Results for 'Sebastian Wolf'

962 found
  1. Vitalism and the scientific image: an introduction.Sebastian Normandin & Charles T. Wolfe - 2013 - In Sebastian Normandin & Charles T. Wolfe, Vitalism and the scientific image, 1800-2010. Springer.
    Introduction to edited volume on vitalism and/in the life sciences, 1800-2010.
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    Vitalism and the scientific image, 1800-2010.Sebastian Normandin & Charles T. Wolfe (eds.) - 2013 - Springer.
    TOC -/- 0. Introduction (SN/CW) -/- I. Revisiting vitalist themes in 19th-century science -/- 1. Guido Giglioni (Warburg Institute) – Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and the Place of Irritability 2. in the History of Life and Death 3. Joan Steigerwald (York) – Rethinking Organic Vitality in Germany at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century 4. Juan Rigoli (Geneva) –The “Novel of Medicine” 5. Sean Dyde (Cambridge) – Life and the Mind in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Somaticism in the Wake of Phrenology. -/- II. Twentieth (...)
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    Der deskriptive Kern der Verantwortung: eine metaethische Untersuchung angesichts neurokognitionswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse.Sebastian Wolf - 2012 - Paderborn: Mentis.
  4.  21
    Das potentiell Unendliche: die aristotelische Konzeption und ihre modernen Derivate.Sebastian Wolf - 1982 - Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang.
    Für Aristoteles ist das Kontinuum ein potentiell Unendliches. Dieser Unendlichkeitsbegriff, den er neben dem prozessualen und aktualen einführte, wurde im Laufe der Philosophiegeschichte nicht mehr berücksichtigt. So verwenden ihn u.a. weder Kant noch Weyl in ihren Kontinuumsbetrachtungen, obwohl ihr Kontinuumsverständnis ihn geradezu nahelegt. - In dieser Arbeit werden zum einen die ontologischen Kontinuumslehren des Aristoteles und späterer Philosophen und Mathematiker behandelt, zum anderen erfährt die von Aristoteles im 6. Buch der «Physik» vorgelegte strukturelle Kontinuumsuntersuchung eine eingehende Würdigung.
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  5. Ist es erlaubt zu philosophieren? Altruismus und das gute Leben.Sebastian Schmidt - 2024 - In Dagmar Kiesel, Thomas Smettan & Sebastian Schmidt, Altruismus. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. pp. 185-205.
    Wenn wir Peter Singers Konklusion in „Famine, Affluence, and Morality“ (1972) akzeptieren, dann handeln wir im Alltag sehr viel häufiger falsch, als es uns lieb ist. Anstatt über die Natur von Altruismus zu philosophieren, könnten wir auch möglichst effektiv Hungerleidenden helfen. Ist es daher etwa moralisch verwerflich – weil egoistisch – zu philosophieren? In diesem Beitrag beleuchte ich die Gründe, die wir haben, Philosophie in den Mittelpunkt unseres Lebens zu stellen. Ich argumentiere, dass Philosophieren – genauso wie die Beschäftigung mit (...)
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  6. Analytische Moralphilosophie: Grundlagentexte.Philipp Schwind & Sebastian Muders (eds.) - 2021 - Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland: Suhrkamp.
    Die Moralphilosophie des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts hat mit Konsequentialismus, Deontologie, Kontraktualismus und Tugendethik nicht nur höchst einflussreiche Theorieparadigmen produktiv weiterentwickelt, sondern auch eine Reihe wichtiger neuer Probleme aufgeworfen. Der vorliegende Band versammelt zentrale Beiträge der analytischen Moralphilosophie, u. a. von David Gauthier, Shelly Kagan, Frances Kamm, Thomas Nagel, Michael Slote, Christine Swanton und Susan Wolf, die für ein Verständnis gegenwärtiger Diskussionen in der normativen Ethik unabdingbar sind. -/- Inhaltsverzeichnis: Vorwort Einleitung: Analytische Moralphilosophie der Gegenwart -/- 1. Konsequentialismus Shelly (...)
