Results for 'Sante Marelli'

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  1. L'ultimo Antoni e la difesa dell'individuo.Sante Marelli - 1992 - Rimini: Panozzo.
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    Affixation in semantic space: Modeling morpheme meanings with compositional distributional semantics.Marco Marelli & Marco Baroni - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (3):485-515.
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    Compounding as Abstract Operation in Semantic Space: Investigating relational effects through a large-scale, data-driven computational model.Marco Marelli, Christina L. Gagné & Thomas L. Spalding - 2017 - Cognition 166:207-224.
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  4. Nota al saggio di Herder «Sul conoscere e il sentire dell'anima umana».Francesca Marelli - 2009 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 2 (1).
  5. MacIntyre and the subversion of natural law.Sante Maletta - 2011 - In Paul Blackledge & Kelvin Knight (eds.), Virtue and politics: Alasdair MacIntyre's revolutionary Aristotelianism. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
  6.  91
    Perception Pragmatized: a Pragmatic Reconciliation of Representationalism and Relationalism.André Sant’Anna - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (2):411-432.
    This paper develops a theory of perception that reconciles representationalism and relationalism by relying on pragmatist ideas. I call it the pragmatic view of perception. I argue that fully reconciling representationalism and relationalism requires, first, providing a theory in which how we perceive the world involves representations; second, preserving the idea that perception is constitutively shaped by its objects; and third, offering a direct realist account of perception. This constitutes what I call the Hybrid Triad. I discuss how Charles Peirce’s (...)
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    Episodic Memory as a Propositional Attitude: A Critical Perspective.André Sant'Anna - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:370748.
    The questions of whether episodic memory is a propositional attitude, and of whether it has propositional content, are central to discussions about how memory represents the world, what mental states should count as memories, and what kind of beings are capable of remembering. Despite its importance to such topics, these questions have not been addressed explicitly in the recent literature in philosophy of memory. In one of the very few pieces dealing with the topic, Fernández (2006) provides a positive answer (...)
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    American Association for Italian Studies.Sante Matteo - 1987 - New Vico Studies 5:219-220.
  9. Elementary particles, hidden variables, and hidden predicates.Adonai S. Sant'anna - 2000 - Synthese 125 (1-2):233 - 245.
    We recently showed that it is possible to deal withcollections of indistinguishable elementary particles (in thecontext of quantum mechanics) in a set-theoretical framework, byusing hidden variables. We propose in the presentpaper another axiomatics for collections of indiscernibleswithout hidden variables, where hidden predicates are implicitlyassumed. We also discuss the possibility of a quasi-settheoretical picture for quantum theory. Quasi-set theory, basedon Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, was developed for dealing withcollections of indistinguishable, but, not identical objects.
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  10. The definability of physical concepts.Adonai Sant'Anna - unknown
    Our main purpose here is to make some considerations about the definability of physical concepts like mass, force, time, space, spacetime, and so on. Our starting motivation is a collection of supposed definitions of closed system in the literature of physics and philosophy of physics. So, we discuss the problem of definitions in theoretical physics from the point of view of modern theories of definition. One of our main conclusions is that there are different kinds of definitions in physics that (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Mental time travel and the philosophy of memory.André Sant'Anna - 2018 - Unisinos Journal of Philosophy 1 (19):52-62.
    The idea that episodic memory is a form of mental time travel has played an important role in the development of memory research in the last couple decades. Despite its growing importance in psychology, philosophers have only begun to develop an interest in philosophical questions pertaining to the relationship between memory and mental time travel. Thus, this paper proposes a more systematic discussion of the relationship between memory and mental time travel from the point of view of philosophy. I start (...)
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  12.  28
    Bioconstitutional Imaginaries and the Comparative Politics of Genetic Self-knowledge.Sheila Jasanoff, Luca Marelli, Ingrid Metzler & J. Benjamin Hurlbut - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (6):1087-1118.
