Results for 'Timothée Picard'

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  1.  8
    Lebenskunst: Erkundungen zu Biographie, Lebenswelt und Erinnerung: Festschrift für Jacques Picard.Jacques Picard, Konrad J. Kuhn, Katrin Sontag & Walter Leimgruber (eds.) - 2017 - Köln: BV, Böhlau Verlag.
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    Development of autonoetic autobiographical memory in school-age children: Genuine age effect or development of basic cognitive abilities?Laurence Picard, Isméry Reffuveille, Francis Eustache & Pascale Piolino - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (4):864-876.
    This study investigated the mechanisms behind episodic autobiographical memory development in school-age children. Thirty children performed a novel EAM test. We computed one index of episodicity via autonoetic consciousness and two indices of retrieval spontaneity for a recent period and a more remote one . Executive functions, and episodic and personal semantic memory were assessed. Results showed that recent autobiographical memories were mainly episodic, unlike remote ones. An age-related increase in the indices of episodicity and specific spontaneity for recent AMs (...)
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    Multiple Arousal Theory and Daily-Life Electrodermal Activity Asymmetry.Rosalind W. Picard, Szymon Fedor & Yadid Ayzenberg - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (1):62-75.
    Using “big data” from sensors worn continuously outside the lab, researchers have observed patterns of objective physiology that challenge some of the long-standing theoretical concepts of emotion and its measurement. One challenge is that emotional arousal, when measured as sympathetic nervous system activation through electrodermal activity, can sometimes differ significantly across the two halves of the upper body. We show that traditional measures on only one side may lead to misjudgment of arousal. This article presents daily life and controlled study (...)
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    Aristote et la limitation politique de l’économie.Timothée Gautier - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 23 (1):95-118.
    Dans la Politique, Aristote s’attache à distinguer, pour les articuler et les hiérarchiser, la sphère économique et la sphère politique. Tout en reconnaissant l’autonomie propre des activités économiques, il s’attache à exposer les motifs qui légitiment la limitation de celles-ci par le pouvoir politique. En consacrant l’éminence de la politique par rapport à la sphère marchande, Aristote manifeste l’impérieuse nécessité de subordonner la recherche et l’acquisition des biens et des richesses matérielles – légitimes dans leur ordre – aux activités les (...)
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    φύσις, ἔθος, λόγος : comment devient-on vertueux? Lecture de Politiques, VII, 13.Timothée Gautier - 2019 - Polis 36 (1):77-96.
    In Politics VII, 13, to the question of how one becomes virtuous, Aristotle answers that one acquires virtue through three factors: nature, habit and reason. The purpose of my paper is to examine the process of virtue acquisition in the light of these three concepts, their articulation, and the harmonization of their own dynamics, which Aristotle seems to call his wishes.
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    Du constructivisme au naturalisme ontologique. L’itinéraire intellectuel de Lukács à la lumière des questionnements écologiques contemporains.Timothée Haug - 2021 - Actuel Marx 69 (1):106-118.
    Cet article relit l’itinéraire conduisant Lukács d’un constructivisme fort à un naturalisme plus prononcé à la lumière des débats écologiques contemporains polarisés par l’opposition entre naturalisme et antinaturalisme. La critique de la naturalisation des phénomènes sociaux conduit dans Histoire et conscience de classe à disqualifier tout concept de nature ; ce constructivisme fort empêche la première philosophie de la praxis de problématiser les rapports écologiques entre nature et société. À l’inverse, Ontologie de l’être social interroge le conditionnement naturel de la (...)
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    Kohei Saito, Natur gegen Kapital. Marx’ Ökologie in seiner unvollendeten Kritik des Kapitalismus.Timothée Haug - 2017 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 41:167-171.
    Parue en août 2016 en allemand, la thèse de Kohei Saito apporte enfin une justification philologique solide aux entreprises écosocialistes, qui oscillent depuis les années 1970 entre une interprétation hétérodoxe ou orthodoxe de l’œuvre de Marx. Faut-il purger cette dernière d’une tendance prométhéenne propre au xixe siècle industriel, ou au contraire en faire l’expression première – et donc la plus pure – de la sensibilité écologique naissante à cette époque? Comme Saito le montre avec brio...
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    The capitalist metabolism: an unachieved subsumption of life under the value-form.Timothée Haug - 2018 - Journal for Cultural Research 22 (2):191-203.
