Results for 'Sorcery'

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  1.  8
    Capitalist Sorcery: Breaking the Spell.Philippe Pignarre - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Isabelle Stengers.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Acknowledgements -- PART I: WHAT HAPPENED? -- Inheriting from Seattle -- What Are We Dealing With? -- Daring to be Pragmatic -- Infernal Alternatives -- Minions -- PART II: LEARNING TO PROTECT ONESELF -- Do You Believe in Sorcery? -- Leaving Safe Ground -- Marx Again... -- To Believe in Progress No Longer? -- Learning Fright -- PART III: HOW TO GET A HOLD? -- Thanks to Seattle? -- The Trajectory of an Apprenticeship -- (...)
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    Piaroa Sorcery and the Navigation of Negative Affect: To Be Aware, To Turn Away.Robin Rodd - 2006 - Anthropology of Consciousness 17 (1):35-64.
    An overemphasis on the interpretation of language has impeded understanding of the cultural and cognitive logic of sorcery's focal acts: divination and sorcery battle. Among the Piaroa of southern Venezuela, divination and sorcery battle are conducted during hallucinogen‐induced visions, and are predicated on an epistemology that privileges forms of knowing that are neither linguistic nor language‐like. I suggest that Piaroa sorcerers use hallucinogen‐induced visions to map the social ecology of emotions in ways partially explainable by cognitive science, (...)
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  3. The sorcery of consciousness: A Sinhala Buddhist ritual discourse on the dynamics of consciousness.Bruce Kapferer - 2000 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 33 (1-2):97-120.
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    From sorcery to witchcraft: clerical conceptions of magic in the later Middle Ages.Michael D. Bailey - 2001 - Speculum 76 (4):960-990.
  5. Sacra : sorcery rumours about the misuse of ritual as public art.Karen Sykes - 2009 - In Ethnographies of moral reasoning: living paradoxes of a global age. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Sorcery and Magic in the Revelation of John.John H. Elliott - 1993 - Listening 28 (3):261-276.
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    Sorcery, totem, and Jihad in African philosophy.Christopher Wise - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Deconstructing Azawad -- The plundering of Mali, past and present -- The African trace -- The Sahelian specter -- The duty of violence -- Nyama, fratricide, and reconciliation -- What is to be done? -- Zongo, Sankara, and the Burkinabe revolution.
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  8. The Social Sciences as Sorcery.S. Andreski - 1973 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 24 (2):193-199.
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    @legion #WeAreMany: Sorcery on the Internet.Blanka Earhart - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (1):87-92.
    Day to day, we are used to living in a world of beings with well-defined edges. This world is ruled by dialectical modes of engagement that reinforce the individual being in the context of other beings. Concepts like the Freudian Other serve to confirm the place and the boundaries of a subject. Congruently, reaching beyond the reality, myths negotiate the relationship of the individual with the sublime. The dialectically conceived world does not provide a sufficiently complex conceptualization of our existence (...)
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    The web and its sorceries.Giuseppe Longo - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (1):135-136.
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    Sorcery or Science? Contesting Knowledge and Practice in West African Sufi Texts By Ariela Marcus-Sells. [REVIEW]Beatrice Bottomley - 2023 - Journal of Islamic Studies 34 (3):437-440.
    In late eighteenth-century West Africa, cycles of increasing violence and slave raiding sparked a desire for new modes of political organization. In the Sahel a.
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    Causal Stories and the Role of Worldviews in Analysing Responses to Sorcery Accusations and Related Violence.Miranda Forsyth & Philip Gibbs - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (2):773-784.
    This paper uses the concept of causal stories to explore how death, sickness and misfortune lead to accusations of sorcery or witchcraft. Based on empirical research in Papua New Guinea, we propose a new analytical framework that shows how negative events may trigger particular narratives about the use of the supernatural by individuals and groups. These narratives then direct considerations about the cause of the misfortune, the agent who can heal it, and the appropriate response from those affected by (...)
