Results for 'Todd Graham'

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  1. The Object Turn: A Conversation.Todd Gannon, Graham Harman, David Ruy & Tom Wiscombe - 2015 - Log 33 (Winter):73-94.
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    In Search of Online Deliberation: Towards a New Method for Examining the Quality of Online Discussions.Tamara Witschge & Todd Graham - 2003 - Communications 28 (2):173-204.
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    Calvin, Participation, and the Gift: The Activity of Believers in Union with Christ.J. Todd Billings - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Is the God of Calvin a fountain of blessing, or a forceful tyrant? Is Calvin's view of God coercive, leaving no place for the human qua human in redemption? These are perennial questions about Calvin's theology which have been given new life by Gift theologians such as John Milbank, Graham Ward, and Stephen Webb.J. Todd Billings addresses these questions by exploring Calvin's theology of `participation in Christ'. He argues that Calvin's theology of `participation' gives a positive place to (...)
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  4. The Battle of Objects and Subjects: Concerning Sbriglia and Žižek’s Subject Lessons Anthology.Graham Harman - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):314-334.
    This article mounts a defense of Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) from various criticisms made in Russell Sbriglia and Slavoj Žižek’s co-edited anthology Subject Lessons. Along with Sbriglia and Žižek’s own Introduction to the volume, the article responds to the chapters by Todd McGowan, Adrian Johnston, and Molly Anne Rothenberg, the three in which my own version of OOO is most frequently discussed.
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    Researching and Applying Metaphor in the Real World, by Graham Low, Zazie Todd, Alice Deignan, & Lynne Cameron (Eds.). [REVIEW]Andreas Musolff - 2014 - Metaphor and Symbol 29 (2):144-146.
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  6. A Unified Account of the Moral Standing to Blame.Patrick Todd - 2019 - Noûs 53:347-374.
    Recently, philosophers have turned their attention to the question, not when a given agent is blameworthy for what she does, but when a further agent has the moral standing to blame her for what she does. Philosophers have proposed at least four conditions on having “moral standing”: -/- 1. One’s blame would not be “hypocritical”. 2. One is not oneself “involved in” the target agent’s wrongdoing. 3. One must be warranted in believing that the target is indeed blameworthy for the (...)
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  7. Future Contingents and the Logic of Temporal Omniscience.Patrick Todd & Brian Rabern - 2019 - Noûs 55 (1):102-127.
    At least since Aristotle’s famous 'sea-battle' passages in On Interpretation 9, some substantial minority of philosophers has been attracted to the doctrine of the open future--the doctrine that future contingent statements are not true. But, prima facie, such views seem inconsistent with the following intuition: if something has happened, then (looking back) it was the case that it would happen. How can it be that, looking forwards, it isn’t true that there will be a sea battle, while also being true (...)
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  8. Précis of simple heuristics that make us Smart.Peter M. Todd & Gerd Gigerenzer - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):727-741.
    How can anyone be rational in a world where knowledge is limited, time is pressing, and deep thought is often an unattainable luxury? Traditional models of unbounded rationality and optimization in cognitive science, economics, and animal behavior have tended to view decision-makers as possessing supernatural powers of reason, limitless knowledge, and endless time. But understanding decisions in the real world requires a more psychologically plausible notion of bounded rationality. In Simple heuristics that make us smart (Gigerenzer et al. 1999), we (...)
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  9. The Truth about Foreknowledge.Patrick Todd & John Martin Fischer - 2013 - Faith and Philosophy 30 (3):286-301.
    In this paper we critically evaluate Trenton Merricks’s recent attempt to provide a “new” way of defending compatibilism about divine foreknowledge and human freedom. We take issue with Merricks’s claim that his approach is fundamentally different from Ockhamism. We also seek to highlight the implausibility of Merricks’s rejection of the assumption of the fixity of the past, and we also develop a critique of the Merricks’s crucial notion of “dependence.”.
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  10. Emotion and Value.Cain Todd - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (10):702-712.
    The nature of the general connection between emotion and value, and of the various connections between specific emotions and values, lies at the heart of philosophical discussion of the emotions. It is also central to some accounts of the nature of value itself, of value in general but also of the specific values studied within particular philosophical domains. These issues all form the subject matter of this article, and they in turn are all connected by two main questions: (i) How (...)
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  11. Conversations with zombies.Todd C. Moody - 1994 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 1 (2):196-200.
    The problem of `conscious inessentialism' is examined in the literature, and an argument is presented that the presence of consciousness is indeed marked by a behavioural difference, but that this should be looked for at the cultural level of speech communities.
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  12. Shared Responsibility, Global Structural Injustice, and Restitution.Todd Calder - 2010 - Social Theory and Practice 36 (2):263-290.
