Results for 'University academic trajectories'

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  1. Implanting a Discipline: The Academic Trajectory of Nuclear Engineering in the USA and UK.Sean F. Johnston - 2009 - Minerva 47 (1):51-73.
    The nuclear engineer emerged as a new form of recognised technical professional between 1940 and the early 1960s as nuclear fission, the chain reaction and their applications were explored. The institutionalization of nuclear engineering—channelled into new national laboratories and corporate design offices during the decade after the war, and hurried into academic venues thereafter—proved unusually dependent on government definition and support. This paper contrasts the distinct histories of the new discipline in the USA and UK (and, more briefly, Canada). (...)
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    Intermingling Academic and Business Activities: A New Direction for Science and Universities?Tarja Knuuttila & Juha Tuunainen - 2009 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 34 (6):684-704.
    The growing role of universities in the knowledge economy as well as technology transfer has increasingly been conceptualized in terms of the hybridization of public academic work and private business activity. In this article, we examine the difficulties and prospects of this kind of intermingling by studying the long-term trajectories of two research groups operating in the fields of plant biotechnology and language technology. In both cases, the attempts to simultaneously pursue academic and commercial activities led to (...)
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    Academic Desire Trajectories: Retooling the Concepts of Subject, Desire and Biography.Dorte Marie SØNdergaard - 2005 - European Journal of Women's Studies 12 (3):297-313.
    This article is an attempt to rethink the interconnectedness between discourse and subjective agency and to highlight methodological approaches to studies of gendering processes as a central part of it. The notions of desire, subjectification and biography are understood as mediated by narratives and metaphors, as a movement between the individual and her contexts. The transformative methodological project suggests conceptual retoolings as new analytic approaches to empirical analysis of the kind that aims to provide complex understanding of subjectification processes in (...)
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    Between Academic Pimping and Moral Harassment in Higher Education: an Autoethnography in a Brazilian Public University.Igor Vinicius Lima Valentim - 2018 - Journal of Academic Ethics 16 (2):151-171.
    It is shocking to notice that universities still research few of what daily happens inside their walls. Even though knowledge amount to just a small part of the numerous things that are produced in/between academic relations, it is rare to find investigations in which academic modus operandi is the research focus. The text relies on references like Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari to investigate the subjectivities produced in Academia’s daily routines. With attention to experiences, to what many times is (...)
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    A Distorting Mirror: Educational Trajectory After College Sexual Assault.Claire Raymond & Sarah Corse - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (2):464.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:464 Feminist Studies 44, no. 2. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Claire Raymond and Sarah Corse A Distorting Mirror: Educational Trajectory After College Sexual Assault This article focuses on the broad and specific impacts of college sexual assault on student-survivors’ academic performance, academic trajectory, and their sense of self in relation to the university community. We frame this study with, and relate our findings to, (...)
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    Globalizing the Scientific Bandwagon: Trajectories of Precision Medicine in China and Brazil.Larry Au & Renan Gonçalves Leonel da Silva - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (1):192-225.
    Precision medicine is emerging as a scientific bandwagon within the contemporary biomedical sciences in the United States. PM brings together concepts and tools from genomics and bioinformatics to develop better diagnostics and therapies based on individualized information. Developing countries like China and Brazil have also begun pursuing PM projects, motivated by a desire to claim genomic sovereignty over its population. In spite of commonalities, institutional arrangements produced by the history of genomics research in China and Brazil are ushering PM along (...)
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    The Genealogy of Judgement: Towards a Deep History of Academic Freedom.Steve Fuller - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (2):164-177.
    The classical conception of academic freedom associated with Wilhelm von Humboldt and the rise of the modern university has a quite specific cultural foundation that centres on the controversial mental faculty of 'judgement'. This article traces the roots of 'judgement' back to the Protestant Reformation, through its heyday as the signature feature of German idealism, and to its gradual loss of salience as both a philosophical and a psychological concept. This trajectory has been accompanied by a general shrinking (...)
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    Elizabeth Popp Berman, Creating the Market University: How Academic Science Became an Economic Engine. [REVIEW]Paul Benneworth - 2013 - Minerva 51 (4):521-527.