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    Vitalism and the Scientific Image in Post-Enlightenment Life Science, 1800–2010. Edited by Sebastian Normandin and Charles T. Wolfe. Springer, 2013, 377pp, £117. ISBN: 978-94-007-2445-7. [REVIEW]Adam Ferner - 2014 - Philosophy 89 (3):491-494.
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  8. (2 other versions)Moral saints.Susan Wolf - 1982 - Journal of Philosophy 79 (8):419-439.
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  9. Asymmetrical freedom.Susan Wolf - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (March):151-66.
  10. Meaningfulness: A Third Dimension of the Good Life.Susan Wolf - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (2):253-269.
    This paper argues that an adequate conception of a good life should recognize, in addition to happiness and morality, a third dimension of meaningfulness. It further proposes that we understand meaningfulness as involving both a subjective and an objective condition, suitably linked. Meaning arises when subjective attraction meets objective attractiveness. In other words one’s life is meaningful insofar as one is gripped or excited by things worthy of one’s love, and one is able to do something positive about it. The (...)
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  11. Explanatory Depth in Primordial Cosmology: A Comparative Study of Inflationary and Bouncing Paradigms.William J. Wolf & Karim Pierre Yves Thébault - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    We develop and apply a multi-dimensional account of explanatory depth towards a comparative analysis of inflationary and bouncing paradigms in primordial cosmology. Our analysis builds on earlier work due to Azhar and Loeb (2021) that establishes initial conditions fine-tuning as a dimension of explanatory depth relevant to debates in contemporary cosmology. We propose dynamical fine-tuning and autonomy as two further dimensions of depth in the context of problems with instability and trans-Planckian modes that afflict bouncing and inflationary approaches respectively. In (...)
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  12. The importance of free will.Susan Wolf - 1981 - Mind 90 (February):366-78.
  13. Moral psychology and the unity of the virtues.Susan Wolf - 2007 - Ratio 20 (2):145–167.
    The ancient Greeks subscribed to the thesis of the Unity of Virtue, according to which the possession of one virtue is closely related to the possession of all the others. Yet empirical observation seems to contradict this thesis at every turn. What could the Greeks have been thinking of? The paper offers an interpretation and a tentative defence of a qualified version of the thesis. It argues that, as the Greeks recognized, virtue essentially involves knowledge ? specifically, evaluative knowledge of (...)
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  14. Morality and partiality.Susan Wolf - 1992 - Philosophical Perspectives 6:243-259.
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  15. Edge Modes and Dressing Fields for the Newton–Cartan Quantum Hall Effect.William J. Wolf, James Read & Nicholas J. Teh - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-24.
    It is now well-known that Newton–Cartan theory is the correct geometrical setting for modelling the quantum Hall effect. In addition, in recent years edge modes for the Newton–Cartan quantum Hall effect have been derived. However, the existence of these edge modes has, as of yet, been derived using only orthodox methodologies involving the breaking of gauge-invariance; it would be preferable to derive the existence of such edge modes in a gauge-invariant manner. In this article, we employ recent work by Donnelly (...)
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    3. The Importance of Free Will.Susan Wolf - 1993 - In John Martin Fischer & Mark Ravizza, Perspectives on moral responsibility. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. pp. 101-118.
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  17. Responsibility, Moral and Otherwise.Susan Wolf - 2015 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 58 (2):127-142.
    Philosophers frequently distinguish between causal responsibility and moral responsibility, but that distinction is either ambiguous or confused. We can distinguish between causal responsibility and a deeper kind of responsibility, that licenses reactive attitudes and judgments that a merely causal connection would not, and we can distinguish between holding people accountable for their moral qualities and holding people accountable for their nonmoral qualities. But, because we sometimes hold people deeply responsible for nonmoral qualities of behavior and character, these distinctions are not (...)
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  18. Two levels of pluralism.Susan Wolf - 1992 - Ethics 102 (4):785-798.
  19. Cortical dynamics revisited.Wolf Singer - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (12):616-626.
  20. Rethinking Hegel's Conceptual Realism.W. Clark Wolf - 2018 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (2):331-70.
