Results for 'Timothy Hallett'

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  1. Looking Back to See Ahead: Institutions and Interactions in Goudlner's Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy.Timothy Hallett & Marc Ventresca - 2006 - Theory and Society 35:213-236.
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    Downward Causation and the Neurobiology of Free Will.Nancey Murphy, George Ellis & Timothy O'Connor (eds.) - 2009 - Springer Verlag.
    The book includes contributions by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, George F. R. Ellis, Christopher D. Frith, Mark Hallett, David Hodgson, Owen D. Jones, Alicia Juarrero, J. A. Scott Kelso, Christof Koch, Hans Küng, Hakwan C. Lau, Dean Mobbs,...
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    Cantorian Set Theory and Limitation of Size.Michael Hallett - 1984 - Oxford, England: Clarendon Press.
    This volume presents the philosophical and heuristic framework Cantor developed and explores its lasting effect on modern mathematics. "Establishes a new plateau for historical comprehension of Cantor's monumental contribution to mathematics." --The American Mathematical Monthly.
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    A companion to Wittgenstein's "Philosophical investigations".Garth L. Hallett - 1977 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    "One of the most impressive pieces of scholarship I have ever encountered."-W. E. Kennick, Amherst College There is nothing in the literature on the Philosophical Investigations comparable to this learned and exhaustive commentary. Offering both information and interpretation, it is a remarkable book that fills a recognized need for a close study of one of the world's major works of philosophy. After a general introduction, Father Hallett divides the text of the Investigations into forty-one units, and then provides an (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Cantorian Set Theory and Limitation of Size.Michael Hallett - 1986 - Mind 95 (380):523-528.
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  6. Towards a theory of mathematical research programmes (I).Michael Hallett - 1979 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 30 (1):1-25.
  7. Reflections on the purity of method in Hilbert's Grundlagen der Geometrie.Michael Hallett - 2008 - In Paolo Mancosu, The Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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  8. Hilbert's axiomatic method and the laws of thought.Michael Hallett - 1994 - In Alexander George, Mathematics and mind. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 158--200.
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  9. Towards a theory of mathematical research programmes (II).Michael Hallett - 1979 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 30 (2):135-159.
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    Essentialism: A Wittgensteinian Critique.Garth L. Hallett - 1991 - SUNY Press.
    After tracing the recent decline in explicitly essentialistic theories, Hallett (Dean of the College of Philosophy and letters, St. Louis U.) critically surveys the essentialism still strongly operative in much philosophical reasoning, then ...
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    Putnam and the Skolem Paradox.Michael Hallett - 1994 - In Peter Clark & Bob Hale, Reading Putnam. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 66--97.
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  12. Frege and Hilbert.M. Hallett - 2010 - In Michael Potter, Joan Weiner, Warren Goldfarb, Peter Sullivan, Alex Oliver & Thomas Ricketts, The Cambridge Companion to Frege. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 413--464.
  13. (1 other version)A Companion to Wittgenstein's `Philosophical Investigation'.Garth Hallett - 1979 - Mind 88 (351):452-454.
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    The case for an inhabited institutionalism in organizational research: interaction, coupling, and change reconsidered.Tim Hallett & Amelia Hawbaker - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (1):1-32.
    This paper makes the case for an inhabited institutionalism by pondering questions that continue to vex institutional theory: How can we account for local activity, agency, and change without reverting to a focus on individual actors—the very kinds of actors that institutional theory was designed to critique? How is change possible in an institutional context that constructs interests and sets the very conditions for such action? Efforts to deal with these questions by inserting various forms of individual, purposive actors into (...)
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  15.  10
    Greater Good: The Case for Proportionalism.Garth Hallett - 1995 - Georgetown University Press.
    "Hallett's fine book defends his earlier accounts of the right-making characteristics of moral acts."-Religious Studies Review.
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    Wittgenstein's Definition of Meaning as Use.Garth L. Hallett - 1967 - New York,: Fordham University Press.
    "The purpose of this book is to examine and explicate a definition given in Philosophical Investigations. The definition of the meaning of a word is that "the meaning of a word is its use in the language." Hallet understands this as a definition in the strict sense of the word. In Chapter I, the author look to the Tractatus for its treatment of the picture theory of meaning and the Bedeutung/Sinn distinction. The conclusion which he pulls from the early work (...)
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  17. Christian Neighbor-Love: An Assessmant of Six Rival Versions.Garth Hallett, Gene Outka, Stephen G. Post & Edward Collins Vacek - 1995 - Journal of Religious Ethics 23 (1):165-197.