    Introduction: The Political/Ideological Problem of Higher Education ResearchA recurrent problem for social sciences is bridging between individual purposive activity and larger scale patterns of social change. Individually-focused approaches can seem unsatisfying and to deliberately obscure important questions of power. Whilst statistical approaches can demonstrate correlations of behaviours and outcomes, they often have difficulties in teasing out issues of ideology and intentionality. Structuration and systems theories is one approach to overcome these problems by creating theoretical frameworks explaining how these purposive activities (...)
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    Trayectorias académicas universitarias: aspectos personales e institucionales, carrera formación docente para profesionales.Andrea Rossana Sayago - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-13.
    Desde 2019 un equipo de investigadoras de la Universidad Católica de Salta (Argentina) lleva adelante el proyecto de investigación “Ciclos de Complementación Curricular y Trayectorias Académicas en carreras de profesorados”, con el objetivo de comprender la incidencia del formato curricular en las trayectorias universitarias de estudiantes adultos que dan continuidad a su formación profesional en el campo de la docencia. Se trata de un estudio de casos con metodología cualitativa, que busca analizar el modo en que las condiciones y propuestas (...)
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    Interview with Renato Ortiz: Intersections between Sociology and Anthropology.Otávio Daros - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (7-8):307-319.
    A prominent figure in the social sciences in Brazil and Latin America, Renato Ortiz is invited in this interview to reflect on his intellectual and academic trajectory, whose (re) beginning goes back to France in the 1970s. Professor at the Campinas State University since 1988, he addresses here the main concepts and references that make up his vast work, situated at the intersections between sociology and anthropology. The conversation begins by addressing the issue of his university education (...)
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    Israel Kirzner’s Presence in the History of Economic Thought: A Review of His Professional Engagement in Honor of His 91 Years. [REVIEW]Lucas Casonato - 2021 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 27 (1):35-49.
    This paper analyzes the presence of Israel Kirzner in the History of Economic Thought and focusing on his professional engagement with other economists. His academic trajectory is contextualized on three milestones of the recent history of the Austrian School. The first one is the ending of the socialist economic calculation debate, when the Austrian was considered unconvincing due to the economics’ shift to a general equilibrium model of the economy; in the aftermath of the debate, Kirzner entered at the (...)
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    Rohit Parikh on Logic, Language and Society.Ramaswamy Ramanujam, Lawrence Moss & Can Başkent (eds.) - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book discusses major milestones in Rohit Jivanlal Parikh’s scholarly work. Highlighting the transition in Parikh’s interest from formal languages to natural languages, and how he approached Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language, it traces the academic trajectory of a brilliant scholar whose work opened up various new avenues in research. This volume is part of Springer’s book series Outstanding Contributions to Logic, and honours Rohit Parikh and his works in many ways. Parikh is a leader in the realm of ideas, (...)
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    The state of the university: academic knowledges and the knowledge of God.Stanley Hauerwas - 2007 - Oxford: Blackwell.
    In this book, controversial and world-renowned theologian, Stanley Hauerwas, tackles the issue of theology being sidelined as a necessary discipline in the modern university. It is an attempt to reclaim the knowledge of God as just that – knowledge. Questions why theology is no longer considered a necessary subject in the modern university, and explores the role it should play in the development of our “knowledge” Considers how theology is often excluded from the knowledges of the modern (...) because these are constituted by an understanding of time necessary to make economic and state realities seem inevitable Argues that it is precisely this difference that makes Christian theology an essential resource for the university to achieve its task - that is, to form people who are able to imagine a different world through critical and disciplined reflection Challenges the domesticated character of much recent theology by suggesting how prayer and the love of the poor are essential practices that should shape the theological task Converses with figures as diverse as Luigi Giussani, David Burrell, Stanley Fish, Wendell Berry, Jeff Stout, Rowan Williams and Sheldon Wolin Published in the new and prestigious Illuminations series. (shrink)
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    Englishes and cosmopolitanisms in South Africa.Stephanie Rudwick - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (4):417-428.
