Results for 'Structure-constructivism'

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  1.  15
    Teaching-Learning Model of Structure-Constructivism Based on Piagetian Propositional Logic and Bayesian Causational Inference. 은은숙 - 2020 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 99:191-217.
    본 연구의 목적은 최근 20여 년 동안 진행되어 온 학습이론에 대한 피아제의 명제논리학적 학습이론과 베이즈주의의 확률론적 학습이론의 융합에 근거하는 새로운 융합교수학습모형을 개발하는 것이다. 연구자는 이 새로운 교수학습모델을 “베이지안 구조구성주의 교수학습모형”(Bayesian structure-constructivist Model of Teaching-learning: 이하 약칭 BMT)이라 명명한다. 본고는 역사-비판적 관점 및 형식화적 관점에서 피아제의 명제논리학적 학습모형에서 해석된 학습이론과 베이즈주의의 확률론적 추론모형에서 해석된 학습이론을 일차적으로 분석하고, 논문의 후반부에서는 이를 근거로 교수법의 관점에서 양자의 학습이론을 통합하는 새로운 교수학습모델, 즉 BMT의 중요한 특성들을 세부적으로 제시한다. 몇 가지 핵심만 언급하면, 첫째로, BMT는 개념 (...)
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    The Constructivism, Structuralism and Structure-Constructivism in Mathematical Philosophy. 문장수 - 2022 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 109:225-262.
    본 연구는 수학철학의 핵심적인 두 유파는 구성주의와 구조주의라는 것을 논증하면서, 양자는 다시 구조-구성주의라는 하나의 유파로 종합될 수 있으며 종합되어야 한다는 것을 논증하고자 한다. 이를 위해 역사-비판적 검토를 수행한다. 역사-비판적 관점에서 볼 때, 수학철학은 광의의 관점에서 10여개의 유파로 구분되지만, 세부적으로는 20여개 이상으로 세분화된다. 그러나 가장 큰 흐름은 수학적 대상들은 인간의 정신으로부터 독립적이고 물질적 대상들로부터도 독립적으로 존재하는 “추상적 실체”라고 주장하는 플라톤주의이고, 이것에 대립적인 것은 심리학적 구성주의이다. 후자에 따르면, 수학적 대상들은 인간정신의 구성의 산물이다. 그러나 여기서 말하는 구성의 근거가 논리적 장치인가 아니면 기호적 상징체계인가 (...)
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    Epistemology of Geometry: Structure-Constructivism (Ⅰ) - Beyond the Argument Between the Logical and the Phenomenological Interpretation on the Role of Intuition in Kant’s Theory of Geometry -. 문장수 - 2022 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 108:23-52.
    본 연구는 기하학에 대한 구조-구성주의 인식론을 정당화하는 것이다. 즉 구조주의와 구성주의를 융합하는 필자의 고유한 인식론으로 기하학적 인식의 본성을 해명하는 것이다. 그러나 현재의 연구는 이러한 큰 주제에 접근하기 위한 예비적 연구로서 칸트의 기하학적 직관 개념에 대한 역사-비판적 분석을 제공하는 데 한정된다. 잘 알려져 있는 것처럼, 칸트는 수학적 인식, 특히 기하학적 인식을 위해서 직관이 핵심적으로 중요하다고 주장했다. 그런데 칸트가 말하는 기하학적 인식을 위한 직관의 역할이 무엇인지는 여전히 논쟁적이다. 이점과 관련해서 역사적으로 대립적인 두 가지 해석이 있다. 하나는 베스(E. Beth), 힌티카(J. Hintikka), 프리드만(M. Fridman) (...)
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  4. Social Constructivism, Structural Constructivism: A Comparison.Niilo Kauppi - 2005 - In André-Paul Frognier & Irina Kolotouchkina (eds.), EpsNet Kiosk Plus. pp. 3--1.
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    Critique on Freudian definition and Alternative about “the Pathogenic Property of Moral” - Construction of Structure-constructivist Counselling Model for Healing of Moral Diseases -. 문장수 - 2020 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 99:81-115.
