Results for 'Santa Vó Rosa'

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  1.  12
    A Igreja Apostólica: da “Tenda de Deus para Salvação e Cura” à “Igreja da SantaRosa” – Mutações Religiosas.Leonildo Silveira Campos - forthcoming - Horizonte:114-114.
    This text The Apostolic Church: from the “Tent of God for Salvation and Healing” to the “Church of the SantaRosa” - Religious Mutations aims to describe the emergence and mutations experienced by an initially Pentecostal Church, founded in São Paulo, in 1954, in the wake of the divine healing movement. We try to answer the question: Given these changes experienced over the course of six decades, what of Pentecostal features remained at the end of this trajectory (...)
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    Meios Digitais Como Garantia Do Acesso Ao Direito À Educação.Hayalla Stephanie Lisboa Marques Santa Rosa & Jefison De Andrade Das Chagas - 2022 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 7 (2):95-111.
    O presente estudo se destina a fazer uma breve análise sobre o direito social à educação, sua influência para o alcance da dignidade da pessoa humana e o seu alcance no formato EAD no Brasil. O artigo trata das metodologias de ensino viabilizadas pelo EAD, qual a sua contribuição na formação desses jovens e crianças e se a fruição dos benefícios desse método de ensino são possível por todas as classes sociais de forma isonômica. A pretensão é analisar como o (...)
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    Where the public health principles meet the individual: a framework for the ethics of compulsory outpatient treatment in psychiatry.Sérgio M. Martinho, Bárbara Santa-Rosa & Margarida Silvestre - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    Background Compulsory treatments represent a legal means of imposing treatment on an individual, usually with a mental illness, who refuses therapeutic intervention and poses a risk of self-harm or harm to others. Compulsory outpatient treatment in psychiatry, also known as community treatment order, is a modality of involuntary treatment that broadens the therapeutic imposition beyond hospitalization and into the community. Despite its existence in over 75 jurisdictions worldwide, COT is currently one of the most controversial topics in psychiatry, and it (...)
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  4. Reseña del Libro: Un enemigo para la nación: Orden interno, violencia y'subversión', 1973-1976, de Marina Franco.Hernán Rastelli & La Pampa Santa Rosa - 2012 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 3 (5).
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    Performatividade translocutória.Marcos Paulo Santa Rosa Matos - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 118:27-86.
    O presente estudo revisa o conceito de performatividade desenvolvido nos estudos de Austin e Benveniste, e está dividido em três partes: a primeira é uma síntese crítica das contribuições desses autores, em que se enfatiza os pontos de concordância e discordância entre eles, e os aspectos problemáticos de seus respectivos pontos de vista; a segunda é uma releitura das conceituações, estruturações e problematizações apresentadas pelos autores, e uma proposta própria de compreensão da enunciação e da performance a partir das ideias (...)
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    Nurses performance in clinical ethics committees and commissions: An integrative review.Gabriela Menezes Gonçalves de Brito & Darci de Oliveira Santa Rosa - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):688-699.
    Background: The research on nursing professionals in Clinical Ethics Committees and Nursing Ethics Commissions occurs in different parts of the world; however, little information on this subject is found in the literature. Objective: This study analyzed national and international publications in relation to the participation of nursing professionals in Clinical Ethics Committees. Research design: This was an integrative review of articles published in national and international journals between 1994 and 2016 which described the participation of nursing professionals in ethics commissions. (...)