    In this paper, I contest increasingly common "realist" interpretations of Hegel's theory of "the concept" (der Begriff), offering instead a "isomorphic" conception of the relation of concepts and the world. The isomorphism recommended, however, is metaphysically deflationary, for I show how Hegel's conception of conceptual form creates a conceptually internal standard for the adequacy of concepts. No "sideways-on" theory of the concept-world relationship is envisioned. This standard of conceptual adequacy is also "graduated" in that it allows for a lack of (...)
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    Cosmological inflation and meta-empirical theory assessment.William J. Wolf - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 103 (C):146-158.
  22. Kant's 'in itself': Toward a New Adverbial Reading.W. Clark Wolf - 2023 - Kant Studien 114 (2):207-246.
    It is commonly assumed that the expression “an sich selbst” (“in itself”) in Kant combines with terms to form complex nouns such as “thing in itself” and “end in itself.” I argue that the basic use of “an sich selbst” in Kant’s German is as a sentence adverb, which has the role of modifying subject-predicate combinations, rather than either subject or predicate on their own. Expressions of the form “S is P an sich selbst” mean roughly that S is P (...)
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    Ethics and Public Policy: Responses.Jonathan Wolf - 2014 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 4 (3).
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    Childbirth Is Not an Emergency: Informed Consent in Labor and Delivery.Allison B. Wolf & Sonya Charles - 2018 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 11 (1):23-43.
    Despite the fact that the requirement to obtain informed consent for medical procedures is deeply enshrined in both U.S. moral and legal doctrine, empirical studies and anecdotal accounts show that women's rights to informed consent and refusal of treatment are routinely undermined and ignored during childbirth. For example, citing the most recent Listening to Mothers survey, Marianne Nieuwenhuijze and Lisa Kane Low state that "a significant number of women said they felt pressure from a caregiver to agree to having an (...)
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  25. 'One Thought Too Many': Love, Morality, and the Ordering of.Susan Wolf - 2012 - In Ulrike Heuer & Gerald Lang, Luck, Value, and Commitment: Themes from the Ethics of Bernard Williams. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 71.
  26. Husserl on the overlap of pure and empirical concepts.W. Clark Wolf - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (4):1026-1038.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 29, Issue 4, Page 1026-1038, December 2021.
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  27. Contemporary property rights, Lockean provisos, and the interests of future generations.Clark Wolf - 1995 - Ethics 105 (4):791-818.
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    Do future persons presently have alternate possible identities?Clark Wolf - 2009 - In David Wasserman & Melinda Roberts, Harming Future Persons: Ethics, Genetics and the Nonidentity Problem. Springer. pp. 93--114.
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    Health Care Reform and the Future of Physician Ethics.Susan M. Wolf - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (2):28-41.
    Health care reform proposals threaten to exacerbate tensions physicians already face in trying to balance traditional duties to individual patients against increasing pressure to serve broader societal and institutional goals. To cope with reform, medical ethics must clarify physicians' moral obligations, change existing ethical codes, and develop an ethics of institutions.
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    Beyond "Genetic Discrimination": Toward the Broader Harm of Geneticism.Susan M. Wolf - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (4):345-353.
    The current explosion of genetic knowledge and the rapid proliferation of genetic tests has rightly provoked concern that we are approaching a future in which people will be labeled and disadvantaged based on genetic information. Indeed, some have already suffered harm, including denial of health insurance. This concern has prompted an outpouring of analysis. Yet almost all of it approaches the problem of genetic disadvantage under the rubric of “genetic discrimination.”This rubric is woefully inadequate to the task at hand. It (...)
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    Promising stabs in the Dark: theory virtues and pursuit-worthiness in the Dark Energy problem.William J. Wolf & Patrick M. Duerr - 2024 - Synthese 204 (6):1-40.
    This paper argues that we ought to conceive of the Dark Energy problem—the question of how to account for observational data, naturally interpreted as accelerated expansion of the universe—as a crisis of underdetermined pursuit-worthiness. Not only are the various approaches to the Dark Energy problem evidentially underdetermined; at present, no compelling reasons single out any of them as more likely to be true than the other. More vexingly for working scientists, none of the approaches stands out as uncontroversially preferable over (...)
