Results for 'Sergio Plaza'

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  1. Review of some iterative root-finding methods from a dynamical point of view. [REVIEW]Sergio Amat, Sonia Busquier & Sergio Plaza - 2004 - Scientia 10:3-35.
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    Zavatta, B., La búsqueda de la individualidad. Nietzsche lector de Emerson. Trd. Esp. Sergio Sánchez, prólogo Giuliano Campioni. Córdoba (Argentina): Brujas, 2023, 349 pp. [REVIEW]David Martín Plaza - 2024 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 57 (2):407-409.
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    Urbano Ferrer Y Sergio sánchez-migallón: La ética de Edmund Husserl, Sevilla: Themata-plaza Y Valdés, 2011; 2018 (2ª edición), 272 pp. [REVIEW]Noé Expósito Ropero - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 15:283.
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    Rational Powers in Action: Instrumental Rationality and Extended Agency.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Rational Powers in Action presents a conception of instrumental rationality as governing actions that are extended in time with indeterminate ends. Tenenbaum argues that previous philosophical theories in this area, in focusing on momentary snapshots of the mind of idealized agents, miss central aspects of human rationality.
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  5. L'automa spirituale. La teoria della mente e delle passioni in Spinoza.Sergio Cremaschi - 1979 - Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy: Vita e Pensiero.
    Preface -/- 1. 'Anima' and 'res cogitans'. The Cartesian idea of nature and mind as a residual concept. The first chapter discusses the genesis of the concept of mind in Cartesian Philosophy; the claim is advanced that 'res cogitans' is a residual concept, defined on the basis of a previous definition of matter as 'res extensa'. As a consequence, a contradictory ontology of the mind is Descartes's poisoned bequest to the following tradition of 'scientific' psychology. -/- 2. The Mathematical method (...)
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  6. (1 other version)The impact of corporate social responsibility on consumer trust: The case of organic food.Sergio Pivato, Nicola Misani & Antonio Tencati - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 17 (1):3–12.
    A critical and notoriously elusive issue in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) research is the impact of Corporate Social Performance (CSP) on the bottom line. Instead of looking for direct correlations between social and financial performance, we hypothesize that the first result of CSR activities is the creation of trust among the stakeholders. A survey conducted on consumers of organic products provided support for our hypothesis, showing that CSP influences consumer trust and that that trust in turn influences consumers' subsequent actions. (...)
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    Key Opinion Leaders and the Corruption of Medical Knowledge: What the Sunshine Act Will and Won’t Cast Light on.Sergio Sismondo - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):635-643.
    The pharmaceutical industry, in its marketing efforts, often turns to “key opinion leaders” or “KOLs” to disseminate scientific information. Drawing on the author's fieldwork, this article documents and examines the use of KOLs in pharmaceutical companies’ marketing efforts. Partly due to the use of KOLs, a small number of companies with well-defined and narrow interests have inordinate influence over how medical knowledge is produced, circulated, and consumed. The issue here, as in many other cases of institutional corruption, is that a (...)
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  8. Knowing the Good and Knowing What One is Doing.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 39 (S1):91-117.
    Most contemporary action theorists accept – or at least find plausible – a belief condition on intention and a knowledge condition on intentional action. The belief condition says that I can only intend to ɸ if I believe that I will ɸ or am ɸ-ing, and the knowledge condition says that I am only intentionally ɸ-ing if I know that I am ɸ-ing. The belief condition in intention and the knowledge condition in action go hand in hand. After all, if (...)
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    The Enlightenment and the Sciences of Man.Sergio Moravia - 1980 - History of Science 18 (4):247-268.
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  10. Minimalism about Intention: A Modest Defense.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2014 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 57 (3):384-411.
  11.  8
    The Categorial and the Relational in Rational Choice: On Chrisoula Andreou’s Choosing Well.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2024 - Philosophia 52 (5):1259-1268.
