Results for 'Sandrine Agusta-Boularot'

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  1.  30
    Le théâtre nord de Gerasa/Jerash (Jordanie): fonctions et chronologie.Jacques Seigne & Sandrine Agusta-Boularot - 2005 - Topoi 12 (1):339-357.
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    24 heures de la vie de Socrate.Sandrine Alexandre - 2023 - Paris: PUF.
    Ce matin-là, le coq chanta moins fort, et nettement plus faux. C'était au début de la 95e olympiade. Socrate était condamné à mort dans sa propre Cité. Figure magnétique de notre panthéon, Socrate est pourtant un être de la subversion et de l'inconvenance: il dit et fait des choses qui heurtent les institutions. Et c'est lui, dans sa bizarrerie, qui donne naissance à la philosophie. À travers le récit de sa dernière journée, Sandrine Alexandre donne vie à un Socrate (...)
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    Emotional time distortions: The fundamental role of arousal.Sandrine Gil & Sylvie Droit-Volet - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (5):847-862.
    An emotion-based lengthening effect on the perception of durations of emotional pictures has been assumed to result from an arousal-based mechanism, involving the activation of an internal clock system. The aim of this study was to systematically examine the arousal effect on time perception when different discrete emotions were considered. The participants were asked to verbally estimate the duration of emotional pictures from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS). The pictures varied either in arousal level, i.e., high/low-arousal, for the same (...)
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    ‘No Strings Attached’: Welcoming the Existential Gift in Business.Sandrine Frémeaux & Grant Michelson - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (1):63-75.
    Social relations are predominantly influenced by an exchange paradigm whereby the logic of reciprocity shapes behaviour. If the notion of exchange instrumentalism is common across different business disciplines, this does not deny attempts – such as through gift exchange theory – to present different conceptions of traditional exchange-based relations. Gift exchange theory appears promising as it seeks to establish more meaning and significance to the nature and context of exchange relations between human actors or parties. The underlying processes may be (...)
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    Happy, sad, scary and peaceful musical excerpts for research on emotions.Sandrine Vieillard, Isabelle Peretz, Nathalie Gosselin, Stéphanie Khalfa, Lise Gagnon & Bernard Bouchard - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (4):720-752.
    Three experiments were conducted in order to validate 56 musical excerpts that conveyed four intended emotions (happiness, sadness, threat and peacefulness). In Experiment 1, the musical clips were rated in terms of how clearly the intended emotion was portrayed, and for valence and arousal. In Experiment 2, a gating paradigm was used to evaluate the course for emotion recognition. In Experiment 3, a dissimilarity judgement task and multidimensional scaling analysis were used to probe emotional content with no emotional labels. The (...)
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  6. Why Women Hug Their Chains: Wollstonecraft and Adaptive Preferences.Sandrine Berges - 2011 - Utilitas (1):72-87.
    In a recent article, Amartya Sen writes that one important influence on his theory of adaptive preferences is Wollstonecraft's account of how some women, though clearly oppressed, are apparently satisfied with their lot. Wollstonecraft's arguments have received little attention so far from contemporary political philosophers, and one might be tempted to dismiss Sen's acknowledgment as a form of gallantry. That would be wrong. Wollstonecraft does have a lot of interest to say on the topic of why her contemporaries appeared to (...)
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    Jordi Pià Comella, Une piété de la raison. Philosophie et religion dans le stoïcisme impérial. Des Lettres à Lucillius de Sénèque aux Pensées de Ma.Sandrine Alexandre - 2017 - Philosophie Antique 17:217-220.
    Contrairement à ce que pourraient laisser croire certains usages du stoïcisme à des fins exclusivement thérapeutiques ou encore l’abondance des travaux récents sur l’éthique et la politique stoïcienne, la piété (eusebeia / pietas) est aussi indéniablement un élément central de la pensée stoïcienne. Comprise comme l’adéquation de la volonté humaine avec la volonté divine, elle semble sinon en conflit du moins sans grand rapport avec la religion traditionnelle et ses rites. Une « piété de la ra...
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    The emotional memory effect in Alzheimer's disease: Emotional words enhance recollective experience similarly in patients and control participants.Sandrine Kalenzaga, Pascale Piolino & David Clarys - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (2):342-350.
