Results for 'Ulrich Gall'

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  1. The Triviality of Presentism.Ulrich Meyer - 2013 - In Roberto Ciuni, Giuliano Torrengo & Kristie Miller (eds.), New Papers on the Present: Focus on Presentism. Philosophia Verlag. pp. 67-88.
    Many philosophers believe there to be a fundamental difference between the present and past and future times, but they tend to disagree amongst themselves about what this difference is. Some think that the present is singled out by consciousness, while others believe that it marks the position to which the flow of time has advanced. According to presentism, the current moment is ontologically privileged: nothing exists that is not present. My aim in this chapter is to argue that this particular (...)
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    On innertheoretical conditions for theoretical terms.Ulrich Gähde - 1990 - Erkenntnis 32 (2):215 - 233.
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    Ramsey's Theory of Truth and the Truth of Theories: A Synthesis of Pragmatism and Intuitionism in Ramsey's Last Philosophy.Ulrich Majer - 1991 - Theoria 57 (3):162-195.
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    Corporate Public Spheres between Refeudalization and Revitalization.Ulrich Brinkmann, Heiner Heiland & Martin Seeliger - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (4):75-90.
    The article critically analyses the gaps and the analytical potential in Jürgen Habermas’s The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere concerning corporate discourses and debates. It is shown that Habermas only analyses the field of work in abstract terms, neglecting in particular corporate public spheres. In contrast, corporate public spheres are developed as an analytical concept, expressed by companies in the form of institutionalized co-determination, situationally granted opportunities for participation and self-willed public spheres of workers. These three fields are discussed (...)
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    Darwin’s empirical claim and the janiform character of fitness proxies.Ulrich Krohs - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (2):1-23.
    Darwin’s claim about natural selection is reconstructed as an empirical claim about a causal connection leading from the match of the physiology of an individual and its environment to leaving surviving progeny. Variations in this match, Darwin claims, cause differences in the survival of the progeny. Modern concepts of fitness focus the survival side of this chain. Therefore, the assumption that evolutionary theory wants to explain reproductive success in terms of a modern concept of fitness has given rise to the (...)
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  6. The Problem of Self-Knowledger in Xenophon's Memorabilia.Ulrich Wollner - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (7):622-630.
    Many scholars suggest that one of the main differences between Xenophon’s and Plato’s portrayals of Socrates is in their emphases on the self-control the self-knowledge respectively. The aim of the paper is to examine the role the self-knowledge plays in Xenophon’s Memorabilia. In its first part Xenophon’s conception of the self-knowledge is analysed. Then it tries to answer the question whether the self-knowledge requires any preconditions. The last part is focused on the possible obstacles precluding the self-knowledge.
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    Die Modernisierung der Moderne.Ulrich Beck & Wolfgang Bonss (eds.) - 2001 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  8. Emotionales Bewusstsein bei Tieren und seine politische Bedeutung – ein agrar-philosophischer Dialog.Uriah Kriegel & Philipp von Gall - 2020 - Tierstudien 17:97-107.
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    Theory-Dependent Determination of Base Sets: Implications for the Structuralist Approach.Ulrich Gähde - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S8):1-15.
    Within the standard structuralist approach, the theoretical description of a system by means of an empirical theory T is regarded as an extension process in which partial models are extended into models of T by supplementing suitable T-theoretical functions. Thereby, it is taken for granted that the base sets, on which these functions or relations are defined, can be assumed as given independently of the theory in question. My aim in this paper is to show that, in many cases, this (...)
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    Philosophies of particular biological research programs.Ulrich Krohs - 2006 - Biological Theory 1 (2):182-187.
    There is a trend within philosophy of biology to concentrate on questions that are strongly related to particular biological research programs rather than on the general scope of the field and its relation to other sciences. Projects of the latter kind, of course, are followed as well but will not be the topic of this review. Shifting the focus to particular research programs reflects philosophers’ increased interest in knowledge of, and contribution to, actual biological research, which is organized in such (...)
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  11. Worlds and Times.Ulrich Meyer - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (1):25--37.
