Results for 'Tanja Mansfeld'

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  1.  19
    Is Pomo dead?Tanja Mansfeld - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1518-1519.
  2. Chapter Seven Neuropsychological Support to the Novelty Generation Process Tanja Sophie Schweizer.Tanja Sophie Schweizer - 2007 - In Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov (eds.), Aesthetics and innovation. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    Older people’s perceived autonomy in residential care: An integrative review.Tanja Moilanen, Mari Kangasniemi, Oili Papinaho, Mari Mynttinen, Helena Siipi, Sakari Suominen & Riitta Suhonen - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (3):414-434.
    Autonomy has been recognised as a key principle in healthcare, but we still need to develop a consistent understanding of older people’s perceived autonomy in residential care. This study aimed to identify, describe and synthesise previous studies on the perceived autonomy of older people in residential care. Ethical approval was not required, as this was a review of published literature. We carried out an integrative review to synthesise previous knowledge published in peer-review journals in English up to September 2019. Electronic (...)
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    Studies in Later Greek Philosophy and Gnosticism.Jaap Mansfeld - 1989 - Routledge.
    It is a curious fact that many of the sources for the Presocratic and Stoic philosophers are early Christian authors; similarly, one can even find an echo of Parmenides in a Gnostic treatise from Nag Hammadi. Such writers were often dependent for their knowledge on a whole chain of previous interpretations and traditions, and it is these with which Professor Mansfeld is here largely concerned. He has tried to discover what in an earlier writer - Plato, and Aristotle, of (...)
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    Plato and Levinas: The Ambiguous Out-Side of Ethics.Tanja Staehler - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    In the second half of the twentieth century, ethics has gained considerable prominence within philosophy. In contrast to other scholars, Levinas proposed that it be not one philosophical discipline among many, but the most fundamental and essential one. Before philosophy became divided into disciplines, Plato also treated the question of the Good as the most important philosophical question. Levinas's approach to ethics begins in the encounter with the other as the most basic experience of responsibility. He acknowledges the necessity to (...)
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    Aëtiana V (4 vols.): An Edition of the Reconstructed Text of the Placita with a Commentary and a Collection of Related Texts.Jaap Mansfeld & David Runia (eds.) - 2020 - BRILL.
    A new reconstruction and edition of the _Placita_ of Aëtius (ca. 50 CE), arguably the most important work of ancient doxography covering the entire field of natural philosophy. Accompanied by a full commentary, it replaces the seminal edition of Herman Diels (1879).
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    Intelligent emotion regulation.Tanja Wranik, Lisa Feldman Barrett & Peter Salovey - 2007 - In James J. Gross (ed.), Handbook of Emotion Regulation. Guilford Press.
  8.  27
    The Multiple Dimensions of Gender Stereotypes: A Current Look at Men’s and Women’s Characterizations of Others and Themselves.Tanja Hentschel, Madeline E. Heilman & Claudia V. Peus - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:376558.
    We used a multi-dimensional framework to assess current stereotypes of men and women. Specifically, we sought to determine (1) how men and women are characterized by male and female raters, (2) how men and women characterize themselves, and (3) the degree of convergence between self-characterizations and charcterizations of one’s gender group. In an experimental study, 628 U.S. male and female raters described men, women, or themselves on scales representing multiple dimensions of the two defining features of gender stereotypes, agency and (...)
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    Techno-species in the Becoming Towards a Relational Ontology of Multi-species Assemblages (ROMA).Tanja Kubes & Thomas Reinhardt - 2022 - NanoEthics 16 (1):95-105.
    Robots equipped with artificial intelligence pose a huge challenge to traditional ontological differentiations between the spheres of the human and the non-human. Drawing mainly from neo-animistic and perspectivist approaches in anthropology and science and technology studies, the paper explores the potential of new forms of interconnectedness and rhizomatic entanglements between humans and a world transcending the boundaries between species and material spheres. We argue that intelligent robots meet virtually all criteria Western biology came up with to define ‘life’ and that (...)
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  10. Diogenes Laertius on Stoic philosophy.Jaap Mansfeld - 1986 - Elenchos 7 (1986):295-382.
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    Applying Reflective Equilibrium: Towards the Justification of a Precautionary Principle.Tanja Rechnitzer - 2022 - Cham: Springer.
