Results for 'Valadez Jorge'

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  1. Seyla Benhabib, The Claims of Culture: Equality and Diversity in the Global Era Reviewed by.Jorge M. Valadez - 2003 - Philosophy in Review 23 (5):320-322.
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    Immigration, Self-Determination, and Global Justice: Towards a Holistic Normative Theory of Migration.Jorge M. Valadez - 2012 - Journal of International Political Theory 8 (1-2):135-146.
    I outline a holistic normative approach to migration in which I identify the major considerations that should be taken into account in formulating just migration policies. I argue that migration is basically an issue of global justice and that the basic interests of all parties significantly affected by migration should be taken into account in an adequate normative approach to this issue. I also maintain that an open borders policy does not allow for the strategic use of labor migration as (...)
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    The Sociopolitical Implications of Multiculturalism.Jorge M. Valadez - 1994 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 1 (2):41-47.
    In this essay, I propose a definition of multiculturalism and provide pragmatic and theoretical reasons for accepting the multicultural perspective when it is defined in this manner. In addition, I discuss and defend three sociopolitical principles to which we are committed in adopting the multicultural perspective and discuss some of the concrete social and institutional changes needed for implementing these principles.
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    Intentionality and Internal Models in artificial agents.Bruno Lara Guzman, Jorge Hermosillo Valadez & Karla Javiera Baeza Mariscal - 2016 - Pragmatics and Cognition 23 (2):209-237.
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  5. Response to my critics.Valadez Jorge - 2003 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 29 (1):107-124.
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    Latinx Philosophy and the Ethics of Migration.José Jorge Mendoza - 2019 - In Jr Sanchez, Latin American and Latinx Philosophy: A Collaborative Introduction. Routledge. pp. 198-219.
    This essay argues that Latinx philosophers are not only already providing important and original contributions to standard open-borders debates, but also changing the very nature of the ethics of migration. In making this case, the essay is divided into two parts. The first summarizes some of the important and original contributions of Latinx philosophers to the standard open-borders debate. Among the highlights are Jorge M. Valadez’s “conditional legitimacy of states” argument; José-Antonio Orosco’s communitarian-based argument for a more liberalized (...)
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    The complexity of groups: A comment on Jorge Valadez.Martha C. Nussbaum - 2003 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 29 (1):57-69.
    Valadez’ book is an excellent investigation of the question of group rights. Nonetheless, there are some serious objections to group rights that he does not investigate. Groups contain hierarchies of power: thus giving legal privileges to a group is usually tantamount to giving more power to those already in power within the group. Groups have unclear and changing boundaries of membership; group rights often reify the current definition of a group and militate against change. Finally, there are ‘dispersed groups’ (...)
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    At the limits of political theory: Culture, property and latinos.Eduardo Mendieta - 2003 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 29 (1):71-83.
    Jorge Valadez’s important contribution to political theory in general, and multicultural citizenship in particular, is assessed from the standpoint of the duplicitous role ‘culture’ plays in contemporary political theory. After underscoring its virtues, the essay turns to a discussion of three major concerns that the book raises: its negativistic view of the culture of the oppressed; its anachronistic proposal about universal property rights; and the way the author might have to revise its view of the ethnogroups in order (...)
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    Ancien Regime Ballots: A Double Historicization of Electoral Practices.Olivier Christin - 2004 - Constellations 11 (1):44-60.
    Books reviewed:Jorge M. Valadez, Deliberative Democracy, Political Legitimacy, and Self‐Determination in Multicultural SocietiesJeffrey Seitzer, Comparative History and Legal Theory: Carl Schmitt in the First German DemocracyHartmut Rosa, Identität und kulturelle Praxis. Politische Philosophie nach Charles Taylor.
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  10. Reflexive public deliberation: Democracy and the limits of pluralism.James Bohman - 2003 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 29 (1):85-105.
    Deliberative democracy defends an ideal of equality as political efficacy. Jorge Valadez offers a defense of such an ideal given cultural pluralism of ethnopolitical groups. He develops an epistemological account of the fact of pluralism as entailing incommensurable conceptual frameworks. While his account goes a long way towards identifying the problems with neutrality and many other liberal solutions to the problem of pluralism, it is still too liberal in certain ways. First, he draws the limits of deliberation and (...)
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    Emotions and Reactions to the Confinement by COVID-19 of Children and Adolescents With High Abilities and Community Samples: A Mixed Methods Research Study.María de los Dolores Valadez, Gabriela López-Aymes, Norma Alicia Ruvalcaba, Francisco Flores, Grecia Ortíz, Celia Rodríguez & África Borges - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The goal of this research is to know and compare the emotions and reactions to confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic in children and adolescents with high abilities and community samples. This is a mixed study with an exploratory reach that is descriptive, and which combines survey and qualitative methodologies to examine the emotions and reactions to confinement experiences of children and adolescents aged between 5 and 14 years. An online poll was designed with 46 questions, grouped into three sections: (...)
