Results for 'Shinya Azuma'

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  1.  37
    Atomic structure, energetics, and chemical bonding of Y doped Σ13 grain boundaries in α-Al2O3.Shinya Azuma, Naoya Shibata, Teruyasu Mizoguchi, Scott D. Findlay, Kaoru Nakamura & Yuichi Ikuhara - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (10-12):1158-1171.
  2. Homo animalis, a Japanese Futurism.Hiroki Azuma & Yuk Hui - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (2):401-408.
    In this dialogue, Hiroki Azuma discusses with Yuk Hui about the perception of technology in Japan after the defeat in the Second World War, from the Kyoto School to the postmodern critics, and the ambivalent conflicts between the modern and the tradition. The postmodern culture has a different signification in Japan than in the West as well as in other parts of Asia. Azuma documents the rise of the Otaku culture in Japan, and calls them “database animals,” a (...)
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  3.  24
    Delayed γ-ray angular correlations in tantalum 181.R. E. Azuma & G. M. Lewis - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (23):1325-1332.
  4. Kinsei Nihon no keizai rinri.Shintarō Azuma - 1962
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  5. Shushigaku no shin kenkyū: kinsei shitaifu no shisōshiteki chihei.Jūji Azuma - 2004 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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  6.  9
    Sōdai shisō no kenkyū: Jukyō, Dōkyō, Bukkyō o meguru kōsatsu.Jūji Azuma - 2009 - Suita-shi: Kansai Daigaku Shuppanbu.
    中国の宋代思想を中心に、儒教や道教、仏教にかかわる諸研究を収めた論文集。1では周惇頤・王安石の思想史的解明や近世宗族について、2では難解な書として定評のある『悟真篇』の基礎理論と実践技法の解明など、3 では『大乗起信論』がインド撰述であること、4では中国思想全般についてと、広範な分野にわたって論じられ、随所で新たな知見が披瀝されている。.
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  7.  21
    The application of theories of the body to teaching physical education.Takeshi Azuma & Keiji Umeno - 2000 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 22 (1):1-15.
  8.  31
    The formation of new lixue - Feng Youlan and new realism.Azuma Jūji - 1994 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 21 (3-4):303-335.
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  9. Teisei kanōsei no tetsugaku.Hiroki Azuma - 2023 - Tōkyō-to Shinagawa-ku: Genron.
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  10. Tēma pākukasuru chikyū.Hiroki Azuma - 2019 - Tōkyō-to Shinagawa-ku: Genron.
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  11.  40
    From Relational Freedom to Autonomy: An Expansion of Verbeek’s Postphenomenology.Shinya Oie - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (3):423-442.
    Peter-Paul Verbeek elaborates on the concept of “relational freedom” in Moralizing Technology (2011). In this paper, I propose to extend and reinterpret it as a concept of personal autonomy. Generally, studies of autonomy do not examine the use of technology thoroughly, because these studies mainly focus on an individual’s mental process regarding reasons or motives. Consequently, these studies fail to understand technological aspects that contribute to the agent’s actions and decisions. When we take into consideration that our autonomous behaviors and (...)
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  12.  51
    Ratnākaraśānti’s Theory of Cognition with False Mental Images and the Neither-One-Nor-Many Argument.Shinya Moriyama - 2014 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 42 (2-3):339-351.
    The paper aims to clarify Ratnākaraśānti?s epistemological theory that mental images in a cognition are false (*alīkākāravāda) in comparison with Śāntarakṣita?s criticism of the Yogācāra position. Although Ratnākaraśānti frequently uses the neither-one-nor-many argument for explaining his Yogācāra position, the argument, unlike Śāntarakṣita?s original one, does not function for refuting the existence of awareness itself as the basis of mental images. This point is examined in the first two sections of this paper by analyzing Ratnākaraśānti?s proof of the selflessness of entities (...)
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  13. On self-awareness in the sautrāntika epistemology.Shinya Moriyama - 2010 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 38 (3):261-277.
    This paper aims to examine the role of self-awareness ( svasaṃvedana ) for the Sautrāntika epistemological tenet known as the doctrine that cognition has a form ( sākārajñānavāda ). According to this theory, we perceive external objects indirectly through the mental forms that these objects throw into our minds, and this cognitive act is interpreted as self-awareness. However, if one were to interpret the cognitive act such that the subjective mental form ( grāhakākāra/svābhāsa ) grasps the objective mental form, the (...)
