed over the years. Then, it briefly looks at the forces that are currently shaping SIM within AOM, particularly in spreading what used to be the central core of SIM throughout AOM, and discusses some of the implications of this shift. This devolution of content suggests the (...)
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    Testing and unpacking the effects of digital fake news: on presidential candidate evaluations and voter support.Rodolfo Leyva & Charlie Beckett - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (4):969-980.
    There is growing worldwide concern that the rampant spread of digital fake news via new media technologies is detrimentally impacting Democratic elections. However, the actual influence of this recent Internet phenomenon on electoral decisions has not been directly examined. Accordingly, this study tested the effects of attention to DFN on readers’ Presidential candidate preferences via an experimental web-survey administered to a cross-sectional American sample. Results showed no main effect of exposure to DFN on participants’ candidate evaluations or vote choice. However, (...)
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  20. Biography of Barry Smith.Sandra Smith - 2017 - Cosmos + Taxis 4 (4):4-5.
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    Political Correctness: the Twofold Protection of Liberalism.Sandra Dzenis & Filipe Nobre Faria - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (1):95-114.
    As understood today, political correctness aims at preventing social discrimination by curtailing offensive speech and behaviour towards underprivileged groups of individuals. The core proponents of political correctness often draw on post-modernism and critical theory and are notorious for their scepticism about objective truth and scientific rationality. Conversely, the critics of post-modern political correctness uphold Enlightenment liberal principles of scientific reasoning, rational truth-seeking and open discourse against claims of relativism and oppression. Yet, both the post-modern proponents and their Enlightenment liberal critics (...)
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  22. The normative structure of mathematization in systematic biology.Beckett Sterner & Scott Lidgard - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 46 (1):44-54.
    We argue that the mathematization of science should be understood as a normative activity of advocating for a particular methodology with its own criteria for evaluating good research. As a case study, we examine the mathematization of taxonomic classification in systematic biology. We show how mathematization is a normative activity by contrasting its distinctive features in numerical taxonomy in the 1960s with an earlier reform advocated by Ernst Mayr starting in the 1940s. Both Mayr and the numerical taxonomists sought to (...)
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    Kant, Celmins and Art after the End of Art.Sandra Shapshay - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (12):209-225.
    One typically thinks of the relevance of Kant’s aesthetic theory to Western art in terms of Modernism, thanks in large part to the work of eminent critic and art historian Clement Greenberg. Yet, thinking of Kant’s legacy for contemporary art as inhering exclusively in “Kantian formalism” obscures a great deal of Kant’s aesthetic theory. In his last book, Arthur Danto suggested just this point, urging us to enlarge our appreciation of Kant’s aesthetic theory and its relevance to contemporary art, because, (...)
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    Meaning as Habit.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1982 - The Monist 65 (2):230-245.
    Peirce’s pragmatic stress on meaning in terms of habits of response is, of course, well known. However, the language in which it is usually expressed tends too often to conflate its epistemic and ontological dimensions, thereby hiding from view its full systematic significance. The following discussion will focus on the emergence of such meanings as epistemic relational structures which embody the characteristics of the dynamics of organism-environment interaction in their very internal structure and which lead outward toward the universe, providing (...)
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    Pragmatism's Shared Metaphysical Vision: A Symposium on Sandra B. Rosenthal's "Speculative Pragmatism".Andrew J. Reck, John E. Smith & Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1987 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 23 (3):341 - 380.
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    Biblical Spirituality.Sandra M. Schneiders - 2002 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 56 (2):133-142.
    Biblical spirituality must strike a delicate balance between historical-critical engagement with scripture and opening oneself to the Word's life-transforming potential.
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    Glenn langford:Philosophy and education.Sandra Coltheart - 1970 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 2 (2):57–66.
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    Dynamics of Modern Citizenship Democracy and Peopleness in a Global Era.Sandra Seubert - 2014 - Constellations 21 (4):547-559.
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    Victims of crime: Their station and its duties.Sandra E. Marshall - 2004 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 7 (2):104-117.
    The shift from a welfarist to a retributivist perspective on crime, which is one of the themes of David Garland?s book, has brought with it a renewed emphasis on the victims of crime and their rights. This shift in emphasis, I suggest, raises questions about the way we think of the relationship between individual citizens and between citizens and the state. Different political theories will produce different accounts of this relationship and hence different ways of characterising the status and role (...)
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    Functional independence of explicit and implicit motor adjustments.Sandra Sülzenbrück & Herbert Heuer - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (1):145-159.
    Adaptation to novel visuomotor transformations for example when navigating a cursor on a computer monitor by using a computer mouse, can be explicit or implicit. Explicit adjustments are made when people are informed about the occurrence and the type of a novel visuomotor transformation and intentionally modify their movements. Implicit adjustments, in contrast, are made without reportable knowledge of a novel visuomotor transformation and without a change intention. The relation of implicit adjustments to explicit adjustments needs further clarification. Here we (...)
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    Starting thought from women's lives: Eight resources for maximizing objectivity.Sandra Harding - 1990 - Journal of Social Philosophy 21 (2-3):140-149.
  32. The Greatest Difficulty for Plato’s Theory of Forms: the Unknowability Argument of Parmenides 133c—134c.Sandra Peterson - 1981 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 63 (1):1-16.
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    Public Bodies, Private Selves.Sandra E. Marshall - 1988 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 5 (2):147-158.
    ABSTRACT A patient whose case notes had been used, without her permission, during a disciplinary inquiry on the conduct of Wendy Savage (her obstetrician) complained that this was a breach of confidentiality. Her complaint cannot be understood as based on a concern about the possible adverse consequences of this use of the notes: rather, her concern was just with the fact that medical information about her had been made known to others. My concern is with the meaning and status of (...)
