Results for 'Steve Hoffmann'

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  1. Signatures of Nonlinear Aging: Molecular Stages of Life.Maja Olecka, Helen Morrison & Steve Hoffmann - forthcoming - Bioessays:e202400222.
    The traditional view of aging as a gradual, progressive process is increasingly being challenged. A growing body of evidence suggests the existence of abrupt transitions in the aging process, marked by sudden molecular shifts. Interestingly, the data indicates that such transitions occur not only in late life but also throughout the entire lifespan. Further research on the nature of such events could enhance our understanding of aging and pave the way for novel therapeutic strategies, including personalized medicine. We propose that (...)
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  2. Structuralism, Invariance, and Univalence.Steve Awodey - 2014 - Philosophia Mathematica 22 (1):1-11.
    The recent discovery of an interpretation of constructive type theory into abstract homotopy theory suggests a new approach to the foundations of mathematics with intrinsic geometric content and a computational implementation. Voevodsky has proposed such a program, including a new axiom with both geometric and logical significance: the Univalence Axiom. It captures the familiar aspect of informal mathematical practice according to which one can identify isomorphic objects. While it is incompatible with conventional foundations, it is a powerful addition to homotopy (...)
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  3. An answer to Hellman's question: ‘Does category theory provide a framework for mathematical structuralism?’.Steve Awodey - 2004 - Philosophia Mathematica 12 (1):54-64.
    An affirmative answer is given to the question quoted in the title.
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  4. Conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorizing.Steve Clarke - 2002 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 32 (2):131-150.
    The dismissive attitude of intellectuals toward conspiracy theorists is considered and given some justification. It is argued that intellectuals are entitled to an attitude of prima facie skepticism toward the theories propounded by conspiracy theorists, because conspiracy theorists have an irrational tendency to continue to believe in conspiracy theories, even when these take on the appearance of forming the core of degenerating research program. It is further argued that the pervasive effect of the "fundamental attribution error" can explain the behavior (...)
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  5. Socially Responsible Investing in the United States.Steve Schueth - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (3):189 - 194.
    Socially responsible investing (SRI) has emerged in recent years as a dynamic and quickly growing segment of the U.S. financial services industry involving over $2 trillion in professionally managed assets. Its conceptual origins can be found in the early history of civilization, with it's modern roots in the 1960s. This paper provides an overview of the breadth and depth of the concept and practice of socially and environmentally responsible investing, describes the investment strategies that together define SRI as currently practiced (...)
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    Category Theory.Steve Awodey - 2006 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    A comprehensive reference to category theory for students and researchers in mathematics, computer science, logic, cognitive science, linguistics, and philosophy. Useful for self-study and as a course text, the book includes all basic definitions and theorems, as well as numerous examples and exercises.
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    Cross-Scale Systemic Resilience: Implications for Organization Studies.Steve Kennedy, Gail Whiteman & Amanda Williams - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (1):95-124.
    In this article, we posit that a cross-scale perspective is valuable for studies of organizational resilience. Existing research in our field primarily focuses on the resilience of organizations, that is, the factors that enhance or detract from an organization’s viability in the face of threat. While this organization level focus makes important contributions to theory, organizational resilience is also intrinsically dependent upon the resilience of broader social-ecological systems in which the firm is embedded. Moreover, long-term organizational resilience cannot be well (...)
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  8. Grounding, dependence, and paradox.Steve Yablo - 1982 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 11 (1):117 - 137.
  9. Defensible territory for entity realism.Steve Clarke - 2001 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 52 (4):701-722.
    In the face of argument to the contrary, it is shown that there is defensible middle ground available for entity realism, between the extremes of scientific realism and empiricist antirealism. Cartwright's ([1983]) earlier argument for defensible middle ground between these extremes, which depended crucially on the viability of an underdeveloped distinction between inference to the best explanation (IBE) and inference to the most probable cause (IPC), is examined and its defects are identified. The relationship between IBE and IPC is clarified (...)