    Against the background of South Africa’s ‘official’ policy of multilingualism, this study explores some of the socio-cultural dynamics of English as a lingua franca (ELF) in relation to how cosmopolitanism is understood in South Africa. More specifically, it looks at the link between ELF and cosmopolitanism in higher education. In 2016, students at Stellenbosch University (SU) triggered a language policy change that enacted English (as opposed to Afrikaans) as the primary medium of teaching and learning. English has won recognition (...)
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    Perennial Philology and the Ideal of the White Overall.José Augusto Cardoso Bernardes - 2015 - Human and Social Studies 4 (3):55-72.
    Joining the university context in the middle of the 19th century, Philology served as a comprehensive basis for what nowadays is meant by literary and linguistic studies. Depending on the specialization tendency that would settle down in the academic context, each of these areas followed separate or even divergent paths, losing, to a great extent, the contact with its initial basis. Despite this state of affairs, Philology has displayed a strong capacity of resistance, maintaining its traditional dimension active (...)
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    Diagnosis of the Current State of University Academic Performance: Applied Educational Research in the Peruvian Context.Luis Miguel Olórtegui Alcalde - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1538-1552.
    The present study is quantitative applied educational research that first analyzes a theoretical framework that affirms that the academic performance of students constitutes a central element in university education since it represents a measure of the learning achieved by individuals and, at the same time, an indicator of the quality of higher education institutions and systems. Likewise, it is specified that the problem of the study is: How does the academic performance of university students’ impact in (...)
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  17.  63
    The Academic Manifesto: From an Occupied to a Public University.Willem Halffman & Hans Radder - 2015 - Minerva 53 (2):165-187.
    Universities are occupied by management, a regime obsessed with ‘accountability’ through measurement, increased competition, efficiency, ‘excellence’, and misconceived economic salvation. Given the occupation’s absurd side-effects, we ask ourselves how management has succeeded in taking over our precious universities. An alternative vision for the academic future consists of a public university, more akin to a socially engaged knowledge commons than to a corporation. We suggest some provocative measures to bring about such a university. However, as management seems impervious (...)
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    (1 other version)Two Students of Contemporary History.Paul Gottfried - 2010 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2010 (150):176-184.
    There are two main reasons for pairing these posthumously published essays of Paul Piccone (1940–2004) with those of Panajotis Kondylis (1943–1998). One, both of these authors, who died in the last few years, were my friends, whose lives moved along much the same general trajectory as my own. None of us could be described as an academic luminary; although neither Paul, who mentored later successful professors, nor Panajotis, who called himself a “Privatgelehrter,” periodically associated with Heidelberg and the (...) of Athens, had as close an association as I've had with a long-term academic post. These brilliant social thinkers spent…. (shrink)
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  19.  13
    The Indian University: Academic standards and the pursuit of equality. [REVIEW]André Béteille - 1981 - Minerva 19 (2):282-310.
  20.  16
    Rights as an expression of republican freedom.Susan James - unknown
    Event synopsis: The conference becomes a major academic event for republican studies in Russia and a meeting point with the leading European scholars in this field. In recent decades republicanism has become one of the central concerns in political theory and history, with studies exploring both republicanism as ‘a shared European heritage’ and reviving republican political thought to contribute to current debates on issues such as freedom, citizenship, equality, governance and international relations. Republicanism has been the topic of many (...)
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    Agency as power: An ecological exploration of an emerging language teacher leaders’ emotional changes in an educational reform.Yuan Gao & Yaqiong Cui - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Teacher emotion, an important aspect of language teacher psychology, has recently drawn growing attention in language teacher development studies. Previous research has shown that language teachers, typically pressured by heavy workloads, may face emotional challenges from multiplied sources, especially in the context of educational changes such as curriculum reform and the COVID-19 emergency. Current literature on teachers’ emotions largely centers around ordinary language teachers, with teacher leaders whose agentic actions often exert greater influence on the effectiveness of educational changes rarely (...)
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    Differences in Biases and Compensatory Strategies Across Discipline, Rank, and Gender Among University Academics.Vincent Giorgini, Carter Gibson, Jensen T. Mecca, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly & Lynn D. Devenport - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1551-1579.