    In Choosing Well, Andreou proposes that categorial appraisals play a central role in determining the rationality of an agent with “disordered” preferences. In this paper, I examine whether this notion can play this role in the context of cyclical preferences generated by the pattern exemplified in Quinn’s “rational self-torturer” choice situation.
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    From Homme Machine to Homme Sensible: Changing Eighteenth-Century Models of Man's Image.Sergio Moravia - 1978 - Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (1):45.
  13.  54
    Symbolic universes between present and future of Europe. First results of the map of European societies' cultural milieu.Sergio Salvatore, Viviana Fini, Terri Mannarini, Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri, Evrinomi Avdi, Fiorella Battaglia, Jörge Castro-Tejerina, Enrico Ciavolino, Marco Cremaschi, Irini Kadianaki, Nikita A. Kharlamov, Anna Krasteva, Katrin Kullasepp, Anastassios Matsopoulos, Claudia Meschiari, Piergiorgio Mossi, Polivios Psinas, Rozlyn Redd, Alessia Rochira, Alfonso Santarpia, Gordon Sammut, Jaan Valsiner & Antonella Valmorbida - 2018 - PLoS ONE 13 (1).
    This paper reports the framework, method and main findings of an analysis of cultural milieus in 4 European countries. The analysis is based on a questionnaire applied to a sample built through a two-step procedure of post-hoc random selection from a broader dataset based on an online survey. Responses to the questionnaire were subjected to multidimensional analysis-a combination of Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Cluster Analysis. We identified 5 symbolic universes, that correspond to basic, embodied, affect-laden, generalized worldviews. People in this (...)
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  14. The Ethics of Online Retailing: A Scale Development and Validation from the Consumers’ Perspective.Sergio Roman - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 72 (2):131-148.
    While e-commerce has witnessed extensive growth in recent years, so has consumers' concerns regarding ethical issues surrounding online shopping. The vast majority of earlier research on this area is conceptual in nature, and limited in scope by focusing on consumers' privacy issues. This study develops a reliable and valid scale to measure consumers' perceptions regarding the ethics of online retailers. Findings indicate that the four factors of the scale - security, privacy, non-deception and fulfillment/reliability - are strongly predictive of online (...)
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    Axiomatizing non-deterministic many-valued generalized consequence relations.Sérgio Marcelino & Carlos Caleiro - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5373-5390.
    We discuss the axiomatization of generalized consequence relations determined by non-deterministic matrices. We show that, under reasonable expressiveness requirements, simple axiomatizations can always be obtained, using inference rules which can have more than one conclusion. Further, when the non-deterministic matrices are finite we obtain finite axiomatizations with a suitable generalized subformula property.
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  16. Malthus and Ricardo: Two styles for Economic Theory.Sergio Cremaschi & Marcelo Dascal - 1998 - Science in Context 11 (2):229-254.
    We examine the most famous controversy between economists as a means of shedding fresh light on the current debate about economic methodology. By focusing on the controversy as the primary unit of analysis, we show how methodological considerations are but one of a whole set of stratagems strategically employed by each opponent. We argue that each opponent's preference for a particular kind of stratagems expresses his own specific scientific style (within the general scientific and cultural style of an age). We (...)
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    An Unexpected Boolean Connective.Sérgio Marcelino - 2022 - Logica Universalis 16 (1):85-103.
    We consider a 2-valued non-deterministic connective \({\wedge \!\!\!\!\!\vee }\) defined by the table resulting from the entry-wise union of the tables of conjunction and disjunction. Being half conjunction and half disjunction we named it _platypus_. The value of \({\wedge \!\!\!\!\!\vee }\) is not completely determined by the input, contrasting with usual notion of Boolean connective. We call non-deterministic Boolean connective any connective based on multi-functions over the Boolean set. In this way, non-determinism allows for an extended notion of truth-functional connective. (...)
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    Young parkour traceurs in Mexico City: a new way to meaning and identity in urban spaces.Sergio Varela & Ivan Islas - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (248):187-207.
