Results for 'SubramanianVasudevan Srinivasan'

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  1.  17
    Relationship between sociodemographic factors and oral cancer awareness and knowledge: A hospital-based study.Durgadevi Pancharethinam, MariappanJonathan Daniel, Saravanan Subbiah, SubramanianVasudevan Srinivasan & VannathanKumaran Jimsha - 2016 - Journal of Education and Ethics in Dentistry 6 (2):56.
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  2. The Aptness of Anger.Amia Srinivasan - 2017 - Journal of Political Philosophy 26 (2):123-144.
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  3. Radical Externalism.Amia Srinivasan - 2020 - Philosophical Review 129 (3):395-431.
    This article presents a novel challenge to epistemic internalism. The challenge rests on a set of cases which feature subjects forming beliefs under conditions of “bad ideology”—that is, conditions in which pervasively false beliefs have the function of sustaining, and are sustained by, systems of social oppression. In such cases, the article suggests, the externalistic view that justification is in part a matter of worldly relations, rather than the internalistic view that justification is solely a matter of how things stand (...)
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  4. Genealogy, Epistemology and Worldmaking.Amia Srinivasan - 2019 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 119 (2):127-156.
    We suffer from genealogical anxiety when we worry that the contingent origins of our representations, once revealed, will somehow undermine or cast doubt on those representations. Is such anxiety ever rational? Many have apparently thought so, from pre-Socratic critics of Greek theology to contemporary evolutionary debunkers of morality. One strategy for vindicating critical genealogies is to see them as undermining the epistemic standing of our representations—the justification of our beliefs, the aptness of our concepts, and so on. I argue that (...)
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  5. Normativity without Cartesian privilege.Amia Srinivasan - 2015 - Philosophical Issues 25 (1):273-299.
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  6. Are We Luminous?Amia Srinivasan - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (2):294-319.
    Since its appearance over a decade ago, Timothy Williamson's anti-luminosity argument has come under sustained attack. Defenders of the luminous overwhelmingly object to the argument's use of a certain margin-for-error premise. Williamson himself claims that the premise follows easily from a safety condition on knowledge together with his description of the thought experiment. But luminists argue that this is not so: the margin-for-error premise either requires an implausible interpretation of the safety requirement on knowledge, or it requires other equally implausible (...)
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  7. [no title].Amia Srinivasan - unknown
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  8. The Archimedean Urge.Amia Srinivasan - 2015 - Philosophical Perspectives 29 (1):325-362.
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    Consciousness Without Content: A Look at Evidence and Prospects.Narayanan Srinivasan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:544286.
    Many traditions in the East have proposed that consciousness without content is possible and could be achieved with mental training. However, it is not clear whether such a state is possible given that intentionality is a critical property of mentality and consciousness in many theories of consciousness. A prominent recent attempt to account for such states of “minimal phenomenal experience” is the ascending reticular arousal system (ARAS) model, which proposes a specific type of non-conceptual representational content to address such a (...)
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  10. Increased synchronization of neuromagnetic responses during conscious perception.Ramesh Srinivasan, D. P. Russell, Gerald M. Edelman & Giulio Srinivasan Tononi - 1999 - Journal of Neuroscience 19 (13):5435-5448.
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    The long and the short of it: On the nature and origin of functional overlap between representations of space and time.Mahesh Srinivasan & Susan Carey - 2010 - Cognition 116 (2):217-241.
  12. Philosophy and Ideology.Amia Srinivasan - 2016 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 31 (3):371-380.
    What is it for an analytic philosopher to do ideology critique? Just how useful are the proprietary tools of analytic philosophy when it comes to thinking about ideology, and in what sense ‘useful’, and to whom? And to what end might analytic philosophers pursue ideology critique? Here I attempt to say something about these questions by commenting on a recent contribution to analytic ideology critique, Jason Stanley’s How Propaganda Works.¿Qué significa para un filósofo analítico hacer crítica de la ideología? ¿En (...)
