Results for 'Sylvie Duverger'

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  1.  77
    Sylvie Monchatre et Bernard Woehl , Temps de travail, travail du temps.Sylvie Célérier - 2015 - Temporalités 21.
    Un ouvrage sur le temps et un ouvrage collectif, deux raisons qui dissuaderaient peut-être de se plonger dans la lecture de Temps de travail, travail du temps qu’éditent Sylvie Monchatre et Bernard Woehl aux Éditions de la Sorbonne. On aurait tort, car on se priverait alors d’une réflexion lentement mûrie au fil d’un séminaire de deux ans qui a réuni des spécialistes confirmés des difficiles questions que posent les rapports du travail aux temps. Spécialistes rarement réunis et qu’une journée..
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    Open Space: Feminism in Transnational Times, a Conversation with Christine Delphy: An Edited Transcription of Christine Delphy and Sylvie Tissot's Public Talk at the LSE.Sylvie Tissot, Clare Hemmings, Liana Eloit & Christine Delphy - 2017 - Feminist Review 117 (1):148-162.
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    Kant on international distributive justice.Sylvie Loriaux - 2007 - Journal of Global Ethics 3 (3):281 – 301.
    This paper concentrates on the way Kant's distinction between duties of right and duties of virtue operates at the interstate level. I argue that his Right of Nations (V ölkerrecht) can be interpreted as a duty to establish a kind of interstate distributive justice (that is, as a duty to secure states in their independence and territorial possessions), which is called for to secure domestic distributive justice and to protect individuals' freedom and private property. Or at least this is 'ideal (...)
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    Introduction: Is Environmental Virtue Ethics a ‘Virtuous’ Anthropocentrism?Sylvie Pouteau & Gérald Hess - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (6):172.
    The field of environmental ethics has been built as a response to environmental blindness [...].
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  5. Aztecs and Games.Christian Duverger & R. Scott Walker - 1984 - Diogenes 32 (125):24-47.
    At the end of the sixteenth century, Friar Juan de Torquemada watched the game of volador on the central plaza in Mexico. At the top of a pole some twenty meters high there was a small pivoting platform. Four ropes were wound around the top of the pole and held in place by a wooden frame. Five men dressed in feathery costumes making them look like birds climbed up the shaft. One of them reached the narrow platform and began to (...)
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    Constraints and changes: A survey of abstract argumentation dynamics.Sylvie Doutre & Jean-Guy Mailly - 2018 - Argument and Computation 9 (3):223-248.
    This paper addresses the issue of the dynamic enforcement of a constraint in an argumentation system. The system consists in (1) an argumentation framework, made up, notably, of a set of arguments...
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    Ou en sont les nationalismes?Maurice Duverger - 1960 - Res Publica 2 (3):266-275.
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    L'Art du chant : un indicateur économique et social?Sylvie Oussenko - 2013 - Cités 54 (2):144.
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    Phono-rythmie dans l’hymne des racines.Sylvie Perceau - 2019 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3:247.
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    Computing Machinery, Surprise and Originality.Sylvie Delacroix - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1195-1211.
    Lady Lovelace’s notes on Babbage’s Analytical Engine never refer to the concept of surprise. Having some pretension to ‘originate’ something—unlike the Analytical Engine—is neither necessary nor sufficient to being able to surprise someone. Turing nevertheless translates Lovelace’s ‘this machine is incapable of originating something’ in terms of a hypothetical ‘computers cannot take us by surprise’ objection to the idea that machines may be deemed capable of thinking. To understand the contemporary significance of what is missed in Turing’s ‘surprise’ translation of (...)
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    (1 other version)Sérendipité et indisciplinarité.Sylvie Catellin & Laurent Loty - 2013 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 67 (3):, [ p.].
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    Blood ties – Social ties. Matrilinearity, converts and apostates, from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages.Sylvie Anne Goldberg - 2016 - Clio 44:171-200.
    Autant que la position de la femme dans la société, le principe de la matrilinéarité juive est révélateur des normes qui régissent le lien social. Le système de filiation matrilinéaire s’est installé dans le judaïsme sur la base de l’interprétation du dit talmudique affirmant Ton fils né d’une idolâtre n’est pas ton fils mais le sien (Qid. 68b). Il entérinait un processus enclenché quelques siècles plus tôt, à l’époque de la Mishna, autour du premier siècle de l’ère, mettant un terme (...)
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    Kant on Social Justice: Poverty, Dependence, and Depersonification.Sylvie Loriaux - 2023 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 61 (1):233-256.