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    Editorial: Eating Behavior Research in Children's and Adolescent's Naturalistic Environment.Sandra Verbeken, Andrea Beth Goldschmidt, Catharine Evers, Caroline Braet & Lien Goossens - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Peirce's Ultimate Logical Interpretant and Dynamical Object: A Pragmatic Perspective.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (2):195 - 210.
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    What is required to institutionalize Kant’s cosmopolitan ideal?Sandra Raponi - 2014 - Journal of International Political Theory 10 (3):302-324.
    Although Kant argues that a world republic with coercive public law is the only rational way to secure a lawful cosmopolitan condition, he states that it is an unachievable ideal, and he proposes a voluntary, non-coercive federation of states as a substitute. While some scholars have criticized Kant for moving away from this ideal due merely to pragmatic considerations, I argue that his rejection of a coercive world republic is based on his conception of state sovereignty and what is required (...)
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    Constructing and Reconstructing a Critical Discourse and Pedagogy of Techno-Knowledge.Sandra B. Schneider & Dianne Smith - 2014 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 50 (1):3-7.
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  38. How Data Governance Principles Influence Participation in Biodiversity Science.Beckett Sterner & Steve Elliott - 2023 - Science as Culture.
    Biodiversity science is in a pivotal period when diverse groups of actors—including researchers, businesses, national governments, and Indigenous Peoples—are negotiating wide-ranging norms for governing and managing biodiversity data in digital repositories. These repositories, often called biodiversity data portals, are a type of organization for which governance can address or perpetuate the colonial history of biodiversity science and current inequities. Researchers and Indigenous Peoples are developing and implementing new strategies to examine and change assumptions about which agents should count as salient (...)
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    The Pragmatic a Priori: Lewis and Dewey.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1987 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 25 (1):109-121.
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    Technical Assistance Programs and the Diffusion of Environmental Technologies in the Printing Industry: The Case of SMEs.Sandra Rothenberg & Monica Becker - 2004 - Business and Society 43 (4):366-397.
    The goal of this article is to better understand the diffusion of environmentally preferable manufacturing technology (as distinct from pollution control technology) in small-and medium-sized firms (SMEs) and the influence of technical assistance programs on the diffusion of these technologies. The authors draw their insights from the printing industry, a sector where small firms predominate. They find that smaller firms lag slightly in the adoption of environmental technologies. With regard to technical assistance, they find that printers identify suppliers and other (...)
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    Classical american pragmatism: The other naturalism.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1996 - Metaphilosophy 27 (4):399-407.
    This essay compares and contrasts pragmatic naturalism with the more well known position of epistemological naturalism on several pivotal issues, in the process offering a pragmatic critique of the latter. It highlights their common rejection of both foundationalism and a priori methods and their positive claims that: what needs examination is not our concept of knowledge but knowledge itself; knowledge must be understood as tied to the world and as a natural phenomenon to be examined in its natural setting; the (...)
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    Four Pragmatists: A Critical Introduction to Peirce, James, Mead, and Dewey. Israel Scheffler.Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1977 - Philosophy of Science 44 (2):336-339.
  43. The Practical Value of Biological Information for Research.Beckett Sterner - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (2):175-194,.
    Many philosophers are skeptical about the scientific value of the concept of biological information. However, several have recently proposed a more positive view of ascribing information as an exercise in scientific modeling. I argue for an alternative role: guiding empirical data collection for the sake of theorizing about the evolution of semantics. I clarify and expand on Bergstrom and Rosvall’s suggestion of taking a “diagnostic” approach that defines biological information operationally as a procedure for collecting empirical cases. The more recent (...)
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    The metaphysical ecstasies in Schopenhauer's and De Quincey's thoughts.Sandra Baquedano Jer - 2009 - Discusiones Filosóficas 10 (15):97 - 111.
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    Merleau-Ponty, Lewis and Kant.Patrick L. Bourgeois & Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1983 - International Studies in Philosophy 15 (3):13-23.
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  46. The integrated model of professional competence.P. Hager & D. Beckett - 1995 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 27 (2):25-42.
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    A recepción Del exemplum mitológico de níobe desde la poesía helenística a la literatura latina imperial.Sandra Plaza Salguero - 2022 - Argos 45:e0027.
    El relato mitológico de Níobe es un motivo constante en la literatura antigua que se remonta a la Ilíada de Homero. Así, esta primera referencia textual sobre Níobe ha sido reutilizada, remodelada e incluso reinterpretada a lo largo de los siglos hasta la literatura latina de época imperial. No solo nos referimos aquí al relato mítico, en términos de forma o contenido, sino también a la conexión entre el uso y función del propio episodio. Todo ello indica el dinamismo de (...)
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    Zu Agrippas caeruleum vexillum.Sandra Scheuble-Reiter - 2020 - História 69 (1):95.
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  49. What Factors Influenced Young Adults to Vote in the 2020 Presidential Election?Hye-Young Yun & Sandra Graham - forthcoming - Journal of Social Studies Research.
    Using data drawn from a racially/ethnically diverse sample of participants ( N = 1,489; 52% female; Mage_T1: 18.10; 34% Latino, 21% White, 20% Asian, 11% Black, 11% multiracial/multiethnic, and 3% other), we conducted a binary logistic regression to identify which factors during adolescence and early adulthood were associated with voting behavior in the 2020 presidential election. There were three main findings. First, young adults who had more cross-racial/ethnic friendships and those who participated in volunteer activities during their senior year of (...)
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    Kehinde Wiley at the National Gallery: The Prelude.Sandra Shapshay - 2023 - British Journal of Aesthetics 63 (4):601-605.
    Kehinde Wiley became a household name and widely recognized as one of the most important living American artists with the 2018 unveiling of his official Smithso.
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