Results for 'Sven Ensminger'

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  1.  15
    Chapter 5. Kairos, History, and Religion. Some Insights on Tillich’s Understanding of Revelation in Dialogue with Karl Barth.Sven Ensminger - 2017 - In Samuel Andrew Shearn & Russell Re Manning, Returning to Tillich: Theology and Legacy in Transition. De Gruyter. pp. 63-72.
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    Le droit incarné: huit parcours en jurislittérature.Anne Teissier-Ensminger - 2013 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Pour cerner les caractéristiques récurrentes de la jurislittérature, qui réfléchit la juridicité en littérarité, huit études visent ici à dégager les points cardinaux de son exigeante méditation sur un droit incarné, ainsi que certains tropismes d'écriture qui mettent la juridicité en état de grâce.
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    L’écriture des Juristes , Etudes réunies par Laurence Giavarini, Paris, Garnier, 2010.Anne Teissier-Ensminger - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (3):449-452.
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    Response force as a function of amount of reinforcement.Vincent Di Lollo, W. D. Ensminger & J. M. Notterman - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (1):27.
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  5. Robots in the Workplace: a Threat to—or Opportunity for—Meaningful Work?Jilles Smids, Sven Nyholm & Hannah Berkers - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (3):503-522.
    The concept of meaningful work has recently received increased attention in philosophy and other disciplines. However, the impact of the increasing robotization of the workplace on meaningful work has received very little attention so far. Doing work that is meaningful leads to higher job satisfaction and increased worker well-being, and some argue for a right to access to meaningful work. In this paper, we therefore address the impact of robotization on meaningful work. We do so by identifying five key aspects (...)
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  6. Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge: New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism.Torin Alter & Sven Walter (eds.) - 2006 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    What is the nature of consciousness? How is consciousness related to brain processes? This volume collects thirteen new papers on these topics: twelve by leading and respected philosophers and one by a leading color-vision scientist. All focus on consciousness in the "phenomenal" sense: on what it's like to have an experience. Consciousness has long been regarded as the biggest stumbling block for physicalism, the view that the mind is physical. The controversy has gained focus over the last few decades, and (...)
  7. A survey of multiple contractions.André Fuhrmann & Sven Ove Hansson - 1994 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 3 (1):39-75.
    The AGM theory of belief contraction is extended tomultiple contraction, i.e. to contraction by a set of sentences rather than by a single sentence. There are two major variants: Inpackage contraction all the sentences must be removed from the belief set, whereas inchoice contraction it is sufficient that at least one of them is removed. Constructions of both types of multiple contraction are offered and axiomatically characterized. Neither package nor choice contraction can in general be reduced to contractions by single (...)
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  8. “Economic man” in cross-cultural perspective: Behavioral experiments in 15 small-scale societies.Joseph Henrich, Robert Boyd, Samuel Bowles, Colin Camerer, Ernst Fehr, Herbert Gintis, Richard McElreath, Michael Alvard, Abigail Barr, Jean Ensminger, Natalie Smith Henrich, Kim Hill, Francisco Gil-White, Michael Gurven, Frank W. Marlowe & John Q. Patton - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6):795-815.
    Researchers from across the social sciences have found consistent deviations from the predictions of the canonical model of self-interest in hundreds of experiments from around the world. This research, however, cannot determine whether the uniformity results from universal patterns of human behavior or from the limited cultural variation available among the university students used in virtually all prior experimental work. To address this, we undertook a cross-cultural study of behavior in ultimatum, public goods, and dictator games in a range of (...)
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    Towards a Theory of Collective Emotions.Christian von Scheve & Sven Ismer - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (4):406-413.
    Collective emotions are at the heart of any society and become evident in gatherings, crowds, or responses to widely salient events. However, they remain poorly understood and conceptualized in scientific terms. Here, we provide first steps towards a theory of collective emotions. We first review accounts of the social and cultural embeddedness of emotion that contribute to understanding collective emotions from three broad perspectives: face-to-face encounters, culture and shared knowledge, and identification with a social collective. In discussing their strengths and (...)