    The practice of parkour in urban spaces by young people, especially those who call themselves traceurs, illustrates how identities are formed in an ephemeral way by reinterpreting spaces in the city – briefly and without leaving a trace. However, in a sort of paradox, these interventions are registered in the socio-digital spectrum, tokenistically anchoring and incorporating them into conversations and social interactions. This work aims to explain the practice of the sport called parkour as a socio-semiotic phenomenon. We have used (...)
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  19. The Perceptions of Consumers Regarding Online Retailers’ Ethics and Their Relationship with Consumers’ General Internet Expertise and Word of Mouth: A Preliminary Analysis.Sergio Román & Pedro J. Cuestas - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (4):641-656.
    Ethical concerns of Internet users continue to rise. Accordingly, several scholars have called for systematic empirical research to address these issues. This study examines the conceptualization and measurement of consumers' perceptions regarding the ethics of online retailers. Also, this research represents a first step into the analysis of the relationship between CPEOR, consumers' general Internet expertise and reported positive word of mouth. Results, from a convenience sample of 357 online shoppers, suggest that CPEOR can be operationalized as a second-order construct (...)
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    Relational Consequences of Perceived Deception in Online Shopping: The Moderating Roles of Type of Product, Consumer’s Attitude Toward the Internet and Consumer’s Demographics.Sergio Román - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (3):373-391.
    This study investigates the negative influence of consumer’s perceptions of online retailer’s deceptive practices on consumer’s relational variables. Also, the moderating role of product type, consumer’s attitude toward the Internet, and consumer’s demographics in the deception-relational outcomes link is considered. Data from 398 online consumers revealed that satisfaction totally mediated the influence of deception on loyalty. Furthermore, the deception-satisfaction link was moderated by all the hypothesized variables. Interestingly, a direct effect of deception on loyalty was found among more educated consumers, (...)
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  21. Functional Analyses, Mechanistic Explanations, and Explanatory Tradeoffs.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2013 - Journal of Cognitive Science 14:229-251.
    Recently, Piccinini and Craver have stated three theses concerning the relations between functional analysis and mechanistic explanation in cognitive sciences: No Distinctness: functional analysis and mechanistic explanation are explanations of the same kind; Integration: functional analysis is a kind of mechanistic explanation; and Subordination: functional analyses are unsatisfactory sketches of mechanisms. In this paper, I argue, first, that functional analysis and mechanistic explanations are sub-kinds of explanation by scientific (idealized) models. From that point of view, we must take into account (...)
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  22. Deflationary Metaphysics and the Natures of Maps.Sergio Sismondo & Nicholas Chrisman - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (S3):S38-S49.
    “Scientific theories are maps of the natural world.” This metaphor is often used as part of a deflationary argument for a weak but relatively global version of scientific realism, a version that recognizes the place of conventions, goals, and contingencies in scientific representations, while maintaining that they are typically true in a clear and literal sense. By examining, in a naturalistic way, some relationships between maps and what they map, we question the scope and value of realist construals of maps—and (...)
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    Speculative Mistakes and Ordinary Temptations: Kant on Instrumentalist Conceptions of Practical Reason.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2003 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 20 (2):203-223.
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    Epistemic Groundings of Abstraction and Their Cognitive Dimension.Sergio F. Martínez & Xiang Huang - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (3):490-511.
    In the philosophy of science, abstraction has usually been analyzed in terms of the interface between our experience and the design of our concepts. The often implicit assumption here is that such interface has a definite identifiable and universalizable structure, determining the epistemic correctness of any abstraction. Our claim is that, on the contrary, the epistemic grounding of abstraction should not be reduced to the structural norms of such interface but is also related to the constraints on the cognitive processes (...)
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  25. The Vice of Procrastination.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2010 - In Chrisoula Andreou & Mark D. White, The Thief of Time: Philosophical Essays on Procrastination. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    The aim of this chapter is to understand more precisely what kind of irrationality involved in procrastination. The chapter argues that in order to understand the irrationality of procrastination one needs to understand the possibility and the nature of what I call “top-down independent” policies and long-term actions. A policy or long-term action) is top-down independent if it is possible to act irrationally relative to the adoption of the policy without ever engaging in a momentary action that is per se (...)