    This article views capitalism not only as a mode of production, but also as a mediation of the reproduction of life, following the concept of ‘social metabolism’ that Marx employs to analyze the interaction between the individuals composing a society and their natural environment. Insofar as the ‘value-form’ is the distinctive social relation of capitalism, it appears necessary to ask whether the metabolic process of reproduction can be fully subsumed under this form. Marx takes for granted the idea that the (...)
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    Recherches à Latô. II. Le grand temple.O. Picard & Pierre Ducrey - 1970 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 94 (2):567-590.
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  10. But is it Philosophy? Cafe Philosophy and the social coordination of inquiry.Michael Picard - 2015 - In Lydia Amir Aleksandar Fatić (ed.), Practicing Philosophy. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 163-181.
    This paper was also presented at 13th International Conference on Philosophical Practice, Belgrade, Serbia. Aug., 2014. It is reprinted in Cafe Conversations (Anvil, 2022), edited by the author. This paper looks at public participatory philosophy, or cafe philosophy, from a critical perspective. The issue is the extent to which it can be considered philosophy. Personal experience of the author creating, organizing and moderating Café Philosophy in a Canadian city is the point of departure, and an account of the difficulties encountered (...)
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    Le commerce de l'argent dans la charte de Pistiros.Olivier Picard - 1999 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 123 (1):331-346.
    This paper considers the three first clauses of the Pistiros Charter. Closely connected with each other, they show the financial privileges accorded to Greek merchants by the Thracian authorities. The third clause prohibited any annulment of debts. The second may be compared to the δίκη αργυρίου in Athens and apparently concerned inheritances, which explains the recourse to the principle of kinship. In the first we have to restore an oath "purgatoire", by which the dynast denies having received funds demanded of (...)
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  12. Three Statements on Philosophy as Dialogue.Michael Picard - 2012 - In Horst Gronke, Angella Hodgson & Dieter Krohn (eds.), Series on Socratic Philosophizing. Lit-Verlag.
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    Icônes.Timothée Pugeault - 2021 - Multitudes 84 (3):1-217.
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    Portrait du lanceur d’alerte en artiste.Timothée Pugeault - 2021 - Multitudes 84 (3):34-43.
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    The flight from God.Max Picard, Gabriel Marcel & J. M. Cameron - 2015 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press. Edited by Matthew Del Nevo & Brendan Sweetman.
    Max Picard (1888-1965) was a Swiss-German writer, who converted to Catholicism from Judaism. A doctor and psychologist, Picard worked in Berlin but retired in the 1920s to Switzerland. He is often regarded as a "wisdom thinker," and his rich and penetrating writings continue to speak to us in the twenty-first century. The Flight from God is an incisive, profound description of many of the problems facing modern culture, and its analysis resonates with us more today than when first (...)
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    Academic integrity in the Muslim world: a conceptual map of challenges of culture.Michelle Picard & Akbar Akbar - 2020 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 16 (1).
    The literature suggests that a whole-institution culture of academic integrity is needed in order to prevent academic integrity breaches. It is also suggested that the national cultures and individual backgrounds of academic staff and students can impact on their propensity to breach academic integrity policies and on their uptake of initiatives aimed at enhancing academic culture. Much research has been conducted on academic integrity related to culture in the western world including the behaviours of international students, and some work has (...)
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  17. A Modern Estimate of Ancient Religion: the Work of Charles Kerényi.Charles Picard & Elaine P. Halperin - 1959 - Diogenes 7 (25):118-136.
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    De la menace du biais d’anthropomorphisme dans nos rapports moraux aux non-humains.Timothée Gallen & Richard Monvoisin - 2020 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 15 (1-2):113-133.
    Does anti-speciesist philosophy have a blind spot, as many of its critics claim, wrongly granting feelings and abilities to other animals? This text questions the criticism of anthropomorphism bias that may affect animalist philosophy. By analyzing how our knowledge of the behaviour of non-human animals is elaborated, we show that appealing to a critical anthropomorphism is not only a logical and rational option, but above all the only one we have at our disposal to understand the behaviour of other animals. (...)
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  19.  21
    A discussion of "mind discerned".Maurice Picard - 1921 - Journal of Philosophy 18 (26):713-717.
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    Integrity: A Philosophical Exploration.Michael Picard - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 68:95-98.
    This paper explores the virtue of integrity and certain paradoxes and problems with its assertion. It examines the social and pragmatic dimensions of integrity, especially as regards the norms of self-ascription. These generate a dangerous dialectic of perception and reality, and set up an illusory half-way house between inner possession and social attribution. The temptations to self-deception and impression management are inherent in any attempt at self-evaluation. This essay attempts to negotiate these conflicting tensions by advocating silence regarding one’s own (...)