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  10. Decision Making Under Great Uncertainty.Sven Ove Hansson - 1996 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 26 (3):369-386.
    This article is an attempt at a systematic account of decision making under greater uncertainty than what traditional, mathematically oriented decision theory can cope with. Four components of great uncertainty are distinguished: (1) the identity of the options is not well determined (uncertainty of demarcation) ; (2) the consequences of at least some option are unknown (uncertainty of consequences); (3) it is not clear whether information obtained from others, such as experts, can be relied on (uncertainty of reliance); and (4) (...)
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  11. From the casino to the jungle: Dealing with uncertainty in technological risk management.Sven Ove Hansson - 2009 - Synthese 168 (3):423-432.
    Clear-cut cases of decision-making under risk (known probabilities) are unusual in real life. The gambler’s decisions at the roulette table are as close as we can get to this type of decision-making. In contrast, decision-making under uncertainty (unknown probabilities) can be exemplified by a decision whether to enter a jungle that may contain unknown dangers. Life is usually more like an expedition into an unknown jungle than a visit to the casino. Nevertheless, it is common in decision-supporting disciplines to proceed (...)
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  12. Weighing Risks and Benefits.Sven Ove Hansson - 2004 - Topoi 23 (2):145-152.
    It is almost universally acknowledged that risks have to be weighed against benefits, but there are different ways to perform the weighing. In conventional risk analysis, collectivist risk-weighing is the standard. This means that an option is accepted if the sum of all individual benefits outweighs the sum of all individual risks. In practices originating in clinical medicine, such as ethical appraisals of clinical trials, individualist risk-weighing is the standard. This implies a much stricter criterion for risk acceptance, namely that (...)
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  13. Privacy at work – ethical criteria.Anders J. Persson & Sven Ove Hansson - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (1):59 - 70.
    New technologies and practices, such as drug testing, genetic testing, and electronic surveillance infringe upon the privacy of workers on workplaces. We argue that employees have a prima facie right to privacy, but this right can be overridden by competing moral principles that follow, explicitly or implicitly, from the contract of employment. We propose a set of criteria for when intrusions into an employee''s privacy are justified. Three types of justification are specified, namely those that refer to the employer''s interests, (...)
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  14. Die Korporation und ihre wirtschaftliche, soziale und politische Funktion nach Hegel.Steffen K. Herrmann & Sven Ellmers - 2017 - In Steffen K. Herrmann & Sven Ellmers, Korporation und Sittlichkeit. Zur Aktualität von Hegels Theorie der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Paderborn, Deutschland: Wilhelm Fink. pp. 7-25.
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    Topic-sensitivity and the hyperintensionality of knowledge.Niccolò Rossi & Sven Rosenkranz - forthcoming - Episteme:1-14.
    It is natural to assume that knowledge, like belief, creates a hyperintensional context, that is, that knowledge ascriptions do not allow for substitution of necessarily equivalent prejacents salva veritate. There exist a variety of different proposals for modelling the phenomenon. In the last years, the topic-sensitive approach to the hyperintensionality of knowledge has gained considerable traction. It promises to provide a natural account of why knowledge fails to be closed under necessary equivalence in terms of differences in subject matter. Here, (...)
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    The ethics of nudge.Till Grüne-Yanoff & Sven Ove Hansson - 2009 - In Till Grüne-Yanoff & Sven Ove Hansson, Preference Change: Approaches From Philosophy, Economics and Psychology. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 207-219.
    In their recently published book Nudge (2008) Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein (T&S) defend a position labelled as ‘libertarian paternalism’. Their thinking appeals to both the right and the left of the political spectrum, as evidenced by the bedfellows they keep on either side of the Atlantic. In the US, they have advised Barack Obama, while, in the UK, they were welcomed with open arms by the David Cameron's camp (Chakrabortty 2008). I will consider the following questions. What (...)
