Results for 'Shawn Winsor'

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  1.  27
    Thinking Outside the Black Box: What Policy Theory Can Offer Healthcare Ethicists.Shawn Winsor & Mita Giacomini - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (11):16-18.
    Gilroy and Wade wrote 20 years ago that every policy presupposes an underlying moral argument that justifies it. This claim is now rarely contested: policy making is an inescapably moral enterprise...
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    What Is “NIPT”? Divergent Characterizations of Noninvasive Prenatal Testing Strategies.Meredith Vanstone, Karima Yacoub, Shawn Winsor, Mita Giacomini & Jeff Nisker - 2015 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 6 (1):54-67.
  3. The Creation of the Essentialism Story: An Exercise in Metahistory.Mary P. Winsor - 2006 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 28 (2):149 - 174.
    The essentialism story is a version of the history of biological classification that was fabricated between 1953 and 1968 by Ernst Mayr, who combined contributions from Arthur Cain and David Hull with his own grudge against Plato. It portrays pre-Darwinian taxonomists as caught in the grip of an ancient philosophy called essentialism, from which they were not released until Charles Darwin's 1859 Origin of Species. Mayr's motive was to promote the Modern Synthesis in opposition to the typology of idealist morphologists; (...)
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    Identity in Mares-Goldblatt Models for Quantified Relevant Logic.Shawn Standefer - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (6):1389-1415.
    Mares and Goldblatt, 163–187, 2006) provided an alternative frame semantics for two quantified extensions of the relevant logic R. In this paper, I show how to extend the Mares-Goldblatt frames to accommodate identity. Simpler frames are provided for two zero-order logics en route to the full logic in order to clarify what is needed for identity and substitution, as opposed to quantification. I close with a comparison of this work with the Fine-Mares models for relevant logics with identity and a (...)
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  5. Non-essentialist methods in pre-Darwinian taxonomy.Mary P. Winsor - 2003 - Biology and Philosophy 18 (3):387-400.
    The current widespread belief that taxonomic methods used before Darwin were essentialist is ill-founded. The essentialist method developed by followers of Plato and Aristotle required definitions to state properties that are always present. Polythetic groups do not obey that requirement, whatever may have been the ontological beliefs of the taxonomist recognizing such groups. Two distinct methods of forming higher taxa, by chaining and by examplar, were widely used in the period between Linnaeus and Darwin, and both generated polythetic groups. Philosopher (...)
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    Weak relevant justification logics.Shawn Standefer - 2023 - Journal of Logic and Computation 33 (7):1665–1683.
    This paper will develop ideas from [44]. We will generalize their work in two directions. First, we provide axioms for justification logics over the base logic B and show that the logic permits a proof of the internalization theorem. Second, we provide alternative frames that more closely resemble the standard versions of the ternary relational frames, as well as a more general approach to the completeness proof. We prove that soundness and completeness hold for justification logics over a wide variety (...)
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  7.  23
    A Substructural Approach to Explicit Modal Logic.Shawn Standefer - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (2):333–362.
    In this paper, we build on earlier work by Standefer (Logic J IGPL 27(4):543–569, 2019) in investigating extensions of substructural logics, particularly relevant logics, with the machinery of justification logics. We strengthen a negative result from the earlier work showing a limitation with the canonical model method of proving completeness. We then show how to enrich the language with an additional operator for implicit commitment to circumvent these problems. We then extend the logics with axioms for D, 4, and 5, (...)
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  8. Actual Issues for Relevant Logics.Shawn Standefer - 2020 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 7.
    In this paper, I motivate the addition of an actuality operator to relevant logics. Straightforward ways of doing this are in tension with standard motivations for relevant logics, but I show how to add the operator in a way that permits one to maintain the intuitions behind relevant logics. I close by exploring some of the philosophical consequences of the addition.
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    Invoices on scraps of paper: trust and reciprocity in local food systems.Shawn A. Trivette - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (3):529-542.
    One of the many claims about the value of local food is that local food exchanges generate trust between producers and consumers. To what degree is this actually the case and how does such trust develop? Drawing on interview and fieldwork data in one local food system in the Northeastern U.S., I show how local food participants build trust and reciprocity with one another in order to mitigate the challenges imposed by the conventional system. This trust and reciprocity builds primarily (...)