  9.  70
    Olympe de Gouges versus Rousseau: Happiness, Primitive Societies, and the Theater.Sandrine Bergès - 2018 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 4 (4):433-451.
    InLe Bonheur Primitif, Olympe de Gouges takes on Rousseau's account of the evolution of human society in his first twoDiscourses, and she argues that primitive human beings were not only happy, but also capable of virtue. I argue that in that text, Gouges offers a contribution to the eighteenth-century debate on human progress that is distinct from Rousseau's in that it takes seriously the contribution of women and families to human happiness and progress. I show how the concept of emulation (...)
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  10.  49
    The Common Good of the Firm and Humanistic Management: Conscious Capitalism and Economy of Communion.Sandrine Frémeaux & Grant Michelson - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):701-709.
    Businesses have long been admonished for being unduly focused on the pursuit of profit. However, there are some organizations whose purpose is not exclusively economic to the extent that they seek to constitute common good. Building on Christian ethics as a starting point, our article shows how the pursuit of the common good of the firm can serve as a guide for humanistic management. It provides two principles that humanistic management can attempt to implement: first, that community good is a (...)
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  11.  55
    Revolution and Republicanism: Women Political Philosophers of Late Eighteenth-Century France and Why They Matter.Sandrine Bergès - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (4):351-370.
    In this article, I present the arguments of three republican women philosophers of eighteenth-century France, focusing especially on two themes: equality (of class, gender, and race) and the family. I argue that these philosophers, Olympe de Gouges, Marie-Jeanne Phlipon Roland, and Sophie de Grouchy, who are interesting and original in their own right, belong to the neo-republican tradition and that re-discovering their texts is an opportunity to reflect on women’s perspectives on the ideas that shaped our current political thought.
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    Are Rawlsian Considerations of Corporate Governance Illiberal? A Reply to Singer.Sandrine Blanc - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (3):407-421.
    ABSTRACT:Singer has recently argued that questions related to corporate governance are beyond the reach of Rawls’s political conception of justice. This is because justice applies to the basic structure of society, understood as society’s legally coercive structures, and because corporate governance cannot be considered part of this structure in political liberalism. This commentary challenges the second part of the argument. First, it suggests that the criterion used to exclude corporate governance from the basic structure—whether employees can exit economic organizations—is not (...)
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  13. Loneliness and belonging: Is stoic cosmopolitanism still defensible ?Sandrine Berges - 2005 - Res Publica 11 (1):3-25.
    In view of recent articles citing the Stoics as a defence or refutation of cosmopolitanism it is legitimate to ask whether the Stoics did in fact have an argument for cosmopolitanism which may be useful to contemporary political philosophers. I begin by discussing an interpretation of Stoic views on cosmopolitanism by Martha Nussbaum and A.A. Long and show that the arguments they attribute to the Stoics are not tenable in the light of present day philosophy. I then argue that the (...)
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  14. Evil behaviour and character: Virtue ethics versus social psychology.Sandrine Berges - 2002 - In Diane Medlicott, Their Deeds were Evil: Understanding Atrocity, Ferocity and Extreme Crime. Rodopi.
    Is there such a thing as evil character? Philosophers and social psychologists have cast doubt on the idea that evil behaviour is due to a defect in character formation, which some people have, and some have not. I will argue that their claims are misguided by putting forward the following thesis: evil character traits exist, but they are typically less stable, albeit more prevalent, than good character traits. This is because they typically do not receive the backing of formation, which, (...)
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  15. Wisdom and the Laws: The Parent Analogy in Plato’s Crito.Sandrine Berges - 2004 - Yeditepe'de Felsefe (Philosophy at Yeditepe) 3.
    One noticeable omission in the otherwise ever flourishing literature on Plato's Crito is the recognition that Plato is presenting a problem from a virtue ethical angle. This is no doubt due to the fact that Aristotle, rather than Plato is regarded as the originator of Virtue Ethics as a branch of philosophy.1 Plato's own contribution to the discipline is more often than not bypassed.2 This has unfortunate consequences not only for Platonic scholarship, but also for the study of Virtue Ethics. (...)
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  16. Frédérique Ildefonse, Le Multiple dans l’'me. Sur l’intériorité comme problème.Sandrine Alexandre - 2024 - Philosophie Antique 24 (24).