    Genetic testing has become a vehicle through which basic constitutional relationships between citizens and the state are revisited, reaffirmed, or rearticulated. The interplay between the is of genetic knowledge and the ought of government unfolds in the context of diverse imaginaries of the forms of human well-being, freedom, and flourishing that states have a duty to support. This article examines how the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States governed testing for Alzheimer’s disease, and how they diverged in defining potential (...)
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  13.  59
    On the Mechanisms of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation : How Brain State and Baseline Performance Level Determine Behavioral Effects of TMS.Juha Silvanto, Silvia Bona, Marco Marelli & Zaira Cattaneo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  14. The hybrid contents of memory.André Sant’Anna - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1263-1290.
    This paper proposes a novel account of the contents of memory. By drawing on insights from the philosophy of perception, I propose a hybrid account of the contents of memory designed to preserve important aspects of representationalist and relationalist views. The hybrid view I propose also contributes to two ongoing debates in philosophy of memory. First, I argue that, in opposition to eternalist views, the hybrid view offers a less metaphysically-charged solution to the co-temporality problem. Second, I show how the (...)
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    L’allocazione delle risorse sanitarie durante la pandemia da Covid-19: un’analisi comparativa dei documenti della SIAARTI e del CNB.Davide Battisti, Luca Marelli, Mario Picozzi, Massimo Reichlin & Virginia Sanchini - 2021 - Notizie di Politeia 141:25-45.
    In Italy, during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Italian Society of Resuscitators and Pain Therapists (SIAARTI) and the Italian National Bioethics Committee (CNB) published ethical guidance on the allocation of scarce intensive care resources. In this paper, we outline and compare these documents in detail, highlighting differences and similarities. In particular, we argue that major differences exist with respect to the principles and values underpinning the documents and the normative allocation criteria proposed. Conversely, similarities can be traced (...)
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    Cryptomnesia: a three-factor account.André Sant’Anna & Christopher Jude McCarroll - 2023 - Synthese 201 (1):1-24.
    Understood as a psychological phenomenon, there has been very little discussion of cryptomnesia in the philosophical literature. Cryptomnesia presents us with a strange phenomenon in which we take ourselves to be imagining, but the thought or idea that we entertain actually involves remembered content. In this paper, we argue for a three-factor account of cryptomnesia, according to which it is a mnemonic phenomenon that involves imagination. We provide an account of both the ‘mnemonic’ and ‘imaginative’ aspects of cryptomnesia in terms (...)
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  17. Is remembering constructive imagining?André Sant’Anna - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):1-28.
    The (dis)continuism debate—the debate over whether remembering is a form of imagining—is a prominent one in contemporary philosophy of memory. In recent work, Langland-Hassan (2021) has argued that this debate is best understood as a dispute over whether remembering is a form of constructive imagining. In this paper, I argue that remembering is not a form of constructive imagining because constructive processes in remembering and imagining are constrained, and hence controlled, in different ways at the level of consciousness. More specifically, (...)
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  18. Some problems concerning language and physics.Adonai Sant’Anna & Gabriel Guerrer - 2007 - Synthese 154 (3):467-484.
    We discuss three problems concerning the use of formal languages in theoretical physics: (i) the definability of time and spacetime in classical physical theories; (ii) how to cope with indistinguishable elementary particles in quantum mechanics without labeling them; and (iii) how to get a formal picture of quantum states jumping.
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  19. Tempo e storicitá dell'uomo.Sante Babolin (ed.) - 1971 - Padova,: Gregoriana.
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    Beyond the Naked Square: The Idea of an Agonistic Public Sphere.Sante Maletta - 2014 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (4):767-777.
    The major aim of this paper is to present some reflections about the political domain and the common good that may be helpful in answering the following issue: How can religions contribute to the common good? The problematic background of this paper can be summarized by the so-called Dilemma of Böckenförde, which presents the difficulties secular states have in creating social capital, and by the Habermasian notion of a “post-secular society,” an expression used by the German philosopher to summarize the (...)