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  10. Conscientious Objection to Vaccination.Steve Clarke, Alberto Giubilini & Mary Jean Walker - 2016 - Bioethics 31 (3):155-161.
    Vaccine refusal occurs for a variety of reasons. In this article we examine vaccine refusals that are made on conscientious grounds; that is, for religious, moral, or philosophical reasons. We focus on two questions: first, whether people should be entitled to conscientiously object to vaccination against contagious diseases ; second, if so, to what constraints or requirements should conscientious objection to vaccination be subject. To address these questions, we consider an analogy between CO to vaccination and CO to military service. (...)
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    Zhuangzi and Early Chinese Philosophy: Vagueness, Transformation, and Paradox.Steve Coutinho - 2004 - Routledge.
    Drawing on several issues and methods in Western philosophy, from analytical philosophy to semiotics and hermeneutics, the author throws new light on the ancient Zhuangzi text. Engaging Daoism and contemporary Western philosophical logic, and drawing on new developments in our understanding of early Chinese culture, Coutinho challenges the interpretation of Zhuangzi as either a skeptic or a relativist, and instead seeks to explore his philosophy as emphasizing the ineradicable vagueness of language, thought and reality. This new interpretation of the Zhuangzi (...)
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  12. Conspiracy Theories and the Internet: Controlled Demolition and Arrested Development.Steve Clarke - 2007 - Episteme 4 (2):167-180.
    Abstract Following Clarke (2002), a Lakatosian approach is used to account for the epistemic development of conspiracy theories. It is then argued that the hypercritical atmosphere of the internet has slowed down the development of conspiracy theories, discouraging conspiracy theorists from articulating explicit versions of their favoured theories, which could form the hard core of Lakatosian research pro grammes. The argument is illustrated with a study of the “controlled demolition” theory of the collapse of three towers at the World Trade (...)
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    A brief history of analytic philosophy: from Russell to Rawls.Steve Schwartz - 2012 - Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
    A Brief History of Analytic Philosophy: From Russell to Rawls presents a comprehensive overview of the historical development of all major aspects of analytic philosophy, the dominant Anglo-American philosophical tradition in the twentieth century. Features coverage of all the major subject areas and figures in analytic philosophy - including Wittgenstein, Bertrand Russell, G.E. Moore, Gottlob Frege, Carnap, Quine, Davidson, Kripke, Putnam, and many others Contains explanatory background material to help make clear technical philosophical concepts Includes listings of suggested further readings (...)
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  14. First-order logical duality.Steve Awodey - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (3):319-348.
    From a logical point of view, Stone duality for Boolean algebras relates theories in classical propositional logic and their collections of models. The theories can be seen as presentations of Boolean algebras, and the collections of models can be topologized in such a way that the theory can be recovered from its space of models. The situation can be cast as a formal duality relating two categories of syntax and semantics, mediated by homming into a common dualizing object, in this (...)
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    (1 other version)Preparing for life in humanity 2.0.Steve Fuller - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Developing directly from Fuller's recent book Humanity 2.0, this is the first book to seriously consider what a 'post-' or 'trans'-' human state of being might mean for who we think we are, how we live, what we believe and what we aim to be.
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  16. Scientific Imperialism and the Proper Relations between the Sciences.Steve Clarke & Adrian Walsh - 2009 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 23 (2):195-207.
    John Dupr argues that 'scientific imperialism' can result in 'misguided' science being considered acceptable. 'Misguided' is an explicitly normative term and the use of the pejorative 'imperialistic' is implicitly normative. However, Dupr has not justified the normative dimension of his critique. We identify two ways in which it might be justified. It might be justified if colonisation prevents a discipline from progressing in ways that it might otherwise progress. It might also be justified if colonisation prevents the expression of important (...)
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    TW+ and RW+ are decidable.Steve Giambrone - 1985 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 14 (3):235 - 254.