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    The role of empathy for artificial intelligence accountability.Ramya Srinivasan & Beatriz San Miguel González - 2022 - Journal of Responsible Technology 9 (C):100021.
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    Sex as a Pedagogical Failure.Amia Srinivasan - 2020 - Yale Law Journal 129 (4).
    In the early 1980s, U.S. universities began regulating sexual relationships between professors and students. Such regulations are routinely justified by a rationale drawn from sexual-harassment law in the employment context: the power differential between professor and student precludes the possibility of genuine consent on the student’s part. This rationale is problematic, as feminists in the 1980s first observed, for its protectionist and infantilizing attitude toward (generally) women students. But it is also problematic in that it fails to register what is (...)
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    Global-happy and local-sad: Perceptual processing affects emotion identification.Narayanan Srinivasan & Asma Hanif - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (6):1062-1069.
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    Learning language from within: Children use semantic generalizations to infer word meanings.Mahesh Srinivasan, Sara Al-Mughairy, Ruthe Foushee & David Barner - 2017 - Cognition 159 (C):11-24.
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    Business Ethics in the South and South East Asia.Vasanthi Srinivasan - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 104 (S1):73-81.
    This article attempts to understand the state of teaching, training and research in business ethics in the South and South East Asian region. The countries surveyed are Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. The diversity across countries in the region is high in terms of economic development, political structuring and human development. The degree of privatization and globalization is varied across countries since each of them is in a different phase of transition. (...)
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  18.  40
    The Role of Design and Training in Artifact Expertise: The Case of the Abacus and Visual Attention.Mahesh Srinivasan, Katie Wagner, Michael C. Frank & David Barner - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S3):757-782.
    Previous accounts of how people develop expertise have focused on how deliberate practice transforms the cognitive and perceptual representations and processes that give rise to expertise. However, the likelihood of developing expertise with a particular tool may also depend on the degree to which that tool fits pre‐existing perceptual and cognitive abilities. The present studies explored whether the abacus—a descendent of the first human computing devices—may have evolved to exploit general biases in human visual attention, or whether developing expertise with (...)
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    Teach, breathe, learn: mindfulness in and out of the classroom.Meena Srinivasan - 2014 - Berkeley, California: Parallax Press.
    Meena Srinivasan began teaching in order to touch lives, but with the demands of covering her curriculum she all but forgot her aspiration. During a retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh, Meena learned for the first time about mindfulness. In Teach, Breathe, Learn, Srinivasan highlights how mindfulness can be an effective tool in the classroom. What makes this book truly unique is Srinivasan's perspective as a classroom teacher, wrestling daily with the conditions about which she writes. Each chapter (...)
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  20. The Ineffable and the Ethical.Amia Srinivasan - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 96 (1):215-223.
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    A Formalism to Specify Unambiguous Instructions Inspired by Mīmāṁsā in Computational Settings.Bama Srinivasan & Ranjani Parthasarathi - 2022 - Logica Universalis 16 (1):27-55.
    Mīmāṁsā, an Indian hermeneutics provides an exhaustive methodology to interpret Vedic statements. A formalism namely, Mīmāṁsā Inspired Representation of Actions has already been proposed in a preliminary manner. This paper expands the formalism logically and includes Syntax and Semantics covering Soundness and Completeness. Here, several interpretation techniques from Mīmāṁsā have been considered for formalising the statements. Based on these, instructions that denote actions are categorized into positive and prohibitive unconditional imperatives and conditional imperatives that enjoin reason, temporal action and goal. (...)
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  22.  49
    The Amelia Bedelia effect: World knowledge and the goal bias in language acquisition.Mahesh Srinivasan & David Barner - 2013 - Cognition 128 (3):431-450.
  23.  30
    Interdependence of attention and consciousness.N. Srinivasan - 2008 - In Rahul Banerjee & Bikas K. Chakrabarti, Models of brain and mind: physical, computational, and psychological approaches. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 65-75.
