Results for 'Self-Reflection'

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  1. Self-Reflection for the Opaque Mind: An Essay in Neo-Sellarsian Philosophy.T. Parent - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    _Self-Reflection for the Opaque Mind_ attempts to solve a grave problem about critical self-reflection. Psychological studies indicate not just that we are bad at detecting our own "ego-threatening" thoughts; they also suggest that we are ignorant of even our ordinary thoughts. However, self-reflection presupposes an ability to know one’s own thoughts. So if ignorance is the norm, why attempt self-reflection? While admitting the psychological data, this book argues that we are infallible in a (...)
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    Presupposing Self-Reflection.Jeremiah Patrick Conway - 1999 - Teaching Philosophy 22 (1):41-52.
    This paper addresses the indifference of students in higher education to the importance of self-reflection. As the economic justifications for higher education lose their hold, students display an absence of reasons for getting a college degree. The result of this, their indifference to the task of self-reflection, cannot be tackled from a perspective that presupposes the importance of self-reflection (e.g. traditional courses or coursework). Instead, the author holds that students need texts that demonstrate the (...)
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    Self-reflection and the temporal focus of the wandering mind.Jonathan Smallwood, Jonathan W. Schooler, David J. Turk, Sheila J. Cunningham, Phebe Burns & C. Neil Macrae - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1120-1126.
    Current accounts suggest that self-referential thought serves a pivotal function in the human ability to simulate the future during mind-wandering. Using experience sampling, this hypothesis was tested in two studies that explored the extent to which self-reflection impacts both retrospection and prospection during mind-wandering. Study 1 demonstrated that a brief period of self-reflection yielded a prospective bias during mind-wandering such that participants’ engaged more frequently in spontaneous future than past thought. In Study 2, individual differences (...)
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    Self-reflection for Activist Engineering.Darshan M. A. Karwat - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1329-1352.
    Many blame politicians, governments, and markets for the technically-driven problems the world faces. But why is it that there are almost always engineers and corporations willing to design and build the technologies that cause those problems, many times in spite of knowing about the negative consequences of those technologies? I offer in this paper practical guidance on how to engage in activist engineering, the goal of which is to get engineers to step back from their work and be able to (...)
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    Impaired self-reflection in psychiatric disorders among adults: A proposal for the existence of a network of semi independent functions.Giancarlo Dimaggio, Stijn Vanheule, Paul H. Lysaker, Antonino Carcione & Giuseppe Nicolò - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):653-664.
    Self-reflection plays a key role in healthy human adaptation. Self-reflection might involve different capacities which may be impaired to different degrees relatively independently of one another. Variation in abilities for different forms of self-reflection are commonly seen as key aspects of many adult mental disorders. Yet little has been written about whether there are different kinds of deficits in self-reflection found in mental illness, how those deficits should be distinguished from one another (...)
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  6. Freedom, Self-Reflection and Inter-subjectivity or Psychoanalysis and the Limits of the Phenomenological Method.Wilfried Ver Eecke - 1974 - Analecta Husserliana 3:252.
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    The Self-Reflection of Law and the Politics of Rights.Christoph Menke - 2011 - Constellations 18 (2):124-134.
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  8. Self-reflection: Beyond Conventional Fiction Film Engagement.Margrethe Bruun Vaage - 2009 - Nordicom Review 30:159-178.
    Idiosyncratic responses as more strictly personal responses to fiction film that vary across individual spectators. In philosophy of film, idiosyncratic responses are often deemed inappropriate, unwarranted and unintended by the film. One type of idiosyncratic response is when empathy with a character triggers the spectator to reflect on his own real life issues. Self-reflection can be triggered by egoistic drift, where the spectator starts imagining himself in the character’s shoes, by re-experiencing memories, or by unfamiliar experiences that draw (...)
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  9. Self-Reflective Synergetics.Helena Knyazeva - 2003 - Systems Research and Behavioral Science 20 (1):53-64.
    An attempt to critically analyse the claims of the theory of self-organization of complex systems (synergetics) to the interdisciplinary generalizations and the universal efficacy of its models is made in the paper. The grounds for transfer of synergetic models to different disciplinary fields are under discussion. It is argued that synergetics is a mental scheme or a heuristic approach to exploring the complex behaviour of systems, rather than a universal key to solving concrete scientific problems. The prospects for development (...)
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    Self-reflection and autobiography—Kierkegaard's writings about himself.Hartmut Rosenau - 1995 - History of European Ideas 20 (1-3):183-188.