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  32. Kant's Conclusions in the Transcendental Aesthetic.W. Clark Wolf - forthcoming - Journal of the History of Philosophy.
    In the Transcendental Aesthetic (TA), Kant is typically held to make negative assertations about “things in themselves,” namely that they are not spatial or temporal. These negative assertions stand behind the “neglected alternative” problem for Kant’s transcendental idealism. According to this problem, Kant may be entitled to assert that spatio-temporality is a subjective element of our cognition, but he cannot rule out that it may also be a feature of the objective world. In this paper, I show in a new (...)
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    A System of Argumentation Forms in Aristotle.Simon Wolf - 2010 - Argumentation 24 (1):19-40.
    In his works on argumentation, Aristotle develops three main forms: apodeictical, dialectical, and rhetorical argumentation; dialectic is subdivided into several subspecies. The purpose of this paper is to discuss all of the forms described by Aristotle, to examine their differences and to point out their interrelations. This leads to an examination of the differentiating criteria and their applicability in the case of each argumentation form—and in particular to the question regarding the number of criteria that are necessary to describe each (...)
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    The effects of source trustworthiness and inference type on human belief revision.Ann G. Wolf, Susann Rieger & Markus Knauff - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (4):417-440.
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    Existential Urgency: A Provocation to Thinking “Different”.Arthur C. Wolf & Barbara Weber - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-25.
    In this essay we expand the notion of thinking by emphasizing the provocation and urgency to think and by reconceptualizing thinking as an embodied practice. The aim is to expand Lipman and Sharp’s approach to philosophical inquiry with children and show how other ways of thinking can be included. We strive to unfold a way of “thinking” that is both different from rationality (critical thinking) as well as from creative and caring thinking. In the first part of the paper, we (...)
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  36. The Ethics of Attention: an argument and a framework.Sebastian Watzl - 2022 - In Sophie Archer, Salience: A Philosophical Inquiry. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This paper argues for the normative significance of attention. Attention plays an important role when describing an individual’s mind and agency, and in explaining many central facts about that individual. In addition, many in the public want answers and guidance with regard to normative questions about attention. Given that attention is both descriptively central and the public cares about normative guidance with regard to it, attention should be central also in normative philosophy. We need an ethics of attention: a field (...)
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    Die Macht der Atmosphären.Barbara Wolf & Christian Julmi (eds.) - 2020 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Atmosphären zeichnen sich gleichermaßen durch ihre Profanität und ihre Wirkmächtigkeit aus. Wo immer man hinsieht, sind Atmosphären ein bestimmendes, vielleicht sogar das wichtigste Element im menschlichen Leben. Das Ziel des Sammelbandes besteht darin, die Bedeutung der Atmosphären im Gefühlsraum theoretisch und praktisch zu verdeutlichen und das Phänomen der Atmosphären in seinen vielfältigen Facetten, etwa in der Architektur, Kunst, Medizin, Psychiatrie, in der Pädagogik, in der Altenpflege, in Beruf und Privatleben, zu beleuchten.
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    Evaluative Processing of Food Images: A Conditional Role for Viewing in Preference Formation.Alexandra Wolf, Kajornvut Ounjai, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Tetsuya Matsuda & Johan Lauwereyns - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:363543.
    Previous research suggested a role of gaze in preference formation, not merely as an expression of preference, but also as a causal influence. According to the gaze cascade hypothesis, the longer subjects look at an item, the more likely they are to develop a preference for it. However, to date the connection between viewing and liking has been investigated predominately with self-paced viewing conditions in which the subjects were required to select certain items from simultaneously presented stimuli on the basis (...)
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  39. Moral obligations and social commands.Susan Wolf - 2009 - In Samuel Newlands & Larry M. Jorgensen, Metaphysics and the good: themes from the philosophy of Robert Merrihew Adams. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  40. Integrating Rules for Genomic Research, Clinical Care, Public Health Screening and DTC Testing: Creating Translational Law for Translational Genomics.Susan M. Wolf, Pilar N. Ossorio, Susan A. Berry, Henry T. Greely, Amy L. McGuire, Michelle A. Penny & Sharon F. Terry - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):69-86.