    Recent work on the ethics of love may be divided into norm-centered and affective-centered approaches. Norm-centered approaches, exemplified by Hallett and Outka, argue for either moral parity between self and other or for self-subordination; they regard self-love as legitimate within strict boundaries; and they sharply distinguish agape from other forms of love. Affective-centered approaches, exemplified by Vacek and Post, con- centrate on love for God as the central context for neighbor-love; they ac- cord a high status to friendship, marriage, (...)
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    Selected Papers in Logic and Foundations, Didactics, Economics.Michael Hallett & Karl Menger - 1981 - Philosophical Quarterly 31 (122):92.
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    Promoting the health of Europeans in a rapidly changing world: a historical study of the implementation of World Health Organisation policies by the Nursing and Midwifery Unit, European Regional Office, 1970–2003.Christine Hallett & Lis Wagner - 2011 - Nursing Inquiry 18 (4):359-368.
    HALLETT C and WAGNER L. Nursing Inquiry 2011; 18: 359–368 Promoting the health of Europeans in a rapidly changing world: a historical study of the implementation of World Health Organisation policies by the Nursing and Midwifery Unit, European Regional Office, 1970–2003The World Health Organisation (WHO) was inaugurated in 1948. Formed in a period of post‐war devastation, WHO aimed to develop and meet goals that would rebuild the health of shattered populations. The historical study reported here examined the work of (...)
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  20. REVIEWS-David Hilbert's lectures on the foundations of geometry 1891-1902.M. Hallett, U. Majer & Jan von Plato - 2006 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (3):492-493.
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  21. Hilbert and Logic.Michael Hallett - 1996 - In Mathieu Marion & RobertS Cohen, ¸ Itemarioncohen1996. Springer Verlag. pp. 135-187.
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    Frege and the Philosophy of Mathematics.Michael Hallett - 1984 - Philosophical Quarterly 34 (136):425-428.
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    A middle way to God.Garth Hallett - 2003 - Karachi: Oxford University Press.
    Charting a "middle way" between the extremes represented by Alvin Plantinga and Richard Swinburne, Garth Hallett explores the thesis that if belief in other minds is rational and true (as it surely is), so too is belief in God. He makes a strong case that when this parity claim is appropriately restricted to a single, sound other-minds belief, belief in God and belief in other minds do prove epistemically comparable. This result, and the distinctive path that leads to it, (...)
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    Priorities and Christian Ethics.Garth L. Hallett - 1998 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This book provides a full treatment of an issue which is particularly pressing: when the claims of the nearest conflict with the claims of the neediest, as they constantly do, where should preference go? Professor Hallett focuses first on a specific, representative case, pitting the lesser need of a son against the greater need of starving strangers. He brings to bear on this single paradigm all the resources of theological and philosophical reflection - scriptures, patristic teaching, the Thomistic tradition, (...)
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  25.  13
    Stefan Lorant: Godfather of Photojournalism.Michael Hallett - 2005 - Scarecrow Press.
    Hungarian-born Stefan Lorant's work as a visual and literary editor allowed him to pioneer and develop the genré of picture-based journalism at a period that saw the emergence of modern mass communications. Lorant became a guiding force on an international scale, disseminating his ideas and political knowledge throughout Europe in the late-twenties and thirties by working in Hungary, Germany, and England. His innovative layouts, his "exclusive" interviews and his thirst for knowledge became a familiar part of millions of everyday lives, (...)
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    A Middle Way to God.Garth L. Hallett - 2000 - Karachi: Oxford University Press USA.
    Charting a "middle way" between the extremes represented by Alvin Plantinga and Richard Swinburne, Garth Hallett explores the thesis that if belief in other minds is rational and true, so too is belief in God. He makes a strong case that when this parity claim is appropriately restricted to a single, sound other-minds belief, belief in God and belief in other minds do prove epistemically comparable. This result, and the distinctive path that leads to it, will interest students and (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Bénédict de Spinoza. The elements of his philosophy.H. F. HALLETT - 1957 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 64 (1):125-126.
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    The personal writings of First World War nurses: a study of the interplay of authorial intention and scholarly interpretation.Christine E. Hallett - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (4):320-329.
    The personal writings of First World War nurses and VADs (volunteers) provide the historian with a range of insights into the war and women's nursing roles within it. This paper offers a number of methodological perspectives on these writings. In particular, it emphasises two elements of engagement with texts that can act as important influences on subsequent historical writings: authorial intention and scholarly interpretation. In considering the interplay of these two elements, the paper emphasises the motivations both of those who (...)