    본 연구의 목표는 “도덕의 병원적 속성”에 대한 프로이트의 정의 및 대안을 비판적으로 분석하면서, 도덕으로 인해서 발생한 정신적 고통, 소위 도덕적 질병을 치유하기 위한 하나의 대안으로서 구조구성주의 상담모델을 구성하는 것이다. 이를 위해 필자는 일차적으로 니체, 프로이트 그리고 라캉으로 이어지는 윤리에 대한 비합리론적 이론과 플라톤, 칸트, 하버마스 그리고 매킨타이어로 이어지는 윤리에 대한 합리론적 이론 사이의 논쟁을 비판적으로 분석하고 이들을 “구조구성주의의 윤리설”(필자의 고유한 명칭)로 종합하는 것이고, 이차적으로 이를 근거로 한편에서는 정신분석적 상담모형과 인지행동치료 상담모형을 종합하고, 다른 한편으로는 베이지언 인지모형(Bayesian Cognition Model)과 크래이그의 수사학적 소통모형(Rhetorical (...)
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    Constructing a Theoretical Basis for the Human Sciences via Structural Constructivism : Through Solving the Difficult Problems in the Philosophy of Science.Takeo Saijo - 2013 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 40 (2):93-114.
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  7. Radical Constructivist Structural Design Education for Large Cohorts of Chinese Learners.C. M. Herr - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):393-402.
    Context: Structural design education in architecture is typically conceived as a scientific subject taught in a lecture format and based on a transactional view of learning. This approach misses opportunities to contribute to and integrate with design-studio-based architectural education. Problem: How can radical constructivism inform a design-based pedagogy of structural design in the context of large cohorts of Chinese learners? Method: The paper outlines how radical constructivist and second order cybernetic perspectives are reflected in an alternative educational approach to (...)
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  8.  27
    The Structure Thirty Years Later: Refashioning a Constructivist Metaphysical Program.Sergio Sismondo - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:300 - 312.
    The Thomas Kuhn of "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" is often seen as an idealist or Neo-Kantian, as holding a constructivist as opposed to realist position. A close reading of the texts in question, keeping in mind Kuhn's interests as a historian, doesn't support this position, though it uncovers other interesting metaphysical commitments. In particular, Kuhn sees a degree of complexity in the world that entails that there will often be some conventionality in our theories. Some reasons for the (...)
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  9. The structure of justification in political constructivism.Michael Buckley - 2010 - Metaphilosophy 41 (5):669-689.
    Abstract: In this article the author develops the view, held by some, that political constructivism is best interpreted as a pragmatic enterprise aiming to solve political problems. He argues that this interpretation's structure of justification is best conceived in terms of two separate investigations—one develops a normative solution to a particular political problem by working up into a coherent whole certain moral conceptions of persons and society; and the other is an empirically based analysis of the political problem. (...)
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    Structuring argumentation in a social constructivist framework: A pedagogy with computer support. [REVIEW]David Kaufer & Cheryl Geisler - 1990 - Argumentation 4 (4):379-396.
    What we usually think of as higher order skills in argumentation can be profitably viewed as systematic structures for organizing and representing information. Standard terms like “line of argument”, “synthesis”, “analysis” and “draft” can be viewed as ways of constructing, storing, and accessing data in a social context — data structures for social communication. What makes argument difficult are the multiple structures that arguers have to construct and negotiate when reading and composing. In this paper, we describe the WARRANT project, (...)
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  11. Interdisciplinary Connections between Radical Constructivist Approaches in Mathematical Problem Solving and Structural Design in Architecture.V. Sevim - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):411-412.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Radical Constructivist Structural Design Education for Large Cohorts of Chinese Learners” by Christiane M. Herr. Upshot: In the target article, Christiane Herr offers an insightful characterization of how von Glasersfeld’s radical constructivism can be implemented in structural design education in architecture. In this commentary, I articulate possible connections between research on problem solving and problem posing in mathematics education and design processes in structural design education as described in the target article.
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  12. Constructivism about Practical Knowledge.Carla Bagnoli - 2013 - In Constructivism in Ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 153-182.
    It is largely agreed that if constructivism contributes anything to meta-ethics it is by proposing that we understand ethical objectivity “in terms of a suitably constructed point of view that all can accept” (Rawls 1980/1999: 307). Constructivists defend this “practical” conception of objectivity in contrast to the realist or “ontological” conception of objectivity, understood as an accurate representation of an independent metaphysical order. Because of their objectivist but not realist commitments, Kantian constructivists place their theory “somewhere in the space (...)