    The main purpose of this article is to bring into relief the difficulties faced by generous interpretations of the Kantian problem of poverty and to propose an alternative interpretation which (a) agrees with some generous interpretations that Kant's juridical treatment of poverty is to be understood by analogy with his juridical treatment of slavery, but which (b) departs from generous interpretations in general by arguing that this analogy is not to be understood in terms of “dependence” as such, but in (...)
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  14. Aron and Marxism : the Aronian interpretation of Marx.Sylvie Mesure - 2015 - In José Colen & Élisabeth Dutartre-Michaut (eds.), The Companion to Raymond Aron. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US.
  15.  3
    Habitual ethics?Sylvie Delacroix - 2022 - New York: HART Publishing.
    Just like other experts, members of the professions develop their craft thanks to a deep internalisation of both complex cognitive structures and a mix of habits and intuitive understandings. These non-cognitive aspects of expertise can be what distinguishes the merely competent from the truly brilliant. Yet habits can also be what makes us blind to important features of the world we inhabit. In the life of a professional, these features include the vulnerability of those seeking her services, which in turn (...)
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  16.  26
    De l’image du corps au corps dans l’image.Sylvie Quesemand Zucca - 2022 - Cités 93 (1):135-139.
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    A further note on Niccolo dell'abbate's "geroglifico" at bologna in honour of Julius III.Sylvie Béguin - 1956 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 19 (3/4):302-303.
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    RAFDivider: a distributed algorithm for computing semantics in higher-order abstract argumentation frameworks.Sylvie Doutre & Marie-Christine Lagasquie-Schiex - 2023 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 33 (3-4):244-297.
    1. Argumentation, by considering arguments and their interactions, is a way of reasoning that has proven successful in many contexts, for instance, in multi-agent applications (Carrera & Iglesias,...
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    Les préfixes anglais un- et de- : Étude phonétique et acoustique.Sylvie Hanote, Nicolas Videau, Franck Zumstein & Philippe Carré - 2010 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    Isabelle Poutrin & Marie-Karine Schaub (dir.), Femmes et pouvoir politique. Les princesses d'Europe, XVe-XVIIIe siècle.Sylvie Mouysset - 2010 - Clio 31:05-05.
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    André Burguière & Bernard Vincent (dir.), Un siècle d’historiennes.Sylvie Steinberg - 2016 - Clio 43.
    Un siècle d’historiennes, c’est sous ce titre qu’André Burguière et Bernard Vincent ont convié vingt auteurs à dresser le portrait de vingt historiennes, dix françaises et dix étrangères. À bien des égards, l’entreprise échappe à toute tentative de classification dans un genre historiographique précis. Il ne s’agit pas, dans l’esprit des maîtres d’œuvre, d’établir un palmarès des personnalités vivantes ou disparues ayant marqué le xxe siècle. L’ouvrage n’est pas non plus une socio-histoire qu...
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    Kant and Global Distributive Justice.Sylvie Loriaux - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element argues that although Kant's political thought does not tackle issues of global poverty and inequality head on, it nonetheless offers important conceptual and normative resources to think of our global socioeconomic duties. It delves into the Kantian duty to enter a rightful condition beyond the state and shows that a proper understanding of this duty not only leads us to acknowledge a duty of right to assist states that are unable to fulfil the core functions of a state, (...)
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    Mere exposure effect: A consequence of direct and indirect fluency–preference links.Sylvie Willems & Martial Van der Linden - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (2):323-341.
    In three experiments, picture quality between test items was manipulated to examine whether subjects’ expectations about the fluency normally associated with these different stimuli might influence the effects of fluency on preference or familiarity-based recognition responses. The results showed that fluency due to pre-exposure influenced responses less when objects were presented with high picture quality, suggesting that attributions of fluency to preference and familiarity are adjusted according to expectations about the different test pictures. However, this expectations influence depended on subjects’ (...)
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  24.  11
    Les extraterrestres de la science-fiction.Sylvie Allouche - 2024 - Multitudes 94 (1):213-215.
    De Lucien de Samosate à Liu Cixin en passant par H. G. Wells, Ursula K. Le Guin, Octavia Butler, Sylvie Lainé et tant d’autres auteurs et autrices, la littérature, le cinéma et les séries de science-fiction ont inventé une myriade hallucinante d’extraterrestres, amis ou ennemis, humanoïdes ou non. Tous interrogent l’Humanité, son éthique et son devenir.
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    In defense of PDDL axioms.Sylvie Thiébaux, Jörg Hoffmann & Bernhard Nebel - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 168 (1-2):38-69.