    Dans un livre publié en 2012 aux Presses Universitaires de France, Il y a des Dieux, Frédérique Ildefonse (l’A.) raconte la prise de conscience ou plutôt le « pari », ce sont ses termes, qui la conduit à Salvador, sur le terreiro abritant des orixás, ces saints de la religion afro-brésilienne du candomblé pratiquée par les esclaves en résistance à la domination des Blancs : « Je ne pouvais plus seulement nourrir d’elle-même ma recherche sur les Grecs. J’avais découvert qu’il (...)
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  17. Plato, Nietzsche, and Sublimation.Sandrine Berges - 2001 - Phronimon 3 (1):1-21.
    In this paper I aim to refute the claim that Plato and Nietzsche are at opposite poles regarding the treatment of the non-rational elements of the soul, and argue that, instead, they share a complex and psychologically rich view of the role of reason towards the appetites and the emotions. My argument makes use of the Freudian distinction between sublimation, i.e. the re-channelling of certain undesirable appetitive and emotional forces towards more beneficial ends, and repression. I show that both Plato (...)
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    La responsabilité et la relativité historique de la liberté.Sandrine Perera - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 63 (1):25-40.
    L’article vise à montrer le lien nécessaire entre responsabilité et liberté, tout en exposant le sens de cette responsabilité, décomposée entre responsabilité envers Autrui et responsabilité envers la Nature. Dans la deuxième partie, l’article s’attache à présenter les mutations de la responsabilité à l’époque contemporaine, remettant aujourd’hui en cause la liberté telle qu’elle était conçue en 1789, c’est-à-dire comme autodétermination.
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    Grounding context in face processing: color, emotion, and gender.Sandrine Gil & Ludovic Le Bigot - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  20.  28
    Learning from Greek Philosophers: The Foundations and Structural Conditions of Ethical Training in Business Schools.Sandrine Frémeaux, Grant Michelson & Christine Noël-Lemaitre - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):231-243.
    There is an extensive body of work that has previously examined the teaching of ethics in business schools whereby it is hoped that the values and behaviours of students might be provoked to show positive and enduring change. Rather than dealing with the content issues of particular business ethics courses per se, this article explores the philosophical foundations and the structural conditions for developing ethical training programs in business schools. It is informed by historical analysis, specifically, an examination of Platonic (...)
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    A Common Good Perspective on Diversity.Sandrine Frémeaux - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (2):200-228.
    ABSTRACTDrawing upon the theoretical debate on the concept of common good involving, in particular, Sison and Fontrodona, I aim to show how the common good principle can serve as the basis for a new diversity perspective. Each of the three dominant diversity approaches—equality, diversity management, and inclusion—runs the ethical risk of focusing on community or individual levels, or on particular disciplines—economic, social, or moral. This article demonstrates that the common good principle could mitigate the ethical risks inherent to each of (...)
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  22. Firms and parental justice: should firms contribute to the cost of parenthood and procreation?Sandrine Blanc & Tim Meijers - 2020 - Economics and Philosophy 36 (1):1-27.
    This article asks whether firms should contribute to the costs of procreation and parenthood. We explore two sets of arguments. First, we ask what the principle of fair play – central in parental justice debates – implies. We argue that if one defends a pro-sharing view, firms are required to shoulder part of the costs of procreation and parenthood. Second, we turn to the principle of fair equality of opportunity. We argue that compensating firms for costs they incur because their (...)
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    Developing a Culture of Solidarity Through a Three-Step Virtuous Process: Lessons from Common Good-Oriented Organizations.Sandrine Frémeaux, Anouk Grevin & Roberta Sferrazzo - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (1):89-105.
    Solidarity is a principle oriented toward the common good that ensures that each person can have the necessary goods and services for a dignified life. As such, it is very often approached in a theoretical manner. In this empirical study, we explored the development of a culture of solidarity within an organizational context. In particular, we qualitatively investigated how a culture of solidarity can concretely spread within and beyond organizations by conducting 68 semi-structured interviews with members of three common good-oriented (...)
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    Nature et insistance des problèmes philosophiques.Sandrine Roux - 2019 - Philosophiques 46 (2):409-418.