    There are many parallels between the role of possible worlds in modal logic and that of times in tense logic. But the similarities only go so far, and it is important to note where the two come apart. This paper argues that even though worlds and times play similar roles in the model theories of modal and tense logic, there is no tense analogue of the possible-worlds analysis of modal operators. An important corollary of this result is that presentism cannot (...)
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    Effective moduli from ineffective uniqueness proofs. An unwinding of de La Vallée Poussin's proof for Chebycheff approximation.Ulrich Kohlenbach - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 64 (1):27-94.
    Kohlenbach, U., Effective moduli from ineffective uniqueness proofs. An unwinding of de La Vallée Poussin's proof for Chebycheff approximation, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 64 27–94.We consider uniqueness theorems in classical analysis having the form u ε U, v1, v2 ε Vu = 0 = G→v 1 = v2), where U, V are complete separable metric spaces, Vu is compact in V and G:U x V → is a constructive function.If is proved by arithmetical means from analytical assumptions x (...)
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  13. Die Methode des Gedankenexperimen.Ulrich Kühne & Daniel Cohnitz - 2008 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 39 (1):161-165.
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    Hidden Historicity: The Challenge of Bohr's Philosophical Thought.Ulrich Röseberg - 1993 - In Jan Faye & Henry J. Folse (eds.), Niels Bohr and Contemporary Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 325--343.
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    Geist und Gewalt: Deutsche Philosophen zwischen Kaiserreich und Nationalsozialismus.Ulrich Sieg - 2013 - München: Carl Hanser Verlag.
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    Weyls Kritik an Dedekinds Zahlbegriff.Ulrich Majer - 1992 - Dialectica 46 (2):141-149.
    ZusammenfassungZunächst wird Dedekinds Charakterisierung der Reihe der natürlichen Zahlen als einfaches unendliches System mittels des Begriffes der Kette vorgestellt und gezeigt, dass diese Charakterisierung einen grossen Vorteil, aber auch einen entscheidenden Nachteil hat: Der Vorteil besteht darin, dass bei Dedekind nicht mehr – wie noch bei Frege – die einzelne Zahl, sondern die ganze, unendliche Reihe der natürlichen Zahlen zum Gegenstand der logischen Analyse gemacht wird. Der Nachteil besteht darin, dass Dedekind die unendliche Reihe der Zahlen als fertig vorliegende Gesamtheit (...)
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    Libertarismus und Armut.Ulrich Steinvorth - 2021 - In Gottfried Schweiger & Clemens Sedmak (eds.), Handbuch Philosophie Und Armut. J.B. Metzler. pp. 166-172.
    Die englische Wikipedia erklärt ihn als »a collection of political philosophies and movements that uphold liberty as a core principle.« Doch diese Beschreibung trifft auch auf den Liberalismus zu. Den Libertarismus unterscheidet vom Liberalismus etwas, das ihn öffentlichkeitswirksam und in den USA zu einer politischen Partei machte.
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    Essays on Politics and Society.John M. Ulrich, Lowell T. Frye & Chris Ramon Vanden Bossche (eds.) - 2022 - University of California Press.
    _Essays on Politics and Society_ brings together the most significant writings on the topic by the acclaimed Victorian historian, social critic, and essayist Thomas Carlyle. This volume includes some of his most well-known and influential pieces, such as "Characteristics" and "Chartism." In keeping with the Norman and Charlotte Strouse Edition of the Writings of Thomas Carlyle, these essays are accompanied by a thorough historical introduction to the material, extensive notes providing historical and cultural context while expanding on references and allusions, (...)
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  19. Prospects for Probabilistic Theories of Natural Information.Ulrich E. Stegmann - 2015 - Erkenntnis 80 (4):869-893.
    Much recent work on natural information has focused on probabilistic theories, which construe natural information as a matter of probabilistic relations between events or states. This paper assesses three variants of probabilistic theories (due to Millikan, Shea, and Scarantino and Piccinini). I distinguish between probabilistic theories as (1) attempts to reveal why probabilistic relations are important for human and non-human animals and as (2) explications of the information concept(s) employed in the sciences. I argue that the strength of probabilistic theories (...)