    This open access book provides the first explicit case study for an application of the method of reflective equilibrium (RE), using it to develop and defend a precautionary principle. It thereby makes an important and original contribution to questions of philosophical method and methodology. The book shows step-by-step how RE is applied, and develops a methodological framework which will be useful for everyone who wishes to use reflective equilibrium. With respect to precautionary principles, the book demonstrates how a rights-based precautionary (...)
  12.  37
    Doxography and Dialectic. The Sitz im Leben of the ‘Placita’.Jaap Mansfeld - 1987 - In Wolfgang Haase (ed.), Philosophie, Wissenschaften, Technik. Philosophie. De Gruyter. pp. 3056-3230.
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    Understanding Corruption in Organizations – Development and Empirical Assessment of an Action Model.Tanja Rabl & Torsten M. Kühlmann - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):477-495.
    Despite a strong sensitization to the corruption problem and a large body of interdisciplinary research, scientists have only rarely investigated which motivational, volitional, emotional, and cognitive components make decision makers in companies act corruptly. Thus, we examined how their interrelation leads to corruption by proposing an action model. We tested the model using a business simulation game with students as participants. Results of the PLS structural equation modeling showed that both an attitude and subjective norm favoring corruption led to a (...)
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  14.  17
    Der Begriff des Bösen bei Hannah Arendt.Tanja Balzer - 2014 - Weimar: Verlag und Datenbank fürGeisteswissenschaften.
  15.  13
    Joke J. Hermsen: Rosa und Hannah. Das Blatt wenden.Tanja Balzer - 2021 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 74 (3):252-254.
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  16. Omzien in verbijstering. Het dilemma van de geschiedschrijving over de holocaust.R. G. Fuks-Mansfeld - 1992 - Nexus 3:91-103.
    Na de Tweede Wereldoorlog heerstte in Duitsland nog lange tijd zwijgen over de misdaden van het Nazi-bewind. Pas in de Historikerstreit van 1985-1986 kwam het onverwerkte verleden in de openbaarheid.. Enerzijds werden de Duitse oorlogsmisdaden vergeleken met die van Stalin en Pol Pot, anderzijds werd de holocaust afgeschilderd als een soort natuurramp, die zich buiten de historische realiteit had afgespeeld. Over dit dilemma is het laatste woord nog niet gezegd.
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  17. The Green Centre: Ouerbett Park Versatile open space in the town of Kayl, Luxemburg.Tanja Gallenmüller - 2010 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 72:44.
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  18. .Tanja Itgenshorst - unknown
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    Ethik der Intensivmedizin.Tanja Krones & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2011 - In Ralf Stoecker, Christian Neuhäuser & Marie-Luise Raters (eds.), Handbuch Angewandte Ethik. Stuttgart: Verlag J.B. Metzler. pp. 783-790.
    DieMedizinIntensivmedizin Intensivmedizin ist ein wichtiges Arbeitsfeld der biomedizinischen Ethik. In vielen Fällen werden existentielle Fragen des Menschseins berührt, um die Individuen und Gesellschaften immer wieder erneut ringen: Unter welchen Umständen erwarte oder erhoffe ich als Intensivpatient welche Art der Zuwendung? Welche Verpflichtung habe ich als Angehöriger dem Patienten gegenüber, wie kann ich meiner Rolle als Bezugsperson gerecht werden? Welche Verantwortung hat die Gemeinschaft bzw. der Staat gegenüber Schwerkranken und Sterbenden? Was ist ein guter Tod und wer darf darüber befinden? Namen (...)
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    Walter Bruchhausen, Heinz Schott (2008) Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht UTB, Göttingen, 256 Seiten, 19,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8252-2915-3.Tanja Krones - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (2):173-174.
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  21. Epicurus peripateticus.Jaap Mansfeld - 1994 - In Antonina M. Alberti (ed.), Realtà e ragione: studi di filosofia antica. Firenze: Librarie Droz.
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    18. Lists of Principles and Lists of Gods: Philodemus, Cicero, Aëtius, and Others.Jaap Mansfeld - 2019 - In Christian Vassallo (ed.), Presocratics and Papyrological Tradition: A Philosophical Reappraisal of the Sources. Proceedings of the International Workshop Held at the University of Trier. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 609-630.
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    The Pseudo-Hippocratic Tract [Peri Hebdomadōn.]: Ch. 1-11 and Greek Philosophy.Jaap Mansfeld - 1971
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    Grata pictura and mapa duplex. Paolino Minorita’s Late Medieval Map of Rome as an Epistemological Instrument of a Historiographer.Tanja Michalsky - 2015 - Convivium 2 (1):38-59.
