Results for 'Social impact of environmental issues'

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  1.  89
    Coming Clean: The Impact of Environmental Performance and Visibility on Corporate Climate Change Disclosure. [REVIEW]Cedric Dawkins & John W. Fraas - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (2):303 - 322.
    Previous research provides mixed results on the relationship between corporate environmental performance and the level of voluntary environmental disclosure. We revisit this relation by testing competing predictions from defensive and accommodative approaches to voluntary disclosure with regard to climate change. In particular, we add to the prior literature by determining the extent to which environmental performance and company media visibility interact to prompt voluntary climate change disclosure. Using ordinal regression and Ceres, KLD, and Trucost ratings of S& (...)
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    Antecedents of Environmentally and Socially Responsible Sustainable Consumer Behavior.Maja Hosta & Vesna Zabkar - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (2):273-293.
    Responsible sustainable consumer behavior involves a complex pattern of environmental and social issues, in line with the view of sustainability as a construct with both environmental and social pillar. So far, environmental dimension was far more researched than social dimension. In this article, we investigate the antecedents of both environmentally and socially RSCB and willingness to behave in environmentally/socially responsible way. We include measures of concern, perceived consumer control/effectiveness, personal/social norms and ethical (...)
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  3. Model substantiation of strategies of economic behavior in the context of increasing negative impact of environmental factors in the context of sustainable development.R. V. Ivanov, Tatyana Grynko, V. M. Porokhnya, Roman Pavlov & L. S. Golovkova - 2022 - IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1049:012041.
    The concept of sustainable development considers environmental, social and economic issues in general. And the goals of resource conservation and socio-economic development do not contradict each other, but contribute to mutual reinforcement. The purpose of this study is to build and test an economic and mathematical model for the formation of strategies for the behavior of an economic entity with an increase in the impact of negative environmental factors. The proposed strategies and their models are (...)
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  4. Part II: Ethics in Environmental Studies. Introduction / Marie-Geneviève Pinsart. Electronic Waste Dumped in the Global South: Ethical Issues in Practices and Research / Florence Rodhain. Ethics of Biotechnology Research / Frédéric Thomas. Ethical Questions Associated with Research on Soil-Based Ecosystem Services / Oumarou Malam Issa, Damien Hauswirth, Damien Jourdain, Didier Orange, Guillaume Duteurtre, Christian Valentin. Ethical Issues Arising from the Social and Environmental Impacts of Rapid Economic Expansion: The Experience of a Brazilian City. [REVIEW]Tereza Maciel-Lyra - 2018 - In Anne Marie Moulin, Bansa Oupathana, Manivanh Souphanthong & Bernard Taverne (eds.), The paths of ethics in research in Laos and the Mekong countries: health, environment, societies. Marseille: Institut de recherche pour le développement.
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    Diversified boards and the achievement of environmental, social, and governance goals.Asma Alawadi, Nada Kakabadse, Michael Morley & Nadeem Khan - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (3):331-348.
    We explore the impact of board resources arising from diverse board members on the achievement of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals. Employing resource dependence theory as our frame and drawing on qualitative data from 41 interviews with board directors of publicly traded and privately held companies in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), we identify three key mechanisms underpinning the achievement of ESG goals, namely, the leveraging of particular connections, the deployment of different resources, and the harnessing (...)
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    The Relevance of Social Theory in the Practice of Environmental Management.Richard Meissner - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (5):1345-1360.
    In this paper I argue that the dominance of certain paradigms and theories on policies can have an influence on the value added by impact assessments. A link exists between paradigms and theories and policies and consequently the practices humans develop to tackle real world problems. I also argue that different types of thinking (contained in paradigms and theories) need to be integrated, at least at the scientific level, to enhance our understanding of social phenomena. This in turn (...)
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  7.  46
    A Further Examination of the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance on Investment Decisions.Jeffrey Cohen, Lori Holder-Webb & Samer Khalil - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1):203-218.
    The value relevance of corporate social responsibility performance disclosures for financial markets participants remains uncertain despite advances in the literature and the recent proliferation of CSR disclosures around the world. Using an experimental approach involving MBA students at universities in the United States and Lebanon, we study the value relevance of CSR disclosures by testing whether they affect participants’ personal portfolio management investment decisions. We also examine whether the degree to which the CSR disclosures affect these decisions is influenced (...)