    This paper argues that even the most virtuous people living in affluent Western countries share responsibility for injustices suffered by poor people living in developing countries. The argument of the paper draws on a moral principle that underlies the law of restitution: the principle of unjust enrichment. The paper argues that denizens of affluent Western countries have benefited unjustly from injustices suffered by poor people living in developing countries and that they have a moral responsibility to pay back their unjust (...)
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  13. Against Limited Foreknowledge.Patrick Todd - 2014 - Philosophia 42 (2):523-538.
    Theological fatalists contend that if God knows everything, then no human action is free, and that since God does know everything, no human action is free. One reply to such arguments that has become popular recently— a way favored by William Hasker and Peter van Inwagen—agrees that if God knows everything, no human action is free. The distinctive response of these philosophers is simply to say that therefore God does not know everything. On this view, what the fatalist arguments in (...)
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  14. Fitting Feelings and Elegant Proofs: On the Psychology of Aesthetic Evaluation in Mathematics.Cain Todd - 2017 - Philosophia Mathematica:nkx007.
    ABSTRACT This paper explores the role of aesthetic judgements in mathematics by focussing on the relationship between the epistemic and aesthetic criteria employed in such judgements, and on the nature of the psychological experiences underpinning them. I claim that aesthetic judgements in mathematics are plausibly understood as expressions of what I will call ‘aesthetic-epistemic feelings’ that serve a genuine cognitive and epistemic function. I will then propose a naturalistic account of these feelings in terms of sub-personal processes of representing and (...)
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  15. Kant and degrees of wrongness.Todd Calder - 2005 - Journal of Value Inquiry 39 (2):229-244.
  16. Evil and Its Opposite.Todd Calder - 2015 - Journal of Value Inquiry 49 (1-2):113-130.
    The moral status of some particularly horrendous actions cannot be adequately captured by the concept of wrongdoing.See Daniel Haybron, “Moral Monsters and Saints,” Monist, Vol. 85 : p. 260; Paul Formosa, “Evil, Wrongs and Dignity: How to Test a Theory of Evil,” Journal of Value Inquiry, Vol. 47 : pp. 235–253; Eve Garrard, “The Nature of Evil,” Philosophical Explorations: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action, Vol. 1 : pp. 43–45; Hillel Steiner, “Calibrating Evil,” The Monist, Vol. (...)
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  17. The problem with Reid's direct realism.Todd Buras - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (209):457-477.
    There is a problem about the compatibility of Reid's commitment to both a sign theory of sensations and also direct realism. I show that Reid is committed to three different senses of the claim that mind independent bodies and their qualities are among the immediate objects of perception, and I then argue that Reid's sign theory conflicts with one of these. I conclude by advocating one proposal for reconciling Reid's claims, deferring a thorough development and defence of the proposal to (...)
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    Doing Philosophy Historically.Peter H. Hare (ed.) - 1988 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Can original philosophy be done while simultaneously engaging in the history of philosophy? Such a possibility is questioned by analytic philosophers who contend that history contaminates good philosophy, and by historians of philosophy who insist that theoretical predecessors cannot be ignored. Believing that both camps are misguided, the contributors to this book present a case for historical philosophy as a valuable enterprise. The contributors include: Todd L. Adams, Lilli Alanen, Jos? Bernardete, Jonathan Bennett, John I. Biro, Phillip Cummins, Georges (...)
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    Evil, Political Violence, and Forgiveness: Essays in Honor of Claudia Card.Todd Calder, Claudia Card, Ann Cudd, Eric Kraemer, Alice MacLachlan, Sarah Clark Miller, María Pía Lara, Robin May Schott, Laurence Thomas & Lynne Tirrell - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Rather than focusing on political and legal debates surrounding attempts to determine if and when genocidal rape has taken place in a particular setting, this essay turns instead to a crucial, yet neglected area of inquiry: the moral significance of genocidal rape, and more specifically, the nature of the harms that constitute the culpable wrongdoing that genocidal rape represents. In contrast to standard philosophical accounts, which tend to employ an individualistic framework, this essay offers a situated understanding of harm that (...)
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    A new account of Berkeley's likeness principle.Todd Ryan - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (4):561 – 580.
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    Incorporating Virtues: A Speech Act Approach to Understanding how Virtues Can Work in Business.Todd Mei - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (1):15-29.
    One of the key debates about applying virtue ethics to business is whether or not the aims and values of a business actually prevent the exercise of virtues. Some of the more interesting disagreement in this debate has arisen amongst proponents of virtue ethics. This article analyzes the central issues of this debate in order to advance an alternative way of thinking about how a business can be a form of virtuous practice. Instead of relying on the paired concepts of (...)