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    De ethiek van Erich Fromm: een humanistisch appèl.E. C. Santing - 1984 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
    Wetenschappelijke bezinning op de betekenis van de ethiek van de humanistische psycholoog (1900-1980) o.a. door vergelijking met de ethiek van Marx en de existentiefilosofie.
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    The dramatic and its issues in the Anthropological Structures of the Imaginary by Gilbert Durand.Catarina Sant’Anna - forthcoming - Iris.
    This paper aims to examine the place of the dramatic in the Anthropological Structures of the Imaginary, through a comparative approach between this work and two others : Les Concepts fondamentaux de poétique and Les Deux cent mille situations dramatiques, in order to consider another possible order for the sequence of the structures proposed by Gilbert Durand, although the author declared in a note that he did not choose to follow « the ontogenetic plane of the emergence of dominant reflexes (...)
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    More Nouvelles.Luc Sante - 2008 - Common Knowledge 14 (3):472-477.
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    Teorias sobre o lembrar: causalismo, simulacionismo e funcionalismo.André Rosolem Sant'Anna & Kourken Michaelian - 2019 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 10 (3):8.
    O que é o lembrar? Quando podemos dizer que um sujeito lembra um evento do passado? Essas são duas questões centrais na filosofia da memória, uma área que vem experimentando uma rápida expansão nos últimos anos. Por quase meio século, a teoria causal da memória, inicialmente proposta por Martin e Deutscher, dominou o debate sobre como devemos responder às duas questões iniciais. Mais recentemente, no entanto, a teoria causal se tornou alvo de duras críticas, o que motivou os filósofos da (...)
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  25.  54
    Current Controversies in Philosophy of Memory.Andre Sant'Anna, Christopher McCarroll & Kourken Michaelian (eds.) - 2022 - Current Controversies in Philosophy.
    The 12 chapters cover 6 questions: I. What is the relationship between memory and imagination? II. Do memory traces have content? III. What is the nature of mnemonic confabulation? IV. What is the function of episodic memory? V. Do non-human animals have episodic memory? VI. Does episodic memory give us knowledge of the past?
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  26. Thinking About Events: A Pragmatist Account of the Objects of Episodic Hypothetical Thought.André Sant’Anna & Kourken Michaelian - 2019 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 10 (1):187-217.
    The debate over the objects of episodic memory has for some time been stalled, with few alternatives to familiar forms of direct and indirect realism being advanced. This paper moves the debate forward by building on insights from the recent psychological literature on memory as a form of episodic hypothetical thought (or mental time travel) and the recent philosophical literature on relationalist and representationalist approaches to perception. The former suggests that an adequate account of the objects of episodic memory will (...)
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  27. Individuality, quasi-sets and the double-slit experiment.Adonai S. Sant'Anna - forthcoming - Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations.
    Quasi-set theory $\cal Q$ allows us to cope with certain collections of objects where the usual notion of identity is not applicable, in the sense that $x = x$ is not a formula, if $x$ is an arbitrary term. $\cal Q$ was partially motivated by the problem of non-individuality in quantum mechanics. In this paper I discuss the range of explanatory power of $\cal Q$ for quantum phenomena which demand some notion of indistinguishability among quantum objects. My main focus is (...)
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    Multimodal Word Meaning Induction From Minimal Exposure to Natural Text.Angeliki Lazaridou, Marco Marelli & Marco Baroni - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S4):677-705.
    By the time they reach early adulthood, English speakers are familiar with the meaning of thousands of words. In the last decades, computational simulations known as distributional semantic models have demonstrated that it is possible to induce word meaning representations solely from word co-occurrence statistics extracted from a large amount of text. However, while these models learn in batch mode from large corpora, human word learning proceeds incrementally after minimal exposure to new words. In this study, we run a set (...)
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    Grounding the neurobiology of language in first principles: The necessity of non-language-centric explanations for language comprehension.Uri Hasson, Giovanna Egidi, Marco Marelli & Roel M. Willems - 2018 - Cognition 180 (C):135-157.