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    The Effect of Environmental Activism on the Long-run Market Value of a Company: A Case Study.Robert Lewis, Gary O’Donovan & Roger Willett - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (3):455-476.
    This paper investigates the impact of activism on a large, powerful corporation in Tasmania. Gunns Ltd was a large woodchip processor in Tasmania that fought a long-running battle with environmental activists regarding Gunns’ logging and processing activities. The study focuses on events in 2004–2005, when Gunns applied to build a pulp mill in rural northern Tasmania and began a legal case against activists. The research question is whether there is clear statistical evidence that these events were important, as (...)
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    When the Presidential Candidate Comes to Town: The Impact of Donald J. Trump’s Campaign Rallies on Local Firms’ Environmental and Social Performance.Feng Guo, Yonghong Liu, Mengmeng Wang & Yiyang Zhang - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (3):531-552.
    This study investigates how the explicitly anti-prosocial and anti-pro-environmental speech by political elites affects firms’ environmental and social (E&S) performance. Using the case of the Donald J. Trump (DJT) campaign for president in the United States when he gave out controversial and inflammatory remarks, including those regarding E&S issues, we find that local firms’ E&S performance decreased significantly in the year following DJT’s presidential campaign rally compared with firms in other geographic areas where there was no (...)
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  10.  63
    The potential impact of social accountability certification on marketing: A short note. [REVIEW]Morgan P. Miles & Linda S. Munilla - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (1):1-11.
    Social Responsibility (SA) 8000 registration/certification is a response by the business community to address consumer and investor perceptions of the importance of emerging global social issues such as child labor, worker rights, discrimination, compensation, etc. As more U.S. and European firms outsource production to less developed nations, social, environmental, and reputational issues have become more important. SA8000 is a series of behavioral standards that represents a comprehensive, and potentially global, corporate social responsibility registration (...)
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  11.  21
    Analysing the impact of green consumption values on brand responses and behavioural intention.Marcello Risitano, Rosaria Romano, Giuseppe La Ragione & Michele Quintano - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):1096-1112.
    Environmental sustainability is an increasingly important issue for many business and social actors. This has led many scholars to research the effects of this phenomenon from various points of view trying to understand whether green attitudes can influence consumer behaviours in sustaining consumer–brand relationships. Accordingly, this paper aims to explore the impact of green consumer values on consumer–brand relationships in driving intentional behaviour. The authors developed an empirical study based on a research framework with six latent variables (...)
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  12. Corporate Governance and Firm Value: The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility. [REVIEW]Hoje Jo & Maretno A. Harjoto - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (3):351-383.
    This study investigates the effects of internal and external corporate governance and monitoring mechanisms on the choice of corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement and the value of firms engaging in CSR activities. The study finds the CSR choice is positively associated with the internal and external corporate governance and monitoring mechanisms, including board leadership, board independence, institutional ownership, analyst following, and anti- takeover provisions, after controlling for various firm characteristics. After correcting for endogeneity and simultaneity issues, the results (...)
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  13.  85
    Management of Social Issues in Supply Chains: A Literature Review Exploring Social Issues, Actions and Performance Outcomes.Sadaat Ali Yawar & Stefan Seuring - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (3):621-643.
    The social dimension of sustainable development and its impact on supply chains have so far received less attention than the environmental dimension. The aim of the research is to explore the intersection between social issues, corporate social responsibility actions and performance outcomes. A structured literature review of social issues in supply chains is presented, analysing the research published so far in peer-reviewed publications. Linking CSR and supply chain management allows the exploration of (...)
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  14. The impact of independent director interlocks on corporate green innovation: evidence from Chinese listed companies.Jalal Khan, Wu Fengyun & Arshad Fawad - forthcoming - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics.
    Green innovation plays a critical role in mitigating environmental issues and balancing the interaction between economic growth and the natural environment. Drawing on social network and resource-dependence theory, this article scrutinises the relationship between independent director interlocks and corporate green innovation. Using the data from listed Chinese companies from 2010 to 2022, this study finds that independent director interlocks can significantly promote corporate green processes and product innovation. This research further finds that internal corporate contexts can also (...)
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    Environmental Impact Assessments from a Business Perspective: Extending Knowledge and Guiding Business Practice.Hermann Lion, Jerome D. Donovan & Rowan E. Bedggood - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (4):789-805.
