Results for 'Tiia Tulviste'

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  1.  17
    Sociocultural Variation in Mothers' Control over Children's Behavior.Tiia Tulviste - 2004 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 32 (1):34-50.
  2.  8
    From super-wicked problems to more-than-human justice: new bioethical frameworks for antimicrobial resistance and climate emergency.Tiia Sudenkaarne & Andrea Butcher - forthcoming - Monash Bioethics Review:1-21.
    In this article, building on our multidisciplinary expertise on philosophy, anthropology, and social study of microbes, we discuss and analyze new approaches to justice that have emerged in thinking with more-than-human contexts: microbes, animals, environments and ecosystems. We situate our analysis in theory of and practical engagements with antimicrobial resistance and climate emergency that both can be considered super-wicked problems. In offering solutions to such problems, we discuss a more-than-human justice orientation, seeking to displace human exceptionalism while still engaging with (...)
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    A queer feminist posthuman framework for bioethics: on vulnerability, antimicrobial resistance, and justice.Tiia Sudenkaarne - forthcoming - Monash Bioethics Review:1-17.
    In this paper, I discuss the bioethical principle of justice and the bioethical key concept of vulnerability, in a queer feminist posthuman framework. I situate these contemplations, philosophical by nature, in the context of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), one the most vicious moral problems of our time. Further, I discuss how gender and sexual variance, vulnerability and justice manifest in AMR. I conclude by considering my queer feminist posthuman framework for vulnerability and justice in relation to the notion of antibiotic vulnerabilities, (...)
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    Institutions and Agency in the Sustainability of Day-to-Day Consumption Practices: An Institutional Ethnographic Study.Tiia-Lotta Pekkanen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (2):241-260.
    Consumption is essentially an institutional action. While both the formal institutional environment and cultural embeddedness shape consumption, individuals may reciprocally amend the institutional setting through consumption choices that challenge the prevalent institutional constraints. This paper reconciles theoretical and conceptual premises from institutional and practice theory literature to study the sustainability of consumption. Using institutional ethnography as a methodological approach, the study explores the pendulum between embeddedness and agency in shaping the sustainability of day-to-day consumption of necessary goods; and further, how (...)
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    A Phenomenological Investigation of the Experiential Features of Trauma.Tiia-Mari Hovila - 2024 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 55 (1):89-107.
    This article examines the experience of trauma, paying particular attention to how traumatization affects one’s sense of body, time, and intersubjectivity. Furthermore, this study provides one example of how literature can be used in phenomenological research. Using both classical and contemporary phenomenological sources and deepening the analysis by discussing a first-person description by Marguerite Duras, the article aims to clarify one crucial aspect of traumatic experience: trauma alters experiential features so that the relation between traumatic past and present becomes rigid.
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    Kohtuja ja kohtuuttomuuksia: sijaissynnytystyön bioetiikkaa.Tiia Sudenkaarne - 2020 - Ajatus 77 (1):101-130.
    Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelen feministisen bioetiikan näkökulmia sijaissynnyttämiseen. Keskityn erityisesti sijaissynnytykseen konstruoimiseen työksi, äitiyden käsitteeseen sekä kaupallisuuden ja sen määrittelemisen pohdintaan. Kysyn, onko sijaissynnyttäjälle maksettava palkkio riittävä tai välttämättä edes moraalisesti keskeisin eettisesti kestämättömän kaupallisuuden määrittäjä. Esitän, että sijaissynnyttämisen mieltäminen työksi voisi auttaa laatimaan eettisesti kestävää säätelyä, jota Suomessa ei tällä hetkellä ole. Sijaissynnyttämisen täyskielto Suomen kaltaisissa korkean reproduktioterveyden, globaalisti verraten pienten tuloerojen maissa ruokkii kolonialistista reproduktioturismia. Katson, että äitiyden käsitteellistä paikkaa sijaissynnytyskonstruktioissa ja sen vaikutuksia sijaissynnytyskäytenteisiin tulisi tarkastella kriittisesti. Nähdäkseni sijaissynnytystä (...)