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  13. Radical Constructivism's Tathandlung, Structure, and Geist.S. Franchi - 2011 - Constructivist Foundations 7 (1):17-20.
    Open peer commentary on the target article “From Objects to Processes: A Proposal to Rewrite Radical Constructivism” by Siegfried J. Schmidt. Upshot: I focus my commentary on the fundamental metaphysical issue that Siegfried J. Schmidt’s very stimulating paper addresses in §45 and particularly upon the relationship between the ontological status of the processes from which worlds emerge and the temporality of the objects to be found therein. I argue that Schmidt’s emphasis on world-forming processes raises many questions concerning the (...)
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    Shifting the Paradigm: A Constructivist Analysis of Agency and Structure in Sustained Youth Sport Participation.Meredith Flaherty & Michael Sagas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    To examine the impact of the relationship between agency and structure on sustained participation in youth sport, semi-structured interviews were conducted with male college soccer players. The participants' accounts of their youth careers were analyzed through the lens of Structuration Theory framed in a constructivist paradigm. ST supports the significance of the recursive relationship between agent and structure in-context in the co-construction of experiences, and provides a framework for analyzing effects of compounding experiences gained across time and space (...)
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    Mathematical constructivism in spacetime.Geoffrey Hellman - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (3):425-450.
    To what extent can constructive mathematics based on intuitionistc logic recover the mathematics needed for spacetime physics? Certain aspects of this important question are examined, both technical and philosophical. On the technical side, order, connectivity, and extremization properties of the continuum are reviewed, and attention is called to certain striking results concerning causal structure in General Relativity Theory, in particular the singularity theorems of Hawking and Penrose. As they stand, these results appear to elude constructivization. On the philosophical side, (...)
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  16. Radical Constructivism and Radical Constructedness: Luhmann's Sociology of Semantics, Organizations, and Self-Organization.L. Leydesdorff - 2012 - Constructivist Foundations 8 (1):85-92.
    Context: Using radical constructivism, society can be considered from the perspective of asking the question, “Who conceives of society?” In Luhmann ’s social systems theory, this question itself is considered as a construct of the communication among reflexive agents. Problem: Structuration of expectations by codes operating in interhuman communications positions both communicators and communications in a multi-dimensional space in which their relations can be provided with meaning at the supra-individual level. The codes can be functionally different and symbolically generalized. (...)
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  17.  41
    Cybersemiotic Pragmaticism and Constructivism.S. Brier - 2009 - Constructivist Foundations 5 (1):19 - 39.
    Context: Radical constructivism claims that we have no final truth criteria for establishing one ontology over another. This leaves us with the question of how we can come to know anything in a viable manner. According to von Glasersfeld, radical constructivism is a theory of knowledge rather than a philosophy of the world in itself because we do not have access to a human-independent world. He considers knowledge as the ordering of experience to cope with situations in a (...)
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  18. Rawlsian Constructivism In Moral Theory.David O. Brink - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):71-90.
    Since his article, ‘Outline for a Decision Procedure in Ethics,’ John Rawls has advocated a coherentist moral epistemology according to which moral and political theories are justified on the basis of their coherence with our other beliefs, both moral and nonmoral. A moral theory which is maximally coherent with our other beliefs is in a state which Rawls calls ‘reflective equilibrium’. In A Theory of Justice Rawls advanced two principles of justice and claimed that they are in reflective equilibrium. He (...)
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    On essences in constructivist psychology.Jonathan D. Raskin - 2011 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 31 (4):223-239.
    The notion of essence in psychology is examined from a constructivist viewpoint. The constructivist position is summarized and differentiated from social constructionism, after which constructs are distinguished from concepts in order to position ontology and epistemology as modes of construing. After situating constructivism in relation to philosophical approaches to essences, the distinction between essences and kinds is examined and the presumed constructivist critique of essences in psychology outlined. It is argued that criticizing constructivism as an “anything goes” form (...)
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    Constructivist Curriculum Design for the Interdisciplinary Study Programme MEi:CogSci – A Case Study.Elisabeth Zimmermann, Markus Peschl & Brigitte Römmer-Nossek - 2010 - Constructivist Foundations 5 (3):144-157.