    Economic growth and development remain embedded in the very core of our current international economic system and the so called “material economy”. However, depleting natural resources and environmental degradation, which now threaten the well-being of future generations, has challenged this premise, and placed sustainable development as a necessary objective of business activity and expansion. Environmental impact assessments (EIAs) have emerged as a key tool for governments, businesses, and NGOs to manage the negative impact of their activities (...)
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  16.  14
    An Analysis for the Impact of Industry 4.0 on Vocational Selection in the Context of Career Development.Hanife Akgül & Zeynep Ayer - 2020 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 15 (1):223-244.
    The concept of Industry 4.0 refers to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which started in the 18th century with the First Industrial Revolution in England and is accepted as the last stage of industrial revolutions reached today. Industry 4.0 is expected to influence all sectors in the economy, especially the industry sector, the emergence of new professions based on cyber physical systems and artificial intelligence (smart machines), the need for labor to decrease considerably and a qualified workforce to remain in the (...)
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    (In)Justice of Environmental Protection.Josip Berdica & Toni Pranić - 2020 - Disputatio Philosophica 21 (1):3-19.
    Environmental issues are among the most critical scientific and social problems of today. The human environment is an environment of inequality and crisis, and a platform for debate on the fairness of social order. The crisis is the result of human behaviour, which reflects the failure of development and unjust distribution of consequences. The gap between rich and poor on a global scale is evident in the disproportionate climate change impacts on countries and their ability to (...)
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  18.  52
    Responsible Property Investing in Canada: Factoring Both Environmental and Social Impacts in the Canadian Real Estate Market. [REVIEW]Tessa Hebb, Ashley Hamilton & Heather Hachigian - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (S1):99 - 115.
    Institutional investors and corporations increasingly recognize that extra-financial determinants of business performance can both create value and uncover significant risks within a business or investment portfolio. For companies that invest in, develop, own, or operate commercial real estate assets, this awareness of extrafinancial impacts has led to a significant interest in what has been called "responsible property investment (RPI)". Within the field of RPI, green real estate — real estate investment and management that seeks to reduce the environmental impacts (...)
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  19.  12
    Taking Action, Saving Lives: Our Duties to Protect Environmental and Public Health.Kristin Sharon Shrader-Frechette (ed.) - 2007 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    In this book Shrader-Frechette reveals how politicians, campaign contributors, and lobbyists--and their power over media, advertising, and public relations--have conspired to cover up environmental disease and death.
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    The Spillover of Socio-Moral Climate in Organizations Onto Employees’ Socially Responsible Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Perceived Social Impact.Marlies Schümann, Maie Stein, Grit Tanner, Carolin Baur & Eva Bamberg - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to the pressing environmental and social issues facing the global economic system, the role of organizations in promoting socially responsible behavior among employees warrants attention in research and practice. It has been suggested that the concept of socio-moral climate might be particularly useful for understanding how participative organizational structures and processes shape employees’ prosocial behaviors. While SMC has been shown to be positively related to employees’ prosocial behaviors within the work context, little is known about the (...)
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    The Future of Transportation: Ethical, Legal, Social and Economic Impacts of Self-driving Vehicles in the Year 2025.Mark Ryan - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1185-1208.
    Self-driving vehicles offer great potential to improve efficiency on roads, reduce traffic accidents, increase productivity, and minimise our environmental impact in the process. However, they have also seen resistance from different groups claiming that they are unsafe, pose a risk of being hacked, will threaten jobs, and increase environmental pollution from increased driving as a result of their convenience. In order to reap the benefits of SDVs, while avoiding some of the many pitfalls, it is important to (...)
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  22.  26
    Roles and responsibilities of health care professionals in combating environmental degradation and social injustice: education and activism.Martin Donohoe - 2008 - Monash Bioethics Review 27 (1-2):65-82.
    This article describes the causes and health consequences of environmental degradation and social injustice. These issues, which impact primarily on the poor and underserved (both in the United States and internationally) are rarely or inadequately covered in the curriculums of traditional health care professions. The discussion offers ways for health care professionals to promote equality and justice and uses the example of Rudolph Virchow’s social activinsm to illustrate how one physician can lead society toward major (...)