  11. Understanding, Self-reflection and Equality: Alfred Schutz's Participation in the 1955 Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion.Alfred Schutz - 2009 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Lifeworldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science:273-291.
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    Self-reflection problem in the late Wittgenstein's philosophy.Michal M. Sladeček - 1995 - Filozofija I Društvo 1995 (8):31-52.
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    Self-reflective talk in group counselling.Jaana Laitinen, Johanna Ruusuvuori & Aija Logren - 2017 - Discourse Studies 19 (4):422-440.
    Reflective processing is a joint social action that develops in interaction. Using conversation analysis and discursive psychology, this article focuses on self-reflective turns of talk in group counselling for adults at risk of type 2 diabetes. We show how reflective processing unfolds in patterns of interaction, wherein group members take an observing, evaluating or interpreting position towards their own actions and experiences. Self-reflective talk is neither exclusively dependent on counsellors’ actions nor limited to the niches the counselling programme (...)
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    Metaphor, self-reflection, and the nature of mind.John A. Barnden - 2004 - In Darryl N. Davis, Visions of Mind: Architectures for Cognition and Affect. IDEA Group Publishing. pp. 45-65.
    This chapter speculatively addresses the nature and effects of metaphorical views that a mind can intermittently use in thinking about itself and other minds, such as the view of mind as a physical space in which ideas have physical locations. Although such views are subjective, it is argued in this chapter that they are nevertheless part of the real nature of the conscious and unconscious mind. In particular, it is conjectured that if a mind entertains a particular (metaphorical) view at (...)
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    Self-reflection in the arts and sciences.Alan Blum - 1984 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press. Edited by Peter McHugh.
  16. Constitutivism and the Self-Reflection Requirement.Caroline T. Arruda - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1165-1183.
    Constitutivists explicitly emphasize the importance of self-reflection for rational agency. Interestingly enough, there is no clear account of how and why self-reflection plays such an important role for these views. My aim in this paper is to address this underappreciated problem for constitutivist views and to determine whether constitutivist self-reflection is normatively oriented. Understanding its normative features will allow us to evaluate a potential way that constitutivism may meet its purported metaethical promise. I begin (...)
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    Is (self‐)reflection a form of intentionality? Sartre's dilemma.Marco D. Dozzi - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):85-99.
    Sartre maintains that “all consciousness is consciousness of something.” Idiosyncratically, he also understands this “intentionality principle” to entail that what consciousness is “of” is necessarily distinct from it (or “outside of” it, or “transcendent to” it). Nonetheless, he also maintains that all consciousness is necessarily conscious of—or rather, “(of)”—itself in a non‐intentional (in his terms: “non‐positional/non‐thetic”) manner. Given that this non‐positional/thetic self‐consciousness is not intentional, it is evidently immune to the “difference” principle, but this is less clear with respect (...)
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    From selfreflection to shared recognition: Reconceptualising mental health nursing as an intersubjective phenomenon.Michael Haslam - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12675.
    Existing challenges to the legitimacy of mental health nursing in the United Kingdom and beyond have stimulated a critical selfreflection and discourse around the mental health nursing role, forcing the profession to question its identity and critically re‐evaluate its position within the wider healthcare arena. In this discussion paper, I suggest that the current difficulties in conceptualising mental health nurse identity arise from our role being inherently interwoven with distinctive challenges and unique needs of our service users. Emerging (...)
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    Understanding, Self-Reflection, and Equality: Alfred Schutz's Participation in the 1955 Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion.Michael Barber - 2009 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 1:273-291.
    This text includes the interventions of Alfred Schutz at the 1955 Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion, entitled “Aspects of Human Equality,” to which his paper, later published as “Equality and the Meaning Structure of the Social World,” had been submitted. In Schutz’s reactions to the comments of other conference participants, one can see his views on: the “secularization” of more theoretical philosophical and theological ideas, the need to distinguish levels of abstraction, the importance of self-reflection on one’s (...)
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  20. Self-Reflection and Life-Narratives in Robert Musil’s The Man without Qualities.Olav Krämer - 2011 - Iris 3 (6):109-125.
    The role of narrativity in the constitution of personal identity, a widely discussed topic in recent philosophy, is also an important issue in Robert Musil’s novel “The Man without Qualities.” Apart from a theoretical passage, where the coherence established by life-narratives is explicitly rejected as an illusion, the novel displays various instances of reflection in which characters seek to articulate their identity by narrating parts of their lives. Not all of these self-narratives are presented as flawed; rather, by (...)
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  21. Understanding, Self-Reflection, and Equality.Michael Barber - 2009 - Schutzian Research 1:273-291.