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    Social Media and Language Processing: How Facebook and Twitter Provide the Best Frequency Estimates for Studying Word Recognition.Herdağdelen Amaç & Marelli Marco - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (4):976-995.
    Corpus-based word frequencies are one of the most important predictors in language processing tasks. Frequencies based on conversational corpora are shown to better capture the variance in lexical decision tasks compared to traditional corpora. In this study, we show that frequencies computed from social media are currently the best frequency-based estimators of lexical decision reaction times. The results are robust and are still substantial when we control for corpus size.
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    A Non-Realistic Approach for Natural Languages.Adonai Sant'Anna, Otávio Bueno & Newton C. A. da Costa - unknown
    The structure of natural languages is usually studied from three major different but interconnected points of view: syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. If we consider that the main purpose of natural languages is communication, we should consider another dimension for languages, which deals with the influence of internal states of communicating individuals on meanings. Such a dimension we refer to as internalism. Within this context, internalism cannot be confused with psycholinguistics, in the same way pragmatics cannot be confused with sociolinguistics. In (...)
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    Structure, Myth, and Parody: Bernard Malamud's Treatment of the Diamond in the Natural.Arvindra Sant - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (3-4):476-483.
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  33. An axiomatic framework for classical particle mechanics without force.A. Schlup Sant-Anna - 1996 - Philosophia Naturalis 33 (2):187-203.
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    Framing effects reveal discrete lexical-semantic and sublexical procedures in reading: an fMRI study.Laura Danelli, Marco Marelli, Manuela Berlingeri, Marco Tettamanti, Maurizio Sberna, Eraldo Paulesu & Claudio Luzzatti - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  35. Unsuccessful Remembering: A Challenge for the Relational View of Memory.André Sant’Anna - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (4):1539-1562.
    This paper explores the relationship between a prominent version of the relational view of memory and recent work on forms of unsuccessful remembering or memory errors. I argue that unsuccessful remembering poses an important challenge for the relational view. Unsuccessful remembering can be divided into two kinds: misremembering and confabulating. I discuss each of these cases in light of a recent relational account, according to which remembering is characterized by an experiential relation to past events, and I argue that experiential (...)
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    Editorial: Memory as Mental Time Travel.André Sant’Anna, Kourken Michaelian & Denis Perrin - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (2):223-232.
    Originally understood as memory for the “what”, the “when”, and the “where” of experienced past events, episodic memory has, in recent years, been redefined as a form of past-oriented mental time travel. Following a brief review of empirical research on memory as mental time travel, this introduction provides an overview of the contributions to the special issue, which explore the theoretical implications of that research.
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    Epistemology of quasi-sets.Adonai Sant'Anna - unknown
    I briefly discuss the epistemological role of quasi-set theory in mathematics and theoretical physics. Quasi-set theory is a first order theory, based on Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with Urelemente. Nevertheless, quasi-set theory allows us to cope with certain collections of objects where the usual notion of identity is not applicable, in the sense that $x = x$ is not a formula, if $x$ is an arbitrary term. Basically, quasi-set theory offers us some sort of logical apparatus for questioning the need for (...)
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    Attitudes and the (dis)continuity between memory and imagination.André Sant'Anna - 2021 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 64:73-93.
    The current dispute between causalists and simulationists in philosophy of memory has led to opposing attempts to characterize the relationship between memory and imagination. In a recent overview of this debate, Perrin and Michaelian have suggested that the dispute over the continuity between memory and imagination boils down to the question of whether a causal connection to a past event is necessary for remembering. By developing an argument based on an analogy to perception, I argue that this dispute should instead (...)
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    Words with Consistent Diachronic Usage Patterns are Learned Earlier: A Computational Analysis Using Temporally Aligned Word Embeddings.Giovanni Cassani, Federico Bianchi & Marco Marelli - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12963.