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    Proceedings from the IV Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (IV BRISPE): Goi'nia, Brasil. 17-18 November 2016. [REVIEW]A. S. C. Abreu, H. S. Selistre-de-Araujo, D. Guilhem, M. R. C. G. Novaes, N. R. A. Silva, M. Palácios, P. G. Camacho, M. Russo, A. Abreu, S. Cruz-Riascos, L. V. R. Rezende, A. C. Quintela, J. Leta, E. Damasio, H. H. Caiaffa Filho, R. M. Catarino, A. A. B. Almodóvar, A. P. Vicentini, B. C. Machado, M. M. Sorenson, J. R. Lapa E. Silva, A. Palma, R. M. V. R. Almeida, E. H. Watanabe, D. Foguel, S. M. R. Vasconcelos, C. A. Guimarães, A. Schtscherbyna, J. C. Amaral, H. G. Falcão, F. R. Mota, S. C. Bourguignon, R. Kant de Lima, S. Liskauskas, M. C. Cassimiro, J. Araújo, A. S. Carvalho, M. Patrão Neves, F. M. Litto, M. D. P. Silva, L. S. Gracioso, A. C. Furnival, P. M. Lourenço, V. Ronchi, M. M. M. Machado, R. Amaral, M. D. Ribeiro, R. Neves, V. C. Garbocci, M. Fontes-Domingues, P. Biancovilli, R. T. Souza, P. V. S. Souza, D. C. Machado, C. C. Santos, A. M. Gollner, H. S. Pinheiro, G. A. Fófano, A. A. P. Santa Rosa, C. H. Debenedito Silva, A. M. M. Soares, M. M. P. Diós-Borges, E. Duarte & Gar - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (Suppl 1).
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    Catequese: preparar para a Festa da Eucaristia.Benedita Izabel Rosa - 2017 - Revista de Teologia 11 (19):167-175.
    O presente artigo objetiva refletir sobre a dimensão da preparação da Festa da Eucaristia através da Catequese. Sabendo-se - de acordo com o Catecismo da Igreja Católica e alguns documentos do Magistério da Igreja, tais como a Sacrosanctum Concilium e a Sacamentum Caritatis - que a Eucaristia é “fonte e ápice de toda a vida cristã”, pois esse sacramento “contém todo o bem espiritual da Igreja, a saber, o próprio Cristo, nossa Páscoa.” Com efeito, a Eucaristia é por excelência o (...)
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    Las Aguas Termales Como Patrimonio Tangible y Soporte de Prácticas. Ciudad Nueva Federación (Argentina) y Municipio de Santo Amaro da Imperatriz (Brasil).María Rosa Catullo & Dagoberto Bordin - 2015 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 15:411-429.
    Este trabajo trata de las aguas termales explotadas en dos contextos nacionales diferentes: en la ciudad argentina de Nueva Federación y en el municipio catarinense de Santo Amaro da Imperatriz, dialogando con una amplia literatura sobre este tema, y destacando sus múltiples usos, centrados para la salud, para actividades de ocio y religiosas. Además, estas aguas son asumidas como patrimonio natural y cultural, como fuente de identificación y referencia simbólica, y como el centro de las disputas en "campos sociales de (...)
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    Imprensa católica e identidade ultramontana no Brasil do século XIX: uma análise a partir do jornal O Apóstolo.Ana Rosa Cloclet da Silva - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (56):542-542.
    O presente artigo analisa a experiência brasileira da secularização, observando o modo como, nas páginas da imprensa católica publicada na segunda metade do século XIX, o religioso e o secular se articularam de diferentes maneiras e se modelaram reciprocamente. Como argumento central, sustenta que a difusão das formas impressas, considerada uma das principais condições históricas associadas ao advento da modernidade ocidental, foi também responsável, no contexto analisado, pela veiculação dos referenciais associados ao catolicismo romanizado e a uma Igreja independente do (...)
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    Santa Rosa de Lima o la primera poetisa místico-visionaria de Hispanoamérica.Emilio Ricardo Báez Rivera - 2023 - Isidorianum 18 (35):267-316.
    La obra literaria de santa Rosa de Lima se reduce a unos versos registrados en el Primer Proceso Ordinario de la jerarquía peruana y a dos medios pliegos holográficos, conservados en el convento de Santa Rosa de las Madres, de Lima. Basándose en estos datos y ahondando en el testimonio de las conclusiones obtenidas por el Dr. Juan del Castillo, tras el examen de conciencia de 1614 realizado a la Santa, el autor realiza una semblanza (...)
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    Santa Rosa and Singing from the Heart of the Bädi.Jorgelina Reinoso Niche - 2022 - Anthropology of Consciousness 33 (2):229-254.
    For the Mexican Otomi of the Sierra Norte de Puebla, Santa Rosa is a sacred plant used by the shaman to heal people and sing in rituals called costumbres. It is also an Antigua, a sacred deity who maintains a constant dialogue with ritual specialists. In the Otomi discourse and its worldview of Santa Rosa, as well as in its ritual process, it is eaten, not smoked. Although it is cannabis, they mention that: "the Santa (...)