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    Inscriptions d'Éolide et d'Ionie.Charles Picard & André Plassart - 1913 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 37 (1):155-246.
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  22. Les constantes du droit..Edmond Picard - 1921 - Paris: E. Flammarion.
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    Le droit pur; cours d'encyclopédie du droit; les permanences juridiques abstraites.Edmond Picard - 1899 - Bruxelles,: Veuve F. Larcier.
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    La grande mutation du bronze lagide au début du IIe s. : questions de change.Olivier Picard - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (2):549-561.
    L’Égypte lagide offre une documentation exceptionnelle pour étudier le travail des changeurs grâce aux comptes conservés par les papyrus et au remplacement des types monétaires lors des dix réformes du monnayage en bronze que nous avons distinguées. Nous analysons ici deux de ces réformes, le passage de la série 4 à la série 5 et surtout la « grande mutation » de la série 6. La monnaie de bronze passe alors d’un système chalque / obole / drachme à un système (...)
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    Monnaies et timbres amphoriques à Thasos : quelques points de convergence.Olivier Picard - 2017 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 141:645-658.
    La frappe de la monnaie et le timbrage des amphores relèvent d’une même technique, celle du sceau, qui est la marque d’une autorité publique. Cette étude analyse les rapprochements entre la composition des types monétaires et celle des emblèmes sur les timbres. Elle relève les nombreux exemples d’emploi de la même image. Elle étudie la signification juridique du scellement, qui a pour effet d’indiquer l’objet dokimon, agréé par la cité. Elle compare les modes de contrôle de la monnaie et des (...)
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  26. (1 other version)O direito puro.Edmond Picard - 1951 - Salvador,: Bahia, Progresso. Edited by A. Souza & [From Old Catalog].
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    Philosophy: Adventures in Thought and Reasoning.Michaël Picard - 2012 - New York: Metro.
    An expanded edition of "This Is Not a Book" (2007). This book will expand your mind, put your neurons through their paces, and go as far as question the foundations of your options and knowledge itself. You'll discover that you can't even trust your own senses-even though they are all that you have. Filled with philosophical puzzles that have intrigued the greatest minds, quizzes that reveal the inconsistency of our ideas, insoluble logical paradoxes, and moral dilemmas that force us to (...)
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    Philosophie de l'enfantement: cinq méditations.Clarisse Picard - 2022 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    L'enfantement est-il le propre de la femme? Pourquoi n'y a-t-il qu'un seul sexe qui enfante? Les hommes ne pourraient-ils pas aussi enfanter? Est-il encore nécessaire d'en passer par le corps des femmes pour mettre au monde les enfants? La fin de l'enfantement se présente-t-elle comme une libération ou comme une aliénation des femmes? Serait-ce un progrès de s'en passer ou, au contraire, une perte sèche pour l'humanité? Une seule question semble toutes les contenir : quelle est la raison d'être de (...)
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    Racine and chauveau.Raymond Picard - 1951 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 14 (3/4):259-274.
  30.  8
    Reason, Desire and the Ridiculous.Michael Picard - 2021 - The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook 2 (1):261-270.
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    Recherches à Latô, V : le prytanée.Olivier Picard O. & Pierre Ducrey - 1972 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 96 (2):567-592.
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    The Interrelation of Immediate and Contributory Values.Maurice Picard - 1919
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    A Note on Dummett and Frege on Sense‐Identity.Eva Picard - 1993 - European Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):69-80.
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    Flying dreams stimulated by an immersive virtual reality task.Claudia Picard-Deland, Maude Pastor, Elizaveta Solomonova, Tyna Paquette & Tore Nielsen - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 83:102958.
  35.  10
    ""7 What Does lt Mean for a Computer to" Have" Emotions?Rosalind W. Picard - 2001 - In Robert Trappl (ed.), Emotions in Humans and Artifacts. Bradford Book/MIT Press. pp. 213.
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    Understanding plagiarism in Indonesia from the lens of plagiarism policy: lessons for universities.Michelle Picard & Akbar Akbar - 2019 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 15 (1).
    Plagiarism is viewed as a critical issue that can hinder the development of creativity and innovation in Indonesia. Thus, since the early 2000s the Indonesian government has endeavoured to develop policies to address this issue. In response to national policy, Indonesian educational institutions have made serious institutional efforts to address the plagiarism issue. Research in the Indonesian Higher education context on plagiarism has focussed on reporting prevention and mitigation efforts. However, little has been discussed about the communication of these efforts (...)