    The study of ethical behavior and ethical decision making is of increasing importance in many fields, and there is a growing literature addressing the issue. However, research examining differences in ethical decision making across fields and levels of experience is limited. In the present study, biases that undermine ethical decision making and compensatory strategies that may aid ethical decision making were identified in a series of interviews with 63 faculty members across six academic fields and three levels of rank (...)
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    Discourses and Practices of Terrorism: Interrogating Terror.Bob Brecher, Mark Devenney & Aaron Winter (eds.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    Arising out of one of the annual conferences I organise as Director of the University’s Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics (see -- ‘Interrogating Terror’ – and from my work on the editorial board of Critical Studies on Terrorism, this collection is published in the Routledge Critical Terrorism Studies series and brings together theoretical and empirical material to challenge the notion that ‘terrorism’ and/or ‘terror’ are transparent, given or limited to non-state agents. Instead, it seeks to expose (...)
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    Religion and cultural change.Anni Maria Laato, Minna Opas & Ruth Illman - 2022 - Approaching Religion 12 (1):1-3.
    The current issue of Approaching Religion is based on a summer school and conference arranged in Åbo/Turku, Finland, in June 2021, with the theme ‘Religion and Cultural Change’. The event was organized jointly by the Polin Institute for Theological Research, the Centre for the Study of Christian Cultures, and the Donner Institute for Research in Religion and Culture. The aim was to bring together doctoral candidates and researchers from various academic fields who engage with the study of religion, such (...)
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    Building Resilience During COVID-19: Recommendations for Adapting the DREAM Program – Live Edition to an Online-Live Hybrid Model for In-Person and Virtual Classrooms.Julia Parrott, Laura L. Armstrong, Emmalyne Watt, Robert Fabes & Breanna Timlin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In standard times, approximately 20% of children and youth experience significant emotional, behavioral, or social challenges. During COVID-19, however, over half of parents have reported mental health symptoms in their children. Specifically, depressive symptoms, anxiety, contamination obsessions, family well-being challenges, and behavioral concerns have emerged globally for children during the pandemic. Without treatment or prevention, such concerns may hinder positive development, personal life trajectory, academic success, and inhibit children from meeting their potential. A school-based resiliency program for children for (...)
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    Refusing to Account: Toward a Pedagogy of Tectonic Instability.Michelle V. Rowley, Elora Halim Chowdhury & Isis Nusair - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (2):333.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 44, no. 2. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 333 Michelle V. Rowley, Elora Halim Chowdhury, and Isis Nusair Refusing to Account: Toward a Pedagogy of Tectonic Instability The increasing commoditization of knowledge and corporatization of the academy have led to a drastic restructuring of higher education, and in particular, of public institutions of learning. There is a striking similarity to the strategies enacted across institutions, each (...)
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    The University As Infrastructure of Becoming: Re-Activating Academic Freedom Through Humility in Times of Radical Uncertainty.Nicolas Zehner & Francisco Durán Del Fierro - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Traditionally, the field of science and technology studies (STS) considered the scientific laboratory as the central site of knowledge production and technological development. While providing rich analyses of the social construction of scientific knowledge and the role of non-human actors, STS scholars have often neglected the university – the very context in which laboratories themselves are embedded – as a relevant object of research. In this paper, we argue for re-introducing the university as a relevant category and object (...)
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    ‘In retrospect’: Object Lessons forum.Britt Rusert, Kinohi Nishikawa & Kadji Amin - 2023 - Feminist Theory 24 (2):301-308.
    Our contribution takes shape as reflections on Object Lessons (Wiegman, 2012) from the perspective of three scholars of race, gender and sexuality who were also graduate students of Robyn Wiegman in the mid-2000s at Duke University. All three of us took Introduction to Feminist Theory with her and all three of us received graduate certificates in Feminist Studies. Our educational and career trajectories also share this similarity: we received PhDs in the disciplines (English, Comparative Literature and French), but (...)