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  17. Models of decision-making and the coevolution of social preferences.Joseph Henrich, Robert Boyd, Samuel Bowles, Colin Camerer, Ernst Fehr, Herbert Gintis, Richard McElreath, Michael Alvard, Abigail Barr, Jean Ensminger, Natalie Smith Henrich, Kim Hill, Francisco Gil-White, Michael Gurven, Frank W. Marlowe, John Q. Patton & David Tracer - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6):838-855.
    We would like to thank the commentators for their generous comments, valuable insights and helpful suggestions. We begin this response by discussing the selfishness axiom and the importance of the preferences, beliefs, and constraints framework as a way of modeling some of the proximate influences on human behavior. Next, we broaden the discussion to ultimate-level (that is evolutionary) explanations, where we review and clarify gene-culture coevolutionary theory, and then tackle the possibility that evolutionary approaches that exclude culture might be sufficient (...)
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    Preface.Achim Stephan & Sven Walter - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (1):1-1.
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    What if, and when? Conditionals, tense, and branching time.Antje Rumberg & Sven Lauer - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46 (3):533-565.
    Indicative conditionals with present tense antecedents can have ‘shifted’ readings that are unexpected given the semantic behavior of the tenses outside of conditionals. In this paper, we compare two accounts of this phenomenon due to Kaufmann (J Semant 22(3):231–280, 2005) and Schulz (SALT XVIII, pp. 694–710, 2008), by reconstructing them in the framework of branching time. We then propose a novel account of indicative conditionals based on the branching time semantics suggested in Rumberg (J Logic Lang Inf 25(1):77–108, 2016), viz. (...)
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    Preface.Lisa Benossi, Sven Bernecker & Jakob Ohlhorst - 2022 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 25 (1):1-2.
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    Axel Hägerström and modern social thought.Sven Eliæson, Patricia Mindus & Stephen P. Turner (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford: Bardwell Press.
    Axel Hägerström is one of the fairly few, if not the only, Swedish philosophers of international significance— yet, he remains in many ways unknown. A major contribution is his theory on the nature of norms and values, which came to be known as value-nihilism, celebrated by some and vehemently rejected by others: Hägerström was the first who formulated a noncognitivist moral theory and debate still continues about the exact significance, scope and implications of this theory. Together with Adolf Phalén, he (...)
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    A question of morality? The influence of moral salience and nationality on media preferences.Leyla Dogruel, Sven Jöckel & Nicholas David Bowman - 2012 - Communications 37 (4):345-369.
    This study examines the potential role of morality subcultures in mediating the relationship between one’s nationality and the preferences for three movie and three TV genres in a sample of US and German students. Morality subcultures were derived from research on Moral Foundation Theory, which conceptualizes morality as being shaped by first intuitive processes and later moral reasoning. We proposed a dual mediation model with two latent domains of morality: individualizing foundations indicative of a more liberal perspective and binding foundations (...)
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  23. A survey of multiple contraction.Andr E. Fuhrmann & Sven Ove Hansson - 1994 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 3:39-74.
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  24. Korporation und Sittlichkeit. Zur Aktualität von Hegels Theorie der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft.Steffen K. Herrmann & Sven Ellmers (eds.) - 2017 - Paderborn, Deutschland: Wilhelm Fink.
    Hegel war einer der ersten Theoretiker, der die soziale Bedeutung der zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts entstehenden Marktgesellschaft reflektierte. Er betont dabei die Gefahren dieser Vergesellschaftungsform, aber auch deren emanzipative Potenziale. Letztere entfalten sich für ihn mit Hilfe der Institution der Korporation. In korporativen Vereinigungen verwandelt sich das zweckorientierte Gegeneinander der Marktakteure in wechselseitige Solidarität. Hegel nennt die Korporation daher auch die eigentliche ‚sittliche Wurzel‘ der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Im vorliegenden Band wird Hegels Korporationslehre rekonstruiert und auf ihre Aktualität hin befragt. (...)