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  13. Santa Rosa Geysers Recharge Project, Middletown, California: Top plants.Melissa Leonard - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 149--6.
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    Networks across America: Santa Rosa long term care Cooperative Bioethics Forum Council of Southern California Bioethics Network.Thomasine Kushner - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (1):24.
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  15. The Santa Rosa Case: Women-Only Forums on the Internet and the First Amendment.Leslie Regan Shade - 1997 - Journal of Information Ethics 6 (2):48-63.
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    Daniel Herrera Restrepo Santa Rosa de Osos, 25 de julio de 1930 - Bogotá, 28 de julio de 2017.Leonardo Tovar González - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (165):369-372.
    RESUMEN Largamente desatendida o malinterpretada, la noción de caos en la filosofía de Nietzsche es una pieza constitutiva de la particular concepción del ser que este autor habría dejado apenas esbozada. El artículo se propone elaborar este concepto en la obra nietzscheana, siguiendo algunas de las metáforas que lo iluminan. Desde allí se busca plantear los rasgos centrales de una ontologia del caos, de sesgo no metafísico, que, al afirmar el carácter acontecimental de la realidad, puede verse como precursora de (...)
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    Digital Literacy: A Strategy for Leveraging Skills Development.John Buelvas Parra, William Niebles Nuñez & Carlos Pacheco Ruiz - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2040-2063.
    The main intention of this scientific article was to review the technical skills and social skills achieved with digital literacy in students of the San Isidro Rural Educational Institution in Santa Rosa de Osos, Antioquia, Colombia. It was sheltered under the theoretical postulates of Area, Gutiérrez and Vidal (2012), Cornachione (2006), Fonseca (2011), among other experts in the area that is developed; The study on digital literacy is framed in positivist thinking, since the variable was measured to compute (...)
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  18.  12
    Professores, Alunos e a Tecnologia Na Escola Em Tempos de Pandemia: As Relações de Afetividade No Ensino-Aprendizagem.Miriam Galvan Pereira - 2022 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 9.
    Este artigo discutirá a estreita relação entre a afetividade no processo de ensino-aprendizagem e a tecnologia na escola em tempos de pandemia, através da observação de alunos do ensino público do Estado do Paraná, estudantes da escola Estadual Santa Rosa, na Cidade de Curitiba. A Secretaria da Educação do Paraná entendeu que essa relação ficou prejudicada com o fechamento das escolas por um período tão longo e por isso autorizou a reabertura das escolas, na modalidade hibrida, mesmo que, (...)
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    Antiracist Activism in Clinical Ethics: What's Stopping Us?Holly Vo & Georgina D. Campelia - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (4):34-35.
    Although justice is a central principle in clinical ethics, work that centers social justice is often marginalized in clinical ethics. In addition to institutional barriers that may be preventing clinical ethicists from becoming the activists that Meyers argues we should be, we must also recognize the barriers embedded in the field of clinical ethics itself. As clinical ethicists, we have an opportunity to support anti‐racism work in particular by altering our own organizational structures to be more inclusive and reflective of (...)
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  20.  14
    Mouth, soul and heart, vision and corporeality within a constellation of religious images.Lily Jiménez Osorio - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 52:209-227.
    Resumen: Este escrito es un ensayo que busca tensionar el lugar de las imágenes en la experiencia religiosa, proponiendo que toda mirada religiosa es una mirada háptica, por tanto, una visualidad impura que involucra la corporalidad, el tacto y la cercanía de modo des-jerarquizado. La propuesta de este ensayo se basa en las metodologías visuales críticas, y se despliega a partir de una constelación de imágenes que muestran diversos lugares del cuerpo en un sentido religioso, comprometiendo algunos de sus elementos, (...)
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    Building information systems as universalized locals.Mark Hartswood, Alexander Voß, Rob Procter, Mark Rouncefield, Roger Slack & Robin Williams - 2001 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (3):90-108.
