Results for 'Tobias Friesen'

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  1.  46
    Fulfilment: Crisis, discontinuity and the dark side of education.Norm Friesen & Tobias Hölterhof - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (4):547-559.
    The Oxford English Dictionary defines fulfilment as ‘satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one's potential or realizing one's aspirations; self-fulfillment’. Not only has the idea of fulfilment underpinned ‘approximately twenty centuries of philosophy’ as Lefebvre notes, it plays an indispensable role in both popular and scholarly accounts of education and upbringing. Experiences of education, of upbringing and of ‘life lessons’, however, are so often not about the fulfilment of oneself, about the discovery and actualisation of one's full (...)
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    Kelly Sorensen and Diane Williamson, eds. Kant and the Faculty of Feeling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. 276 pp. [REVIEW]Tobias Friesen - 2021 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 8 (1):133.
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    Public involvement in the governance of population-level biomedical research: unresolved questions and future directions.Sonja Erikainen, Phoebe Friesen, Leah Rand, Karin Jongsma, Michael Dunn, Annie Sorbie, Matthew McCoy, Jessica Bell, Michael Burgess, Haidan Chen, Vicky Chico, Sarah Cunningham-Burley, Julie Darbyshire, Rebecca Dawson, Andrew Evans, Nick Fahy, Teresa Finlay, Lucy Frith, Aaron Goldenberg, Lisa Hinton, Nils Hoppe, Nigel Hughes, Barbara Koenig, Sapfo Lignou, Michelle McGowan, Michael Parker, Barbara Prainsack, Mahsa Shabani, Ciara Staunton, Rachel Thompson, Kinga Varnai, Effy Vayena, Oli Williams, Max Williamson, Sarah Chan & Mark Sheehan - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (7):522-525.
    Population-level biomedical research offers new opportunities to improve population health, but also raises new challenges to traditional systems of research governance and ethical oversight. Partly in response to these challenges, various models of public involvement in research are being introduced. Yet, the ways in which public involvement should meet governance challenges are not well understood. We conducted a qualitative study with 36 experts and stakeholders using the World Café method to identify key governance challenges and explore how public involvement can (...)
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  4. The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis: Its Structure, Assumptions and Predictions.Kevin Laland, Uller N., Feldman Tobias, W. Marcus, Kim Sterelny, Gerd Müller, Moczek B., Jablonka Armin, Odling-Smee Eva & John - 2015 - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1813):20151019.
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    A Cross Sectional Survey of Recruitment Practices, Supports, and Perceived Roles for Unaffiliated and Non-scientist Members of IRBs.Stuart G. Nicholls, Holly A. Taylor, Richard James, Emily E. Anderson, Phoebe Friesen, Toby Schonfeld & Elyse I. Summers - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (3):174-184.
    Background Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are federally mandated to include both nonscientific and unaffiliated representatives in their membership. Despite this, there is no guidance or policy on the selection of unaffiliated or non-scientist members and reports indicate a lack of clarity regarding members’ roles. In the present study we sought to explore processes of recruitment, training, and the perceived roles for unaffiliated and non-scientist members of IRBs.Methods We distributed a self-administered REDCap survey of members of the Association for the Accreditation (...)
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    More on how and why: a response to commentaries.Kevin N. Laland, John Odling-Smee, William Hoppitt & Tobias Uller - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (5):793-810.
    We are grateful to the commentators for taking the time to respond to our article. Too many interesting and important points have been raised for us to tackle them all in this response, and so in the below we have sought to draw out the major themes. These include problems with both the term ‘ultimate causation’ and the proximate-ultimate causation dichotomy more generally, clarification of the meaning of reciprocal causation, discussion of issues related to the nature of development and phenotypic (...)
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  7. Endurance Per Se in B-time.Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - 2009 - Metaphysica 10 (2):175-183.
    Three arguments for the conclusion that objects cannot endure in B-time even if they remain intrinsically unchanged are examined: Carter and Hestevolds enduring-objects-as-universals argument (American Philosophical Quarterly 31(4):269-283, 1994) and Barker and Dowe's paradox 1 and paradox 2 (Analysis 63(2):106-114, 2003, Analysis 65(1):69-74, 2005). All three are shown to fail.