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    Gnothi sauton: Festschrift für Arbogast Schmitt zum 75. Geburtstag.Brigitte Kappl, Sven Meier & Arbogast Schmitt (eds.) - 2018 - Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
    Gnothi sauton - Erkenne dich selbst! Das Streben nach Erkenntnis und Selbsterkenntnis, das nach antiker Auffassung der Gott selbst in dieser Aufforderung dem Menschen ans Herz legt, bildet ein zentrales Moment von Arbogast Schmitts jahrzehntelanger Beschaftigung mit antiker Literatur und Philosophie, die zugleich immer auch eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit modernen Konzepten und Positionen darstellt. Die vorliegende Festschrift vereint zwolf neue Beitrage zur antiken Philosophie, Literatur und Literaturtheorie, in denen Schuler, Freunde und Weggefahrten Arbogast Schmitts dieses Erkenntnisstreben beantworten und fortsetzen. Mit (...)
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  26. Not Business as Usual: The Lexicography of Economics in the 21st Century.: Introduction to the thematic section.Patrick Leroyer & Sven Tarp - 2013 - Hermes 50:9-11.
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    Verzeichnis der Doktoranden und Habilitanden Rüdiger Voigts.Sven Römer-Hillebrecht, Thomas Drysch, Karin Weiß, Ulrich Müller, Martin Seybold, Guido Pöllmann, Erhard Treutner, Peter Nahamowitz, Nikolaus Dimmel & Stefan Machura - 2006 - In Ralf Walkenhaus & Rüdiger Voigt, Staat im Wandel: Festschrift für Rüdiger Voigt zum 65. Geburtstag. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner.
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    Adiposity Related Brain Plasticity Induced by Bariatric Surgery.Michael Rullmann, Sven Preusser, Sindy Poppitz, Stefanie Heba, Konstantinos Gousias, Jana Hoyer, Tatjana Schütz, Arne Dietrich, Karsten Müller, Mohammed K. Hankir & Burkhard Pleger - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Reverse correlating trustworthy faces in young and older adults.Catherine Éthier-Majcher, Sven Joubert & Frédéric Gosselin - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Models of decision-making and the coevolution of social preferences.Henrich Joseph, Boyd Robert, Bowles Samuel, Camerer Colin, Fehr Ernst, Gintis Herbert, McElreath Richard, Alvard Michael, Barr Abigail & Ensminger Jean - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6).
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    Probing the meaning of quantum mechanics: physical, philosophical and logical perspectives: proceedings of the Young Quantum Meetings, CLEA, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 8-9 October, 2009.Diederik Aerts, Sven Aerts & Christian De Ronde (eds.) - 2014 - Chennai: World Scientific.
    The theory of Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces with variable integrability is experiencing a steady expansion, and is the subject of much vigorous research by functional analysts, function-space analysts and specialists in nonlinear analysis. These spaces have attracted attention not only because of their intrinsic mathematical importance as natural, interesting examples of non-rearrangement invariant function spaces but also in view of their applications, which include the mathematical modeling of electrorheological fluids and image restoration.The main focus of this book is to provide (...)
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    Profitable Exchanges for Scientists: The Case of Swedish Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research. [REVIEW]Anders Persson, Sven Hemlin & Stellan Welin - 2007 - Health Care Analysis 15 (4):291-304.
    In this article two inter-related issues concerning the ongoing commercialisation of biomedical research are analyzed. One aim is to explain how scientists and clinicians at Swedish public institutions can make profits, both commercially and scientifically, by controlling rare human biological material, like embryos and embryonic stem cell lines. This control in no way presupposes legal ownership or other property rights as an initial condition. We show how ethically sensitive material (embryos and stem cell lines) have been used in Sweden as (...)