    Human genomics is a translational field spanning research, clinical care, public health, and direct-to-consumer testing. However, law differs across these domains on issues including liability, consent, promoting quality of analysis and interpretation, and safeguarding privacy. Genomic activities crossing domains can thus encounter confusion and conflicts among these approaches. This paper suggests how to resolve these conflicts while protecting the rights and interests of individuals sequenced. Translational genomics requires this more translational approach to law.
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    Evaluative Processing of Food Images: Longer Viewing for Indecisive Preference Formation.Alexandra Wolf, Kajornvut Ounjai, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Tetsuya Matsuda & Johan Lauwereyns - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Gene Therapy Oversight: Lessons for Nanobiotechnology.Susan M. Wolf, Rishi Gupta & Peter Kohlhepp - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (4):659-684.
    Oversight of human gene transfer research presents an important model with potential application to oversight of nanobiology research on human participants. Gene therapy oversight adds centralized federal review at the National Institutes of Health's Office of Biotechnology Activities and its Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee to standard oversight of human subjects research at the researcher's institution and at the federal level by the Office for Human Research Protections. The Food and Drug Administration's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research oversees human gene (...)
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    Perceived Conventionality in Co-speech Gestures Involves the Fronto-Temporal Language Network.Dhana Wolf, Linn-Marlen Rekittke, Irene Mittelberg, Martin Klasen & Klaus Mathiak - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Ethics Committees: In The Courts.Susan M. Wolf - 1986 - Hastings Center Report 16 (3):12-15.
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    Does Education Matter?A. Wolf - 2006 - British Journal of Educational Studies 54 (3):372-373.
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    Certificates of Confidentiality: Protecting Human Subject Research Data in Law and Practice.Leslie E. Wolf, Mayank J. Patel, Brett A. Williams Tarver, Jeffrey L. Austin, Lauren A. Dame & Laura M. Beskow - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):594-609.
    Answering important public health questions often requires collection of sensitive information about individuals. For example, our understanding of how HIV is transmitted and how to prevent it only came about with people's willingness to share information about their sexual and drug-using behaviors. Given the scientific need for sensitive, personal information, researchers have a corresponding ethical and legal obligation to maintain the confidentiality of data they collect and typically promise in consent forms to restrict access to it and not to publish (...)
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    Cognitive Representations and Institutional Hybridity in Agrofood Innovation.Steven A. Wolf & Gilles Allaire - 2004 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 29 (4):431-458.
    Product differentiation has emerged as a central dynamic in contemporary agrofood systems. Departure from the mode of standardization emblematic of agrofood modernization raises questions about future technical trajectories and the ways in which learning will be sustained. This article examines two innovation trajectories: the rapid coupling of biotechnologies and information technologies to yield products differentiated by constituent components—a model based on a cognitive logic of decomposition/ recomposition—and the proliferation of product networks that mobilize distinctive, localized resources to create complete identities—a (...)
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    Mapping the Ethics of Translational Genomics: Situating Return of Results and Navigating the Research‐Clinical Divide.Susan M. Wolf, Wylie Burke & Barbara A. Koenig - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):486-501.
    Both bioethics and law have governed human genomics by distinguishing research from clinical practice. Yet the rise of translational genomics now makes this traditional dichotomy inadequate. This paper pioneers a new approach to the ethics of translational genomics. It maps the full range of ethical approaches needed, proposes a “layered” approach to determining the ethics framework for projects combining research and clinical care, and clarifies the key role that return of results can play in advancing translation.
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    Holding the Line on Euthanasia.Susan M. Wolf - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (1):13-15.
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    Addressing Whiteness in Bioethics Curricula as Praxis for Transformation.Leslie E. Wolf & Aubrey DeVeny Incorvaia - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (3):36-38.
    In “Meeting the Moment: Bioethics in the Time of Black Lives Matter,” Camisha Russell calls for transforming “bioethics-as-usual” with help from “outsiders”. Prior scholars agree...
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