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    (1 other version)Successors of singular cardinals and coloring theorems I.Todd Eisworth & Saharon Shelah - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (5):597-618.
    Abstract.We investigate the existence of strong colorings on successors of singular cardinals. This work continues Section 2 of [1], but now our emphasis is on finding colorings of pairs of ordinals, rather than colorings of finite sets of ordinals.
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  23. Active learning strategies in a spatial concept learning game.Todd M. Gureckis & Doug Markant - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 3145--3150.
  24. The Nature of Sensations in Reid.Todd Buras - 2005 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 22 (3):221 - 238.
    For Reid, sensations do not enter into the analysis of perception proper. Instead they “intervene” between the effects of bodily qualities on our sense organs and our perception of those qualities (Inq VI xxi, 174).1 The question addressed in this essay is: What sort of thing does Reid take this interloper to be?2 The answer defended is that sensations are reflexive mental acts, i.e., acts which take themselves as objects.
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    Democritus against Reducing Sensible Qualities.Todd Stuart Ganson - 1999 - Ancient Philosophy 19 (2):201-215.
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    Reid on colour.Todd Stuart Ganson - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (2):231 – 242.
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    ‘Landing on Earth:’ an educational project for the present. A response to Vanessa Andreotti.Sharon Todd - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (2):159-163.
    ABSTRACT This paper responds to Vanessa Andreotti’s keynote address. In it, I draw out some educational implications of facing the everyday denials of the climate emergency. In particular, I mobilise Bruno Latour’s phrase ‘landing on Earth’ to indicate that the very terms through which we understand education, particularly as it relates to the future, require a profound shift.
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    On Aristotle's On the soul. Themistius & Robert B. Todd - 1996 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by Robert B. Todd.
    Themistius ran his philosophical school in Constantinople in the middle of the fourth century A.D. His paraphrases of Aristotle's writings are unlike the elaborate commentaries produced by Alexander of Aphrodisias, or the later Neoplatonists Simplicius and Philoponus. His aim was to provide a clear and independent restatement of Aristotle's text which would be accessible as an elementary exegesis. But he also discusses important philosophical problems, reports and disagrees with other commentaries including the lost commentary of Porphyry, and offers interpretations of (...)
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  29. Bottom-up recognition learning: a compilation-based model of limited-lookahead learning.Todd R. Johnson, Jiajie Zhang & Hongbin Wang - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum. pp. 469--474.
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    The irreducible perspectives of consciousness.Todd E. Feinberg - 1997 - Seminars in Neurology 17:85-93.
  31. Race, Difference, and Anthropology in Kant’s Cosmopolitanism.Todd Hedrick - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (2):pp. 245-268.
    This paper explores the connections between Kant’s theory of hierarchical racial difference, on the one hand, and his cosmopolitanism and conceptions of moral and political progress, on the other. I argue that Kant’s racial biology plays an essential role in maintaining national-cultural differences, which he views as essential for the establishment of the cosmopolitan union. Unfortunately, not only are these views racist, they also complicate Kant’s ability to consistently think through the prospect of the human species’ moral progress. Thus, while (...)
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    Introduction to INPE Special Issue: Passion, Commitment and Justice in Education.Sharon Todd - 2014 - Ethics and Education 9 (1):39-41.
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    Monism: science, philosophy, religion, and the history of a worldview.Todd H. Weir (ed.) - 2012 - New York, N.Y.: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This groundbreaking volume casts light on the long shadow of naturalistic monism in modern thought and culture. When monism's philosophical proposition - the unity of all matter and thought in a single, universal substance - fused with scientific empiricism and Darwinism in the mid-nineteenth century, it led to the formation of a powerful worldview articulated in the work of figures such as Ernst Haeckel. The compelling essays collected here, written by leading international scholars, investigate the articulation of monism in science, (...)
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    Comments on Green’s “Metacognition as an Epistemic Virtue”.Todd M. Stewart - 2019 - Southwest Philosophy Review 35 (2):21-22.
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    Reconciliation and Reification: Freedom's Semblance and Actuality from Hegel to Contemporary Critical Theory.Todd Hedrick - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    The critical theory tradition has, since its inception, sought to distinguish its perspective on society from more purely descriptive or normative approaches by maintaining that persons have a deep-seated interest in the free development of their personality—an interest that can only be realized in and through the rational organization of society, but which is systematically stymied by existing society. Yet it has struggled to specify this emancipatory interest in a way that avoids being either excessively utopian or overly accommodating to (...)
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    Tragic dilemmas and the priority of the moral.Todd Bernard Weber - 2000 - The Journal of Ethics 4 (3):191-209.
