Results for 'Stefan Scheingraber'

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  1.  34
    Change remains – paradigm shifts in modern surgery.Stefan Scheingraber, Ben O'Brien, Andreas Machens & Andreas Hirner - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7 (2):195-200.
    This article aims to describe underlying principles of paradigm shifts in clinical medicine by means of analysis of typical examples. Retrospectively, profound shifts of ruling paradigms can be shown in diverse fields such as outcome research, in the redefining of patient's and doctor's autonomies, in the challenges presented by consumer medicine and the free market economy. This has provoked controversy between doctors, patients and the community. The judgement on whether recent shifts in paradigms in medicine have improved the health care (...)
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  2. Grounding and the explanatory role of generalizations.Stefan Roski - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (8):1985-2003.
    According to Hempel’s influential theory of explanation, explaining why some a is G consists in showing that the truth that a is G follows from a law-like generalization to the effect that all Fs are G together with the initial condition that a is F. While Hempel’s overall account is now widely considered to be deeply flawed, the idea that some generalizations play the explanatory role that the account predicts is still often endorsed by contemporary philosophers of science. This idea, (...)
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    Constructivism about Intertheoretic Comparisons.Stefan Https://Orcidorg Riedener - 2019 - Utilitas 31 (3):277-290.
    Many people think that if you're uncertain about which moral theory is correct, you ought to maximize the expected choice-worthiness of your actions. This idea presupposes that the strengths of our moral reasons are comparable across theories – for instance, that our reasons to create new people, according to total utilitarianism, can be stronger than our reasons to benefit an existing person, according to a person-affecting view. But how can we make sense of such comparisons? In this article, I introduce (...)
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    Conceptualizing Human Stewardship in the Anthropocene: The Rights of Nature in Ecuador, New Zealand and India.Stefan Knauß - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (6):703-722.
    In this text I investigate the increasing usage of the Rights of Nature to approach the task of Stewardship for the Earth. The Ecuadorian constitution of 2008 introduces the indigenous concept of Pachamama and interpretes nature as a subject of rights. Reflecting the two 2017 cases of the Whanganui River and the Gangotri and Yamunotri Glaciers, my main argument is that, although the language of individual rights relies on modern subjectivity as well as the constitutionalism of the secular nation state, (...)
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    Biological Information.Stefan Artmann - 2008 - In Sahorta Sarkar & Anya Plutynski (eds.), Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. Blackwell. pp. 22–39.
    This chapter contains section titled: Introduction General Scenario for the Transmission of Information and Its Application to Genetics Semiotic Dimensions of Biological Information Syntactic Dimension I: Measuring the Statistical Entropy of Signals and Messages Syntactic Dimension II: Estimating the Algorithmic Complexity of Signals and Messages Semantic Dimension: Classifying the Mutual Complexity of Transmitters and Receivers Acknowledgment References Further Reading.
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    Corporate Philanthropy and Risk Management: An Investigation of Reinsurance and Charitable Giving in Insurance Firms.Mike Adams, Stefan Hoejmose & Zafeira Kastrinaki - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (1):1-37.
    ABSTRACT:Drawing a framework from strategic stakeholder theory and using 1999 to 2010 panel data from the United Kingdom’s (UK) non-life insurance industry, we examine the effect of reinsurance on the decisions to donate to charities, and the amount given. We find that reinsurance substitutes for charitable giving as it optimizes the interests of multiple stakeholders. We further note that corporate giving is directly related to the size and age of insurers, proportion of female directorships and insider ownership, but generally inhibited (...)
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  7. Philosophy of Technology as a Serious Branch of Philosophy: The Empirical Turn as a Starting Point.Stefan Koller & Maarten Franssen - 2016 - In Anthonie W. M. Meijers, Peter Kroes, Pieter E. Vermaas & Maarten Franssen (eds.), Philosophy of Technology After the Empirical Turn. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Pachamama als Ökosystemintegrität – Die Rechte der Natur in der Verfassung von Ecuador und ihre umweltethische Rechtfertigung.Stefan Knauß - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 7 (2):221-244.
    Die Verfassung von Ecuador enthält als weltweit erste Rechte der Natur. Natur wird neben Menschen und Körperschaften als Rechtsträger benannt. Ihr wird ein Recht auf Existenz und Regeneration zugesprochen, das unabhängig von menschlichen Rechten gilt und von allen Menschen weltweit eingeklagt werden darf. Die Verfassung stützt sich auf den indigenen Naturbegriff Pachamama und erläutert deren Schutzanspruch durch das andine Konzept des Guten Lebens. Die Umweltethik bezeichnet ein holisitisches Naturverständnis als „Ökozentrismus“, wenn der Natur als überindividueller Ganzheit ein irreduzibler Schutzstatus zugesprochen (...)
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    Między historią a metodą: spory o racjonalność nauki.Stefan Amsterdamski - 1983 - Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.
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    Vasubandhu's karmasiddhiprakarana and the problem of the highest meditations.Stefan Anacker - 1972 - Philosophy East and West 22 (3):247-258.