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    How to Get Out of the Multiple Crisis? Contours of a Critical Theory of Social-Ecological Transformation.Ulrich Brand - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (5):503-525.
    The concept of transformation has become a buzzword within the last few years. This has to do, first, with the ever broader recognition of the profound character of the environmental crisis, secondly, with increasingly obvious limits to existing forms of (global) environmental governance, thirdly, with the emergence of other dimensions of the crisis since 2008 and, fourthly, with intensified debates about required profound social change, especially of societal nature relations. However, the term transformation itself is contested. It largely depends on (...)
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    What Nurse Bioethicists Bring to Bioethics: The Journey of a Nurse Bioethicist.Connie M. Ulrich - 2017 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (1):33-46.
    Istarted my nursing career as a pediatric nurse working with children and their families at the Children's Hospital National Medical Center in Washington, DC. My first position was a staff nurse on a busy surgical floor called 4 Blue. To some degree, and as I reflect on that time, one is never truly prepared as a newly minted nurse or physician for the realities of becoming a clinician. So it was for me. I initially worked a rotational schedule of two (...)
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  22. Th e Development of Husserl’s Ethics.Ulrich Melle - 1991 - Études Phénoménologiques 7 (13-14):115-135.
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    Intellectual appropriation: no piracy.Ulrich Johannes Schneider - unknown
    Intellectual activities seek understanding the way pirates capture booty. It is all about pulling up alongside, finding and holding the rhythm of the other vessel, fixing the grappling hooks in order to board and to appropriate. This is not the way understanding is usually depicted, even if appropriation is its intended aim. Philisophers in particular characterise understanding more gently, as a kind of welcoming of distant truth, held out to the foreign past. However, gentleness is an illusion in hermeneutic thought, (...)
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  24. Współczesne klasyfikacje humanizmu.Ulrich Schrade - 1988 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 33.
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    Das Ende der Kritik.Ulrich Schödlbauer & Joachim Vahland (eds.) - 2018 - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
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    Klasyfikacja humanizmów w ujęciu Henryka Elzenberga.Ulrich Schrade - 1990 - Etyka 25:113-138.
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    Non modo militi ab turbine F actus eques: Ovids selbstbewusstsein und die polemik gegen horaz in der elegie am. 3,15.Ulrich Schmitzer - 1994 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 138 (1):101-117.
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  28. Socjalizm a komunizm - dwa układy wartości.Ulrich Schrade - 1990 - Studia Filozoficzne 293 (4).
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    Situation der Philosophie, Kultur der Philosophen Über die neudeutsche Universitätsphilosophie.Ulrich Johannes Schneider - 1996 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 44 (1):149-160.
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  30. Yixue yu zhexue.Ulrich Scherzler - 1987 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2 (2):255-255.
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    Reichenbachs Philosophie der Physik und die Physiker.Ulrich Röseberg - 1998 - In Ulrich Dirks & Hans Poser (eds.), Hans Reichenbach, Philosophie Im Umkreis der Physik. De Gruyter. pp. 25-32.
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    2. Die Idee der enzyklopädischen Ordnung.Ulrich Johannes Schneider - 2013 - In Die Erfindung des Allgemeinen Wissens: Enzyklopädisches Schreiben Im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Akademie Verlag.
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    1. Die Praxis des enzyklopädischen Schreibens.Ulrich Johannes Schneider - 2013 - In Die Erfindung des Allgemeinen Wissens: Enzyklopädisches Schreiben Im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Akademie Verlag.
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    3. Das Universal-Lexicon als Biographie.Ulrich Johannes Schneider - 2013 - In Die Erfindung des Allgemeinen Wissens: Enzyklopädisches Schreiben Im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Akademie Verlag.
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    8. „Geliebter Leser!“.Ulrich Johannes Schneider - 2013 - In Die Erfindung des Allgemeinen Wissens: Enzyklopädisches Schreiben Im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Akademie Verlag.