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    Birds, grandfathers, and neoteric sorcery in Aeneid 4.254 and 7.4121.Julia T. Dyson - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (01):314-.
    On his way to convey Jupiter's rebuke to Aeneas, Mercury passes by his maternal grandfather Atlas, a mountain vividly personified as an old man with snowy beard/frozen rivers running down his chin . Here he pauses, then flings himself into the waves.
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    Structure and sorcery: the aesthetics of post-war serial composition and indeterminacy.Roger W. H. Savage - 1989 - New York: Garland.
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    Ethnographic Sorcery Harry G. West. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 2007. xiv+132pp. [REVIEW]Phillips Stevens - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (1):1-2.
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    A Trial for Sorcery on August 22, A.D. 449.Ernest Honigmann - 1944 - Isis 35 (4):281-284.
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    Drawings of Balinese Sorcery: Published with a Commentary.Christiaan Hooykaas - 1980 - Leiden: Brill.
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  18. the Fear of Sorcery'.H. A. Kelly & English Kings - 1977 - Mediaeval Studies 39.
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    The Neurobiology of Sorcery: Deleuze and Guattari's Brain.Sean Watson - 1998 - Body and Society 4 (4):23-45.
    This article is intended to work on a number of different levels. First it is concerned with the brain-become-subject as hypothesized by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in their book What is Philosophy?. It is concerned with demonstrating the convergence between Deleuze and Guattari's work and the claims of some contemporary neuro-biological theories of consciousness. In particular, I will be comparing Deleuze and Guattari's hypothesis to the work of Gerald Edelman and Daniel Dennett. Second, it is my contention that the (...)
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    …duplici modo Daemon homini carnaliter copulatur : Ludovico Maria Sinistrari's Alternative to Apostasy and Sorcery in Human- Incubus Intercourse.Bert Roest - 2022 - Franciscan Studies 80 (1):191-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:…duplici modo Daemon homini carnaliter copulatur:Ludovico Maria Sinistrari's Alternative to Apostasy and Sorcery in Human-Incubus IntercourseBert RoestLodovico Maria Sinistrari d'Ameno (1632-1701), who joined the Riformati branch in 1647 in the Pavian Provincia di S. Diego, is one of the many productive seventeenth-century Franciscan authors whose works are not habitually discussed within the world of Franciscan scholarship. According to the existing bibliographical guides, Sinistrari authored under his own name (...)
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    English Kings and the Fear of Sorcery.Henry A. Kelly - 1977 - Mediaeval Studies 39 (1):206-238.
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  22. The unknown Russian mysticism: Pagan sorcery, Christian yoga and other esoteric practices in the former Soviet Union.Igor Kungurtsev & Olga Luchakova - 1997 - Gnosis 31:20-27.
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  23. Bataille's eroticism, now: from transgression to insidious sorcery.Marc LaFountain - 2000 - In Hugh J. Silverman (ed.), Philosophy and Desire. New York: Routledge. pp. 7--26.
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    Black Magic Women: On the Purported Use of Sorcery by Female Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore.Audrey Verma - 2011 - In Helen Vella Bonavita (ed.), Negotiating Identities : Constructed Selves and Others. Rodopi. pp. 77--25.
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    Public Grace and Private Fears: Gaiety, Offense, and Sorcery in Northern Bali.Unni Wikan - 1987 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 15 (4):337-365.
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    Deleuze, Guattari, and the "Politics of Sorcery".Joshua Delpech-Ramey - 2010 - Substance 39 (1):8-23.
  27. On Hegel—A Study in Sorcery.Eric Voegelin - 1972 - In J. T. Fraser, F. C. Haber & G. H. Mueller (eds.), The Study of Time. Springer Verlag. pp. 418--451.
