Results for 'Thomas Carter'

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  1.  18
    Planetary Boundaries.Ulrich Brand, Barbara Muraca, Éric Pineault, Marlyne Sahakian, Anke Schaffartzik, Andreas Novy, Christoph Streissler, Helmut Haberl, Viviana Asara, Kristina Dietz, Miriam Lang, Ashish Kothari, Tone Smith, Clive Spash, Alina Brad, Melanie Pichler, Christina Plank, Giorgos Velegrakis, Thomas Jahn, Angela Carter, Qingzhi Huan, Giorgos Kallis, Joan Martínez Alier, Gabriel Riva, Vishwas Satgar, Emiliano Teran Mantovani, Michelle Williams, Markus Wissen & Christoph Görg - 2023 - In Nathanaël Wallenhorst & Christoph Wulf, Handbook of the Anthropocene. Springer. pp. 91-97.
    The planetary boundaries concept has profoundly changed the vocabulary and representation of global environmental issues. The article starts by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of planetary boundaries from a social science perspective. It is argued that the growth imperative of capitalist economies, as well as other particular characteristics detailed below, are the main drivers of the ecological crisis and exacerbated trends already underway. Further, the planetary boundaries framework can support interpretations that do not solely emphasize technocratic operational approaches and costs, (...)
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    Societal Boundaries.Ulrich Brand, Barbara Muraca, Éric Pineault, Marlyne Sahakian, Anke Schaffartzik, Andreas Novy, Christoph Streissler, Helmut Haberl, Viviana Asara, Kristina Dietz, Miriam Lang, Ashish Kothari, Tone Smith, Clive Spash, Alina Brad, Melanie Pichler, Christina Plank, Giorgos Velegrakis, Thomas Jahn, Angela Carter, Qingzhi Huan, Giorgos Kallis, Joan Martínez Alier, Gabriel Riva, Vishwas Satgar, Emiliano Teran Mantovani, Michelle Williams, Markus Wissen & Christoph Görg - 2023 - In Nathanaël Wallenhorst & Christoph Wulf, Handbook of the Anthropocene. Springer. pp. 1647-1653.
    The notion of societal boundaries aims to enhance the debate on planetary boundaries. The focus is on capitalist societies as a heuristic for discussing the expansionary dynamics, power relations, and lock-ins of modern societies that impel highly unsustainable societal relations with nature. While formulating societal boundaries implies a controversial process – based on normative judgments, ethical concerns, and socio-political struggles – it has the potential to offer guidelines for a just, social-ecological transformation.
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    The Kyoto School: An Introduction.Robert E. Carter & Thomas P. Kasulis - 2013 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _An accessible discussion of the thought of key figures of the Kyoto School of Japanese philosophy._.
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    Valeurs et fonctions des éléments initiaux commentaires. Analyse contrastive d'un corpus d'articles de recherche en économie.Shirley Carter-Thomas - 2014 - Corpus 13:99-128.
    La présente contribution propose une analyse d’un type particulier d’élément initial, celui des commentaires énonciatifs, dans un corpus composé d’articles de recherche économique, en français et en anglais. Le postulat de départ est que leur emploi peut être très dépendant à la fois du contexte précis de production et de la langue concernée. Sont pris en compte la composition syntaxique des éléments initiaux de commentaires, leurs valeurs sémantiques précises, la nature du sujet grammatical qu’ils précèdent (groupe nominal, pronom personnel, pronom (...)
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    Problématique et présentation.Shirley Carter-Thomas & Sophie Prevost - 2014 - Corpus 13:7-16.
    Ce numéro est dédié à l’étude des corrélations entre les éléments initiaux ou leur absence, et certains « faits linguistiques » qui se produisent dans la phrase d’accueil ainsi que dans la séquence textuelle (phrases qui suivent et qui précèdent). Par élément initial nous désignons un élément situé dans la zone initiale de la phrase, c’est-à-dire avant le sujet, ou avant le verbe en cas d’inversion du sujet : expression adverbiale ou adjectivale, prédication seconde, connecteur, etc. S’il exi...
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    Cheating as Seen by College Students.Thomas M. Carter - 1929 - International Journal of Ethics 39 (3):341-355.
  7. Butler as a Theologian.Thomas Carter - 1923 - Hibbert Journal 22:182.
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  8. "Is Christ Alive To-day?" ii.Thomas Carter - 1919 - Hibbert Journal 18:592.
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    Mê Ti, des Socialethikers und Seiner Schüler Philosophische Werke. [REVIEW]Thomas F. Carter - 1923 - Journal of Philosophy 20 (17):473-474.