    This text includes the interventions of Alfred Schutz at the 1955 Conference on Science, Philosophy, and Religion, entitled “Aspects of Human Equality,” to which his paper, later published as “Equality and the Meaning Structure of the Social World,” had been submitted. In Schutz’s reactions to the comments of other conference participants, one can see his views on: the “secularization” of more theoretical philosophical and theological ideas, the need to distinguish levels of abstraction, the importance of self-reflection on one’s (...)
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    Self-reflection, Egyptian Beliefs, Scythians and “Greek Ideas”: Reconsidering Greeks and Barbarians in Herodotus1.Ann Ward - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (1):1-19.
    This article addresses the debate between Afrocentrists like Martin Bernal and classical scholars such as Mary Lefkowitz and Robert Palter concerning the origins of ancient Greek civilization. Focusing on the first half of Herodotus’ Histories, I argue that, although Greek cultural developments can be attributed to the Greeks themselves, Herodotus indicates that the conditions that made these developments possible were due to the prior Greek absorption of important aspects of Egyptian religion. Herodotus shows that the Greeks learned from the Egyptians (...)
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    Self-Reflection in Critical Social Theory: Kant, Hegel, and Marx.Danilo S. Alterado - 2013 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 14 (1):16-26.
    Critical Social Theory's search for a normative ground of its engagement in the critique of contemporary societies is essentially founded on a reflexive way of thinking. Arguably, this can be traced back from modernity - specifically to Kant, Hegel, and Marx. This paper will demonstrate how the Kantian, Hegelian, and Marxian practices of self-reflection inform the concept of social critique. By an adequate understanding of self-reflection, we secure the methodological foundation of critical social theory.
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    Educating Self-Reflective Engineers.Qin Zhu & Sandy Woodson - 2020 - Teaching Ethics 20 (1-2):31-46.
    Some engineering educators recognize the necessity and challenges of teaching students moral sensitivity. As recently pointed out by some scholars, along with moral sensitivity, promoting “self-knowledge” is significantly lacking in engineering curricula. We suggest that the “ethics autobiography” employed in some health and psychological science programs can serve as a useful tool for helping engineering students develop moral sensitivity and self-reflective competencies. First, this paper briefly discusses some unique potential strengths of introducing ethics autobiography as a tool for (...)
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  25. On the assumption of self-reflective subjectivity.Christoforos Bouzanis - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (2):167-193.
    Contemporary social theory has consistently emphasized habitual action, rule-following, and role-performing as key aspects of social life, yet the challenge remains of combining these aspects with the omnipresent phenomenon of self-reflective conduct. This article attempts to tackle this challenge by proposing useful distinctions that can facilitate further interdisciplinary research on self-reflection. To this end, I argue that we need a more sophisticated set of distinctions and categories in our understanding of habitual action. The analysis casts light on (...)
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  26. Self-reflective consciousness and the projectable self.Janet Metcalfe & Hedy Kober - 2005 - In Herbert S. Terrace & Janet Metcalfe, The Missing Link in Cognition: Origins of Self-Reflective Consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 57-83.
  27. Self-Reflection, Interpretation, and Historical Life in Dilthey.Eric S. Nelson - 2011 - In Hans-Ulrich Lessing, Rudolf A. Makkreel & Riccardo Pozzo, Recent Contributions to Dilthey’s Philosophy of the Human Sciences. Frommann-holzboog Verlag.
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    Critical Self-Reflection as Moral Practice: A Collaborative Meditation on Peer Review in Ethics Consultation.Andrea Frolic & Susan B. Rubin - 2018 - In Stuart G. Finder & Mark J. Bliton, Peer Review, Peer Education, and Modeling in the Practice of Clinical Ethics Consultation: The Zadeh Project. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 47-61.
    With “The Zadeh Scenario,” Finder offers us a gift…a rich and thoughtful first-person account of the gradual unfolding of a specific ethics consultation conducted by a specific ethics consultant in a specific context. This is not your average case report, stripped to the bare facts and devoid of the ambiguity of real-time human interactions. It’s also not simply an example of thick description, offering the reader a detailed account of the context out of which an abstract ethical dilemma has emerged, (...)
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  29. Self-reflection and the development of consciously controlled processing.P. Zelazo - 2000 - In Peter Mitchell & Kevin John Riggs, Children's Reasoning and the Mind. Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis.
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    Possibilities and Limits of Self-reflection in the Teaching Profession.Jan Bengtsson - 2003 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 22 (3/4):295-316.
