Results for 'Trevor McClaughin'

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  1.  29
    Language in mind and language in society: studies in linguistic reproduction.Trevor Pateman - 1987 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book considers how language can be appropriately theorized as both a natural and cultural phenomenon. In reaching his conclusion, Pateman draws on a wide range of work in linguistics, philosophy, and social theory, and argues in defense of Chomsky and against Wittgenstein, all within the framework of a realist philosophy of science and contemporary social theory.
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    Indirect Vibration of the Upper Limbs Alters Transmission Along Spinal but Not Corticospinal Pathways.Trevor S. Barss, David F. Collins, Dylan Miller & Amit N. Pujari - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    The use of upper limb vibration during exercise and rehabilitation continues to gain popularity as a modality to improve function and performance. Currently, a lack of knowledge of the pathways being altered during ULV limits its effective implementation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate whether indirect ULV modulates transmission along spinal and corticospinal pathways that control the human forearm. All measures were assessed under CONTROL and ULV conditions while participants maintained a small contraction of the right flexor (...)
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    Suriname folk-lore.J. C. Trevor - 1938 - The Eugenics Review 30 (1):63.
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  4. Shifting and stopping: fronto-striatal substrates, neurochemical modulations and clinical implications.Trevor W. Robbins - 2008 - In Jon Driver, Patrick Haggard & Tim Shallice (eds.), Mental Processes in the Human Brain. Oxford University Press.
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  5. Ethics in medical research: a handbook of good practice.Trevor Smith - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a comprehensive and practical guide to the ethical issues raised by different kinds of medical research, and is the first such book to be written with the needs of the researcher in mind. Clearly structured and written in a plain and accessible style, the book covers every significant ethical issue likely to be faced by researchers and research ethics committees. The author outlines and clarifies official guidelines, gives practical advice on how to adhere to these, and suggests procedures (...)
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  6. Plato's Penal Code: Tradition, Controversy, and Reform in Greek Penology.J. Saunders Trevor - 1994 - Clarendon Press.
    This is a fascinating and important study of ideas of justice and punishment held by the ancient Greeks. The author traces the development of these ideas from Homer to Plato, analysing in particular the completely radical new system of punishment put forward by Plato in his dialogue the Laws. From traditional Greek ideas of cursing and pollution through to Plato's views on homicide and poisoning by doctors, this enlivening book has a wealth of insights to interest both ancient historians and (...)
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    Religion as a Category of Governance and Sovereignty.Trevor Stack, Naomi R. Goldenberg & Timothy Fitzgerald (eds.) - 2015 - Brill.
    Religious-secular distinctions have been crucial to the way in which modern governments have rationalised their governance and marked out their sovereignty – as crucial as the territorial boundaries that they have drawn around nations. The authors of this volume provide a multi-dimensional picture of how the category of religion has served the ends of modern government. They draw on perspectives from history, anthropology, moral philosophy, theology and religious studies, as well as empirical analysis of India, Japan, Mexico, the United States, (...)
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  8. Plato's Penal Code. Tradition, Controversy, and Reform in Greek Penology.Trevor J. Saunders - 1993 - Utopian Studies 4 (1):190-191.
  9.  32
    Naturalism and Despair: George Herbert Mead and Evolution in the 1880s.Trevor Pearce - 2016 - In Hans Joas & Daniel R. Huebner (eds.), The Timeliness of George Herbert Mead. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 117-143.
    Trevor Pearce examines Mead’s early intellectual development and shows in detail how difficult it was for a young Christian at the time to integrate Darwin into his worldview. Pearce explores the deep existential crisis that resulted from these difficulties. Based on new and newly reevaluated biographical material, Pearce traces the development of Mead’s views through his years in college, in a longer phase of existential reorientation, and as a student of philosophy and psychology. Pearce also shows how Mead’s education (...)
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  10.  38
    The major religious traditions: Recent re-assessments: Trevor Ling.Trevor Ling - 1966 - Religious Studies 1 (2):249-255.
  11. The cruciform lap : suffering and the common life of cats, chickens, and couples.Trevor George Hunsberger Bechtel - 2018 - In Trevor George Hunsberger Bechtel, Matthew Eaton & Timothy Harvie (eds.), Encountering earth: thinking theologically with a more-than-human world. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
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    The commission on religious education – a response to l. Philip Barnes.Trevor Cooling - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (1):103-118.
    In a recent article, L. Philip Barnes critiques the Commission on Religious Education (CoRE) Final Report by scrutinising its text and by responding to my interpretation of that text. His particular, but not exclusive, focus is CoRE’s proposal that the idea of worldview should be central to RE. His conclusion is that: ‘The collective force of these criticisms counsels against implementing the proposals of CoRE. Religious education needs to look elsewhere than to a worldview curriculum to overcome its current travails’. (...)