    Research on attention has been closely linked with possible advances in the study of consciousness. Various theories and models have been proposed for attention in the past 50 years. Behavioural, computational, and neuroscientfic approaches have been successful in improving our understanding of attentional processes. Given the current status of attention research, what can we say about the relationship between attention and consciousness? This paper discusses the possible relationships between attention and consciousness. Findings from cognitive science and neuroscience relevant to the (...)
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  24. Donald Michie: Machine Intelligence, Biology and More.Ashwin Srinivasan - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    Donald Michie was many things; a computing pioneer in machine intelligence, a cryptographer who made key breakthroughs at Bletchley Park, and a geneticist. Tragically, two years ago he died in a car crash. Here, Ashwin Srinivasan presents an engaging collection of lively essays from Michie's writings, on thinking computers, mice, and much more.
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    (1 other version)Theories for mutagenicity: a study in first-order and feature-based induction.Ashwin Srinivasan, S. H. Muggleton, M. J. E. Sternberg & R. D. King - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 85 (1-2):277-299.
  26. How to Do Things with Philosophy.Amia Srinivasan - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 26 (4):1410-1416.
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    CSR and ethics in MSMEs in India.Vasanthi Srinivasan - 2014 - African Journal of Business Ethics 4 (2):32.
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    Towards a unified framework for developing ethical and practical Turing tests.Balaji Srinivasan & Kushal Shah - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (1):145-152.
    Since Turing proposed the first test of intelligence, several modifications have been proposed with the aim of making Turing’s proposal more realistic and applicable in the search for artificial intelligence. In the modern context, it turns out that some of these definitions of intelligence and the corresponding tests merely measure computational power. Furthermore, in the framework of the original Turing test, for a system to prove itself to be intelligent, a certain amount of deceit is implicitly required which can have (...)
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  29.  8
    Considering the relevance of Jiddu Krishnamurti to contemporary Indian education: In conversation with the thought of Gert Biesta.Aarthi Srinivasan & Leon Benade - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    Education was a compelling symbol in India’s struggle for independence representing as it did, empowerment, transformation, and liberation. India’s contemporary education system, influenced by neoliberalism has, however, largely focused on curricula, skills, literacy, and educational attainment, while overlooking the concepts of freedom or humanisation advocated by Indian educational philosophers. This article places pre-eminent philosopher of education, Gert Biesta, in conversation with Indian thinker, Jiddu Krishnamurti. The focus of this exchange is to consider, from the perspective of Biesta, the aims and (...)
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  30. Feminism and Metaethics.Amia Srinivasan - 2017 - In Tristram Colin McPherson & David Plunkett, The Routledge Handbook of Metaethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 595-608.
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    Determinants of breast-feeding and post-partum amenorrhoea in Orissa.K. Srinivasan, K. B. Pathak & Arvind Pandey - 1989 - Journal of Biosocial Science 21 (3):365-371.
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    Attribute preference and selection in multi-attribute decision making: Implications for unconscious and conscious thought.Narayanan Srinivasan & Sumitava Mukherjee - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (2):644-652.
    Unconscious thought theory (UTT) states that all information is taken into account and the attributes are weighted optimally resulting in better decisions in complex decision problems during unconscious thought. Very few studies have investigated the actual amount of information processed in the unconscious thought condition. We hypothesized that only a small subset of information might be considered during unconscious thought (like conscious thought). To test this possibility and to explore the way attribute information is selected and combined, we performed computer (...)
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    Ambivalent Education: Reply to Jeffrey Frank.Amia Srinivasan - 2023 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 42 (2):225-229.
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    The Meeting of Business and Spirituality: Its Evolutionary Significance.M. S. Srinivasan - 2003 - Journal of Human Values 9 (1):65-73.
    Spirituality is now a much talked about subject. All over the world, after a long reign of heavy and soul- stifling materialism, people are seeking for a higher meaning in work and life, beyond the mundane and material aims. So religion and spirituality are coming back with the message of hope and peace. Business, which is a leading institution of our age and employs a large chunk of humanity, cannot escape from this new worldwide trend. Thus, the meeting of business (...)