  11.  22
    (1 other version)A Moralist's Testimony [review of Al Seckel, Bertrand Russell on Ethics, Sex, and Marriage ].Stefan Andersson - 1990 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 10 (2).
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    Kenneth Sidney Coates, 1930–2010.Stefan Andersson - 2010 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 30 (1).
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  13.  10
    Etyka jako nauka.Stefan Angiełow - 1979 - Etyka 17:135-142.
    The principal task of Marxist ethics is not to formulate particular moral principles or to implement them but to describe and explain moral reality. Ethics is not a philosophical discipline although as a science of morals in its own rights it is based on philosophical premises of historical materialism. Trying to define the principal tasks of Marxist ethics in the socialist society the author contends that Marxist ethics should determine the contents, the forms and the ways in which the communist (...)
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    Marksistkata etika kato nauka.Stefan Angelov - 1970 - Nauka I Izkustvo.
  15. Conserving the Future : UNESCO Biosphere Reserves as Laboratories for Sustainable Development.Stefan Bargheer - 2015 - In Fernando Vidal & Nélia Dias (eds.), Endangerment, biodiversity and culture. New York, NY: Routledge, is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
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  16. Cumberland and Maxwell.Stefan Bernard Baumrin - 2011 - Philosophical Forum 42 (3):296-297.
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    Omnipotent pexgos and the goddess parsimony.S. Stefan Soltysik - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):76-77.
  18.  30
    Word category and verb–argument structure information in the dynamics of parsing.Stefan Frisch, Anja Hahne & Angela D. Friederici - 2004 - Cognition 91 (3):191-219.
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    Music and Life Experience: A Perspective from the Classroom.Stefan R. Stuber - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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    Początki nowożytnego arystotelizmu chrześcijańskiego.Stefan Swieżawski - 1971 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 19 (1):41-56.
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  21. Kontynent mediów: dżungla i Przylądek Dobrej Nadziei.Stefan Symotiuk - 2007 - Colloquia Communia 82 (1-2):64-70.
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    The aspectual coercion of the English Durative Adverbial.Stefan Fuhs - 2010 - In Dylan Glynn & Kerstin Fischer (eds.), Quantitative methods in cognitive semantics: corpus-driven approaches. New York: De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 46--137.
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  23.  14
    Concepto de ethos histórico. Alcances y limitaciones: el problema de la cosificación.Stefan Gandler - 2021 - Signos Filosóficos 23 (45):152-178.
    Resumen Este artículo analiza si en la teoría de los cuatro ethe de la modernidad capitalista, desarrollada por Bolívar Echeverría, no está contenida una debilidad de principio. Se trata de saber si para arribar a sus más altas aportaciones, esta teoría no termina pagando un precio que debiera dar que pensar. ¿Acaso renuncia a la crítica de la ideología, por lo menos en la radicalidad realizada por los autores de la Teoría crítica, inspirados en este punto originalmente por Georg Lukács?This (...)
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    Über die Länge yon Beweisen.Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg, Jean van Heijenoort & Rohit Parikh - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):348-348.
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    The Bloomsbury Companion to Hobbes, edited by S.A. Lloyd.Bernard Stefan Baumrin - 2018 - Hobbes Studies 31 (1):124-124.
  26.  46
    C. Ulises Moulines: Die Entwicklung der modernen Wissenschaftstheorie . Eine historische Einführung: Hamburg: LIT Verlag 2008, 210 pp, 17.90 €, ISBN-978-3-8258-8965-4.Christian J. Feldbacher & Stefan H. Gugerell - 2010 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 41 (2):405-409.
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    Das Gesetz des Realen: Lacan - Merleau-Ponty - Adorno.Stefan Köchel - 2013 - Münster: Lit.
  28. Wspomnienie pozgonne O Stefanie żółkiewskim.Stefan Żółkiewski - 1993 - Studia Semiotyczne 18:13.
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    Aussage gegen Aussage – zur Entwicklung der revisionsgerichtlichen Rechtsprechung und der Aussagepsychologie.Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke (eds.), Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Die Befugnisse von Nachrichtendiensten und Polizei – faktischer Tod dem Trennungsgebot?Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke (eds.), Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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  31. Das beichtgeheimnis zwischen staatlichem und kirchlichem Recht und Das Recht auf religionsfreiheit nach art. 9 der europäischen menschenRechtskonvention.Stefan Kirchner - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1317-1326.
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    Der Fall Havemann: Auf den Spuren einer Rechtsbeugung.Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke (eds.), Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Der Kontinuitätsgrundsatz – ein unentdecktes Prinzip des Beweisantragsrechts: Zur Eigenart der beweisthemabezogenen Ablehnungsgründe.Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke (eds.), Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Eine erfolgreiche Beschwerde des Rechtsanwalts Professor Dr. H.Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke (eds.), Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Kleider machen Strafverteidiger!?: – oder: sitzungspolizeiliche Maßnahmen und die Mär vom „T-Shirt-Verteidiger“.Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke (eds.), Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Ästhetische Bildung als Prävention?: Über einen theaterpädagogischen Beitrag zur Gewaltprävention für Schulklassen.Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke (eds.), Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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    The Confessional Secret between State Law and Canon Law and the Right to Freedom of Religion under Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights.Stefan Kirchner - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1317-1326.