  18.  32
    The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate.Steve Clarke, Julian Savulescu, Tony Coady, Alberto Giubilini & Sagar Sanyal (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    We humans can enhance some of our mental and physical abilities above the normal upper limits for our species with the use of particular drug therapies and medical procedures. We will be able to enhance many more of our abilities in more ways in the near future. Some commentators have welcomed the prospect of wide use of human enhancement technologies, while others have viewed it with alarm, and have made clear that they find human enhancement morally objectionable. The Ethics of (...)
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    The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate.Steve Clarke, Julian Savulescu, C. A. J. Coady, Alberto Giubilini & Sagar Sanyal (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    An international team of ethicists refresh the debate about human enhancement by examining whether resistance to the use of technology to enhance our mental and physical capabilities can be supported by articulated philosophical reasoning, or explained away, e.g. in terms of psychological influences on moral reasoning.
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    The Justification of Religious Violence.Steve Clarke - 2014 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    How are justifications for religious violence developed and dothey differ from secular justifications for violence? Can liberalsocieties tolerate potentially violent religious groups? Can thosewho accept religious justifications for violence be dissuaded fromacting violently? Including six in-depth contemporary case studies,The Justification of Religious Violence is the first book toexamine the logical structure of justifications of religiousviolence. The first book specifically devoted to examining the logicalstructure of justifications of religious violence Seeks to understand how justifications for religious violenceare developed and how or (...)
  21. (1 other version)The Significance of Habit.Steve Matthews - forthcoming - New Content is Available for Journal of Moral Philosophy.
    _ Source: _Page Count 22 Analysis of the concept of habit has been relatively neglected in the contemporary analytic literature. This paper is an attempt to rectify this lack. The strategy begins with a description of some paradigm cases of habit which are used to derive five features as the basis for an explicative definition. It is argued that habits are social, acquired through repetition, enduring, environmentally activated, and automatic. The enduring nature of habits is captured by their being dispositions (...)
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    When timing the mind should also mind the timing: Biases in the measurement of voluntary actions.Steve Joordens, Marc van Duijn & Thomas M. Spalek - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (2):231-40.
    Trevena and Miller provide further evidence that readiness potentials occur in the brain prior to the time that participants claim to have initiated a voluntary movement, a contention originally forwarded by Libet, Gleason, Wright, and Pearl . In their examination of this issue, though, aspects of their data lead them to question whether their measurement of the initiation of a voluntary movement was accurate. The current article addresses this concern by providing a direct analysis of biases in this task. This (...)
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  23. A brief introduction to algebraic set theory.Steve Awodey - 2008 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 14 (3):281-298.
    This brief article is intended to introduce the reader to the field of algebraic set theory, in which models of set theory of a new and fascinating kind are determined algebraically. The method is quite robust, applying to various classical, intuitionistic, and constructive set theories. Under this scheme some familiar set theoretic properties are related to algebraic ones, while others result from logical constraints. Conventional elementary set theories are complete with respect to algebraic models, which arise in a variety of (...)
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    Independence or redundancy? Two models of conscious and unconscious influences.Steve Joordens & Philip M. Merikle - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 122 (4):462-67.
  25. The Postmodern Animal.Steve Baker - 2001 - Environmental Values 10 (3):417-418.
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    Two Concepts of Conscience and their Implications for Conscience-Based Refusal in Healthcare.Steve Clarke - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (1):97-108.
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  27. From Wittgenstein's prison to the boundless ocean : Carnap's dream of logical syntax.Steve Awodey & A. W. Carus - 2009 - In Pierre Wagner, Carnap's Logical syntax of language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  28. Necessary, Transcendental and Universal Truth.Steve Kuhn - 2020 - In Mircea Dumitru, Metaphysics, Meaning, and Modality: Themes From Kit Fine. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    Deviant interdisciplinarity as philosophical practice: prolegomena to deep intellectual history.Steve Fuller - 2013 - Synthese 190 (11):1899-1916.