  10.  39
    The Invention of Printing in China and Its Spread Westward.Cyrus H. Peake, Thomas Francis Carter & L. Carrington Goodrich - 1955 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 75 (3):188.
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    The Invention of Printing in China and Its Spread Westward.B. Laufer & Thomas Francis Carter - 1927 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 47:71.
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    A gap in Nisbett and Wilson’s findings? A first-person access to our cognitive processes.Claire Petitmengin, Anne Remillieux, Béatrice Cahour & Shirley Carter-Thomas - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):654-669.
    The well-known experiments of Nisbett and Wilson lead to the conclusion that we have no introspective access to our decision-making processes. Johansson et al. have recently developed an original protocol consisting in manipulating covertly the relationship between the subjects’ intended choice and the outcome they were presented with: in 79.6% of cases, they do not detect the manipulation and provide an explanation of the choice they did not make, confirming the findings of Nisbett and Wilson. We have reproduced this protocol, (...)
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  13.  33
    Carlos Aldana-Valenzuela, MD, is Chief of the Department of Neonatology at the Hospital de Ginecopediatria of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico. He is also a member of the Center for Studies in Bioethics at the University of Guanajuato.M. L. S. Bette Anton, Claire Brett, Michele A. Carter, Thomas A. Cavanaugh, Pieter de Vries Robbe, Richard Gorlin, Michael L. Gross & Matti Häyry - 2001 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 10:3-5.
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    Snead, O. Carter. What it means to be human: the case for the body in public bioethics. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020. 321 pp. $41.00 (cloth); $22.95 (paper). ISBN 0-67-49877-21. [REVIEW]Columba Thomas O. P. - 2023 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 44 (3):275-277.
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    How I Met Your Mother and Philosophy: Being and Awesomeness.Bence Nanay, Kris Griffin, Thomas Answorth, Amanda Ypma, Carter Hardy & Frank G. Karioris - 2013 - Open Court.
    Presents a collection of essays by philosophers about the television program "How I Met Your Mother," analyzing the personalities and behavior of its various characters from a moral and philosophical point of view.
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    Political Service through the Human Sciences: Woodson's Mis‐Education of the Negro as Political Philosophy.Thomas Meagher - 2021 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 59 (3):342-361.
    This article explores Carter G. Woodson’s The Mis‐Education of the Negro in terms of its political philosophical content. It examines how Woodson’s account of the miseducation of Black people and the accordant miseducation of whites is involved in the production and reproduction of an unjust basic structure, with reference to John Rawls and Frantz Fanon. It then turns to Woodson’s critique of leadership and its relationship to miseducation, drawing on E. Franklin Frazier’s study of the Black bourgeoisie and the (...)
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  17.  30
    America's Past Master: Thomas Sully Honored in a Major Exhibit at Milwaukee Art Museum.Curtis L. Carter - unknown
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    On Harming Others: A Response to Partridge.Alan Carter - 2002 - Environmental Values 11 (1):87-96.
    Response to Ernest Partridge's paper 'The Future - For Better or Worse' in this issue of Environmental Values.
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    Moved by God to act: an ecumenical ethic of grace in community.Wm Carter Aikin - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Introduction: Christian moral action -- Stanley Hauerwas -- Reinhard Hütter -- Common threads -- Thomas Aquinas -- Toward an ecumenical ethic of grace -- Conclusion: A community-centered ecumenical ethic of grace.
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  20. Allen, rt (1993) the structure of value (aldershot, ashgate publishing). Carter, John Ross (1993) on understanding buddhists: Essays on the theravada tradition in Sri lanka (new York, suny press). Cohen, Robert S.(1993) the birth of meaning in hindu thought (dordrecht, reidl). [REVIEW]Js Cummins, Wb Hallaq, Thomas Hudak, Phillip Olson, Ilkka Pyysianen, Isabelle Robinet, Gilbert Rozman, Paul Arthur Schlipp, Harendra Prasad Sinha & Gareth Sparham - 1994 - Asian Philosophy 4 (1):99.
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    The Invention of Printing in China and Its Spread Westwards. Thomas Francis Carter.George Sarton - 1926 - Isis 8 (2):361-373.
  22. The Future – for Better or Worse.Ernest Partridge - 2002 - Environmental Values 11 (1):75-85.
    Alan Carter correctly argues that Thomas Schwartz's ‘future persons paradox’ applies with equal force to utilitarianism, rights theory and Aristotelian ethics. His criticism of Rawls's ‘justice between generations’ is less successful, because of his failure (and perhaps Rawls's as well) to fully appreciate the hypothetical nature of the ‘original position’. Carter's attempt to refute Schwartz's argument by focusing on the individuality of moral action fails, since it evades the essential point of Schwartz's argument. The best response to (...)