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    Reproductive justice for the haunted Nordic welfare state: Race, racism, and queer bioethics in Finland.Tiia Sudenkaarne & Mwenza Blell - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (3):328-335.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 3, Page 328-335, March 2022.
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    Toxic masculinity: A neglected public health problem.Tiia Sudenkaarne, Tamara K. Browne & Evie Kendal - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (7):725-727.
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    Feminist Bioethicists and COVID-19: Notes on Vulnerability and Its Missed Chances.Tiia Sudenkaarne - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):112-116.
    The current global pandemic will continue to challenge bioethics for decades to come. Not only did it bring about new issues of social justice, it deepened stratification of health along existing unfair structures. Further and most grimly, it can be argued the pandemic was an ethics test the global community failed. Especially to those of us invested in ethics professionally, this calls for critical reflection.Obviously, the strains of the pandemic have been very unevenly distributed. As a feminist and queer bioethicist (...)
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    Trans- ja intersukupuolisuus queer-bioeettisinä kysymyksinä.Tiia Sudenkaarne - 2018 - Ajatus 75 (1):203-246.
    Tämä artikkeli on ensimmäinen suomenkielinen, vertaisarvioitu artikkeli queer-bioetiikasta.[1] Sen on tarkoitus johdattaa queer-bioeettiseen ajatteluun ja innostaa queer-bioeettiseen tutkimukseen. Sen yleisfilosofisempi päämäärä on herättää kysymyksiä sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden bioetiikan normatiivis-moraalisista perusteista ja seurauksista. Miten queer-bioetiikan avulla voidaan kyseenalaistaa cis- ja heteronormatiivisuus hyvän elämän välttämättömänä ehtona sekä medikalisoituna merkitysjärjestelmänä? Artikkeli lähestyy tätä kysymystä polkuja raivaten ja mahdollisuuksia kartoittaen. Artikkelissa pohditaan lisäksi queer-bioetiikan suhdetta muuhun tutkimuskenttään sekä sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden moninaisuuden kysymysten asemaa bioetiikassa. Kansainvälisesti tarkasteltuna homo-, lesbo- ja queer-tutkimus sekä trans- ja intersukupuolentutkimus (...)
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    (Dis)honesty in management: manifestations and consequences.Maaja Vadi & Tiia Vissak (eds.) - 2013 - United Kingdom: Emerald.
    This volume concentrates on different forms of honesty and dishonesty in management and their consequences for managers, firms and society. These issues are related to values and behavior patterns and thus, the basis of contemporary business.
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    Evaluation of a Novel Psychological Intervention Tailored for Patients With Early Cognitive Impairment (PIPCI): Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial.Urban Ekman, Mike K. Kemani, John Wallert, Rikard K. Wicksell, Linda Holmström, Tiia Ngandu, Anna Rennie, Ulrika Akenine, Eric Westman & Miia Kivipelto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundIndividuals with early phase cognitive impairment are frequently affected by existential distress, social avoidance and associated health issues. The demand for efficient psychological support is crucial from both an individual and a societal perspective. We have developed a novel psychological intervention manual for providing a non-medical path to enhanced psychological health in the cognitively impaired population. The current article provides specific information on the randomized controlled trial -design and methods. The main hypothesis is that participants receiving PIPCI will increase their (...)
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    Feminist Concerns About Artificial Womb Technology.Tamara Kayali Browne, Evie Kendal & Tiia Sudenkaarne - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (5):97-99.
    The paper by De Bie et al. (2023) provides an overview of various ethical arguments related to artificial womb technology (AWT). We believe some important feminist concerns about this technology ne...
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  14. Tiia Mew Social Ethic for Ar. imsis.Bernard E. Rollin - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics: Divergence and Convergence.
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