    Philosophy may relate to interdisciplinarity in two distinct ways On the one hand, philosophy may play an auxiliary role in the process of interdisciplinarity, typically through conceptual analysis, in the understanding that the disciplines themselves are the main epistemic players. This version of the relationship I characterise as ‘normal’ because it captures the more common pattern of the relationship, which in turn reflects an acceptance of the division of organized inquiry into disciplines. On the other hand, philosophy may be itself (...)
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  30. Introduction to "The Herder Notes from Immanuel Kant's Lectures".Steve Naragon - manuscript
    This is a draft of the introduction to a forthcoming volume that brings together all of J. G. Herder's student notes from Immanuel Kant's lectures. It is intended as a volume in Kant's gesammelte Schriften (de Gruyter). These are the earliest notes (1762-64) we have from Kant's lectures (which span from 1755 to 1796) and the only notes before his professorship began in 1770. Included are improved transcriptions of Herder's notes on metaphysics, moral philosophy, logic, physics, and mathematics, and the (...)
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    The Ontology of Things, Properties and Powers.Steve Fleetwood - 2009 - Journal of Critical Realism 8 (3):343-366.
    Whilst the concept of causal powers is central to much post-positivist social science in general, and to critical realism in particular, it has not been significantly developed by critical realists since the initial work of Harré and Madden and Bhaskar in the mid-1970s. To deepen our understanding of powers we need to start with a ‘package’ of related terms. In §1 of the paper I introduce this package, clear up some terminological ambiguity and inconsistency, and focus the discussion upon things, (...)
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  32. Topology and modality: The topological interpretation of first-order modal logic: Topology and modality.Steve Awodey - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (2):146-166.
    As McKinsey and Tarski showed, the Stone representation theorem for Boolean algebras extends to algebras with operators to give topological semantics for propositional modal logic, in which the “necessity” operation is modeled by taking the interior of an arbitrary subset of a topological space. In this article, the topological interpretation is extended in a natural way to arbitrary theories of full first-order logic. The resulting system of S4 first-order modal logic is complete with respect to such topological semantics.
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    Proof Theories for Semilattice Logics.Steve Giambrone & Alasdaire Urquhart - 1987 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 33 (5):433-439.
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    Ernst Cassirer in Japanese Philosophy.Steve Lofts - 2021 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 2 (1):143-165.
    The primary goal of this paper is not to argue for the “influence” of Cassirer, but rather to make known the reception of Cassirer in Japanese philosophy, illustrate the interconnection between Cassirer’s critique of culture and that of Japanese philosophy, and hopefully spark interest in what might be a fruitful dialog between Cassirer scholars and those working in Japanese philosophy. Historically, the paper defines Japanese philosophy and makes known its engagement with Western philosophy and the Marburg school of neo-Kantianism and (...)
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  35. Climate Change and the Challenge of Moral Responsibility.Steve Vanderheiden - 2007 - Journal of Philosophical Research 32 (9999):85-92.
    The phenomenon of anthropogenic climate change—in which weather patterns and attendant ecological disruption result from increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere through human activities—challenges several conventional assumptions regarding moral responsibility. Multifarious individual acts and choices contribute (often imperceptibly) to the causal chain that is expected to produce profound and lasting harm unless significant mitigation efforts begin soon. Attributing responsibility for such harmful consequences is complicated by what Derek Parfit terms “mistakes in moral mathematics,” or failures to correctly (...)
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  36. Gödel and Carnap.Steve Awodey & A. W. Carus - 2010 - In Kurt Gödel, Solomon Feferman, Charles Parsons & Stephen G. Simpson, Kurt Gödel: essays for his centennial. Ithaca, NY: Association for Symbolic Logic.
  37. Deviant interdisciplinarity.Steve Fuller - 2010 - In Robert Frodeman, Julie Thompson Klein & Carl Mitcham, The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 50--64.
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    Modeling a dynamic and uncertain world I.Steve Hanks & Drew McDermott - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 66 (1):1-55.
  39. Coercion, consequence and salvation.Steve Clarke - 2012 - In Yujin Nagasawa, Scientific Approaches to the Philosophy of Religion. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 205.