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  23. Environmental information self-reported in listed firms’ annual reports: Risks of environmental commitment cliché, and a call for innovations.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Phuong-Tri Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Periodical reports are important information sources for investors and society to monitor, contribute to, and allocate resources to listed companies contributing to environmental sustainability. This article provides a preliminary investigation into environment-related information disclosure in annual reports of 61 representative companies in Vietnam, a country that has a rapidly developing stock market and is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. It was found that although most of the companies’ reports disclosed the goals to pursue sustainability and (...) protection (over 93%), only one-third of them genuinely reported investment in or research on environmental directions. The proportion of companies reporting detailed information on greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, water consumption, and waste production is relatively low; even among leading companies in sustainable development, the reporting rates for these indicators remained below 60%. We suggest that a separate mandatory annual report on environmental issues will increase businesses’ and society’s consciousness of environmental impacts. Transparent disclosure of environmental information will also offer an avenue to empower society to monitor, participate, and steer businesses toward sustainable development, thereby fostering an eco-surplus culture throughout the economic system. (shrink)
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    The social impact of Snowden’s revelations on Mexican youngsters.Andrew A. Adams, Juan Carlos Yáñez-Luna, Pedro I. González Ramírez, Mario Arias-Oliva & Kiyoshi Murata - 2017 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 15 (3):283-296.
    Purpose As part of an international study of knowledge of and attitudes to Snowden’s revelations about the activities of the National Security Agency/Government Communications Headquarters, this paper aims to deal with Mexico, taking its socio-cultural and political environment surrounding privacy and state surveillance into account. Design/methodology/approach A questionnaire was answered by 160 Mexican University students. The quantitative responses to the survey were statistically analysed as well as qualitative considerations of free text answers. Findings Snowden’s revelations have had a limited influence (...)
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  25.  99
    Local Perception of Environmental Change in a Semi-Arid Area of Northeast Brazil: A New Approach for the Use of Participatory Methods at the Level of Family Units. [REVIEW]Shana Sampaio Sieber, Patrícia Muniz Medeiros & Ulysses Paulino Albuquerque - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (5):511-531.
    The diversity of plant resources in the Brazilian semi-arid region is being compromised by practices related to agriculture, pastures, and forest harvesting, especially in areas containing Caatinga vegetation (xeric shrublands and thorn forests). The impact of these practices constitutes a series of complex factors involving local issues, creating a need for further scientific studies on the social-environmental dynamics of natural resource use. Through participatory methods, the present study analyzed people’s representations about local environmental change processes (...)
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    Approaching Socially Responsible Investment with a Comprehensive Ratings Scheme: Total Social Impact.Stephen Dillenburg, Timothy Greene & O. . Homer Erekson - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (3):167-177.
    The socially responsible investment industry (SRI) is slowly changing from a screening, avoidance paradigm to a comprehensive paradigm that seeks to affect corporate behavior. Credible rating systems are a key component of this sea change. Reliable and recognizable social and environmental metrics are critical to this progress. The Total Social Impact (TSI) rating approach is a new social metric scheme based on a comprehensive rating of stakeholder issues. This paper describes the evolution of SRI (...)
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  27.  26
    Arenas of Contestation: A Senian Social Justice Perspective on the Nature of Materiality in Impact Measurement.Othmar Manfred Lehner, Alex Nicholls & Sarah Beatrice Kapplmüller - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (4):971-989.
    Although the importance of measuring and reporting the social and environmental impact of organisational action is increasingly well recognised by both organisations and society at large, existing approaches to impact measurement are still far from being universally accepted. In this context, the stakeholder dynamics within the nascent field of impact investing demonstrate the complexity of resolving potentially differing perspectives on key impact measurement issues such as materiality. This paper argues, from an organisational perspective, (...)
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  28. Social costs of environmental justice associated with the practice of green marketing.Janet S. Adams, Armen Tashchian & Ted H. Shore - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 29 (3):199-211.
    This study investigated effects of codes of ethics on perceptions of ethical behavior. Respondents from companies with codes of ethics (n = 465) rated role set members (top management, supervisors, peers, subordinates, self) as more ethical and felt more encouraged and supported for ethical behavior than respondents from companies without codes (n = 301). Key aspects of the organizational climate, such as supportiveness for ethical behavior, freedom to act ethically, and satisfaction with the outcome of ethical problems were impacted by (...)