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  14. (1 other version)How did altruism and reciprocity evolve in humans?: Perspectives from experiments on chimpanzees.Shinya Yamamoto & Masayuki Tanaka - 2009 - Interaction Studies 10 (2):150-182.
  15.  34
    The Fiction of "Moral Sentiment": The primacy of language in Hume's moral philosophy.Aimatsu Shinya - 2023 - Review of Analytic Philosophy 3 (1):63.
  16.  17
    Is Drosophila Dpp/BMP morphogen spreading required for wing patterning and growth?Shinya Matsuda & Markus Affolter - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (9):2200218.
    Secreted signaling molecules act as morphogens to control patterning and growth in many developing tissues. Since locally produced morphogens spread to form a concentration gradient in the surrounding tissue, spreading is generally thought to be the key step in the non‐autonomous actions. Here, we review recent advances in tool development to investigate morphogen function using the role of decapentaplegic (Dpp)/bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)‐type ligand in the Drosophila wing disc as an example. By applying protein binder tools to distinguish between the (...)
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  17.  63
    An ecologic study of the relationship between mean birth weight, temperature and calorie consumption level in japan.Shinya Matsuda, Mizuho Furuta & Hiroaki Kahyo - 1998 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30 (1):85-93.
    This study reports an ecologic analysis of the relationship between mean birth weight (MBW) and nutritional, medical and social variables, using 1982 data for 47 prefectures in Japan.
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  18.  61
    Democracy and Quality of Life in Asian Societies.Shinya Sasaoka & Katsunori Seki - 2011 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 12 (3):343-357.
    This article examines whether democracy affects quality of life. Scholars have conducted surveys to investigate whether democracy is likely to lead to good quality of life. There are two contested views to the relationship: some suggest that democracy has a positive causal effect on quality of life, whereas others contend that democracy does not play such a role. Previous findings are supported by cross-national statistical analysis with aggregated survey data. However, aggregated survey data may cause ecological fallacy. Also, in order (...)
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  19.  41
    Environmental Consciousness of ASEAN Citizens.Shinya Sasaoka - 2014 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 15 (2):183-202.
    The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries has fostered economic growth recently but in the process has encountered a number of serious problems regarding environmental destruction, such as the air and water pollution. In addition, due to rapid population growth and urbanization, there are emerging concerns about decline of the environment in those countries in the near future. One of the surveys that tries to measure the attitudes of ASEAN citizens on environmental issues is the ASEAN Barometer survey (...)
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  20.  43
    Fundamental Frequency Variation of Neonatal Spontaneous Crying Predicts Language Acquisition in Preterm and Term Infants.Yuta Shinya, Masahiko Kawai, Fusako Niwa, Masahiro Imafuku & Masako Myowa - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  21.  60
    Temporal, but not Directional, Prior Knowledge Shortens Muscle Reflex Latency in Response to Sudden Transition of Support Surface During Walking.Masahiro Shinya, Noritaka Kawashima & Kimitaka Nakazawa - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  22.  22
    The Field of Consciousness as a Living System: Toward a Naturalized Phenomenology of Cognition.N. O. E. Shinya - 2004 - In Lester Embree, Gurwitsch's Relevancy for Cognitive Science. Springer. pp. 187--204.
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  23.  37
    Moral distress, moral courage, and career identity among nurses: A cross-sectional study.Mengyun Peng, Shinya Saito, Hong Guan & Xiaohuan Ma - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (3):358-369.
    Background The concept of career identity is integral to nursing practices and forms the basis of the nursing professions. Positive career identity is essential for providing high-quality care, optimizing patient outcomes, and enhancing the retention of health professionals. Therefore, there is a need to explore potential influencing variables, thereby developing effective interventions to improve career identity. Objectives To investigate the relationship between moral distress, moral courage, and career identity, and explore the mediating role of moral courage between moral distress and (...)
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  24.  70
    The anodal tDCS over the left posterior parietal cortex enhances attention toward a focus word in a sentence.Takehiro Minamoto, Miyuki Azuma, Ken Yaoi, Aoi Ashizuka, Tastuya Mima, Mariko Osaka, Hidenao Fukuyama & Naoyuki Osaka - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  25.  51
    Resonance within and between linguistic beings.Stephen D. Goldinger & Tamiko Azuma - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):199-200.
    Pickering & Garrod deserve appreciation for their cogent argument that dialogue merits greater scientific consideration. Current models make little contact with behaviors of dialogue, motivating the interactive alignment theory. However, the theory is not truly “mechanistic.” A full account requires both representations and processes bringing those representations into harmony. We suggest that Grossberg 's adaptive resonance theory may naturally conform to the principles of dialogue.