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  13.  30
    Thanks for the Memories.Trevor Emmott - 1997 - Philosophy Now 17:5-7.
  14.  52
    Of Aristocrats and Courtesans: Seneca, De Beneficiis 1.14.Trevor Fear - 2007 - Hermes 135 (4):460-468.
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    The principle of subsidiarity: A democratic reinterpretation.Trevor Latimer - 2018 - Constellations 25 (4):586-601.
  16. Karl Marx and Religion in Europe and in India.Trevor Ling, José P. Miranda & John Drury - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (2):262-264.
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    Space for the Imagination.Trevor Pateman - 1997 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 31 (1):1.
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  18.  63
    Wittgensteinian aesthetics.Trevor Pateman - 1986 - British Journal of Aesthetics 26 (2):172-175.
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    (1 other version)Bibliography on Plato's Laws, 1920-1970, with additional citations through May, 1975.Trevor J. Saunders - 1975 - New York: Arno Press.
  20. A thousand nights at the Ritz and other stories [Book Review].Trevor Sowdon - 2012 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 47 (4):61.
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    An introduction to physical anthropology.J. C. Trevor - 1940 - The Eugenics Review 31 (4):217.
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    Early man and pleistocene stratigraphy in Southern and Eastern Asia.J. C. Trevor - 1946 - The Eugenics Review 37 (4):188.
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  23. The past and the present: history and sociology; oration delivered at the London School of Economics and Political Science on Thursday 5 December 1968.H. R. Trevor-Roper - 1969 - London,: London School of Economics and Political Science.
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  24.  26
    Wisdom, Intuition and Ethics.Trevor Curnow - 1999 - Ashgate Publishing.
    Putting forward a new case for ethical intuitionism, Trevor Curnow finds its roots in the wisdom traditions of antiquity, while also drawing on Eastern philosophy and modern psychology.
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    The theory of planned behavior as a model of academic dishonesty in engineering and humanities undergraduates.Trevor S. Harding, Matthew J. Mayhew, Cynthia J. Finelli & Donald D. Carpenter - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (3):255 – 279.
    This study examines the use of a modified form of the theory of planned behavior in understanding the decisions of undergraduate students in engineering and humanities to engage in cheating. We surveyed 527 randomly selected students from three academic institutions. Results supported the use of the model in predicting ethical decision-making regarding cheating. In particular, the model demonstrated how certain variables (gender, discipline, high school cheating, education level, international student status, participation in Greek organizations or other clubs) and moral constructs (...)
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  26.  61
    The Origins and Development of the Idea of Organism-Environment Interaction.Trevor Pearce - 2014 - In Gillian Barker, Eric Desjardins & Trevor Pearce (eds.), Entangled Life: Organism and Environment in the Biological and Social Sciences. Dordrecht: Springer.
    The idea of organism-environment interaction, at least in its modern form, dates only to the mid-nineteenth century. After sketching the origins of the organism-environment dichotomy in the work of Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer, I will chart its metaphysical and methodological influence on later scientists and philosophers such as Conwy Lloyd Morgan and John Dewey. In biology and psychology, the environment was seen as a causal agent, highlighting questions of organismic variation and plasticity. In philosophy, organism-environment interaction provided a new (...)
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  27.  17
    Globalization and liberalism: an essay on Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and Manent.Trevor Shelley - 2016 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    We live in anagewhere"progressive" intellectualspresuppose that true democracy demands the affirmation of "global values" and the drive toward a world government, a"universal and homogenous state." Intellectuals, journalists, and educators bemoan the effects of "globalization" even as they uncritically endorse cosmopolitanism and dismissnational attachments as parochial and outdated. They confuse thoughtful patriotism - and commitment to the self-governing nation - with the narrowest form of nationalism. In a wonderfullylucid and learned essay, Trevor Shelley recovers a humane liberal tradition, from Montesquieu (...)
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  28. The Environmental Impact of Overpopulation: The Ethics of Procreation.Trevor Hedberg - 2020 - London, UK: Routledge.
    This book examines the link between population growth and environmental impact and explores the implications of this connection for the ethics of procreation. In light of climate change, species extinctions, and other looming environmental crises, Trevor Hedberg argues that we have a collective moral duty to halt population growth to prevent environmental harms from escalating. This book assesses a variety of policies that could help us meet this moral duty, confronts the conflict between protecting the welfare of future people (...)