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    : Vernacular English: Reading the Anglophone in Postcolonial India.Ragini Tharoor Srinivasan - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 51 (1):220-222.
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  36. No Platforming.Robert Mark Simpson & Amia Srinivasan - 2018 - In Jennifer Lackey, Academic Freedom. Oxford University Press. pp. 186-209.
    This paper explains how the practice of ‘no platforming’ can be reconciled with a liberal politics. While opponents say that no platforming flouts ideals of open public discourse, and defenders see it as a justifiable harm-prevention measure, both sides mistakenly treat the debate like a run-of-the-mill free speech conflict, rather than an issue of academic freedom specifically. Content-based restrictions on speech in universities are ubiquitous. And this is no affront to a liberal conception of academic freedom, whose purpose isn’t just (...)
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    -BiPd: a clean noncentrosymmetric superconductor.Ramakrishnan Srinivasan, Joshi Bhanu & A. Thamizhavel - 2017 - Philosophical Magazine 97 (36):3460-3476.
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    An intelligent task analysis approach for special education based on MIRA.Bama Srinivasan & Ranjani Parthasarathi - 2013 - Journal of Applied Logic 11 (1):137-145.
  39.  19
    Business and the Future: Towards a New Paradigm Based on Yoga.M. S. Srinivasan - 2004 - Journal of Human Values 10 (1):53-61.
    Business is a representative institution of our times; it represents the spirit of our age. Modern business in general has displaced a remarkable ability to change. But the change yet to come will be something unprecedented. What is the nature of this change? What is the type of vision and sirategy that will help business as a social institution, and the organizations that are part of it, to navigate this evolutionary transition successfully? Or, in other words, what is the nature (...)
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    Bucky flies, almost!Govinda Srinivasan - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (2):pp. 109-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bucky Flies, Almost!Govinda SrinivasanOne day Bucky the monkey saw birds high up in the sky. He was looking at the Harpy Eagle soaring beautifully in the sky. He wished he too could fly like that. He knew how to get to the top of the canopy, but then how to fly free in the sky? That was the great problem. Click for larger view View full resolution[End Page 109]Now (...)
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    Bibliography of Indian Art, History and Archaeology. Volume I. Indian Art.Doris Meth Srinivasan, Anand K. Coomaraswamy & Jagdish Chandra - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (3):603.
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    Child Labour and Child Slave Labour in the World of International Business.Vasanthi Srinivasan & Parvathy Venkatachalam - 2021 - In Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos, Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 329-333.
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    Cognitive science: Emerging perspectives and approaches.Narayanan Srinivasan - 2011 - In Girishwar Misra, Handbook of psychology in India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. pp. 46--57.
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    Clinical Use of the Kannada and English Rate of Reading Tests.Krithica Srinivasan, James M. Gilchrist, Gopee Krishnan, Arnold Wilkins & Peter M. Allen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Essential amino acids, from LUCA to LUCY.Vijayasarathy Srinivasan, Harold Morowitz & Eric Smith - 2008 - Complexity 13 (4):8-9.
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    Exploring Gender in South-Asian Cultural Memory Through Artistic Process.Deepak Srinivasan - 2020 - World Futures 76 (5-7):383-406.
    My artistic inquiries draw from gender and sexuality in public space and use performance as process. In inspiration, the works emerge as aesthetic responses to post-colonial, gendered public identi...
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    Exploring India's Sacred Art, Selected Writings of Stella Kramrisch.Doris Meth Srinivasan - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (4):852.
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    Essentials of Vedanta.Gummaraju Srinivasan - 1974 - Bangalore: Bangalore Print. and Pub. Co..
    On Hindu non-dualistic (Advaita) Vedanta philosophy.
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    Even “unconscious thought” is influenced by attentional mechanisms.Narayanan Srinivasan & Sumitava Mukherjee - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1):40-41.
  50.  38
    Founders of Sciences in Ancient India. Svami Satya Prakash Sarasvati.Raman Srinivasan - 1989 - Isis 80 (2):308-309.
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