  25.  31
    Heidegger versus Levinas.Tanja Mijović - 2007 - Theoria 50 (3):101-105.
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    Categorizing the Relationship between Terrorism and the Media.Tanja Miloshevska - 2018 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 71:343-352.
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    The concept of lone-wolf terrorists.Tanja Miloshevska - 2019 - Годишен зборник на Филозофскиот факултет/The Annual of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje 72:337-350.
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    Recognising the forest, but not the trees: An effect of colour on scene perception and recognition.Tanja C. W. Nijboer, Ryota Kanai, Edward H. F. de Haan & Maarten J. van der Smagt - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):741-752.
    Colour has been shown to facilitate the recognition of scene images, but only when these images contain natural scenes, for which colour is ‘diagnostic’. Here we investigate whether colour can also facilitate memory for scene images, and whether this would hold for natural scenes in particular. In the first experiment participants first studied a set of colour and greyscale natural and man-made scene images. Next, the same images were presented, randomly mixed with a different set. Participants were asked to indicate (...)
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    Salut to Jean-Luc Nancy.Tanja Staehler - 2022 - Oxford Literary Review 44 (1):83-88.
    This piece commemorates Jean-Luc Nancy by focussing our attention on seven citations from his works which are followed by brief, tentative interpretations and reflections.
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    Die Wirkung Nietzsches auf die deutsche Gesellschaft der Jahrhundertwende.Tanja Zeeb - 2004 - Nietzsche Studien 33 (1):278-305.
  31.  21
    Aëtiana: the method and intellectual context of a doxographer.Jaap Mansfeld - 1997 - New York: E.J. Brill. Edited by David T. Runia.
    v. 1. The sources -- v. 2., pt. 2. The compendium -- v. 3. Studies in the doxographical traditions of ancient philosophy.
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  32. Aristote et la structure du De sensibus de Théophraste.Jaap Mansfeld - 1996 - Phronesis 41 (2):158-188.
  33.  2
    Uncovering memory: filming in South Africa, Germany, Poland and Bosnia/Herzegovina.Tanja Sakota - 2023 - Johannesburg, South Africa: Wits University Press.
    The book is an interdisciplinary work shaped around films made by different workshop participants using film to access personal interpretations of space and place. It is focused on interacting and engaging with remembering through different memory sites.Travelling along a timeline of memory Tanja Sakota takes us on a journey through South Africa Germany Poland and Bosnia/Herzegovina. Using a camera and short film format Sakota hosts several workshops in different countries focused on interacting and engaging with remembering through different memory (...)
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    The digital labor of ethical food consumption: a new research agenda for studying everyday food digitalization.Tanja Schneider & Karin Eli - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (2):489-500.
    This paper explores how consumers’ ethical food consumption practices, mediated by mobile phone applications (apps), are transformed into digital data. Based on a review of studies on the digitalization of ethical consumption practices and food apps, we find that previous research, while valuable, fails to acknowledge and critically examine the digital labor required to perform digitalized ethical food consumption. In this paper, we call for research on how digital labor underlies the digitalization of ethical food consumption and develop a conceptual (...)
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  35. Turning the trolley with reflective equilibrium.Tanja Rechnitzer - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-28.
    Reflective equilibrium —the idea that we have to justify our judgments and principles through a process of mutual adjustment—is taken to be a central method in philosophy. Nonetheless, conceptions of RE often stay sketchy, and there is a striking lack of explicit and traceable applications of it. This paper presents an explicit case study for the application of an elaborate RE conception. RE is used to reconstruct the arguments from Thomson’s paper “Turning the Trolley” for why a bystander must not (...)
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    Temporospatial dissociation of Pe subcomponents for perceived and unperceived errors.Tanja Endrass, Julia Klawohn, Julia Preuss & Norbert Kathmann - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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    An integration of competing accounts on children’s number line estimation.Tanja Dackermann, Stefan Huber, Julia Bahnmueller, Hans-Christoph Nuerk & Korbinian Moeller - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  38.  5
    Combatting online hate: Crowd moderation and the public goods problem.Tanja Marie Hansen, Lasse Lindekilde, Simon Tobias Karg, Michael Bang Petersen & Stig Hebbelstrup Rye Rasmussen - 2024 - Communications 49 (3):444-467.
    Hate is widespread online, hits everyone, and carries negative consequences. Crowd moderation—user-assisted moderation through, e. g., reporting or counter-speech—is heralded as a potential remedy. We explore this potential by linking insights on online bystander interventions to the analogy of crowd moderation as a (lost) public good. We argue that the distribution of costs and benefits of engaging in crowd moderation forecasts a collective action problem. If the individual crowd member has limited incentive to react when witnessing hate, crowd moderation is (...)