    We report on our experiences in a participatory design project to develop ICTs in a hospital ward working with deliberate self-harm patients. This project involves the creation and constant re-creation of socio-technical ensembles that satisfy the various, changing and often contradictory and conflicting needs in this context. Such systems are shaped in locally meaningful ways but nevertheless reach beyond their immediate context to gain wider importance and to be integrated with the larger environment.
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  22. Reasoning without regress.Luis Rosa - 2019 - Synthese 196 (6):2263-2278.
    In this paper I explore alternative ways of addressing the infinite regress problem of inference, as it was depicted in Lewis Carroll’s ‘What the Tortoise said to Achilles’. Roughly put, the problem is that if a claim to the effect that one’s premises give support to one’s conclusion must itself be part of one’s premises, then an infinite regress of reasons ensues. I discuss some recent attempts to solve that problem, but I find all of them to be wanting. Those (...)
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  23. Multiple realizability and the spirit of functionalism.Rosa Cao - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-31.
    Multiple realizability says that the same kind of mental states may be manifested by systems with very different physical constitutions. Putnam ( 1967 ) supposed it to be “overwhelmingly probable” that there exist psychological properties with different physical realizations in different creatures. But because function constrains possible physical realizers, this empirical bet is far less favorable than it might initially have seemed, especially when we take on board the richer picture of neural and brain function that neuroscience has been uncovering (...)
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  24.  21
    Nature Experiences and Adults’ Self-Reported Pro-environmental Behaviors: The Role of Connectedness to Nature and Childhood Nature Experiences.Claudio D. Rosa, Christiana Cabicieri Profice & Silvia Collado - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  25. Evolutionary Developmental Biology.Laura Nuño De La Nuño De La Rosa & G. Müller (eds.) - forthcoming - Springer.
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  26. Logical Principles of Agnosticism.Luis Rosa - 2019 - Erkenntnis 84 (6):1263-1283.
    Logic arguably plays a role in the normativity of reasoning. In particular, there are plausible norms of belief/disbelief whose antecedents are constituted by claims about what follows from what. But is logic also relevant to the normativity of agnostic attitudes? The question here is whether logical entailment also puts constraints on what kinds of things one can suspend judgment about. In this paper I address that question and I give a positive answer to it. In particular, I advance two logical (...)
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  27. Suspending judgment the correct way.Luis Rosa - 2020 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (10):2001-2023.
    In this paper I present reasons for us to accept the hypothesis that suspended judgment has correctness conditions, just like beliefs do. Roughly put, the idea is that suspended judgment about p is correct when both p and ¬p might be true in view of certain facts that characterize the subject’s situation. The reasons to accept that hypothesis are broadly theoretical ones: it adds unifying power to our epistemological theories, it delivers good and conservative consequences, and it allows us to (...)
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  28. New Labels for Old Ideas: Predictive Processing and the Interpretation of Neural Signals.Rosa Cao - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (3):517-546.
    Philosophical proponents of predictive processing cast the novelty of predictive models of perception in terms of differences in the functional role and information content of neural signals. However, they fail to provide constraints on how the crucial semantic mapping from signals to their informational contents is determined. Beyond a novel interpretative gloss on neural signals, they have little new to say about the causal structure of the system, or even what statistical information is carried by the signals. That means that (...)
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    Visual search in scenes involves selective and nonselective pathways.Jeremy M. Wolfe, Melissa L.-H. Võ, Karla K. Evans & Michelle R. Greene - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (2):77-84.
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    Experiences in Nature and Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors: Setting the Ground for Future Research.Claudio D. Rosa & Silvia Collado - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    There is empirical evidence suggesting a positive link between direct experiences in nature and people’s environmental attitudes (EA) and behaviors (EB). This has led researchers to encourage more frequent contact with nature, especially during childhood, as a way of increasing pro-environmentalism (i.e., pro-EA and pro-EB). However, the association between experiences in nature and EA/EB is complex, and specific guidelines for people’s everyday contact with nature cannot be provided. This article offers an overview of the research conducted until know about the (...)
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    Gilbert Kirscher, Figures de la violence et de la modernité. Essais sur la philosophie d'Éric Weil.Maria Rosa Natale - 1992 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 90 (88):590-592.