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    Philosophy of Science for Biologists.Kostas Kampourakis & Tobias Uller (eds.) - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Biologists rely on theories, apply models and construct explanations, but rarely reflect on their nature and structure. This book introduces key topics in philosophy of science to provide the required philosophical background for this kind of reflection, which is an important part of all aspects of research and communication in biology. It concisely and accessibly addresses fundamental questions such as: Why should biologists care about philosophy of science? How do concepts contribute to scientific advancement? What is the nature of scientific (...)
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    Brief Online Training Enhances Competitive Performance: Findings of the BBC Lab UK Psychological Skills Intervention Study.Andrew M. Lane, Peter Totterdell, Ian MacDonald, Tracey J. Devonport, Andrew P. Friesen, Christopher J. Beedie, Damian Stanley & Alan Nevill - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  10. Homo heuristicus Outnumbered: Comment on Gigerenzer and Brighton (2009).Benjamin E. Hilbig & Tobias Richter - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (1):187-196.
    Gigerenzer and Brighton (2009) have argued for a “Homo heuristicus” view of judgment and decision making, claiming that there is evidence for a majority of individuals using fast and frugal heuristics. In this vein, they criticize previous studies that tested the descriptive adequacy of some of these heuristics. In addition, they provide a reanalysis of experimental data on the recognition heuristic that allegedly supports Gigerenzer and Brighton’s view of pervasive reliance on heuristics. However, their arguments and reanalyses are both conceptually (...)
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  11.  15
    Opazität und Übersetzung: der Beitrag der Religion zur Bildung im Anschluss an Jürgen Habermas.Daniel Tobias Bauer - 2020 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    In der Theologie wird Habermas oftmals mit einer gewissen Skepsis begegnet, da seine Einstellungen gegenuber der Religion durchaus kontrovers sind. Sie haben sich bis in die Gegenwart hinein stetig weiterentwickelt, so dass sein Werk insgesamt bedeutende Potentiale hinsichtlich der gesellschaftlichen Rolle von Religion birgt - und daruber hinaus auch hinsichtlich derjenigen von Bildung. Daniel Tobias Bauer rekonstruiert beide Entwicklungslinien bis in die Gegenwart hinein und uberfuhrt sie in den praktisch-theologischen Diskurs. Dies geschieht methodisch anhand Habermas' These, dass bedeutende geistesgeschichtliche (...)
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    Unable or Unwilling to Exercise Self-control? The Impact of Neuroscience on Perceptions of Impulsive Offenders.Robert Blakey & Tobias P. Kremsmayer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  13.  18
    Schleiermacher / Hegel: 250. Geburtstag Schleiermachers: 200 Jahre Hegel in Berlin.Andreas Arndt & Tobias Rosefeldt (eds.) - 2020 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
  14.  17
    Using Virtual Environments to Improve Real-World Motor Skills in Sports: A Systematic Review.Stefan C. Michalski, Ancret Szpak & Tobias Loetscher - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Using big data to predict collective behavior in the real world.Helen Susannah Moat, Tobias Preis, Christopher Y. Olivola, Chengwei Liu & Nick Chater - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1):92-93.
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    Bot, or not? Comparing three methods for detecting social bots in five political discourses.Ulrike Klinger, Tobias R. Keller, Paul Samula & Franziska Martini - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    Social bots – partially or fully automated accounts on social media platforms – have not only been widely discussed, but have also entered political, media and research agendas. However, bot detection is not an exact science. Quantitative estimates of bot prevalence vary considerably and comparative research is rare. We show that findings on the prevalence and activity of bots on Twitter depend strongly on the methods used to identify automated accounts. We search for bots in political discourses on Twitter, using (...)
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  17. Helping Behavior and Longevity: An Emotion Model.Deborah D. Danner, D. Ph, Wallace V. Friesen, Adah N. Carter & A. M. - 2007 - In Stephen Garrard Post (ed.), Altruism and Health: Perspectives From Empirical Research. Oup Usa.