    Context: Cognitive science, as an interdisciplinary research endeavour, poses challenges for teaching and learning insofar as the integration of various participating disciplines requires a reflective approach, considering and making explicit different epistemological attitudes and hidden assumptions and premises. Only few curricula in cognitive science face this integrative challenge. Problem: The lack of integrative activities might result from different challenges for people involved in truly interdisciplinary efforts, such as discussing issues on a conceptual level, negotiating colliding frameworks or sets of premises, (...)
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  21. Constructivist Artificial Life, and Beyond.Alexander Riegler - 1992 - In Barry McMullin (ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Autopoiesis and Perception. Dublin City University: Dublin, Pp. 121–136.
    In this paper I provide an epistemological context for Artificial Life projects. Later on, the insights which such projects will exhibit may be used as a general direction for further Artificial Life implementations. The purpose of such a model is to demonstrate by way of simulation how higher cognitive structures may emerge from building invariants by simple sensorimotor beings. By using the bottom-up methodology of Artificial Life, it is hoped to overcome problems that arise from dealing with complex systems, such (...)
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  22. Development of elementary school students' cognitive structures and information processing strategies under long‐term constructivist‐oriented science instruction.Ying‐Tien Wu & Chin‐Chung Tsai - 2005 - Science Education 89 (5):822-846.
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  23. Transcendental Constructivism: On Method From Kant's First "Critique" to Fichte's Later Jena "Wissenschaftslehre".Kevin Zanelotti - 2003 - Dissertation, University of Kentucky
    In this dissertation, I defend an interpretation of the methodological development of transcendental philosophy from Kant's first Critique to Fichte's later Jena-period Wissenschaftslehre. Both Kant and Fichte claim that experience is founded upon certain a priori subjective structures and capacities. However, I argue that the methodology of Kant's first Critique includes a number of assumptions and explicit doctrines that limit his ability to explain experience. The chief problem of Kant's theory of method is, I claim, his distinction between the methods (...)
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    Nominalism, constructivism, and relativism in the work of Nelson Goodman.Catherine Z. Elgin (ed.) - 1997 - New York: Garland.
    A challenger of traditions and boundaries A pivotal figure in 20th-century philosophy, Nelson Goodman has made seminal contributions to metaphysics, epistemology, aesthetics, and the philosophy of language, with surprising connections that cut across traditional boundaries. In the early 1950s, Goodman, Quine, and White published a series of papers that threatened to torpedo fundamental assumptions of traditional philosophy. They advocated repudiating analyticity, necessity, and prior assumptions. Some philosophers, realizing the seismic effects repudiation would cause, argued that philosophy should retain the familiar (...)
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  25.  50
    The constructivist’s programme and the problem of pregeometry.Niels Linnemann & Kian Salimkhani - 2021
    Prominently, Norton argues against constructivism about spacetime theories, the doctrine that spatiotemporal structure in the dynamics only has derivative status. Among other things, he accuses Brown and Pooley's dynamical approach to special relativity of being merely half-way constructivist: setting up relativistic fields as presupposed in the dynamical approach to special relativity already requires spatiotemporal background structure. We first assess a recent solution proposal by Menon and then provide our very own defense of constructivism along two independent (...)
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  26.  42
    Constructivism, cognition, and science – an investigation of its links and possible shortcomings.Markus F. Peschl - 2001 - Foundations of Science 6 (1-3):125-161.
    This paper addresses the questions concerningthe relationship between scientific andcognitive processes. The fact that both,science and cognition, aim at acquiring somekind of knowledge or representationabout the world is the key for establishing alink between these two domains. It turns outthat the constructivist frameworkrepresents an adequate epistemologicalfoundation for this undertaking, as its focusof interest is on the (constructive)relationship between the world and itsrepresentation. More specifically, it will beshown how cognitive processes and their primaryconcern to construct a representation of theenvironment and to (...)
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  27.  42
    Incentives, Conventionalism, and Constructivism.C. M. Melenovsky - 2016 - Ethics 126 (3):549-574.