  29. Realism and nursing.Trevor Hussey - 2000 - Nursing Philosophy 1 (2):98–108.
    It is argued that philosophical realism is well suited to serve as a perspective from which to understand nursing, and that it should be considered as an alternative to positivist, interpretivist, hermeneutical and phenomenological approaches. However, existing forms of realism, including theory and entity realism are shown to be faced with serious problems. In response, an alternative form ‘constraint realism’ is outlined, and shown to be apposite for illuminating the rule or convention governed behaviour characteristic of human beings. A brief (...)
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  30.  65
    The transformation of a recent Japanese new religion: Ōkawa Ryūhō and Kōfuku no Kagaku.Trevor Astley - 1995 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 22 (3-4):343-380.
  31.  8
    The gift of ethics: a story for discovering lasting significance in your daily work.Trevor George Hunsberger Bechtel - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Happiness : an introduction to the good life -- Decisions : giving our life to the glory of God -- Gifts : ethics in an ancient Hebrew worldview -- Paradigms : learning how to be good -- Practices : working towards a goal -- Imagination : living into the new possibility with Christ -- Rules : formal ethics in Christianity -- Righteousness : filling our hunger.
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  32.  16
    Capacity limits in sentence comprehension: Evidence from dual-task judgements and event-related potentials.Trevor Brothers - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105153.
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    How high growth economies impact global information technology departments.Trevor Brown & Dietrich Brandt - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (2):241-247.
    By the very nature of information technology (IT), change and dynamism have always been significant drivers on its path to further development—and it has traditionally been the Western countries leading these. Now the picture is changing. The new high growth economies of the world (also known as BRIC countries) are increasingly pressing forward as active IT development drivers. Internal IT organizations of international companies are experiencing these global shifts firsthand and are facing changes in their traditional roles. This exploratory research (...)
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    Understanding People.Trevor Butt - 2003 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Understanding People provides an overview and critique of current psychological assumptions about people and what differentiates them, and replaces them with a set of ideas taken from social constructionism. It begins with an examination of contemporary theories, then explores the critique of the social constructionists, before laying out the basis of an understanding of human action and behavior, drawing on phenomenology and personal construct theory. Using everyday experience to illustrate the issues in personality theory (Is behavior situation-specific? Why do we (...)
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    A Metaphor for Death.Trevor I. Case & Kipling D. Williams - 2004 - In Jeff Greenberg, Sander Leon Koole & Thomas A. Pyszczynski (eds.), Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology. Guilford Press. pp. 342.
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    Chihara on cook on other minds.Trevor Cohen - 1974 - Philosophical Studies 26 (November):299-300.
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  37. Watching Philosophy.Trevor Curnow - 2004 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 24 (2):150-151.
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    Analytic philosophy.Trevor Hussey M. A. DPhil - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (1):66–69.
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    Evolution and nursing.Trevor Hussey MA DPhil - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (3):240–251.
  40.  18
    Evolving Corporate Social Responsibility.Trevor Goddard & David Teller - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:98-103.
    This paper commences a creative challenge to conventional corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature, proposing a model of constructive corporate participation (CCP). The model arises from ongoing work conducted by the Committee for Melbourne, describing the way in which unique structures such as the Committee for Melbourne allow corporations to address complex social issues alongside government and civil society for mutual betterment of business and society. An interview series with Committee members was undertaken to establish the characteristics of the Committee set (...)
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  41. Liberty, authority and the negative dialectics of JS Mill.Trevor Pateman - 1982 - Radical Philosophy 32:16-22.
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    The experience of politics.Trevor Pateman - 1973 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 33 (4):547-560.
  43.  16
    Habit and Life in Bergson and French Philosophy.Trevor Perri - 2013 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
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  44. Complexity and Literary Aesthetics.Trevor Ponech - 1991 - Eidos: The Canadian Graduate Journal of Philosophy 9.
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  45. What Is Non-Fiction Cinema? On the Very Idea of Motion Picture Communication.Trevor Ponech - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 (3):343-344.
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    School Art in the United Kingdom: Postmodernism or Pragmatism?Trevor Rayment - 2001 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 35 (2):113.
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    The Stupefied Menelaus: Agamemnon 412–13.Trevor J. Saunders - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (03):253-255.
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    Back in the stone age: the natives of central Australia.J. C. Trevor - 1937 - The Eugenics Review 29 (1):66.
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  49.  16
    History and imagination.Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper - 1980 - New York: Oxford University Press.
  50.  32
    The heritage of the bounty: the story of pitcairn through six generations.J. C. Trevor - 1937 - The Eugenics Review 29 (2):139.
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