Results for 'Social education'

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  1.  20
    Off-time higher education as a risk factor in identity formation.War Konrad Educational Research Institute, Radosław Kaczan & Małgorzata Rękosiewicz - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (3):299-309.
    One of the important determinants of development during the transition to adulthood is the undertaking of social roles characteristic of adults, also in the area of finishing formal education, which usually coincides with beginning fulltime employment. In the study discussed in this paper, it has been hypothesized that continuing full-time education above the age of 26, a phenomenon rarely observed in Poland, can be considered as an unpunctual event that may be connected with difficulties in the process (...)
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    Au risque de la science: Les conséquences éducatives et sociales du développement scientifique et technique. Annales 1999-2000.Jacques Arsac & Académie D'éducation Et D'études Sociales - 2000 - Sarment Editions du Jubilé.
    A la fin du XIXe siècle, le progrès des sciences et des techniques parut ouvrir une ère de bonheur où l'homme, délivré des tâches serviles et de toutes les superstitions, serait enfin le maître de la nature et de son propre destin. Mais le XXe siècle ne tint pas ces promesses. Certes, le progrès des sciences a fait reculer la mortalité infantile et allonger l'espérance de vie. Les nouveaux moyens de communication ont permis la circulation rapide d'informations autour du globe. (...)
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    History, Sociology and Education.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1971, this volume examines the relationship between the history and sociology of education. History does not stand in isolation, but has much to draw from and contribute to, other disciplines. The methods and concepts of sociology, in particular, are exerting increasing influence on historical studies, especially the history of education. Since education is considered to be part of the social system, historians and sociologists have come to survey similar fields; yet each discipline appears (...)
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    Local Studies and the History of Education.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1972, this book is concerned with education as part of a larger social history. Chapters include: The roots of Anglican supremacy in English education The Board schools of London The use of ecclesiastical records for the history of education Topographical resources: private and secondary education from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.
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    (1 other version)Collaboration between social educators and nurses in institutions for persons with disabilities in french-speaking Switzerland.Alida Rossier Gulfi - 2023 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 17-2 (17-2):27-44.
    Le vieillissement des personnes en situation de handicap et l’évolution de leurs problématiques impliquent des besoins accrus en matière d’accompagnement et de soins. Dans les institutions du handicap, les professionnels du social et de la santé sont de plus en plus amenés à travailler ensemble au sein d’équipes socio-éducatives. Cet article explore la collaboration entre des éducateurs sociaux et des infirmiers travaillant dans des structures résidentielles du domaine du handicap en Suisse romande. Trente-six entretiens semi-directifs ont été menés avec (...)
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  6. Are Social Education Student Teachers Really Socially Educated?W. Prior - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Social Education in Prisons in Spain.Rocío Nicolás López, Francisco del Pozo Serrano & Fernando Gil Cantero - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (69):59-72.
    The aim of this research is to analyse the socio-pedagogical actions carried out in Spanish prisons. To do so, we begin by analysing the main regulations covering educational policy in prisons, share as an essential axis the orientation of the custodial sentence towards the re-education and social reintegration of the prisoners, serving as a basis for justifying social intervention. Secondly, we analysed the prison population, where we observed a prevalence of men over women, a greater presence of (...)
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    Social education and ethics.Thomas Vadassery - 1986 - Nairobi: Ndilinge. Edited by Michael O'connor.
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    Social education and mental hygiene: Foucault, disciplinary technologies and the moral constitution of youth.Tina Besley - 2002 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 34 (4):419–433.
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    Moral judgments and social education.Georg Lind, Hans A. Hartmann & Roland Wakenhut (eds.) - 2010 - New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers.
    This volume is about moral judgment, especially its exercise in selected social settings.
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    Social Education: The State of Play.Joy Shulz - 2008 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology:6.
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  12. Social education in the history classroom.James Fiford - 2011 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 46 (4):61.
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  13. Rugg, Harold and social education-another look.Wb Stanley - 1983 - Journal of Thought 18 (4):68-72.
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    Being in tension: the dependent response in social education.María Castillo-López - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (1):76-92.