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  28. Petrol sniffing, the brain, and aboriginal culture : between sorcery and neuroscience.Sherre Cairney & Paul Maruff - 2007 - In Henri Cohen & Brigitte Stemmer (eds.), Consciousness and Cognition: Fragments of Mind and Brain. Boston: Academic Press.
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  29. On Hegel-A Study in Sorcery Eric Voegelin.Die Langeweile der Welt - 1972 - In J. T. Fraser, F. C. Haber & G. H. Mueller (eds.), The Study of Time. Springer Verlag.
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    Beyond the everyday life-world: A phenomenological encounter with sorcery[REVIEW]Lucius Outlaw - 1975 - Man and World 8 (4):436-445.
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    Francis Young, Magic as a Political Crime in Medieval and Early Modern England: A History of Sorcery and Treason. London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2018. Pp. xviii, 254. £90. ISBN: 978-1-7883-1021-5. [REVIEW]Catherine Rider - 2022 - Speculum 97 (2):590-591.
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    Philippe Pignarre and Isabelle Stengers, Capitalist Sorcery: Breaking the Spell, Review by Nikolay Karkov. [REVIEW]Nikolay Karkov - 2012 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 16 (2):260-263.
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  33. Aldatıcı Taklitçi Şiir Bağlamında Büyünün Mekaniği.İhsan Gürsoy - 2023 - Theosophia (6):1-17.
    [The Mechanics of Sorcery in the Context of Deceptive-Imitative Poetry] When we inquire as to how people could have a perverted preference for ignorance over knowledge, Plato’s statement that people are deprived of true opinions only against their will provides us with an essential clue for starting out: Depriving a person of something against their will is only possible by theft, by spells of sorcery, or by force. Victims of sorcery alter their opinions under the spell of (...)
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    Erasmus’ Heritage.Willem Frijhoff - 2015 - Erasmus Studies 35 (1):5-33.
    _ Source: _Volume 35, Issue 1, pp 5 - 33 The ironic but very readable dialogues on folk religion in Erasmus’ Colloquia were used as school books for two centuries. Though their influence on the battle against superstition is difficult to measure, they obviously reflect the practices and debates of their own time. This article confronts Erasmus’ dialogue on exorcism with the ideas and practices of folk religion in the sixteenth-century biconfessional duchy of Cleves under Duke William V. Two sources (...)
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    Schizoanalysis and Magic.Gary Genosko - 2022 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 16 (4):529-544.
    The task of this paper is to gather together Guattari’s scattered references to magic, from Chaosmosis and Schizoanalytic Cartographies, and to reconstitute his position, using animism as a guide. For magic is a bulwark against positioning schizoanalysis as another specialism, and in maintaining what Guattari called its ‘eccentric’ relation to professional psychotherapeutic practices. Magic serves Guattari as an antidote to the scientific schemas that dominate psychoanalysis and psychology. Guattari’s effort to reanimate magic as a viable reference within schizoanalysis flies in (...)
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    Sorecery and Shamanism: Curanderos and Clients in Northern Peru.Kirsten Bonde - 1996 - Anthropology of Consciousness 7 (2):30-31.
    Sorcery and Shamanism: Curanderos and Clients in Northern Peru. Donald Joralemon and Douglas Sharon. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1993. 306 pp. $35.00 (cloth).
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    Around the Day in Eighty Worlds: Politics of the Pluriverse.Martin Savransky - 2021 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Around the Day in Eighty Worlds_ Martin Savransky calls for a radical politics of the pluriverse amid the ongoing devastation of the present. Responding to an epoch marked by the history of colonialism and ecological devastation, Savransky draws on the pragmatic pluralism of William James to develop what Savransky calls a “pluralistic realism”—an understanding of the world as simultaneously one and many, ongoing and unfinished, underway and yet to be made. Savransky explores the radical multifariousness of reality by weaving (...)
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    The Globalization of Ayahuasca Shamanism and the Erasure of Indigenous Shamanism.Evgenia Fotiou - 2016 - Anthropology of Consciousness 27 (2):151-179.