    My purpose in this paper is to argue that we are not vulnerableto inescapable wrongdoing occasioned by tragic dilemmas. I directmy argument to those who are most inclined to accept tragicdilemmas: those of broadly Nietzschean inclination who reject``modern moral philosophy'''' in favor of the ethical ideas of theclassical Greeks. Two important features of their project are todeny the usefulness of the ``moral/nonmoral distinction,'''' and todeny that what are usually classified as moral reasons always oreven characteristically ``trump'''' nonmoral reasons in anadmirable (...)
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    The Four Causes: Aristotle's Exposition and the Ancients.Robert B. Todd - 1976 - Journal of the History of Ideas 37 (2):319.
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    The Significance of Indeterminacy: Perspectives From Asian and Continental Philosophy.Robert H. Scott (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    While indeterminacy is a recurrent theme in philosophy, less progress has been made in clarifying its significance for various philosophical and interdisciplinary contexts. This collection brings together early-career and well-known philosophers--including Graham Priest, Trish Glazebrook, Steven Crowell, Robert Neville, Todd May, and William Desmond--to explore indeterminacy in greater detail. The volume is unique in that its essays demonstrate the positive significance of indeterminacy, insofar as indeterminacy opens up new fields of discourse and illuminates neglected aspects of various concepts (...)
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    The numinous and modernity: an interpretation of Rudolf Otto's philosophy of religion.Todd A. Gooch - 2000 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Moreover, he examines the reception of Ottoa (TM)s ideas after World War One. The volume contains name and subject indexes.
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    Evil Persons.Todd Calder - 2015 - Criminal Justice Ethics 34 (3):350-360.
    Luke Russell's book, Evil: A Philosophical Investigation, is a marvelously clear and rigorous addition to the philosophical literature on the secular moral concept of evil. The term “evil,” in this...
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    The role of generic models in conceptual change.Todd W. Griffith, Nancy J. Nersessian & Ashok K. Goel - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 312--317.
  42.  22
    Western tourism at Cu Chi and the memory of war in Vietnam: Dialogical effects of the carnivalesque.Todd Madigan & Brad West - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 174 (1):118-134.
    In this article we analyze the social memories of the Vietnam War afforded by tourism at the Cu Chi battlefield. Specifically, we explore the experiences of tourists at the site in order to address the under-theorized relationship between carnivalesque and dialogical discourses. Drawing on field interviews and ethnographic engagement with young adult Western tourists who took tours led by Vietnamese guides, we document how the tourists’ playful engagement with the past at Cu Chi facilitates the development of new dialogical memories (...)
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    Kant the Liberal, Kant the Anarchist: Rawls and Lyotard on Kantian Justice.Todd G. May - 1990 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 28 (4):525-538.
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    A Multi-Agent Approach to the Game of Go Using Genetic Algorithms.Todd Blackman & Arvin Agah - 2009 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 18 (1-2):143-169.
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    Baptizing Adorno's Odysseus.Todd Bates - 2010 - The European Legacy 15 (5):599-617.
    The question Adorno and Horkheimer leave the reader of the Dialectic of Enlightenment with is: How, finally, are we to supplement the project of the Enlightenment, so that it may attain its libratory potential? As I find Adorno's answers to the question of the proletariat's political failure troubling, in leaving little possibility of reform or hope in concrete terms for continuing successfully in the project of liberation, I intend to provide an alternative narrative of human liberation based on a critical (...)
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    Punishing Humans.Todd Glenn Buchholz - 1984 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 59 (3):279-295.
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    Analyzing the postwar requirements of jus ad bellum.Todd A. Burkhardt - 2013 - In Fritz Allhoff, Nicholas G. Evans & Adam Henschke, Routledge Handbook of Ethics and War: Just War Theory in the 21st Century. Routledge. pp. 120.
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    Consenting to God and Nature: Toward a Theocentric, Naturalistic, Theological Ethics, Princeton Theological Monograph Series 55; Practices, Politics, and Performances: Toward a Communal Hermeneutic for Christian Ethics, Princeton Theological Monograph Series 57.Todd V. Cioffi - 2009 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 29 (1):257-260.
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  49. Radical contingency in sharing behavior and its consequences.Todd Davies - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (6):821-821.
    The data of Henrich et al., when combined with other research, suggest that sharing behavior probably varies systematically across cultures, situations, and individuals. Economic policies founded on recognition of this “radical contingency” would, I argue, nurture economic pluralism rather than attempting to bring the world under one system.
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    Buying Andy Warhol.Todd Dufresne - 2008 - The European Legacy 13 (2):223-225.
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