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  32. Escola e violência: uma dúzia de pontos para proto socorro.Cláudia Rosa Riolfi - 1999 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 1 (2):p - 31.
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    Sensitive periods for social development: Interactions between predisposed and learned mechanisms.Orsola Rosa-Salva, Uwe Mayer, Elisabetta Versace, Marie Hébert, Bastien S. Lemaire & Giorgio Vallortigara - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104552.
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  34. How should we ascribe the third stance?Luis Rosa - 2025 - In Verena Wagner & Zinke Alexandra (eds.), Suspension in epistemology and beyond. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Epistemologists often describe subjects as being capable of adopting a third kind of categorical doxastic stance regarding whether something is the case, besides belief and disbelief. They deploy a variety of idioms in order to ascribe that stance. In this paper, I flesh out the properties that the third kind of categorical stance is supposed to have and start searching for the best ways to ascribe it. The idioms ‘suspends judgment about whether’ and ‘is agnostic about whether’, among others, are (...)
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  35. Knowledge Grounded on Pure Reasoning.Luis Rosa - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (1):156-173.
    In this paper I deal with epistemological issues that stem from the hypothesis that reasoning is not only a means of transmitting knowledge from premise-beliefs to conclusion-beliefs, but also a primary source of knowledge in its own right. The idea is that one can gain new knowledge on the basis of suppositional reasoning. After making some preliminary distinctions, I argue that there are no good reasons to think that purported examples of knowledge grounded on pure reasoning are just examples of (...)
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  36. Social Media Filters and Resonances: Democracy and the Contemporary Public Sphere.Hartmut Rosa - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (4):17-35.
    Democratic conceptions of politics are tacitly or explicitly predicated upon a functioning arena for the formation of public opinion in an associated media-space. Policy-making thus requires a reliable connection to processes of ‘public’ will formation. These processes formed the focus for Habermas’s influential study on the public sphere. This contribution presents a look at more recent ‘structural transformation’, the causes of which are by no means limited to social media communication, and examines its consequences. It proceeds in three steps: 1) (...)
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  37. Doubt.Luis Rosa - forthcoming - In Kurt Sylvan, Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Dancy & Matthias Steup (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
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    Testing Theory of Planned Behavior and Neo-Socioanalytic Theory models of trait activity, industriousness, exercise social cognitions, exercise intentions, and physical activity in a representative U.S. sample.Phuong T. Vo & Tim Bogg - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Impact of Globalization on African Culture.Adefarasin Vo - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (2):1-11.
    The process of globalization is inevitable because it is part of human nature. Man by nature is a social being with an irresistible urge to associate with his fellow human beings. Man cannot survive without associating with his fellow human beings. Globalization is a manifestation of this natural urge in man to associate with his fellow human beings and it is irresistible. I understand globalization to mean the process by which mankind gets closer together. This process has in recent times (...)
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  40. Conceptualizing Adaptive Preferences Respectfully: An Indirectly Substantive Account.Rosa Terlazzo - 2015 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (2):206-226.
    While the concept of adaptive preferences is an important tool for criticizing injustice, it is often claimed that using the concept involves showing disrespect for persons judged to have adaptive preferences. In this paper, I propose an account of adaptive preferences that does the relevant political work while still showing persons two centrally important kinds of respect. My account is based in what I call an indirect substantive account of autonomy, which places substantive requirements on the options available to a (...)
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    The Riddle of the Great-souled eiron. Virtue, Deception and Democracy in the Nicomachean Ethics.Carlotta Voß - 2023 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 44 (2):201-218.
    Aristotle’s use of the term ‘eironeia’ in the Nicomachean Ethics (NE) appears to be inconsistent: first, he attributes the attitude termed ‘eironeia’ to the great-souled man (megalopsychos), who is defined by his virtuousness, then he classifies ‘eironeia’ as one of the two vices which are central to his account of the virtue of truthfulness. Modern attempts to explain and to solve the “riddle of the great-souled eiron” have not been satisfying. This paper argues that the riddle results from Aristotle trying (...)