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    Pere Alberch’s Developmental Morphospaces and the Evolution of Cognition.Sergio Balari & Guillermo Lorenzo - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (4):297-304.
    In this article we argue for an extension of Pere Alberch’s notion of developmental morphospace into the realm of cognition and introduce the notion of cognitive phenotype as a new tool for the evolutionary and developmental study of cognitive abilities.
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  27. Multiple Realization, Levels and Mechanisms.Sergio Daniel Barberis - 2017 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 36 (2):53-68.
    This paper focuses on the framework for the compositional relations of properties in the sciences, or "realization relations", offered by Ken Aizawa and Carl Gillett (A&G) in a series of papers, and in particular on the analysis of "multiple realizations" they build upon it. I argue that A&G's analysis of multiple realization requires an account of levels and I try to show, then, that the A&G framework is not successful under any of the extant accounts of levels. There is consequently (...)
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    Ahistorical homology and multiple realizability.Sergio Balari & Guillermo Lorenzo - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (6):881-902.
    The Mind-Brain Identity Theory lived a short life as a respectable philosophical position in the late 1950s, until Hilary Putnam developed his famous argument on the multiple realizability of mental states. The argument was, and still is, taken as the definitive demonstration of the falsity of Identity Theory and the foundation on which contemporary functionalist computational cognitive science was to be grounded. In this paper, in the wake of some contemporary philosophers, we reopen the case for Identity Theory and offer (...)
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    Corporate Social ‘Irresponsibility’: Are Consumers’ Biases in Attribution of Blame Helping Companies in Product–Harm Crises Involving Hybrid Products?Sergio W. Carvalho, Etayankara Muralidharan & Hari Bapuji - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (3):651-663.
    In recent years, there have been several high-profile recalls of hybrid products. If consumers perceive a global firm to be responsible for the recall, then it will reduce their brand equity. Therefore, global firms may respond in ethically questionable ways to justify themselves to important stakeholders and avoid blame. Understanding how stakeholders attribute blame for crises involving hybrid products is important to shed light on the unethical manner in which global firms might avoid blame in such situations. The research reported (...)
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    Normativity within the Bounds of Plural Reasons. The Applied Ethics Revolution.Sergio Cremaschi - 2007 - Uppsala, Sweden: NSU Press. Edited by Dag Petersson & Asger Sørensen.
    In chapter one I will try to reconstruct a plot, or a hidden agenda, in the discussion in ethics between the beginning of the twentieth century and 1958, the year of a decisive turning point in ethics, both Anglo-Saxon and Continental, and strangely enough also the year of the beginning of the end of the Cold War, of post-Tridentine Catholicism, and perhaps something else. My hypothesis will be that there are two similar starting points for the Anglo-Saxon and the Continental (...)
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    Consumer Reactions to CSR: A Brazilian Perspective.Sergio Carvalho, Sankar Sen, Márcio Oliveira Mota & Renata Lima - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (Suppl 2):291-310.
    In this research, we evaluate the response of Brazilian consumers to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives accompanied by a price increase. We demonstrate that the extent to which Brazilian consumers perceive a company to be socially responsible (i.e., their CSR perceptions) is related to both the basic transactional outcome of purchase intentions as well as two relational outcomes: the likelihood to switch to a competitor and to complain about the CSR-based price increase. More interestingly, we find that these relationships are (...)
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    Recurrences and Human Agential Meaning Grounding: Laying a Path in Walking.Sergio Rodríguez - 2016 - Biosemiotics 9 (2):169-184.
    This article addresses the semiotic problem of how meaning is agentially grounded: how actual meaning is possible and is justifiably supported by agents’ capabilities and purposes. This article is particularly focused on human agential grounding; however, to a great degree, insights presented here can be extended to other living beings. Specifically, agential meaning is examined here inside the framework of agentive semiotics and embodied, situated and enactive cognition theories, in line with the mind-life continuity general thesis. To offer clarity and (...)