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    Simone de Beauvoir: Creating a Feminist Existence in the World.Sandrine Sanos - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Sandrine Sanos's biography of Simone de Beauvoir situates Beauvoir's life and works in historical context, charting how she was enmeshed in most 20h century events and developments from WW2, to Decolonization, the Cold War, Socialist Politics, Feminismâe"as well as topics and ideas of contemporary relevance. Building on recent scholarship, this biography focuses especially on the colonial, transnational, and postcolonial influences that shaped Beauvoir and emphasizes her paradoxical and complicated relationship to politics. Written in accessible and lively prose, the book (...)
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    Deliberative Democracy and Corporate Constitutionalism: Considering Corporate Constitutional Courts.Sandrine Blanc - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (1):1-15.
    Committees multiply in firms, whether stakeholder boards or committees, multi-stakeholder initiatives, ethics committees, or oversight boards. These arrangements aim to organise and legitimise the social and political activities of corporations. This article raises the question of the appropriate form of such governance structures. The examples above illustrate three possible ways of legitimising corporate quasi-public social and political activities: deliberation within the company, deliberation outside, and an approach we label _corporate constitutionalism_. While the first two models have been tested in practice (...)
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    Coding repeats and evolutionary “agility”.Sandrine Caburet, Julie Cocquet, Daniel Vaiman & Reiner A. Veitia - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (6):581-587.
    The rapid generation of new shapes observed in the living world is the result of genetic variation, especially in “morphological” developmental genes. Many of these genes contain coding tandem repeats. Fondon and Garner have shown that expansions and contractions of these repeats are associated with the great diversity of morphologies observed in the domestic dog, Canis familiaris.1 In particular, they found that the repeat variations in two genes were significantly associated with changes in limb and skull morphology. These results open (...)
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    Estimation abilities of large numerosities in Kindergartners.Sandrine Mejias & Christine Schiltz - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Social Networks and Knowledge Transmission Strategies among Baka Children, Southeastern Cameroon.Sandrine Gallois, Miranda J. Lubbers, Barry Hewlett & Victoria Reyes-García - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (4):442-463.
    The dynamics of knowledge transmission and acquisition, or how different aspects of culture are passed from one individual to another and how they are acquired and embodied by individuals, are central to understanding cultural evolution. In small-scale societies, cultural knowledge is largely acquired early in life through observation, imitation, and other forms of social learning embedded in daily experiences. However, little is known about the pathways through which such knowledge is transmitted, especially during middle childhood and adolescence. This study presents (...)
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  30. Koncasinda Koparilmiş Akil: Kadin Haklarinin Gerekçelendirilmesinde Özgürlük Ve Eğitim.Sandrine Berges - 2011 - Felsefe Tartismalari 46:18-38.
    This paper focuses on what Mary Astell and Mary Wollstonecraft had to say about women's condition of subservience in the 18th century. While both philosophers held that education played a central role in women's freedom, there were some significant differences in their outlooks. I will try to understand Astell's arguments in the light of Wollstonecraft's subtle and perceptive analysis of oppression. I will further suggest that Wollstonecraft's own account is closely related to Amartya Sen's discussion of adaptive preferences and indeed (...)
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    Teaching Christine de Pizan in Turkey.Sandrine Berges - 2013 - Gender and Education 25 (5):595-605.
    An important part of making philosophy as a discipline gender equal is to ensure that female authors are not simply wiped out of the history of philosophy. This has implications for teaching as well as research. In this context, I reflect on my experience of teaching a text by medieval philosopher Christine de Pizan as part of an introductory history of philosophy course taught to Turkish students in law, political science, and international relations. I describe the challenges I encountered, the (...)
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    La valeur de la musique.Sandrine Darsel - 2024 - Cahiers Philosophiques 177 (2):25-37.
    L’enjeu de cet article est d’établir la valeur de la musique et de répondre à la question suivante : pourquoi y a-t-il de la musique? Il s’agira de répondre à l’objection du vide sémantique de la musique, réduisant cette dernière à un divertissement ou à un beau jeu des sensations. La musique est un langage symbolique au fonctionnement esthétique : elle est un art du temps.
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  33. La metafora della danza in Rilke e Valéry.Chiara Sandrin - 1993 - Rivista di Estetica 2.