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  33. Memory: A Philosophical Study.Sven Bernecker - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Sven Bernecker presents an analysis of the concept of propositional (or factual) memory, and examines a number of metaphysical and epistemological issues crucial to the understanding of memory. -/- Bernecker argues that memory, unlike knowledge, implies neither belief nor justification. There are instances where memory, though hitting the mark of truth, succeeds in an epistemically defective way. This book shows that, contrary to received wisdom in epistemology, memory not only preserves epistemic features generated by other epistemic sources but also (...)
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    Justification as Ignorance: An Essay in Epistemology.Sven Rosenkranz - 2021 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Justification as Ignorance offers an original account of epistemic justification as both non-factive and luminous, vindicating core internalist intuitions without construing justification as an internal condition knowable by reflection alone. Sven Rosenkranz conceives of justification, in its doxastic and propositional varieties, as a kind of epistemic possibility of knowing and of being in a position to know. His account contrasts with recent alternative views that characterize justification in terms of the metaphysical possibility of knowing. Instead, he develops a suitable (...)
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  35. In so Many Words Philosophical Essays Dedicated to Sven Danielsson on the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday.Sven Danielsson & Wldzimierz Rabinowicz - 1989 - Philosophical Society and the Dept. Of Philosophy, University of Uppsala.
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    Humans and Robots: Ethics, Agency, and Anthropomorphism.Sven Nyholm - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book argues that we need to explore how human beings can best coordinate and collaborate with robots in responsible ways. It investigates ethically important differences between human agency and robot agency to work towards an ethics of responsible human-robot interaction.
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  37. Attributing Agency to Automated Systems: Reflections on Human–Robot Collaborations and Responsibility-Loci.Sven Nyholm - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (4):1201-1219.
    Many ethicists writing about automated systems attribute agency to these systems. Not only that; they seemingly attribute an autonomous or independent form of agency to these machines. This leads some ethicists to worry about responsibility-gaps and retribution-gaps in cases where automated systems harm or kill human beings. In this paper, I consider what sorts of agency it makes sense to attribute to most current forms of automated systems, in particular automated cars and military robots. I argue that whereas it indeed (...)
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  38. The Bounds of Cognition.Sven Walter - 2001 - Philosophical Psychology 14 (2):43-64.
    An alarming number of philosophers and cognitive scientists have argued that mind extends beyond the brain and body. This book evaluates these arguments and suggests that, typically, it does not. A timely and relevant study that exposes the need to develop a more sophisticated theory of cognition, while pointing to a bold new direction in exploring the nature of cognition Articulates and defends the “mark of the cognitive”, a common sense theory used to distinguish between cognitive and non-cognitive processes Challenges (...)
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  39. A Textbook of Belief Dynamics: Solutions to Exercises.Sven Ove Hansson - 1999 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    In the middle of the 1980s, logical tools were discovered that make it possible to model changes in belief and knowledge in entirely new ways. These logical tools turned out to be applicable both to human beliefs and to the contents of databases. This is the first textbook in this new area. It contains both discursive chapters with a minimum of formalism and formal chapters in which proofs and proof methods are presented. By using different selections from the formal section (...)
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  40. The Metaphysics of Memory.Sven Bernecker - 2008 - Springer.
    This book investigates central issues in the philosophy of memory. Does remembering require a causal process connecting the past representation to its subsequent recall and, if so, what is the nature of the causal process? Of what kind are the primary intentional objects of memory states? How do we know that our memory experiences portray things the way they happened in the past? Given that our memory is not only a passive device for reproducing thoughts but also an active device (...)
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  41. The Ethics of Accident-Algorithms for Self-Driving Cars: an Applied Trolley Problem?Sven Nyholm & Jilles Smids - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (5):1275-1289.