    Reflection seems today to be highest fashion ineducation, especially in discussions aboutteacher education and the teaching profession.This has created the paradoxical situation that reflection is often used in an unreflectedmanner. Furthermore, this discovery ofreflection is not supported by earlierresearch. In philosophy, however, reflectionhas always played a central role.
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  31. Conscientious Self-reflection to the Rescue?Joshue Orozco & Nathan L. King - 2014 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 6 (4):155-167.
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    Self-reflection and the self.Roger Smith - 1997 - In Roy Porter, Rewriting the self: histories from the Renaissance to the present. New York: Routledge. pp. 49--57.
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    Self-Reflective Talk and Modern Anxiety.Bart Pattyn - 1998 - Ethical Perspectives 5 (2):144-154.
    CONCLUSION :Whoever wants to pursue just social reforms, breathe new life into political democracy, and improve the welfare of the weak will have to do more than convince people to speak differently about themselves. The first ailment that must be cured is not an improper use of language, but the anxiety that gives rise to that language.Anxiety cannot be removed by socially uninspired philosophies. Anxiety is not a problem of individuals but of society’s consciousness. The individualistic attitude of the dominant (...)
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    Cyborg Bodies—Self-Reflections on Sensory Augmentations.Stefan Greiner - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (3):299-302.
    Sensory augmentation challenges current societal norms and views of what is conceived as a “normal” human being. Beginning with self reflections of a bodyhacker, the author proposes an extended view onto the human or respectively cyborg body. Based on cognitive theories, it is argumented that we are already mental cyborgs. Our brains plastically restructure themselves in order to meet new requirements of the technological extended human.
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  35. Identity, self-reflection and the problem of validating standards.Stanley Raffel - 1994 - History of the Human Sciences 7 (2):65-81.
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    Self-Reflectivity and the Ability to Respond.Takeshi Ohba - 2000 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 33 (1):1-16.
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  37. Responsibility, Self-Reflection and a Model of Corporate Agency.Adam Michels - 2009 - Gnosis 10 (2):1-18.
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    Intuition, Self-Reflection, and Individual Choice: Considerations for Proposed Changes to Criteria for Decisional Capacity.Paul S. Appelbaum - 2017 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 24 (4):325-328.
    Liberal societies are built on a foundation of personal rights, including the right to make decisions about the medical treatment that one will receive or decline to receive. So essential to the liberal project is the power of individual choice that it will be abrogated only in the most extreme situations, in which persons seem to be unable to make rational decisions and thereby to protect their interests. A small number of decision-related abilities have been identified as relevant to the (...)
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    Is self-reflectiveness an unhealthy aspect of private self-consciousness?D. Scandell - 2001 - Journal of Psychology 135 (4):451-461.
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    Self-reflection Orients Visual Attention Downward.Yi Liu, Yu Tong & Hong Li - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Self-Reflection and Self-Criticism.Nelly V. Motroshilova - 2015 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 52 (4):17-34.
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    Self-Reflection and Philosophy.Richard Fox - 1975 - Philosophy in Context 4 (9999):23-27.
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    Self-reflection in the sanlun tradition: Madhyamika as the "deconstructive conscience" of buddhism.Alan Fox - 1992 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 19 (1):1-24.
  44. Self-Reflective Synergetics: Universalism: For and against.E. N. Kniazeva - 2004 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 43 (2):5-27.
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  45. Self-reflection.Alexander García Düttmann - 2018 - In Christoph Menke, Law and Violence: Chirstoph Menke in dialogue. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
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    Self-Reflection, Self-Consciousness, and Materiality.Thomas K. Nelson - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (1):87-102.
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    Self-Reflection, Self-Consciousness, and Materiality.M. D. Nelson - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (1):87-102.
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    Self-reflections of Two Neighbours: Magyars and Slovaks.Dušan Škvarna - 1993 - Human Affairs 3 (2):131-141.
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    Romanticism, Nature, and Self-Reflection in Rousseau's Reveries of a Solitary Walker.Prabhu Venkataraman - 2015 - Cosmos and History 11 (1):327-241.
    Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE In _The Reveries of a Solitary Walker_, Rousseau keeps a record of the thoughts, ideas, and reveries that freely run through his mind during his solitary walks. He finds that it is only when he is alone and not being disturbed that he is able to exist just for himself, and can “truly claim to be what nature willed”. Rousseau goes on these solitary walks in the countryside on the outskirts of Paris. (...)
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    Encouraging Self-Reflection by Veterinary Clinicians: Ethics on the Clinic Floor.Sandra A. Corr, Clare Palmer & Peter Sandøe - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (2):55-57.
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