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  26.  17
    Intergenerational Transmission of Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences on Next Generation’s Development: A Mini-Review.Keita Ishikawa, Natsuko Azuma & Mai Ohka - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    have extremely harmful impacts on an individual’s physical, social and mental health throughout their life-span. Recently, it has been reported that maternal ACEs increase the risk of developmental delay in the offspring across generations. This mini review focuses on the direct relationship between maternal ACEs and child developmental delay, and potential mediators/moderators that associate their relationship. Six studies were identified using three search engines. The results indicated that four out of six studies reported at least one significant direct association between (...)
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  27. Contesting the plot : Environmental politics and the urban allotment garden in Britain and japan.Richard Wiltshire, David Crouch & Ren Azuma - 2000 - In Philip Anthony Stott & Sian Sullivan, Political ecology: science, myth and power. New York: Oxford University Press.
  28.  33
    Vowels in infant-directed speech: More breathy and more variable, but not clearer.Kouki Miyazawa, Takahito Shinya, Andrew Martin, Hideaki Kikuchi & Reiko Mazuka - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):84-93.
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  29.  77
    Why skill matters.Okihide Hikosaka, Shinya Yamamoto, Masaharu Yasuda & Hyoung F. Kim - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (9):434-441.
  30.  21
    Dog Stick Chewing: An Overlooked Instance of Tool Use?James Brooks & Shinya Yamamoto - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Tool use is a central topic in research on cognitive evolution and behavioral ecology in non-human animals. Originally thought to be a uniquely human phenomenon, many other species have been observed making and using tools for a variety of purposes, starting with Goodall’s groundbreaking work with chimpanzees in Gombe. Despite the frequent attention and great research interest in animal tool use, and ubiquity of the behavior, we argue here that chewing sticks by dogs should be included as a case of (...)
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  31.  26
    Theorizing disaster communitas.Steve Matthewman & Shinya Uekusa - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (6):965-984.
    Disaster scholars have long complained that their field is theory light: they are much better at doing and saying than analyzing. The paucity of theory doubtless reflects an understandable focus on case studies and practical solutions. Yet this works against big picture thinking. Consequently, both our comprehension of social suffering and our ability to mitigate it are fragmented. Communitas is exemplary here. This refers to the improvisational acts of mutual help, collective feeling and utopian desires that emerge in the wake (...)
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  32.  5
    Special issue of the asian journal of business ethics on global survey of business ethics (GSBE) reports 2022–2024 from Asia, Australia, and Russia—Japan. [REVIEW]Shinya Fujino & Yuichi Otsuka - forthcoming - Asian Journal of Business Ethics:1-18.
    This paper explores the evolving landscape of business ethics in Japan, with a particular focus on recent research trends and methodologies. It begins by examining historical influences on Japanese corporate governance and business ethics, but places greater emphasis on findings from a survey of Japanese business ethics scholars. Conducted as part of the Global Survey for Business Ethics (GSBE), the survey targeted researchers affiliated with the Japan Society for Business Ethics (JABES) from 1994 to 2022. This paper discusses how business (...)
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    Finger-to-Beat Coordination Skill of Non-dancers, Street Dancers, and the World Champion of a Street-Dance Competition.Akito Miura, Shinya Fujii, Masahiro Okano, Kazutoshi Kudo & Kimitaka Nakazawa - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    No Evidence for the Watching-Eyes Effect on Human Impulsivity.Asami Shinohara & Shinya Yamamoto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  35.  6
    iPS cell therapy 2.0: Preparing for next‐generation regenerative medicine.Kelvin K. Hui & Shinya Yamanaka - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (12):2400072.
    This year marks the tenth anniversary of the world's first transplantation of tissue generated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). There is now a growing number of clinical trials worldwide examining the efficacy and safety of autologous and allogeneic iPSC‐derived products for treating various pathologic conditions. As we patiently wait for the results from these and future clinical trials, it is imperative to strategize for the next generation of iPSC‐based therapies. This review examines the lessons learned from the development of (...)
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  36.  74
    Weight lifting can facilitate appreciative comprehension for museum exhibits.Yuki Yamada, Shinya Harada, Wonje Choi, Rika Fujino, Akinobu Tokunaga, YueYun Gao & Kayo Miura - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  37.  26
    Using contexts competition to model tactical human behavior in a simulation.Avelino J. Gonzalez & Shinya Saeki - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 453--456.