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    Em direção ao núcleo da ‘obra Maquiavel’: sobre a divisão civil e suas interpretações.Sérgio Cardoso - 2016 - Discurso 45 (2):207-248.
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    Designing and Validating a Basketball Learning and Performance Assessment Instrument.Sergio J. Ibáñez, Sergio Martinez-Fernández, Sergio Gonzalez-Espinosa, Javier García-Rubio & Sebastián Feu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  35. ¿Qué es la epistemología y para qué le sirve al científico? Autores/as.Sergio Morales Inga - 2020 - Scientia in Verba Magazine 6 (1):187-194.
    Definiciones de epistemología hay muchas, al igual que clases y estilos. Sin embargo, más allá de esta diversidad, es necesario contar con una definición básica que guíe nuestra comprensión del tema. Dos serán las preguntas que nos ayuden a ello en este artículo: a) ¿qué es la epistemología? y b) ¿para qué le sirve al científico?
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  36. Efficacy of an ACT and Compassion-Based eHealth Program for Self-Management of Chronic Pain (iACTwithPain): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.Sérgio A. Carvalho, Inês A. Trindade, Joana Duarte, Paulo Menezes, Bruno Patrão, Maria Rita Nogueira, Raquel Guiomar, Teresa Lapa, José Pinto-Gouveia & Paula Castilho - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:630766.
    Background: Chronic Pain (CP) has serious medical and social consequences, and leads to economic burden that threatens the sustainability of healthcare services. Thus, optimized management of pain tools to support CP patients in adjusting to their condition and improving quality of life is timely. Although Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is considered an evidence-based psychological approach for CP, evidence for the efficacy of online-delivered ACT for CP is still scarce. At the same time, studies suggest that self-compassion mediates the change (...)
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    The End of Development.Sergio Balari & Guillermo Lorenzo - 2015 - Biological Theory 10 (1):60-72.
    Recently, there has been a growing interest, both within theoretical biology and the philosophy of biology, in the possibility and desirability of a theory of development. Among the many issues raised within this debate, the questions of the spatial and temporal boundaries of development have received particular attention. In this article, noting that so far the discussion has mostly centered on the processes of morphogenesis and organogenesis, we argue that an important missing element in the equation, namely the development of (...)
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    Semioosiline tõlge: uus teoreetiline raam pedagoogilise suunitlusega subitreerimise rakendamiseks.Sergio Torres Martínez - 2015 - Sign Systems Studies 43 (1):130-130.
    In this paper, I explore a new type of semiotic translation in the context of Audiovisual Translation Studies (AVTS). To that end, a set of formulaic sequencesbestowed of pragmalinguistic value (hedging strings) is analysed. It is argued that the semiotic analysis of conversational features in English may contribute to facilitate their pedagogical exploitation in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. This analysis builds theoretically on a semiotic translational framework termed Semiosic Translation (and its subset, Semiosic Subtitling) predicated upon three (...)
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    Law Without Law or “Just” Limit Theorems?Sergio Caprara & Angelo Vulpiani - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (9):1112-1127.
    About 35 years ago Wheeler introduced the motto “law without law” to highlight the possibility that Physics may be understood only following regularity principles and few relevant facts, rather than relying on a treatment in terms of fundamental theories. Such a proposal can be seen as part of a more general attempt summarized by the slogan “it from bit”, which privileges the information as the basic ingredient. Apparently it seems that it is possible to obtain, without the use of physical (...)
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  40. Externalism, Motivation, and Moral Knowledge.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2011 - In Susana Nuccetelli & Gary Seay, Ethical Naturalism: Current Debates. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    For non-analytic ethical naturalists, externalism about moral motivation is an attractive option: it allows naturalists to embrace a Humean theory of motivation while holding that moral properties are real, natural properties. However, Michael Smith has mounted an important objection to this view. Smith observes that virtuous agents must have non-derivative motivation to pursue specific ends that they believe to be morally right; he then argues that this externalist view ascribes to the virtuous agent only a direct de dicto desire to (...)