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  29. What is the Good of Transhumanism?Charles T. Rubin - unknown
    Broadly speaking, transhumanism is a movement seeking to advance the cause of post-humanity. It advocates using science and technology for a reconstruction of the human condition sufficiently radical to call into question the appropriateness of calling it “human” anymore. While there is not universal agreement among transhumanists as to the best path to this goal, the general outline is clear enough. Advances in genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, robotics and nanotechnology will make possible the achievement of the Baconian vision of “the (...)
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    Combating Academic Corruption and Enhancing Academic Integrity through International Accreditation Standards: The Model of Qatar University.Mohamed Y. Mattar - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (2):119-146.
    Academic institutions aim at achieving the highest standards of education and learning. Consequently, they prohibit academic corruption such as cheating or plagiarism. This article examines how international accreditation and quality assurance standards embody academic integrity as a main factor in deciding whether an academic institution should be accredited, and what ranking should an academic institution acquire in a competitive contest for educational excellence. Academic integrity is broadly defined to include, in addition to cheating and (...)
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    Jean-François Lyotard: Critical Lives.Kiff Bamford - 2017 - London, UK: Reaktion.
    Jean-François Lyotard is one of the most important, and complex, French thinkers of the twentieth century. Best known in the English-speaking world for his book The Postmodern Condition, the multi-faceted nature of Lyotard’s work has often been obscured by its sometimes problematic association with the postmodern. His life refuses to follow the clear trajectory common to academics in France: it stalls and hesitates, with Lyotard’s first ‘career’ consisting of fifteen years of militant Marxist political engagement. Kiff Bamford traces this circuitous (...)
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    Os estudantes surdos no ensino superior em Portugal.Francislene Cerqueira de Jesus, Anabela Cruz-Santos, Theresinha Guimarães Miranda & Wolney Gomes Almeida - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (76):271-312.
    Resumo: O ingresso de estudantes surdos no ensino superior tem ampliado nos últimos anos, e com isso, a inclusão desses estudantes, passa a ser um desafio. Nesse sentido, objetivamos neste estudo analisar a sua inclusão no ensino superior em Portugal. O estudo compreende a trajetória de três estudantes surdos vinculados a duas instituições de ensino superior, e cuja comunicação se estabelece pela Língua Portuguesa. Como forma de levantamento de dados, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruradas, nas modalidades presencial e por videoconferência. Salientamos (...)
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    Racial anthropology in Turkey and transnational entanglements in the making of scientific knowledge: Seniha Tunakan’s academic trajectory, 1930s–1970s. [REVIEW]Nazan Maksudyan - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (2):154-177.
    This article situates the trajectory of the academic life of Seniha Tunakan (1908–2000) within the development of anthropology as a scientific discipline in Turkey and its transnational connections to Europe during the interwar period and up until the second half of the 20th century. Relying on the archives of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, the archive of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes in Germany, and the Prime Ministry's Republican Archives in Turkey, it focuses on the doctoral studies (...)
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    Academic Freedom and Religiously Affiliated Universities.Liviu Andreescu - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (19):162-183.
    This paper explores the relationship between the principle of academic freedom and religiously-affiliated higher education. The arguments advanced are based on a general theory concerning the role of universities in a democratic society, and as such they are intended to apply to any such society, irrespective of the particulars of religious higher education in a specific national context. The article looks at three classes of arguments advanced against a “secular” standard of academic freedom: arguments on the nature of (...)
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    Higher Education: Mobility, Movement, and Risk.Michael Bernard-Donals - 2024 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 57 (1):112-120.
    ABSTRACT With higher education in a state of flux, it’s time to more clearly understand what flux—mobility—means for the work of faculty at colleges and universities. With threats to shared governance, tenure, and academic freedom representing one sort of change, what would it mean for faculty to lean into the vulnerability that they are experiencing? Mobility has consequences: one of them is the risk of harm; another is the potential to destabilize concepts and entities. This article is an argument (...)
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    Sorting sex, controlling sex: Masui Kiyoshi’s chicken research and experimental system, 1915–1950.Kyoryen Hwang - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (2):1-25.