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    Deliberative Democracy in Practice.David Kahane, Melissa Williams & Daniel Weinstock (eds.) - 2010 - Vancouver: UBC Press.
    Deliberative democracy is a dominant paradigm in normative political philosophy. Deliberative democrats want politics to be more than a clash of contending interests, and they believe political decisions should emerge from reasoned dialogue among citizens. But can these ideals be realized in complex and unjust societies? Deliberative Democracy in Practice brings together leading scholars who explore debates in deliberative democratic theory in four areas of practice: education, constitutions and state boundaries, indigenous-settler relations, and citizen participation and public consultation. This dynamic (...)
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    (1 other version)Ethics: Classical Western Texts in Feminist and Multicultural Perspectives.James P. Sterba (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Ethics: Classical Western Texts in Feminist and Multicultural Perspectives offers students a unique introduction to ethics by integrating the historical development of Western moral philosophy with both feminist and multicultural approaches. Engaging and accessible, it provides an introductory sampling of several of the classical works of the Western tradition in ethics and then situates these readings within feminist and multicultural perspectives so that they can be better understood and evaluated in our contemporary environment. While some of the non-Western works parallel (...)
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  14. The Man-Fauna Relationship in Mesoamerica Before and After the Europeans.M. E. C. Raul Valadez Azua - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (159):51-56.
    The year 1992 is a year for reflection, because whether or not the quincentenary celebration of the arrival of the Europeans to this continent seems justified, one cannot escape thinking about the impact of this event on our land.As archeology is my area of study, my reflections are directed toward the changes that came about in the relationship between man and animals after 1492, specifically toward what occurred in Mexico once the Spaniards established themselves in this territory.
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    La subalternación y la conversión aristotélica de las proposiciones.H. Leticia Valadez - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 6 (1):9-16.
    The author demonstrates the validity of the inference of particular sentences from universal sentences through the Aristotelian simple conversion and accidental conversion of categorical propositions.
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    El concepto de espera en Dos discursos edificantes de 1843.Leticia Valadez - 1993 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 5 (1):201-215.
    De acuerdo con Kierkegaard en los Dos Discursos Edificantes, la fe es espera de algo más. Esta espera tiene que ver con el futuro y la apertura de posibilidades y evita la desesperación. Es notable la capacidad de preocupación del hombre, ya que sólo mirando al futuro se recupera el presente; mirar al futuro implica luchar con uno mismo, a diferencia de mirar el presente, que implica luchar con algo específico. El futuro, por ser indeterminado, puede ser atemorizante, y sólo (...)
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    GUERRERO M., LUIS I., Lógica. El razonamiento deductivo formal, Universidad Panamericana, México, 1992, 187 págs.Leticia Valadez - 1993 - Anuario Filosófico 26 (3):741-742.
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  18. Investigaciones Kelsenianas: una contribución crítica sobre el fundamento ontológico de la teoría pura del derecho de Hans Kelsen.Francisco Cabrera Valadez - 1993 - [Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.
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    La subalternación y la conversión aristotélica de las proposiciones.Leticia Valadez - 1994 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 6:9-16.
    El autor demuestra la validez de la inferencia de enunciados particulares a partir de enunciados universales a través de la conversión simple aristotélica y la conversión accidental de las proposiciones categóricas.
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    Physical Activity and Well-Being of High Ability Students and Community Samples During the COVID-19 Health Alert.María de los Dolores Valadez, Elena Rodríguez-Naveiras, Doris Castellanos-Simons, Gabriela López-Aymes, Triana Aguirre, Juan Francisco Flores & África Borges - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The health alert caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown have caused significant changes in people’s lives. Therefore, it has been essential to study the quality of life, especially in vulnerable populations, including children and adolescents. In this work, the psychological well-being, distribution of tasks and routines, as well as the physical activity done by children and adolescents from two samples: community and high abilities, have been analyzed. The methodology used was Mixed Method Research, through a survey conducted online (...)
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    GUERRERO M., LUIS. Kierkegaard: Los límites de la razón en la existencia humana, Publicaciones Cruz. México, 1993. 307 pp. [REVIEW]H. Leticia Valadez - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 6 (1):181-183.
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    GUERRERO M., LUIS. Kierkegaard: Los límites de la razón en la existencia humana, Publicaciones Cruz. México, 1993. 307 pp. [REVIEW]Leticia Valadez - 1994 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 6:181-183.
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    Luis I. Guerrero M. Lógica. El razonamiento deductivo formal. Universidad Panamericana, México, 1992. 187 pp. [REVIEW]Leticia Valadez - 1992 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 3 (1):141-143.