    Social Education implies a constant exposition to human experiences of vulnerability and suffering. In this paper, Levinas’s philosophy of alterity and, specifically, the notion of hospitality constitutes our ethical lens to explore educational encounters in non-formal contexts within the Spanish Social Sector. The study is developed from a hermeneutic phenomenological approach into the depth of lived experiences of eight social educators who currently work with different populations groups. The testimonies, explored through semi-structured interviews, are presented in (...)
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  15. The medical-social education compact and the Medical learner.David J. Doukas - 2006 - Advances in Bioethics 10:185-209.
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    Learning by Doing Democracy: Social Education, SRCs and Statewide Representation.Roger Holdsworth & Georgia Kennelly - 2008 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology:16.
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    Humanistic and Social Education for Physicians: The Experience of the Colombian School of Medicine.J. E. Triana - 1996 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 21 (6):651-657.
    Medical education at the Colombian School of Medicine has undergone a reconceptualization and reorganization so as to encompasses three fundamental elements of medical practice: 1) development of general abilities and standards necessary for appropriate professional medical practice; 2) technical education which makes it possible to utilize the bases that science and technology have provided for the development and application of knowledge, and in turn, to expand this base through research and development; and 3) humanistic education to guide (...)
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    Social Education[REVIEW]Henry W. Holmes - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (21):580-584.
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  19. cott's Social Education[REVIEW]Henry W. Holmes - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy 6 (21):580.
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  20. Little Big Shots: Social Education in the Cinema.Chloe Boulton - 2010 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 18 (2):30.
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  21. The Rugg Brothers in Social Education.Murry R. Nelson - 1982 - Journal of Thought 17 (3):68-82.
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  22. Global Perspectives in Social Education.Megan Bourke - 2009 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 17 (4):33.
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  23.  26
    (1 other version)Personal and Social Education in the Curriculum.Les Burwood & Richard Pring - 1985 - British Journal of Educational Studies 33 (2):187.
  24. SEAA conference: Social education at the crossroads.Libby Tudball - 2012 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 20 (1):6.
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  25. Professional Partnerships in Social Education: A Challenging Labyrinth for Educators.L. M. Christensen & M. B. Dennis - 1998 - Journal of Social Studies Research 22:3-10.
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    Society and Social Education in Martin Buber's Philosophy.Adir Cohen - 1980 - Educational Studies 10 (4):335-356.
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  27. The Modem School and Social Education in America.C. E. Jenks - 1995 - Journal of Social Studies Research 19:51-57.
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    The function of ideals and attitudes in social education.Paul Frederick Voelker - 1921 - [New York,: AMS Press.
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    Pastoral care and personal-social education: entitlement and provision.R. Best, P. Lang, C. Lodge & C. Watkins - 1996 - British Journal of Educational Studies 44 (1):111-112.
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    Situational ethics and the professionalization of social education.Margarita Campillo, Juan Sáez & Mariano Sánchez - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (1):3-15.
    Most ethical considerations related to the activities of the professions, including that of social education, have been put forward using a set of professional ethics that are frequently associated with principles and imperatives that aspire to be universal but have little connection to real and specific situations. In this paper, we offer an interpretation of the ethics associated with the profession of social educator from positions that are less transcendent, more immanent. Such an interpretation is based on (...)
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  31. A Reinterpretation of Harold Rugg's Role in the Foundation of Modern Social Education.William B. Stanley - 1982 - Journal of Thought 17 (4):85-94.
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  32. Educação de Jovens e Adultos: Um Espaço de Pertencimento Social-Education of Young People and Adults: A Place for Social Belonging.Ruth Pavan - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (2).
  33.  14
    Educational leadership for ethics and social justice: views from the social sciences.Anthony H. Normore & Jeffrey S. Brooks (eds.) - 2014 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
    A volume in Educational Leadership for Social Justice Series Editor Jeffrey S. Brooks, University of Idaho, Denise E. Armstrong, Brock University; Ira Bogotch, Florida Atlantic University; Sandra Harris, Lamar University; Whitney H. Sherman, Virginia Commonwealth University; George Theoharis, Syracuse University The purpose of this book is to examine and learn lessons from the way leadership for social justice is conceptualized in several disciplines and to consider how these lessons might improve the preparation and practice of school leaders. In (...)