  26.  16
    Le lien social à l’épreuve de l’individualisme Le « culte de l’individu » chez Durkheim.Sylvie Mesure - 2017 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 280 (2):157-180.
    Depuis 1893 jusqu’à la fin de sa vie, la question de l’individualisme des sociétés modernes n’a cessé de hanter Durkheim. Dès De la division du travail social, il fait en effet le constat que la montée de l’individualisme, en faisant éclater les structures du monde traditionnel, a conduit à une profonde crise sociale qu’il interprète avant tout comme une crise morale. Dès lors, il s’agira pour lui de repenser les conditions d’un consensus renouvelé adapté à la dynamique de la modernité. (...)
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  27. Merging of legal micro-ontologies from european directives.Sylvie Despres & Sylvie Szulman - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 15 (2):187-200.
    This paper describes the construction method of a legal application ontology. This method is based on the merging of micro-ontologies built from European community directives. The terminae construction method from texts enhanced by an alignment process with a core legal ontology is used for building micro-ontologies. A merging process allows constructing the legal ontology.
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    Development and implementation processes of digitalization in engineer-to-order manufacturing: enablers and barriers.Sylvi Thun, Ottar Bakås & Tore Christian Bjørsvik Storholmen - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):725-743.
    This study seeks to gain knowledge about key conditions in the process of digitalization using a socio-technical systems design as a theoretical framework and a case-study approach. Semi-structured interviews with 15 relevant stakeholders are conducted to learn about barriers to and enablers of the development and implementation process in a manufacturing company. After conducting a thematic analysis, eight higher-ranked themes relevant to the digitalization process are identified. These are grouped to describe the overarching phenomena, resulting in four enablers and four (...)
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    Henselianity in the language of rings.Sylvy Anscombe & Franziska Jahnke - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (9):872-895.
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    L’ordre public culturel.Sylvie Hubac - 2015 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 58 (1):71-83.
    L’auteur propose une approche originale de l’ordre public culturel, construit autour de trois piliers : la liberté de création, incluant le droit à la rémunération et à la diffusion de l’œuvre, la protection du vivre-ensemble, et notamment des plus faibles, le droit pour les générations présentes et futures d’accéder aux biens culturels composant le patrimoine artistique d’une nation.
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    Le Deuxième sexe dans la guerre froide, Europe 1949-1989.Sylvie Rouch Chaperon - 2023 - Clio 57:133-160.
    Dès que Le Deuxième sexe de Simone de Beauvoir paraît en France en 1949, il est pris dans la division intellectuelle de la guerre froide. Mais est-ce le cas dans le reste de l’Europe à mesure que les traductions du livre paraissent? Une comparaison des réceptions et traductions du livre au cours de la guerre froide manque. Elle est pourtant rendue possible grâce à trois récents tournants historiographiques : la guerre froide au prisme du genre, l’étude des circulations transnationales du (...)
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    Logic, arguments and inconsistencies: an introduction to the festschrift in honour of Philippe Besnard.Sylvie Doutre, Andreas Herzig & Anthony Hunter - 2023 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 33 (3-4):207-211.
    1. In this special issue of the Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, we aim to celebrate the recent retirement of Philippe Besnard as directeur de recherche in the Centre National de Recherche...
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    (1 other version)Les belles-mères, entre idéal de coparentalité et asymétrie homme/femme.Sylvie Cadolle - 2013 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 201 (3):35.
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    Beauvoir à la croisée de l’histoire des femmes et des intellectuels.Sylvie Chaperon - 2004 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 20 (1):39-53.
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    Meta-Ethical Agnosticism in Legal Theory: Mapping a Way Out.Sylvie Delacroix - 2010 - Jurisprudence 1 (2):225-240.
    In his review of Bernard Williams' Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, Hart eloquently formulated an apprehension that still haunts much of contemporary jurisprudence: if the moral 'I must' has to be 'seen as coming not from outside, but from what is most deeply inside us? the fear is that this will not be enough'. I argue that this fear is the byproduct of the dualist outlook within which Hart—and a significant part of contemporary legal theory—is confined: because of his (...)
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    Le genre vernaculaire ou la nostalgie de la tradition.Sylvie Kwaschin - 1991 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 89 (1):63-83.
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    2 The Universality of Economic and Social Rights.Sylvie Loriaux - 2016 - In Paulo Barcelos & Gabriele De Angelis (eds.), International Development and Human Aid: Principles, Norms and Institutions for the Global Sphere. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 31-50.