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    CSR-Washing is Rare: A Conceptual Framework, Literature Review, and Critique.Shawn Pope & Arild Wæraas - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (1):173-193.
    Growth in CSR-washing claims in recent decades has been dramatic in numerous academic and activist contexts. The discourse, however, has been fragmented, and still lacks an integrated framework of the conditions necessary for successful CSR-washing. Theorizing successful CSR-washing as the joint occurrence of five conditions, this paper undertakes a literature review of the empirical evidence for and against each condition. The literature review finds that many of the conditions are either highly contingent, rendering CSR-washing as a complex and fragile outcome. (...)
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  11.  75
    Solovay-Type Theorems for Circular Definitions.Shawn Standefer - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (3):467-487.
    We present an extension of the basic revision theory of circular definitions with a unary operator, □. We present a Fitch-style proof system that is sound and complete with respect to the extended semantics. The logic of the box gives rise to a simple modal logic, and we relate provability in the extended proof system to this modal logic via a completeness theorem, using interpretations over circular definitions, analogous to Solovay’s completeness theorem forGLusing arithmetical interpretations. We adapt our proof to (...)
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  12.  6
    Reading the Shape of Nature: Comparative Zoology at the Agassiz Museum.Mary P. Winsor - 1991 - University of Chicago Press.
    Reading the Shape of Nature vividly recounts the turbulent early history of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard and the contrasting careers of its founder Louis Agassiz and his son Alexander. Through the story of this institution and the individuals who formed it, Mary P. Winsor explores the conflicting forces that shaped systematics in the second half of the nineteenth century. Debates over the philosophical foundations of classification, details of taxonomic research, the young institution's financial struggles, and the (...)
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  13. Varieties of Relevant S5.Shawn Standefer - 2023 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 32 (1):53–80.
    In classically based modal logic, there are three common conceptions of necessity, the universal conception, the equivalence relation conception, and the axiomatic conception. They provide distinct presentations of the modal logic S5, all of which coincide in the basic modal language. We explore these different conceptions in the context of the relevant logic R, demonstrating where they come apart. This reveals that there are many options for being an S5-ish extension of R. It further reveals a divide between the universal (...)
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  14.  66
    Response to Critical Views of Phenomenology of Film.Shawn Loht - 2024 - Film-Philosophy 28 (1):113-130.
    This article responds to critical views of John Rhym, Martin Rossouw, Ludo de Roo, and Annie Sandrussi on my 2017 book Phenomenology of Film: A Heideggerian Account of the Film Experience. The article also takes up positive footholds from the analyses of Chiara Quaranta and Jason Wirth. The main topics addressed include Martin Heidegger’s ontic-ontological distinction; the notion of film-as-philosophy; being-in-the-world read as being-in-the-film-world; and questions surrounding the facticity and identity of the film viewer.
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  15.  22
    Isaiah 19: The “Burden of Egypt” and Neo-Assyrian Imperial Policy.Shawn Zelig Aster - 2015 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (3):453.
    This essay dates portions of the “Burden of Egypt” prophecy in Isaiah 19 to the Neo-Assyrian period, based on its borrowing of motifs from Assyrian royal inscriptions. These include the unique motif of the establishment of a monument on the border with Egypt and Assyrian attempts to dominate Egypt by controlling its trade. The essay also demonstrates the dependence of parts of Isaiah 19 on material in Exodus 1–15, integrating specific phrases from these Exodus chapters with motifs known to us (...)
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  16.  33
    In Search of Global Health Justice: A Need to Reinvigorate Institutions and Make International Law.Shawn H. E. Harmon - 2015 - Health Care Analysis 23 (4):352-375.
    The recent outbreak of Ebola in West Africa has killed thousands of people, including healthcare workers. African responses have been varied and largely ineffective. The WHO and the international community’s belated responses have yet to quell the epidemic. The crisis is characteristic of a failure to properly comply with the International Health Regulations 2005. More generally, it stems from a failure of international health justice as articulated by a range of legal institutions and instruments, and it should prompt us to (...)