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  23. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 124. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, III.P. Marshall (ed.) - 2004 - British Academy.
    Keith Thomas: Gerald Edward Aylmer, 1926-2000 Adrian Hollis: William Spencer Barrett, 1914-2001 Bruce Williams: Charles Frederick Carter, 1919-2002 Malcolm Mackintosh: John Erickson, 1929-2002 J. H .R. Davis: Raymond William Firth, 1901-2002 F. M. L. Thompson: Hrothgar John Habakkuk, 1915-2002 A. W. Price: Richard Mervyn Hare, 1919-2002 Hugh Lloyd-Jones: Geoffrey Stephen Kirk, 1921-2003 Michael Lapidge and Peter Matthews: Vivien Anne Law, 1954-2002 Ann Moss: John Lough, 1913-2000 Terence Cave: Ian Dalrymple McFarlane, 1915-2002 Ludwig Paul: David Neil MacKenzie, 1926-2001 Peter (...)
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    Polarisation, Arrogance, and Dogmatism: Philosophical Perspectives.Alessandra Tanesini & Michael P. Lynch (eds.) - 2020 - London, UK: Routledge.
    Introduction / Alessandra Tanesini and Michael P. Lynch -- Reassessing different conceptions of argumentation / Catarina Dutilh Novaes -- Martial metaphors and argumentative virtues and vices / Ian James Kidd -- Arrogance and deep disagreement / Andrew Aberdein -- Closed-mindedness and arrogance / Heather Battaly -- Intellectual trust and the marketplace of ideas / Allan Hazlett -- Is searching the Internet making us intellectually arrogant? / J. Adam Carter and Emma C. Gordon -- Intellectual humility and the curse of (...)
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  25.  17
    Carter Heyward on Rosemary Radford Ruether: America, Amerikkka Panel.Carter Heyward - 2009 - Feminist Theology 17 (2):145-148.
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  26. Honoring Sergeant Carter.Allene G. Carter & Robert L. Allen - 2004 - Science and Society 68 (3):377-378.
  27.  44
    Interview with Professor Curtis Carter on Milwaukee painter Karl Priebe.Curtis L. Carter - unknown
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  28.  15
    The Writings of Elliott Carter.Elliot Carter, Else Stone & Kurt Stone - 1979 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (3):381-381.
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    The Importance of Assent: A Theory of Coercion and Dignity.Jan-Willem Van der Rijt - 2012 - Springer.
    The view that persons are entitled to respect because of their moral agency is commonplace in contemporary moral theory. What exactly this respect entails, however, is far less uncontroversial. In this book, Van der Rijt argues powerfully that this respect for persons’ moral agency must also encompass respect for their subjective moral judgments – even when these judgments can be shown to be fundamentally flawed. Van der Rijt scrutinises the role persons’ subjective moral judgments play within the context of coercion (...)
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    Interactively guided introspection is getting science closer to an effective consciousness meter.Tom Froese - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):672-676.
    The ever-increasing precision of brain measurement brings with it a demand for more reliable and fine-grained measures of conscious experience. However, introspection has long been assumed to be too limited and fallible. This skepticism is primarily based on a series of classic psychological experiments, which suggested that more is seen than can be retrospectively reported , and that we can be easily fooled into retrospectively describing intentional choices that we have never made . However, the work by Petitmengin, Remillieux, Cahour, (...)
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    The paradox of kandinsky's abstract representation.Kenneth Berry - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (1):99-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Paradox of Kandinsky's Abstract RepresentationKenneth BerryThere is a paradox in the relationship between Kandinsky's use of the terms, "abstract" and "concrete," which is presented in the expression, "Kandinsky's abstract representation." Thisexpression, while being apparently contradictory, may point to a feature underpinning Kandinsky's art, which is pivotal to a proper experience of his work, just as, in Christopher Middleton's view, a poetic language may be pivotal to the formation (...)
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  32.  8
    A Collection of Poems by Several Hands.Robert Dodsley - 1997 - Routledge.
    This was the best-selling poetry anthology of the eighteenth century, edited by the most celebrated publisher of the era, Alexander Pope's protege, Robert Dodsley. It includes poems by Samuel Johnson, Thomas Gray, David Garrick, Lady Mary Wortley Montague, Horace Walpole, Joseph and Thomas Warton, James Thomson, Elizabeth Carter, Pope himself, and many others. The Collection of Poems is an invaluable index of literary culture in the eighteenth century, and yet despite its great popularity and influence, it has (...)