    Rawlsians argue for principles of justice that apply exclusively to the basic structure of society, but it can seem strange that those who accept these principles should not also regulate their choices by them. Valid moral principles should seemingly identify ideals for both institutions and individuals. What justifies this nonintuitive distinction between institutional and individual principles is not a moral division of labor but Rawls’s dual commitments to conventionalism and constructivism. Conventionalism distinguishes the relevant ideals for evaluating institutions (...)
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    Neural constructivism: How mammals make modules.Robert A. Barton - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):556-557.
    Although the developmental arguments in the Quartz & Sejnowski target article may have intrinsic merit, they do not warrant the authors' conclusion that innate modular architectures are absent or minimal, and that neocortical evolution is simply a progression toward more flexible representational structures. Modular architectures can develop and evolve in tandem with sub-cortical specialisation. I present comparative evidence for the co-evolution of specific thalamic and cortical visual pathways.
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    Ludic Constructivism: Or, Individual Life and the Fate of Humankind.Avery Kolers - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (3-4):392-405.
    In The Grasshopper, Bernard Suits argues that the best life is the one whose essence is game-play. In fact, only through the concept of game-play can we understand how anything at all is worth doing. Yet this seems implausible: morality makes things worth doing independently of any game, and games are themselves subject to moral evaluation. So games must be logically posterior to morality. The current paper responds to these objections by developing the theory of Ludic Constructivism. Constructivist theories (...)
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    Towards a radical constructivist understanding of science.Alexander Riegler - 2001 - Foundations of Science 6 (1-3):1-30.
    Constructivism is the idea that we construct our own world rather than it being determined by an outside reality. Its most consistent form, Radical Constructivism (RC), claims that we cannot transcend our experiences. Thus it doesn't make sense to say that our constructions gradually approach the structure of an external reality. The mind is necessarily an epistemological solipsist, in contrast to being an ontological solipsist who maintains that this is all there is, namely a single mind within (...)
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  31. Starting Points: Kantian Constructivism Reassessed.Carla Bagnoli - 2014 - Ratio Juris 27 (3):311-329.
    G. A. Cohen and J. Raz object that Constructivism is incoherent because it crucially deploys unconstructed elements in the structure of justification. This paper offers a response on behalf of constructivism, by reassessing the role of such unconstructed elements. First, it argues that a shared conception of rational agency works as a starting point for the justification, but it does not play a foundational role. Second, it accounts for the unconstructed norms that constrains the activity of construction (...)
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    Regularity Relationalism and the Constructivist Project.Syman Stevens - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (1):353-372.
    It has recently been argued that Harvey Brown and Oliver Pooley’s ‘dynamical approach’ to special relativity should be understood as what might be called an ontologically and ideologically relationalist approach to Minkowski geometry, according to which Minkowski geometrical structure supervenes upon the symmetries of the best-systems dynamical laws for a material world with primitive topological or differentiable structure. Fleshing out the details of some such primitive structure, and a conception of laws according to which Minkowski geometry could (...)
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    Global justice and consecutive constructivism: a political theory in the age of global environmental crisis.Joon H. Chung - 2016 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Consecutive constructivism is a moral and political theory which mitigates structural injustice by securing individuals' perception of private morality--that is, inventing procedural devices to make people enhance their moral consciousness--and, at the same time, encourages people to voluntarily concern themselves with procedural justice and public morality. The crucial reason for this position is that a detouring method of not directly dealing with the problem of justice but rather discussing the problem of morals is required to avoid the lucid criticisms (...)
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  34. Kantian constructivism.Julia Markovits & Kenneth Walden - 2020 - In Ruth Chang & Kurt Sylvan (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Practical Reason. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Theories of reasons and other normativia can seem to lead ineluctably to a tragic dilemma. They can be personal but parochial if they locate reasons in features of the point of view of actual people. Or they can be objective but alien if they take reasons to be mind-independent fixtures of the universe. Kantian constructivism tries to offer the best of both worlds: an account of normative authority anchored in the evaluative perspectives of actual agents but refined by a (...)
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    Chapter Twelve. Rescuing Justice from Constructivism and Equality from the Basic Structure Restriction.G. A. H. G. Cohen - 2011 - In Gerald A. Cohen (ed.), On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice, and Other Essays in Political Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 236-254.