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    The English Debate on Taxonomy and Phylogeny, 1937-1940.Mary Pickard Winsor - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (2):227 - 252.
    Between 1937 and 1940 the Taxonomic Principles Committee of the newly-founded Association for the Study of Systematics in Relation to General Biology (later the Systematics Association) attempted to define the relationship between evolution and taxonomy. The people who took part in the discussion were W.T. Calman, C.R.P. Diver, J.S.L. Gilmour, J.S. Huxley, W.D. Lang, J.R. Norman, R. Melville, O.W. Richards, M.A. Smith, T.A. Sprague, H. Hamshaw Thomas, W.B. Turrill, B.P. Uvarov, A.F. Watkins, E.I. White, and A.J. Wilmott. Most of the (...)
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  18. Ambition and Ambivalence: Encouraging a "Sci-Tech Culture" in Argentina through Engagement and Regulatory Reform.Shawn H. E. Harmon - 2011 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 5 (1).
    Science matters. Science matters to the development of knowledge, to the sustainability of development, and to the shaping of social mores. Countries transitioning from developing to developed must be prepared to make science work for them and to forge a vision to become competitors in some aspects of science innovation. Drawing on data generated by the “Governing Emerging Technologies: Social Values and Stem Cell Regulation in Argentina” Project, this paper places the current Argentine bioscience setting in context by reviewing the (...)
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  19.  11
    The Image of Assyria in Isaiah 2: 5-22: The Campaign Motif Reversed.Shawn Zelig Aster - 2007 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 127 (3):249-278.
  20.  25
    Human Action and the Possibility of Reward: Cajetan on Grace, Justification, and Merit.Shawn Colberg - 2010 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 17 (1):1-33.
    This article explores the thought of Tomasso de Vio, Cardinal Cajetan, on grace, justification and merit, situating his position vis-à-vis medieval, Reformation, and modern interlocutors. It examines a wide spectrum of Cajetan's works including his commentary on the Summa theologiae, the controversial work De fide et operibus contra Lutheranos, and his biblical commentaries on Matthew and Romans. It makes the argument that Cajetan preserves a Thomist perspective on grace and human action as they pertain to justification and salvation; that is, (...)
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  21.  68
    “Aquinas on Temperance”.Shawn Floyd - 1999 - Modern Schoolman 77 (1):35-48.
  22.  15
    The Hope of Catholic Biblical Interpretation: Progress and Gaps in the Manifestation of Scripture Since Vatican II.Shawn W. Flynn - 2015 - New Blackfriars 96 (1065):576-590.
    The results of Vatican II for the study of Scripture produced both expected and unexpected fruits. Those combined fruits provide the opportunity for some reflection on the current status of biblical scholarship in relation to the Church. This current status helps identify what we must appreciate and celebrate, but also helps identify remaining gaps to be filled. By assessing some of the gaps, the fruits of the second Vatican council are used to provide one way of approaching these remaining gaps, (...)
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  23.  40
    Hidden battles and stem cell research in argentina: A response to Luna and Salles.Shawn H. E. Harmon - 2010 - Developing World Bioethics 10 (2):111-112.
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    Sowing the seeds of character: the moral education of adolescents in public and private schools.Shawn Y. Holmes - 2011 - Journal of Moral Education 40 (2):268-269.
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    Plantingian Religious Epistemology and World Religions: Prospects and Problems, written byErik Baldwin and Tyler Dalton McNabb.Shawn M. Langley - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48 (1):111-113.
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    The Cambridge Companion to Hegel and Nineteenth-Century Philosophy.Shawn Loht - 2011 - Teaching Philosophy 34 (3):323-326.
  27. Proxy decision-making : a legal perspective.Winsor C. Schmidt - 2014 - In Charles Foster, Jonathan Herring & Israel Doron (eds.), The law and ethics of dementia. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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  28. Essays on Communication.Shawn Simpson - 2021 - Dissertation, The Graduate Center, the City University of New York
    One of the central issues of contemporary philosophy and biology is the nature of communication. Early accounts of communication tended to focus on just one side of the communicative divide – the speaker side or the receiver side – and took as their starting point the case of human language. Animal communication, historically, was largely treated as a special case. Now things are different. Now it appears we might have a model that makes sense of sign use in both the (...)