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    Church partnerships: A holistic approach to addressing social issues in South Africa.Patrick Nanthambwe - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    For South African communities to achieve substantive progress, the establishment of strategic partnerships is essential for effectively addressing their complex social challenges. Churches, given their profound community presence and moral authority, are urged to join forces with other societal sectors, particularly government and business, to promote comprehensive community development. This article examines the potential for church partnerships with these sectors, investigating how such alliances can foster sustainable and holistic transformation. Central questions driving this inquiry include: What distinct contributions do (...)
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  30.  38
    Environmental and social performance.Vincent Norcia - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (7):773 - 784.
    If an organization cares for nature, this paper contends, it will act so as not to harm the ecosystems it affects, or when it cannot so act at the moment it will commit itself to such action over time. For an organization's commitment to ecologically beneficent performance to be credible, one requires an action plan with specified targets determining the best ecologically beneficent pollution abatement and ecosystem improvement approaches in a situation. To this end the 4 Direct Environmental Performance (...)
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    Exploring the impact of environmental, social, and governance on clean development mechanism implementation through an institutional approach.Sue Kyoung Lee, Gayoung Choi, Taewoo Roh, So Young Lee & Dan-Bi Um - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The study hypothesizes that the environmental, social, and governance of the host country have a significant effect on clean development mechanism implementation. As CDM incorporates sustainable development as one of the objectives for the green transition, many countries endeavor to adopt and implement CDM as their cleaner production method. Based on the institutional theory, the study aims to investigate the mechanism by which the institutional process of each ESG pillar makes an opportunity for a host country and to (...)
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  32.  50
    Role of Country- and Firm-Level Determinants in Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosure.Maria Baldini, Lorenzo Dal Maso, Giovanni Liberatore, Francesco Mazzi & Simone Terzani - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):79-98.
    In recent years, companies receive pressure to release environmental, social, and governance disclosure, since these are perceived as critical issues by society. Despite this pressure, ESG disclosure practices considerably vary by firm. Prior academic literature investigated country- and firm-level factors determining such variation, alternatively adopting the institutional and legitimacy theory. By combining these theories in a unique framework, this study investigates the extent to which social structures and social legitimization influence ESG disclosure practices and each (...)
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  33.  12
    Great issues for medicine in the twenty-first century: ethical and social issues arising out of advances in the biomedical sciences.Dana Cook Grossman & Heinz Valtin (eds.) - 1999 - New York, N.Y.: New York Academy of Sciences.
    The international symposium celebrated the bicentennial of the Dartmouth Medical School by generating 30 papers on general areas with specific orientations. For genetics the focus is the human genome, for neuroscience the origin and substrate of thinking, for health care asking for whom and by whom, for world population the crisis of human crowding, and for the future peering through the looking glass. Al Gore adds a special address on population growth and environmental impact. Drawings accompany profiles of (...)
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    Emotional impacts of environmental decline: What can Native cosmologies teach sociology about emotions and environmental justice?Kari Marie Norgaard & Ron Reed - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (6):463-495.
    This article extends analyses of environmental influences on social action by examining the emotions experienced by Karuk Tribal members in the face of environmental decline. Using interviews, public testimonies, and survey data we make two claims, one specific, the other general. We find that, for Karuk people, the natural environment is part of the stage of social interactions and a central influence on emotional experiences, including individuals’ internalization of identity, social roles, and power structures, and (...)
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    Values and Attitudes Toward Social and Environmental Accountability: a Study of MBA Students.Kyoko Fukukawa, William E. Shafer & Grace Meina Lee - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 71 (4):381-394.
    Efforts to promote corporate social and environmental accountability (SEA) should be informed by an understanding of stakeholders’ attitudes toward enhanced accountability standards. However, little is known about current attitudes on this subject, or the determinants of these attitudes. To address this issue, this study examines the relationship between personal values and support for social and environmental accountability for a sample of experienced MBA students. Exploratory factor analysis of the items comprising our measure of support for SEA (...)
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  36. Public Policies on Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Governments in Europe.Laura Albareda, Josep M. Lozano & Tamyko Ysa - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (4):391-407.
    Over the last decade, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been defined first as a concept whereby companies decide voluntarily to contribute to a better society and cleaner environment and, second, as a process by which companies manage their relationship␣with stakeholders (European Commission, 2001. Nowadays, CSR has become a priority issue on governments’ agendas. This has changed governments’ capacity to act and impact on social and environmental issues in their relationship with companies, but has also affected (...)