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    In Defense of “Appearances”.Sergio Tenenbaum - 2009 - Dialogue 48 (2):411.
    Reply to critics on panel on "Appearances of the Good".
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    Analytic Philosophy Without Naturalism.Sergio Galvan, Antonella Corradini & Jonathan Lowe (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    In recent years numerous attempts have been made by analytic philosophers to naturalize various different domains of philosophical inquiry. All of these attempts have had the common goal of rendering these areas of philosophy amenable to empirical methods, with the intention of securing for them the supposedly objective status and broad intellectual appeal currently associated with such approaches. This volume brings together internationally recognised analytic philosophers, including Alvin Plantinga, Peter van Inwagen and Robert Audi, to question the project of naturalism. (...)
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    Storia del nulla.Sergio Givone - 1995 - Roma: Laterza.
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  44. hacia una filosofía de la ciencia centrada en prácticas.Sergio F. Martinez - 2015 - Mexico: UNAM-Bonilla Artigas.
    La filosofía de la ciencia se desarrolló durante la primera mitad del siglo xx bajo el supuesto de que la ciencia podía caracterizarse por la estructura lógica tanto del conocimiento articulado en las teorías más exitosas como de sus explicaciones. En la segunda mitad del siglo xx se cuestiona fuertemente esa idea, pero se sigue asumiendo que la filosofía de la ciencia debe hacerse siguiendo los cánones de una epistemología fundamentalista que considera que el avance de la ciencia pasa por (...)
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  45. Adam Smith on Savages.Sergio Cremaschi - 2017 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 1 (1):13-36.
    I argue that (i) even though Adam Smith’s four stages theory has been criticized with good reasons as both vitiated by undue generalization from modern Europe to the first stage and made bottom-heavy by assumptions of modern episteme, yet, in his writings an alternative view emerges where the savage is not just crushed under the weight of want and isolation but is endowed with imagination and sympathy; (ii) his picture of the fourth stage is, far from a triumphal apology of (...)
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    ELIZABETH ANSCOMBE's LEGACY FOR TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY ETHICS.Sergio Cremaschi, Maria Silvia Vaccarezza, Tito Magri & Gabriele De Anna - 2023 - Acta Philosophica: Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia 32 (2):397-417.
    The occasion for this dialogue on Elisabeth Anscombe’s legacy for twenty-first-century ethics came with the publication in Italian of the collection of her ethical writings (G. E. M. Anscombe, Scritti di etica con un saggio di Peter Geach, a cura di S. Cremaschi, Morcelliana, Brescia 2022). In addition to making Anscombe’s ethical writings accessible to the Italian public, the book brings together her contribution to practical philosophy to its full extent for the first time. Vaccarezza's essay discusses Anscombe’s critique of (...)
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  47. Epistemic Injustice and the Struggle for Recognition of Afro-Mexicans: A Model for Native Americans?Sergio A. Gallegos - 2018 - APA Newsletter on Native American and Indigenous Philosophy 18 (1):35-42.
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    Virtues disunited and the folk psychology of character.Sergio Barbosa & William Jiménez-Leal - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (3):332-350.
    Despite the recent attention given to moral character in moral psychology and moral philosophy, there is little evidence on how the folk concept of character is structured. Virtue ethics literature...
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    [Not Available].Sergio Moravia - 1965 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:64-109.
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    Deflationary Metaphysics and the Construction of Laboratory Mice.Sergio Sismondo - 1997 - Metaphilosophy 28 (3):219-232.
    The deflationist turn in recent philosophy of science has attracted attention, in part because it promises to end debates about scientific realism. In its recommendation that we leave metaphysics behind to look at practice, deflationism constructs itself as an end‐of‐philosophy philosophy, accepting knowledge and the evidence for it at face value. Meanwhile, recent work in philosophy, sociology, and history of science that has focused on practice has underscored problems of such an acceptance: much scientific knowledge is not straightforwardly about the (...)
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