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    Impact of consensus development conference guidelines on primary care of bronchiolitis: are national guidelines being followed?Sandrine Touzet, Luc Réfabert, Laurent Letrilliart, Bernard Ortolan & Cyrille Colin - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):651-656.
  35.  19
    Strengthening Deliberation in Business: Learning From Aristotle’s Ethics of Deliberation.Sandrine Frémeaux & Christian Voegtlin - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (4):824-859.
    Deliberation has faced criticism with regard to its application to business, on the basis that it can be misused to disseminate an ideology, divert attention from genuine debates, or strengthen the power of certain people. We suggest that Aristotle’s notion of deliberation can mitigate these ethical risks and help companies strengthen their deliberative practices. A comprehensive perspective based on Aristotelian deliberation reveals the relevance of (a) individual and collective deliberation, promoting a virtuous and meaningful reflection, free from ideological conditioning; (b) (...)
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    How To Be a ‘Wise’ Researcher: Learning from the Aristotelian Approach to Practical Wisdom.Sandrine Frémeaux, Thibaut Bardon & Clara Letierce - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):667-681.
    How can you act ethically in a publication system that attempts to regulate research activity in a way that you might find, in many respects, to be unethical? In this article, we address this question by drawing on the Aristotelian perspective of practical wisdom. Drawing on thirty semi-structured interviews with academics working in French business schools, we outline different means through which they act ‘wisely’ by deliberating and focusing on what is within their power and in line with their best (...)
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    What’s it got to do with the price of bread? Condorcet and Grouchy on freedom and unreasonable laws in commerce.Sandrine Bergès - 2018 - European Journal of Political Theory 17 (4):432-448.
    István Hont identified a point in the history of political thought at which republicanism and commercialism became separated. According to Hont, Emmanuel Sieyès proposed that a monarchical republic should be formed. By contrast the Jacobins, in favour of a republic led by the people, rejected not only Sieyès’s political proposal, but also the economic ideology that went with it. Sieyès was in favour of a commercial republic; the Jacobins were not. This was, according to Hont, a defining moment in the (...)
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    Against compromise in democracy? A plea for a fine‐grained assessment.Sandrine Baume & Yannis Papadopoulos - 2022 - Constellations 29 (4):475-491.
  39.  12
    Joël Lebeaume.Sandrine Roll - 2015 - Clio 41:343-343.
    Voici un ouvrage qui contribue à combler un vide dans l’histoire de l’éducation et l’histoire des femmes. Joël Lebeaume retrace ici l’évolution complexe d’un enseignement souvent considéré à tort, aujourd’hui encore, comme une entreprise de moralisation des femmes. Les cours de ménage, de blanchissage, de cuisine, de puériculture etc. qui accompagnent le siècle forment certes les élèves aux activités domestiques, de couture, de nettoyage, de soins et aux préparations culinaires qu’elles exerc...
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    De Descartes à la science cognitive cartésienne : les analyses de Timothy van Gelder et de Michael Wheeler.Sandrine Roux - 2018 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 18.
    Dans cet article, nous proposons d’examiner certains des usages qui sont faits de Descartes en sciences cognitives. Il s’agit plus précisément de s’attacher à la façon dont se trouve pensé l’héritage du cartésianisme dans la science cognitive orthodoxe, souvent conçue comme « cartésienne ». Comment en vient-on à former cette idée de science cognitive cartésienne? Nous répondons en nous appuyant sur deux analyses, celles de Timothy van Gelder et de Michael Wheeler, avec pour objectif de mettre au jour les aspects (...)
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    From Descartes to Cartesian cognitive science: Timothy van Gelder’s and Michael Wheeler’s analyses.Sandrine Roux - 2018 - Methodos 18.
    Dans cet article, nous proposons d’examiner certains des usages qui sont faits de Descartes en sciences cognitives. Il s’agit plus précisément de s’attacher à la façon dont se trouve pensé l’héritage du cartésianisme dans la science cognitive orthodoxe, souvent conçue comme « cartésienne ». Comment en vient-on à former cette idée de science cognitive cartésienne? Nous répondons en nous appuyant sur deux analyses, celles de Timothy van Gelder et de Michael Wheeler, avec pour objectif de mettre au jour les aspects (...)