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  42. Rules for the Inquiring Mind: A Unified Framework of Norms of Inquiry.Luis Rosa - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book concerns the nature and the norms of inquiry. It tackles not only philosophical issues regarding what inquiry is, but also issues regarding how it should and should not be executed. Roughly put, inquiry is the activity of searching for the true answers to questions of our interest. But what is the difference between empirical and armchair inquiry? And what are the right and the wrong ways to inquire? Under what conditions should one start inquiring? Which questions are such (...)
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    Evidential Pluralism and Epistemic Reliability in Political Science: Deciphering Contradictions between Process Tracing Methodologies.Rosa W. Runhardt - 2021 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 51 (4):425-442.
    Evidential pluralism has been used to justify mixed-method research in political science. The combination of methodologies within case study analysis, however, has not received as much attention. This article applies the theory of evidential pluralism to causal inference in the case study method process tracing. I argue that different methodologies for process tracing commit to distinct fundamental theories of causation. I show that, problematically, one methodology may not recognize as genuine knowledge the fundamental claims of the other. By evaluating the (...)
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  44. Four Important Characteristics of Women in Confucianism and Its Contribution to the Implementation of Gender Equality in Vietnam.Dung Van Vo - 2024 - Conatus 9 (2):283-302.
    Four important virtues of a woman in the Confucian perspective include Works (being chaste, monogamous, and a virgin when married), Comportment (beauty), Speech, and Conduct (morality, Ethics). These virtues have profoundly influenced the conception of the role of women in traditional Vietnamese culture. Excessive focus on family roles and traditional values limits women's opportunities and rights in the public, political and economic spheres. However, in recent years, Vietnam has made significant progress in realizing gender equality. Investments in education, legal rights, (...)
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    Philosophie der Nondualität: Religionshistorische Einordnung und philosophische Kritik der Buddhismusinterpretation David R. Loys.Fabian Völker - 2020 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    David R. Loy gehört zu den derzeit renommiertesten buddhistischen Denkern mit westlichem Hintergrund. Mit seiner an unterschiedliche religiöse Traditionen anknüpfenden Philosophie der Nondualität beansprucht Loy eine interreligiöse Grundlage, auf der er zugleich eine auf die konkreten Herausforderungen der Gegenwart abzielende Sozial- und Umweltethik etabliert. Neben einer chronologischen Einführung in das Leben und Werk Loys bietet das Buch auch eine umfassende systematische Analyse seines Denkens.
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    "Ba Khỏe Không?": Medical Interpretation as an Ethical Imperative.Holly Vo - 2021 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 11 (3):E1-E3.
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    »Die Sklaverei ist eine Einrichtung gegen die Anordnung Gottes und gegen die Ordnung der Natur« (Papst Leo XIII.) - Zeitgenössische Formen der Sklaverei im Zusammenhang von Flucht und Migration.Josef Voß - 2007 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2008 (jg):56-62.
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  48.  24
    Grenzen grammatischer Willkür bei Wittgenstein.Henrik Voß - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    Wittgensteins Grammatikbegriff ist eigentümlich weit gefasst, das heißt er beinhaltet nicht nur die Regeln für die Anordnung von Wörtern, sondern letztlich alles, was zur Bedeutung eines Begriffes beiträgt. Wittgenstein sieht Grammatik als gleichermaßen mit Willkürlichem und mit Nicht-Willkürlichem verwandt an, wobei der Willkür durch die menschliche Natur und soziale Praktiken Grenzen gesetzt sind. Dieses Buch untersucht genau diese Grenzen mit den Mitteln und Ergebnissen der neuesten linguistischen und kognitionswissenschaftlichen Forschung näher, um die zunächst recht spekulativ anmutenden Argumente Wittgensteins für die (...)
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  49.  10
    Auf die Praxis kommt es an! Anmerkungen zum 7. Menschenrechtsbericht der rot-grünen Bundesregierung - Perspektiven der schwarz-roten Menschenrechtspohtik.Silke Voß-Kyeck - 2006 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2007 (jg):268-275.
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  50.  13
    (1 other version)Aktion? Plan? Ein kritischer Kommentar zum Aktionsplan Menschenrechte der deutschen Bundesregierung 2012–2014.Silke Voß-Kyeck - 2013 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2013 (1):411-419.
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