    In this study, we use temporally aligned word embeddings and a large diachronic corpus of English to quantify language change in a data-driven, scalable way, which is grounded in language use. We show a unique and reliable relation between measures of language change and age of acquisition (AoA) while controlling for frequency, contextual diversity, concreteness, length, dominant part of speech, orthographic neighborhood density, and diachronic frequency variation. We analyze measures of language change tackling both the change in lexical representations and (...)
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    ViSpa (Vision Spaces): A computer-vision-based representation system for individual images and concept prototypes, with large-scale evaluation.Fritz Günther, Marco Marelli, Sam Tureski & Marco Alessandro Petilli - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (4):896-934.
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    Mnemonic causation, construction, and the particularity of episodic memory.André Sant’Anna - 2021 - Aufklärung 8.
    The idea that episodic memory is memory of particulars is prominent in philosophy. The particularity of remembering, as I will call it, has been taken for granted in most recent theorizing on the subject. This is because the classical causal theory of memory, which has been extremely influential in philosophy, is said to provide a straightforward account of particularity. But the causal theory has been criticized recently, in particular due to its inability to make sense of the constructive character of (...)
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    The role of selection in functional explanations.André Rosolem Sant'anna - 2014 - Manuscrito 37 (2):227-267.
    In this essay I will argue that natural selection is more important to functional explanations than what has been thought in some of the literature in philosophy of biology. I start by giving a brief overview of the two paradigms cases of functional explanations: etiological functions and causal-role functions. i then consider one particular attempt to conciliate both perspectives given by David Buller. Buller's trial to conciliate both etiological functions and causal-role functions results in what he calls a weak etiological (...)
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    Niccolò Tommaseo e l'educazione.Sante Bucci - 1975 - Brescia: La scuola.
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    A proposed property of relations.George M. Van Sant - 1959 - Journal of Philosophy 56 (1):25-31.
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    Sakuma shozan's Hegelian vision for japan.John E. Van Sant - 2004 - Asian Philosophy 14 (3):277 – 292.
    By the mid-19th century, an increasing number of Japan's political leaders and scholars realized that Japan had to adapt and incorporate some elements of Western-style industrialization into their own political and economic order as the necessary means to remain independent of Western imperialism. The Opium War in China, and later the Euro-American bombardments of the domain capitals in Choshu and Satsuma demonstrated that trying to defend the realm with only an increased emphasis on coastal defense would ultimately fail to keep (...)
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    Experimental investigations concerning the depth of sleep.Sante Desanctis & U. Neyroz - 1902 - Psychological Review 9 (3):254-282.
  47. An Axiomatic Framework for Classical Particle Mechanics Without Force.Adonai Sant'anna - 1996 - Philosophia Naturalis 33:187-204.
  48.  34
    (1 other version)Spicy Adjectives and Nominal Donkeys: Capturing Semantic Deviance Using Compositionality in Distributional Spaces.Eva M. Vecchi, Marco Marelli, Roberto Zamparelli & Marco Baroni - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):102-136.
    Sophisticated senator and legislative onion. Whether or not you have ever heard of these things, we all have some intuition that one of them makes much less sense than the other. In this paper, we introduce a large dataset of human judgments about novel adjective-noun phrases. We use these data to test an approach to semantic deviance based on phrase representations derived with compositional distributional semantic methods, that is, methods that derive word meanings from contextual information, and approximate phrase meanings (...)
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  49. Reviving the naïve realist approach to memory.André Sant'Anna & Michael Barkasi - 2022 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 3.
    The viability of a naïve realist theory of memory was a lively debate for philosophers of mind in the first half of the twentieth century. More recently, though, naïve realism has been largely abandoned as a non-starter in the memory literature, with representationalism being the standard view held by philosophers of memory. But rather than being carefully argued, the dismissal of naïve realism is an assumption that sits at the back of much recent theorizing in the philosophy of memory. In (...)
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  50. List of Contents: Volume 10, Number 5, October 1997.Adonai S. Sant’Anna, Decio Krause, Croca Jr, M. Ferrero, A. Garuccio & V. L. Lepore - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (2).
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