    Self-driving cars hold out the promise of being safer than manually driven cars. Yet they cannot be a 100 % safe. Collisions are sometimes unavoidable. So self-driving cars need to be programmed for how they should respond to scenarios where collisions are highly likely or unavoidable. The accident-scenarios self-driving cars might face have recently been likened to the key examples and dilemmas associated with the trolley problem. In this article, we critically examine this tempting analogy. We identify three important ways (...)
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  42. The Structure of Values and Norms.Sven Ove Hansson - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Formal representations of values and norms are employed in several academic disciplines and specialties, such as economics, jurisprudence, decision theory and social choice theory. Sven Ove Hansson closely examines such foundational issues as the values of wholes and the values of their parts, the connections between values and norms, how values can be decision-guiding and the structure of normative codes with formal precision. Models of change in both preferences and norms are offered, as well as a method to base (...)
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    Situated Affectivity and Mind Shaping: Lessons from Social Psychology.Sven Walter & Achim Stephan - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (1):3-16.
    Proponents of situated affectivity hold that “tools for feeling” are just as characteristic of the human condition as are “tools for thinking” or tools for carpentry. An agent’s affective life, they argue, is dependent upon both physical characteristics of the agent and the agent’s reciprocal relationship to an appropriately structured natural, technological, or social environment. One important achievement has been the distinction between two fundamentally different ways in which affectivity might be intertwined with the environment: the “user-resource-model” and the “mind-invasion-model.” (...)
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  44. Goodman's New Riddle of Induction Explained in Words of One Syllable.Sven Neth - manuscript
    I explain the New Riddle of Induction (Goodman 1946, 1955) in very brief words.
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  45. Rational Aversion to Information.Sven Neth - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Is more information always better? Or are there some situations in which more information can make us worse off? Good (1967) argues that expected utility maximizers should always accept more information if the information is cost-free and relevant. But Good's argument presupposes that you are certain you will update by conditionalization. If we relax this assumption and allow agents to be uncertain about updating, these agents can be rationally required to reject free and relevant information. Since there are good reasons (...)
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  46. Brentano and the Buck-Passers.Sven Danielsson & Jonas Olson - 2007 - Mind 116 (463):511 - 522.
    According to T. M. Scanlon's 'buck-passing' analysis of value, x is good means that x has properties that provide reasons to take up positive attitudes vis-à-vis x. Some authors have claimed that this idea can be traced back to Franz Brentano, who said in 1889 that the judgement that x is good is the judgement that a positive attitude to x is correct ('richtig'). The most discussed problem in the recent literature on buckpassing is known as the 'wrong kind of (...)
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  47. Better Foundations for Subjective Probability.Sven Neth - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 103 (1):1-22.
    How do we ascribe subjective probability? In decision theory, this question is often addressed by representation theorems, going back to Ramsey (1926), which tell us how to define or measure subjective probability by observable preferences. However, standard representation theorems make strong rationality assumptions, in particular expected utility maximization. How do we ascribe subjective probability to agents which do not satisfy these strong rationality assumptions? I present a representation theorem with weak rationality assumptions which can be used to define or measure (...)
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  48. The Structure of Justification.Sven Rosenkranz - 2018 - Mind 127 (506):629-629.
    The paper explores a structural account of propositional justification in terms of the notion of being in a position to know and negation. Combined with a non-normal logic for being in a position to know, the account allows for the derivation of plausible principles of justification. The account is neutral on whether justification is grounded in internally individuated mental states, and likewise on whether it is grounded in facts that are already accessible by introspection or reflection alone. To this extent, (...)
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    The ethics of risk: ethical analysis in an uncertain world.Sven Ove Hansson - 2013 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    When is it morally acceptable to expose others to risk? Most moral philosophers have had very little to say in answer to that question, but here is a moral philosopher who puts it at the centre of his investigations.
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  50. Bildung and the thinking of bildung.Sven Erik Nordenbo - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (3):341–352.
    Sven Erik Nordenbo; Bildung and the Thinking of Bildung, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 36, Issue 3, 16 December 2002, Pages 341–352, https://doi.or.
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