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    Education, Self-Consciousness and Social Action: Bildung as a Neo-Hegelian Concept.Krassimir Stojanov - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Education, Self-consciousness and Social Action reconstructs the Hegelian concept of education, Bildung, and shows that this concept could serve as a powerful alternative to current psychologist notions of learning. Taking a Hegelian perspective, Stojanov claims that Bildung should be interpreted as growth of mindedness and that such a growth has two central and interrelated components, including the development of self-consciousness toward conceptual self-articulation and the formation of one's capacity for intelligent social action. The interrelation between the (...)
  35. Social Responsibility in French Engineering Education: A Historical and Sociological Analysis.Christelle Didier & Antoine Derouet - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1577-1588.
    In France, some institutions seem to call for the engineer’s sense of social responsibility. However, this call is scarcely heard. Still, engineering students have been given the opportunity to gain a general education through courses in literature, law, economics, since the nineteenth century. But, such courses have long been offered only in the top ranked engineering schools. In this paper, we intend to show that the wish to increase engineering students’ social responsibility is an old concern. We (...)
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    On Education and Values: In Praise of Pariahs and Nomads.George David Miller & Conrad P. Pritscher (eds.) - 1995 - Rodopi.
    The educationally emaciated, suffering from intellectual and spiritual bilumia, binge on facts and linear thinking. The imprimatur of clarity and the infatuation with quantification are accoutrements of this affliction, often characterized by apathy. Chaos is introduced as the wrecking ball for the hierarchical skyscrapers that overcrowd the educational skyline. The type of chaos proposed can be explained by the neutron bomb analogy. Chaos destroys all that is inessential but leaves standing the essential and promotes holistic rather than compartmentalized learning. The (...)
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  37. Education Policy and Realist Social Theory: Primary Teachers, Child-Centred Philosophy and the New Managerialism.Robert Archer - 2002 - Routledge.
    In Europe, welfare state provision has been subjected to 'market forces'. Over the last two decades, the framework of economic competitiveness has become the defining aim of education, to be achieved by new managerialist techniques and mechanisms. This book thoughtfully and persuasively argues against this new vision of education. This in-depth major study will be of great interest to researchers in the sociology of education, education policy, social theory, organization and management studies, and also to (...)
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  38. Education as The Social Cultivation of Intellectual Virtue.Michel Croce & Duncan Pritchard - 2022 - In Mark Alfano, Jeroen De Ridder & Colin Klein, Social Virtue Epistemology. Routledge. pp. 583-601.
    The recent literature has seen a burgeoning discussion of the idea that the overarching epistemic goal of education is the cultivation of the intellectual virtues. Moreover, there have been attempts to put this idea into practice, with virtue-led educational interventions in schools, universities, and even prisons. This paper explores the question of whether—and, if so, to what degree—such intellectual virtue-based approaches to education are essentially social. The focus in this regard is on the role of intellectual exemplars (...)
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    Race, education and social mobility: We all need to dream the same dream and want the same thing.Jason Arday - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (3):227-232.
    This special issue has emerged out of the continuing concern for discriminatory tensions situated within the context of race, education, and social mobility. The institutionally racist structures w...
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    Finalités éducatives sous-jacentes aux pratiques des futurs enseignants du primaire : le cas de l'enseignement des sciences humaines et sociales au Québec.Anderson Araújo-Oliveira - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (4):84-97.
    This article examines the data collected from the semi-structured interviews of nine Quebec elementary pre-service teachers in a practice teaching context. The paper exposes the educational goals inherent in the teaching of Social Studies, the place that this school subject occupies in the pre-service teacher’s practices, and its contribution to the development of the three-part mission of the Quebec school system (to instruct, socialize, and qualify). Even though Social Studies are considered by the participants of this study to (...)
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    A Social Cognitive Perspective on the Relationships Between Ethics Education, Moral Attentiveness, and PRESOR.Kurt Wurthmann - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (1):131-153.