    Masui Kiyoshi (1887–1981), a prominent Japanese geneticist, is best known for inventing the sex-sorting method of chicks and his contributions to experimental genetics in Japan. Masui drew inspiration from Goldschmidt’s sex determination theory and used chickens, transplantation techniques, and his own “chick sexing” methods in his scientific work. This paper examines the intersection of genetics and industrial breeding by tracing the evolution of Masui’s experimental systems. During the early 20th century, poultry farming emerged as a significant industry in Japan, resulting (...)
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  37. Mad Speculation and Absolute Inhumanism: Lovecraft, Ligotti, and the Weirding of Philosophy.Ben Woodard - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):3-13.
    continent. 1.1 : 3-13. / 0/ – Introduction I want to propose, as a trajectory into the philosophically weird, an absurd theoretical claim and pursue it, or perhaps more accurately, construct it as I point to it, collecting the ground work behind me like the Perpetual Train from China Mieville's Iron Council which puts down track as it moves reclaiming it along the way. The strange trajectory is the following: Kant's critical philosophy and much of continental philosophy which has followed, (...)
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    Primal Philosophy: Rousseau with Laplanche by Lucas Fain (review).Gray Kochhar-Lindgren - 2024 - Substance 53 (2):92-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Primal Philosophy: Rousseau with Laplanche by Lucas FainGray Kochhar-LindgrenFain, Lucas. Primal Philosophy: Rousseau with Laplanche. Rowman & Littlefield, 2021. 216pp.In Primal Philosophy: Rousseau with Laplanche, Lucas Fain sets out to explicate the very possibility of philosophy, with its origins in wonder and its end in happiness. He moves toward these goals through a comprehensive reading of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s “Socratism” intercalated with Jean Laplanche’s psychoanalytic intervention focused on the (...)
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    The University Student is Seen as a Customer: A Qualitative Analysis to Enhance Academic Performance from Satisfaction.Luis Miguel Olórtegui Alcalde - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1553-1566.
    In this article a study is carried out to identify the aspects of student satisfaction that allow improving university academic performance through applied educational research with a qualitative approach. Likewise, it is specified that the study problem is: how to enhance academic performance based on the satisfaction of the university student seen as a customer? The theoretical framework states that the way to be able to plan, know, and evaluate the satisfaction of students concerning the service (...)
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    I Must Change My Life.David Kennedy - 2012 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 20 (1-2):11-21.
    Born in 1923 and recently deceased after a long struggle with Parkinson’s Disease, Matthew Lipman wrote this brief but detailed autobiography just before his illness made it impossible to write any more. It begins with memories of earliest childhood and his preoccupation with the possibility of being able to fly, moves through the years in which his family struggled with the effects of the Great Depression, through his service in the military during World War II, his discovery of the joy (...)
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    Academic Dishonesty, Self-Control, and General Criminality: A Prospective and Retrospective Study of Academic Dishonesty in a New Zealand University.Mei Wah M. Williams & Matthew Neil Williams - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (2):89 - 112.
    Academic dishonesty is an insidious problem that besets most tertiary institutions, where considerable resources are expended to prevent and manage students' dishonest actions within academia. Using a mixed retrospective and prospective design this research investigated Gottfredson and Hirschi's self-control theory as a possible explanation for academic dishonesty in 264 university students. The relationship between academic dishonesty and general criminality was also examined. A significant but small to moderate relationship between academic dishonesty and general criminality was (...)
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    A Differential Association Theory of Socialization to Commercialist Career Paths in Science.David R. Johnson - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (3):381-404.
    Drawing on sixty-one in-depth interviews conducted with commercial and noncommercial scientists at four universities in the United States, this paper examines why academic scientists embrace commercially oriented career paths in higher education. A central goal of this paper is to expand our descriptive and conceptual understanding of socialization in the academic profession by examining the explanatory power of differential association theory. Differential association theory emphasizes how patterns of behavior are learned through a process of interaction with different types (...)
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    Anísio Teixeira e Richard Morse.José Geraldo Pedrosa & Maria Isabel Rios de Carvalho Viana - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (76):405-444.