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    A Note on al-Fārābī’s Rhetoric: Following Deeds, not Words.Shawn Welnak - 2013 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 9:75-88.
  30. Reconsidering Utter Extinction.Mary P. Winsor - 2024 - Journal of the History of Biology 57 (4):501-506.
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    The development of tolerance for cigarettes.A. L. Winsor & S. J. Richards - 1935 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 18 (1):113.
  32.  34
    The Joint Atlantic Seminar in History of Biology.Mary Winsor & Leonard Wilson - 1999 - Isis 90 (S2):S219-S225.
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    How local is local? Determining the boundaries of local food in practice.Shawn A. Trivette - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (3):475-490.
    This paper addresses the question of how local can be defined in practice. It contributes to the growing literature on local food systems and particularly our understanding of what counts as local and the elements that influence those contours. While most of our conceptions of local food tend to rely on an articulation of either proximity traveled or relationship between entities, I argue that a more nuanced and complete understanding must take account of both of these aspects. I draw on (...)
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  34. What is a Relevant Connective?Shawn Standefer - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (4):919-950.
    There appears to be few, if any, limits on what sorts of logical connectives can be added to a given logic. One source of potential limitations is the motivating ideology associated with a logic. While extraneous to the logic, the motivating ideology is often important for the development of formal and philosophical work on that logic, as is the case with intuitionistic logic. One family of logics for which the philosophical ideology is important is the family of relevant logics. In (...)
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  35.  44
    Linaeus' biology was not essentialist.Mary P. Winsor - 2006 - Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (1):2-7.
    The current picture of the history of taxonomy incorporates A. J. Cain's claim that Linnaeus strove to apply the logical method of definition taught by medieval followers of Aristotle. Cain's argument does not stand up to critical examination. Contrary to some published statements, there is no evidence that Linnaeus ever studied logic. His use of the words “genus” and “species” ruined the meaning they had in logic, and “essential” meant to him merely “taxonomically useful.” The essentialism story, a narrative that (...)
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  36.  71
    Translations Between Gentzen–Prawitz and Jaśkowski–Fitch Natural Deduction Proofs.Shawn Standefer - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (6):1103-1134.
    Two common forms of natural deduction proof systems are found in the Gentzen–Prawitz and Jaśkowski–Fitch systems. In this paper, I provide translations between proofs in these systems, pointing out the ways in which the translations highlight the structural rules implicit in the systems. These translations work for classical, intuitionistic, and minimal logic. I then provide translations for classical S4 proofs.
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  37.  57
    Rethinking Functionalist Accounts of Blame.Shawn Tinghao Wang - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (4):607-623.
    Functionalist accounts of blame have been rising in popularity. Proponents of the approach claim that, by defining blame in terms of its function or functions, their account has the advantage of being able to accommodate a wide range of attitudes and activities as blame; but their opponents question the extensional and explanatory adequacy of such accounts. This paper contributes to this burgeoning literature by presenting new challenges to the existing functionalist accounts. The fundamental problem, I shall argue, lies in the (...)
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  38.  29
    Not All Picturing is Picturing.Shawn Loht - 2023 - Studia Phaenomenologica 23:139-156.
    This article examines selected texts in which Martin Heidegger thematizes the ontology of images, in order to adduce a view of how he under­stands their merits and limitations. I am primarily interested in the images seen in art works, especially those in film and photography, given Heidegger’s strong criticism of the latter alongside other 20th-century communicative media. The goal of the article is not to determine what is Heidegger’s central or overall position regarding images, as it is not clear that (...)
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  39. Response-Dependence in Moral Responsibility: A Granularity Challenge.Shawn Tinghao Wang - 2022 - American Philosophical Quarterly 59 (3):273–285.
    According to the response-dependence view of moral responsibility, a person is morally responsible just in case, and in virtue of the fact that, she is an appropriate target for reactive attitudes. This paper raises a new puzzle regarding response-dependence: there is a mismatch between the granularity of the reactive attitudes and of responsibility facts. Whereas the reactive attitudes are comparatively coarse-grained, responsibility facts can be quite fine-grained. This poses a challenge for response-dependence, which seeks to ground facts about responsibility in (...)