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  37.  27
    Emotion Research by the People, for the People.Rosalind W. Picard - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (3):250-254.
    Emotion research will leap forward when its focus changes from comparing averaged statistics of self-report data across people experiencing emotion in laboratories to characterizing patterns of data from individuals and clusters of similar individuals experiencing emotion in real life. Such an advance will come about through engineers and psychologists collaborating to create new ways for people to measure, share, analyze, and learn from objective emotional responses in situations that truly matter to people. This approach has the power to greatly advance (...)
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    Metaphysics and Value.Maurice Picard - 1925 - Philosophical Review 34 (5):457-476.
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    AGOS ou AGGOS, note sur une inscription thasienne (en grec).Charles Picard - 1912 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 36 (1):240-247.
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    Incarnation, question ancienne, enjeux actuels: approches philosophiques et théologiques.Clarisse Picard & Emmanuel Falque (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    The texts in this book offer new observations on incarnation in light of the developments of the past twenty years in both philosophy and theology, as well as current debates in anthropology and ethics.
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    L'hurluberlu, ou, La philosophie sur un toit.Georges Picard - 2012 - [Paris]: José Corti.
    Révulsé par une société qu’il juge débile et décervelante, le personnage de ce livre assume sa réputation d’hurluberlu : « Comme le monde serait ennuyeux si on se contentait de le prendre au pied de la lettre! J’ai toujours pensé qu’il fallait dépayser les choses pour se dépayser soi-même. » Il le fait ardemment, avec la conscience ironique et aiguë d’être ce qu’il est, un rêveur philosophe en rupture avec les routines sociales. Pendant quelque temps, il vit sur le toit (...)
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  42. Le thomisme de Suárez.Gabriel Picard - 1949 - Archives de Philosophie 18:108-128.
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    Trois bas-reliefs « éleusiniens ».Charles Picard - 1931 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 55 (1):11-42.
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    The Production of Psychic States.M. Picard - 1921 - The Monist 31 (3):321-336.
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    Cafe Conversations: Participatory Philosophy in Public Spaces.Michael Picard (ed.) - 2024 - Oakville, Ontario, Canada: Rocks' Mills Press. Translated by Michael Picard.
    This collection of essays is the first to look closely at the phenomena of philosophy in a cafe. Since the tradition of philosophical dialogue in coffee-houses was revived in Paris in the 1990s, public venues for participatory philosophy have sprung up in numerous countries, taking many forms, all seeking to stimulate intellectual interest as well as meaningful democratic community engagement. Some of the earliest discussion series continue to this day. The simple activity of reasoning together in a cafe is of (...)
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    How to Play Philosophy.Michael Picard - 2022 - Lanham, MD: Hamilton Books.
    How to Play Philosophy is a series of lyrical, creative essays that explore timeless and timely ideas about who we are and how we live. MIT-trained philosopher Michael Picard shares ideas of numerous philosophers from conflicting traditions and builds an intellectual background to enable readers to draw their own conclusions. Written in a spirit of free and playful inquiry, the essays were composed originally to support public participatory philosophy, or Café Philosophy, which the author has facilitated for decades. Subjects (...)
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    Philosophical Praxis: Origins, Relations, Legacy.Michael Picard & Gerd B. Achenbach - 2024 - Lanham, MD: Lexington. Edited by Michaël Picard. Translated by Michael Picard.
    This is Michael Picard's translation of Gerd B Achenbach’s _Philosophische Praxis_ Beset by life-problems you can neither get rid of nor solve? Stuck? Over- or under-burdened by reality? Not living up to your potential? Philosophical Praxis is the alternative to psychotherapy for people not satisfied to muddle through life or merely exist. Not a method or a teaching, not diagnosis, treatment, or therapy, not a ready-made rule of life for you to conform to. It is no preformed application, but (...)
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  48.  23
    Sur trois grandes stèles hellénistiques de Délos et de Thasos.Charles Picard - 1954 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 78 (1):258-281.
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  49. Die Erfahrung der Abwesenheit Gottes in autobiographischen Zeugnissen der modernen franzosischen Literatur (Claude Roy, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Michel Leiris).Hans Rudolf Picard - 1979 - Giornale di Metafisica. Nuova Serie Torino 1 (1):55-96.
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    Das ende des impressionismus.Max Picard - 1920 - Zürich,: E. Rentsch.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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