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  18. Cultivating Curious and Creative Minds: The Role of Teachers and Teacher Educators, Part Ii.Terrell M. Peace, Donald S. Blumenfeld-Jones, Anne Chodakowski, Julia Cote, Cheryl J. Craig, Joyce M. Dutcher, Kieran Egan, Ginny Esch, Sharon Friesen, Brenda Gladstone, David Jardine, Kathryn L. Jenkins, Gillian C. Judson, Dixie K. Keyes, Beverly J. Klug, Chris Lasher-Zwerling, Teresa Leavitt, Shaun Murphy, Jacqueline Sack, Kym Stewart, Madalina Tanase, Kip Téllez, Sandra Wasko-Flood & Patricia T. Whitfield (eds.) - 2011 - R&L Education.
    Presents a plethora of approaches to developing human potential in areas not conventionally addressed. Organized in two parts, this international collection of essays provides viable educational alternatives to those currently holding sway in an era of high-stakes accountability.
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  19. Zur Verbreitung und Institutionalisierung der Medizinethik: Zwischen Einheimischen und Fremden.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, Nikola Biller-Andorno, Tobias Eichinger, Settimio Monteverde & Tanja Krones - 2016 - Schweizerische Ärztezeitung (Säz) 97:51-52.
    Schon ein oberflächlicher Blick in die Tagespresse, in Printmedien und einschlägige Webressourcen zeigt, dass in vielen Industrieländern medizinethische Fragen zunehmend auf der Tagesordnung stehen. Auch ethische Expertise in Klinik, Lehre und Forschung hat mittlerweile ihren festen Stellenwert, ist etabliert, in zahlreichen Formen institutionalisiert und Teil eines ?bioethics biz?. Die Verbreitung von Medizinethik zeigt sich in vier Dimensionen: in der klinischen Praxis (Ethikberatung, Ethikkomitees, Ethik-Konsiliardienste, ethische Fallbesprechungen etc.), in der Lehre (im Medizinstudium und in vielen anderen gesundheitsbezogenen Ausbildungsgängen), in der Wissenschaft (...)
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  20. Quantum Logic as Motivated by Quantum Computing.J. Michael Dunn, Tobias J. Hagge, Lawrence S. Moss & Zhenghan Wang - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (2):353 - 359.
  21.  45
    Nonbinding Legal Instruments in Governance for Global Health: Lessons from the Global AIDS Reporting Mechanism.Allyn Taylor, Tobias Alfvén, Daniel Hougendobler & Kent Buse - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (1):72-87.
    In recent debates surrounding World Health Organization reform, international lawmaking has received unprecedented attention as a future priority function of the Organization. Although WHO's constitutional lawmaking authority was historically neglected and even resisted by WHO and its Member States until the adoption of its first treaty a decade ago, the widespread consensus in favor of a central role for lawmaking in visions of a reformed WHO reflects the crystallization of contemporary approaches to global health governance. Today it is widely recognized (...)
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    (1 other version)Visual Metaphors in the Sciences: The Case of Epigenetic Landscape Images.Jan Baedke & Tobias Schöttler - 2016 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie:1-22.
    Recent philosophical analyses of the epistemic dimension of images in the sciences show a certain trend in acknowledging potential roles of these images beyond their merely decorative or pedagogical functions. We argue, however, that this new debate has yet paid little attention to a special type of pictures, we call ‘visual metaphor’, and its versatile heuristic potential in organizing data, supporting communication, and guiding research, modeling, and theory formation. Based on a case study of Conrad Hal Waddington’s epigenetic landscape images (...)
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  23.  9
    Biologic Correlates and Consequences of the Social Determinants of Health and Disease.Alan Leviton, Olaf Dammann, Anup D. Patel & Tobias Loddenkemper - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (3):305-324.
    The consequences of experiences and exposures suffered by those living in poverty can last a lifetime and can even be passed on to the next generation. The challenges associated with poverty have been labeled the "social determinants of health" (SDoH), but this is something of a misnomer. A more appropriate label would be the "social determinants of disease." This essay is a broad overview of the processes, including allostatic load and epigenetic aging, that might contribute to prolonging the adverse effects (...)