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  39. Precautionary Principles.Tanja Rechnitzer - 2020 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The basic idea underlying a precautionary principle is often summarized as “better safe than sorry.” Even if it is uncertain whether an activity will lead to harm, for example, to the environment or to human health, measures should be taken to prevent harm. This demand is partly motivated by the consequences of regulatory practices of the past. Often, chances of harm were disregarded because there was no scientific proof of a causal connection between an activity or substance and chances of (...)
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    Hegel, Husserl and the Phenomenology of Historical Worlds.Tanja Staehler (ed.) - 2016 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book offers the first study that relates the works of Hegel and Husserl. It also offers a timely philosophical description of the Western world in crisis. The author explores how Husserl radicalises Hegel's philosophy by providing an account of historical movement as open.
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    “The Permanent Truth of Hedonist Moralities”: Plato and Levinas on Pleasures.Tanja Staehler & Alexander Kozin - 2021 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 52 (2):137-154.
    Levinas maintains that there is a lasting significance to hedonism if we consider the important role of pleasures for our embodied existence. In this essay, we go back to Plato to explore the nature of pleasure, different kinds of pleasures, and their contribution to the good life. The good life is a considerate mixture of pleasures which requires knowing, understanding and remembering. Pleasures take us to the most basic level of existence which the Presocratics can help us understand through their (...)
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  42. Verstehen statt Fakten vermitteln: Ein Erkenntnistheoretisches Argument für Dialogbasierte Wissenschaftskommunikation.Tanja Rechnitzer - 2024 - In Alexander Christian & Ina Gawel (eds.), Wissenschaftsleugnung. Fallstudien, philosophische Analysen und Vorschläge zur Wissenschaftskommunikation. De Gruyter. pp. 257-276.
    This article investigates Public Understanding of Science (PUS) as an epistemic goal of science communication. It proposes to conceptualize PUS as a form of understanding and discusses what implications this has for science communication from a social epistemological perspective. Specifically, it is argued that 1) PUS can be conceptualized as an epistemic goal of science communication in a way that does not already imply the so-called deficit model, and 2) that interactive and dialogue- based forms of communication are also justified (...)
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    Die Offenbarung des Parmenides und die menschliche Welt.Jaap Mansfeld - 1964 - Assen,: Van Gorcum.
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    Hegel and Heidegger on the Phenomenology of Conscience.Tanja Staehler - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-17.
    In this essay, I explore possibilities for phenomenology beyond Hegel with respect to questions of conscience, guilt, and ethics. In the first section, I briefly introduce Heidegger’s phenomenology. The next section provides an interpretation of conscience in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. Like Hegel, Heidegger claims that conscience states my guilt prior to any specific wrongdoings; Heidegger’s ideas around the ‘call of conscience’ are thus considered next. Building on differences and connections between Hegel’s and Heidegger’s phenomenologies of conscience, the final section (...)
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    The Mad Genius Stereotype: Still Alive and Well.Tanja G. Baudson - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Studies in the Historiography of Greek Philosophy.Jaap Mansfeld - 1990
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  47. How is a phenomenology of fundamental moods possible?Tanja Staehler - 2007 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 15 (3):415 – 433.
    In Being and Time as well as in his later writings, Heidegger comes to distinguish between fundamental moods and everyday or inauthentic moods. He also claims that phenomenology, rather than psychology, is the appropriate method for examining moods. This article employs a schematic approach to investigate a phenomenology of fundamental moods in terms of its possibilities and limits. Since, in Being and Time, the distinction between fundamental moods and ordinary moods is tied to the division between authenticity and inauthenticity, the (...)
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    Incongruence Between Observers’ and Observed Facial Muscle Activation Reduces Recognition of Emotional Facial Expressions From Video Stimuli.Tanja S. H. Wingenbach, Mark Brosnan, Monique C. Pfaltz, Michael M. Plichta & Chris Ashwin - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Wolfgang Heuer, Bernd Heiter, Stefanie Rosenmüller (Hg.): Arendt Handbuch. Leben – Werk – Wirkung.Tanja Balzer - 2013 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 66 (2):130-135.
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    War and Peace in Biblical and Post-Biblical Judaism.R. G. Fuks-Mansfeld - 1991 - Grotiana 12 (1):5-12.
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