    Ayahuasca is a hallucinogenic plant mixture used in a ceremonial context throughout western Amazonia, and its use has expanded globally in recent decades. As part of this expansion, ayahuasca has become popular among westerners who travel to the Peruvian Amazon in increasing numbers to experience its reportedly healing and transformative effects. Drawing from ethnographic fieldwork in and around the area of Iquitos, Peru, the epicenter of ayahuasca tourism, this paper focuses on some of the problematic aspects of western engagement with (...)
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    Assembling packs: Outreach nurses, disaffiliated persons, and sorcerers.Jim A. Johansson, Pier-Luc Turcotte & Dave Holmes - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3).
    Nurses working in outreach capacities frequently encounter disaffiliated or ‘hard to reach’ populations, such as those experiencing homelessness, those who use substances, and those with mental health concerns. Despite best efforts, nurses regularly fail to find meaningful engagement with these populations. Mobilizing the work of Deleuze and Guattari, this paper will critically examine conventional outreach nursing practices as rooted in the royal science of psychiatry, which many ‘survivors’ of psychiatric interventions reject. The field of Mad Studies offers an understanding of (...)
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  40. The Immortal Fly: Eternal Whispers _ Google Scholar.Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri - 2019 - Bloomington,USA: Partridge International In Association with Penguin Random House.
    THE IMMORTAL FLY: ETERNAL WHISPERS. WHO IS SHE? Author: Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri. Hello, Recently my book named, ‘The Immortal Fly: Eternal Whispers : Based On True Events of a Family' been published from Partridge (USA) In Association with Penguin Random House (UK) and achieved a separate Google identity. -/- As being # the author of the book, I thought to define self in the book what is definition of 'Depression'. I wanted to explain self in many ways, but the best (...)
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    Returns of the "French Freud": Freud, Lacan, and Beyond.Todd Dufresne (ed.) - 1997 - Routledge.
    Creating a snapshot of current thinking about psychoanalysis, this lively collection examines the legacy of Freud and Lacan. Through provocative and penetrating arguments, the contributors take psychoanalysis to task for 0ts dark view of human nature, theoretical sorcery, devaluation of femininity, self-referentiality, discipleship, negativity, ignorance of history and more. The essays also examine the complex relationships between Freudian and Lacanian theory and philosophy, feminism, anthropology, communications theory, deconstruction, Foucauldian genealogy and medical history. The outstanding list of contributors includes Paul (...)
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    For Her Own Good: Protecting Women in Research.Evelyne Shuster - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (3):346.
    In gender mythology woman is nature, the embodiment of life, destruction, and death. Semantically encoded in good and evil, the one conceptual stability woman represents is ambivalence. As a walled garden in which nature works its demonic sorcery, she turns a gob of refuse into a spreading web of sentient being, floating on the snaky umbilical by which she leashes every man. But as an ontological entity, woman is the real First Mover. The pregnant woman is devilishly complete. She (...)
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    Searching for the philosophers' stone: encounters with mystics, scientists, and healers.Ralph Metzner - 2018 - Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press.
    A deeply personal account of the scientific, shamanic, and metaphysical encounters that led to the development of Metzner's psychological methods Recounts the author's meetings and friendships with Albert Hofmann, Alexander Shulgin, the McKenna brothers, Wilson Van Dusen, Myron Stolaroff, and Leo Zeff Details his lucid dream encounters with G. I. Gurdjieff, profoundly healing sessions with Hawaiian healer Morrnah Simeona, experiences with plant teachers iboga and ayahuasca, and ecological and mystical lessons learned from animal teachers Shares his involvement in the beginnings (...)
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    A matter of some interest payback and the sterility of capital.Bethany Moreton - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (2):356-362.