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  24. Measuring spiritual, religious, and existential constructs in children: A systematic review of instruments and measurement properties.Sebastian Boesgaard Bloch, Tobias Anker Stripp, Ricko Damberg Nissen, Johan Albert Wallin, Niels Christian Hvidt & Dorte Toudal Viftrup - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    Sparse knowledge exists about measuring spiritual, religious, and existential (SRE) constructs in children. Well-validated questionnaires measuring such concepts are necessary when researchers want to quantitatively investigate the spiritual lives of children. We aimed to identify questionnaires measuring SRE constructs in children and assess their psychometric properties. We conducted literature searches in four electronic databases. Studies were included if they described the use of a questionnaire measuring SRE constructs in children under 12 years. Systematic data extraction and assessment of the studies (...)
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    Theologische Ethik auf Augenhöhe: Festschrift für Stephan Ernst.Thomas Brandecker, Tobias Janotta, Hendrik Weingärtner & Stephan Ernst (eds.) - 2021 - Freiburg im Breisgau: Verlag Herder.
    Stephan Ernst, Lehrstuhlinhaber für Theologische Ethik - Moraltheologie an der Universität Würzburg, vollendet am 26. Oktober 2021 sein 65. Lebensjahr. Seine Form, Theologische Ethik zu betreiben, kann prägnant als Theologische Ethik auf Augenhöhe charakterisiert werden. In der Festschrift werden seine Beiträge auf den Gebieten der Fundamentalethik, der Medizinethik sowie anderer Anwendungsfelder der Ethik, der Geschichte der Moraltheologie und der Moralpädagogik kritisch gewürdigt sowie für eine aktuelle Theologische Ethik fruchtbar gemacht.
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    Honestly, why are you donating money to charity? An experimental study about self-awareness in status-seeking behavior.Mitesh Kataria & Tobias Regner - 2015 - Theory and Decision 79 (3):493-515.
    This study investigates experimentally whether people in retrospective are self-aware that they engage in status-seeking behavior. Subjects participated in a real-effort task where effort translated into a donation to a charity. Within-subjects we varied the visibility of their performance (private/public feedback). On average, subjects exerted more effort in the public treatment. After the real-effort task, subjects were asked to state their retrospective beliefs about their performance in public given feedback about their performance in private, and about the performance of other (...)
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    Fiktionalität: Ein Interdisziplinäres Handbuch.Tilmann Köppe & Tobias Klauk (eds.) - 2014 - De Gruyter.
    This volume includes 22 articles that provide an introduction to fundamental issues in the theory of fiction. It covers the most influential approaches used to demarcate the boundary between fictional and non-fictional media based on pragmatic, receptive, and contextual theories. The handbook explores core philosophical and psychological questions about the functions and the institutional history of fictionality since ancient times.
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    Messung und Unschärfe in der klassischen Physik.Lukas Nickel & Tobias Jung - 2013 - Philosophia Naturalis 50 (2):253-275.
    There is the widely held view that quantum physics differs fundamentally from classical physics regarding measurements. In order to prepare the ground for settling this question we discuss the consequences it has for classical physics if one includes measurement in the theory. After explaining the terms measurement and error it is argued that every measurement can be reduced to a measurement of length and/or number. Additionally to the wellknown statistical and systematical errors we introduce the concept of classical uncertainty which (...)
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  29.  10
    Vom Ende her gedacht: Hegels Ästhetik zwischen Kunst und Religion.Tobias Braune-Krickau, Thomas Erne & Katharina Scholl (eds.) - 2014 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Journalists and media accountability: an international study of news people in the digital age.Susanne Fengler, Tobias Eberwein, Gianpietro Mazzoleni, Colin Porlezza & Stephan Russ-Mohl (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Media accountability is back on the political agenda. This book advances research on media accountability and transparency, and also offers perspectives for newsrooms, media policy-makers, and journalism educators.