    Luis I. Guerrero M. Lógica. El razonamiento deductivo formal. Universidad Panamericana, México, 1992. 187 pp.
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    A Mixed Methods Research Study of Parental Perception of Physical Activity and Quality of Life of Children Under Home Lock Down in the COVID-19 Pandemic.Gabriela López-Aymes, María de los Dolores Valadez, Elena Rodríguez-Naveiras, Doris Castellanos-Simons, Triana Aguirre & África Borges - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Household confinement due to the rapid spread of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has brought very significant changes, such as the forced stay-at-home of children due to the closure of schools. This has meant drastic changes in the organization of daily life and restrictions on their activities, including exercise, which could affect the quality of life of the children due to its importance. In order to study the relationship between physical activity and psychological well-being of minors, a study has been (...)
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    The Man-Fauna Relationship in Mesoamerica Before and After the Europeans.Raúl Valadez Azúa - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (159):51-56.
    The year 1992 is a year for reflection, because whether or not the quincentenary celebration of the arrival of the Europeans to this continent seems justified, one cannot escape thinking about the impact of this event on our land.As archeology is my area of study, my reflections are directed toward the changes that came about in the relationship between man and animals after 1492, specifically toward what occurred in Mexico once the Spaniards established themselves in this territory.
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  26. La fundamentación filosófica del derecho positivo conforme a la doctrina tradicional.Manuel García Peña Valadez - 1957 - México,: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Derecho, Seminario de Filosofía del Derecho.
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  27. El agenciamiento de desarrollo.Javier Delgadillo Macías, Isaí González Valadez & Alejandra Gudiño Aguilar Y. Jimena Vianey Lee Cortés - 2016 - In Patricia Gómez Rey, Fabián González Luna & Luz Fernanda Azuela, Acercamientos y reflexiones en torno a la geografía. México, Ciudad de México: Ediciones y Gráficos Eón, S.A. de C.V..
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    Prospects and implications of using chromatin insulators in gene therapy and transgenesis.Félix Recillas-Targa, Viviana Valadez-Graham & Catherine M. Farrell - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (7):796-807.
    Gene therapy has emerged from the idea of inserting a wild‐type copy of a gene in order to restore the proper expression and function of a damaged gene. Initial efforts have focused on finding the proper vector and delivery method to introduce a corrected gene to the affected tissue or cell type. Even though these first attempts are clearly promising, seveal problems remain unsolved. A major problem is the influence of chromatin structure on transgene expression. To overcome chromatin‐dependent repressive transgenic (...)
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    Foro islámico Global: Panislamismo digital en tiempos de COVID-19.Sylvie Taussig & Yolotl Valadez Betancourt - 2021 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 4 (2).
    La epidemia del coronavirus ha afectado profundamente las prácticas religiosas en casi todo el mundo pues las políticas de aislamiento obstaculizan el ejercicio comunitario de la vivencia espiritual propia de muchos cultos. Sin embargo para algunos sectores la pandemia ha posibilitado la generación de nuevas prácticas y formas de crear comunidad a la distancia utilizando para ello la web. Este documento es una reflexión general sobre las religiones mundializadas y el COVID-19, que busca aportar un elemento de análisis para entender (...)
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    (2 other versions)"El inmortal" de Jorge Luis Borges: El yo, aleph absolutos Y vocabularios finales.Jorge R. Sagastume - 2011 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 67:269-289.
    Una obra frecuentemente consultada por Jorge Luis Borges fue Matemáticas e imaginación, de E. Kasner y J. Newman, en la que se discute la teoría de los conjuntos , propuesta por el matemático Georg Cantor , y mediante la cual se crea la aritmética transifinita y se establece un sistema epistémico para representar los diversos niveles del infinito. Así, Cantor le asigna a estas infinitudes la primera letra del alfabeto hebreo, el Aleph, seguido de un determinado número, dependiendo del (...)
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  31. ". . . Merely a Man of Letters": an interview with Jorge Luis Borges.Jorge Luis Borges - 1977 - Philosophy and Literature 1 (3):337-341.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:.. MERELY A MAN OF LETTERS" an interview with Jorge Luis Borges* Philosophy and Literature: Why don't you tell us about some of the philosophers who have influenced your work and in whom you have been the most interested? Jorge Luis Borges: Well, I think that's an easy one. You might talk in terms of two: Berkeley and Schopenhauer. But I suppose Hume might be worked in (...)
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  32. Surviving Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality by Jorge J. E. Gracia; The Foundations of a Philosophy of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality.Jorge J. E. Gracia - 2008 - International Philosophical Quarterly 48 (2):247-255.
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    Jorg Schroth: Die universalisierbarkeit moralischer urteile. [REVIEW]Jörg Schroth - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (2):245-247.
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    (1 other version)Jorge Molder: 'I’m a photographer in particular'. Interview with Claudio Rozzoni.Jorge Molder & Claudio Rozzoni - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (2):7-14.