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    Investigating the Associations of Constructivist Beliefs and Classroom Climate on Teachers' Self-Efficacy Among Australian Secondary Mathematics Teachers.Fang Guangbao & Teo Timothy - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study examines the associations of constructivist beliefs and classroom climate on teachers' self-efficacy in instruction, classroom management, and student engagement among Australian secondary mathematics teachers. To do this, it uses the integrated model of teachers' self-efficacy with the concept of analysis of teaching tasks. The study uses structural equation modeling to analyze data from 495 mathematics teachers in the Teaching and Learning International Survey 2013. The results reveal the integrated model is a valid theoretical framework to explain Australian secondary (...)
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  37. Pregeometry, Formal Language and Constructivist Foundations of Physics.Xerxes D. Arsiwalla, Hatem Elshatlawy & Dean Rickles - manuscript
    How does one formalize the structure of structures necessary for the foundations of physics? This work is an attempt at conceptualizing the metaphysics of pregeometric structures, upon which new and existing notions of quantum geometry may find a foundation. We discuss the philosophy of pregeometric structures due to Wheeler, Leibniz as well as modern manifestations in topos theory. We draw attention to evidence suggesting that the framework of formal language, in particular, homotopy type theory, provides the conceptual building blocks (...)
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  38. Constructivism and collaborative enterprises.Alan Stewart - unknown
    This paper is a contribution to a dialogue on contructivist ideas in qualitative research in which collaborative inquiry is a central feature. By this I mean a process of finding out how both 'researchers' and 'subjects' have come to conceive an issue through sharing of their perceptions. Collaborative or participatory action research is an example of this approach. I propose that a constructivist methodology or epistemology for collaborative inquiry can be developed from primary theoretical concepts such as Structural Determinism of (...)
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    Give Structure Its Due: Political Agency and the Vietnam Commitment Decisions.Gavan Duffy - 2001 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 2 (2):161-175.
    The constructivist turn in the study of world politics provides new impetus to studies of the political deliberations of human agents. The co-constitution of agents and structures implies the non-acceptability of accounts that fail to consider the interpretations human agents provide to structural conditions. But neither can we accept the reverse. Studies of the interpretations of political agents should adequately account for the structural constraints on those interpretations. This paper illustrates how easily agency studies can underestimate structural constraints by reference (...)
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  40. Logic and Constructivism: A Model of Terminological Knowledge.Farshad Badie - 2020 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 1 (1):23-39.
    This original research hypothesises that the most fundamental building blocks of logical descriptions of cognitive, or knowledge, agents’ descriptions are expressible based on their conceptions (of the world). This article conceptually and logically analyses agents’ conceptions in order to offer a constructivist- based logical model for terminological knowledge. The most significant characteristic of [terminological] knowing is that there are strong interrelationships between terminological knowledge and the individualistic constructed, and to-be-constructed, models of knowledge. Correspondingly, I conceptually and logically analyse conception expressions (...)
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  41. Made-Up Minds: A Constructivist Approach to Artificial Intelligence.Gary L. Drescher - 1991 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Made-Up Minds addresses fundamental questions of learning and concept invention by means of an innovative computer program that is based on the cognitive ...
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    Integrating constructivism in the critical dialogue method of clinical ethics.Ryan J. Dougherty, Melanie Jeske & Faith E. Fletcher - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (1):24-25.
    In the wake of injustices in healthcare, the field of clinical ethics consultation would benefit from new methods that support ethicists in addressing the role of intersecting systems of oppression in healthcare decision-making.1 We argue for an expanded view of Delany and colleagues’ critical dialogue method to accomplish this by integrating a constructivist lens.2 By doing so, critical dialogue holds the potential to not only encourage a deeper examination of operating moral assumptions but also offers an important framework for examining (...)
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    The Role of Teachers’ Constructivist Beliefs in Classroom Observations: A Social Cognitive Theory Perspective.Po-Hsi Chen, Jon-Chao Hong, Jian-Hong Ye & Ya-Jiuan Ho - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous studies have focused on individuals learning from observing a model to be able to produce the modeled behavior. However, there is a lack of studies emphasizing the perspective of being observed to understand the role of perceived value and stress when teachers act as a teaching model. To address this gap, the present study explored the correlates between teachers’ teaching beliefs, perceived value, psychosocial stress, and continuous intention to be the observed teaching model in classroom observations. Data of 349 (...)