    This research examines the relationships between education in business ethics, Reynolds’s (J Appl Psychol 93:1027–1041, 2008) “moral attentiveness” construct, or the extent to which individuals chronically perceive and reflect on morality and moral elements in their experiences, and Singhapakdi et al.’s (J Bus Ethics 15:1131–1140, 1996) measure of perceptions of the role of ethics and social responsibility (PRESOR). Education in business ethics was found to be positively associated with the two identified factors of moral attentiveness, “reflective” and (...)
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    Comparative education for global citizenship, peace and shared living through uBuntu.N'Dri Thérèse Assié-Lumumba, Michael Cross, Kanishka Bedi & Sakunthala Ekanayake (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    There is a dire need today to create spaces in which people can make meaning of their existence in the world, abiding by cultural frameworks and practices that acknowledge and validate a meaningful existence for all. People are not just isolated individuals but are connected in diverse ways with other persons within our natural and social environment which is part of the whole universe. The African philosophy of uBuntu or humaneness is re-emerging for its timely relevance and potential as (...)
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    Edusemiotics: Semiotic Philosophy as Educational Foundation.Andrew Stables & Inna Semetsky - 2014 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Inna Semetsky.
    _Edusemiotics_ addresses an emerging field of inquiry, educational semiotics, as a philosophy of and for education. Using "sign" as a unit of analysis, educational semiotics amalgamates philosophy, educational theory and semiotics. Edusemiotics draws on the intellectual legacy of such philosophers as John Dewey, Charles Sanders Peirce, Gilles Deleuze and others across Anglo-American and continental traditions. This volume investigates the specifics of semiotic knowledge structures and processes, exploring current dilemmas and debates regarding self-identity, learning, transformative and lifelong education, leadership (...)
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  44.  24
    Holocaust Education as a Path to Prepare Preservice Social Studies Teachers to be Social Justice Educators.Shanedra D. Nowell & Naomi K. Poindexter - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (3):285-298.
    What lessons does Holocaust education hold for preservice teachers and how does Holocaust education aid their growth as social justice educators? In this qualitative teacher research study we attempt to answer these questions by analyzing the coursework and reflections of 16 social studies preservice teachers (PSTs) as they completed an in-depth study of the Holocaust through historical research, field trips, and reading young adult literature, and designed creative and engaging lessons to teach the Holocaust to secondary (...)
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  45.  12
    Art, Education, and Cultural Renewal: Essays in Reformational Philosophy.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2017 - Montréal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    What good is art? What is the point of a university education? Can philosophers contribute anything to social liberation? Such questions, both ancient and urgent, are the pulse of reformational philosophy. Inspired by the vision of the Dutch religious and political leader Abraham Kuyper, reformational philosophy pursues social transformation for the common good. In this companion volume to Religion, Truth, and Social Transformation, Lambert Zuidervaart presents a socially engaged philosophy of the arts and higher education. (...)
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    Education and Social Change.Florian Znaniecki - 1998 - Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Education and Social Change sheds a new light on Florian Znaniecki's most original program of the sociology of education. The volume contains newly discovered reports from the research under the auspices of the Columbia University in the thirties, focused on educating to participate in democratic social order and cultural innovation. Preparation for cooperative interactions with leaders lies at the core of the analysis. Included are several texts published in English which clearly expound Znaniecki's analysis of (...) processes in education. The key idea of transforming educational systems in the direction of self-education still proves relevant. (shrink)
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    Bakhtin in the fullness of time: Bakhtinian theory and the process of social education.Craig Brandist, Michael E. Gardiner, Jayne White & Carl Mika - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (9):849-853.
  48. Finding quality resources: Ideas for engaging with social education content for the 21st century classroom.James Fiford - 2011 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 19 (3):7.
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    Creating an engaging and relevant 'classroom' that ignites a love of learning: Inspiring, practical social education through service learning.Kate Miller - 2012 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 20 (1):14.
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  50. Teaching and Learning: VELS - Telling Tales of Titanic - Integrating Social Education into Stories from the past in the Australian Curriculum - History.Liz Suda - 2010 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 18 (3):22.
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