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    Feminist matters, critique and the future of the political.Sandrine Sanos & Brigitte Bargetz - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (4):501-516.
    Over the last decades, many scholars, feminist and others, have argued that critique must be reframed in different and more ‘productive’ ways because its ‘conventional’ formulation and practice have outlived its usefulness as a conceptual tool. Instead, they have called for affirmation or affirmative critique and a more generative mode of critical engagement in the search for new imaginaries, transformative potentialities and other futures. New feminist materialist thought’s emergence is, we argue, symptomatic of this contemporary intellectual landscape that claims to (...)
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    L’union cartésienne à la lumière du problème du “défaut de connaissance”.Sandrine Roux - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (2):207-219.
  44.  23
    Conscientious objection in firms.Sandrine Blanc - 2021 - Economics and Philosophy 37 (2):222-243.
    This article asks whether firms should exempt employees when they object to elements of their work that go against their conscience. Fairness requires that we follow the rules of an organization we have joined voluntarily only if these rules express mutual advantage. In corporations, I argue that subordination and exemption provides for mutual advantage better than subordination plus right of exit. This is because agents want to protect their conscientious convictions, even in hierarchical organizations geared towards efficient preference satisfaction. Thus (...)
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    The paradoxes of ignorance in early modern England and France.Sandrine Parageau - 2023 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    In the early modern period, ignorance was commonly perceived as a sin, a flaw, a defect, and even a threat to religion and the social order. Yet praises of ignorance were also expressed in the same context. Reclaiming the long-lasting legacy of medieval doctrines of ignorance and taking a comparative perspective, Sandrine Parageau tells the history of the apparently counter-intuitive moral, cognitive and epistemological virtues attributed to ignorance in the long seventeenth century (1580s-1700) in England and in France. With (...)
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    The Free-Riding Issue in Contemporary Organizations: Lessons from the Common Good Perspective.Sandrine Frémeaux, Guillaume Mercier & Anouk Grevin - 2025 - Business Ethics Quarterly 35 (1):28-53.
    Free riding involves benefiting from common resources or services while avoiding contributing to their production and maintenance. Few studies have adequately investigated the propensity to overestimate the prevalence of free riding. This is a significant omission, as exaggeration of the phenomenon is often used to justify control and coercion systems. To address this gap, we investigate how the common good approach may mitigate the flaws of a system excessively focused on free-riding risk. In this conceptual paper featuring illustrative vignettes, we (...)
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    Early modern women philosophers and politics: Accommodating sphere restrictions.Sandrine Bergès - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (6):e13004.
    In his Politics, Aristotle decreed that human beings needed to take part in politics to flourish, but that women, despite being human, needed to stay at home and away from politics. This paper offers an overview of how early modern women philosophers worked to makes their lives more political despite being constricted to the domestic sphere. Lucrezia Marinella argued that the home was like a small city, requiring quasi political skill to run, Cavendish believed that politics should cover the home (...)
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    Lucretia and the Impossibility of Female Republicanism in Margaret Cavendish's Sociable Letters.Sandrine Bergès - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (4):663-680.
    Margaret Cavendish is known for her personal allegiance to monarchy in England. This is reflected in her writings; as Hobbes did, she tended to criticize severely any attempt at rebellion and did not think England could become a republic. Yet it seems that Cavendish did have sympathy with some republican values, in particular, as Lisa Walters has argued, with the republican concept of freedom as nondomination. How can we explain this apparent inconsistency? I believe that the answer lies in a (...)
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  49.  25
    Religion and Clothing: the Capabilities Approach Considered.Sandrine Berges - unknown
    Proponents of the capabilities approach claim that it should be used to give guidance for the implementation of good constitutional laws. This suggests that it also gives us grounds to support attempts to create or protect constitutions based on something like the capabilities approach. The Turkish Republic claims that in order to protect secularism and the equal status of women, it needs to keep certain Islamic practices away from the public domain. The wearing of the headscarf has been singled out (...)
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    En Terre d'Icarie: Les Voyages de Simone de Beauvoir et de Jean-Paul Sartre en Chine et à Cuba.Sandrine Dauphin - 2004 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 20 (1):117-126.
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