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    Small numerosities are associated with the left, large numerosities are associated with the right: Evidence from a SNARC task.Nemeh Fiona, Yates Mark, Loetscher Tobias, Ma-Wyatt Anna & Nicholls Michael - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  32.  14
    The many geographical layers of culture.Friedrich M. Götz, Tobias Ebert & Peter J. Rentfrow - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e163.
    Uchiyama et al. present a dual inheritance framework for conceptualizing how behavioural genetics and cultural evolution interact and affect heritability. We posit that to achieve a holistic and nuanced representation of the cultural environment and evolution against which genetic effects should be evaluated, it is imperative to consider the multiple geographic cultural layers impacting individuals and genetic heritability.
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    Beyond Mimesis: Aesthetic Experience in Uncanny Valleys.Jörg Sternagel, James Tobias & Dieter Mersch (eds.) - 2023 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This book gathers an interdisciplinary group of thinkers to ask if intersubjective acts of relating can be transferred to artificial beings without remainder. Using the uncanny valley model developed by Masahiro Mori, this significant contribution to performance philosophy presents a clear framework to consider aesthetic experience beyond mimesis.
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  34. Spatial memory for highly familiar environments.Julia Frankenstein, Tobias Meilinger, Betty J. Mohler & Heinrich H. Bülthoff - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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  35. Hardy’s Non-locality Paradox and Possibilistic Conditions for Non-locality.Shane Mansfield & Tobias Fritz - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (5):709-719.
    Hardy’s non-locality paradox is a proof without inequalities showing that certain non-local correlations violate local realism. It is ‘possibilistic’ in the sense that one only distinguishes between possible outcomes (positive probability) and impossible outcomes (zero probability). Here we show that Hardy’s paradox is quite universal: in any (2,2,l) or (2,k,2) Bell scenario, the occurrence of Hardy’s paradox is a necessary and sufficient condition for possibilistic non-locality. In particular, it subsumes all ladder paradoxes. This universality of Hardy’s paradox is not true (...)
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  36. Espectáculo y teatralidad en "Bacantes" de Eurípides.Juan Tobias Nápoli - 2010 - Humanitas 62:57-82.
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    Eine Konjektur zu Aischines Gegen Ktesiphon, 25.Nicolai Futás & Tobias Hirsch - 2023 - Hermes 151 (4):494-499.
    In his oration Against Ctesiphon, Aeschines mentions the power his rival Demosthenes had during his term as treasurer of the theoric fund (ἐπὶ τὸ θεωρικόν). Many modern assumptions about the function of the Athenian financial administration and politics between the end of the Social War (357-355 BC) and the early 330’s BC are based on Aischin. Ctes. 25. This article argues for taking into account an emendation brought forward by the early 19 th century British scholar Peter Paul Dobree. His (...)
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    Wem gehört die Stadt?Niklas Angebauer & Tobias Habermann - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8 (1).
    Zusammenfassung: Der Beitrag systematisiert, kontextualisiert und evaluiert den eigentumstheoretischen Hintergrund der derzeit breit geführten Debatte um bezahlbaren Wohnraum in deutschen Großstädten. Ausgehend von der These, dass hinter der sogenannten ‚Wohnungskrise‘ eigentlich eine ‚Bodenkrise‘ steht, werden drei zentrale Konflikte um die politische Rahmung des Eigentums an Boden diskutiert: die Frage nach dem Gebrauch, der Verwertung und dem Eigentumsschutz. Dabei werden die normativen Potentiale eines immanenztheoretischen, apriorisch pflichtgebundenen Eigentumsverständnisses für eine zeitgemäße Wohnraum- und Bodenpolitik ausgelotet.
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    Pflegefamilien zwischen öffentlicher und privater Erziehung. Eine Form professioneller Liebe?Bettina Hünersdorf & Tobias Studer - 2010 - In Elmar Drieschner & Detlef Gaus (eds.), Liebe in Zeiten pädagogischer Professionalisierung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. pp. 209--235.