    Resumo: O tema do artigo é referente à presença de iberismo e anglo-americanismo no Brasil e às expressões dessas heteronomias como obstáculos a uma identidade brasileira. A abordagem se alimenta das polêmicas desencadeadas por Richard Morse e sua tese sobre a Ibéria perdida, o Brasil à deriva e sua universidade descompromissada. A tese de Morse afirma a vitalidade da tradição ibérica original e sua capacidade de inspirar futuros para o Brasil, em inversão à referência anglo-americana, inconsistente e sem futuro. O (...)
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    University freshmen recollect their academic integrity literacy experience during their K-12 years: results of an empirical study.Zakir Hossain - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    Academic Integrity Literacy is a critical transdisciplinary skill for academic success but many students do not receive this skill in their K-12 years regardless of their schooling system or characteristics of the community they belong to. Numerous research studies in higher education document that high school graduates lack AIL skills, but hardly any studies attempt to empirically investigate students’ K-12 years AIL education experience. Using a mixed-method approach, this study explores university freshmen’s AIL education experience in their (...)
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    Academic Evaluation: Universal Instrument? Tool for Development?Mariela Bianco, Natalia Gras & Judith Sutz - 2016 - Minerva 54 (4):399-421.
    Research agendas and academic evaluation are inevitably linked. By means of economic incentives, promotion, research funding, and reputation academic evaluation is a powerful influence on the production of knowledge; moreover, it is often conceived as a universal instrument without consideration of the context in which it is applied. Evaluation systems are social constructions in dispute, being the current focus of international debates regarding criteria, indicators, and their associated methods. A universalist type of productivity indicators is gaining centrality in (...)
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    The New School Counselor: Strategies for Universal Academic Achievement.Rita Cantrell Schellenberg - 2008 - R&L Education.
    The New School Counselor provides school administrators and school counselor practitioners with a unified understanding of the new roles and functions of the school counselor by introducing standards blending, a systems-focused, integrated, and student-centered approach that directly aligns school counseling programs with academic achievement missions. The included CD includes an innovative electronic school counseling data reporting system.
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    Modeling AI Trust for 2050: perspectives from media and info-communication experts.Katalin Feher, Lilla Vicsek & Mark Deuze - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2933-2946.
    The study explores the future of AI-driven media and info-communication as envisioned by experts from all world regions, defining relevant terminology and expectations for 2050. Participants engaged in a 4-week series of surveys, questioning their definitions and projections about AI for the field of media and communication. Their expectations predict universal access to democratically available, automated, personalized and unbiased information determined by trusted narratives, recolonization of information technology and the demystification of the media process. These experts, as technology ambassadors, advocate (...)
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    Academic Freedom and 21st Century European Universities.David Packham - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40:331-341.
    It is argued that university education has a moral and social function in society. Its purpose is to provide a liberal education , the development of new knowledge and the provision of trustworthy, disinterested research. To serve society in this way safeguards are necessary: a separation from the state, giving institutional autonomy and academic freedom in teaching and research. With the rise of extreme free market capitalism and the "knowledge society", these safeguards are being eroded: national governments, partly (...)
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    Hegel's Century: Alienation and Recognition in a Time of Revolution by Jon Stewart (review).Clay Graham - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (2):330-332.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hegel's Century: Alienation and Recognition in a Time of Revolution by Jon StewartClay GrahamJon Stewart. Hegel's Century: Alienation and Recognition in a Time of Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. xi + 338. Hardback, $39.99.Hegel's Century serves as (yet another) important contribution in Jon Stewart's ever-expanding research in nineteenth-century philosophy. The central premise of this monograph explores Hegel's pan-European legacy and argues that Hegelian concepts are (...)
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    What Happened in and to Moral Philosophy in the Twentieth Century?: Philosophical Essays in Honor of Alasdair Macintyre.Fran O'Rourke (ed.) - 2013 - Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.
    _What Happened in and to Moral Philosophy in the Twentieth Century? _is a volume of essays originally presented at University College Dublin in 2009 to celebrate the eightieth birthday of Alasdair MacIntyre—a protagonist at the center of that very question. What marks this collection is the unusual range of approaches and perspectives, representing divergent and even contradictory positions. Such variety reflects MacIntyre's own intellectual trajectory, which led him to engage successively with various schools of thought: analytic, Marxist, Christian, atheist, (...)
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