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    Unfounded dumbfounding: How harm and purity undermine evidence for moral dumbfounding.Steve Guglielmo - 2018 - Cognition 170:334-337.
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    A quantum leap for social theory.Steve Fuller - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (2):177-182.
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  42. (1 other version)Climate Change and Free Riding.Steve Vanderheiden - 2014 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 11 (4):1-27.
    Does the receipt of benefits from some common resource create an obligation to contribute toward its maintenance? If so, what is the basis of this obligation? I consider whether individual contributions to climate change can be impugned as wrongful free riding upon the stability of the planet's climate system, when persons enjoy its benefits but refuse to bear their share of its maintenance costs. Two main arguments will be advanced: the first urges further modification of H.L.A. Hart’s “principle of fairness” (...)
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  43. Carnap and the invariance of logical truth.Steve Awodey - 2017 - Synthese 194 (1):67-78.
    The failed criterion of logical truth proposed by Carnap in the Logical Syntax of Language was based on the determinateness of all logical and mathematical statements. It is related to a conception which is independent of the specifics of the system of the Syntax, hints of which occur elsewhere in Carnap’s writings, and those of others. What is essential is the idea that the logical terms are invariant under reinterpretation of the empirical terms, and are therefore semantically determinate. A certain (...)
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    The Badiou Dictionary.Steve Corcoran - 2015 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    From Antiphilosophy to Worlds and from Beckett to Wittgenstein, the 110 entries in this dictionary provide detailed explanations and engagements with Badious's key concepts and major interlocutors.
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    The relation between verbal and visuospatial memory and autobiographical memory.Steve M. J. Janssen, Gert Kristo, Romke Rouw & Jaap M. J. Murre - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 31:12-23.
  46. Multiple patterns, multiple explanations.Steve Petersen - 2023 - In Jonah N. Schupbach & David H. Glass, Conjunctive Explanations: The Nature, Epistemology, and Psychology of Explanatory Multiplicity. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 38-48.
    A "patternist" approach to explanation seeks to formalize unificationism using notions from algorithmic information theory. Among other advantages, this account provides both a rigorous sense of how data can admit multiple explanations, and a rigorous sense of how some of those explanations can conjoin, while others compete.
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    Third way discourse: European ideologies in the twentieth century.Steve Bastow - 2003 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by James Martin.
    This book introduces the history of third way ideology, surveys its various contrasting forms and locates it within the context of a recurrent crisis of modern European ideologies.
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    Misaligned hope and conviction in health care.Steve Clarke, Justin Oakley, Jonathan Pugh & Dominic Wilkinson - 2025 - Bioethics 39 (3):232-239.
    It is often said that it is important for patients to possess hope that their treatment will be successful. We agree, but a widely appealed to type of hope—hope based on conviction (religious or otherwise), renders this assertion problematic. If conviction‐based hope influences patient decisions to undergo medical procedures, then questions are raised about the scope of patient autonomy. Libertarians permit patients to make decisions to undergo medical procedures on the basis of any considerations, including conviction‐based hopes, on grounds of (...)
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    Bausteine zu einer Oral History der Wissenschaftsgeschichte Interview mit Dieter Hoffmann.Mathias Grote, Anke te Heesen & Dieter Hoffmann - 2023 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 46 (4):378-412.
    Wie kann man einen historischen Blick auf das eigene Fach werfen? Diese Frage ist nicht einfach zu beantworten – will man einerseits nicht in einer Nabelschau und Hagiographie enden, andererseits aber auch keinen umfassenden Entwurf einer zukünftigen Historiographie vorlegen. Die hier in loser Folge publizierten Interviews mit bekannten Protagonist:innen der Berliner Wissenschaftsgeschichte von ca. 1970–1990 in West und Ost rücken die Geschichte des Faches deshalb in einem bestimmten Milieu in den Fokus und versuchen, die Historiographie jenseits einer Institutionen- oder Theoriegeschichte (...)
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    Formulating a plausible relativism.Steve Edwards - 1993 - Philosophia 22 (1-2):63-74.
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