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  37. The social impacts of nanotechnology: An ethical and political analysis. [REVIEW]Robert Sparrow - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (1):13-23.
    This paper attempts some predictions about the social consequences of nanotechnology and the ethical issues they raise. I set out four features of nanotechnology that are likely to be important in determining its impact and argue that nanotechnology will have significant social impacts in—at least—the areas of health and medicine, the balance of power between citizens and governments, and the balance of power between citizens and corporations. More importantly, responding to the challenge of nanotechnology will require (...)
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    The invisible labor and multidimensional impacts of negotiating childcare on farms.Andrea Rissing, Shoshanah Inwood & Emily Stengel - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (2):431-447.
    Social science inquiries of American agriculture have long recognized the inextricability of farm households and farm businesses. Efforts to train and support farmers, however, often privilege business realm indicators over social issues. Such framings implicitly position households as disconnected from farm stress or farm success. This article argues that systematically tracing the pathways between farm households and farm operations represents a potentially powerful inroad towards identifying effective support interventions. We argue childcare arrangements are an underrecognized challenge through (...)
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    Public Participation in International Climate Change Law: Analysis of the Impacts of Uncertainty Related to Climate Response Measures on the Public.Dieudonné Mevono Mvogo - 2024 - Jus Cogens 6 (2):161-177.
    Climate change harmfully affects social and natural systems. These outcomes adversely affect the human and natural systems, resulting in adopting related-response measures whose implementation yields similar outcomes, especially when poorly designed. Climate-related projects, actions, and policies cause harmful environmental impacts, even though the United Nations Convention on Climate Change and its subsequent instruments urge parties, when dealing with climate change, to employ methods that preserve the quality of the environment. Few studies have established the effects of these environmentally, (...)
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    Framing and reframing the environmental risks and economic benefits of ethanol production in Iowa.Carmen Bain & Theresa Selfa - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (3):351-364.
    Recent research exposing environmental and social externalities of biofuels has undermined the earlier national consensus that they would provide climate mitigation and rural development benefits, but support for ethanol remains strong in Iowa. The objective of this paper is to understand how stakeholder groups in Iowa have framed the benefits and risks associated with ethanol’s impact on the local economy and environment. Our case study draws on in-depth, semi-structured interviews conducted with key informants from agricultural organizations, (...) organizations, and government departments in the state. We find that in Iowa, widespread support for ethanol production exists among government, energy, and farm groups, and that they frame ethanol production as economically beneficial to rural communities and agriculture, while minimizing the possibility of associated environmental risks. Although participants from environmental organizations in Iowa express apprehension about the environmental impacts of expanded corn ethanol production, their unease is muted in relation to economic benefits and in relation to other environmental issues, and few have publicly voiced their concerns. To understand these findings, we draw from the environmental sociology literature that examines the role of powerful natural resource interests in framing the importance of resource extraction and commodity production to community identity and economy and in delegitimizing and naturalizing associated environmental issues and problems. We argue that powerful natural resource interests in Iowa both naturalize environmental problems related to ethanol production and engage in diversionary reframing to emphasize the economic benefits while minimizing or rejecting the potential environmental risks. (shrink)
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    Historic and Contemporary Environmental Justice Issues among Native Americans in the Gulf Coast Region of the United States.Jessica L. Liddell, Catherine E. McKinley & Jennifer M. Lilly - 2021 - Studies in Social Justice 15 (1):1-24.
    Settler-colonialism is founded in environmental racism, and environmental justice is foundational to all forms of decolonialization. Native American groups located in the Gulf Coast Region of the United States are particularly vulnerable to environmental justice issues such as climate change and oil spills due to their geographic location and reliance on the coastal region for economic and social resources. This study used the framework of historical oppression, resilience, and transcendence to explore the historic and contemporary (...)
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    Environmental and social performance.Vincent diNorcia - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (7):773-784.
    If an organization cares for nature, this paper contends, it will act so as not to harm the ecosystems it affects, or when it cannot so act at the moment it will commit itself to such action over time. For an organization's commitment to ecologically beneficent performance to be credible, one requires an action plan with specified targets determining the best ecologically beneficent pollution abatement and ecosystem improvement approaches in a situation. To this end the 4 Direct Environmental Performance (...)