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    Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation With the Theta-Band Portion of the Temporally-Aligned Speech Envelope Improves Speech-in-Noise Comprehension.Mahmoud Keshavarzi & Tobias Reichenbach - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  41. The influence of an interactive educational approach on visitors' learning in a Swiss zoo.Petra Lindemann‐Matthies & Tobias Kamer - 2006 - Science Education 90 (2):296-315.
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  42. Tradition and Post War Justice. New York: Orbis, 2010. 232 pp. [REVIEW]Mark J. Allman & L. Winright Tobias - 2011 - Ethical Perspectives 18 (3):441-461.
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    Interobjectivity and Interactivity: Material Objects and Discourse in Class. [REVIEW]Herbert Kalthoff & Tobias Roehl - 2011 - Human Studies 34 (4):451-469.
    In classroom teaching, material objects like the blackboard play an important role. Yet qualitative research on education has largely ignored this material dimension of education and focused on interaction and discourse. Both dimensions are, however, closely related to each other. Material objects are embedded in classroom discourse and are transformed into knowledge objects by speech acts, and in turn structure discussions and constitute a point of reference for school lessons. Drawing on ethnographic research on classroom lessons in mathematics and science (...)
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    Tobias Kasmann: Wertholismus. Zur Einheit des moralischen Urteils: Münster: Mentis 2015, ISBN 9783957430359, 234 Pages, € 38.Tobias Gutmann - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (4):1075-1077.
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  45. The Nomological Account of Ground.Tobias Wilsch - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (12):3293-3312.
    The article introduces and defends the Nomological Account of ground, a reductive account of the notion of metaphysical explanation in terms of the laws of metaphysics. The paper presents three desiderata that a theory of ground should meet: it should explain the modal force of ground, the generality of ground, and the interplay between ground and certain mereological notions. The bulk of the paper develops the Nomological Account and argues that it meets the three desiderata. The Nomological Account relies on (...)
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    New Research on Groen van Prinsterer and the Idea of Sphere Sovereignty.J. Glenn Friesen - 2019 - Philosophia Reformata 84 (1):1-30.
    Historians of Reformational philosophy often claim that Abraham Kuyper obtained the idea of sovereignty in its own sphere from Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer. But very little historical research has been done on Groen’s sources for and development of this idea. The first use of the Dutch phrase souvereiniteit in eigen sfeer is much earlier than previously thought; it was used in 1853 by J.I. Doedes, an associate of the “ethical theologian” Daniël Chantepie de la Saussaye. Groen became aware of the (...)
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  47. Personal responsibility within health policy: unethical and ineffective.Phoebe Friesen - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics Recent Issues 44 (1):53-58.
    This paper argues against incorporating assessments of individual responsibility into healthcare policies by expanding an existing argument and offering a rebuttal to an argument in favour of such policies. First, it is argued that what primarily underlies discussions surrounding personal responsibility and healthcare is not causal responsibility, moral responsibility or culpability, as one might expect, but biases towards particular highly stigmatised behaviours. A challenge is posed for proponents of taking personal responsibility into account within health policy to either expand the (...)
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    Qualitative differences in memory for vista and environmental spaces are caused by opaque borders, not movement or successive presentation.Tobias Meilinger, Marianne Strickrodt & Heinrich H. Bülthoff - 2016 - Cognition 155 (C):77-95.
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    Zwei Regresse des Selbstbewusstseins bei Fichte.Tobias Rosefeldt - 2015 - In Jure Zovko, Dimitris Karydas & Sarah Schmidt (eds.), Begriff Und Interpretation Im Zeichen der Moderne. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 63-76.
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    Ernst Cassirer: Forms and transformations of the philosophical concept of truth (1929).Tobias Endres & Simon Truwant - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (3):289-303.
    This special issue focuses on two related topics in Ernst Cassirer’s thought: objectivity and truth. Through this lens, the guest editors attempt to illuminate (a) the historical and systematic value of Cassirer’s philosophical project, (b) the continuing relevance of his account of the plurality and universality of human understanding in view of the crisis of truth that currently permeates Western culture, and (c) the way Cassirer’s style can inspire contemporary scholars who wish to evade the analytic-continental divide. Tobias Endres (...)
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