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    Winfried Pauleit, Christine Rüffert, Karl-Heinz Schmid, Alfred Tews, eds. (2009) Das Kino träumt: Projektion, Imagination, Vision / Cinema Dreams: Projection, Imagination, Vision.Sylvie Magerstädt - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (1):462-467.
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    Administration de la preuve et exigences du secret professionnel.Sylvie Moisson - 1997 - Médecine et Droit 1997 (27):4-7.
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    Êtes-vous aux commandes de votre vie?: retrouvons nos baguettes magiques.Sylvie Petitpas - 2015 - Montréal: Éditions Québec-Livres.
  41.  13
    Hymen Restoration: “My” Discomfort, “Their” Culture, and Women’s Missing Voice.Sylvie Schuster - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (2):162-165.
    The discourse among medical and scientific communities on hymen restoration is largely missing the voice of women affected. This article calls for a more nuanced reflection on women’s real life experiences and the complexities inherent in the negotiation process about the surgery going beyond “ideologies” and the extremes of rape and threats to life. By taking the clinical experience of a woman who requests restoration surgery before her arranged marriage, this article illuminates the grey zone beyond these extremes and explores (...)
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    Éditorial.Sylvie Steinberg & Violaine Sébillotte Cuchet - 2010 - Clio 31:7-18.
    Érotiques, le titre du dossier du numéro 31 de Clio HFS peut intriguer. D’emblée, disons qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un adjectif qui caractériserait les femmes et les hommes dont il sera question dans ce numéro, comme d’autres titres de la revue pourraient le suggérer. Pas davantage celles et ceux qui y ont contribué. Il ne dénote pas non plus le ton des articles du dossier qui reste, on le déplorera peut-être, d’autant plus marqué par l’austérité universitaire que le sujet paraît (...)
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    Maurice Daumas (éd.), Le plaisir et la transgression en France et en Espagne aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles.Sylvie Steinberg - 2010 - Clio 31:294-297.
    Interdiction des danses, condamnation des jeux, fermeture des maisons de prostitution, sévère contrôle de la sexualité juvénile, pratiques d’austérité vestimentaire et alimentaire voire mortifications corporelles destinées à faire « mourir les sens », autant d’indices que, sous le coup des réformes religieuses qui se déployèrent aux xvie et xviie siècles, les autorités religieuses et civiles redoublèrent d’effort pour tenir le plaisir en suspicion et le confiner plus que jamais au rang de péc...
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    The anthropologist, the doctors and the transgender experience: an interview with Laurence Hérault.Sylvie Steinberg & Laurence Hérault - 2014 - Clio 37.
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    Neural entrainment to musical rhythms in human auditory cortex, as revealed by intracerebral recordings.Nozaradan Sylvie, Jonas Jacques, Vignal Jean-Pierre, Maillard Louis & Mouraux Andre - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Grotius and Kant on Original Community of Goods and Property.Sylvie Loriaux - 2017 - Grotiana 38 (1):106-128.
    _ Source: _Volume 38, Issue 1, pp 106 - 128 This paper is interested in the critical potential of the idea of original common possession of the Earth. On the basis of a comparative analysis of Hugo Grotius and Immanuel Kant, it shows how different the meaning of this idea can be within a theory of property or territory. The first part is devoted to Grotius’s account of why and how the institution of property was progressively introduced. It highlights the (...)
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    Au fondement de l’altruisme : le lien comme fin.Sylvie Thoron - 2017 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 1 (1):117-139.
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    On the Ground and Content of our Obligations to Future Generations: A review of Alex Gosseries and Luke H Meyer (eds), Intergenerational Justice by Sylvie Loriaux. [REVIEW]Sylvie Loriaux - 2012 - Jurisprudence 3 (1):263-266.
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    The Imaginary Intrasexual Competition: Advertisements Featuring Provocative Female Models Trigger Women to Engage in Indirect Aggression.Sylvie Borau & Jean-François Bonnefon - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):45-63.
    Recent research suggests that women react to idealized female models in advertising as they would react to real-life sexual rivals. Across four studies, we investigate the negative consequences of this imaginary competition on consumers’ mate-guarding jealousy, indirect aggression, and drive for thinness. A meta-analysis of studies 1–3 shows that women exposed to an idealized model report more mate-guarding jealousy and show increased indirect aggression, but do not report a higher desire for thinness. Study 4 replicates these findings and reveals that (...)
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    Impact of Cerebral Visual Impairments on Motor Skills: Implications for Developmental Coordination Disorders.Sylvie Chokron & Gordon N. Dutton - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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