  38.  24
    Tapping Performance of Professional and Amateur Darbuka Players.Kazuaki Honda & Shinya Fujii - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Motor skills of professional musicians can be regarded as a model to investigate human skill acquisition after prolonged practice. Although rhythmic tapping skills of musicians such as drummers and pianists were investigated previously, the tapping performance of hand percussionists is still largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the tapping performance of professional and amateur darbuka players. Three tapping tasks were performed: single-, double-, and triple-finger tapping tasks. The participants were asked to tap as fast as possible for 12 s (...)
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  39.  39
    Contribution of bile duct drainage on resource use and clinical outcome of open or laparoscopic cholecystectomy in Japan.Kazuaki Kuwabara, Shinya Matsuda, Kiyohide Fushimi, Koichi B. Ishikawa, Hiromasa Horiguchi, Kenshi Hayashida & Kenji Fujimori - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):31-38.
  40.  36
    Impact of timing of bile duct interventions on resource use and clinical outcome of cholecystectomy patients in Japan.Kazuaki Kuwabara, Shinya Matsuda, Kiyohide Fushimi, Koichi B. Ishikawa, Hiromasa Horiguchi, Kenshi Hayashida & Kenji Fujimori - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (4):802-810.
  41.  31
    Some chemical and microstructural factors influencing creep cavitation resistance of austenitic stainless steels.K. Laha, J. Kyono & N. Shinya - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (17):2483-2505.
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  42.  26
    Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Over Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Modulates Risk-Attitude in Motor Decision-Making.Keiji Ota, Masahiro Shinya & Kazutoshi Kudo - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  43.  32
    Asymmetric Adaptability to Temporal Constraints Among Coordination Patterns Differentiated at Early Stages of Learning in Juggling.Kota Yamamoto, Masahiro Shinya & Kazutoshi Kudo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  44.  41
    How Two Brains Make One Synchronized Mind in the Inferior Frontal Cortex: fNIRS-Based Hyperscanning During Cooperative Singing.Naoyuki Osaka, Takehiro Minamoto, Ken Yaoi, Miyuki Azuma, Yohko Minamoto Shimada & Mariko Osaka - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  45.  81
    Speech-Induced Suppression for Delayed Auditory Feedback in Adults Who Do and Do Not Stutter.Akira Toyomura, Daiki Miyashiro, Shinya Kuriki & Paul F. Sowman - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  46.  60
    Spectral-Spatial Differentiation of Brain Activity During Mental Imagery of Improvisational Music Performance Using MEG.Jared Boasen, Yuya Takeshita, Shinya Kuriki & Koichi Yokosawa - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  47. Development of Metacognition in Adolescence: The Congruency-Based Metacognition Scale.Kelssy Hitomi dos Santos Kawata, Yuki Ueno, Ryuichiro Hashimoto, Shinya Yoshino, Kazusa Ohta, Atsushi Nishida, Shuntaro Ando, Hironori Nakatani, Kiyoto Kasai & Shinsuke Koike - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    IntroductionPrevious studies on metacognitive ability were explored using self-report questionnaires that are difficult to adequately measure and evaluate when the capacity for self-reference is undeveloped. This study aimed to validate the Congruency-based Metacognition Scale to measure metacognition and the feeling of confidence abilities and to investigate the development of metacognition during adolescence.MethodsThe CMS was administered to 633 child–parent pairs in Japan. The CMS metacognition score was assessed based on congruency scores between the self-report of the child from a third-person perspective (...)
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  48.  23
    Accent Stabilizes 1:2 Sensorimotor Synchronization of Rhythmic Knee Flexion-Extension Movement in Upright Stance.Takahide Etani, Akito Miura, Masahiro Okano, Masahiro Shinya & Kazutoshi Kudo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  49.  40
    Development and analysis of a nationwide cost database of acute‐care hospitals in Japan.Kenshi Hayashida, Yuichi Imanaka, Tetsuya Otsubo, Kazuaki Kuwabara, Kohicih B. Ishikawa, Kiyohide Fushimi, Hideki Hashimoto, Hideo Yasunaga, Hiromasa Horiguchi, Makoto Anan, Kenji Fujimori, Shunya Ikeda & Shinya Matsuda - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (4):626-633.
  50.  11
    The unconscious information processing appeared on the visual ERPs during pattern matching task of masked target.Tsuyoshi Hirata, Shio Murakami & Shinya Ito - 2002 - In Kunio Yasue, Mari Jibu & Tarcisio Della Senta, No Matter, Never Mind: Proceedings of Toward a Science of Consciousness: Fundamental Approaches (Tokyo '99). John Benjamins. pp. 33--307.
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