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  44. Forging a Constructivist Pedagogy: Focus on Teacher Decision-Making.B. R. Lawler - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):412-415.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Radical Constructivist Structural Design Education for Large Cohorts of Chinese Learners” by Christiane M. Herr. Upshot: In this comment, I take Herr’s proposition for a constructivist-informed pedagogy for structural design education to extract initial ideas for a framework for a constructivist pedagogy, a framework focused on the decision-making of a constructivist teacher. I enhance this initial framework with initial findings of a study I conducted with a constructivist mathematics teacher.
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    (1 other version)Autonomy and Objective Moral Constructivism: Rawls Versus Kleingeld & Willaschek.Alyssa Rose Bernstein - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (2):571-596.
    Pauline Kleingeld and Marcus Willaschek, in a co-authored article, declare that their purportedly new interpretation of Immanuel Kant's writings on autonomy reveals that his moral philosophy is neither realist nor constructivist. However, as I explain here, John Rawls already occupies the area of intellectual territory to which Kleingeld and Willaschek attempt to lay claim: Rawls interprets Kant's moral philosophy as neither realist, as Kleingeld and Willaschek evidently construe this term, nor constructivist, as they evidently construe this term. Contra Kleingeld and (...)
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  46. The neural basis of cognitive development: A constructivist manifesto.Steven R. Quartz & Terrence J. Sejnowski - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):537-556.
    How do minds emerge from developing brains? According to the representational features of cortex are built from the dynamic interaction between neural growth mechanisms and environmentally derived neural activity. Contrary to popular selectionist models that emphasize regressive mechanisms, the neurobiological evidence suggests that this growth is a progressive increase in the representational properties of cortex. The interaction between the environment and neural growth results in a flexible type of learning: minimizes the need for prespecification in accordance with recent neurobiological evidence (...)
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    Reconsidering the role of overcoming perturbations in cognitive development: constructivism and consicousness.Joe Becker - 2004 - Human Development 47 (2):77-93.
    Constructivist theory must choose between the hypothesis that felt perturbation drives cognitive development (the priority of felt perturbation) and the hypothesis that the particular process that eventually produces new cognitive structures first produces felt perturbation (the continuity of process). There is ambivalence in Piagetian theory regarding this choice. The prevalent account of constructivist theory adopts the priority of felt perturbation. However, on occasion Piaget has explicitly rejected it, simultaneously endorsing the continuity of process. First, I explicate and support this latter (...)
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    Constraining constructivism: Cortical and sub-cortical constraints on learning in development.Steven Quartz & Terrence Sejnowski - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):785-791.
    It is becoming increasingly clear that acquiring cognitive skills is feasible only with significant developmental constraints. However, recent research provides the strongest evidence to date for constructivist development. Here, we examine how these two apparently conflicting perspectives may be reconciled. Specifically, we suggest that subcortical and cortical structures possess divergent developmental strategies, with many subcortical structures satisfying Fodor's criteria for modularity. These structures constitute an early behavioral system that guides the construction of later emerging cortical structures, for which there is (...)
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    Onwards and Upwards, Radical Constructivism. A Guest Commentary.P. Cariani - 2010 - Constructivist Foundations 6 (1):127-132.
    Problem: How can radical constructivism gain wider recognition and acceptance? Method: Based on informal direct observation of other social and intellectual movements, the social and psychological dynamics and organizational imperatives of radical constructivism as an intellectual movement are discussed. Results: Various means of structuring the movement in order to gain wider acceptance are proposed. Implications: We hope that the paper has value in helping the radical constructivism movement evaluate where it has been and where it might go (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Justice, incentives and constructivism.Andrew Williams - 2008 - Ratio 21 (4):476-493.
    In Rescuing Justice and Equality , G. A. Cohen reiterates his critique of John Rawls's difference principle as a justification for inequality-generating incentives, and also argues that Rawls's ambition to provide a constructivist defence of the first principles of justice is doomed. Cohen's arguments also suggest a natural response to my earlier attempt to defend the basic structure objection to Cohen's critique, which I term the alien factors reply. This paper criticises the reply, and Cohen's more general argument against (...)
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