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    Mutuality: a formal norm for Christian social ethics.Dawn M. Nothwehr - 1998 - San Francisco: Catholic Scholars Press.
    This study addresses the nature of the contribution made by Christian feminist thinkers who claim that mutuality is a necessary part of a Christian social ethical framework. The theological method employed is analytical and comparative toward the end of illuminating, testing, and demonstrating the thesis: mutuality is a formal norm for Christian social ethics that functions along with love and justice to promote a balance of power that is required for optimum human flourishing, a flourishing set within the interdependent context (...)
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    A Quarter Century of Value Inquiry: Presidential Addresses Before the American Society for Value Inquiry.Richard T. Hull (ed.) - 1994 - Atlanta, GA: Brill | Rodopi.
    This volume contains all of the presidential addresses given before the American Society for Value Inquiry since its first meeting in 1970. Contributions are by Richard Brandt*, Virgil Aldrich*, John W. Davis*, the late Robert S. Hartman*, James B. Wilbur*, the late William H. Werkmeister, Robert E. Carter, the late William T. Blackstone, Gene James, Eva Hauel Cadwallader, Richard T. Hull, Norman Bowie*, Stephen White*, Burton Leiser+, Abraham Edel, Sidney Axinn, Robert Ginsberg, Patricia Werhane, Lisa M. Newton, Thomas (...)
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    Church Teaching as the ‘Language’ of Catholic Theology.William J. Hoye - 1987 - Heythrop Journal 28 (1):16-30.
    Book reviewed in this article: In Search of History: Historiography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History. By John Van Seters. The Hidden God: The Hiding of the Face of God in the Old Testament. By Samuel E. Balentine. Theodicy in the Old Testament. Edited by James L. Crenshaw. Ce Dieu censé aimer la Souffrance. By François Varone. Evil and Evolution, A Theodicy. By Richard W. Kropf. ‘Poet and Peasant’ and ‘Through Peasant Eyes’: A Literary‐Cultural Approach to (...)
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  36.  17
    Thomas Jefferson and the Politics of Nature.Thomas S. Engeman - 2000
    A collection of late 20th-century scholarship devoted to Thomas Jefferson as a politician, writer, philosopher, Christian and economist.
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    Arthur R. Danto (1924-2013) As Remembered by Curtis L. Carter.Curtis L. Carter - 2013 - IAA Newsletter 43.
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  38. The normality of error.Sam Carter & Simon Goldstein - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (8):2509-2533.
    Formal models of appearance and reality have proved fruitful for investigating structural properties of perceptual knowledge. This paper applies the same approach to epistemic justification. Our central goal is to give a simple account of The Preface, in which justified belief fails to agglomerate. Following recent work by a number of authors, we understand knowledge in terms of normality. An agent knows p iff p is true throughout all relevant normal worlds. To model The Preface, we appeal to the normality (...)
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  39. Respect and the Basis of Equality.Ian Carter - 2011 - Ethics 121 (3):538-571.
    In what sense are persons equal, such that it is appropriate to treat them as equals? This difficult question has been strangely neglected by political philosophers. A plausible answer can be found by adopting a particular interpretation of the idea of respect. Central to this interpretation is the thought that in order to respect persons we need to treat them as ‘opaque', paying attention only to their outward features as agents. This proposed basis of equality has important implications for the (...)
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  40.  17
    Thomas von Aquin.Thomas Aquinas (ed.) - 1988 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA präsentieren seit ihrer Gründung durch Paul Wilpert im Jahre 1962 Arbeiten des Thomas-Instituts der Universität zu Köln. Das Kernstück der Publikationsreihe bilden die Akten der im zweijährigen Rhythmus stattfindenden Kölner Mediaevistentagungen, die vor über 50 Jahren von Josef Koch, dem Gründungsdirektor des Instituts, ins Leben gerufen wurden. Der interdisziplinäre Charakter dieser Kongresse prägt auch die Tagungsakten: Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA versammeln Beiträge aus allen mediävistischen Disziplinen - die mittelalterliche Geschichte, die Philosophie, die Theologie sowie die Kunst- und (...)
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  41. Dogmatism and Inquiry.Sam Carter & John Hawthorne - 2024 - Mind 133 (531):651-676.