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  40.  23
    Response Inhibition Is Facilitated by a Change to Red Over Green in the Stop Signal Paradigm.Shawn Blizzard, Adriela Fierro-Rojas & Mazyar Fallah - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  41.  23
    The war on science: who's waging it, why it matters, and what we can do about it.Shawn Otto - 2016 - Minneapolis, Minnesota: Milkweed Editions.
    An “insightful” and in-depth look at anti-science politics and its deadly results (Maria Konnikova, New York Times–bestselling author of The Biggest Bluff). Thomas Jefferson said, “Wherever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government.” But what happens when they aren’t? From climate change to vaccinations, transportation to technology, health care to defense, we are in the midst of an unprecedented expansion of scientific progress—and a simultaneous expansion of danger. At the very time we need them (...)
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  42. Revisiting Semilattice Semantics.Shawn Standefer - 2021 - In Ivo Düntsch & Edwin Mares (eds.), Alasdair Urquhart on Nonclassical and Algebraic Logic and Complexity of Proofs. Springer Verlag. pp. 243-259.
    The operational semantics of Urquhart is a deep and important part of the development of relevant logics. In this paper, I present an overview of work on Urquhart’s operational semantics. I then present the basics of collection frames. Finally, I show how one kind of collection frame, namely, functional set frames, is equivalent to Urquhart’s semilattice semantics.
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  43.  19
    Pride and humility: a new interdisciplinary analysis.Shawn R. Tucker - 2016 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This interdisciplinary analysis presents an innovative examination of the nature of pride and humility, including all their slippery nuances and points of connection. By combining insights from visual art, literature, philosophy, religious studies, and psychology, this volume adapts a complementary rather than an oppositional approach to examine how pride and humility reinforce and inform one another. This method produces a robust, substantial, and meaningful description of these important concepts. The analysis takes into account key elements of pride and humility, including (...)
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    Achieving a science of sacred doctrine.Shawn Floyd - 2006 - Heythrop Journal 47 (1):1–15.
    Aquinas claims that sacred doctrine is a science, or scientia. All scientiae involve demonstrations containing principles which yield conclusions that are necessary and certain. The principles leading to sacred scientia are the articles of faith. Those articles are contained in Scripture and constitute the premises of demonstrations the conclusions of which form sacred doctrine's content. Because of those articles' divine origin, we can expect them to yield conclusions the truth of which is guaranteed. According to William Abraham, however, Aquinas must (...)
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  45.  24
    Translations between linear and tree natural deduction systems for relevant logics.Shawn Standefer - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (2):285 - 306.
    Anderson and Belnap presented indexed Fitch-style natural deduction systems for the relevant logics R, E, and T. This work was extended by Brady to cover a range of relevant logics. In this paper I present indexed tree natural deduction systems for the Anderson–Belnap–Brady systems and show how to translate proofs in one format into proofs in the other, which establishes the adequacy of the tree systems.
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  46.  16
    Hearing is believing: Lexically guided perceptual learning is graded to reflect the quantity of evidence in speech input.Shawn N. Cummings & Rachel M. Theodore - 2023 - Cognition 235 (C):105404.
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  47.  49
    Non-Classical Circular Definitions.Shawn Standefer - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Logic 14 (1).
    Circular denitions have primarily been studied in revision theory in the classical scheme. I present systems of circular denitions in the Strong Kleene and supervaluation schemes and provide complete proof systems for them. One class of denitions, the intrinsic denitions, naturally arises in both schemes. I survey some of the features of this class of denitions.
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  48.  75
    An Incompleteness Theorem for Modal Relevant Logics.Shawn Standefer - 2021 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 62 (4):669 - 681.
    In this paper, an incompleteness theorem for modal extensions of relevant logics is proved. The proof uses elementary methods and builds upon the work of Fuhrmann.
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    Interactive constructionism: A more preferable anti-realist approach to the metaphysics of race.Shawn Wandile Mavundla - 2019 - South African Journal of Philosophy 38 (2):219-225.
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    The Radical Transcendence of Black Catholic Life.Shawn Copeland - 2023 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20 (2):481-496.
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