    This essay review of Margaret Atwood's Payback centers on the observation that the book does not dwell on the unnatural face of interest and finance. In this era of financialization, debt has been thoroughly uncoupled from the concept of payback. The least valuable debt is the one that is promptly repaid. It is this aspect of debt—the interest, not the principal—that has attracted the richest tradition of social condemnation. As stable forms of production and exchange were replaced by international arbitrage, (...)
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    The importance of magic to social relationships.Craig T. Palmer, Lyle B. Steadman, Chris Cassidy & Kathryn Coe - 2010 - Zygon 45 (2):317-337.
    Many anthropological explanations of magical practices are based on the assumption that the immediate cause of performing an act of magic is the belief that the magic will work as claimed. Such explanations typically attempt to show why people come to believe that magical acts work as claimed when such acts do not identifiably have such effects. We suggest an alternative approach to the explanation of magic that views magic as a form of religious behavior, a form of communication that (...)
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    Resson'ncias e ontologias outras: pensando com o pensar Bantu-Kongo.Tiganá Santana Neves Santos - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe):149-168.
    Resumo: À luz de aspectos fundamentais do pensar bantu-kongo e em consonância com pensadores contemporâneos, tais como Bunseki Fu-Kiau e Zamenga B., este artigo aspira a refletir acerca de ontologias distintas daquelas hegemônicas euro-ocidentais. Tais ontologias são vivenciadas em parte do continente africano e foram deslocadas para territórios afrodiaspóricos, como o Brasil, ainda que com adaptações, por meio de práticas cosmológicas que situam a ancestralidade em lugar central. As ideias de “mesmo pluriontológico”, opacidade, estágios do cosmograma kongo, vazio, transmutação, inclinação (...)
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  47. (1 other version)A 'Strange' Case of a Paradigm Shift.Brendan Shea - 2018 - In William Irwin & Mark D. White (eds.), Dr. Strange and Philosophy: The Other Book of Forbidden Knowledge. Wiley. pp. 139-151.
    In the 2016 film Doctor Strange, the title character undergoes a radical transition from successful neurosurgeon to highly skilled sorcerer. Unsurprisingly, he finds this transition difficult, in no small part because he thinks that sorcery seems somehow “unscientific.” Nevertheless, he eventually comes to adopt sorcery as wholeheartedly as he had embraced medicine. Some of his reasons for making this transition are personal, such as his desire to fix his injured hands and, later, to help others. Strange also displays (...)
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    Business ethics in the 21st century: stability and change.Alan E. Singer - 2013 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    This is the fifth book by Professor Alan E Singer on business ethics and strategy. This book emphasizes aspects that are thought to be most likely to rise to prominence in the years to come. These include ecological-understandings at the conceptual level and the participation at the practical level in a distributed system of global governance system that strives to uphold all of the human goods, including the positive and negative freedoms, but in a reasonably balanced way. In a section (...)
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    The Eclipse of the Sacred and the Paradoxical Liberation of the Left Hand.Warren D. TenHouten - 1995 - Anthropology of Consciousness 6 (2):15-26.
    In "primitive" cultures, dual symbolic classification systems draw rigid temporal and spatial boundaries between the sacred and the profane. The right and left hands are described as sacred and profane, respectively. Durkheim saw a weakening of these systems as an aspect of modernization. A weakening of such dichotomous reason is shown in two examples. First, Hertz's study of the suppression of the left hand among the Maori links the left hand to the right cerebral hemisphere of the brain. The further (...)
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    (1 other version)Peace and knowledge politics in the upper xingu.Marina Vanzolini - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (1):25-42.
    With special reference to the Tupi-speaking Aweti people, this article reconsiders the nature of Xinguan pacifism in an analysis of sorcery and its relation to war in the Upper Xingu region of Brazil. It is argued that the mechanism that keeps violence there under control is probably less the result of an applied pacifist ideology—that is, rejection of war as the socius's generative matrix—than the effect of a specific conception of knowledge. It is through the Xinguans' refusal of the (...)
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