    Inquiry aims at knowledge. Your inquiry into a question succeeds just in case you come to know the answer. However, combined with a common picture on which misleading evidence can lead knowledge to be lost, this view threatens to recommend a novel form of dogmatism. At least in some cases, individuals who know the answer to a question appear required to avoid evidence bearing on it. In this paper, we’ll aim to do two things. First, we’ll present an argument for (...)
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  42.  37
    Thomas Reid - Essays on the Active Powers of Man.Thomas Reid, Knud Haakonssen & James Harris - 2010 - Edinburgh University Press.
    The Essays on the Active Powers of Man was Thomas Reid's last major work. It was conceived as part of one large work, intended as a final synoptic statement of his philosophy. The first and larger part was published three years earlier as Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man. These two works are united by Reid's basic philosophy of common sense, which sets out native principles by which the mind operates in both its intellectual and active aspects. The (...)
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  43.  97
    A Critical Introduction to Knowledge-How.J. Adam Carter & Ted Poston - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    We know facts, but we also know how to do things. To know a fact is to know that a proposition is true. But does knowing how to ride a bike amount to knowledge of propositions? This is a challenging question and one that deeply divides the contemporary landscape. A Critical Introduction to Knowledge-How introduces, outlines, and critically evaluates various contemporary debates surrounding the nature of knowledge-how. Carter and Poston show that situating the debate over the nature of knowledge-how (...)
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  44. The dynamics of loose talk.Sam Carter - 2021 - Noûs 55 (1):171-198.
    In non‐literal uses of language, the content an utterance communicates differs from its literal truth conditions. Loose talk is one example of non‐literal language use (amongst many others). For example, what a loose utterance of (1) communicates differs from what it literally expresses: (1) Lena arrived at 9 o'clock. Loose talk is interesting (or so I will argue). It has certain distinctive features which raise important questions about the connection between literal and non‐literal language use. This paper aims to (i.) (...)
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  45. Degrees of Assertability.Sam Carter - 2022 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (1):19-49.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Volume 104, Issue 1, Page 19-49, January 2022.
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  46. Knowledge‐How and Cognitive Achievement.J. Adam Carter & Duncan Pritchard - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (1):181-199.
    According to reductive intellectualism, knowledge-how just is a kind of propositional knowledge (e.g., Stanley & Williamson 2001; Stanley 2011a, 2011b; Brogaard, 2008a, 2008b, 2009, 2011, 2009, 2011). This proposal has proved controversial because knowledge-how and propositional knowledge do not seem to share the same epistemic properties, particularly with regard to epistemic luck. Here we aim to move the argument forward by offering a positive account of knowledge-how. In particular, we propose a new kind of anti-intellectualism. Unlike neo-Rylean anti-intellectualist views, according (...)
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  47. (1 other version)A Measure of Freedom.Ian Carter (ed.) - 1999 - Oxford University Press.
    How do we know when one person or society is 'freer' than another? Can freedom be measured? Is more freedom better than less? This book provides the first full-length treatment of these fundamental yet neglected issues, throwing new light both on the notion of freedom and on contemporary liberalism.
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  48. Skepticism Motivated: On the Skeptical Import of Motivated Reasoning.J. Adam Carter & Robin McKenna - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (6):702-718.
    Empirical work on motivated reasoning suggests that our judgments are influenced to a surprising extent by our wants, desires and preferences (Kahan 2016; Lord, Ross, and Lepper 1979; Molden and Higgins 2012; Taber and Lodge 2006). How should we evaluate the epistemic status of beliefs formed through motivated reasoning? For example, are such beliefs epistemically justified? Are they candidates for knowledge? In liberal democracies, these questions are increasingly controversial as well as politically timely (Beebe et al. 2018; Lynch forthcoming, 2018; (...)
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  49. Extended emotion.J. Adam Carter, Emma C. Gordon & S. Orestis Palermos - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (2):198-217.
    Recent thinking within philosophy of mind about the ways cognition can extend has yet to be integrated with philosophical theories of emotion, which give cognition a central role. We carve out new ground at the intersection of these areas and, in doing so, defend what we call the extended emotion thesis: the claim that some emotions can extend beyond skin and skull to parts of the external world.
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  50. The Ethics and Epistemology of Trust.J. Adam Carter, and & Mona Simion - 2020 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Trust is a topic of longstanding philosophical interest. It is indispensable to every kind of coordinated human activity, from sport to scientific research. Even more, trust is necessary for the successful dissemination of knowledge, and by extension, for nearly any form of practical deliberation and planning. Without trust, we could achieve few of our goals and would know very little. Despite trust’s fundamental importance in human life, there is substantial philosophical disagreement about what trust is, and further, how trusting is (...)
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