    Within the Irish government there is a discussion regarding the possibility of limiting the legal protection afforded to the confessional secret. This paper addresses the question of whether this suggestion, if it were to be implemented by the legislature, would be compatible with the right to religious freedom under Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). This text will also highlight the role of the confessional secret in canon law and the protection of it under German law. (...)
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    Und bist du nicht willig, so brauch’ ich Gewalt: Die Erhebung und Verarbeitung körperbezogener Daten im Strafprozessrecht und der freie Wille des Betroffenen. Ein Versuch.Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke - 2008 - In Stefan Kirsch, Jürgen Pauly, Wolfgang Köberer & Regina Michalke (eds.), Festschrift Für Rainer Hamm Zum 65. Geburtstag Am 24. Februar 2008. De Gruyter Recht.
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  39.  28
    ¿ Hay una filosofía postcolonial en América Latina? Fuentes y argumentos de la contra-hegemonía.Stefan Knauß - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:219-226.
    En el presente trabajo me ocupo del pensamiento latinoaméricano y su relación con la cultura europea y occidental, en particular me concetro en la teoría (post) colonial. El primer paso es conectar conocimiento y localización para presentar la relación asimétrica de poder entre europa y latinoamérica, tal como fue establecida en el periodo colonial despues de 1492. Esta discusión nos lleva a pensadores como Anibal Quijano, Enrique Dussel y Walter Mignolo, quienes conciben la colonialidad como el discurso de poder y (...)
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    Corps et Symbolisation: La philosophie du dernier Merleau-Ponty et la question d’une épistémologie de la chair.Stefan Kristensen - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:321-337.
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  41. Osobowość współczesnej młodzieży akademickiej.Stefan Kunowski - 1964 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 4 (4):28-39.
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    Psychoterapeutyczne znaczenie kształcenia charakteru u młodzieży.Stefan Kunowski - 1966 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 14 (4):29-47.
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  43.  56
    Fichte in der analytischen Philosophie: Robert Nozicks Rezeption von Fichtes intellektueller Anschauung.Stefan Lang - 2010 - Fichte-Studien 35:495-509.
  44.  26
    Anna Zieglerin and the Lion’s blood: alchemy and end times in reformation Germany: by Tara Nummedal, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019, xi + 288 pp., 16 fig., £37.00 (Hardback); $39.95, ISBN 978-0-81225-089-3.Stefan Laube - 2021 - Annals of Science 78 (2):250-252.
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  45. Philosophie grecque et pensées orientales.Stefan Leclercq, Sylvain Delcomminette, Joachim Lacrosse, F. Chenet & Sofian Saihi - 2002 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 20 (2):3-110.
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    Social Projectionism: A Vision For New Ethics In Social Welfare.Stefan Cojocaru - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (13):32-38.
    This article approaches social projectionism as an orientation within the new post-modern epistemologies, starting from its principles. At the same time, the author presents some phenomena generated by the post-modern perspectives opened by the new ideologies that produce new ethical orientations in social practice. These visions have made profound changes in the way the social services user is seen, the contextualisation of social practice, the volatility of social programmes and the development of the public-private partnership from the point of view (...)
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    (2 other versions)Sentence, Proposition, and Context. On the Idea of an Intermediate Level.Stefan Riegelnik - 2014 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.), Semantics and Beyond: Philosophical and Linguistic Inquiries. Preface. De Gruyter. pp. 241-254.
    In contemporary theories of language it is common to appeal to propositions as expressed by utterances of sentences. The aim of this paper is to question this idea, for as I argue, the relationship between sentences and propositions cannot be worked out in any rewarding way.
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  48.  9
    Natura czy kultura? Spór o istotę ekologii.Stefan Opara - 1999 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 5:55-60.
  49.  23
    The Nonidentical as a Problem of a Systemic Approach to Scientific Music Pedagogy.Stefan Orgass - 2018 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 26 (1):82.
    Abstract:The “nonidentical” is Adorno’s term for anything that cannot be grasped by a concept or a system of concepts: sensual experience and events; emotions, understood as unconscious but influential layers of the psychic system; emergent results of interactions; the possibility of non-alienated and non-reified social circumstances. Within practices of music pedagogy, the nonidentical is relevant under all these aspects: the naming of musical issues does not encompass (let alone substitute for) the musical phenomenon (and it is not self-evident how to (...)
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    List of Works of Ludwig Wittgenstein.Stefan Riegelnik & Frederik A. Gierlinger - 2014 - In Frederik Gierlinger & Štefan Joško Riegelnik (eds.), Wittgenstein on Colour. Boston: De Gruyter.
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