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    Benedict de Spinoza: The Elements of His Philosophy.H. F. Hallett - 2014 - Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book is intended for the use of the candid student, devised as a monitory preparation for deeper study of the philosophy of Spinoza. By its means it is hoped that the student may avoid the chief pitfalls of Spinoza-interpretation, and be carried past many of the difficulties encountered by the modern mind in the study of his writings. To this end perhaps the greatest hindrance to be met by the beginner is the ‘popular' exposition that attempts to expound the (...)
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  30.  21
    Is life based on clockwork biology or quantum uncertainty?M. B. Hallett - 1997 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 41 (1):101-107.
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    The origins of the classical style in sculpture: (plates IV-VI).Christopher H. Hallett - 1986 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 106:71-84.
    The first part of this paper briefly reviews current theories as to the origins of the Classical style, and proposes an alternative approach. The second part, making use of some rather neglected pieces of literary evidence, attempts to reconstruct the circumstances in which this distinctive sculptural style was created, and presents it in a new light: as the ingenious solution to a specific artistic problem which confronted fifth-century Greek sculptors as a result of their final rejection of archaic stylization.
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    Aeternitas: a Spinozistic study.H. F. Hallett - 1930 - Oxford: The Clarendon press.
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    Benedict de Spinoza.Harold Foster Hallett - 1957 - [London]: [label: Fair Lawn, N.J., Essential Books].
    This book is intended for the use of the candid student, devised as a monitory preparation for deeper study of the philosophy of Spinoza. By its means it is hoped that the student may avoid the chief pitfalls of Spinoza-interpretation, and be carried past many of the difficulties encountered by the modern mind in the study of his writings. To this end perhaps the greatest hindrance to be met by the beginner is the 'popular' exposition that attempts to expound the (...)
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  34. Dr. Johnson's refutation of Bishop Berkeley.H. F. Hallett - 1947 - Mind 56 (222):132-147.
  35. (1 other version)Language and Truth.Garth L. HALLETT - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (4):739-739.
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    The growth of ice crystals on freshly cleaved covellite surfaces.J. Hallett - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (69):1073-1087.
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  37. (2 other versions)Wittgenstein’s Definition of Meaning as Use.Garth Hallett - 1967 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 1 (3):185-186.
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    Volition: How Physiology Speaks to the Issue of Responsibility.Mark Hallett - 2010 - In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & Lynn Nadel, Conscious Will and Responsibility: A Tribute to Benjamin Libet. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 61.
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    Linguistic Philosophy: The Central Story.Garth L. Hallett - 2008 - SUNY Press.
    Explores the role language plays in the relationship between reality and utterance.
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  40. Spinoza's conception of eternity.H. F. Hallett - 1928 - Mind 37 (147):283-303.
  41. Christian Neighbor-Love: An Assessment of Six Rival Versions.Garth L. Hallett - 1991 - Journal of Religious Ethics 19 (1):196-196.
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    Involvement of primary motor cortex in motor imagery and mental practice.Mark Hallett, Jordan Fieldman, Leonardo G. Cohen, Norihiro Sadato & Alvaro Pascual-Leone - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):210-210.
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    (1 other version)The place of moral values in Christian moral reasoning.Garth Hallett - 1989 - Heythrop Journal 30 (2):129–149.
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    The Philosophy of Set Theory: An Historical Introduction to Cantor's Paradise.Michael Hallett - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (163):238-242.
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  45. Hilbert on number, geometry and continuity.M. Hallett - forthcoming - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.
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    Aeternitas.H. F. Hallett - 1934 - Mind 43 (170):275-278.
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  47. Absoluteness and the Skolem Paradox.Michael Hallett - forthcoming - Unpublished.
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    Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison 1856-1931.H. F. Hallett - 1933 - Mind 42 (166):137-149.
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  49. Bibliography.Michael Hallett - 1984 - Philosophical Quarterly 34 (136):429.
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    Believing in Yesterday while Living for Today.Judith P. Hallett - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (4):589-594.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Believing in Yesterday while Living for TodayJudith P. HallettLee T. Pearcy's meditation on the past and prospects of classical education in the United States, The Grammar of Our Civility: Classical Education in America (Baylor University Press, Waco, Tex. 2005), embarks from an assessment by the German émigré-scholar Werner Jaeger in his Scripta Minora, published in Rome in 1961, a year before Jaeger died. Jaeger's exact words merit full quotation: (...)
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