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    5. „Russland” in der enzyklopädischen Umschreibung.Ulrich Johannes Schneider - 2013 - In Die Erfindung des Allgemeinen Wissens: Enzyklopädisches Schreiben Im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Akademie Verlag.
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    Realitätsferner Utopismus oder hellsichtige Gegenwartskritik? Zur politischen Philosophie des späten Natorp.Ulrich Sieg - 2006 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 12 (2):262-286.
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  38. Forschung am Menschen.Ulrich Tröhler & Bettina Schöne-Seifert - forthcoming - Ethik in der Medizin. Enke, Stuttgart.
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    Quantum Mechanics in a New Light.Ulrich J. Mohrhoff - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (3):517-537.
    Although the present paper looks upon the formal apparatus of quantum mechanics as a calculus of correlations, it goes beyond a purely operationalist interpretation. Having established the consistency of the correlations with the existence of their correlata, and having justified the distinction between a domain in which outcome-indicating events occur and a domain whose properties only exist if their existence is indicated by such events, it explains the difference between the two domains as essentially the difference between the manifested world (...)
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    Medizin und Menschenwürde: eth. Probleme der Medizin aus christl. Sicht.Ulrich Eibach - 1976 - Wuppertal: Brockhaus.
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    Things that can and things that cannot be done in PRA.Ulrich Kohlenbach - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 102 (3):223-245.
    It is well known by now that large parts of mathematical reasoning can be carried out in systems which are conservative over primitive recursive arithmetic PRA . On the other hand there are principles S of elementary analysis which are known to be equivalent to arithmetical comprehension and therefore go far beyond the strength of PRA . In this paper we determine precisely the arithmetical and computational strength of weaker function parameter-free schematic versions S− of S, thereby exhibiting different levels (...)
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    Das Ding und die Methode: methodische Konstitution und Gegenstand der frühen protestantischen Metaphysik.Ulrich Gottfried Leinsle - 1985 - Augsburg: Maroverlag.
    1. T. Darstellung -- 2. T. Anmerkungen und Register.
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    Antélim : Une innovation radiophonique en communication sociale.Marie Avron-le Gall & Mathilde Charpentier - 2007 - Hermes 48:145.
    En s'inscrivant dans une problématique posée par Pierre Schaeffer à propos d'une utilisation des moyens de communication au profit de groupes sociaux d'intérêts communs, cet article présente les conditions d'émergence et de fonctionnement des réseaux spécifiques de communication sociale à partir de l'exemple concret de la radio Antélim, et il s'interroge sur une éventuelle préfiguration d'Internet. Dans un premier temps, un rappel des théorisations, recherches et expériences, menées au cours des années 1960-1970, dégagera les conditions d'une communication participative, interactive et (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Hegel und die religion in der gesalt des denkens.Ferdinand Ulrich - 1969 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 9:31-93.
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  45. Issues Around Reflective Abstraction in Mathematics Education.C. Ulrich - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):370-371.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Examining the Role of Re-Presentation in Mathematical Problem Solving: An Application of Ernst von Glasersfeld’s Conceptual Analysis” by Victor V. Cifarelli & Volkan Sevim. Upshot: Cifarelli and Sevim’s analysis of Marie’s problem solving activity raises two questions for me. The first regards what Marie is reflectively abstracting: the use of the generic phrase her solution activity finesses a largely unarticulated disagreement in the mathematics education community about what the nature of actions are in Piaget’s (...)
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    Models of three-valued calculi in implicational s5.Dolph Ulrich - 1983 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 12 (2):73-75.
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    On two open questions concerning the implicational fragment of r-Mingle.Dolph Ulrich - 2009 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 38 (1/2):1-4.
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  48. Tones of theory.Celeste Ulrich - 1972 - Washington,: American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. Edited by John E. Nixon.
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    Verdienst und Gnade oder Über die Motive des Handelns.Georg Ulrich - 1895 - R. Gaertner.
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    Philosophical universes: images, notions, frames of reference for consciousness, experience, thinking, understanding, existence, etc.Ulrich Verster - 1993 - Oxford, England: Academic Publications. ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8.
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