    This is the text of the Claudio Rozzoni's interview with Jorge Molder that took place in Portuguese on June 21, 2018, at the artist's atelier in Lisbon. English translation by Claudio Rozzoni.
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  35. Löschke, Jörg (2020). The value of sacrifices. In: van Ackeren, Marcel; Archer, Alfred. Sacrifice and Moral Philosophy. London: Routledge, n/a.Jörg Löschke, Marcel van Ackeren & Alfred Archer (eds.) - 2020
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    Educational Responses to Students With High Abilities From the Parental Perspective.Elena Rodríguez-Naveiras, María Cadenas, África Borges & Dolores Valadez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Luis Jorge Zanotti: su obra fundamental.Luis Jorge Zanotti - 1993 - Buenos Aires: Instituto de Investigaciones Educativas.
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    Díaz, Jorge Aurelio (ed.). Corres.Jorge Aurelio Díaz - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (147).
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    Homenaje al profesor Jorge Aurelio díaz 17 de junio de 2005.Teacher Jorge Aurelio Díazs Tribute - 2005 - Ideas Y Valores 54 (128).
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  40. Current Conceptions of Racism: A Critical Examination of Some Recent Social Philosophy.Jorge L. A. Garcia - 1997 - Journal of Social Philosophy 28 (2):5-42.
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    Nietzsche. Hrsg., [eingel.] v. Jörg Salaquarda.Jörg Salaquarda (ed.) - 1980 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, [Abt. Verl.].
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    The Social and Political Philosophy of Jorge Portilla.Jorge Montiel - 2022 - Radical Philosophy Review 25 (1):133-138.
  43. Philosophical analysis and the moral concept of racism.Jorge Garcia - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (5):1-32.
    This paper uses tools of philosophical analysis critically to examine accounts of the nature of racism that have recently been offered by writers including existentialist philosopher Lewis Gordon, conservative theorist Dinesh D'Souza, and sociologists Michael Omi and Howard Winant. These approaches, which conceive of racism either as a bad-faith choice to believe, a doctrine, or as a type of 'social formation', are found wanting for a variety of reasons, especially that they cannot comprehend some forms of racism. I propose an (...)
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    Proceso Al Azar : Una Convocatoria de Jorge Wagensberg.Jorge Wagensberg & Joaquâin Boya - 1996 - Tusquets Editor.
  45. The transcendentals in the middle ages: An introduction.Jorge J. E. Gracia - 1992 - Topoi 11 (2):113-120.
    Although most predicates may be truthfully predicated of only some beings, there are others that seem to apply to every being. The latter, including being itself, were known as the transcendentals in the Middle Ages and gave rise to the much disputed doctrine of the transcendentals. This article explores the main tenets of the doctrine and the difficulties that they face, the reasons why scholastic authors were interested in these issues, and the origins of the doctrine.
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  46. Between man and man.Jörg Alvermann & Michael Streck - 1947 - London : New York: Routledge. Edited by Ronald Gregor Smith.
    Martin Buber believed that life's deepest truth lies in human relationships. In this classic work he puts this belief into practice, applying it to the concrete problems of contemporary society.
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  47. Cartesian Metaphysics: The Scholastic Origins of Modern Philosophy.Jorge Secada - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first book-length study of Descartes's metaphysics to place it in its immediate historical context, the Late Scholastic philosophy of thinkers such as Suárez against which Descartes reacted. Jorge Secada views Cartesian philosophy as an 'essentialist' reply to the 'existentialism' of the School, and his discussion includes careful analyses and original interpretations of such central Cartesian themes as the role of scepticism, intentionality and the doctrine of the material falsity of ideas, universals and the relation between sense (...)
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    Estudios de filosofía del arte.Jorge Alberto Naranjo - 1987 - Medellín: Ediciones Autores Antioqueños.
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    Performance Epistemology. Foundations and Applications.Jorge Ornelas - 2019 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 23 (1):139-143.
    Book review: Vargas, Miguel Ángel Fernández. Performance Epistemology. Foundations andApplications. Oxford: Oxford Un. Press, 2016.
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    Transtextualidad en la narrativa de Javier Marías.Jorge Ivan Parra - 2017 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 38 (117):211-224.
    El presente ensayo pretende mostrar cómo la obra novelística de Javier Marías puede ser vista a la luz de la teoría de Gérard Genette sobre la transtextualidad, es decir lo que también se conoce como palimpsesto. Se mostrará que dicha transtextualidad se da principalmente entre las novelas Mañana en la batalla piensa en mí, Corazón tan blanco y Negra espalda del tiempo y las obras de Shakespeare, Ricardo III, Macbeth y La tempestad, respectivamente, producto, tal vez, de la conocida anglofilia (...)
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