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    Research and Teaching on Social Issues: Some Accomplishments and Future Challenges.Gerald F. Cavanagh - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (7):1413-1417.
    This essay comments on some accomplishments and future challenges concerning research and teaching in social issues. The author chaired the All-Academy of Management Task Force on Ethics. The SIM Division’s role is to examine critically the suitability of the actions and policies of business managers, organizations (mostly business firms), and the free market system itself. The scope of inquiry covers ethics, governance of organizations, and stakeholders. The emphasis in that inquiry is on the benefits and harms to people (...)
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  44.  21
    Evaluating Social and Environmental Issues by Integrating the Legitimacy Gap With Expectational Gaps: An Empirical Assessment of the Forest Industry.Robert Kozak, Eric Hansen & Rajat Panwar - 2014 - Business and Society 53 (6):853-875.
    This article adopts an issues management approach to corporate social responsibility implementation. Issues evaluation, which is an integral component of issues management, can be conducted by using the concept of three expectational gaps. However, the concept of expectational gaps suffers from an ambiguity that limits its application to issues evaluation. The legitimacy gap concept is used in this article to clarify the ambiguity surrounding expectational gaps. The study thus develops a four-gap framework for conducting a (...)
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    Social responsibility reporting of Islamic banks: evidence from Indonesia.Faizah Darus, Hasan Fauzi, Yadi Purwanto, Haslinda Yusoff, Azlan Amran, Mustaffa Mohamed Zain, Dayang Milianna Abang Naim & Mehran Nejati - 2014 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 9 (4):356.
    There is a growing global interest in social responsibility and sustainability across all sectors. Other than economic performance, stakeholders are now also concerned about the social and environmental impacts of corporations. Additionally, stakeholders are obtaining a higher salience level and expect organisations to operate sustainably. The banking sector has not been an exception, as banks can have significant impact on their customers, employees, and society in various ways. Given the intertwined links of Islam and ethical principles, (...)
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    Citizen Environmental Behavior From the Perspective of Psychological Distance Based on a Visual Analysis of Bibliometrics and Scientific Knowledge Mapping.Li Yang, Xin Fang & Junqi Zhu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Global warming and other climate issues seriously threaten global sustainable development. As citizen environmental behavior can have a positive impact on the environment, it is of great theoretical significance and practical reference value to study the impact of psychological distance theory on citizen environmental behavior. This study obtained 2,633 related studies from 1980 to 2020 from the Web of Science as research objects, and used CiteSpace, VOSviewer, Netdraw, and other software programs to perform a bibliometric (...)
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    The Economic and social impacts of water scarcity in the IR Iran.Scott Vitkovic & D. Soleimani - 2019 - International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences 5 (13):342 - 359.
    The past 15 years of exceptionally severe water scarcity in the Islamic Republic of Iran have resulted in the desertification and salinity of formerly arable lands, drying out of Iranian lakes and rivers, and quickly shrinking groundwater resources, while water demand has risen, along with the size of the Iranian population, of which over 70% lives in urban areas now. We have aimed to discover the causes of water scarcity in the IR Iran and evaluated its social and economic (...)
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    Environmental Justice and Rawlsian Social Contract Theory.Stanislav Myšička - 2015 - Filosofie Dnes 7 (1):39-60.
    Contemporary social and political theory is not wholly sufficient for dealing with environmental issues unless it will be more informed by political theories of justice. I present the view that environmental justice can be fruitfully approached from the point of view of contemporary social contract theory, mainly the one inspired by the work of John Rawls. Healthy natural environment is indispensable for many reasons for every human society; however, nature possesses also value going beyond pure (...)
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    Sustainability transitions in the context of pandemic: an introduction to the focused issue on social innovation and systemic impact.Geoffrey Desa & Xiangping Jia - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (4):1207-1215.
    For society to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the agri-food industry needs a substantial sustainability transition toward food systems capable of delivering greater volumes of nutritious food, while simultaneously lowering the environmental footprint. This issue of AHV focuses on the big picture—on mechanisms of sustainability transition, from social innovation, to models of finance and institutional systems, and calls for business and agricultural researchers to transform the sector together. Contributors to this issue embrace a transdisciplinary outlook, including scientific, technical, (...)
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  50. Special issue on social impact of AI: killer robots or friendly fridges. [REVIEW]Greg Michaelson & Ruth Aylett - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (4):317-318.
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